- Unlike other maps, OpenStreetMap is completely <abbr title="OpenStreetMap has over
- 1 million users, who add data based on local knowledge, GPS tracks, and more">created
- by people like you</abbr>, and free for anyone to fix, update, download and use.
- Here's a quick guide to get you started.
- section_1:
- title: One Map, Many Uses
- paragraph_1_html: |
- OpenStreetMap is used in websites, phones, hand-held GPS devices, sat-navs, and even
- games and art projects. This site is the place to make contributions to the map which
- will be available to all of these sites and applications. Copying the map data from
- place to place can take from a few minutes to a few hours, so don't worry if it isn't
- instant.
- names:
- - Apple
- - Craigslist
- - Flickr
- - Foursquare
- - Garmin
- - Le Monde
- - MapQuest
- - Telenav
- - USA Today
- section_2:
+ Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. Now that you're signed
+ up, you're all set to get started mapping. Here's a quick guide with the most important
+ things you need to know.
+ whats_on_the_map: