]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - rails.git/blob - vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/yue.json
No need to precompile traffico anymore, as it's been removed
[rails.git] / vendor / assets / iD / iD / locales / yue.json
1 {
2     "yue": {
3         "modes": {
4             "add_area": {
5                 "title": "範圍",
6                 "description": "加公園、建築物、湖或者其他範圍入去地圖度。",
7                 "tail": "喺地圖度撳一下就可以開始畫範圍,好似公園呀、湖呀、或者建築物呀咁。"
8             },
9             "add_line": {
10                 "title": "綫",
11                 "description": "加公路、街、行人路、水道或者其他綫喺地圖度。",
12                 "tail": "喺地圖度撳一下就可以開始畫路、徑、或者路綫。"
13             },
14             "add_point": {
15                 "title": "點",
16                 "description": "加餐廳、紀念碑、郵筒或者其他點喺地圖度。",
17                 "tail": "喺地圖撳一下就可以加一點。"
18             },
19             "browse": {
20                 "title": "周圍睇",
21                 "description": "郁同埋放大縮細個地圖。"
22             },
23             "draw_area": {
24                 "tail": "撳下加節入落範圍。撳第一節去完成範圍。"
25             },
26             "draw_line": {
27                 "tail": "撳一下去加多幾節落條綫。掹其他綫,駁去佢哋度,同快撳兩下,完咗條綫。"
28             }
29         },
30         "operations": {
31             "add": {
32                 "annotation": {
33                     "point": "處加咗",
34                     "vertex": "道度加節",
35                     "relation": "關聯加咗。"
36                 }
37             },
38             "start": {
39                 "annotation": {
40                     "line": "綫起咗。",
41                     "area": "範圍起咗。"
42                 }
43             },
44             "continue": {
45                 "key": "A",
46                 "title": "繼續",
47                 "description": "續條綫。",
48                 "not_eligible": "爾度無綫可以可續。",
49                 "multiple": "爾度幾條綫可繼續。揀一條綫,咁住Shift掣,撳住佢揀佢。",
50                 "annotation": {
51                     "line": "綫續咗。",
52                     "area": "範圍續咗。"
53                 }
54             },
55             "cancel_draw": {
56                 "annotation": "唔畫。"
57             },
58             "change_role": {
59                 "annotation": "改咗關聯成員嘅作用。"
60             },
61             "change_tags": {
62                 "annotation": "籤改咗。"
63             },
64             "circularize": {
65                 "title": "整圓",
66                 "description": {
67                     "line": "整圓條綫",
68                     "area": "整圓範圍"
69                 },
70                 "key": "O",
71                 "annotation": {
72                     "line": "整圓條綫。",
73                     "area": "整圓範圍。"
74                 },
75                 "not_closed": "無得整圓,根本唔係圈。",
76                 "too_large": "無得整圓,睇到嘅部份唔夠做。",
77                 "connected_to_hidden": "無得整圓,佢連咗去隱藏地貌。"
78             },
79             "orthogonalize": {
80                 "title": "整方",
81                 "description": {
82                     "line": "整方個綫角",
83                     "area": "整方範圍角"
84                 },
85                 "key": "S",
86                 "annotation": {
87                     "line": "整方咗綫角。",
88                     "area": "整方咗範圍角。"
89                 },
90                 "not_squarish": "無得整方,佢太唔似方。",
91                 "too_large": "無得整方,睇到嘅部份唔夠做。",
92                 "connected_to_hidden": "無得整方,佢連咗去隱藏地貌。"
93             },
94             "straighten": {
95                 "title": "拉直",
96                 "description": "拉直條綫",
97                 "key": "S",
98                 "annotation": "條綫拉直咗。",
99                 "too_bendy": "條綫太彎,拉直唔到。",
100                 "connected_to_hidden": "無得拉直,佢連咗去隱藏地貌。"
101             },
102             "delete": {
103                 "title": "刪",
104                 "annotation": {
105                     "point": "刪咗處。",
106                     "vertex": "道度刪咗節。",
107                     "line": "刪咗綫。",
108                     "area": "刪咗範圍。",
109                     "relation": "刪咗關聯。"
110                 }
111             },
112             "add_member": {
113                 "annotation": "加咗成員入關聯。"
114             },
115             "delete_member": {
116                 "annotation": "拎走咗關聯成員。"
117             },
118             "connect": {
119                 "annotation": {
120                     "point": "駁咗道去嗰處。",
121                     "vertex": "駁咗道去其他。",
122                     "line": "駁咗道去綫。",
123                     "area": "駁咗道去範圍。"
124                 }
125             },
126             "disconnect": {
127                 "title": "掹開",
128                 "description": "此綫或者範圍等,全部掹開。",
129                 "key": "D",
130                 "annotation": "綫或範圍,經已掹開咗。",
131                 "not_connected": "爾度唔够綫或者範圍去掹開。",
132                 "connected_to_hidden": "無得掹開,佢連咗去隠藏地貌。",
133                 "relation": "無得掹開,佢喺關聯之中。"
134             },
135             "merge": {
136                 "title": "併",
137                 "description": "拼埋地貌",
138                 "key": "C",
139                 "annotation": "拼咗地貌 {n} 個",
140                 "not_eligible": "爾啲地貌,無得併埋。",
141                 "restriction": "地貌無得拼,佢哋至少一個,屬於 {relation} 關聯。",
142                 "incomplete_relation": "地貌無得拼,佢哋至少一個未傳晒落來。",
143                 "conflicting_tags": "地貌無得拼,佢哋籤中內有矛盾。"
144             },
145             "move": {
146                 "title": "搬",
147                 "key": "M",
148                 "annotation": {
149                     "point": "搬一點",
150                     "vertex": "道度搬咗節。",
151                     "line": "搬咗條綫。",
152                     "area": "搬咗範圍。"
153                 }
154             },
155             "rotate": {
156                 "title": "擰轉",
157                 "key": "R",
158                 "annotation": {
159                     "line": "條綫擰轉咗。",
160                     "area": "範圍擰轉咗。"
161                 }
162             },
163             "reverse": {
164                 "title": "倒向。",
165                 "description": "整到修綫方向相反。",
166                 "key": "V",
167                 "annotation": "條綫方向倒咗轉。"
168             },
169             "split": {
170                 "title": "斬開",
171                 "description": {
172                     "line": "爾節度,斬綫爲二。",
173                     "area": "斬界,一分爲二。",
174                     "multiple": "爾節度,斬綫或範圍界綫,一分爲二。"
175                 },
176                 "key": "X",
177                 "annotation": {
178                     "line": "斬開條綫。",
179                     "area": "斬開範圍界綫。",
180                     "multiple": "斬開綫或範圍界綫{n}條。"
181                 },
182                 "not_eligible": "綫無得喺頭尾度斬。",
183                 "multiple_ways": "爾處太多綫,無得斬開。",
184                 "connected_to_hidden": "無得分,佢連咗去隠藏地貌。"
185             },
186             "restriction": {
187                 "help": {
188                     "select": "撳一下揀段車道",
189                     "toggle": "撳一下限制車道轉向",
190                     "toggle_on": "撳一下加條則,限制車道轉向 {restriction}",
191                     "toggle_off": "撳一下減條則,限制車道轉向 {restriction}"
192                 },
193                 "annotation": {
194                     "create": "加咗一則,限制車道轉向",
195                     "delete": "減咗一則,限制車道轉向"
196                 }
197             }
198         },
199         "undo": {
200             "tooltip": "還原:{action}",
201             "nothing": "無嘢好還原"
202         },
203         "redo": {
204             "tooltip": "重做:{action}",
205             "nothing": "無嘢好重做"
206         },
207         "tooltip_keyhint": "快掣",
208         "browser_notice": "只能在 Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera,以及Internet Explorer 至少版本十一。更新瀏覽器,又或者用 Potlatch 2 修改地圖。",
209         "translate": {
210             "translate": "繙",
211             "localized_translation_label": "話名",
212             "localized_translation_language": "揀話",
213             "localized_translation_name": "名"
214         },
215         "zoom_in_edit": "放大去改",
216         "logout": "簽走",
217         "loading_auth": "駁上去公家街圖⋯⋯",
218         "report_a_bug": "報錯",
219         "help_translate": "幫手繙",
220         "feature_info": {
221             "hidden_warning": "隱藏地貌 {count} 個",
222             "hidden_details": "爾啲地貌,家陣隱藏之中。詳情: {details}"
223         },
224         "status": {
225             "error": "駁唔通程式接口。",
226             "offline": "程式接口收工。遲啲再改啦。",
227             "readonly": "程式接口,只讀不寫。你要等下先記到你修改。"
228         },
229         "commit": {
230             "description_placeholder": "簡述你做過啲乜(必填)",
231             "upload_explanation": "你嘅修改,傳咗上去公家街圖。凢用公家街圖資料,地圖都會見到。",
232             "upload_explanation_with_user": "你以{user}名義,修改傳咗上去公家街圖。凢用公家街圖資料,地圖都會見到。",
233             "cancel": "唔記",
234             "changes": "變更 {count} 個",
235             "warnings": "警告",
236             "modified": "改咗",
237             "deleted": "刪咗",
238             "created": "開咗",
239             "about_changeset_comments": "相關變更留言",
240             "about_changeset_comments_link": "//wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments",
241             "google_warning": "留言提及谷歌(Google):留意,不得抄谷哥地圖(Google Maps)。",
242             "google_warning_link": "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"
243         },
244         "contributors": {
245             "list": "有{users}修改",
246             "truncated_list": "有{users}同另外{count}人修改"
247         },
248         "infobox": {
249             "selected": "揀咗 {n} 個",
250             "geometry": "幾何形狀",
251             "closed": "封咗",
252             "center": "中心",
253             "perimeter": "周界",
254             "length": "長",
255             "area": "範圍",
256             "centroid": "重心",
257             "location": "地點",
258             "metric": "十進制",
259             "imperial": "英制"
260         },
261         "geometry": {
262             "point": "點",
263             "vertex": "頂點",
264             "line": "綫",
265             "area": "範圍",
266             "relation": "關聯"
267         },
268         "geocoder": {
269             "search": "搵天下各地⋯⋯",
270             "no_results_visible": "圖內可見之處,都搵唔到",
271             "no_results_worldwide": "無嘢搵到"
272         },
273         "geolocate": {
274             "title": "標出我喺邊",
275             "locating": "摷緊地方,等下⋯⋯"
276         },
277         "inspector": {
278             "no_documentation_combination": "爾組籤,未有文件解",
279             "no_documentation_key": "爾個圖例,未有文件解。",
280             "show_more": "睇多啲",
281             "view_on_osm": "入公家街圖睇",
282             "all_fields": "所有欄位",
283             "all_tags": "所有籤",
284             "all_members": "所有成員",
285             "all_relations": "所有關聯",
286             "new_relation": "開新關聯⋯⋯",
287             "role": "作用",
288             "choose": "揀地貌",
289             "results": "{search}搵出{n}項",
290             "reference": "入公家街圖百科睇",
291             "back_tooltip": "轉地貌",
292             "remove": "移走",
293             "search": "搵",
294             "unknown": "未知",
295             "incomplete": "<無傳落來>",
296             "feature_list": "搵地貌",
297             "edit": "改地貌",
298             "check": {
299                 "yes": "係",
300                 "no": "唔係"
301             },
302             "add": "加",
303             "none": "無",
304             "node": "節",
305             "way": "徑",
306             "relation": "關聯",
307             "location": "地點",
308             "add_fields": "加欄位"
309         },
310         "background": {
311             "title": "背景",
312             "description": "背景設定",
313             "percent_brightness": "{opacity}% 光",
314             "none": "無",
315             "best_imagery": "此地至出名相源",
316             "switch": "轉返去爾個背景",
317             "custom": "自訂",
318             "custom_button": "改自訂背景",
319             "fix_misalignment": "校正背圖對位誤差",
320             "imagery_source_faq": "相邊度來?",
321             "reset": "重設",
322             "offset": "下面灰帶內,拖到任何位,去校正背圖對位誤差,又或者,以米為單位,入返啲差額。",
323             "minimap": {
324                 "description": "細地圖",
325                 "tooltip": "開個縮圖,幫手搵返家下睇到嘅範圍。"
326             }
327         },
328         "map_data": {
329             "title": "地圖資料",
330             "description": "地圖資料",
331             "data_layers": "資料層",
332             "fill_area": "填範圍",
333             "map_features": "地圖地貌",
334             "autohidden": "依啲地貌,會自收埋,皆因螢幕太多嘢。放大啲先改。"
335         },
336         "feature": {
337             "points": {
338                 "description": "處",
339                 "tooltip": "名勝"
340             },
341             "traffic_roads": {
342                 "description": "交通道",
343                 "tooltip": "公路、街之類。"
344             },
345             "service_roads": {
346                 "description": "支路",
347                 "tooltip": "支路、停車場通通、坭車道之類。"
348             },
349             "paths": {
350                 "description": "徑",
351                 "tooltip": "街邊行人路、行人徑、單車徑之類。"
352             },
353             "buildings": {
354                 "description": "屋宇",
355                 "tooltip": "屋宇、天遮、地牢之類。"
356             },
357             "landuse": {
358                 "description": "用地地貌",
359                 "tooltip": "林、田、公園、住宅、商業之類。"
360             },
361             "boundaries": {
362                 "description": "界",
363                 "tooltip": "行政界"
364             },
365             "water": {
366                 "description": "水地貌",
367                 "tooltip": "江、湖、塘、盆等。"
368             },
369             "rail": {
370                 "description": "軌道地貌",
371                 "tooltip": "鐵路"
372             },
373             "power": {
374                 "description": "供電地貌",
375                 "tooltip": "電纜、發電廠、變電站等。"
376             },
377             "past_future": {
378                 "description": "過往/未來",
379                 "tooltip": "籌備、興建、廢棄、移平等。"
380             },
381             "others": {
382                 "description": "其他",
383                 "tooltip": "其他"
384             }
385         },
386         "area_fill": {
387             "wireframe": {
388                 "description": "唔填(勽綫)",
389                 "tooltip": "開着勾綫形式,方便睇見底下相圖。"
390             },
391             "partial": {
392                 "description": "半填",
393                 "tooltip": "只填範圍內側。(推薦畀製圖新手)"
394             },
395             "full": {
396                 "description": "全填",
397                 "tooltip": "範圍全填。"
398             }
399         },
400         "restore": {
401             "heading": "你有修改未記妥",
402             "description": "要唔要囘復上次未記妥之修改?",
403             "restore": "囘復",
404             "reset": "重新開始"
405         },
406         "save": {
407             "title": "記低",
408             "no_changes": "無修改可記",
409             "error": "記低途中有錯。",
410             "status_code": "服務電腦回覆狀況代號 {code}",
411             "unknown_error_details": "請確保你上到互聯網",
412             "unsaved_changes": "你有修改未記妥",
413             "conflict": {
414                 "header": "調解相衝修改",
415                 "count": "第 {num} 項相衝,全部有 {total} 項",
416                 "previous": "<前",
417                 "next": "後>",
418                 "keep_local": "留我",
419                 "keep_remote": "用佢",
420                 "restore": "囘復",
421                 "delete": "由佢唔要",
422                 "download_changes": "或者下載你改嘅。",
423                 "done": "衝突通通解決!"
