]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - rails.git/blob - vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/dv.json
Move the permissions call out of api_controller
[rails.git] / vendor / assets / iD / iD / locales / dv.json
1 {
2     "dv": {
3         "modes": {
4             "add_area": {
5                 "title": "އިމާރާތްތައް",
6                 "description": "ޕާރކުތަކާއި، އިމާރާތްތަކާއި އަދިވެސް ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ތަންތަން ހިމަނުއްވާ"
7             },
8             "add_line": {
9                 "title": "ރޮނގު",
10                 "description": "ހައިވޭއާއި، މަގުތަކާއި، ދުވާރާއި އަދި އެހެނިހެން ރޮނގުތައް ހިމަނުއްވާ"
11             },
12             "add_point": {
13                 "title": "ލޮކޭޝަން ޕޮއިންޓް",
14                 "description": "ރެސްޓޯރަންޓްތަކާއި، ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ބިނާތަކާއި، ޕޯސްޓް ފޮށިތަކާއި، އެހެނިހެން މުހިއްމު ތަންތަން ހިމަނުއްވާ"
15             }
16         },
17         "operations": {
18             "add": {
19                 "annotation": {
20                     "point": "މައުލޫމާތެއް އިތުރުކުރައްވައިފި."
21                 }
22             },
23             "start": {
24                 "annotation": {
25                     "line": "ރޮނގެއް އިތުރުކުރަން ފަށައިފި",
26                     "area": "ސަރަޙައްދެއް އިތުރުކުރަން ފަށައިފި"
27                 }
28             },
29             "continue": {
30                 "title": "ކުރިއަަށްދޭ",
31                 "description": "މިރޮނގު ކުރިއަށްގެންދޭ",
32                 "not_eligible": "މިރޮޮނގު މިތަނުގައި ކުރިއަކަށް ނުގެންދެވޭނެ",
33                 "annotation": {
34                     "line": "ކުރިިއަށް ގެންދިޔަ ރޮނގު",
35                     "area": "ކުރިއަށް ގެންދިޔަ ސަރަޙައްދު"
36                 }
37             },
38             "change_tags": {
39                 "annotation": "ޓެގެއް ބަދަލުކުރުން"
40             },
41             "circularize": {
42                 "title": "މިސަރަޙައްދު ވަށްބުރަކަށް ބަދަލުކުރައްވާ",
43                 "description": {
44                     "line": "މިިރޮނގު ވަށްބުރަކަށް ހައްދަވާ"
45                 },
46                 "not_closed": "މިި ވަށްބުރަކަށް ނުހެދޭނެ "
47             },
48             "orthogonalize": {
49                 "description": {
50                     "area": "މިސަރަޙައްދުގެ ކަންތައް ހަތަރެސްކަން ކުރައްވާ"
51                 },
52                 "annotation": {
53                     "area": "މިސަރަޙައްދުގެ ކަންތައް ހަތަރެސްކަން ކުރައްވާ"
54                 },
55                 "not_squarish": "މި ހަތަރެސްކަނަކަށް ނުހެދޭނެ"
56             },
57             "delete": {
58                 "title": "ޑިލީޓްކުރުން",
59                 "description": {
60                     "single": "އެއްްކޮށް ޑިލީޓްކޮށްލާ."
