1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
3 # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 # Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 # For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 Implementation of the 'export' subcommand.
10 from typing import Optional, List, cast
17 import sqlalchemy as sa
19 from nominatim.clicmd.args import NominatimArgs
20 import nominatim.api as napi
21 from nominatim.api.results import create_from_placex_row, ReverseResult, add_result_details
22 from nominatim.api.types import LookupDetails
23 from nominatim.errors import UsageError
25 # Do not repeat documentation of subcommand classes.
26 # pylint: disable=C0111
27 # Using non-top-level imports to avoid eventually unused imports.
28 # pylint: disable=E0012,C0415
29 # Needed for SQLAlchemy
30 # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison
32 LOG = logging.getLogger()
46 5: 'state', 6: 'state', 7: 'state', 8: 'state', 9: 'state',
47 10: 'county', 11: 'county', 12: 'county',
48 13: 'city', 14: 'city', 15: 'city', 16: 'city',
49 17: 'suburb', 18: 'suburb', 19: 'suburb', 20: 'suburb', 21: 'suburb',
50 26: 'street', 27: 'path'}
54 Export places as CSV file from the database.
59 def add_args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
60 group = parser.add_argument_group('Output arguments')
61 group.add_argument('--output-type', default='street',
62 choices=('country', 'state', 'county',
63 'city', 'suburb', 'street', 'path'),
64 help='Type of places to output (default: street)')
65 group.add_argument('--output-format',
66 default='street;suburb;city;county;state;country',
67 help=("Semicolon-separated list of address types "
68 "(see --output-type). Additionally accepts:"
70 group.add_argument('--language',
71 help=("Preferred language for output "
72 "(use local name, if omitted)"))
73 group = parser.add_argument_group('Filter arguments')
74 group.add_argument('--restrict-to-country', metavar='COUNTRY_CODE',
75 help='Export only objects within country')
76 group.add_argument('--restrict-to-osm-node', metavar='ID', type=int,
78 help='Export only children of this OSM node')
79 group.add_argument('--restrict-to-osm-way', metavar='ID', type=int,
81 help='Export only children of this OSM way')
82 group.add_argument('--restrict-to-osm-relation', metavar='ID', type=int,
84 help='Export only children of this OSM relation')
87 def run(self, args: NominatimArgs) -> int:
88 return asyncio.run(export(args))
91 async def export(args: NominatimArgs) -> int:
92 """ The actual export as a asynchronous function.
95 api = napi.NominatimAPIAsync(args.project_dir)
98 output_range = RANK_RANGE_MAP[args.output_type]
100 writer = init_csv_writer(args.output_format)
102 async with api.begin() as conn, api.begin() as detail_conn:
105 sql = sa.select(t.c.place_id, t.c.osm_type, t.c.osm_id, t.c.name,
106 t.c.class_, t.c.type, t.c.admin_level,
107 t.c.address, t.c.extratags,
108 t.c.housenumber, t.c.postcode, t.c.country_code,
109 t.c.importance, t.c.wikipedia, t.c.indexed_date,
110 t.c.rank_address, t.c.rank_search,
112 .where(t.c.linked_place_id == None)\
113 .where(t.c.rank_address.between(*output_range))
115 parent_place_id = await get_parent_id(conn, args.node, args.way, args.relation)
117 taddr = conn.t.addressline
119 sql = sql.join(taddr, taddr.c.place_id == t.c.place_id)\
120 .where(taddr.c.address_place_id == parent_place_id)\
121 .where(taddr.c.isaddress)
123 if args.restrict_to_country:
124 sql = sql.where(t.c.country_code == args.restrict_to_country.lower())
127 for row in await conn.execute(sql):
128 result = create_from_placex_row(row, ReverseResult)
129 if result is not None:
130 results.append(result)
132 if len(results) == 1000:
133 await dump_results(detail_conn, results, writer, args.language)
137 await dump_results(detail_conn, results, writer, args.language)
144 def init_csv_writer(output_format: str) -> 'csv.DictWriter[str]':
145 fields = output_format.split(';')
146 writer = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, fieldnames=fields, extrasaction='ignore')
152 async def dump_results(conn: napi.SearchConnection,
153 results: List[ReverseResult],
154 writer: 'csv.DictWriter[str]',
155 lang: Optional[str]) -> None:
156 await add_result_details(conn, results,
157 LookupDetails(address_details=True))
160 locale = napi.Locales([lang] if lang else None)
162 for result in results:
163 data = {'placeid': result.place_id,
164 'postcode': result.postcode}
166 result.localize(locale)
167 for line in (result.address_rows or []):
168 if line.isaddress and line.local_name:
169 if line.category[1] == 'postcode':
170 data['postcode'] = line.local_name
171 elif line.rank_address in RANK_TO_OUTPUT_MAP:
172 data[RANK_TO_OUTPUT_MAP[line.rank_address]] = line.local_name
174 writer.writerow(data)
177 async def get_parent_id(conn: napi.SearchConnection, node_id: Optional[int],
178 way_id: Optional[int],
179 relation_id: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
180 """ Get the place ID for the given OSM object.
182 if node_id is not None:
183 osm_type, osm_id = 'N', node_id
184 elif way_id is not None:
185 osm_type, osm_id = 'W', way_id
186 elif relation_id is not None:
187 osm_type, osm_id = 'R', relation_id
192 sql = sa.select(t.c.place_id).limit(1)\
193 .where(t.c.osm_type == osm_type)\
194 .where(t.c.osm_id == osm_id)\
195 .where(t.c.rank_address > 0)\
196 .order_by(t.c.rank_address)
198 for result in await conn.execute(sql):
199 return cast(int, result[0])
201 raise UsageError(f'Cannot find a place {osm_type}{osm_id}.')