no_results: Geen resultate gevind nie
more_results: Meer resultate
- distance:
- one: ongeveer 1km
- zero: minder as 1km
- other: ongeveer %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: suidwes
- south: suid
- south_east: suid-oos
- east: oos
- north_east: noordoos
- north: noord
- north_west: noordwes
- west: wes
alt_text: OpenStreetMap-logo
no_results: Nuk është gjetur asnjë rezultat
more_results: Më shumë rezultate
- distance:
- one: rreth 1km
- zero: ma pak se 1km
- other: rreth %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: jug-perëndim
- south: jug
- south_east: jug-lindje
- east: lindja
- north_east: veri-lindje
- north: veriu
- north_west: veri-perendim
- west: perëndim
alt_text: logo e OpenStreetMap
press confirm button: Shtype butonin e konfirmimit ma posht që me mujt me aktivizue
akountin e juej
button: Konfirmo
+ success: Akounti juaj u konfirmua, ju falemnderit për regjistrim!
heading: Konfirmo ni ndryshim te email adreses
press confirm button: Truse butonin për konfirmim për me konfirmu email adresën
# Author: Majid Al-Dharrab
# Author: Meno25
# Author: Mutarjem horr
+# Author: Omda4wady
# Author: OsamaK
# Author: TTMTT
+# Author: Yahya Sakhnini
# Author: Zaher kadour
# Author: ترجمان05
# Author: عباد ديرانية
title: حزمة التغييرات %{id}
belongs_to: الصانع
+ node: العقد (%{count})
+ node_paginated: العقد (%{x}-%{y} من %{count})
+ way: الطرق (%{count})
+ way_paginated: الطرق (%{x}-%{y} من %{count})
+ relation: الصلات (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: الصلات (%{x}-%{y} من %{count})
+ comment: التعليقات (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: تعليق مخفي من %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ مضت</abbr>
+ commented_by: تعليق من %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} مضت</abbr>
changesetxml: حزمة التغييرات إكس إم أل
title: حزمة التغييرات %{id}
title_comment: حزمة التغييرات %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: ادخل للاشتراك في المناقشة
+ discussion: مناقشة
+ node:
+ title: 'عقدة: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'تاريخ العقدة: %{name}'
+ way:
+ title: 'طريق: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'تاريخ الطريق: %{name}'
+ nodes: العقد
+ also_part_of:
+ one: جزء من طريق %{related_ways}
+ other: جزء من طرق %{related_ways}
+ title: 'صلة: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'تاريخ الصلة: %{name}'
members: الأعضاء
entry_role: '%{type} %{name} كــ %{role}'
reopened_by_anonymous: أعاد تنشيطه مجهول قبل <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
hidden_by: أخفاه %{user} قبل <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} =</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: إشارات الاستفهام
+ introduction: اضغط على الخريطة لمعرفة النقاط القريبة
+ nearby: نقاط قريبة
+ enclosing: نقاط مرافقة
showing_page: الصفحة %{page}
title: تجاوز API
title: تنزيلات موقع جيوفابريك
+ other:
+ title: مصادر أخرى
options: خيارات
format: الهيئة
scale: القياس
charging_station: محطة تعبئة
cinema: سينما
clinic: عيادة
+ clock: الساعة
college: كلّية
community_centre: مركز اجتماع
courthouse: محكمة
"yes": جسر
"yes": مبنى
+ craft:
+ carpenter: نجار
+ electrician: اختصاصي كهرباء
+ gardener: بستاني
+ painter: رسام
+ photographer: مصور
+ plumber: سمكري
+ shoemaker: صانع أحذية
+ tailor: خياط
+ ambulance_station: محطة إسعاف
+ defibrillator: رجفان
+ landing_site: موقع هبوط طوارئ
phone: هاتف طوارئ
+ abandoned: طريق سريع مهجور
bridleway: مسلك خيول
bus_guideway: مسار خاص للحافلات
bus_stop: موقف حافلات
construction: طريق سريع قيد الإنشاء
cycleway: مسار دراجات
+ elevator: مصعد
emergency_access_point: نقطة دخول طوارئ
footway: ممر للمشاة
ford: مخاضة
tertiary: طريق فرعي
tertiary_link: طريق فرعي
track: مسار
+ traffic_signals: إشارات مرور
trail: درب
trunk: طريق رئيسي
trunk_link: طريق رئيسي
unclassified: طريق غير مصنّف
unsurfaced: طريق غير معبد
+ "yes": طريق
archaeological_site: موقع أثري
battlefield: ساحة معركة
boundary_stone: حجر/صخرة تعليم حدود
- building: مبنى
+ building: مبنى تاريخي
+ bunker: برج دفاعي
castle: قلعة
church: كنيسة
+ city_gate: بوابة مدينة
citywalls: أسوار المدينة
fort: حصن
+ heritage: موقع تراثي
house: منزل
icon: أيقونة
manor: عزبة
memorial: نصب تذكاري
mine: منجم
monument: أثر
+ roman_road: طريق روماني
ruins: أطلال
+ stone: حجر
tomb: قبر
tower: برج
wayside_cross: صليب تذكاري
road: منطقة الطريق
village_green: أرض خضراء
vineyard: كرم عنب
+ "yes": استخدام الأرض
beach_resort: شاطئ منتجع
bird_hide: مخبئ طيور
+ club: نادي
common: أرض مشاع
+ dog_park: حديقة كلاب
fishing: منطقة صيد سمك
+ fitness_centre: مركز لياقة بدنية
fitness_station: مركز اللياقة البدنية
garden: حديقة
golf_course: ملعب غولف
+ horse_riding: ركوب الخيل
ice_rink: حلبة تزلج على الجليد
marina: مارينا
miniature_golf: جولف مصغر
pitch: ملعب رياضي
playground: ملعب
recreation_ground: ميدان ألعاب
+ resort: منتجع
sauna: حمّام بخاري حار
slipway: مزلقة
sports_centre: مركز رياضي
swimming_pool: بركة سباحة
track: مضمار سباق
water_park: منتزه ألعاب مائية
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: منارة
+ pipeline: خط أنابيب
+ tower: برج
+ works: مصنع
airfield: منطقة عسكرية
barracks: ثكنات
forest: غابة
geyser: نافورة ماء حار
glacier: نهر/بحر جليدي
+ grassland: أرض عشبية
heath: أرض بور
hill: تلة
island: جزيرة
reef: سلسلة صخور قرب سطح الماء
ridge: أرض مرتفعة
rock: صخرة
+ saddle: سرج
+ sand: رمل
scree: أرض حصاة
scrub: أشجار منخفضة
spring: نبع
wood: حرج
accountant: محاسب
+ administrative: إدارة
architect: مهندس معماري
company: شركة
employment_agency: وكالة توظيف
travel_agent: وكيل سفريات
"yes": مكتب
+ block: حظر
airport: مطار
city: مدينة
country: دولة
town: بلدة
unincorporated_area: منطقة فردية
village: قرية
+ "yes": مكان
abandoned: سكة حديد مهجورة
construction: سكة حديدية تحت الإنشاء
"yes": متجر
alpine_hut: كوخ جبلي
+ apartment: شقة
artwork: عمل فني
attraction: معلم سياحي
bed_and_breakfast: سرير وفطار
camp_site: موقع تخييم
caravan_site: موقع قافلة
chalet: شاليه
+ gallery: معرض
guest_house: بيت ضيافة
hostel: سكن شباب
hotel: فندق
no_results: لم يتم العثور على نتائج
more_results: المزيد من النتائج
- distance:
- one: حوالي 1 كم
- zero: أقل من 1 كم
- other: حوالي %{count}كم
- direction:
- south_west: جنوب-غرب
- south: جنوب
- south_east: جنوب-شرق
- east: شرق
- north_east: شمال-شرق
- north: شمال
- north_west: شمال-غرب
- west: غرب
alt_text: شعار خريطة الشارع المفتوحة
user_diaries_tooltip: اعرض يوميات المستخدمين
edit_with: حرر بإستعمال %{editor}
tag_line: ويكي خريطة العالم الحرة
+ intro_header: مرحبا بكم في !OpenStreetMap
+ intro_text: إن OpenStreetMap هي خريطة العالم, أنشئت بواسطة أشخاص مثلك وحرة الاستخدام
+ برخصة مفتوحة.
intro_2_create_account: أنشئ حساب مستخدم
partners_html: الضيافة مدعومة من %{ucl}, %{ic} و %{bytemark}, و %{partners} آخرون.
partners_ic: كلية امبراطورية لندن
help: مساعدة
about: حول
copyright: حقوق النسخ
+ community: مجتمع
community_blogs: مدونات المجتمع
community_blogs_title: مدونات لأعضاء من مجتمع خريطة الشارع المفتوحة
foundation: المؤسسة
title: ادعم خريطة الشارع المفتوحة بهبة نقدية
text: تبرع
learn_more: التعرف على المزيد
+ more: المزيد
title: حول هذه الترجمة
+ text: في حالة التعارض ما بين هذه الصفحة المترجمة و %{english_original_link},
+ يجب أن تأخذ الصفحة الإنجليزية الأفضلية
english_link: النص الإنجليزي الأصلي
title: حول هذه الصفحة
mapping_link: إبدأ التخطيط
title_html: حقوق النشر والترخيص
+ contributors_title_html: المساهمين
+ welcome_page:
+ title: أهلاً بك.
+ questions:
+ title: هل هناك أسئلة ؟
+ fixthemap:
+ how_to_help:
+ title: كيف نساعدك ؟
+ join_the_community:
+ title: انضم لهذا المجتمع
+ help_page:
+ welcome:
+ title: مرحبا بك في خرائط الشوارع " المفتوحة المصدر"
partners_title: الشركاء
كلمة المرور.
greeting: أهلا,
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: مرحبا ،
title: الوارد
date: التاريخ
reply_button: رد
unread_button: علّم كغير مقروءة
+ back: رجوع
to: إلى
wrong_user: "\uFEFFأنت مسجل دخول باسم '%{user}' ولكن الرسالة التي طلبت قراءتها
لم تكن من أو إلى ذلك المستخدم. يرجى تسجيل الدخول كمستخدم صحيح للرد."
js_2: خريطة الشارع المفتوحة تستخدم جافا سكريبت لخريطتها المنزلقة.
permalink: وصلة دائمة
shortlink: وصلة قصيرة
+ createnote: أضف ملاحظة
not_public: لم تقم بتعيين تعديلاتك لتظهر بشكل علني.
not_public_description: أنت لم تعد قادر على تعديل الخريطة إلا إذا قمت بذلك.
close: أغلق
search: بحث
+ from: من
+ to: إلى
where_am_i: أين أنا؟
where_am_i_title: صِف الموقع الحالي باستخدام محرك البحث
submit_text: اذهب
new email address: 'عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الجديد:'
email never displayed publicly: (لا يظهر علنًا)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: ما هذا ؟
public editing:
بريدك الإلكتروني لمذكرة تأكيد العنوان الإلكتروني الجديد.
flash update success: تم تحديث معلومات المستخدم بنجاح.