61                 }
62             },
63             "disconnect": {
64                 "title": "ވަކިކުރުން",
65                 "description": "މި ރޮނގުތަކާއި، ސަރަޙައްދުތައް ވަކިކުރައްވާ",
66                 "not_connected": "އެންމެ ރޮނގެއް އޮތުމުން ޑިސްކަނެކްޓް ޓޫލް ބޭނުމެއް ނުކުރެވޭނެ"
67             },
68             "move": {
69                 "title": "ކުރިއަށް",
70                 "description": {
71                     "single": "މިބަައި އެހެން ތަނަކަށް ބަދަލުކުރައްވާ",
72                     "multiple": "މިބަައި އެހެން ތަނަކަށް ބަދަލުކުރައްވާ"
73                 }
74             },
75             "reflect": {
76                 "title": {
77                     "long": "ދިގުމިނަށް ގެނައި ބަދަލު",
78                     "short": "ކުރުމިނަށް ގެނައި ބަދަލު"
79                 },
80                 "description": {
81                     "long": {
82                         "single": "އެންމެ ދުރަށް ދެވޭ ހިސާބަށް މިމައުލޫމާތު އެއްކުރައްވާ"
83                     },
84                     "short": {
85                         "single": "އެންމެ ކުައިރިއަށް ދެވޭނެހެން މިމައުލޫމާތު އެއްކުރައްވާ"
86                     }
87                 }
88             },
89             "rotate": {
90                 "title": "އަނބުރާލާ",
91                 "description": {
92                     "single": "މެދު ޕޮއިންޓާ ދިމާވާނެހެން އަނބުރާލާ"
93                 }
94             },
95             "reverse": {
96                 "title": "ދާދިމާ ބަދަލުކުރުމަށް",
97                 "description": "މިރޮނގު އަނެއް ކޮޅަށް ދާނެހެން ހައްދަވާ"
98             },
99             "split": {
100                 "title": "ބައިކޮށްލާ",
101                 "description": {
102                     "line": "މިރޮނގު ދެބަޔަށް ބައިކޮށްލާ"
103                 },
104                 "not_eligible": "ފަށާއިރު ނުވަތަ ނިންމާއިރު ބައި ނުކުރެވޭނެ ރޮނގުތައް"
105             }
106         },
107         "undo": {
108             "tooltip": "ރަނގަޅުކުރޭ: {action}",
109             "nothing": "ރަނގަޅުކުރަންޖެހޭ ތަނެެއް ނެތް"
110         },
111         "redo": {
112             "tooltip": "އަލުން ހައްދަވާ: {action}",
113             "nothing": "އަލުން ހަދަންޖެހޭ ތަނެއް ނެތް"
114         },
115         "tooltip_keyhint": "ޝޯރޓްކަޓް:",
116         "translate": {
117             "translate": "އެކި ބަސްބަހުން ބޭނުންކުރާ ނަންތައް",
118             "localized_translation_language": "ބަސްް ޚިޔާރުކުރައްވާ",
119             "localized_translation_name": "ނަން"
120         },
121         "help_translate": "އެކި ބަސްބަހުން ބޭނުންކުރާ ނަންތައް",
122         "info_panels": {
123             "measurement": {
124                 "area": "އިމާރާތްތައް"
125             }
126         },
127         "geometry": {
128             "point": "ލޮކޭޝަން ޕޮއިންޓް",
129             "line": "ރޮނގު",
130             "area": "އިމާރާތްތައް"
131         },
132         "geocoder": {
133             "search": "މުޅި ދުނިޔެއިން ބެލުމަށް ހޯދާ",
134             "no_results_visible": "ޗާޓުގައި ތިހޯދާ މައުލޫމާތެއް ނެތް"
135         },
136         "inspector": {
137             "all_fields": "ހުރިހާ މަޢުލޫމާތެއް",
138             "all_tags": "ޓެގްތައް",
139             "all_relations": "ޗާޓަުގައި ހިމެނޭ ހުރިހާ ބައިތަކެއް",
140             "choose": "ކަޮންކަހަލަ މައުލޫމާތެއްކަން ފާހަގަކުރޭ",
141             "search": "ހޯދާ",
142             "feature_list": "ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ތަންތަން ހޯދާ",
143             "radio": {
144                 "structure": {
145                     "type": "އެކިިބާވަތްތަކުގެ ތަންތަން"
146                 }
147             },
148             "add_fields": "ޗާާޓަށް މައުލޫމާތު އެއްކުރައްވާ"
149         },
150         "background": {
151             "description": "ސެޓެލައިޓް މެޕް"
152         },
153         "map_data": {
154             "data_layers": "ފަށަލަތައް"
155         },
156         "save": {
157             "title": "ސޭވްކުރައްވާ",
