4 action_addpoint: addin a noeded ta teh end uv a wai
5 action_cancelchanges: cancellin chanzes ta
6 action_createpoi: creatin a plase
7 action_deletepoint: deletin a noed
8 action_insertnode: addin a noeded into a wai
9 action_mergeways: mergin bowf waiz
10 action_movepoi: movin a plase
11 action_movepoint: movin a point
12 action_moveway: movin a wai
13 action_pointtags: In ur noed, settin teh tagz
14 action_poitags: In ur plase, settin teh tagz
15 action_reverseway: reversin a wai
16 action_splitway: spleettin a wai
17 action_waytags: In ur wai, settin teh tagz
18 advice_nocommonpoint: seez floaty warnz?
19 advice_tagconflict: teh wais haz noes joins!
20 advice_toolong: oh noes! wai iz veeeri big! splitz it!
21 advice_waydragged: Wai iz draggeded (Z undoz)
23 createrelation: Creaet a noo relashun
26 emailauthor: \n\NPLEAES e-male richard\@systemed.net wif a bug report, meaowin whut yoo werz doin at teh tyme.
27 error_connectionfailed: "OHNOES! teh OPENSTREETMAP servah connecshun has a FAIL. I no saveded n e recent chanzes.\n\nYoo wants tri agin?"
28 error_nopoi: I had a plase but I losteded it, so noes can undo. :(
29 error_nosharedpoint: waiz $1 adn $2 dun shaer a common point n e moar , sow I noes kan undo teh spleet.
30 error_noway: I had a wai $1 but I losteded it, so noes can undo. :(
31 existingrelation: Adds ta a relashun
32 findrelation: Luks for a relashun wif
33 gpxpleasewait: Pleez wayt whiel teh GPZ track iz processeded.
35 hint_drawmode: clik ta add point\ndouble-clik/Return\nto end lien
36 hint_loading: NOM NOM NOM
37 hint_overendpoint: ovah endpoint\nclik ta join\nshift-clik ta merge
38 hint_overpoint: "I'M OVAH UR POINT\nCLICKIN TO JOIN"
39 hint_pointselected: point selecteded\n(shift-clik point ta\nstaart new lien)
40 norelations: I sees noes relashuns neer heer
42 option_custompointers: I can has pen adn paw pointerz
43 option_fadebackground: Faeded bakground
44 option_thinlines: I can has thin linez at awl scalez
46 prompt_addtorelation: Add $1 ta a relashun
47 prompt_revertversion: plz to chooes vershun
48 prompt_taggedpoints: sum uv teh pointz awn dis wai iz taggeded. reelee deleet?
49 prompt_track: Convert yur GPZ track ta (lockeded) waiz foar editin.
50 prompt_welcome: welcum ta OPENSTREETMAP!
51 tip_addrelation: Add ta a relashun
53 tip_alert: OHNOES! Errorz! - clik foar detailz
54 tip_anticlockwise: Anti-clockwyez circlar wai - clik ta bakwadz
55 tip_clockwise: Clockwyez circlar wai - clik ta bakwadz
56 tip_direction: Direcshun uv wai - clik ta bakwadz
57 tip_gps: Can haz GPZ trax (G)
58 tip_noundo: I haz nuffin for undos
59 tip_options: Set optionz (chooes teh map bakgrownd)
60 tip_presettype: Chooes whut tyep uv presetz iz ofered in teh menu.
61 tip_repeattag: Previous tagz ar relavint to mai selecteded wai (R)
62 tip_revertversion: Chooes teh verzhun ta revert ta
63 tip_selectrelation: Add ta teh chosen rouet
64 tip_splitway: wai goes NOM NOM NOM at the noed (X)