- heading: Ø£Ù\83Ù\91د Øساب اÙ\84Ù\85ستخدÙ\85
+ heading: تØÙ\82Ù\82 Ù\85Ù\86 برÙ\8aدÙ\83 اÙ\84Ø¥Ù\84Ù\83ترÙ\88Ù\86Ù\8a
press confirm button: اضغط على زر التأكيد أدناه لتنشيط حسابك.
button: أكّد
+ success: تم تأكيد حسابك، شكرًا للاشتراك!
heading: أكّد تغيير عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
press confirm button: اضغط على زر تأكيد أدناه لتأكيد عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني
failed: عفوًا، تعذر إضافة %{name} كصديق.
already_a_friend: حاليًا أنت و %{name} أصدقاء.
+ button: الغاء الصداقة
success: تم إزالة %{name} من قائمة أصدقائك.
not_a_friend: '%{name} ليس من أحد أصدقائك.'
comment: تعليق
full: ملاحظة كاملة
+ share:
+ image: صورة
cycle_map: خريطة للدراجات
edit_tooltip: عدّل الخريطة
edit_disabled_tooltip: قم بالتكبير لتحرير الخريطة
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: التعليق
+ subscribe: اشترك
+ unsubscribe: إلغاء الاشتراك
+ hide_comment: إخفاء
+ unhide_comment: أظهر
description: الوصف
places: أماكن
no_results: لم يتم العثور على نتائج
- distance:
- one: حوالى 1 كم
- zero: أقل من 1 كم
- other: حوالى %{count}كم
- direction:
- south_west: جنوب-غرب
- south: جنوب
- south_east: جنوب-شرق
- east: شرق
- north_east: شمال-شرق
- north: شمال
- north_west: شمال-غرب
- west: غرب
alt_text: شعار خريطه الشارع المفتوحة
heading: أكّد حساب المستخدم
press confirm button: اضغط على زر التأكيد أدناه لتنشيط حسابك.
button: أكّد
+ success: تم تأكيد حسابك، شكرًا للاشتراك!
heading: أكّد تغيير عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
press confirm button: اضغط على زر تأكيد أدناه لتأكيد عنوان بريدك الإلكترونى
way_paginated: Víes (%{x}-%{y} de %{count})
relation: Rellaciones (%{count})
relation_paginated: Rellaciones (%{x}-%{y} de %{count})
+ comment: Comentarios (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Comentariu tapecíu de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>hai
+ %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comentariu de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>hai %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: Conxuntu de cambeos XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
title: Conxuntu de cambeos %{id}
title_comment: Conxuntu de cambeos %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Anicia sesión pa xunite al alderique
+ discussion: Alderique
title: 'Nuedu: %{name}'
history_title: 'Historial del nuedu: %{name}'
reopened_by_anonymous: Reactivao por un anónimu <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>hai
hidden_by: Tapecío por %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>hai %{when}</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Consultar entidaes
+ introduction: Fai clic nel mapa p'alcontrar entidaes cercanes.
+ nearby: Entidaes cercanes
+ enclosing: Entidaes envolventes
showing_page: Páxina %{page}
load_more: Cargar más
sorry: Llevó demasiao tiempu baxar la llista de conxuntos de cambeos que pidisti.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Alderique del conxuntu de cambios d'OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Alderique del conxuntu de cambios #%{changeset_id} d''OpenStreetMap'
+ comment: 'Comentariu nuevu sobro''l conxuntu de cambios #%{changeset_id} de
+ %{author}'
+ commented_at_html: Anovado hai %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Anovao hai %{when} por %{user}
+ full: Alderique completu
title: Nueva entrada del diariu
+ cable_car: Teleféricu
chair_lift: Telesilla
drag_lift: Telesquí
+ gondola: Telecabina
station: Estación de cable
aerodrome: Aeródromu
taxiway: Cai de rodaxe
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refuxu d'animales
arts_centre: Centru d'arte
atm: Caxeru automáticu
bank: Bancu
bicycle_parking: Aparcaderu de bicicletes
bicycle_rental: Alquiler de bicicletes
biergarten: Merenderu
+ boat_rental: Alquiler d'embarcaciones
brothel: Taburdiu
bureau_de_change: Troquéu de moneda
bus_station: Estación d'autobús
car_wash: Llaváu de coches
casino: Casino
charging_station: Estación de carga
+ childcare: Ludoteca
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
+ clock: Reló
college: Colexu universitariu
community_centre: Centru comunitariu
courthouse: Xulgáu
food_court: Zona de restaurantes
fountain: Fonte
fuel: Combustible
+ gambling: Xuegos d'azar
grave_yard: Cementeriu
gym: Ximnasiu / Fitness
health_centre: Centru de salú
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercáu
marketplace: Mercáu
+ monastery: Monasteriu
+ motorcycle_parking: Aparcamientu pa motocicletes
nightclub: Sala de fiestes
nursery: Preescolar
nursing_home: Residencia asistencial
office: Oficina
parking: Aparcaderu
+ parking_entrance: Entrada d'aparcamientu
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Llugar de cultu
police: Policía
veterinary: Ciruxía veterinaria
village_hall: Casa de la villa
waste_basket: Papelera
+ waste_disposal: Contenedor pa basories
youth_centre: Centru de mocedá
administrative: Llende alministrativa
"yes": Ponte
"yes": Edificiu
+ craft:
+ brewery: Fábrica de cerveza
+ carpenter: Carpinteru
+ electrician: Electricista
+ gardener: Xardineru
+ painter: Pintor
+ photographer: Fotógrafu
+ plumber: Fontaneru
+ shoemaker: Zapateru
+ tailor: Alfayate
+ "yes": Tienda d'artesanía
+ ambulance_station: Base d'ambulancies
+ defibrillator: Desfibrilador
+ landing_site: Llugar de aterrizaxe d'emerxencia
phone: Teléfonu d'emerxencia
+ abandoned: Autopista abandonada
bridleway: Caleya
bus_guideway: Carril bus con guía
bus_stop: Parada d'autobús
construction: Carretera en construcción
cycleway: Sienda ciclista
+ elevator: Ascensor
emergency_access_point: Puntu de llocalización d'emerxencia
footway: Sienda
ford: Vau
primary_link: Enllaz de carretera primaria
proposed: Carretera propuesta
raceway: Pista de carreres
- residential: Residencial
+ residential: Cai residencial
rest_area: Área de descansu
road: Carretera
secondary: Carretera secundaria
tertiary: Carretera terciaria
tertiary_link: Carretera terciaria
track: Pista
+ traffic_signals: Semáforos
trail: Camín
trunk: Carretera nacional
trunk_link: Enllaz de carretera nacional
unclassified: Carretera ensin clasificar
unsurfaced: Carretera ensin asfaltar
+ "yes": Carretera
archaeological_site: Llugar arqueolóxicu
battlefield: Campu de batalla
boundary_stone: Finxu
- building: Edificiu
+ building: Edificiu históricu
+ bunker: Búnquer
castle: Castiellu
church: Ilesia
+ city_gate: Puerta de la ciudá
citywalls: Muralla
fort: Fuerte
+ heritage: Patrimoniu de la Humanidá
house: Casa
icon: Iconu
manor: Casona
memorial: Monumentu
mine: Mina
monument: Monumentu
+ roman_road: Via romana
ruins: Ruines
+ stone: Piedra
tomb: Sepulcru
tower: Torre
wayside_cross: Cruceru
wayside_shrine: Ermita
wreck: Naufraxu
+ junction:
+ "yes": Interseición
allotments: Güertes recreatives
basin: Conca
road: Área de carretera
village_green: Prau municipal
vineyard: Viña
+ "yes": Usu del terrén
beach_resort: Turismu de playa
bird_hide: Observatoriu d'aves
+ club: Club
common: Terrén común
+ dog_park: Parque pa perros
fishing: Área de pesca
+ fitness_centre: Centru de fitness
fitness_station: Ximnasiu
garden: Xardín
golf_course: Campu de golf
+ horse_riding: Equitación
ice_rink: Pista de xelu
marina: Puertu deportivu
miniature_golf: Mini golf
pitch: Campu deportivu
playground: Xuegos infantiles
recreation_ground: Campu recreativu
+ resort: Urbanización pa vacaciones
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Rampla de botadura
sports_centre: Centru deportivu
swimming_pool: Piscina
track: Pista de carreres
water_park: Parque acuáticu
+ "yes": Folganza
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Faru
+ pipeline: Tubería
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fábrica
+ "yes": Fecho pol home
airfield: Aeródromu militar
barracks: Cuartel
forest: Área forestal
geyser: Guéiser
glacier: Glaciar
+ grassland: Prau
heath: Berezal
hill: Llomba
island: Islla
reef: Petón
ridge: Cordal
rock: Roca
+ saddle: Colláu
+ sand: Sable
scree: Llera
scrub: Cotollal
spring: Fonte
wood: Viesca
accountant: Contable
+ administrative: Alministración
architect: Arquitectu
company: Empresa
employment_agency: Oficina d'emplegu
travel_agent: Axencia de viaxes
"yes": Oficina
+ allotments: Güertes recreatives
+ block: Bloque
airport: Aeropuertu
city: Ciudá
country: País
town: Villa
unincorporated_area: Área ensin conceyu
village: Pueblu
+ "yes": Llugar
abandoned: Ferrocarril abandonáu
construction: Ferrocarril en construcción
"yes": Tienda
alpine_hut: Refuxu de montaña
+ apartment: Apartamentu
artwork: Obra d'arte
attraction: Interés turísticu
bed_and_breakfast: Cama y almuerzu (B&B)
camp_site: Camping
caravan_site: Camping pa caravanes
chalet: Xalé
+ gallery: Galería
guest_house: Agospiamientu
hostel: Albergue
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Riera
waterfall: Saltu d'agua
weir: Banzáu
+ "yes": Cursu d'agua
level2: Frontera de país
level4: Frontera d'estáu
no_results: Nun s'alcontraron resultaos
more_results: Más resultaos
- distance:
- zero: menos de 1km
- one: como 1km
- other: unos %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: suroeste
- south: sur
- south_east: sureste
- east: este
- north_east: nordeste
- north: norte
- north_west: noroeste
- west: oeste
alt_text: Logo d'OpenStreetMap
contributors_nz_html: '<strong>Nueva Zelanda</strong>: Contien datos sacaos
de Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.'
contributors_za_html: |-
- <strong>Sudáfrica</strong>: Contién datos sacaos de
+ <strong>Sudáfrica</strong>: Contien datos sacaos de
<a href="">Chief Directorate:
National Geo-Spatial Information</a>, State copyright reserved.
contributors_gb_html: '<strong>Reinu Xuníu</strong>: Contien datos de Ordnance
title: Qué hai nel Mapa
on_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap ye un llugar pa facer mapes de coses que seyan al mesmu tiempu <em>reales y actuales</em> -
- incluye millones d'edificios, carreteres, y otros detalles de llugares. Pue poner nel mapa
- cualquier carauterística del mundu real que-y interese.