158             "help": "ގެެނައި ބަދަލުތައް ބެލުމަށްފަހު، އެހެން ފަރާތްތަކަށް އޯޕަން ސްޓްރީޓް މެޕަށް އަޕްލޯޑްކުރައްވާ",
159             "no_changes": "އެއްވެސް ބަދަލެއް އަދި ނުގެނޭ"
160         },
161         "help": {
162             "title": "އެހީ ހޯއްދަވާ"
163         },
164         "shortcuts": {
165             "browsing": {
166                 "help": {
167                     "title": "އެހީ ހޯއްދަވާ",
168                     "help": "އެހީ ހޯއްދަވާ"
169                 }
170             },
171             "editing": {
172                 "commands": {
173                     "undo": "ރަނގަޅުކުރޭ",
174                     "redo": "އަލުން ހައްދަވާ",
175                     "save": "ގެނައި ބަދަލުތައް ސޭވްކުރައްވާ"
176                 }
177             }
178         },
179         "presets": {
180             "categories": {
181                 "category-barrier": {
182                     "name": "ފާރުތައް"
183                 },
184                 "category-building": {
185                     "name": "އެކި ވައްތަރުގެ އިމާރާތް"
186                 },
187                 "category-landuse": {
188                     "name": "ބިން ބޭނުންކުރާގޮތުގެ ފާހަގަތައް"
189                 },
190                 "category-natural-area": {
191                     "name": "ގުދުރަތީ ގޮތުން ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ތަންތަން"
192                 },
193                 "category-natural-line": {
194                     "name": "ގުދުރަތީ ގޮތުން ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ތަންތަން"
195                 },
196                 "category-natural-point": {
197                     "name": "ގުދުރަތީ ގޮތުން ފާހަގަކުރެވޭ ތަންތަން"
198                 },
199                 "category-path": {
200                     "name": "ދުުވާރު/ ބައިސިކަލް ދުއްވާ މަގު"
201                 },
202                 "category-rail": {
203                     "name": "ރޭލު މަގު"
204                 },
205                 "category-road": {
206                     "name": "ތަފާތު މަގުތައް"
207                 }
208             },
209             "fields": {
210                 "access": {
211                     "label": "ހުއްދަދެވޭ ތަންތަން",
212                     "types": {
213                         "access": "ހަުރިހާ އެންމެނަށް ވަދެވޭ",
214                         "bicycle": "ބައިސިކަލް ދުއްވޭތޯ ނުވަތަ ނޫންތޯ",
215                         "foot": "ހިނގާފައި އުޅޭ މަގުތައް",
216                         "horse": "އަސް",
217                         "motor_vehicle": "އުޅަނދުފަހަރަށް ވަދެވޭތޯ ނުވަތަ ނޫންތޯ"
218                     }
219                 },
220                 "access_simple": {
221                     "label": "ހުއްދަދެވޭ ތަންތަން"
222                 },
223                 "address": {
224                     "label": "އެޑްރެސް",
225                     "placeholders": {
226                         "city": "ސިިޓީ",
227                         "city!jp": "ސިިޓީ/އަވަށް/Village/Tokyo Special Ward",
228                         "city!vn": "ސިިޓީ/އަވަށް",
229                         "district!vn": "Arrondissement/އަވަށް/District",
230                         "place": "ތަނުގެ ނަން"
231                     }
232                 },
233                 "building": {
234                     "label": "އިމާރާތް"
235                 },
236                 "building_area": {
237                     "label": "އިމާރާތް"
238                 },
239                 "capacity": {
240                     "label": "ރެސްޓޯރަންޓުގެ ޖާގަ"
241                 },
242                 "cuisine": {
243                     "label": "ރެސްްޓޯރަންޓްގެ ޚާއްސަ ރަހަތައް"
244                 },
245                 "cycleway": {
246                     "label": "ބަައިސިކަލް ދުއްވޭ މަގުތައް",
247                     "types": {
248                         "cycleway:left": "ވައަތް ފަރާތް",
249                         "cycleway:right": "ކަނާތް ފަރާތް"