424             }
425         },
426         "merge_remote_changes": {
427             "conflict": {
428                 "nodelist": "{user} 同你改過此項。",
429                 "memberlist": "{user} 同你改過關聯細項。",
430                 "tags": "你改<b>{tag}</b>做「{local}」,而 {user} 改佢做「{remote}」。"
431             }
432         },
433         "success": {
434             "edited_osm": "改掂公家街圖!",
435             "just_edited": "你啱啱改咗公家街圖!",
436             "view_on_osm": "入公家街圖睇",
437             "facebook": "放上Facebook",
438             "twitter": "放上Twitter",
439             "google": "放上Google+",
440             "help_html": "你改過嘅,幾分鐘就會見到喺「普通」層。其他層,咁啲地貌,就會耐啲。",
441             "help_link_text": "明細",
442             "help_link_url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#I_have_just_made_some_changes_to_the_map._How_do_I_get_to_see_my_changes.3F"
443         },
444         "confirm": {
445             "cancel": "唔做"
446         },
447         "splash": {
448             "welcome": "歡迎來到艾第公家街圖造圖。",
449             "text": "艾第爾件架生,易用之時,亦功用多多,用來投稿修改去,世界至好,任用嘅世界地圖片。現時版本係{version}。想多啲資料,睇下 {website}同埋去{github}報告出錯。",
450             "walkthrough": "開始逐步解釋",
451             "start": "卽改"
452         },
453         "source_switch": {
454             "live": "運行之中",
455             "lose_changes": "你未有修改未記妥。轉地圖電腦,就會無咗修改。你真係要轉地圖電腦?",
456             "dev": "製作之中"
457         },
458         "tag_reference": {
459             "description": "描述",
460             "on_wiki": "喺公家街圖百科度嘅{tag}",
461             "used_with": "同{type}一齊用"
462         },
463         "validations": {
464             "untagged_point": "未有籤嘅點",
465             "untagged_point_tooltip": "揀種地貌,兼且寫呢處係乜來。",
466             "untagged_line": "冇籤嘅綫",
467             "untagged_line_tooltip": "揀種地貌,兼且寫呢綫係乜來。",
468             "untagged_area": "冇籤嘅範圍",
469             "untagged_area_tooltip": "揀種地貌,兼且寫呢範圍係乜來。",
470             "tag_suggests_area": "{tag}籤話條綫係範圍,實情佢唔係。",
471             "deprecated_tags": "廢籤:{tags}"
472         },
473         "zoom": {
474             "in": "放大",
475             "out": "縮細"
476         },
477         "cannot_zoom": "今下模式,無得再縮。",
478         "full_screen": "來回全螢幕",
479         "mapillary_images": {
480             "tooltip": "拎輿兵嘅街相",
481             "title": "疊相(輿兵)"
482         },
483         "mapillary_signs": {
484             "tooltip": "拎輿兵嘅交通燈(必先開疊相)",
485             "title": "疊交通燈(輿兵)"
486         },
487         "mapillary": {
488             "view_on_mapillary": "去輿兵度睇張相"
489         },
490         "help": {
491             "title": "指南",
492             "help": "# 指南\n\n爾個編器,係爲 [公家街圖](http://www.openstreetmap.org/)而做。 有世界地圖,任用亦改得。你可以用佢,喺你處加嘢改嘢。如此一來,裏面嘅料,人人可以公開任用,人人得益。\n\n邊個用公家街圖,都見得到你整嘅地圖。要改得到,就要開定個\n[簽入戶口](https://www.openstreetmap.org/login).\n\n[iD editor](http://ideditor.com/) 係合作而成, [程式碼放喺 GitHub](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD).\n",
493             "roads": "# 路\n\n用個程式,你開得,整得,刪得啲路。路有幾種,徑、公路、山徑、單車徑等等,乜嘢相交一段都要畫面出來。\n\n### 揀\n\n撳一下條路,就揀到。個外形會見得明顯,亦有架生仔選單,外加邊註欄有多啲路嘅資料。\n\n### 改\n\n你耐不耐見到條路,同背景相,或全球定位系統行縱,並唔一致。你要調較到佢哋啱位。\n\n首先撳一下,你想改嗰條路。咁條路就會特別顯眼,同埋有一點點畀你畀拉到啱位。若你想加多幾點,更加仔細,就喺條路上面,無節嘅地方,快撳兩下,咁就會開多一節。\n\n若然條路要駁去其他路,之但係無駁妥,咁你就拖住一點,拉到其他路,整到聯埋。地圖來講,駁通啲路係咁緊要,同埋駕車搵路亦必須。\n\n你亦可以用【搬】爾個架生,或撳快掣【M】,一次過搬成條路,再撳多下,就記好搬動。\n\n### 刪\n\n若成條路都唔啱,你亦要望下衞星相,以及最好親身確認,佢真係唔喺度,你就可以刪咗佢,卽係由地圖度搬走。小心啲刪走地貌,同其他改法一樣,有時地貌係人人都見到,但係衞星相過晒時,新路未必見。\n\n你刪條路,就撳佢一下,揀咗佢。跟住撳垃圾筒公仔,或者撳快掣【Delete】。\n\n### 開新\n\n要搵地方,緊係要有條路,係咪?去程式左上角,咁住【綫】個公仔,或者撳快掣【2】,就開始畫綫。\n\n地圖度,撳住路頭個位開始畫。若然條路由原路分出,就由原路上面路口位,撳一下開始。\n\n撳嘅點,應該人係跟實條路,跟䘙星相,或跟全球定位系統行蹤。若果你條路,會橫過另一條,你就喺路口位,撳落另一條路上,就起咗個交叉點。你要畫完,就快撳兩下。又或者咁鍵盤【Return】或【Enter】掣。\n",
494             "gps": "# 全球定位系統\n\n數據取自全球定位系統,係公家街圖至可靠來源。爾個造圖程式,用到本機行蹤,卽放你電腦嘅【.gpx】檔案。你收集全球定位系統行蹤,取自智能電話程式,或者個人全球定位系統儀。\n\n點去用全球定位系統測量,睇下 [製圖,用電話、用全球定位系統、用紙](http://learnosm.org/en/mobile-mapping/)。\n\n用GPX途徑製圖,拖GPX檔案落造圖程式。若然讀得明,佢會加入地圖,用鮮紫綫顯現。喺右邊,撳落【背景設定】選單。咁就開得,閂得,放大縮細新嘅GPX層。\n\n爾個GPX途徑,唔會直上公家街圖,最好用法,就係用佢製圖。按此加新地貌,亦可[傳上公家街圖](http://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/create)以作其他用途。\n",
495             "imagery": "# 相\n\n航空相係地圖要源。佢哋飛機飛過,衞星望落等組合。網上有任用來源,可供使用。就喺右邊,【背景設定】之內。\n\n程式預先已有 [兵地圖](http://www.bing.com/maps/) 䘙星相層。你放大縮細去某啲地方,就有其他可用。某幾國,如美國、法國、丹麥等,國內某啲地方,有極精細嘅相。\n\n相有時同地圖資料有差距,爾個係供相者出錯。若你睇到多多路與背景移咗位,就唔好郁住。將啲相校好個位,同地圖資料吻合。要咁做,就去背景設定,撳【校正對位誤差】校好咗先。\n",
496             "addresses": "# 地埗\n\n地埗,對地圖好有用嘅資料。\n\n雖則地埗通常係街嘅一部份,不過喺公家街圖入面,會記爲沿街屋宇及地方屬性。\n\n你可以加地埗落地方,畫成屋宇界圖,亦可以畫成單處。最好來源,就係視身街一轉,或者靠個人知識。之但係,同其他地貌一樣,禁止抄其他商用來源,包括谷歌地圖。\n",
497             "inspector": "# 用明細一覽\n\n明細一覽係全版左邊嘅部份,畀你改個地貌嘅詳細資料。\n\n### 揀地貌\n\n無論你加處、綫或者範圍,你要揀係乜地貌,如公路定住宅路,超級市場定茶座。明細一覽上面有掣,揀你要嘅地貌,同埋你亦可以格中,一邊打一邊搵。\n\n個個地貌製,右邊【i】字,撳落有細解。撳落個掣度就揀到地貌。\n\n### 用表及改籤\n\n你㨂完地貌,或者你㨂嘅,早已入咗地貌,咁明細一覽,就有一欄欄,講地貌詳細資料,例如名同地埗咁。\n\n欄下面,你會見到啲細公仔,係用來加其他明細,好似連去維基百科資料、行唔行到輪輢等等。\n\n明細一覽個底,撳【所有籤】,就可以隨意加其他籤落去。\n[籤料](http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/) 係極有用嘅地方知道唔通籤嘅配搭。\n\n你喺明細一覽改嘅,都會自動送上地圖。你亦可以還原修改,只要咁下【還原】掣。\n",
498             "buildings": "# 屋宇\n\n公家街圖有屋宇資料庫,全球至大。你可以幫手添啲,亦可改善資料。\n\n### 揀\n\n你要揀屋宇,咁邊佢條邊就得。間屋宇會顯眼啲,亦會有架生仔選單,同埋邊註欄講屋宇多啲資料。\n\n### 改\n\n有陣時屋宇放唔啱,又或者放錯籤。\n\n要搬成間屋宇,揀佢先,跟手用【搬】架生。郁滑鼠就移屋宇,搬啱就咁撳一下。\n\n想改屋宇個形,邊度撳一節,拖住一節到啱位爲止。\n\n### 開新\n\n時時有人問,加新屋宇落地圖,而公家街圖又可以係點,又可以加形,咁邊個好啲呢?原則就係,_用得形就用形_,以及屋宇個形內,加公司、屋企、方便設施同其他種種,喺屋宇內有嘅嘢。\n\n畫新屋宇個形,喺左上面撳【範圍】掣,畫完就撳鍵盤【Return】掣,或者撳返去第一節,咁個形就埋口。\n\n### 刪\n\n若成間屋宇都唔啱,你亦要望下衞星相,以及最好親身確認,佢真係唔喺度,你就可以刪咗佢,卽係由地圖度搬走。小心啲刪走地貌,同其他改法一樣,有時地貌係人人都見到,但係衞星相過晒時,新屋宇未必見。\n\n你要刪咗間屋宇,就撳佢揀佢。然後撳垃圾筒公你,或者撳【Delete】掣。\n",
499             "relations": "# 關聯\n\n公家街圖入面,關聯係特別地貌,夾埋其他地貌做一組。例如,有兩種至常見。一係*途徑關聯*,佢係路段組成,路屬高速公路同公路。另一係*幾多邊形*,佢將唔同綫結合,定個複雜嘅範圍,好似範圍分開幾個,或者有洞好似沙翁。\n\n關聯之中,一組地貌就係*成員*。邊註欄度,你睇到地貌,佢做邊啲關聯成員。撳落關聯,就跳入關聯。一揀咗關聯,邊註欄列晒成員,地圖佢哋亦會特別顯眼。\n\n多數情形,你改嘢時,艾弟都會自動保持關聯。你要留意,你刪走一段,想畫得準確一啲,你要確保新段,都留喺原有關聯之中。\n\n## 改關聯\n\n你改關聯,爾度講基本嘢。\n\n加地貌落關聯,㨂地貌。邊註欄入面,【所有關係】度撳【+】掣,揀或打關聯名。\n\n開新關聯,㨂首個成員地貌,【所有關係】度撳【+】掣,揀【新關聯⋯⋯】。\n\n由關聯度拎走地貌,揀地貌,喺唔要嘅關聯側邊,撳垃圾桶公仔。\n\n你砌多幾多邊形開窿,可以用【併】架生。畫出兩個範圍,內同外,鍵盤撳實【Shift】掣,兩個各撳一下,揀晒佢哋,然後撳【併】掣。\n"
500         },
501         "intro": {
502             "done": "搞掂",
503             "graph": {
504                 "block_number": "<value for addr:block_number>",
505                 "county": "<value for addr:county>",
506                 "district": "<value for addr:district>",
507                 "hamlet": "<value for addr:hamlet>",
508                 "neighbourhood": "<value for addr:neighbourhood>",
509                 "province": "<value for addr:province>",
510                 "quarter": "<value for addr:quarter>",
511                 "state": "<value for addr:state>",
512                 "subdistrict": "<value for addr:subdistrict>",
513                 "suburb": "<value for addr:suburb>",
514                 "countrycode": "cn"
515             },
516             "navigation": {
517                 "title": "周圍望"
518             },
519             "points": {
520                 "title": "處"
521             },
522             "areas": {
523                 "title": "範圍"
524             },
525             "lines": {
526                 "title": "綫"
527             },
528             "startediting": {
529                 "title": "開始改",
530                 "save": "記得定時記低修改!",
531                 "start": "開始制圖"
532             }
533         },
534         "presets": {
535             "categories": {
536                 "category-barrier": {
537                     "name": "阻擋地貌"
538                 },
539                 "category-building": {
540                     "name": "屋宇地貌"
541                 },
542                 "category-golf": {
543                     "name": "哥夫波地貌"
544                 },
545                 "category-landuse": {
546                     "name": "用地地貌"
547                 },
548                 "category-path": {
549                     "name": "徑地貌"
550                 },
551                 "category-rail": {
552                     "name": "軌道地貌"
553                 },
554                 "category-restriction": {
555                     "name": "限制地貌"
556                 },
557                 "category-road": {
558                     "name": "車道地貌"
559                 },
560                 "category-route": {
561                     "name": "路綫地貌"
562                 },
563                 "category-water-area": {
564                     "name": "水地貌"
565                 },
566                 "category-water-line": {
567                     "name": "水地貌"
568                 }
569             },
570             "fields": {
571                 "access": {
572                     "label": "准過",
573                     "options": {
574                         "designated": {
575                             "description": "通行與否,按法例或路牌指定",
576                             "title": "指名"
577                         },
578                         "destination": {
579                             "description": "限往目的地",
580                             "title": "目的地"
581                         },
582                         "dismount": {
583                             "description": "過得,要落車推。",
584                             "title": "落車推"
585                         },
586                         "no": {
587                             "description": "公眾不通",
588                             "title": "禁入"
589                         },
590                         "permissive": {
591                             "description": "可通,直至地主唔畀。",
592                             "title": "任過"
593                         },
594                         "private": {
595                             "description": "要地主批准",
596                             "title": "私家"
597                         },
598                         "yes": {
599                             "description": "按法例可通,有權過路。",
600                             "title": "准許"
601                         }
602                     },
603                     "placeholder": "無指明",
604                     "types": {
605                         "access": "所有",
606                         "bicycle": "單車",
607                         "foot": "行",
608                         "horse": "馬",
609                         "motor_vehicle": "車"
610                     }
611                 },
612                 "access_simple": {
613                     "label": "過得"
614                 },
615                 "access_toilets": {
616                     "label": "通"
617                 },
618                 "address": {
619                     "label": "地埗",
620                     "placeholders": {
621                         "city": "城",
622                         "conscriptionnumber": "一百二十三號",
623                         "country": "國",
624                         "district": "區",
625                         "floor": "樓數",
626                         "hamlet": "村仔",
627                         "housename": "屋名",
628                         "housenumber": "一百二十三號",
629                         "place": "地",
630                         "postcode": "郵政編號",
631                         "province": "省",
632                         "state": "州",
633                         "street": "街",
634                         "subdistrict": "分區",
635                         "suburb": "市郊"
636                     }
637                 },
638                 "admin_level": {
639                     "label": "行政層次"
640                 },
641                 "aerialway": {
642                     "label": "類"
643                 },
644                 "aerialway/access": {
645                     "label": "通",
646                     "options": {
647                         "both": "出入都得",
648                         "entry": "入",
649                         "exit": "出"
650                     }
651                 },
652                 "aerialway/bubble": {
653                     "label": "吊車廂"
654                 },
655                 "aerialway/capacity": {
656                     "label": "載量(一個鐘計)",
657                     "placeholder": "500, 2500, 5000..."
658                 },
659                 "aerialway/duration": {
660                     "label": "行程(分鐘)",
661                     "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
662                 },
663                 "aerialway/heating": {
664                     "label": "有暖氣"
665                 },
666                 "aerialway/occupancy": {
667                     "label": "一車人數",
668                     "placeholder": "2, 4, 8..."
669                 },
670                 "aerialway/summer/access": {
671                     "label": "通(夏天)",
672                     "options": {
673                         "both": "出人都得",
674                         "entry": "入",
675                         "exit": "出"
676                     }
677                 },
678                 "aeroway": {
679                     "label": "類"
680                 },
681                 "amenity": {
682                     "label": "類"
683                 },
684                 "area/highway": {
685                     "label": "類"
686                 },
687                 "artist": {
688                     "label": "藝人"
689                 },
690                 "artwork_type": {
691                     "label": "類"
692                 },
693                 "atm": {
694                     "label": "提款機"
695                 },
696                 "backrest": {
697                     "label": "長椅"
698                 },
699                 "barrier": {
700                     "label": "類"
701                 },
702                 "bench": {
703                     "label": "長凳"
704                 },
705                 "bicycle_parking": {
706                     "label": "類"
707                 },
708                 "bin": {
709                     "label": "垃圾桶"
710                 },
711                 "blood_components": {
712                     "label": "血成份",
713                     "options": {
714                         "plasma": "血漿",
715                         "platelets": "血小板",
716                         "stemcells": "幹細胞樣本",
717                         "whole": "全血"
718                     }
719                 },
720                 "boundary": {
721                     "label": "類"
722                 },
723                 "brand": {
724                     "label": "牌"
725                 },
726                 "building": {
727                     "label": "屋宇"
728                 },
729                 "building_area": {
730                     "label": "屋宇"
731                 },
732                 "capacity": {
733                     "label": "容納",
734                     "placeholder": "50, 100, 200..."
735                 },
736                 "cardinal_direction": {
737                     "label": "方向",
738                     "options": {
739                         "E": "東",
740                         "ENE": "東北偏東",
741                         "ESE": "東南偏東",
742                         "N": "北",
743                         "NE": "東北",
744                         "NNE": "東北偏北",
745                         "NNW": "西北偏北",
746                         "NW": "西北",
747                         "S": "南",
748                         "SE": "東南",
749                         "SSE": "東南偏南",
750                         "SSW": "西南偏南",
751                         "SW": "西南",
752                         "W": "西",
753                         "WNW": "西北偏西",
754                         "WSW": "西南偏西"
755                     }
756                 },
757                 "clock_direction": {
758                     "label": "方向",
759                     "options": {
760                         "anticlockwise": "逆時針",
761                         "clockwise": "順時針"
762                     }
763                 },
764                 "collection_times": {
765                     "label": "收集時間"
766                 },
767                 "construction": {
768                     "label": "類"
769                 },
770                 "content": {
771                     "label": "內容"
772                 },
773                 "country": {
774                     "label": "國"
775                 },
776                 "covered": {
777                     "label": "有蓋"
778                 },
779                 "craft": {
780                     "label": "類"
781                 },
782                 "crossing": {
783                     "label": "類"
784                 },
785                 "currency_multi": {
786                     "label": "錢類"
787                 },
788                 "cycle_network": {
789                     "label": "網絡"
790                 },
791                 "cycleway": {
792                     "label": "單車道",
793                     "options": {
794                         "lane": {
795                             "description": "單車道同車道,地上畫綫隔開",
796                             "title": "標準單車道"
797                         },
798                         "none": {
799                             "description": "無單車道",
800                             "title": "無"
801                         },
802                         "opposite": {
803                             "description": "單程路,單車道仍可雙程",
804                             "title": "對頭單車道"
805                         },
806                         "opposite_lane": {
807                             "description": "單車道,與交通方向相反",
808                             "title": "雙向單車道,可對頭"
809                         },
810                         "share_busway": {
811                             "description": "單車道同巴士道合用",
812                             "title": "單車道同巴士共用"
813                         },
814                         "shared_lane": {
815                             "description": "單車道與車道不分",
816                             "title": "共用單車道"
817                         },
818                         "track": {
819                             "description": "單車道與交通有阻隔",
820                             "title": "單連分徑"
821                         }
822                     },
823                     "placeholder": "無",
824                     "types": {
825                         "cycleway:left": "左邊",
826                         "cycleway:right": "右邊"
827                     }
828                 },
829                 "date": {
830                     "label": "日期"
831                 },
832                 "delivery": {
833                     "label": "外賣"
834                 },
835                 "denomination": {
836                     "label": "派"
837                 },
838                 "denotation": {
839                     "label": "表示"
840                 },
841                 "description": {
842                     "label": "描述"
843                 },
844                 "diaper": {
845                     "label": "換得尿片"
846                 },
847                 "display": {
848                     "label": "顯示"
849                 },
850                 "dock": {
851                     "label": "類"
852                 },
853                 "drive_through": {
854                     "label": "車上取"
855                 },
856                 "electrified": {
857                     "label": "用電",
858                     "options": {
859                         "contact_line": "電䌫",
860                         "no": "唔係",
861                         "rail": "有電軌道",
862                         "yes": "係(無指名)"
863                     },
864                     "placeholder": "電纜、有電軌道⋯⋯"
865                 },
866                 "elevation": {
867                     "label": "海拔"
868                 },
869                 "emergency": {
870                     "label": "急症室"
871                 },
872                 "entrance": {
873                     "label": "類"
874                 },
875                 "except": {
876                     "label": "例外"
877                 },
878                 "fax": {
879                     "label": "傳真",
880                     "placeholder": "+852 12345678"
881                 },
882                 "fee": {
883                     "label": "費用"
884                 },
885                 "fire_hydrant/type": {
886                     "label": "類",
887                     "options": {
888                         "pillar": "柱/地上",
889                         "pond": "塘",
890                         "underground": "地底",
891                         "wall": "牆"
892                     }
893                 },
894                 "fixme": {
895                     "label": "整好我"
896                 },
897                 "fuel": {
898                     "label": "燃料"
899                 },
900                 "fuel_multi": {
901                     "label": "燃料類"
902                 },
903                 "gauge": {
904                     "label": "軌距"
905                 },
906                 "gender": {
907                     "label": "性別",
908                     "options": {
909                         "female": "女",
910                         "male": "男",
911                         "unisex": "不分男女"
912                     },
913                     "placeholder": "未知"
914                 },
915                 "generator/method": {
916                     "label": "方法"
917                 },
918                 "generator/source": {
919                     "label": "來源"
920                 },
921                 "generator/type": {
922                     "label": "類"
923                 },
924                 "golf_hole": {
925                     "label": "參攷",
926                     "placeholder": "洞數(一到十八)"
927                 },
928                 "handicap": {
929                     "label": "差點",
930                     "placeholder": "1-18"
931                 },
932                 "handrail": {
933                     "label": "扶手"
934                 },
935                 "highway": {
936                     "label": "類"
937                 },
938                 "historic": {
939                     "label": "類"
940                 },
941                 "hoops": {
942                     "label": "藍框數",
943                     "placeholder": "1, 2, 4..."
944                 },
945                 "iata": {
946                     "label": "萬國航空運輸協會(IATA)"
947                 },
948                 "icao": {
949                     "label": "萬國民航組織(ICAO)"
950                 },
951                 "incline": {
952                     "label": "斜"
953                 },
954                 "incline_steps": {
955                     "label": "斜坡",
956                     "options": {
957                         "down": "落",
958                         "up": "上"
959                     }
960                 },
961                 "indoor": {
962                     "label": "戶內"
963                 },
964                 "information": {
965                     "label": "類"
966                 },
967                 "internet_access": {
968                     "label": "用到互聯網",
969                     "options": {
970                         "no": "無",
971                         "terminal": "終端機",
972                         "wired": "揷綫上網",
973                         "wlan": "無綫上網",
974                         "yes": "有"
975                     }
976                 },
977                 "internet_access/fee": {
978                     "label": "上網費"
979                 },
980                 "lamp_type": {
981                     "label": "類"
982                 },
983                 "landuse": {
984                     "label": "類"
985                 },
986                 "lanes": {
987                     "label": "綫道數",
988                     "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
989                 },
990                 "layer": {
991                     "label": "層"
992                 },
993                 "leaf_cycle": {
994                     "label": "換葉週期",
995                     "options": {
996                         "deciduous": "落葉",
997                         "evergreen": "常綠",
998                         "mixed": "混合",
999                         "semi_deciduous": "半落葉",
1000                         "semi_evergreen": "半常綠"
1001                     }
1002                 },
1003                 "leaf_cycle_singular": {
1004                     "label": "換葉週期",
1005                     "options": {
1006                         "deciduous": "落葉",
1007                         "evergreen": "常綠",
1008                         "semi_deciduous": "半落葉",
1009                         "semi_evergreen": "半常綠"
1010                     }
1011                 },
1012                 "leaf_type": {
1013                     "label": "葉類",
1014                     "options": {
1015                         "broadleaved": "闊葉",
1016                         "leafless": "無葉",
1017                         "mixed": "混合",
1018                         "needleleaved": "針葉"
1019                     }
1020                 },
1021                 "leaf_type_singular": {
1022                     "label": "葉類",
1023                     "options": {
1024                         "broadleaved": "闊葉",
1025                         "leafless": "無葉",
1026                         "needleleaved": "針葉"
1027                     }
1028                 },
1029                 "leisure": {
1030                     "label": "類"
1031                 },
1032                 "length": {
1033                     "label": "長(米)"
1034                 },
1035                 "level": {
1036                     "label": "層"
1037                 },
1038                 "levels": {
1039                     "label": "樓",
1040                     "placeholder": "2, 4, 6..."