+ OpenStreetMap ye un llugar pa cartografiar coses que seyan al mesmu tiempu <em>reales y actuales</em> -
+ incluye millones d'edificios, carreteres, y otros detalles de llugares. Puedes poner nel mapa
+ cualquier carauterística del mundu real que t'interese.
off_html: |-
Lo que <em>nun</em> incluye son datos suxetivos como calificaciones, carauterístiques históriques o hipotétiques, y datos de fontes con drechos d'autor. Si nun tien
un permisu especial, nun copie de mapes en llinia o en papel.
commented_note: '%{commenter} reactivó una nota del mapa na que vusté comentó.
La nota ta cerca de %{place}.'
details: Pue alcontrar más detalles sobro la nota en %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Bones,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} comentó unu de los tos conxuntos
+ de cambios'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} comentó sobro un conxuntu de
+ cambios que t''interesa'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} dexó un comentariu n''unu de los tos conxuntos
+ de cambios creáu el %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} dexó un comentariu nun conxuntu de cambios
+ del mapa que tas siguiendo creáu por %{changeset_author} el %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: col comentariu '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: ensin comentarios
+ details: Puen alcontrase más detalles del conxuntu de cambios en %{url}
title: Buzón
close: Zarrar
search: Guetar
+ get_directions: Obtener indicaciones
+ get_directions_title: Alcuentra indicaciones ente dos puntos
+ from: Dende
+ to: A
where_am_i: ¿Ú toi?
where_am_i_title: Describi el to allugamientu actual usando el motor de gueta
submit_text: Dir
register now: Rexistrate agora
with username: '¿Yá tienes cuenta n''OpenStreetMap? Anicia sesión col to nome
d''usuariu y contraseña:'
- with openid: 'D''otra miente, usa la to OpenID pa coneutar:'
new to osm: ¿Yes nuevu con OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Pa camudar los datos d'OpenStreetMap, has de tener una cuenta.
create account minute: Crea una cuenta. Lleva namái un minutu.
sospechoses.<br />Ponte en contautu col <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
si quies discutilo.
auth failure: Sentímoslo, nun se pudo coneutar al sistema con esos datos.
- openid missing provider: Sentímoslo, nun pudimos ponenos en contautu col to
- sirvidor d'OpenID
- openid invalid: Sentímoslo, la to OpenID paez que ta mal formada
openid_logo_alt: Coneutar con una OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Coneutar con OpenID
- alt: Coneutar con una URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Coneutar con Google
- alt: Coneutar con una OpenID de Google
- yahoo:
- title: Coneutar con Yahoo
- alt: Coneutar con una OpenID de Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Coneutar con Wordpress
- alt: Coneutar con una OpenID de Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Coneutar con AOL
- alt: Coneutar con una OpenID d'AOL
title: Salir
heading: Colar d'OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nome a amosar:'
display name description: El nome d'usuariu que s'amuesa en público. Pue camudalo
más sero nes preferencies.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Contraseña:'
confirm password: 'Confirma la contraseña:'
- use openid: Como alternativa, usa %{logo} OpenID pa coneutar
- openid no password: Con OpenID nun fai falta una contraseña, pero delles ferramientes
- estra o sirvidores inda puen necesitala.
- openid association: |-
- <p>La to OpenID inda nun ta asociada con una cuenta d'OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Si yes nuevu n'OpenStreetMap, por favor crea una cuenta nueva col formulariu de más abaxo.</li>
- <li>
- Si yá tienes una cuenta, pues entrar nella col to nome
- d'usuariu y contraseña, y asociar llueu la cuenta cola OpenID
- nes preferencies d'usuariu.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Date d'alta
terms accepted: ¡Gracies por aceutar les condiciones de collaboración!
terms declined: Sentimos que decidieras nun aceutar les Condiciones de Collaborador.
new email address: 'Nueva direición de corréu electrónicu:'
email never displayed publicly: (nunca s'amuesa en público)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: ¿qué ye esto?
public editing:
press confirm button: Calca nel botón de confirmación d'abaxo p'activar la to
button: Confirmar
+ success: Cuenta confirmada, ¡gracies por rexistrate!
already active: Esta cuenta yá se confirmó.
unknown token: El códigu de confirmación caducó o nun esiste.
reconfirm_html: Si necesites que volvamos a unviate'l corréu de confirmación,
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Ampliar p'amestar una nota al mapa
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Averar pa ver les notes del mapa
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Averar pa ver los datos del mapa
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Consultar entidaes
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Averar pa consultar entidaes
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Comentariu
+ subscribe: Suscribite
+ unsubscribe: Date de baxa
+ hide_comment: anubrir
+ unhide_comment: amosar
intro: ¿Alcontró un error o falta daqué? Informe a otros mapeadores pa que
comment_and_resolve: Comentar y resolver
comment: Comentar
edit_help: Mueve'l mapa y amplía al llugar que quies editar, llueu calca equí.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicleta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A pie (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicicleta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Coche (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A pie (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: En coche (OSRM)
+ directions: Indicaciones
+ distance: Distancia
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nun pudo alcontrase una ruta ente estos dos llugares.
+ no_place: Sentímoslo. Nun pudo alcontrase esi llugar.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Siguir en
+ slight_right: Llixeramente a la drecha haza
+ turn_right: Xira a la drecha haza
+ sharp_right: Fuerte a la drecha haza
+ uturn: Cambiu de sentíu en
+ sharp_left: Fuerte a la izquierda haza
+ turn_left: Xira a la izquierda haza
+ slight_left: Llixeramente a la izquierda haza
+ via_point: (pel puntu)
+ follow: Siguir
+ roundabout: Na rotonda toma
+ leave_roundabout: Dexa la rotonda -
+ stay_roundabout: Sigui na rotonda -
+ start: Principia al final de
+ destination: Aportasti al destín
+ against_oneway: Dir escontra direición per
+ end_oneway: Final de sentíu únicu en
+ unnamed: (ensin nome)
+ courtesy: Direiciones cortesía de %{link}
+ time: Tiempu
+ query:
+ node: Nuedu
+ way: Vía
+ relation: Rellación
+ nothing_found: Nun s'alcontraron entidaes
+ error: 'Error al comunicase con %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Tiempu escosáu al comunicase con %{server}
description: Descripción
no_results: Nəticələr tapılmadı
more_results: Daha çox nəticə
- distance:
- one: təqribən %{count}km
- zero: 1 km-dən az
- other: təqribən %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: cənub-qərbə
- south: cənuba
- south_east: cənub-şərqə
- east: şərqə
- north_east: şimal-şərqə
- north: şimala
- north_west: şimal-qərbə
- west: qərbə
alt_text: OpenStreetMap loqosu
new to osm: OpenStreetMap-də yenisiz?
no account: İstifadəçi hesabınız yoxdur?
openid_logo_alt: OpenID ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID ilə hesaba giriş
- alt: OpenID URL ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
- google:
- title: Google ilə hesaba giriş
- alt: Google OpenID ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
- yahoo:
- title: Yahoo ilə hesaba giriş
- alt: Yahoo OpenID ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
- wordpress:
- title: Wordpress ilə hesaba giriş
- alt: Wordpress OpenID ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
- aol:
- title: AOL ilə hesaba giriş
- alt: AOL OpenID ilə hesabınıza daxil olun
title: Sistemdən çıx
heading: OpenStreetMap-dən çıx
title: Hesab aç
email address: 'E-poçt ünvanları:'
display name: 'Gorüntülənən ad:'
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Parol:'
confirm password: 'Parolu təkrarla:'
continue: Davam et
current email address: 'Hazırki E-Poçt Ünvanı:'
new email address: 'Yeni E-Poçt Ünvanı:'
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: bu nədir?
public editing:
enabled link text: Bu nədir?
no_results: Нічога ня знойдзена
more_results: Больш вынікаў
- distance:
- few: каля %{count} км
- many: каля %{count} км
- one: каля %{count} км
- zero: меней 1 км
- other: каля %{count} км
- direction:
- south_west: паўднёвы захад
- south: поўдзень
- south_east: паўднёвы ўсход
- east: усход
- north_east: паўночны ўсход
- north: поўнач
- north_west: паўночны захад
- west: захад
alt_text: Лягатып OpenStreetMap
register now: Зарэгістравацца зараз
with username: 'Ужо маеце рахунак OpenStreetMap? Калі ласка, увайдзіце ў сыстэму
з Вашым іменем удзельніка і паролем:'
- with openid: 'Для ўваходу можаце выкарыстаць Ваш OpenID:'
new to osm: Упершыню на OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Каб рабіць зьмены ў зьвестках OpenStreetMap, Вам неабходна
мець рахунак.
актыўнасьці.<br />Калі ласка, зьвяжыцеся з <a href="%{webmaster}">ўэбмайстрам</a>
калі Вы жадаеце гэта аспрэчыць.
auth failure: Прабачце, немагчыма ўвайсьці з такім адрасам і паролем.