250                     }
251                 },
252                 "delivery": {
253                     "label": "ޑެލިވަރީކުރުން"
254                 },
255                 "denomination": {
256                     "label": "ދީން"
257                 },
258                 "generator/source": {
259                     "label": "ޗާޓަށް މައުލޫމާތު ދިން ފަރާތް"
260                 },
261                 "internet_access": {
262                     "label": "އިންްޓަރނެޓް ލިބޭތޯ ނުވަތަ ނޫންތޯ"
263                 },
264                 "lanes": {
265                     "label": "ގޯޅިތަކުގެ އަދަދު"
266                 },
267                 "levels": {
268                     "label": "ލެެވެލްތައް"
269                 },
270                 "maxheight": {
271                     "label": "އެންމެ އުސް އުޅަނދުތައް"
272                 },
273                 "maxspeed": {
274                     "label": "ދުުއްވޭ އެންމެ ބާރު ސްޕީޑު"
275                 },
276                 "name": {
277                     "label": "ނަން",
278                     "placeholder": "ޢާއްމު ނަންތައް"
279                 },
280                 "oneway": {
281                     "label": "އެެއްކޮޅަށް ދުއްވާ މަގު"
282                 },
283                 "oneway_yes": {
284                     "label": "އެެއްކޮޅަށް ދުއްވާ މަގު"
285                 },
286                 "opening_hours": {
287                     "label": "ރެސްޓޯރަންޓް ހުޅުވިފައި ހުންނަ ވަގުތު"
288                 },
289                 "operator": {
290                     "label": "ރެސްޓޯރަންޓް ހިންގާ ފަރާތް"
291                 },
292                 "outdoor_seating": {
293                     "label": "ބޭރުގައި އިށީނދެވޭ ގޮތަށް ހުރި ރެސްޓޯރަންޓް"
294                 },
295                 "parking": {
296                     "options": {
297                         "surface": "މަގު"
298                     }
299                 },
300                 "smoking": {
301                     "label": "ދުންފަތުގެ އިސްތިޢުމާލުކުރުން ހުއްދަ"
302                 },
303                 "sport": {
304                     "label": "ކުޅިވަރު ސްޓޭޑިއަމް"
305                 },
306                 "sport_ice": {
307                     "label": "ކުޅިވަރު ސްޓޭޑިއަމް"
308                 },
309                 "sport_racing_motor": {
310                     "label": "ކުޅިވަރު ސްޓޭޑިއަމް"
311                 },
312                 "sport_racing_nonmotor": {
313                     "label": "ކުޅިވަރު ސްޓޭޑިއަމް"
314                 },
315                 "structure": {
316                     "label": "އެކި މަގުތަކުގެ އޮނިގަނޑު",
317                     "options": {
318                         "bridge": "ފާލަން",
319                         "tunnel": "ޓަނަލް"
320                     }
321                 },
322                 "surface": {
323                     "label": "މަގު"
324                 },
325                 "takeaway": {
326                     "label": "ޓޭކްއަވޭ ރެސްޓޯރަންޓް"
327                 }
328             },
329             "presets": {
330                 "address": {
331                     "name": "އެޑްރެސް"
332                 },
333                 "aeroway/runway": {
334                     "name": "އެއާރޕޯޓް ރަންވޭ"
335                 },
336                 "aeroway/terminal": {
337                     "name": "އެއާރޕޯޓް ގިމަތަ"
338                 },
339                 "amenity/bank": {
340                     "name": "ބޭންކު"
341                 },
342                 "amenity/bar": {
343                     "name": "ބާރ"
344                 },
345                 "amenity/cafe": {
346                     "name": "ކެފޭ"
347                 },
348                 "amenity/cinema": {
349                     "name": "ސިނަމާ"
350                 },
351                 "amenity/fast_food": {
352                     "name": "ފާސްޓް ފުޑް"
353                 },
