]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - stateofthemap.git/blob - register/business-day.html
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[stateofthemap.git] / register / business-day.html
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5         <title>Register for the State of the Map 2009</title>
6         <meta name="description" content="CloudMade provides you with access to a range of innovative tools and APIs that allow you to make the most of OpenStreetMap map data."></meta>
7         <meta name="keywords" content="API, maps, map, opensource, community, cloudmade, data, openstreetmap, JavaScript, web, mobile, geodata, opensource map, community map, openstreetmap maps, openstreetmap API"></meta>
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13         <div id="wrapper">
14             <div id="header">
15                 <span class="left"></span>
16                 <span class="right"></span>
17                 <h1>State Of The Map 2009</h1>
18                 <h2 class="large">Amsterdam, <strong>10<em>th</em></strong>, <strong>11<em>th</em></strong>, <strong>12<em>th</em> July 2009</strong> & <strong>Pro Users' Day</strong></h2>
19                 <h2>Learn how your <b>business</b>, governmental or non-governmental <b>organization</b> can benefit from <b>OpenStreetMap\92s rich dataset</b> and how your organization can <b>contribute back</b> and <b>guarantee</b> the <b>success</b> of the project.</h2>
20             </div>
21             <div id="content">
22                 <div class="adv">
23                     <h3>Why should you attend the State of the Map?</h3>
24                     <ul class="bulleted">
25                         <li>You are fed-up of paying high license fees for map data that comes with restrictive licenses</li>
26                         <li>You\92ve heard of crowd-sourcing and want to understand more about the benefits it can bring to your business</li>
27                         <li>You are looking for better ways to engage your customers or constituents</li>
28                     </ul>
29                     <p class="links">
30                         <a class="button" href="http://www.stateofthemap.org/register-now/">Register now</a>
31                         <a href="http://www.stateofthemap.org/about/">Find out more about the State of the Map</a>
32                     </p>
33                 </div>
34                 <h3>The State of the Map 2009 features talks from OpenStreetMap and Industry leaders, including:</h3>
35                 <h4 class="selected">Keynotes:</h4>
36                 <div class="speakers business">
37                     <div class="info">
38                         <h5>Other activities include:</h5>
39                         <ul>
40                             <li>The OpenStreetMap Application Challenge \96 hear from the startups, who are building innovative businesses ontpp of OSM data</li>
41                             <li>Live demos and workshops</li>
42                             <li>Networking opportunities and social events</li>
43                         </ul>
44                     </div>
45                     <div>
46                         <img src="images/photos/small/steve_coast.jpg" alt="Steve Coast"/>
47                         <h4>Steve Coast</h4>
48                         <p>OpenStreetMap Founder, Chair of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, <strong>"OSM Enables the World"</strong></p>
49                     </div>
50                     <div>
51                         <img src="images/photos/small/peter_batty.jpg" alt="Peter Batty"/>
52                         <h4>Peter Batty</h4>
53                         <p>Spatial Networking Founder, former Intergraph CTO, <strong>"Geodata creation: past, present and future"</strong></p>
54                     </div>
55                     <div>
56                         <img src="images/photos/small/muki_haklay.jpg" alt="Muki Haklay"/>
57                         <h4>Muki Haklay</h4>
58                         <p>University College London, <strong>"Beyond Good Enough? Spatial Data Quality and OSM"</strong></p>
59                     </div>
60                     <div class="small">
61                         <h4>James Rutter</h4>
62                         <p>Surrey-HeathCouncil, <strong>"Making the Switch to OpenStreetMap"</strong></p>
63                     </div>
64                     <div class="small">
65                         <h4>Jochen Topf</h4>
66                         <p>GeoFabrik, <strong>"Creating Quality the OSM Way"</strong></p>
67                     </div>
68                     <div class="small">
69                         <h4>Nick Black</h4>
70                         <p>CloudMade, <strong>"Unleash your Application's Potential with CloudMade"</strong></p>
71                     </div>
72                     <div class="small">
73                         <h4>Gary Gale</h4>
74                         <p>Yahoo!, <strong>"Geographic Intelligence via an Open Strategy"</strong></p>
75                     </div>
76                     <div class="small">
77                         <h4>Peter Miller</h4>
78                         <p>ITO World, <strong>"Operating a UK wide Multi-modal journey planner and the role of user contributed data"</strong></p>
79                     </div>
80                 </div>
81                 <h3>State of the Map Sponsors:</h3>
82                 <p class="sponsors">
83                     <a href="http://www.cloudmade.com" target="_blank" class="cloudmade">CloudMade</a>
84                     <a href="http://www.and.com/" target="_blank" class="and">AND</a>
85                     <a href="http://www.tno.nl/" target="_blank" class="kfb">Knowledge for business</a>
86                     <a href="http://www.itoworld.com/" target="_blank" class="ito">ITO</a>
87                     <a href="http://www.developmentseed.org/" target="_blank" class="ds">DevelopmentSeed</a>
88                     <a href="http://www.offmaps.com/offline-maps-on-the-iphone.htm" target="_blank" class="off_iphone">Offline maps on the iPhone</a>
89                     <a href="http://www.nestoria.co.uk/" target="_blank" class="nestoria">Nestoria</a>
90                     <a href="http://www.tagzania-services.com/" target="_blank" class="tagzania">Tagzania Services</a>
91                     <a href="#" target="_blank" class="gps">GPS Media Partner</a>
92                 </p>
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