- openid missing provider: Прабачце, немагчыма зьвязацца з Вашым правайдэрам OpenID
- openid invalid: Прабачце, здаецца Ваш OpenID уведзены няслушна
openid_logo_alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай OpenID
- alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай URL-адрасу OpenID
- google:
- title: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Google
- alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Yahoo
- alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Wordpress
- alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай AOL
- alt: Увайсьці ў сыстэму з дапамогай AOL OpenID
title: Выйсьці
heading: Выйсьці з OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Бачнае імя:'
display name description: Вашае імя, якое будзе бачнае ўсім. Вы можаце зьмяніць
яго потым ў Вашых наладах.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Пароль:'
confirm password: 'Пацьверджаньне паролю:'
- use openid: Дадаткова выкарыстоўвайце %{logo} OpenID для ўваходу ў сыстэму
- openid no password: Падчас выкарыстаньня OpenID пароль не патрэбны, але некаторыя
- дадатковыя інструмэнты ці сэрвэр могуць яго спытаць.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Ваш OpenID пакуль ня зьвязаны з рахункам OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Калі Вы ўпершыню на OpenStreetMap, калі ласка, стварыце новы рахунак з дапамогай формы пададзенай ніжэй.</li>
- <li>
- Калі Вы ўжо маеце рахунак, Вы можаце ўвайсьці ў сыстэму
- з Вашым іменем удзельніка і паролем, а потым зьвязаць яго з Вашым рахункам
- OpenID на старонцы наладаў Вашага профілю.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Працягнуць
terms accepted: Дзякуй за тое, што прынялі новыя ўмовы супрацоўніцтва!
terms declined: Нам шкада, што Вы вырашылі не прыняць новыя ўмовы супрацоўніцтва.
new email address: 'Новы адрас электроннай пошты:'
email never displayed publicly: (ніколі ня будзе паказаны публічна)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: што гэта?
public editing:
press confirm button: Націсьніце кнопку «Пацьвердзіць» для актывацыі Вашага
button: Пацьвердзіць
+ success: Ваш рахунак пацьверджаны, дзякуй за рэгістрацыю!
already active: Гэты рахунак ужо пацьверджаны.
unknown token: Выглядае, што гэты ключ не існуе.
hidden_by: Схавана %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} таму</abbr>
- title: Ð\97апÑ\8bÑ\82 аб’ектаў
+ title: Ð\9fоÑ\88Ñ\83к аб’ектаў
introduction: Пстрыкніце на карце, каб атрымаць звесткі пра аб'екты паблізу.
nearby: Аб’екты паблізу
enclosing: Навакольныя аб'екты
+ cable_car: Лінная дарога
chair_lift: Крэсельны пад'ёмнік
drag_lift: Бугельны пад'емнік
+ gondola: Лінная дарога
station: Станцыя канатнай дарогі
aerodrome: Аэрадром
taxiway: Рулёжныя дарожкі
terminal: Тэрмінал
+ animal_shelter: Прытулак для жывел
arts_centre: Цэнтр мастацтваў
atm: Банкамат
bank: Банк
bicycle_parking: Веласіпедная паркоўка
bicycle_rental: Пракат ровараў
biergarten: Рэстаранны падворак
+ boat_rental: Пракат лодак
brothel: Бардэль
bureau_de_change: Абмен валют
bus_station: Аўтобусны вакзал
car_wash: Аўтамыйка
casino: Казіно
charging_station: Зарадная станцыя
+ childcare: Служба дагляду за дзецьмі
cinema: Кіно
clinic: Клініка
+ clock: Гадзіннік
college: Каледж
community_centre: Грамадскі цэнтр
courthouse: Суд
food_court: Фуд-Корт
fountain: Фантан
fuel: АЗС
+ gambling: Азартныя гульні
grave_yard: Могілкі
gym: Фітнес-цэнтр ці Трэнажорная зала
health_centre: Медыцынскі цэнтр
library: Бібліятэка
market: Рынак
marketplace: Рыначная плошча
+ monastery: Кляштар
+ motorcycle_parking: Паркоўка для матацыклаў
nightclub: Начны клуб
nursery: Яслі
nursing_home: Прыватная лякарня
office: Офіс
parking: Паркоўка
+ parking_entrance: Заезд на паркоўку
pharmacy: Аптэка
place_of_worship: Культавы будынак
police: Паліцыя
veterinary: Ветэрынарная хірургія
village_hall: Вясковая зала
waste_basket: Кош для смецця
+ waste_disposal: Смеццевы бак
youth_centre: Маладзежны цэнтр
administrative: Адміністрацыйная мяжа
"yes": Мост
"yes": Будынак
+ craft:
+ brewery: Бровар
+ carpenter: Цясляр
+ electrician: Электрык
+ gardener: Садоўнік
+ painter: Мастак
+ photographer: Фатограф
+ plumber: Сантэхнік
+ shoemaker: Шавец
+ tailor: Кравец
+ "yes": Майстэрня
+ ambulance_station: Станцыя хуткай медыцынскай дапамогі
+ defibrillator: Дэфібрылятар
+ landing_site: Месца аварыйнай пасадкі
phone: Тэлефон экстранай сувязі
+ abandoned: Занядбаная дарога
bridleway: Дарога для коней
bus_guideway: Рэйкавы аўтобус
bus_stop: Аўтобусны прыпынак
construction: Будаўніцтва дарогі
cycleway: Веласіпедная дарожка
+ elevator: Ліфт
emergency_access_point: Пункт хуткай дапамогі
footway: Сцяжынка
ford: Брод
tertiary: Трэцясная дарога
tertiary_link: Трэцясная дарога
track: Каляя
+ traffic_signals: Святлафор
trail: След
trunk: Шаша
trunk_link: Магістраль
unclassified: Некласіфікаваная дарога
unsurfaced: Дарога без пакрыцця
+ "yes": Дарога
archaeological_site: Археалагічныя раскопы
battlefield: Поле бою
boundary_stone: Пагранічны камень
- building: Будынак
+ building: Гістарычны будынак
+ bunker: Бункер
castle: Замак
church: Царква
+ city_gate: Гарадская брама
citywalls: Гарадскія сцены
fort: Форт
+ heritage: Культурная спадчына
house: Дом
icon: Ікона
manor: Сядзіба
memorial: Мемарыял
mine: Шахта
monument: Помнік
+ roman_road: Рымская дарога
ruins: Руіны
+ stone: Камень
tomb: Магіла
tower: Вежа
wayside_cross: Прыдарожны крыж
wayside_shrine: Прыдарожная каплічка
wreck: Месца аварыі
+ junction:
+ "yes": Перакрыжаванне
allotments: Сады-агароды
basin: Вадаём
recreation_ground: Пляцоўка для гульняў
reservoir: Вадасховішча
reservoir_watershed: Водападзел вадасховішча
- residential: Жылы раен
+ residential: Жылы раён
retail: Рознічны гандаль
road: Прыдарожная паласа
village_green: Вясковая паляна
vineyard: Вінаграднік
+ "yes": Землекарыстанне
beach_resort: Пляжны курорт
bird_hide: Засада
+ club: Клуб
common: Агульная зямля
+ dog_park: Пляцоўка для сабак
fishing: Раён рыбалоўства
+ fitness_centre: Фітнес-Цэнтр
fitness_station: Спартыўная пляцоўка
garden: Сад
golf_course: Поле для гольфа
+ horse_riding: Верхавая язда
ice_rink: Каток
marina: Гавань для катэраў
miniature_golf: Міні-Гольф
pitch: Спартыўная пляцоўка
playground: Дзіцячая пляцоўка
recreation_ground: Зона адпачынку
+ resort: Курорт
sauna: Сауна
slipway: Стапель
sports_centre: Спартыўны цэнтр
swimming_pool: Плавальны басейн
track: Бегавая дарожка
water_park: Аквапарк
+ "yes": Забавы
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Маяк
+ pipeline: Трубаправод
+ tower: Вежа
+ works: Фабрыка
+ "yes": Штучнае
airfield: Ваенны аэрадром
barracks: Казармы
forest: Лес
geyser: Гейзер
glacier: Ляднік
+ grassland: Луг
heath: Здароўе
hill: Пагорак
island: Востраў
reef: Рыф
ridge: Хрыбет
rock: Скала
+ saddle: Перавал
+ sand: Пясок
scree: Абсып
scrub: Кустарнік
spring: Крыніца
wood: Пушча
accountant: Бухгалтар
+ administrative: Aдміністрацыя
architect: Архітэктар
company: Кампанія
employment_agency: Агенцтва занятасці
travel_agent: Турыстычнае агенцтва
"yes": Офіс
+ allotments: Сады-агароды
+ block: Блок
airport: Аэрапорт
city: Горад
country: Краіна
town: Горад
unincorporated_area: Загарадная зона
village: Вёска
+ "yes": Месца
abandoned: Закінутая чыгунка
construction: Будаўніцтва чыгункі
"yes": Крама
alpine_hut: Альпійская хатка
+ apartment: Кватэра
artwork: Інсталяцыя
attraction: Цікавосць
bed_and_breakfast: Ложак і сняданак
camp_site: Турбаза
caravan_site: Пляцоўка для аўтадамоў
chalet: Шале
+ gallery: Галерэя
guest_house: Гасцявы дом
hostel: Хостэл
hotel: Гатэль
wadi: Сухое рэчышча
waterfall: Вадаспад
weir: Плаціна
+ "yes": Водны маршрут
level2: Мяжа краіны
level4: Дзяржаўная мяжа
no_results: Нічога не знойдзена
more_results: Больш вынікаў
- distance:
- one: прыкладна 1 км
- zero: менш 1 км
- other: прыкладна %{count} км
- direction:
- south_west: паўднёва-заходн.
- south: паўдн.
- south_east: паўднёва-ўсходн.
- east: усходн.
- north_east: паўночна-ўсходн.
- north: паўночн.
- north_west: паўднева-заходн.
- west: заходн.
alt_text: Лагатып OpenStreetMap
title: Пра гэты пераклад
text: У выпадку супярэчнасці паміж гэтай перакладзенай старонкай і %{english_original_link},
- ангелÑ\8cская старонка павінна мець прыярытэт
- english_link: ангелÑ\8cскім арыгіналам
+ англÑ\96йская старонка павінна мець прыярытэт
+ english_link: англÑ\96йскім арыгіналам
title: Пра гэтую старонку
- text: Ð\92Ñ\8b пÑ\80аглÑ\8fдаеÑ\86е ангелÑ\8cÑ\81кÑ\83Ñ\8e вÑ\8dÑ\80Ñ\81Ñ\96Ñ\8e Ñ\81Ñ\82аÑ\80онкÑ\96 аÑ\9eÑ\82аÑ\80Ñ\81кÑ\96Ñ\85 пÑ\80авоÑ\9e. Вы можаце
+ text: Ð\92Ñ\8b пÑ\80аглÑ\8fдаеÑ\86е англÑ\96йÑ\81кÑ\83Ñ\8e веÑ\80Ñ\81Ñ\96Ñ\8e Ñ\81Ñ\82аÑ\80онкÑ\96 пÑ\80а аÑ\9eÑ\82аÑ\80Ñ\81кÑ\96Ñ\8f пÑ\80авÑ\8b. Вы можаце
вярнуцца да %{native_link} гэтай старонкі ці спыніць чытанне пра аўтарскія
правы і %{mapping_link}.
native_link: беларуская версія
close: Зачыніць
search: Пошук
+ get_directions: Пракласці маршрут
+ get_directions_title: Знайсці маршрут паміж двума кропкамі
+ from: Старт
+ to: Фініш
where_am_i: Дзе я?
where_am_i_title: Апісаць бягучае месцазнаходжанне з дапамогай пошукавай сістэмы
password: 'Пароль:'
openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
remember: Памятаць мяне
- lost password link: Згубліл пароль?
