]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - rails.git/blob - vendor/gems/rspec-1.1.2/spec/spec/example/example_runner_spec.rb
api06: diff upload: don't read the whole request into memory.
[rails.git] / vendor / gems / rspec-1.1.2 / spec / spec / example / example_runner_spec.rb
1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper.rb'
3 module Spec
4   module Example
5     # describe "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner", "#run", :shared => true do
6     #   before(:each) do
7     #     @options = ::Spec::Runner::Options.new(StringIO.new, StringIO.new)
8     #     @reporter = ::Spec::Runner::Reporter.new(@options)
9     #     @options.reporter = @reporter
10     #     @example_group_class = Class.new(ExampleGroup) do
11     #       plugin_mock_framework
12     #       describe("Some Examples")
13     #     end
14     #   end
15     # 
16     #   def create_runner(example_definition)
17     #     example = @example_group_class.new(example_definition)
18     #     runner = ExampleGroup.new(@options, example)
19     #     runner.stub!(:verify_mocks)
20     #     runner.stub!(:teardown_mocks)
21     #     runner
22     #   end
23     # end
24     # 
25     # describe ExampleRunner, "#run with blank passing example" do
26     #   it_should_behave_like "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner#run"
27     # 
28     #   before do
29     #     @e = @example_group_class.it("example") {}
30     #     @runner = create_runner(@e)
31     #   end
32     #   
33     #   it "should send reporter example_started" do
34     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_started).with(equal(@e))
35     #     @runner.run
36     #   end
37     # 
38     #   it "should report its name for dry run" do
39     #     @options.dry_run = true
40     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished).with(equal(@e), nil)
41     #     @runner.run
42     #   end
43     # 
44     #   it "should report success" do
45     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished).with(equal(@e), nil)
46     #     @runner.run
47     #   end
48     # end
49     # 
50     # describe ExampleRunner, "#run with a failing example" do
51     #   predicate_matchers[:is_a] = [:is_a?]
52     #   it_should_behave_like "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner#run"
53     # 
54     #   before do
55     #     @e = @example_group_class.it("example") do
56     #       (2+2).should == 5
57     #     end
58     #     @runner = create_runner(@e)
59     #   end
60     # 
61     #   it "should report failure due to failure" do
62     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished).with(
63     #       equal(@e),
64     #       is_a(Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
65     #     )
66     #     @runner.run
67     #   end
68     # end
69     # 
70     # describe ExampleRunner, "#run with a erroring example" do
71     #   it_should_behave_like "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner#run"
72     # 
73     #   before do
74     #     @error = error = NonStandardError.new("in body")
75     #     @example_definition = @example_group_class.it("example") do
76     #       raise(error)
77     #     end
78     #     @runner = create_runner(@example_definition)
79     #   end
80     # 
81     #   it "should report failure due to error" do
82     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished).with(
83     #       equal(@example_definition),
84     #       @error
85     #     )
86     #     @runner.run
87     #   end
88     # 
89     #   it "should run after_each block" do
90     #     @example_group_class.after(:each) do
91     #       raise("in after_each")
92     #     end
93     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example_definition, error|
94     #       example_definition.should equal(@example_definition)
95     #       error.message.should eql("in body")
96     #     end
97     #     @runner.run
98     #   end      
99     # end
100     # 
101     # describe ExampleRunner, "#run where after_each fails" do
102     #   it_should_behave_like "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner#run"
103     # 
104     #   before do
105     #     @example_ran = example_ran = false
106     #     @example_definition = @example_group_class.it("should not run") do
107     #       example_ran = true
108     #     end
109     #     @runner = create_runner(@example_definition)
110     #     @example_group_class.after(:each) { raise(NonStandardError.new("in after_each")) }
111     #   end
112     # 
113     #   it "should report failure location when in after_each" do
114     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example_definition, error|
115     #       example_definition.should equal(@example_definition)
116     #       error.message.should eql("in after_each")
117     #     end
118     #     @runner.run
119     #   end
120     # end
121     # 
122     # describe ExampleRunner, "#run with use cases" do
123     #   predicate_matchers[:is_a] = [:is_a?]
124     #   it_should_behave_like "Spec::Example::ExampleRunner#run"
125     # 
126     #   it "should report NO NAME when told to use generated description with --dry-run" do
127     #     @options.dry_run = true
128     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it() do
129     #       5.should == 5
130     #     end
131     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
132     # 
133     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example_definition, error|
134     #       example_definition.description.should == "NO NAME (Because of --dry-run)"
135     #      end
136     #     runner.run
137     #   end
138     # 
139     #   it "should report given name if present with --dry-run" do
140     #     @options.dry_run = true
141     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it("example name") do
142     #       5.should == 5
143     #     end
144     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
145     # 
146     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example_definition, error|
147     #       example_definition.description.should == "example name"
148     #      end
149     #     runner.run
150     #   end
151     # 
152     #   it "should report NO NAME when told to use generated description with no expectations" do
153     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it() {}
154     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
155     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example, error|
156     #       example.description.should == "NO NAME (Because there were no expectations)"
157     #     end
158     #     runner.run
159     #   end
160     # 
161     #   it "should report NO NAME when told to use generated description and matcher fails" do
162     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it() do
163     #       5.should "" # Has no matches? method..
164     #     end
165     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
166     # 
167     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example, error|
168     #       example_definition.description.should == "NO NAME (Because of Error raised in matcher)"
169     #     end
170     #     runner.run
171     #   end
172     # 
173     #   it "should report generated description when told to and it is available" do
174     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it() {
175     #       5.should == 5
176     #     }
177     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
178     #     
179     #     @reporter.should_receive(:example_finished) do |example_definition, error|
180     #       example_definition.description.should == "should == 5"
181     #     end
182     #     runner.run
183     #   end
184     # 
185     #   it "should unregister description_generated callback (lest a memory leak should build up)" do
186     #     example_definition = @example_group_class.it("something")
187     #     runner = create_runner(example_definition)
188     # 
189     #     Spec::Matchers.should_receive(:example_finished)
190     #     runner.run
191     #   end
192     # end
193   end
194 end