1041                 },
1042                 "lit": {
1043                     "label": "有燈"
1044                 },
1045                 "location": {
1046                     "label": "地點"
1047                 },
1048                 "man_made": {
1049                     "label": "類"
1050                 },
1051                 "maxspeed": {
1052                     "label": "限速",
1053                     "placeholder": "40, 50, 60..."
1054                 },
1055                 "maxstay": {
1056                     "label": "留得時間"
1057                 },
1058                 "mtb/scale": {
1059                     "label": "越野單車徑難度",
1060                     "options": {
1061                         "0": "0: 碎石/ 硬泥、障礙無、弧度大",
1062                         "1": "1: 地面有啲鬆、障礙細、弧度大",
1063                         "2": "2: 地面多啲鬆、障礙大、急彎易",
1064                         "3": "3: 地面濕滑、障礙大、急彎窄",
1065                         "4": "4: 地面鬆或有石、急彎危",
1066                         "5": "5: 好難、地有石、滑坡",
1067                         "6": "6: 越野單車手,精湛先得"
1068                     },
1069                     "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3..."
1070                 },
1071                 "mtb/scale/imba": {
1072                     "label": "萬國越野單車協會路徑難度",
1073                     "options": {
1074                         "0": "最易 (白圈)",
1075                         "1": "易 (綠圈)",
1076                         "2": "中 (藍方)",
1077                         "3": "難 (黑鑽)",
1078                         "4": "極難 (雙黑鑽)"
1079                     },
1080                     "placeholder": "易、中、難⋯⋯"
1081                 },
1082                 "mtb/scale/uphill": {
1083                     "label": "越野單車,上斜難度",
1084                     "options": {
1085                         "0": "0:斜度平均<10%,碎石/實泥,障礙無",
1086                         "1": "1:斜度平均<15%,碎石/實泥,障礙少",
1087                         "2": "2:斜度平均<20%,硬地,石頭樹根拳大",
1088                         "3": "3:斜度平均<25%,地面多變,石頭/枝枝拳頭大",
1089                         "4": "4:斜度平均<30%,路面差,石頭/枝枝大",
1090                         "5": "5:好斜,多數要推車、抬車"
1091                     },
1092                     "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3..."
1093                 },
1094                 "name": {
1095                     "label": "名",
1096                     "placeholder": "常用名(若有)"
1097                 },
1098                 "natural": {
1099                     "label": "自然"
1100                 },
1101                 "network": {
1102                     "label": "網絡"
1103                 },
1104                 "network_bicycle": {
1105                     "label": "網類",
1106                     "options": {
1107                         "icn": "國際",
1108                         "lcn": "本地",
1109                         "ncn": "國內",
1110                         "rcn": "域內"
1111                     },
1112                     "placeholder": "本地、域內、國內、國際"
1113                 },
1114                 "network_foot": {
1115                     "label": "網類",
1116                     "options": {
1117                         "iwn": "國際",
1118                         "lwn": "本地",
1119                         "nwn": "國內",
1120                         "rwn": "域內"
1121                     },
1122                     "placeholder": "本地、域內、國內、國際"
1123                 },
1124                 "network_horse": {
1125                     "label": "網類",
1126                     "options": {
1127                         "ihn": "國際",
1128                         "lhn": "本地",
1129                         "nhn": "國內",
1130                         "rhn": "域內"
1131                     },
1132                     "placeholder": "本地、域內、國內、國際"
1133                 },
1134                 "network_road": {
1135                     "label": "網絡"
1136                 },
1137                 "note": {
1138                     "label": "註"
1139                 },
1140                 "office": {
1141                     "label": "類"
1142                 },
1143                 "oneway": {
1144                     "label": "單程",
1145                     "options": {
1146                         "no": "唔係",
1147                         "undefined": "當佢唔係",
1148                         "yes": "係"
1149                     }
1150                 },
1151                 "oneway_yes": {
1152                     "label": "單程",
1153                     "options": {
1154                         "no": "唔係",
1155                         "undefined": "當佢唔係",
1156                         "yes": "係"
1157                     }
1158                 },
1159                 "opening_hours": {
1160                     "label": "時間"
1161                 },
1162                 "operator": {
1163                     "label": "承辦商"
1164                 },
1165                 "par": {
1166                     "label": "標準桿",
1167                     "placeholder": "3, 4, 5..."
1168                 },
1169                 "parallel_direction": {
1170                     "label": "方向",
1171                     "options": {
1172                         "backward": "向後",
1173                         "forward": "向前"
1174                     }
1175                 },
1176                 "park_ride": {
1177                     "label": "泊車轉乖"
1178                 },
1179                 "parking": {
1180                     "label": "類",
1181                     "options": {
1182                         "carports": "亭",
1183                         "garage_boxes": "廂房",
1184                         "lane": "街邊",
1185                         "multi-storey": "多層",
1186                         "sheds": "屋",
1187                         "surface": "地面",
1188                         "underground": "地底"
1189                     }
1190                 },
1191                 "payment_multi": {
1192                     "label": "畀錢方式"
1193                 },
1194                 "phone": {
1195                     "label": "電話",
1196                     "placeholder": "+852 12345678"
1197                 },
1198                 "piste/difficulty": {
1199                     "label": "難度",
1200                     "options": {
1201                         "advanced": "進階(黑鑽)",
1202                         "easy": "易(綠圈)",
1203                         "expert": "專家(雙黑鑽)",
1204                         "extreme": "極難(要攀山架生)",
1205                         "freeride": "自由滑行(場地外)",
1206                         "intermediate": "中階(藍方)",
1207                         "novice": "新手(教學)"
1208                     },
1209                     "placeholder": "易、中階、 進階⋯⋯"
1210                 },
1211                 "piste/grooming": {
1212                     "label": "雪道類",
1213                     "options": {
1214                         "backcountry": "偏遠",
1215                         "classic": "典型",
1216                         "classic+skating": "典型同滑行",
1217                         "mogul": "花式",
1218                         "scooter": "雪地滑板車/電單車",
1219                         "skating": "滑行"
1220                     }
1221                 },
1222                 "piste/type": {
1223                     "label": "類",
1224                     "options": {
1225                         "downhill": "滑落",
1226                         "hike": "行山",
1227                         "ice_skate": "冰刀",
1228                         "nordic": "北歐",
1229                         "playground": "練習場",
1230                         "skitour": "滑雪團",
1231                         "sled": "雪橇",
1232                         "sleigh": "簡易雪橇",
1233                         "snow_park": "滑雪場"
1234                     }
1235                 },
1236                 "place": {
1237                     "label": "類"
1238                 },
1239                 "population": {
1240                     "label": "人口"
1241                 },
1242                 "power": {
1243                     "label": "類"
1244                 },
1245                 "power_supply": {
1246                     "label": "電源"
1247                 },
1248                 "railway": {
1249                     "label": "類"
1250                 },
1251                 "recycling_accepts": {
1252                     "label": "收得"
1253                 },
1254                 "ref": {
1255                     "label": "參攷"
1256                 },
1257                 "relation": {
1258                     "label": "類"
1259                 },
1260                 "religion": {
1261                     "label": "宗敎"
1262                 },
1263                 "restriction": {
1264                     "label": "類"
1265                 },
1266                 "restrictions": {
1267                     "label": "轉彎限制"
1268                 },
1269                 "rooms": {
1270                     "label": "房數"
1271                 },
1272                 "route": {
1273                     "label": "類"
1274                 },
1275                 "route_master": {
1276                     "label": "類"
1277                 },
1278                 "sac_scale": {
1279                     "label": "行山難度",
1280                     "options": {
1281                         "alpine_hiking": "T4:行高山",
1282                         "demanding_alpine_hiking": "T5:耐力行高山",
1283                         "demanding_mountain_hiking": "T3:耐力行山",
1284                         "difficult_alpine_hiking": "T6:艱行高山",
1285                         "hiking": "T1:遠行",
1286                         "mountain_hiking": "T2:行山"
1287                     },
1288                     "placeholder": "行山、行高山..."
1289                 },
1290                 "sanitary_dump_station": {
1291                     "label": "屎尿棄置"
1292                 },
1293                 "seasonal": {
1294                     "label": "季節"
1295                 },
1296                 "second_hand": {
1297                     "label": "賣二手",
1298                     "options": {
1299                         "no": "唔係",
1300                         "only": "只可",
1301                         "yes": "係"
1302                     },
1303                     "placeholder": "係、唔係、只可"
1304                 },
1305                 "service": {
1306                     "label": "類"
1307                 },
1308                 "service_rail": {
1309                     "label": "服務類",
1310                     "options": {
1311                         "crossover": "波口軌",
1312                         "siding": "側軌",
1313                         "spur": "叉軌",
1314                         "yard": "車廠"
1315                     }
1316                 },
1317                 "shelter": {
1318                     "label": "有天遮"
1319                 },
1320                 "shelter_type": {
1321                     "label": "類"
1322                 },
1323                 "shop": {
1324                     "label": "類"
1325                 },
1326                 "site": {
1327                     "label": "類"
1328                 },
1329                 "smoking": {
1330                     "label": "食煙",
1331                     "options": {
1332                         "dedicated": "專畀食煙(諸如煙房)",
1333                         "isolated": "食得煙地帶,真正隔開",
1334                         "no": "度度無得食煙",
1335                         "outside": "出面食得煙",
1336                         "separated": "食得煙地帶,無真正隔開",
1337                         "yes": "度度都食得煙"
1338                     },
1339                     "placeholder": "禁止、隔開、容許⋯⋯"
1340                 },
1341                 "smoothness": {
1342                     "label": "粗滑",
1343                     "options": {
1344                         "bad": "耐用轆:旅行單車、汽車、人力車",
1345                         "excellent": "轆仔:𨎊軸溜冰、滑板",
1346                         "good": "薄轆:公路單車",
1347                         "horrible": "越野:重型越野車輛",
1348                         "impassable": "無得車過 / 唔畀車行",
1349                         "intermediate": "有轆:單車、輪椅、滑板車",
1350                         "very_bad": "高地台:輕型越野車",
1351                         "very_horrible": "越野專用:拖拉機、全地形越野車"
1352                     },
1353                     "placeholder": "轆仔、有轆、越野⋯⋯"
1354                 },
1355                 "source": {
1356                     "label": "來源"
1357                 },
1358                 "stars": {
1359                     "label": "星級"
1360                 },
1361                 "stop": {
1362                     "label": "停車指示",
1363                     "options": {
1364                         "all": "所有方向",
1365                         "minor": "小車路"
1366                     }
1367                 },
1368                 "structure": {
1369                     "label": "結構",
1370                     "options": {
1371                         "bridge": "橋",
1372                         "cutting": "開山",
1373                         "embankment": "基堤",
1374                         "ford": "津",
1375                         "tunnel": "隧道"
1376                     },
1377                     "placeholder": "未知"
1378                 },
1379                 "studio": {
1380                     "label": "類"
1381                 },
1382                 "substation": {
1383                     "label": "類"
1384                 },
1385                 "supervised": {
1386                     "label": "有人睇"
1387                 },
1388                 "support": {
1389                     "label": "支架"
1390                 },
1391                 "surface": {
1392                     "label": "表面"
1393                 },
1394                 "tactile_paving": {
1395                     "label": "盲人引路徑"
1396                 },
1397                 "takeaway": {
1398                     "label": "外賣",
1399                     "options": {
1400                         "no": "無",
1401                         "only": "只限外賣",
1402                         "yes": "有"
1403                     },
1404                     "placeholder": "有、無、只限外賣⋯⋯"
1405                 },
1406                 "toilets/disposal": {
1407                     "label": "棄置",
1408                     "options": {
1409                         "bucket": "尿兜",
1410                         "chemical": "化學",
1411                         "flush": "沖水",
1412                         "pitlatrine": "廁坑/旱廁"
1413                     }
1414                 },
1415                 "tourism": {
1416                     "label": "類"
1417                 },
1418                 "tracktype": {
1419                     "label": "道類",
1420                     "options": {
1421                         "grade1": "實:鋪咗,或者壓實咗嘅硬面",
1422                         "grade2": "多數實:石仔/石,夾雜軟料",
1423                         "grade3": "軟硬平均夾雜",
1424                         "grade4": "多實軟:泥/沙/草夾雜一啲硬料",
1425                         "grade5": "軟:泥/沙/草"
1426                     },