+ lost password link: Згубілі пароль?
login_button: Увайсці
register now: Зарэгістравацца зараз
with username: 'Ужо маеце рахунак OpenStreetMap? Калі ласка, увайдзіце ў сістэму
з Вашым іменем удзельніка і паролем:'
- with openid: 'Для ўваходу можаце выкарыстаць Ваш OpenID:'
new to osm: Упершыню на OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Каб змяняць дадзеныя OpenStreetMap, вы павінны мець асабісты
актыўнасці.<br />Калі ласка, звяжыцеся з <a href="%{webmaster}">вэбмайстрам</a>
калі Вы жадаеце гэта аспрэчыць.
auth failure: Прабачце, немагчыма увайсці з такім адрасам і паролем.
- openid missing provider: Прабачце, немагчыма звязацца з Вашым правайдэрам OpenID
- openid invalid: Прабачце, здаецца Ваш OpenID уведзены няслушна
openid_logo_alt: Увайсці з дапамогай OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Уваход праз OpenID
- alt: Увайсці з дапамогай OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Уваход праз Google
- alt: Уваход праз Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Уваход праз Yahoo
- alt: Увайсці з дапамогай Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Уваход праз Wordpress
- alt: Уваход праз Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Уваход праз AOL
- alt: Увайсці з дапамогай AOL OpenID
title: Выйсці
heading: Выйсці з OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Бачнае імя:'
display name description: Ваша імя, якое будзе бачнае ўсім. Вы можаце змяніць
яго потым ў Вашых настройках.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Пароль:'
confirm password: 'Пацверджанне паролю:'
- use openid: Для ўваходу можаце выкарыстаць %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: Падчас выкарыстання OpenID пароль не патрэбны, але некаторыя
- дадатковыя інструменты ці сервэр могуць яго спытаць.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Ваш OpenID пакуль ня звязаны з рахункам OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Калі Вы ўпершыню на OpenStreetMap, калі ласка, стварыце новы рахунак з дапамогай формы пададзенай ніжэй.</li>
- <li>
- Калі Вы ўжо маеце рахунак, Вы можаце ўвайсці ў сістэму
- з Вашым іменем удзельніка і паролем, а потым звязаць яго з Вашым рахункам
- OpenID на старонцы наладаў Вашага профілю.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Зарэгістравацца
terms accepted: Дзякуй за прыняцце новых умоў ўдзелу!
terms declined: Нам шкада, што Вы вырашылі не прыняць новыя ўмовы супрацоўніцтва.
new email address: 'Новы адрас электроннай пошты:'
email never displayed publicly: (ніколі нікому не паказваецца)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: што гэта?
public editing:
лісце і вы зможаце пачаць маляваць карту.
press confirm button: Націсніце кнопку, каб актывізаваць рахунак.
button: Пацвердзіць
+ success: Рахунак пацверджаны, дзякуй за рэгістрацыю!
already active: Гэты ўліковы рахунак ужо пацверджаны.
unknown token: Тэрмін дзеяння кода пацверджання ўжо прайшоў ці ён не існуе.
reconfirm_html: Калі вам трэба зноў даслаць пацверджанне па электроннай пошце,
long_link: Спасылка
short_link: Кароткая спасылка
embed: HTML
- custom_dimensions: Ð\92Ñ\8bбÑ\80аÑ\86Ñ\8c памеÑ\80 Ñ\9eручную
+ custom_dimensions: Ð\90бÑ\80аÑ\86Ñ\8c памеÑ\80 Ñ\83ручную
format: 'Фармат:'
scale: 'Маштаб:'
image_size: На выяве будзе звычайная карта памерам
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Наблізце, каб дадаць заўвагу на карту
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Наблізце, каб убачыць заўвагі на карце
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Павялічце, каб убачыць картаграфічныя дадзеныя
- queryfeature_tooltip: Ð\90Ñ\82Ñ\80Ñ\8bманне аб’ектаў
- queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Ð\9dаблÑ\96зÑ\96Ñ\86еÑ\81Ñ\8f длÑ\8f аÑ\82Ñ\80Ñ\8bманнÑ\8f аб'ектаў
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Ð\9fоÑ\88Ñ\83к аб’ектаў
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Ð\9dаблÑ\96зÑ\96Ñ\86еÑ\81Ñ\8f длÑ\8f поÑ\88Ñ\83кÑ\83 аб'ектаў
comment: Каментаваць
comment: Каментаваць
edit_help: Перамясціце карту і наблізце месца, якое вы хочаце рэдагаваць, затым
націсніце тут.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Ровар (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Пешаход (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Ровар (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Аўтамабіль (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Пешаход (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Аўтамабіль (OSRM)
+ directions: Маршрут
+ distance: Адлегласць
+ errors:
+ no_route: Не атрымалася знайсці маршрут паміж двума гэтымі месцамі.
+ no_place: Прабачце - не магу знайсці гэта месца.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Працягвайце рух па
+ slight_right: Плаўна павярніце направа на
+ turn_right: Павярніце направа на
+ sharp_right: Рэзка павярніце направа на
+ uturn: Развярніцеся на
+ sharp_left: Рэзка павярніце налева на
+ turn_left: Павярніце налева на
+ slight_left: Плаўна павярніце налева на
+ via_point: (праз кропку)
+ follow: Рухайцеся па
+ roundabout: На кругавым руху
+ leave_roundabout: Выехаць з кальца
+ stay_roundabout: Заставацца на кальцы
+ start: Пачніце ў канцы
+ destination: Вы прыбылі ў месца прызначэння
+ against_oneway: Рухайцеся супраць аднабаковага руху па
+ end_oneway: Канец аднабаковага руху на
+ unnamed: (без назвы)
+ courtesy: Маршрут прадастаўлены %{link}
+ time: Час
node: Вузел
way: Крывая
+ cable_car: Fungarr
chair_lift: fungador
drag_lift: Teleski
+ gondola: Funlogell
station: Arsav funlogell
aerodrome: Nijva
taxiway: Roudenn evit an taksioù
terminal: Termenva
+ animal_shelter: Goudor evit al loened
arts_centre: Kreizenn arz
atm: Bilhedaouer
bank: Ti-bank
bicycle_parking: Parklec'h evit ar beloioù
bicycle_rental: Feurmiñ beloioù
biergarten: Liorzh ar bier
+ boat_rental: Feurmiñ bagoù
brothel: Bordel
bureau_de_change: Burev eskemm
bus_station: Arsav bus
car_wash: Gwalc'hiñ kirri
casino: Kazino
charging_station: Savlec'h adkargañ
+ childcare: Diwaller bugale
cinema: Sinema
clinic: Klinikenn
+ clock: Horolaj
college: Skol-veur pe skol-uhel
community_centre: Sal liezimplij
courthouse: Lez-varn
food_court: ↓Predva
fountain: Feunteun
fuel: Trelosk
+ gambling: C'hoari
grave_yard: Bered
gym: Fitness/embregerezh-korf
health_centre: Kreizenn yec'hed
library: Levraoueg
market: Marc'had
marketplace: Marc'hallac'h
+ monastery: Manati
+ motorcycle_parking: Parklec'h evit marc'hoù-tan
nightclub: Klub-noz
nursery: Spluseg
nursing_home: Ti yec'hed
office: Burev
parking: Parklec'h
+ parking_entrance: Mont tre ur parklec'h
pharmacy: Apotikerezh
place_of_worship: Lec'h azeuliñ
police: Polis
veterinary: Surjianerezh evit al loened
village_hall: Sal ar gumun
waste_basket: Pod-lastez
+ waste_disposal: Skarzhañ al lastez
youth_centre: Kreizenn evit ar re yaouank
administrative: Bevennoù melestradurel
"yes": Pont
"yes": Savadur
+ craft:
+ brewery: Breserezh
+ carpenter: Kalvez
+ electrician: Tredanour
+ gardener: Liorzhour
+ painter: Liver
+ photographer: Luc'hskeudenner
+ plumber: Plomer
+ shoemaker: Kere
+ tailor: Kemener
+ "yes": Stal artizanelezh
+ ambulance_station: Sanailh ambulañsoù
+ defibrillator: Difibrilator
+ landing_site: Tachenn bradañ trumm
phone: Pellgomzer evit an trummadoù
+ abandoned: Hent-houarn dilezet
bridleway: Hent evit ar varc'hegerien
bus_guideway: Roudenn vus heñchet
bus_stop: Arsav bus
construction: Chanter gourhent
cycleway: Roudenn divrodegoù
+ elevator: Pignerez
emergency_access_point: Poent moned trummadoù
footway: Gwenodenn evit an droadeien
ford: Roudour
tertiary: Hent trede renk
tertiary_link: Hent trede renk
track: Roudenn
+ traffic_signals: Gouleier
trail: Roudenn
trunk: Hent-tizh
trunk_link: Hent-tizh
unclassified: Hent dirumm
unsurfaced: Hent dizolo
+ "yes": Hent
archaeological_site: Lec'hienn henoniel
battlefield: Tachenn emgann
boundary_stone: Bonn harzoù
- building: Savadur
+ building: Savadur istorel
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Kastell
church: Iliz
+ city_gate: Porzh kêr
citywalls: Murioù kêr
fort: Kreñv
+ heritage: Lec'hienn ar glad
house: Ti
icon: Arlun
manor: Maner
memorial: Kounlec'h
mine: Mengleuz
monument: Monumant
+ roman_road: Hent roman
ruins: Dismantroù
+ stone: Roc'h
tomb: Bez
tower: Tour
wayside_cross: Kroaz
wayside_shrine: Ti-pediñ
wreck: Peñse
+ junction:
+ "yes": Kej
allotments: Liorzhoù familh
basin: Poull
road: Takad hent
village_green: Takad natur foran
vineyard: Gwinieg
+ "yes": Implij an douaroù
beach_resort: Kêr-gouronkañ
bird_hide: Bod evned
+ club: Klub
common: Tachennoù foran
+ dog_park: Park chas
fishing: Takad pesketa
+ fitness_centre: Kreizenn fitness
fitness_station: ↓Atalier da embreger ar c'horf
garden: Liorzh
golf_course: Tachenn golf
+ horse_riding: Marc'hegezh
ice_rink: Poull-ruzikat
marina: Porzh-bageal
miniature_golf: Golfig
swimming_pool: Poull-neuial
track: Roudenn redek
water_park: Kreizenn dour
+ "yes": Diduamantoù
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Tour-tan
+ pipeline: Eoulsan
+ tower: Tour
+ works: Labouradeg
+ "yes": Krouet gant Mab-den
airfield: Nijva milourel
barracks: Kazarn
forest: Koadeg
geyser: Geiser
glacier: Skorneg
+ grassland: Pradenn
heath: Brug
hill: Torgenn
island: Enez
reef: Karreg
ridge: Kribenn
rock: Roc'h
+ saddle: Dibr
+ sand: Traezh
scree: Disac'hadur
scrub: Strouezh
spring: Lamm-dour
wood: Koad
accountant: Kontour
+ administrative: Melestradur
architect: Ti-savour
company: Embregerezh
employment_agency: Ajañs evit al labour
travel_agent: Ajañs-veaj
"yes": Burev
+ allotments: Liorzhoù tiegezhel
+ block: Blog
airport: Aerborzh
city: Meurgêr
country: Bro
town: Kêr
unincorporated_area: Takad diaoz
village: Kêriadenn
+ "yes": Lec'h
abandoned: Hent-houarn dilezet
construction: Hent-houarn war sevel
"yes": Stal
alpine_hut: Bod menez
+ apartment: Ranndi
artwork: Oberenn arz
attraction: Tra zedennus
bed_and_breakfast: Bod ha boued
camp_site: Tachenn gampiñ
caravan_site: Tachenn karavanennoù
chalet: Ti-menez
+ gallery: Palier
guest_house: Ti herberc'h
hostel: Herberc'h
hotel: Leti
wadi: Oued
waterfall: Lamm-dour
weir: Stankell
+ "yes": Hent bageal
level2: Bevenn ar vro
level4: Bevenn ar Stad
no_results: N'eus bet kavet respont ebet
more_results: Muioc'h a zisoc'hoù
- distance:
- one: war-dro 1 km
- zero: nebeutoc'h eget 1 km
- other: war-dro %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: mervent
- south: su
- south_east: gevred
- east: reter
- north_east: biz
- north: norzh
- north_west: gwalarn
- west: kornôg
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
ho notennoù a sell ouzhoc''h'
your_changeset: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} en deus addispleget unan eus
ho holladoù kemmoù krouet d''an %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} en deus lezet un evezhiadenn war un hollad
+ cheñchamantoù kartenn emaoc''h oc''h evezhiañ, krouet gant %{changeset_author}
+ d''an %{time}'
partial_changeset_with_comment: gant an addispleg '%{changeset_comment}'
partial_changeset_without_comment: Hep evezhiadenn
+ details: Muioc'h a ditouroù war an holl cheñchamantoù e %{url}.