354                 "amenity/hospital": {
355                     "name": "ހޮސްޕިޓަލް"
356                 },
357                 "amenity/library": {
358                     "name": "ލައިބްރަރީ"
359                 },
360                 "amenity/place_of_worship": {
361                     "name": "އަޅުކަންކުރާ ތަންތަން"
362                 },
363                 "amenity/restaurant": {
364                     "name": "ރެސްޓޯރަންޓް"
365                 },
366                 "amenity/school": {
367                     "name": "ސްކޫލު ބިން"
368                 },
369                 "amenity/toilets": {
370                     "name": "ފާޚާނާ"
371                 },
372                 "area": {
373                     "name": "އިމާރާތްތައް"
374                 },
375                 "area/highway": {
376                     "name": "މަގު"
377                 },
378                 "building": {
379                     "name": "އިމާރާތް"
380                 },
381                 "building/commercial": {
382                     "name": "ވިިޔަފާރި ޢިމާރާތްތައް"
383                 },
384                 "building/house": {
385                     "name": "ގެެދޮރު"
386                 },
387                 "building/industrial": {
388                     "name": "ސިނާާޢީ ޢިމާރާތްތައް"
389                 },
390                 "building/public": {
391                     "name": "ސަރުކާރު އިމާރާތްތައް"
392                 },
393                 "building/residential": {
394                     "name": "މީީހުން ދިރިއުޅޭ ޢިމާރާތްތައް"
395                 },
396                 "highway": {
397                     "name": "ހައިވޭ"
398                 },
399                 "highway/path": {
400                     "name": "ދުވާރު"
401                 },
402                 "highway/primary": {
403                     "name": "މައި މަގު"
404                 },
405                 "highway/residential": {
406                     "name": "މީހުުން ދިރިއުޅޭ މަގުތައް"
407                 },
408                 "highway/service": {
409                     "name": "ޚިދުމަތްދޭ މަގުތައް"
410                 },
411                 "highway/tertiary": {
412                     "name": "ބާރުބޮޑު މަގުތައް"
413                 },
414                 "highway/track": {
415                     "name": "ނުހަދާ މަގުތައް"
416                 },
417                 "highway/unclassified": {
418                     "name": "ފާހަަގަނުކުރެވޭ ކުދި މަގުތައް"
419                 },
420                 "landuse/aquaculture": {
421                     "name": "އެެކުއާކަލްޗަރ"
422                 },
423                 "landuse/cemetery": {
424                     "name": "ސަހަރާ"
425                 },
426                 "landuse/commercial": {
427                     "name": "ވިޔަފާރި ސަރަޙައްދު"
428                 },
429                 "landuse/farm": {
430                     "name": "ދަނޑުވެރި ސަރަޙައްދުތައް"
431                 },
432                 "landuse/farmland": {
433                     "name": "ދަނޑުވެރި ސަރަޙައްދުތައް"
434                 },
435                 "landuse/grass": {
436                     "name": "ވިނަގަނޑު"
437                 },
438                 "landuse/industrial": {
439                     "name": "ސިނާޢީ ސަރަޙައްދު"
440                 },
441                 "landuse/landfill": {
442                     "name": "ކުނި އުކާލާ ސަރަޙައްދު"
443                 },
444                 "landuse/military": {
445                     "name": "އަސްކަރީ ސަރަޙައްދު"
446                 },
447                 "landuse/residential": {
448                     "name": "މީހުން ދިރިއުޅޭ ސަރަޙައްދު"
449                 },
450                 "landuse/retail": {
451                     "name": "ވިޔަފާރި ސަރަޙައްދު"
452                 },
453                 "leisure/marina": {
454                     "name": "ޔޮޓު މެރީނާ"
455                 },