1427                     "placeholder": "實、多數實、軟⋯⋯"
1428                 },
1429                 "traffic_signals": {
1430                     "label": "類"
1431                 },
1432                 "trail_visibility": {
1433                     "label": "徑明顯度",
1434                     "options": {
1435                         "bad": "差:無路標、有時睇唔到/無路",
1436                         "excellent": "極好:一見就知,或者處處有路標",
1437                         "good": "好:路標睇得見,間中要搵",
1438                         "horrible": "好差:多數唔見路、要有啲搵路工夫先得",
1439                         "intermediate": "時好時差:路標少、路多數明顯",
1440                         "no": "無:無路,搵路工夫要好勁"
1441                     },
1442                     "placeholder": "極好、好、差⋯⋯"
1443                 },
1444                 "trees": {
1445                     "label": "樹"
1446                 },
1447                 "tunnel": {
1448                     "label": "隧道"
1449                 },
1450                 "vending": {
1451                     "label": "貨類"
1452                 },
1453                 "visibility": {
1454                     "label": "顯隱",
1455                     "options": {
1456                         "area": "過二十米(六十五呎)",
1457                         "house": "過五米(十六呎)",
1458                         "street": "五到二十米(十六到六十五呎)"
1459                     }
1460                 },
1461                 "water": {
1462                     "label": "類"
1463                 },
1464                 "water_point": {
1465                     "label": "補水處"
1466                 },
1467                 "waterway": {
1468                     "label": "類"
1469                 },
1470                 "website": {
1471                     "label": "網站",
1472                     "placeholder": "http://example.com/"
1473                 },
1474                 "wetland": {
1475                     "label": "類"
1476                 },
1477                 "wheelchair": {
1478                     "label": "可通輪椅"
1479                 },
1480                 "width": {
1481                     "label": "闊(米)"
1482                 },
1483                 "wikipedia": {
1484                     "label": "維基百科全書"
1485                 }
1486             },
1487             "presets": {
1488                 "address": {
1489                     "name": "地埗",
1490                     "terms": "Address,地址,地埗,址"
1491                 },
1492                 "aerialway": {
1493                     "name": "吊道"
1494                 },
1495                 "aerialway/cable_car": {
1496                     "name": "吊車",
1497                     "terms": "Cable Car,吊車,䌫車"
1498                 },
1499                 "aerialway/chair_lift": {
1500                     "name": "吊櫈",
1501                     "terms": "Chair Lift,吊櫈"
1502                 },
1503                 "aerialway/gondola": {
1504                     "name": "吊船",
1505                     "terms": "Gondola,吊船"
1506                 },
1507                 "aerialway/magic_carpet": {
1508                     "name": "輸送帶",
1509                     "terms": "Magic Carpet Lift,輸送帶"
1510                 },
1511                 "aerialway/platter": {
1512                     "name": "吊盤",
1513                     "terms": "Platter Lift,吊盤"
1514                 },
1515                 "aerialway/pylon": {
1516                     "name": "吊車塔",
1517                     "terms": "Areialway Pylon,吊車塔,纜車纜塔"
1518                 },
1519                 "aeroway": {
1520                     "name": "航空設施"
1521                 },
1522                 "aeroway/aerodrome": {
1523                     "name": "飛機場",
1524                     "terms": "Airport,機場,飛機,飛機場"
1525                 },
1526                 "aeroway/apron": {
1527                     "name": "停機坪",
1528                     "terms": "Apron,停機坪"
1529                 },
1530                 "aeroway/hangar": {
1531                     "name": "飛機庫",
1532                     "terms": "Hangar,機庫,飛機庫"
1533                 },
1534                 "aeroway/helipad": {
1535                     "name": "直升機坪",
1536                     "terms": "Helipad,直升機坪,直升機場,直昇機坪,直昇機場"
1537                 },
1538                 "aeroway/runway": {
1539                     "name": "跑道",
1540                     "terms": "Runway,跑道"
1541                 },
1542                 "aeroway/taxiway": {
1543                     "name": "滑行道",
1544                     "terms": "Taxiway,滑行道"
1545                 },
1546                 "amenity": {
1547                     "name": "便利設施"
1548                 },
1549                 "amenity/arts_centre": {
1550                     "name": "美術館",
1551                     "terms": "Arts Center,美術中心,美術館,藝術中心,藝術館"
1552                 },
1553                 "amenity/atm": {
1554                     "name": "提款機",
1555                     "terms": "ATM,提款機,櫃員機,自動提款機,自動櫃員機"
1556                 },
1557                 "amenity/bank": {
1558                     "name": "銀行",
1559                     "terms": "Bank,銀號,銀行"
1560                 },
1561                 "amenity/bar": {
1562                     "name": "酒吧",
1563                     "terms": "Bar,吧,酒吧"
1564                 },
1565                 "amenity/bench": {
1566                     "name": "長椅",
1567                     "terms": "Bench,長凳,長椅,長櫈"
1568                 },
1569                 "amenity/bicycle_parking": {
1570                     "name": "泊單車處",
1571                     "terms": "Bicycle Parking,單車停放車,單車停泊處,泊單車,泊單車處,自行車停放處"
1572                 },
1573                 "amenity/bicycle_rental": {
1574                     "name": "租單車舖",
1575                     "terms": "Bicycle Rental,單車租賃,租單車,租單車舖,租單車處,自行車租賃處"
1576                 },
1577                 "amenity/boat_rental": {
1578                     "name": "租艇",
1579                     "terms": "Boat Rental,租艇,船舶租賃處"
1580                 },
1581                 "amenity/cafe": {
1582                     "name": "茶座",
1583                     "terms": "Cafe,㗎啡室,㗎啡廳,咖啡,咖啡室,咖啡廳,茶座,荼座"
1584                 },
1585                 "amenity/car_rental": {
1586                     "name": "租車舖",
1587                     "terms": "Car Rental,汽車租賃,汽車租賃處,租車,租車店,租車舖"
1588                 },
1589                 "amenity/car_sharing": {
1590                     "name": "共用車處",
1591                     "terms": "Car Sharing,公用車處,共用車,共用車處,汽車共享站"
1592                 },
1593                 "amenity/car_wash": {
1594                     "name": "洗車舖",
1595                     "terms": "Car Wash,洗車,洗車店,洗車舖"
1596                 },
1597                 "amenity/cinema": {
1598                     "name": "電影戲院",
1599                     "terms": "Cinema,戲院,電影,電影戲院,電影院"
1600                 },
1601                 "amenity/courthouse": {
1602                     "name": "法庭",
1603                     "terms": "Courthouse,法庭,法院,臬署,裁判署"
1604                 },
1605                 "amenity/dentist": {
1606                     "name": "牙醫",
1607                     "terms": "Dentist,牙醫"
1608                 },
1609                 "amenity/doctors": {
1610                     "name": "醫生",
1611                     "terms": "Doctor,醫生"
1612                 },
1613                 "amenity/drinking_water": {
1614                     "name": "飲水處",
1615                     "terms": "Drinking Water,水源,活水,飲水,飲水處,飲用水"
1616                 },
1617                 "amenity/embassy": {
1618                     "name": "大使館",
1619                     "terms": "Embassy,使館,大使館,領事館"
1620                 },
1621                 "amenity/fast_food": {
1622                     "name": "快餐店",
1623                     "terms": "Fast Food,快餐店"
1624                 },
1625                 "amenity/fire_station": {
1626                     "name": "滅火局",
1627                     "terms": "Fire Station,滅火局,水車館,消防局,消防站,救火局"
1628                 },
1629                 "amenity/fountain": {
1630                     "name": "噴水池",
1631                     "terms": "Fountain,噴水池,噴泉,水景"
1632                 },
1633                 "amenity/fuel": {
1634                     "name": "油站",
1635                     "terms": "Gas Station,加氣站,加汽站,加油站,油站"
1636                 },
1637                 "amenity/grave_yard": {
1638                     "name": "墳地",
1639                     "terms": "Graveyard,墓地,墳地,墳場"
1640                 },
1641                 "amenity/library": {
1642                     "name": "圖書館",
1643                     "terms": "Library,圖書館,拉記"
1644                 },
1645                 "amenity/marketplace": {
1646                     "name": "街市",
1647                     "terms": "Marketplace,市場,菜市場,街市"
1648                 },
1649                 "amenity/parking": {
1650                     "name": "停車場",
1651                     "terms": "Car Parking,停車場"
1652                 },
1653                 "amenity/pharmacy": {
1654                     "name": "藥房",
1655                     "terms": "Pharmacy,葯局,葯店,葯房,葯舖,藥局,藥店,藥房,藥舖"
1656                 },
1657                 "amenity/place_of_worship": {
1658                     "name": "拜神之所",
1659                     "terms": "Place of Worship,Worship,宗教祟拜場所,宗教禮拜處,崇拜處,拜神之所,禮拜場所"
1660                 },
1661                 "amenity/place_of_worship/buddhist": {
1662                     "name": "佛寺",
1663                     "terms": "Buddhist Temple,佛堂,佛寺,佛廟,和尚寺,寶殿,寺,寺廟,尼姑庵,尼庵,庵堂,廟,精舍,閣,靜院"
1664                 },
1665                 "amenity/place_of_worship/christian": {
1666                     "name": "敎堂",
1667                     "terms": "Christian,Church,基督敎堂,基督教堂,天主堂,天主敎堂,天主教堂,敎堂,教堂,聖堂"
1668                 },
1669                 "amenity/place_of_worship/jewish": {
1670                     "name": "猶太廟",
1671                     "terms": "Synagogue,jewish,猶太寺,猶太廟,猶太教堂"
1672                 },
1673                 "amenity/place_of_worship/muslim": {
1674                     "name": "囘敎寺",
1675                     "terms": "Mosque,Muslim,囘敎寺,囘教寺,回敎寺,回教寺,清真寺"
1676                 },
1677                 "amenity/police": {
1678                     "name": "差館",
1679                     "terms": "Police,差館,派出所,警察局,警局,警署"
1680                 },
1681                 "amenity/post_box": {
1682                     "name": "郵筒",
1683                     "terms": "Mailbox,Post,Post Box,郵筒,郵箱"
1684                 },
1685                 "amenity/post_office": {
1686                     "name": "郵政局",
1687                     "terms": "Post Office,書信館,郵局,郵政局"
1688                 },
1689                 "amenity/pub": {
1690                     "name": "酒館",
1691                     "terms": "Pub,酒館"
1692                 },
1693                 "amenity/ranger_station": {
1694                     "name": "郊野訪客處",
1695                     "terms": "Ranger Station,郊野訪客處,野郊訪客處"
1696                 },
1697                 "amenity/recycling": {
1698                     "name": "囘收桶",
1699                     "terms": "Recycling,囘收桶,囘收箱,回收桶,回收箱"
1700                 },
1701                 "amenity/restaurant": {
1702                     "name": "餐廳",
1703                     "terms": "Restaurant,茶樓,酒家,酒樓,飯店,飯館,餐廳,餐館"
1704                 },
1705                 "amenity/shelter": {
1706                     "name": "天遮或亭",
1707                     "terms": "Shelter,亭,天遮,蓋,避難,避難所"
1708                 },
1709                 "amenity/swimming_pool": {
1710                     "name": "游水池"
1711                 },
1712                 "amenity/taxi": {
1713                     "name": "的士站",
1714                     "terms": "Taxi Stand,出租車站,的士站,計程車站"
1715                 },
1716                 "amenity/telephone": {
1717                     "name": "電話",
1718                     "terms": "Telephone,電話"
1719                 },
1720                 "amenity/theatre": {
1721                     "name": "舞臺戲院",
1722                     "terms": "Theater,劇場,劇院,戲院,舞臺戲院,電影院"
1723                 },
1724                 "amenity/toilets": {
1725                     "name": "廁所",
1726                     "terms": "Toilets,便所,公厠,公廁,厠所,廁所,方便,洗手間,盥洗室"
1727                 },
1728                 "amenity/townhall": {
1729                     "name": "大會堂",
1730                     "terms": "Town Hall,大會堂,市政府,市政廳"
1731                 },
1732                 "amenity/waste_basket": {
1733                     "name": "垃圾桶",
1734                     "terms": "Waste Basket,垃圾桶,垃圾箱,廢物箱"
1735                 },
1736                 "area": {
1737                     "name": "範圍",
1738                     "terms": "Area,區域,範圍"
1739                 },
1740                 "barrier": {
1741                     "name": "阻擋",
1742                     "terms": "Barrier,屏障,阻擋,障礙,障礙物"
1743                 },
1744                 "barrier/block": {
1745                     "name": "路障",
1746                     "terms": "Block,路障,障礙物"
1747                 },
1748                 "barrier/bollard": {
1749                     "name": "護柱",
1750                     "terms": "Bollard,護柱"
1751                 },
1752                 "barrier/cattle_grid": {
1753                     "name": "攔畜溝柵",
1754                     "terms": "Cattle Grid,家畜柵欄,攔畜溝柵"
1755                 },
1756                 "barrier/city_wall": {
1757                     "name": "城牆",
1758                     "terms": "City Wall,城墻,城牆"
1759                 },
1760                 "barrier/cycle_barrier": {
1761                     "name": "單車減速欄",
1762                     "terms": "Cycle Barrier,單車減速欄,單車矮欄"
1763                 },
1764                 "barrier/entrance": {
1765                     "name": "入口"
1766                 },
1767                 "barrier/fence": {
1768                     "name": "欄",
1769                     "terms": "Fence,欄,欄柵,籬,籬笆"
1770                 },
1771                 "barrier/gate": {
1772                     "name": "閘",
1773                     "terms": "Gate,口,門,閘"
1774                 },
1775                 "barrier/hedge": {
1776                     "name": "樹籬",
1777                     "terms": "Hedge,樹籬"
1778                 },
1779                 "barrier/kissing_gate": {
1780                     "name": "單人轉門 ",
1781                     "terms": "Kissing Gate,單人轉門"
1782                 },
1783                 "barrier/lift_gate": {
1784                     "name": "道閘",
1785                     "terms": "Lift Gate,擋車器,道閘"
1786                 },
1787                 "barrier/retaining_wall": {
1788                     "name": "護土牆",
1789                     "terms": "Retaining Wall,擋土墻,護土牆"
1790                 },
1791                 "barrier/stile": {
1792                     "name": "梯梃",
1793                     "terms": "Stile,梯梃,梯磴"
1794                 },
1795                 "barrier/toll_booth": {
1796                     "name": "收費亭",