title: Boest resev
close: Serriñ
search: Klask
+ get_directions: Kaout an tuioù
+ get_directions_title: Kavit an hentoù etre an daou boent
+ from: Eus
+ to: Da
where_am_i: Pelec'h emaon ?
where_am_i_title: Deskrivañ al lec'hiadur a-vremañ en ur implijout al lusker
register now: En em enskrivañ bremañ
with username: 'Ur gont OpenStreetMap hoc''h eus dija ? Digorit un dalc''h en
ur verkañ hoc''h anv implijer hag ho ker-tremen :'
- with openid: 'Gallout a rit ivez ober gant hoc''h OpenID evit kevreañ :'
new to osm: Nevez war OpenStreetMap ?
to make changes: Evit kemmañ roadennoù OpenStreetMap e rankit kaout ur gont.
create account minute: Krouiñ ur gont. Ne bad nemet ur vunutenn.
m'hoc'h eus c'hoant da gaozeal diwar-benn an dra-se.
auth failure: Ho tigarez, met n'eus ket bet gallet hoc'h anavezout gant an titouroù
- openid missing provider: Ho tigarez, n'eus ket bet gallet mont e darempred gant
- ho pourvezer OpenID
- openid invalid: Ho tigarez, Evit doare eo stummet fall hoc'h OpenID
openid_logo_alt: Kevreañ gant un OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Kevreañ gant OpenID
- alt: Kevreañ gant un OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Keverañ gant Google
- alt: Keverañ gant ur Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Kevreañ gant Yahoo
- alt: Keverañ gant ur Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Kevreañ gant Wordpress
- alt: Kevreañ gant ur Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Kevreañ gant AOL
- alt: Kevreañ gant un AOL OpenID
title: Digevreañ
heading: Kuitaat OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Anv diskwelet :'
display name description: Emañ hoc'h anv implijer a-wel d'an holl. Se a c'hallit
cheñch diwezhatoc'h en ho penndibaboù.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID :'
password: 'Ger-tremen :'
confirm password: 'Kadarnaat ar ger-tremen :'
- use openid: Gallout a rit ivez ober gant %{logo} OpenID evit kevreañ
- openid no password: Gant OpenID n'eo ket dav lakaat ur ger-tremen, kouskoude
- e c'hall un nebeud ostilhoù pe servijerioù zo kaout ezhomm eus unan.
- openid association: "<p>N'eo ket kevredet hoc'h OpenID gant ur gont OpenStreetMap
- evit c'hoazh.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>M'emaoc'h nevez deuet da OpenStreetMap, krouit
- ur gont nevez en ur ober gant ar furmskrid dindan.</li>\n <li>\n M'hoc'h
- eus ur gont dija e c'hallit kevreañ d'ho kont\n en ur ober gant hoc'h anv
- implijer hag ho ker-tremen a-raok kevrediñ ar gont \n gant hoc'h OpenID
- en hoc'h arventennoù implijer.\n </li>\n</ul>"
continue: En em enskrivañ
terms accepted: Trugarez deoc'h evit bezañ asantet da ziferadennoù nevez ar
c'henlabourer !
new email address: 'Chomlec''h postel nevez :'
email never displayed publicly: (n'eo ket diskwelet d'an holl morse)
- openid: 'OpenID :'
link text: petra eo se ?
public editing:
press confirm button: Pouezit war ar bouton kadarnaat amañ dindan evit gweredekaat
ho kont.
button: Kadarnaat
+ success: Kadarnaet eo ho kont, trugarez evit bezañ en em enskrivet !
already active: Kadarnaet eo bet ar gont-mañ c'hoazh.
unknown token: Diamzeret eo ar c'hod gwiriekaat pe n'eus ket anezhañ.
reconfirm_html: M'ho peus ezhomm da adkas ar postel kadarnaat, <a href="%{reconfirm}">klikit
comment: Evezhiadenn
edit_help: Dilec'hiit ar gartenn ha zoumit war ul lec'h a fell deoc'h aozañ, ha
neuze klikit amañ.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Marc'h-houarn (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Troad (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Marc'h-houarn (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Karr (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Troad (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Karr(OSRM)
+ directions: Tuioù
+ distance: Hed
+ errors:
+ no_route: Ne c'haller ket kavout un hent etre an daou lec'h-mañ.
+ no_place: Ho tigarez, ne c'haller ket kavout al lec'h-mañ.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Kenderc'hel war
+ slight_right: Troit un tamm a-zehou war
+ turn_right: Troit a-zehou war
+ sharp_right: Troit a-zehoù war
+ uturn: Griet un hanter-dro war
+ sharp_left: Troit a-gleiz war
+ turn_left: Troit a-gleiz war
+ slight_left: Troit un tamm a-gleiz war
+ via_point: (der ar poent)
+ follow: Heuliañ
+ roundabout: Er c'hroashent-tro, kemer
+ leave_roundabout: Kuitaat ar c'hroashent-tro -
+ stay_roundabout: Chom war ar c'hroashent-tro -
+ start: Loc'hañ e dibenn
+ destination: Tizhout al lec'h da vont di
+ against_oneway: Mont gant an hent untu war
+ end_oneway: Fin an tremen untun war
+ unnamed: (hep anv)
+ courtesy: Hent a-berzh %{link}
+ time: Eur
node: Skoulm
way: Hent
relation: Darempred
nothing_found: Arc'hweladur ebet kavet
error: Fazi o vont e daremmpred gant %{server}:%{error}
+ timeout: Amzer aet e-biou %{server}
description: Deskrivadur
no_results: Nema pronađenih rezultata
more_results: Više rezultata
- distance:
- one: oko 1km
- zero: manje od 1km
- other: oko %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: jugozapadno
- south: južno
- south_east: jugoistočno
- east: istočno
- north_east: sjeveroistočno
- north: sjeverno
- north_west: sjeverozapadno
- west: zapadno
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logotip
register now: Registrirajte se sada
with username: 'Već imate račun na OpenStreetMapu? Molimo da se prijavite s
Vašim korisničkim imenom i lozinkom:'
- with openid: 'Alternativno molimo koristite Vaš OtvoreniID da se prijavite:'
new to osm: Novi na OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Da bi ste mijenjali OpenStreetMap podatke, morate imati korisnički
/>Molimo kontaktirajte <a href="%{webmaster}">webmastera</a> uoliko želite
da diskutujete o ovome.
auth failure: Žao mi je, ne možemo Vas prijaviti s ovim detaljima.
- openid missing provider: Žao nam je, ne možemo kontaktirati Vaš provider za
- OtvoreniID
- openid invalid: Žao nam je, čini se da je Vaš OpenID zlonamjeran
openid_logo_alt: Prijavite se sa OtvorenimID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Prijavite se sa otvorenimID
- alt: Prijavite se sa URL OtvorenogID
- google:
- title: Prijavite se sa Google računom
- alt: Prijavite se sa Google OtvorenimID
- yahoo:
- title: Prijavite se sa Yahoo računom
- alt: Prijavite se sa Yahoo OtvorenimID
- wordpress:
- title: Prijavite se sa Wordpress računom
- alt: Prijavite se sa Wordpress OtvorenimID
- aol:
- title: Prijavite se sa AOL računom
- alt: Prijavite se sa AOL OtvorenimID
title: Odjava
heading: Odjava iz OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Ime za prikaz:'
display name description: Vaše javno prikazano korisničko ime. Možete ga promjeniti
kasnije u postavkama.
- openid: '%{logo} OtvoreniID:'
password: 'Lozinka:'
confirm password: 'Potvrditi lozinku:'
- use openid: Kao alternativu, koristite %{logo} OtvoreniID za prijavu
- openid no password: Lozinka nije potrebna sa OtvorenimID, ali neki ekstra alati
- ili server je još uvijek mogu trebati.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Vaš OtvoreniID još nije povezan sa OpenStreetMap računom.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ukoliko ste novi na projektu OpenStreetMap, molimo napravite novi račun korištenjem formulara ispod.</li>
- <li>
- Ukoliko već imate račun, možete se prijaviti na Vaš račun korištenjem Vašeg korisničkog imena i lozinke i onda uvezati račun sa Vašim OtvorenimID u Vašim korisničkim podešavanjima.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Otvorite račun
terms accepted: Hvala za prihvatanje novih uslova za doprinosioce!
terms declined: Žao nam je da ste odlučili ne prihvatiti nove Uslove za doprinosioce.
new email address: 'Nova e-mail adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikada se ne prikazuje javno)
- openid: OtvoreniID
link text: Šta je ovo?
public editing:
heading: Provjerite vaš email!
press confirm button: Pritisnuti potvrditi da bi aktivirali Vaš korisnički račun.
button: Potvrditi
+ success: Vaš račun je potvrđen, hvala na uključenju!
already active: Ovaj račun je već potvrđen.
unknown token: Taj kod za potvrdu je istekao ili ne postoji.