456                 "leisure/park": {
457                     "name": "ޕާރކުތައް"
458                 },
459                 "leisure/pitch/cricket": {
460                     "name": "ކްރިކެޓް ކުޅޭ ސަރަޙައްދު"
461                 },
462                 "leisure/sports_centre": {
463                     "name": "ކުުޅިވަރު މަރުކަޒު"
464                 },
465                 "leisure/stadium": {
466                     "name": "ސްޓޭޑިއަމް"
467                 },
468                 "man_made/bridge": {
469                     "name": "ފާލަން"
470                 },
471                 "man_made/pier": {
472                     "name": "ބަނދަރު"
473                 },
474                 "natural/bare_rock": {
475                     "name": "ފަރުބަދަ ފަދަ ތަންތަން"
476                 },
477                 "natural/beach": {
478                     "name": "މޫދު ސަރަޙައްދު"
479                 },
480                 "natural/coastline": {
481                     "name": "އައްސޭރިފަށް"
482                 },
483                 "natural/water": {
484                     "name": "ފެން"
485                 },
486                 "natural/water/lake": {
487                     "name": "ކޯރު"
488                 },
489                 "natural/water/pond": {
490                     "name": "ފެންގަނޑު"
491                 },
492                 "natural/wetland": {
493                     "name": "ޗަކަ ގަނޑު"
494                 },
495                 "natural/wood": {
496                     "name": "ޖަންގަލި"
497                 },
498                 "office/government": {
499                     "name": "ސަރުކާރު އޮފީސްތައް"
500                 },
501                 "office/travel_agent": {
502                     "name": "ޓްރެވެލް އޭޖެންސީ"
503                 },
504                 "place": {
505                     "name": "ތަނުގެ ނަން"
506                 },
507                 "place/city": {
508                     "name": "ސިިޓީ"
509                 },
510                 "place/island": {
511                     "name": "ރަށް"
512                 },
513                 "place/locality": {
514                     "name": "ރަށްްފުށު"
515                 },
516                 "place/town": {
517                     "name": "އަވަށް"
518                 },
519                 "point": {
520                     "name": "ލޮކޭޝަން ޕޮއިންޓް"
521                 },
522                 "power/line": {
523                     "name": "ކަރަންޓް ވިއުގަ"
524                 },
525                 "route/ferry": {
526                     "name": "ފެރީއަށްދާ މަގުތައް"
527                 },
528                 "shop": {
529                     "name": "ފިހާރަ"
530                 },
531                 "shop/car_repair": {
532                     "name": "ކާާރު ހަދައިދޭ ގަރާޖް"
533                 },
534                 "shop/hardware": {
535                     "name": "ހާރޑްވެއާރ ފިހާރަ"
536                 },
537                 "shop/mobile_phone": {
538                     "name": "މޯބައިލް ފޯނު ވިއްކާ ފިހާރަ"
539                 },
540                 "shop/supermarket": {
541                     "name": "ސުޕަރމާރކެޓް"
542                 },
543                 "shop/travel_agency": {
544                     "name": "ޓްރެވެލް އޭޖެންސީ"
545                 },
546                 "tourism/hotel": {
547                     "name": "ހޮޓާ"
548                 },
549                 "type/route/ferry": {
550                     "name": "ފެރީއަށްދާ މަގުތައް"
551                 },
552                 "waterway": {
553                     "name": "ކަނޑުމަގު"
554                 },
555                 "waterway/canal": {
556                     "name": "ކެނެލް"
557                 },
558                 "waterway/dock": {
559                     "name": "ބޯޓުފަހަރު ބަނދަރުކުރާ ސަރަޙައްދު"
560                 }
561             }
562         }
563     }
564 }