3 if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ then abort("Inspector is only for Unix") end
6 :pid_path => File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT + '/tmp/pids'),
7 :pattern => "dispatch.*.pid",
8 :ps => "ps -o pid,state,user,start,time,pcpu,vsz,majflt,command -p %s"
12 def self.inspect(pid_path, pattern)
13 new(pid_path, pattern).inspect
16 def initialize(pid_path, pattern)
17 @pid_path, @pattern = pid_path, pattern
21 header = `#{OPTIONS[:ps] % 1}`.split("\n")[0] + "\n"
22 lines = pids.collect { |pid| `#{OPTIONS[:ps] % pid}`.split("\n")[1] }
24 puts(header + lines.join("\n"))
29 pid_files.collect do |pid_file|
30 File.read(pid_file).to_i
35 Dir.glob(@pid_path + "/" + @pattern)
40 ARGV.options do |opts|
41 opts.banner = "Usage: inspector [options]"
47 Displays system information about Rails dispatchers (or other processes that use pid files) through
51 inspector # default ps on all tmp/pids/dispatch.*.pid files
52 inspector -s 'ps -o user,start,majflt,pcpu,vsz -p %s' # custom ps, %s is where the pid is interleaved
57 opts.on("-s", "--ps=command", "default: #{OPTIONS[:ps]}", String) { |v| OPTIONS[:ps] = v }
58 opts.on("-p", "--pidpath=path", "default: #{OPTIONS[:pid_path]}", String) { |v| OPTIONS[:pid_path] = v }
59 opts.on("-r", "--pattern=pattern", "default: #{OPTIONS[:pattern]}", String) { |v| OPTIONS[:pattern] = v }
63 opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
68 Inspector.inspect(OPTIONS[:pid_path], OPTIONS[:pattern])