+ cable_car: Telefèric
chair_lift: Telecadira
drag_lift: Teleesquí
+ gondola: Telecabina
station: Estació de telefèric
aerodrome: Aeròdrom
taxiway: Carrer de rodada
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refugi d'animals
arts_centre: Centre d'Art
atm: Caixer automàtic
bank: Banc
bicycle_parking: Aparcament de bicicletes
bicycle_rental: Lloguer de bicicletes
biergarten: Cervesseria a l'aire lliure
+ boat_rental: Lloguer d'embarcacions
brothel: Prostíbul
bureau_de_change: Oficina de canvi
bus_station: Estació d'autobusos
car_wash: Rentat de cotxes
casino: Casino
charging_station: Estació de recàrrega
+ childcare: Ludoteca
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clínica
+ clock: Rellotge
college: Institut
community_centre: Centre Comunitari / Centre Cívic
courthouse: Jutjat
food_court: Àrea de restauració
fountain: Font
fuel: Benzinera
+ gambling: Jocs d'atzar
grave_yard: Cementiri
gym: Gimnàs
health_centre: Centre de Salut
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercat
marketplace: Mercat
+ monastery: Monestir
+ motorcycle_parking: Aparcament per a motos
nightclub: Club nocturn
nursery: Infantil
nursing_home: Llar d'Avis
office: Oficina
parking: Pàrquing
+ parking_entrance: Entrada d'aparcament
pharmacy: Farmàcia
place_of_worship: Lloc de culte
police: Policia
veterinary: Veterinari
village_hall: Casa de la Vila
waste_basket: Cistella de Residus
+ waste_disposal: Contenidor d'escombraries
youth_centre: Centre juvenil
administrative: Límit administratiu
"yes": Pont
"yes": Edifici
+ craft:
+ brewery: Fàbrica de cervesa
+ carpenter: Fuster
+ electrician: Electricista
+ gardener: Jardiner
+ painter: Pintor
+ photographer: Fotògraf
+ plumber: Lampista
+ shoemaker: Sabater
+ tailor: Sastre
+ "yes": Botiga d'artesania
+ ambulance_station: Base d'ambulàncies
+ defibrillator: Desfibril·lador
+ landing_site: Lloc d'aterratges d'emergència
phone: Telèfon per a emergències
+ abandoned: Carretera abandonada
bridleway: Ferradura
bus_guideway: Carril Bus
bus_stop: Parada d'autobús
construction: Autopista en construcció
cycleway: Ruta per a bicicletes
+ elevator: Ascensor
emergency_access_point: Accés d'emergència
footway: Sendera
ford: Fiord
tertiary: Carretera terciària
tertiary_link: Carretera terciària
track: Pista
+ traffic_signals: Senyals de trànsit
trail: Sendera o corriol
trunk: Autovia de
trunk_link: Autovia de
unclassified: Sense classificar Road
unsurfaced: Pista sense asfaltar
+ "yes": Carretera
archaeological_site: Lloc arqueològic
battlefield: Camp de batalla
boundary_stone: Pedra de la frontera
- building: Edifici
+ building: Edifici històric
+ bunker: Búnquer
castle: Castell
church: Església
+ city_gate: Porta urbana
citywalls: Muralles
fort: Fortí
+ heritage: Espai patrimoni de la humanitat
house: Casa
icon: Icona
manor: Manor
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Carretera Romana
ruins: Ruïnes
+ stone: Pedra
tomb: Tomba
tower: Torre
wayside_cross: Camí de la creu
wayside_shrine: Santuari de carreteres
wreck: Wreck
+ junction:
+ "yes": Intersecció
allotments: Horts
basin: Conca
road: Zona de carretera
village_green: Zona verda
vineyard: Vinya
+ "yes": Ús del terreny
beach_resort: Beach Resort
bird_hide: Aguait
+ club: Club
common: Terra comú
+ dog_park: Parc caní
fishing: Àrea de pesca
+ fitness_centre: Centre de fitness
fitness_station: Centre de fitness
garden: Jardí
golf_course: Camp de golf
+ horse_riding: Hípica
ice_rink: Pista de patinatge sobre gel
marina: Port esportiu
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Camp d'esports
playground: Parc infantil
recreation_ground: Terra de recreació
+ resort: Resort
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Slipway
sports_centre: Centre esportiu
swimming_pool: Piscina
track: Pista
water_park: Parc aquàtic
+ "yes": Esbarjo
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Far
+ pipeline: Canonada
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fàbrica
+ "yes": Fet per l'home
airfield: Aeroport militar
barracks: Caserna
forest: Bosc
geyser: Guèiser
glacier: Glacera
+ grassland: Prats
heath: Bruguerar
hill: Pujol
island: Illa
reef: Escull
ridge: Cresta
rock: Roca
+ saddle: Coll
+ sand: Sorra
scree: Pedregar
scrub: Scrub
spring: Deu
wood: Bosc
accountant: Comptable
+ administrative: Administració
architect: Arquitecte
company: Empresa
employment_agency: Agència d'ocupació
travel_agent: Agència de viatges
"yes": Oficina
+ allotments: Horts
+ block: Bloc
airport: Aeroport
city: Ciutat
country: País
town: Poble
unincorporated_area: Àrea no incorporada
village: Aldea
+ "yes": Lloc
abandoned: Ferrocarril fora de Servei
construction: Ferrocarril en Construcció
"yes": Botiga
alpine_hut: Cabanya alpina
+ apartment: Apartament
artwork: Il·lustració
attraction: Atracció
bed_and_breakfast: Llit i esmorzar (B&B)
camp_site: Campament
caravan_site: Càmping per a caravanes
chalet: Xalet
+ gallery: Galeria
guest_house: Alberg
hostel: Hostal
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Torrent
waterfall: Cascada
weir: Weir
+ "yes": Curs d'aigua
level2: Frontera internacional
level4: Límit d'estat
no_results: No hi ha resultats
more_results: Més resultats
- distance:
- one: vora 1km
- zero: menys d'1km
- other: vora %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-oest
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-est
- east: est
- north_east: nord-est
- north: nord
- north_west: nord-oest
- west: oest
title: OpenStreetMap
copyright: Copyright d'OpenStreetMap i els seus col·laboradors sota llicència
- remote_failed: L'edició ha fallat - assegureu-vos que el JOSM, o el Merkaartor,
- esta executant-se i que l'opció de comandament a distància està habilitatada
+ remote_failed: L'edició ha fallat. Assegureu-vos que el JOSM, o el Merkaartor,
+ esta executant-se i que l'opció de comandament a distància està habilitada
not_public: No heu fet les configuracions necessàries per tal que les vostres
modificacions siguin públiques.
close: Tanca
search: Cerca
+ get_directions: Obtenir indicacions
+ get_directions_title: Trobeu indicacions entre dos punts
+ from: De
+ to: A
where_am_i: On sóc?
where_am_i_title: Descriu la localització actual fent servir el motor de cerca
submit_text: Vés-hi
register now: Registreu-vos-hi ara
with username: 'Ja teniu un compte de l''OpenStreetMap? Incieu sessió amb el
nom d''usuari i contrasenya:'
- with openid: 'Alternativament, utilitzeu el vostre OpenID per iniciar sessió:'
new to osm: Nou a OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Per fer canvis a les dades de OpenStreetMap, ha de tenir un
una activitat sospitosa.<br />Contacteu amb el <a href="%{webmaster}">webmestre</a>
si voleu parlar-ne.
auth failure: Ho sentim, no podeu registrar-vos amb aquesta informació.
- openid missing provider: Ho sento, no podem contactar amb el vostre proveïdor
- d'OpenID
- openid invalid: Ho sentim, la vostra OpenID sembla ser no vàlida
openid_logo_alt: Inicia sessió amb un compte OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Inicia sessió amb OpenID
- alt: Inicia sessió amb un URL d'OpenID
- google:
- title: Inicia sessió amb Google
- alt: Inicia sessió amb un OpenID de Google
- yahoo:
- title: Inicia sessió amb Yahoo
- alt: Inicia sessió amb un OpenID Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Inicia sessió amb Wordpress
- alt: Inicia sessió amb un Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Inicia sessió amb AOL
- alt: Inicia sessió amb un AOL OpenID
title: Tanca la sessió
heading: Tanca la sessió d'OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nom visible:'
display name description: El nom d'usuari que es motrarà públicament. El podeu
canviar més endavant a les preferències.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Contrasenya:'
confirm password: 'Confirmeu la contrasenya:'
- use openid: Alternativament, utilitzeu %{logo} OpenID per iniciar sessió
- openid no password: Amb l'OpenID no es requereix contrasenya, però algunes eines
- extres o el servidor encara poden necessitar-la.
- openid association: |-
- <p>El vostre OpenID encara no està associat a un compte de OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Si sou nou a l'OpenStreetMap, creeu un compte utilitzant el formulari següent.</li>
- <li>
- Si ja teniu un compte, podeu iniciar sessió amb el vostre compte
- utilitzant el nom d'usuari i contrasenya i aleshores associeu el compte
- amb el vostre compte OpenID a les preferències d'usuari.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Crear un compte
terms accepted: Gràcies per a l'acceptació de les condicions de col. laborador
new email address: 'Nova adreça electrònica:'
email never displayed publicly: (no es mostrarà mai en públic)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: què és això?
public editing:
que t'hem enviat i ja podràs començar a editar el mapa.
press confirm button: Premeu el botó de confirmar sota per activar el compte.
button: Confirma
+ success: Heu confirmat el vostre compte, gràcies per registrar-vos!
already active: Aquest compte ja ha estat confirmat.
unknown token: Aquest codi de confirmació ha expirat o no existeix.
reconfirm_html: Si necessites que et reenviem el correu de confirmació, <a href="%{reconfirm}">clica
comment: Comenta
edit_help: Moveu el mapa i feu zoom sobre una ubicació que vulgueu editar, i a
continuació, feu clic aquí.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicleta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A peu (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicicleta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Cotxe (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A peu (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Cotxe (OSRM)
+ directions: Indicacions
+ distance: Distància
+ errors:
+ no_route: No s'ha pogut establir una ruta entre aquests dos punts.