1797                     "terms": "Toll Booth,收費亭,收費站"
1798                 },
1799                 "barrier/wall": {
1800                     "name": "牆",
1801                     "terms": "Wall,墻,牆"
1802                 },
1803                 "boundary/administrative": {
1804                     "name": "行政界",
1805                     "terms": "Administrative Boundary,行政區域界線,行政區界,行政界,行政界線,行政邊界"
1806                 },
1807                 "building": {
1808                     "name": "屋宇",
1809                     "terms": "Building,屋宇,建築物"
1810                 },
1811                 "building/apartments": {
1812                     "name": "公寓",
1813                     "terms": "Apartments,公寓,分層屋宇"
1814                 },
1815                 "building/commercial": {
1816                     "name": "商業樓宇",
1817                     "terms": "Commercial Building,商業建築物,商業樓宇"
1818                 },
1819                 "building/garage": {
1820                     "name": "車庫",
1821                     "terms": "Garage,車庫"
1822                 },
1823                 "building/house": {
1824                     "name": "屋",
1825                     "terms": "House,屋,房屋,洋房"
1826                 },
1827                 "building/hut": {
1828                     "name": "屋仔",
1829                     "terms": "Hut,屋仔,棚屋"
1830                 },
1831                 "building/industrial": {
1832                     "name": "工業樓宇",
1833                     "terms": "Industrial Building,工業建築物,工業樓宇"
1834                 },
1835                 "building/residential": {
1836                     "name": "住宅樓宇",
1837                     "terms": "Residential Building,住宅建築物,住宅樓宇"
1838                 },
1839                 "craft/watchmaker": {
1840                     "name": "鐘錶匠",
1841                     "terms": "Watchmaker,鐘錶匠"
1842                 },
1843                 "craft/window_construction": {
1844                     "name": "造窗",
1845                     "terms": "Window Construction,造窗"
1846                 },
1847                 "embankment": {
1848                     "name": "基堤",
1849                     "terms": "Embankment,基堤,堤,堤壩,堤岸"
1850                 },
1851                 "emergency/ambulance_station": {
1852                     "name": "救護站",
1853                     "terms": "Ambulance Station,十字車,救傷車,救護站,救護車"
1854                 },
1855                 "emergency/fire_hydrant": {
1856                     "name": "消防水龍頭",
1857                     "terms": "Fire Hydrant,消防栓,消防水龍頭"
1858                 },
1859                 "emergency/phone": {
1860                     "name": "求助電話",
1861                     "terms": "Emergency Phone,求助電話,緊急電話"
1862                 },
1863                 "footway/sidewalk": {
1864                     "name": "行人路",
1865                     "terms": "Sidewalk,行人路"
1866                 },
1867                 "golf/bunker": {
1868                     "name": "沙坑",
1869                     "terms": "Sand Trap,沙坑"
1870                 },
1871                 "golf/fairway": {
1872                     "name": "球道",
1873                     "terms": "Fairway,球道"
1874                 },
1875                 "golf/green": {
1876                     "name": "菓嶺",
1877                     "terms": "Putting Green,果嶺,菓嶺"
1878                 },
1879                 "golf/hole": {
1880                     "name": "歌夫球洞",
1881                     "terms": "Golf Hole,歌夫球洞"
1882                 },
1883                 "golf/rough": {
1884                     "name": "深草區",
1885                     "terms": "Rough,深草區"
1886                 },
1887                 "golf/tee": {
1888                     "name": "發球區",
1889                     "terms": "Tee Box,發球區,開球區"
1890                 },
1891                 "highway": {
1892                     "name": "公路"
1893                 },
1894                 "highway/bridleway": {
1895                     "name": "馬徑",
1896                     "terms": "Bridle Path,馬徑,馬道"
1897                 },
1898                 "highway/bus_stop": {
1899                     "name": "巴士站",
1900                     "terms": "Bus Stop,公交車站,公共汽車站,巴士站"
1901                 },
1902                 "highway/cycleway": {
1903                     "name": "單車徑",
1904                     "terms": "Cycle Path,單車徑,自行車道"
1905                 },
1906                 "highway/footway": {
1907                     "name": "行人徑",
1908                     "terms": "Foot Path,步行徑,行人徑"
1909                 },
1910                 "highway/living_street": {
1911                     "name": "居住街道",
1912                     "terms": "Living Street,居住街道,生活街道"
1913                 },
1914                 "highway/mini_roundabout": {
1915                     "name": "細迴旋處",
1916                     "terms": "Mini-Roundabout,小型環島,小型迴旋處,細迴旋處"
1917                 },
1918                 "highway/motorway": {
1919                     "name": "高速公路",
1920                     "terms": "Motorway,高速公路"
1921                 },
1922                 "highway/motorway_link": {
1923                     "name": "高速公路駁路",
1924                     "terms": "Motorway Link,高速公路匝道,高速公路引道,高速公路駁路"
1925                 },
1926                 "highway/path": {
1927                     "name": "徑",
1928                     "terms": "Path,徑,路徑"
1929                 },
1930                 "highway/primary": {
1931                     "name": "大路",
1932                     "terms": "Primary Road,主要道路,大路"
1933                 },
1934                 "highway/primary_link": {
1935                     "name": "大路駁路",
1936                     "terms": "Primary Link,主要道路匝道,主要道路連接路,大路駁路"
1937                 },
1938                 "highway/residential": {
1939                     "name": "住宅路",
1940                     "terms": "Residential Road,住宅區道路,住宅路"
1941                 },
1942                 "highway/road": {
1943                     "name": "未明路",
1944                     "terms": "Unknown Road,不明路,不知路,未明路,未知嘅路,未知種類的道路,未知種類道路"
1945                 },
1946                 "highway/secondary": {
1947                     "name": "中路",
1948                     "terms": "Secondary Road,中路,次要道路"
1949                 },
1950                 "highway/secondary_link": {
1951                     "name": "中路駁路",
1952                     "terms": "Secondary Link,中路駁路,次級道路連接路,次要道路匝道"
1953                 },
1954                 "highway/service": {
1955                     "name": "支路",
1956                     "terms": "Service Road,支路,輔助道路"
1957                 },
1958                 "highway/service/alley": {
1959                     "name": "巷",
1960                     "terms": "Alley,巷,後巷,橫巷,窄巷,胡同"
1961                 },
1962                 "highway/service/drive-through": {
1963                     "name": "車上取餐",
1964                     "terms": "Drive-Through,免下車,免下車銀行,免下車餐館,車上取餐,車上用餐,駕駛通過以獲取服務"
1965                 },
1966                 "highway/service/driveway": {
1967                     "name": "宅外車道",
1968                     "terms": "Driveway,宅外車道,車線,車道"
1969                 },
1970                 "highway/service/emergency_access": {
1971                     "name": "緊急通道",
1972                     "terms": "Emergency Access,緊急通道"
1973                 },
1974                 "highway/service/parking_aisle": {
1975                     "name": "泊車通道",
1976                     "terms": "Parking Aisle,停車場通道,泊車通道"
1977                 },
1978                 "highway/steps": {
1979                     "name": "梯",
1980                     "terms": "Steps,梯,樓梯,石階,階梯"
1981                 },
1982                 "highway/stop": {
1983                     "name": "停車標誌",
1984                     "terms": "Stop Sign,停字標誌,停車標誌,停車路牌"
1985                 },
1986                 "highway/street_lamp": {
1987                     "name": "街燈",
1988                     "terms": "Street Lamp,街燈,路燈,道燈"
1989                 },
1990                 "highway/tertiary": {
1991                     "name": "細路",
1992                     "terms": "Tertiary Road,三級道路,細路"
1993                 },
1994                 "highway/tertiary_link": {
1995                     "name": "細路駁路",
1996                     "terms": "Tertiary Link,三級道路匝道,三級道路連接路,細路駁路"
1997                 },
1998                 "highway/traffic_signals": {
1999                     "name": "紅綠燈",
2000                     "terms": "Traffic Signals,交通燈,紅綠燈"
2001                 },
2002                 "highway/trunk": {
2003                     "name": "幹路",
2004                     "terms": "Trunk Road,幹線道路,幹路,幹道"
2005                 },
2006                 "highway/trunk_link": {
2007                     "name": "幹道駁路",
2008                     "terms": "Trunk Link,幹線道路匝道,幹道連接路,幹道駁路"
2009                 },
2010                 "highway/turning_circle": {
2011                     "name": "迴旋處",
2012                     "terms": "Turning Circle,回轉圈,廻旋處,環島,迴旋處"
2013                 },
2014                 "historic": {
2015                     "name": "史蹟",
2016                     "terms": "Historic Site,史跡,史蹟,歷史遺址,歷史遺跡"
2017                 },
2018                 "historic/archaeological_site": {
2019                     "name": "考古地",
2020                     "terms": "Archaeological Site,考古地,考古地點,考古遺址"
2021                 },
2022                 "historic/boundary_stone": {
2023                     "name": "界石",
2024                     "terms": "Boundary Stone,界樁,界石"
2025                 },
2026                 "historic/castle": {
2027                     "name": "寨",
2028                     "terms": "Castle,城堡,寨"
2029                 },
2030                 "historic/memorial": {
2031                     "name": "細紀念碑",
2032                     "terms": "Memorial,碑,紀念碑,紀念館,細紀念碑"
2033                 },
2034                 "historic/monument": {
2035                     "name": "大紀念碑",
2036                     "terms": "Monument,古跡,古蹟,大紀念碑,碑,紀念碑"
2037                 },
2038                 "historic/ruins": {
2039                     "name": "廢墟",
2040                     "terms": "Ruins,廢墟"
2041                 },
2042                 "historic/wayside_cross": {
2043                     "name": "路邊十字架",
2044                     "terms": "Wayside Cross,路邊十字架"
2045                 },
2046                 "historic/wayside_shrine": {
2047                     "name": "路邊神祠",
2048                     "terms": "Wayside Shrine,路邊神社,路邊神祠"
2049                 },
2050                 "landuse/basin": {
2051                     "name": "盆地",
2052                     "terms": "Basin,水池,盆地"
2053                 },
2054                 "landuse/cemetery": {
2055                     "name": "墳場",
2056                     "terms": "Cemetery,墓地,墳場"
2057                 },
2058                 "landuse/construction": {
2059                     "name": "地盤",
2060                     "terms": "Construction,地盤,建築工程,建築物"
2061                 },
2062                 "landuse/farmyard": {
2063                     "name": "地堂",
2064                     "terms": "Farmyard,地堂,農莊"
2065                 },
2066                 "landuse/forest": {
2067                     "name": "森",
2068                     "terms": "Forest,森,森林"
2069                 },
2070                 "landuse/grass": {
2071                     "name": "草地",
2072                     "terms": "Grass,草地"
2073                 },
2074                 "landuse/meadow": {
2075                     "name": "牧地",
2076                     "terms": "Meadow,牧地,牧場"
2077                 },
2078                 "landuse/orchard": {
2079                     "name": "菓園",
2080                     "terms": "Orchard,果園,菓園"
2081                 },
2082                 "landuse/quarry": {
2083                     "name": "石塘",
2084                     "terms": "Quarry,石塘,石礦場,礦場"
2085                 },
2086                 "landuse/vineyard": {
2087                     "name": "葡萄園",
2088                     "terms": "Vineyard,葡萄園,酒莊"
2089                 },
2090                 "leisure": {
2091                     "name": "消閒",
2092                     "terms": "Leisure,休閑場所,休閒設施,消閒"
2093                 },
2094                 "leisure/common": {
2095                     "name": "公地",
2096                     "terms": "Common,公共用地,公地"
2097                 },
2098                 "leisure/dog_park": {
2099                     "name": "狗公園",
2100                     "terms": "Dog Park,狗公園"
2101                 },
2102                 "leisure/garden": {
2103                     "name": "花園",
2104                     "terms": "Garden,公園,果園,植物園,花園,菜園"
2105                 },
2106                 "leisure/golf_course": {
2107                     "name": "哥夫球場",
2108                     "terms": "Golf Course,哥夫球場,高爾夫球場"
2109                 },
2110                 "leisure/marina": {
2111                     "name": "遊艇碼頭",
2112                     "terms": "Marina,碼頭,遊艇碼頭"
2113                 },
2114                 "leisure/park": {
2115                     "name": "園",
2116                     "terms": "Park,公園,園"
2117                 },
2118                 "leisure/pitch": {
2119                     "name": "運動場",
2120                     "terms": "Sport Pitch,運動場,運動場地,運動場所"
2121                 },
2122                 "leisure/pitch/american_football": {
2123                     "name": "美式足球場",
2124                     "terms": "American Football Field,美式足球場"
2125                 },
2126                 "leisure/pitch/baseball": {
2127                     "name": "棒球場",
2128                     "terms": "Baseball Diamond,棒球場"
2129                 },
2130                 "leisure/pitch/basketball": {
2131                     "name": "籃球場",
2132                     "terms": "Basketball Court,球場,籃球場"
2133                 },
2134                 "leisure/pitch/skateboard": {
2135                     "name": "滑板場",
2136                     "terms": "Skate Park,滑板場"
2137                 },
2138                 "leisure/pitch/soccer": {
2139                     "name": "足球場",
2140                     "terms": "Soccer Field,足球場"
2141                 },
2142                 "leisure/pitch/tennis": {
2143                     "name": "網球場",
2144                     "terms": "Tennis Court,網球場"
2145                 },
2146                 "leisure/pitch/volleyball": {
2147                     "name": "排球場",
2148                     "terms": "Volleyball Court,排球場"
2149                 },
2150                 "leisure/playground": {
2151                     "name": "遊樂場",
2152                     "terms": "Playground,遊樂場"
2153                 },
2154                 "leisure/slipway": {
2155                     "name": "船排",
2156                     "terms": "Slipway,船排,船架滑道,船臺"
2157                 },
2158                 "leisure/stadium": {
