DIR=`mktemp -d`
+TARGET_TGZ=`date "+munin-data-%Y-%m-%d.tar.gz"`
function cleanup {
rm -rf "$DIR"
trap cleanup EXIT
+set -e
cd "$RRD_DIR"
for f in *.rrd; do
rrdtool dump "$f" "$DIR/${f}.xml"
cd "$DIR"
-find -name "*.xml" -print0 | tar zcf - --null -T -
+find -name "*.xml" -print0 | tar zcf "dump.tar.gz" --null -T -
+# if we got here, then the file was created okay so we're okay to delete any
+# old files.
+find "${DUMP_DIR}" -name "munin-data-*.tar.gz" -print0 | \
+ sort -z -r | \
+ tail -z -n "+${KEEP_OLD_COUNT}" | \
+ xargs --null rm -f
+mv dump.tar.gz "${DUMP_DIR}/${TARGET_TGZ}"
-# do the dump in the early hours of the morning and follow, if successful, by a cleanup of the old files. i don't think these are of any historical interest, so just keep three consecutive.
-43 3 * * * www-data nice /usr/local/bin/rrddump > /srv/munin.openstreetmap.org/dumps/`date "+munin-data-%Y-%m-%d.tar.gz"` && ls -1 /srv/munin.openstreetmap.org/dumps/munin-data-*.tar.gz | sort -r | tail -n +4 | xargs rm -f
+# do the dump & cleanup in the early hours of the morning
+43 3 * * * www-data nice /usr/local/bin/rrddump