2159                     "name": "大體育館",
2160                     "terms": "Stadium,大體育館,體育,體育場"
2161                 },
2162                 "leisure/swimming_pool": {
2163                     "name": "游水池",
2164                     "terms": "Swimming Pool,游水池,游泳池,遊泳池"
2165                 },
2166                 "line": {
2167                     "name": "綫",
2168                     "terms": "Line,綫,線"
2169                 },
2170                 "man_made": {
2171                     "name": "人造",
2172                     "terms": "Man Made,人造,人造構築,人造物"
2173                 },
2174                 "man_made/breakwater": {
2175                     "name": "防波堤",
2176                     "terms": "Breakwater,防波堤"
2177                 },
2178                 "man_made/cutline": {
2179                     "name": "分割綫",
2180                     "terms": "Cut line,分割綫,分界線,山林分界線"
2181                 },
2182                 "man_made/embankment": {
2183                     "name": "基堤"
2184                 },
2185                 "man_made/flagpole": {
2186                     "name": "旗杆",
2187                     "terms": "Flagpole,旗杆,旗竿"
2188                 },
2189                 "man_made/lighthouse": {
2190                     "name": "燈塔",
2191                     "terms": "Lighthouse,燈塔"
2192                 },
2193                 "man_made/observation": {
2194                     "name": "瞭望臺",
2195                     "terms": "Observation Tower,瞭望塔,瞭望臺"
2196                 },
2197                 "man_made/pier": {
2198                     "name": "埗頭",
2199                     "terms": "Pier,埗頭,碼頭"
2200                 },
2201                 "man_made/pipeline": {
2202                     "name": "水管",
2203                     "terms": "Pipeline,水管,管道"
2204                 },
2205                 "man_made/survey_point": {
2206                     "name": "測量點",
2207                     "terms": "Survey Point,測量點"
2208                 },
2209                 "man_made/tower": {
2210                     "name": "塔",
2211                     "terms": "Tower,塔"
2212                 },
2213                 "man_made/wastewater_plant": {
2214                     "name": "廢水廠",
2215                     "terms": "Wastewater Plant,廢水廠,汙水處理廠,污水處理廠"
2216                 },
2217                 "man_made/water_tower": {
2218                     "name": "水塔",
2219                     "terms": "Water Tower,水塔"
2220                 },
2221                 "man_made/water_works": {
2222                     "name": "供水廠",
2223                     "terms": "Water Works,供水廠,水務設施"
2224                 },
2225                 "natural": {
2226                     "name": "天然",
2227                     "terms": "Natural,天然,自然,自然物件"
2228                 },
2229                 "natural/bay": {
2230                     "name": "灣",
2231                     "terms": "Bay,海灣,灣"
2232                 },
2233                 "natural/beach": {
2234                     "name": "灘",
2235                     "terms": "Beach,沙灘,海灘,灘"
2236                 },
2237                 "natural/cliff": {
2238                     "name": "崖",
2239                     "terms": "Cliff,崖,懸崖"
2240                 },
2241                 "natural/coastline": {
2242                     "name": "海岸綫",
2243                     "terms": "Coastline,海岸綫,海岸線"
2244                 },
2245                 "natural/fell": {
2246                     "name": "高原荒野",
2247                     "terms": "Fell,高原荒原,高原荒野,高地荒原"
2248                 },
2249                 "natural/glacier": {
2250                     "name": "冰川",
2251                     "terms": "Glacier,冰川,冰河"
2252                 },
2253                 "natural/grassland": {
2254                     "name": "草原",
2255                     "terms": "Grassland,草原"
2256                 },
2257                 "natural/heath": {
2258                     "name": "荒野",
2259                     "terms": "Heath,荒地,荒野"
2260                 },
2261                 "natural/peak": {
2262                     "name": "峯",
2263                     "terms": "Peak,山峰,山頂,峯"
2264                 },
2265                 "natural/scree": {
2266                     "name": "碎石坡",
2267                     "terms": "Scree,碎石坡"
2268                 },
2269                 "natural/scrub": {
2270                     "name": "灌木",
2271                     "terms": "Scrub,灌木,灌木叢"
2272                 },
2273                 "natural/spring": {
2274                     "name": "泉",
2275                     "terms": "Spring,噴泉,泉,泉水,湧泉,溫泉"
2276                 },
2277                 "natural/tree": {
2278                     "name": "樹",
2279                     "terms": "Tree,木,樹"
2280                 },
2281                 "natural/tree_row": {
2282                     "name": "排樹",
2283                     "terms": "Tree row,排樹,排樹"
2284                 },
2285                 "natural/volcano": {
2286                     "name": "火山",
2287                     "terms": "Volcano,火山"
2288                 },
2289                 "natural/water": {
2290                     "name": "水",
2291                     "terms": "Water,水"
2292                 },
2293                 "natural/water/lake": {
2294                     "name": "湖",
2295                     "terms": "Lake,湖,湖泊"
2296                 },
2297                 "natural/water/pond": {
2298                     "name": "塘",
2299                     "terms": "Pond,塘,水池,池,池塘"
2300                 },
2301                 "natural/water/reservoir": {
2302                     "name": "水塘",
2303                     "terms": "Reservoir,水塘,水庫"
2304                 },
2305                 "natural/wetland": {
2306                     "name": "澤",
2307                     "terms": "Wetland,潮間帶,澤,濕地"
2308                 },
2309                 "natural/wood": {
2310                     "name": "林",
2311                     "terms": "Wood,林,樹林"
2312                 },
2313                 "office": {
2314                     "name": "寫字樓",
2315                     "terms": "Office,寫字樓,辦公室"
2316                 },
2317                 "office/accountant": {
2318                     "name": "會計師樓",
2319                     "terms": "Accountant,會計師樓"
2320                 },
2321                 "office/administrative": {
2322                     "name": "行政樓",
2323                     "terms": "Administrative Office,行政樓"
2324                 },
2325                 "office/architect": {
2326                     "name": "則樓",
2327                     "terms": "Architect,則師樓,則樓,建築師樓"
2328                 },
2329                 "office/company": {
2330                     "name": "公司寫字樓",
2331                     "terms": "Company Office,公司,公司寫字樓"
2332                 },
2333                 "office/educational_institution": {
2334                     "name": "敎育機構",
2335                     "terms": "Educational Institution,敎育機構,教育機構"
2336                 },
2337                 "office/employment_agency": {
2338                     "name": "薦人館",
2339                     "terms": "Employment Agency,就業機構,職業介紹所,薦人館"
2340                 },
2341                 "office/estate_agent": {
2342                     "name": "管業處",
2343                     "terms": "Real Estate Office,地產代理,管業處"
2344                 },
2345                 "office/financial": {
2346                     "name": "財務部寫字樓",
2347                     "terms": "Financial Office,財務部寫字樓"
2348                 },
2349                 "office/government": {
2350                     "name": "衙門",
2351                     "terms": "Government Office,公署,政府合署,政府樓,署,衙門"
2352                 },
2353                 "office/insurance": {
2354                     "name": "保險公司寫字樓",
2355                     "terms": "Insurance Office,保險公司,保險公司寫字樓"
2356                 },
2357                 "office/it": {
2358                     "name": "電腦資訊寫字樓",
2359                     "terms": "IT Office,IT公司,資訊工藝寫字樓,資訊技藝寫字樓,資訊科技寫字樓,電腦公司寫字樓"
2360                 },
2361                 "office/lawyer": {
2362                     "name": "律師事務所",
2363                     "terms": "Law Office,律師事務所"
2364                 },
2365                 "office/newspaper": {
2366                     "name": "報社",
2367                     "terms": "Newspaper,報社,新聞社,通訊社"
2368                 },
2369                 "office/ngo": {
2370                     "name": "志顠機構寫字樓",
2371                     "terms": "NGO Office,志顠機構寫字樓,非政府組織"
2372                 },
2373                 "office/physician": {
2374                     "name": "醫生",
2375                     "terms": "Physician,醫生"
2376                 },
2377                 "office/political_party": {
2378                     "name": "政黨",
2379                     "terms": "Political Party,政黨"
2380                 },
2381                 "office/research": {
2382                     "name": "研究所",
2383                     "terms": "Research Office,研究所"
2384                 },
2385                 "office/telecommunication": {
2386                     "name": "電話公司寫字樓",
2387                     "terms": "Telecom Office,電信公司,電話公司寫字樓"
2388                 },
2389                 "office/therapist": {
2390                     "name": "治療師",
2391                     "terms": "Therapist,治療師,醫療師"
2392                 },
2393                 "office/travel_agent": {
2394                     "name": "旅行社"
2395                 },
2396                 "place": {
2397                     "name": "地"
2398                 },
2399                 "place/city": {
2400                     "name": "城",
2401                     "terms": "City,城,城市"
2402                 },
2403                 "place/farm": {
2404                     "name": "農場"
2405                 },
2406                 "place/hamlet": {
2407                     "name": "村仔",
2408                     "terms": "Hamlet,村仔,村莊"
2409                 },
2410                 "place/island": {
2411                     "name": "島",
2412                     "terms": "Island,島,島嶼"
2413                 },
2414                 "place/isolated_dwelling": {
2415                     "name": "孤離居所",
2416                     "terms": "Isolated Dwelling,孤立居所,孤立民居,孤離居所"
2417                 },
2418                 "place/locality": {
2419                     "name": "地方",
2420                     "terms": "Locality,地方,地點,地點(無人定居)"
2421                 },
2422                 "place/town": {
2423                     "name": "鎮",
2424                     "terms": "Town,城鎮,市鎮,鎮"
2425                 },
2426                 "place/village": {
2427                     "name": "村",
2428                     "terms": "Village,村,村莊,村鎮"
2429                 },
2430                 "point": {
2431                     "name": "點",
2432                     "terms": "Point,點"
2433                 },
2434                 "power": {
2435                     "name": "發電廠"
2436                 },
2437                 "power/generator": {
2438                     "name": "發電機",
2439                     "terms": "Power Generator,發電機"
2440                 },
2441                 "power/line": {
2442                     "name": "供電綫",
2443                     "terms": "Power Line,供電綫,供電線,電線"
2444                 },
2445                 "power/minor_line": {
2446                     "name": "細供電綫",
2447                     "terms": "Minor Power Line,小供電線,細供電綫"
2448                 },
2449                 "power/pole": {
2450                     "name": "電綫杆",
2451                     "terms": "Power Pole,電綫杆,電線桿"
2452                 },
2453                 "power/sub_station": {
2454                     "name": "配電站"
2455                 },
2456                 "power/tower": {
2457                     "name": "高壓電塔",
2458                     "terms": "High-Voltage Tower,高壓輸電塔,高壓電塔"
2459                 },
2460                 "power/transformer": {
2461                     "name": "火牛房",
2462                     "terms": "Transformer,火牛房,變電所"
2463                 },
2464                 "public_transport/platform": {
2465                     "name": "站頭",
2466                     "terms": "Platform,平臺,站頭"
2467                 },
2468                 "public_transport/stop_position": {
2469                     "name": "街中站",
2470                     "terms": "Stop Position,停止位置,街中站"
2471                 },
2472                 "railway": {
2473                     "name": "鐵路"
2474                 },
2475                 "railway/abandoned": {
2476                     "name": "廢鐵路",
2477                     "terms": "Abandoned Railway,廢棄的鐵路,廢鐵路,鐵路路線跡"
2478                 },
2479                 "railway/disused": {
2480                     "name": "停用鐵路",
2481                     "terms": "Disused Railway,停用鐵路,廢棄的鐵路"
2482                 },
2483                 "railway/halt": {
2484                     "name": "火車細站",
2485                     "terms": "Railway Halt,小火車站,火車站仔,火車細站"
2486                 },
2487                 "railway/monorail": {
2488                     "name": "單軌",
2489                     "terms": "Monorail,單軌,單軌鐵路,單軌電車"
2490                 },
2491                 "railway/narrow_gauge": {
2492                     "name": "窄軌火車",
2493                     "terms": "Narrow Gauge Rails,窄軌火車,窄軌,窄軌鐵路"
2494                 },
2495                 "railway/platform": {
2496                     "name": "月臺",
2497                     "terms": "Railway Platform,月臺,站臺,鐵道月台"
2498                 },
2499                 "railway/rail": {
2500                     "name": "路軌",
2501                     "terms": "Rail,火車軌,路軌,軌,鐵軌"
2502                 },
2503                 "railway/station": {
2504                     "name": "火車站",
2505                     "terms": "Railway Station,火車站,鐵路站"
2506                 },
2507                 "railway/subway": {
2508                     "name": "地下鐵路",
2509                     "terms": "MTR,Mass Transit Railway,Subway,地下鐵,地下鐵路,地鐵"
2510                 },
2511                 "railway/subway_entrance": {
2512                     "name": "地下鐵路入口",
2513                     "terms": "Subway Entrance,地下鐵路入口,地鐵入口,地鐵口"
2514                 },
2515                 "railway/tram": {
2516                     "name": "電車",
2517                     "terms": "Tram,電車"
2518                 },
2519                 "relation": {
2520                     "name": "關係",
2521                     "terms": "Relation,關係,關系"
2522                 },
2523                 "route/ferry": {
2524                     "name": "航綫",
2525                     "terms": "Ferry Route,渡輪航線,航綫,航線"
2526                 },
2527                 "shop": {
2528                     "name": "舖",
2529                     "terms": "Shop,商店,舖"
2530                 },
2531                 "shop/alcohol": {
2532                     "name": "酒莊",
2533                     "terms": "Liquor Store,酒店,酒莊,酒類商店"
2534                 },
2535                 "shop/bakery": {
2536                     "name": "麪飽舖同餅家",
2537                     "terms": "Bakery,餅家,餅店,餅舖,麪包舖,麪飽店,麪飽舖,麵包店,麵包舖,麵飽店"
2538                 },
2539                 "shop/beauty": {
2540                     "name": "美容院",
2541                     "terms": "Beauty Shop,指甲美容,理容院,美妝店,美容店,美容院,護膚中心"
2542                 },
2543                 "shop/beverages": {
2544                     "name": "飲品舖",
2545                     "terms": "Beverage Store,飲品店,飲品舖"
2546                 },
2547                 "shop/bicycle": {
2548                     "name": "單車舖",
2549                     "terms": "Bicycle Shop,單車店,單車舖,自行車店"
2550                 },
2551                 "shop/boutique": {
2552                     "name": "時裝店",
2553                     "terms": "Boutique,時裝店,服飾店,精品店"
2554                 },
2555                 "shop/butcher": {
2556                     "name": "肉舖",
2557                     "terms": "Butcher,肉舖,肉販,肉鋪"
2558                 },
2559                 "shop/car": {
2560                     "name": "車行",
2561                     "terms": "Car Dealership,車行"
2562                 },
2563                 "shop/car_parts": {
2564                     "name": "汽車零件舖",
2565                     "terms": "Car Parts Store,汽車配件店,汽車零件店,汽車零件舖"
2566                 },
2567                 "shop/car_repair": {
2568                     "name": "車房",
2569                     "terms": "Car Repair Shop,汽車修理店,汽車維修店,車房"
2570                 },
2571                 "shop/clothes": {
2572                     "name": "衫舖",
2573                     "terms": "Clothing Store,服裝店,服飾店,衫舖"
2574                 },
2575                 "shop/computer": {
2576                     "name": "電腦舖",
2577                     "terms": "Computer Store,電腦店,電腦舖"
2578                 },
2579                 "shop/convenience": {
2580                     "name": "便利店",
2581                     "terms": "Convenience Store,便利店"
2582                 },
2583                 "shop/deli": {
2584                     "name": "美食舖",
2585                     "terms": "Deli,Delicatessen,美食舖,熟食舖,熟食店,美食店"
2586                 },
2587                 "shop/department_store": {
2588                     "name": "百貨公司",
2589                     "terms": "Department Store,百貨公司,百貨店"
2590                 },
2591                 "shop/doityourself": {
2592                     "name": "自組舖",
2593                     "terms": "DIY Store,DIY商店,自組舖"
2594                 },
2595                 "shop/electronics": {
2596                     "name": "電器舖",
2597                     "terms": "Electronics Store,電器舖,電器店,電子產品舖"
2598                 },
2599                 "shop/farm": {
2600                     "name": "檔",
2601                     "terms": "Produce Stand,檔,水果攤,農場"
2602                 },
2603                 "shop/fishmonger": {
2604                     "name": "魚檔"
2605                 },
2606                 "shop/florist": {
2607                     "name": "花舖",
2608                     "terms": "Florist,花店,花舖"
2609                 },
2610                 "shop/funeral_directors": {
2611                     "name": "殯儀館",
2612                     "terms": "Funeral Home,殯儀館"
2613                 },
2614                 "shop/furniture": {
2615                     "name": "傢俬舖",
2616                     "terms": "Furniture Store,傢俬舖,傢具店,家具店"
2617                 },
2618                 "shop/garden_centre": {
2619                     "name": "園藝舖",
2620                     "terms": "Garden Center,園藝中心,園藝舖,花店"
2621                 },
2622                 "shop/gift": {
2623                     "name": "禮品舖",
2624                     "terms": "Gift Shop,禮品店,禮品舖,禮物店"
2625                 },
2626                 "shop/greengrocer": {
2627                     "name": "菜檔",
2628                     "terms": "Greengrocer,果蔬店,菜檔,蔬果店"
2629                 },
2630                 "shop/hairdresser": {
2631                     "name": "飛髮舖",
2632                     "terms": "Hairdresser,理髮店,飛髮舖"
2633                 },
2634                 "shop/hardware": {
2635                     "name": "五金舖",
2636                     "terms": "Hardware Store,五金店,五金舖"
2637                 },
2638                 "shop/hifi": {
2639                     "name": "音響舖",
2640                     "terms": "Hifi Store,音響店,音響舖"
2641                 },
2642                 "shop/jewelry": {
2643                     "name": "珠寶金行",
2644                     "terms": "Jeweler,珠寶店,珠寶舖,珠寶金行,首飾店,首飾舖"
2645                 },
2646                 "shop/laundry": {
2647                     "name": "洗衣舖",
2648                     "terms": "Laundry,洗衣店,洗衣舖"
2649                 },
2650                 "shop/locksmith": {
2651                     "name": "鎖匠",
2652                     "terms": "Locksmith,鎖匠,鎖匠鋪,開鎖佬"
2653                 },
2654                 "shop/mall": {
2655                     "name": "大商場",
2656                     "terms": "Mall,商場,大商場"
2657                 },
2658                 "shop/mobile_phone": {
2659                     "name": "電話舖",
2660                     "terms": "Mobile Phone Store,手機店,行動電話店,電話舖"
2661                 },
2662                 "shop/motorcycle": {
2663                     "name": "電單車行",
2664                     "terms": "Motorcycle Dealership,摩托車行,電單車行"
2665                 },
2666                 "shop/music": {
2667                     "name": "唱片舖",
2668                     "terms": "Music Store,唱片舖,音樂店"
2669                 },
2670                 "shop/optician": {
2671                     "name": "眼鏡鋪",
2672                     "terms": "Optician,眼鏡店,眼鏡行,眼鏡鋪"
2673                 },
2674                 "shop/pet": {
2675                     "name": "寵物舖",
2676                     "terms": "Pet Store,寵物店,寵物舖"
2677                 },
2678                 "shop/photo": {
2679                     "name": "影相舖",
2680                     "terms": "Photography Store,影相舖,照相館"
2681                 },
2682                 "shop/radiotechnics": {
2683                     "name": "無綫電/電子零件舖",
2684                     "terms": "Radio Component Store,Electronic Component Store,無線電零件舖,無綫電零件舖,電子零件舖"
2685                 },
2686                 "shop/shoes": {
2687                     "name": "鞋舖",
2688                     "terms": "Shoe Store,鞋店,鞋舖"
2689                 },
2690                 "shop/sports": {
2691                     "name": "運動舖",
2692                     "terms": "Sporting Goods Store,運動用品店,運動舖,體育,體育用品店"
2693                 },
2694                 "shop/stationery": {
2695                     "name": "文具舖",
2696                     "terms": "Stationery Store,文具店,文具舖"
2697                 },
2698                 "shop/supermarket": {
2699                     "name": "超級市場",
2700                     "terms": "Supermarket,超級市場"
2701                 },
2702                 "shop/toys": {
2703                     "name": "玩具舖",
2704                     "terms": "Toy Store,玩具店,玩具舖"
2705                 },
2706                 "shop/travel_agency": {
2707                     "name": "旅行社",
2708                     "terms": "Travel Agency,旅行社"
2709                 },
2710                 "shop/tyres": {
2711                     "name": "軚舖",
2712                     "terms": "Tire Store,軚舖,輪胎店"
2713                 },
2714                 "shop/vacant": {
2715                     "name": "吉舖"
2716                 },
2717                 "shop/variety_store": {
2718                     "name": "雜貨舖",
2719                     "terms": "Variety Store,雜貨店,雜貨舖"
2720                 },
2721                 "shop/video": {
2722                     "name": "影視店",
2723                     "terms": "Video Store,影像店,影碟店,影視店"
2724                 },
2725                 "shop/wine": {
2726                     "name": "酒舖",
2727                     "terms": "Wine Shop,酒舖"
2728                 },
2729                 "tourism": {
2730                     "name": "旅行",
2731                     "terms": "Tourism,旅行,旅遊設施"
2732                 },
2733                 "tourism/alpine_hut": {
2734                     "name": "高山屋仔",
2735                     "terms": "Alpine Hut,高山小屋,高山屋仔"
2736                 },
2737                 "tourism/artwork": {
2738                     "name": "藝術品",
2739                     "terms": "Artwork,藝術品"
2740                 },
2741                 "tourism/attraction": {
2742                     "name": "旅行名勝",
2743                     "terms": "Tourist Attraction,旅行名勝,旅遊名勝,觀光點"
2744                 },
2745                 "tourism/caravan_site": {
2746                     "name": "露營車營地",
2747                     "terms": "RV Park,房車營地,露營車停車場,露營車營地"
2748                 },
2749                 "tourism/chalet": {
2750                     "name": "木屋",
2751                     "terms": "Chalet,木屋"
2752                 },
2753                 "tourism/guest_house": {
2754                     "name": "賓館",
2755                     "terms": "Guest House,賓館"
2756                 },
2757                 "tourism/hostel": {
2758                     "name": "旅舍",
2759                     "terms": "Hostel,招待所,旅舍"
2760                 },
2761                 "tourism/hotel": {
2762                     "name": "酒店",
2763                     "terms": "Hotel,酒店"
2764                 },
2765                 "tourism/information": {
2766                     "name": "資訊處",
2767                     "terms": "Information,資訊,資訊處"
2768                 },
2769                 "tourism/motel": {
2770                     "name": "汽車酒店",
2771                     "terms": "Motel,汽車旅館,汽車酒店"
2772                 },
2773                 "tourism/museum": {
2774                     "name": "博物館",
2775                     "terms": "Museum,博物館"
2776                 },
2777                 "tourism/picnic_site": {
2778                     "name": "郊遊地點",
2779                     "terms": "Picnic Site,郊遊地點,野餐地點"
2780                 },
2781                 "tourism/theme_park": {
2782                     "name": "主題公園",
2783                     "terms": "Theme Park,主題公園"
2784                 },
2785                 "tourism/viewpoint": {
2786                     "name": "觀景臺",
2787                     "terms": "Viewpoint,景點,眺望,瞭望台,瞭望臺,觀景台,觀景臺,觀景點"
2788                 },
2789                 "tourism/zoo": {
2790                     "name": "動物園",
2791                     "terms": "Zoo,動物園"
2792                 },
2793                 "type/boundary": {
2794                     "name": "界",
2795                     "terms": "Boundary,界,邊界"
2796                 },
2797                 "type/boundary/administrative": {
2798                     "name": "行政邊界",
2799                     "terms": "Administrative Boundary,行政界線,行政邊界"
2800                 },
2801                 "type/multipolygon": {
2802                     "name": "幾多邊形"
2803                 },
2804                 "type/restriction": {
2805                     "name": "限制",
2806                     "terms": "Restriction,限制"
2807                 },
2808                 "type/route": {
2809                     "name": "路綫",
2810                     "terms": "Route,路綫,路線"
2811                 },
2812                 "type/route/bicycle": {
2813                     "name": "單車路綫",
2814                     "terms": "Cycle Route,單車路綫,單車路線"
2815                 },
2816                 "type/route/bus": {
2817                     "name": "巴士路綫",
2818                     "terms": "Bus Route,公共汽車路線,巴士路綫"
2819                 },
2820                 "type/route/detour": {
2821                     "name": "繞道路綫",
2822                     "terms": "Detour Route,巡遊路綫,巡遊路線,繞道,繞道路綫,繞道路線"
2823                 },
2824                 "type/route/ferry": {
2825                     "name": "航綫",
2826                     "terms": "Ferry Route,渡輪航線,航綫"
2827                 },
2828                 "type/route/foot": {
2829                     "name": "行人路綫",
2830                     "terms": "Foot Route,步行路線,行人路綫,行人路線"
2831                 },
2832                 "type/route/hiking": {
2833                     "name": "行山路綫",
2834                     "terms": "Hiking Route,行山路綫,行山路線"
2835                 },
2836                 "type/route/pipeline": {
2837                     "name": "供水路綫",
2838                     "terms": "Pipeline Route,供水路綫,供水路線,水管路綫,管道路線"
2839                 },
2840                 "type/route/power": {
2841                     "name": "供電路綫",
2842                     "terms": "Power Route,供電路綫,供電路線"
2843                 },
2844                 "type/route/road": {
2845                     "name": "行車路綫",
2846                     "terms": "Road Route,行車路綫,行車路線,道路路線"
2847                 },
2848                 "type/route/train": {
2849                     "name": "火車路綫",
2850                     "terms": "Train Route,火車綫,火車線,火車路綫,鐵路綫,鐵路線,鐵路路綫,鐵路路線"
2851                 },
2852                 "type/route/tram": {
2853                     "name": "電車路綫",
2854                     "terms": "Tram Route,電車路綫,電車路線"
2855                 },
2856                 "type/route_master": {
2857                     "name": "路綫總管",
2858                     "terms": "Route Master,線路總管,路綫總管,路線總目"
2859                 },
2860                 "vertex": {
2861                     "name": "其他",
2862                     "terms": "Other,其他,其它"
2863                 },
2864                 "waterway": {
2865                     "name": "水路"
2866                 },
2867                 "waterway/canal": {
2868                     "name": "水道",
2869                     "terms": "Canal,水道,運河"
2870                 },
2871                 "waterway/dam": {
2872                     "name": "壩",
2873                     "terms": "Dam,堤壩,壩,水壩"
2874                 },
2875                 "waterway/ditch": {
2876                     "name": "溝",
2877                     "terms": "Ditch,渠,溝,溝渠"
2878                 },
2879                 "waterway/drain": {
2880                     "name": "排水道",
2881                     "terms": "Drain,下水道,排水道,渠,溝"
2882                 },
2883                 "waterway/river": {
2884                     "name": "江",
2885                     "terms": "River,江,江河,河,河流"
2886                 },
2887                 "waterway/riverbank": {
2888                     "name": "江岸",
2889                     "terms": "Riverbank,江岸,河堤,河床,河牀"
2890                 },
2891                 "waterway/stream": {
2892                     "name": "涌",
2893                     "terms": "Stream,小河,小溪,涌,溪,溪流"
2894                 },
2895                 "waterway/weir": {
2896                     "name": "堰",
2897                     "terms": "Weir,堤堰,堤壩,堰,壩,壆"
2898                 }
2899             }
2900         }
2901     }
2902 }