+ no_place: No hem pogut trobar aquest lloc – Ens sap greu.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Continueu a
+ slight_right: Gireu lleugerament a la dreta cap a
+ turn_right: Gireu a la dreta cap a
+ sharp_right: Gireu pronunciadament a la dreta cap a
+ uturn: Canvieu de sentit a
+ sharp_left: Gireu pronunciadament a l'esquerra cap a
+ turn_left: Gireu a l'esquerra cap a
+ slight_left: Gireu lleugerament a l'esquerra cap a
+ via_point: (mitjançant el punt)
+ follow: Seguir
+ roundabout: A la rotonda, agafeu
+ leave_roundabout: Deixeu la rotonda
+ stay_roundabout: Mantingueu-vos a la rotonda
+ start: Comenceu al final de
+ destination: Heu arribat al vostre destí
+ against_oneway: Aneu contra direcció a
+ end_oneway: Final de via de sentit únic a
+ unnamed: (sense nom)
+ courtesy: Direccions cortesia de %{link}
+ time: Temps
node: Node
way: Via
+ cable_car: Kabinová lanovka
chair_lift: Sedačková lanovka
drag_lift: Vlek
+ gondola: Kabinková lanovka
station: Stanice lanovky
aerodrome: Letiště
taxiway: Pojezdová dráha
terminal: Terminál
+ animal_shelter: Zvířecí útulek
arts_centre: Kulturní centrum
atm: Bankomat
bank: Banka
bicycle_parking: Parkoviště pro kola
bicycle_rental: Půjčovna kol
biergarten: Zahradní hospoda
+ boat_rental: Půjčovna lodí
brothel: Nevěstinec
bureau_de_change: Směnárna
bus_station: Autobusové nádraží
car_wash: Automyčka
casino: Kasino
charging_station: Nabíjecí stanice
+ childcare: Péče o děti
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
+ clock: Hodiny
college: Univerzita
community_centre: Komunitní centrum
courthouse: Soud
food_court: Občerstvení
fountain: Fontána
fuel: Čerpací stanice
+ gambling: Hazardní hry
grave_yard: Hřbitov
gym: Fitness centrum / tělocvična
health_centre: Zdravotní středisko
library: Knihovna
market: Tržiště
marketplace: Tržnice
+ monastery: Klášter
+ motorcycle_parking: Parkoviště pro motocykly
nightclub: Noční klub
nursery: Jesle
nursing_home: Pečovatelský dům
office: Úřad
parking: Parkoviště
+ parking_entrance: Vjezd na parkoviště
pharmacy: Lékárna
place_of_worship: Náboženský objekt
police: Policie
veterinary: Veterinární ordinace
village_hall: Společenský sál
waste_basket: Odpadkový koš
+ waste_disposal: Popelnice
youth_centre: Centrum pro mládež
administrative: Administrativní hranice
"yes": Most
"yes": Budova
+ craft:
+ brewery: Pivovar
+ carpenter: Tesařství
+ electrician: Elektrikář
+ gardener: Zahradník
+ painter: Malíř
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Instalatérství
+ shoemaker: Ševcovství
+ tailor: Krejčovství
+ "yes": Řemeslná dílna
+ ambulance_station: Stanoviště záchranné služby
+ defibrillator: Defibrilátor
+ landing_site: Přistávací plocha záchranky
phone: Nouzový telefon
+ abandoned: Zrušená silnice
bridleway: Koňská stezka
bus_guideway: Autobusová dráha
bus_stop: Autobusová zastávka
construction: Silnice ve výstavbě
cycleway: Cyklostezka
+ elevator: Výtah
emergency_access_point: Nouzový lokalizační bod
footway: Chodník
ford: Brod
tertiary: Silnice třetí třídy
tertiary_link: Silnice třetí třídy
track: Cesta
+ traffic_signals: Světelná signalizace
trail: Stezka
trunk: Významná silnice
trunk_link: Významná silnice
unclassified: Silnice
unsurfaced: Nezpevněná cesta
+ "yes": Cesta
archaeological_site: Archeologické naleziště
battlefield: Bojiště
boundary_stone: Hraniční kámen
- building: Budova
+ building: Historická budova
+ bunker: Bunkr
castle: Hrad
church: Kostel
+ city_gate: Městská brána
citywalls: Městské hradby
fort: Pevnost
+ heritage: Památka
house: Dům
icon: Ikona
manor: Panství
memorial: Památník
mine: Důl
monument: Pomník
+ roman_road: Římská cesta
ruins: Zřícenina
+ stone: Kámen
tomb: Náhrobek
tower: Věž
wayside_cross: Boží muka
wayside_shrine: Boží muka
wreck: Vrak
+ junction:
+ "yes": Křižovatka
allotments: Zahrádkářská kolonie
basin: Vodní nádrž
road: Cesty
village_green: Náves
vineyard: Vinice
+ "yes": Využití krajiny
beach_resort: Pobřežní letovisko
bird_hide: Ptačí pozorovatelna
+ club: Klub
common: Obecní půda
+ dog_park: Park pro psy
fishing: Rybářská oblast
+ fitness_centre: Fitness centrum
fitness_station: Fitness
garden: Zahrada
golf_course: Golfové hřiště
+ horse_riding: Jezdecká stáj
ice_rink: Kluziště
marina: Přístav
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Hřiště
playground: Dětské hřiště
recreation_ground: Rekreační oblast
+ resort: Hotelový komplex
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Skluzavka
sports_centre: Sportovní centrum
swimming_pool: Bazén
track: Běžecká dráha
water_park: Aquapark
+ "yes": Volný čas
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Maják
+ pipeline: Potrubí
+ tower: Věž
+ works: Továrna
+ "yes": Lidský výtvor
airfield: Vojenské letiště
barracks: Kasárna
forest: Les
geyser: Gejzír
glacier: Ledovec
+ grassland: Pastviny
heath: Vřesoviště
hill: Kopec
island: Ostrov
reef: Útes
ridge: Hřeben
rock: Skalisko
+ saddle: Horské sedlo
+ sand: Písčiny
scree: Osyp
scrub: Rumiště
spring: Pramen
wood: Neudržovaný les
accountant: Účetní
+ administrative: Správa
architect: Architekt
company: Firma
employment_agency: Pracovní agentura
travel_agent: Cestovní kancelář
"yes": Kancelář
+ allotments: Zahrádkářská kolonie
+ block: Blok
airport: Letiště
city: Velkoměsto
country: Stát
town: Město
unincorporated_area: Nezařazená oblast
village: Vesnice
+ "yes": Místo
abandoned: Zrušená železniční trať
construction: Železnice ve výstavbě
"yes": Obchod
alpine_hut: Vysokohorská chata
+ apartment: Apartmán
artwork: Umělecké dílo
attraction: Turistická atrakce
bed_and_breakfast: Ubytování Bed & Breakfast
camp_site: Tábořiště, kemp
caravan_site: Autokemping
chalet: Chalupa
+ gallery: Galerie
guest_house: Penzion
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Vádí
waterfall: Vodopád
weir: Jez
+ "yes": Vodní cesta
level2: Státní hranice
- level4: Hranice státu
+ level4: Hranice země, provincie či regionu
level5: Hranice regionu
level6: Hranice okresu
level8: Hranice obce
no_results: Nenalezeny žádné výsledky
more_results: Další výsledky
- distance:
- zero: méně než 1 km
- one: asi 1 km
- other: asi %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: jihozápad
- south: jih
- south_east: jihovýchod
- east: východ
- north_east: severovýchod
- north: sever
- north_west: severozápad
- west: západ
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
close: Zavřít
search: Hledat
+ get_directions: Najít trasu
+ get_directions_title: Najít trasu mezi dvěma body
+ from: Odkud
+ to: Kam
where_am_i: Kde se nacházím?
where_am_i_title: Popsat právě zobrazované místo pomocí vyhledávače
submit_text: Hledat
login_button: Přihlásit
register now: Zaregistrujte se
with username: 'Máte už na OpenStreetMap účet? Přihlaste se svým jménem a heslem:'
- with openid: 'Nebo se můžete přihlásit svým OpenID:'
new to osm: Jste na OpenStreetMap noví?
to make changes: Pokud chcete upravovat OpenStreetMap, musíte mít uživatelský
aktivitě.<br />Pokud to chcete řešit, kontaktujte <a href="%{webmaster}">správce
auth failure: Je mi líto, ale s uvedenými údaji se nemůžete přihlásit.
- openid missing provider: Je nám líto, ale nepodařilo se kontaktovat vašeho poskytovatele
- OpenID
- openid invalid: Je nám líto, ale vaše OpenID vypadá chybně
openid_logo_alt: Přihlášení pomocí OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Přihlášení pomocí OpenID
- alt: Přihlášení pomocí OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Přihlášení pomocí Google
- alt: Přihlášení pomocí Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Přihlášení pomocí Yahoo
- alt: Přihlášení pomocí Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Přihlášení pomocí Wordpress
- alt: Přihlášení pomocí Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Přihlášení pomocí AOL
- alt: Přihlášení pomocí AOL OpenID
title: Odhlásit se
heading: Odhlášení z OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Zobrazované jméno:'
display name description: Vaše veřejně zobrazované uživatelské jméno. Můžete
si ho později změnit ve svém nastavení.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Heslo:'
confirm password: 'Potvrdit heslo:'
- use openid: Případně se můžete přihlásit pomocí %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: S OpenID není heslo potřeba, ale některé další nástroje
- nebo servery je mohou přesto potřebovat.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Vaše OpenID dosud nebylo propojeno s účtem na OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Pokud jste na OpenStreetMap noví, vytvořte si nový účet pomocí formuláře níže.</li>
- <li>
- Pokud již účet máte, můžete se k němu přihlásit
- pomocí uživatelského jména a hesla a poté ho
- v uživatelském nastavení propojit s OpenID.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Zaregistrovat se
terms accepted: Děkujeme za odsouhlasení nových podmínek pro přispěvatele!
terms declined: Je nám líto, že jste se rozhodli nepřijmout nové Podmínky pro
new email address: 'Nová e-mailová adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikde se veřejně nezobrazuje)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: co to znamená?
public editing:
začít mapovat.
press confirm button: Svůj účet aktivujte stisknutím níže zobrazeného tlačítka.
button: Potvrdit
+ success: Účet potvrzen, děkujeme za registraci!
already active: Tento uživatelský účet už byl potvrzen.
unknown token: Zadaný potvrzovací kód vypršel nebo neexistuje.
reconfirm_html: Pokud potřebujete, abychom vám poslali potvrzovací e-mail znovu,
comment: Okomentovat
edit_help: Posuňte si mapu a zvětšete si místo, které chcete editovat, a klikněte
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Na kole (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Pěšky (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Na kole (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Autem (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Pěšky (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Autem (OSRM)
+ directions: Pokyny
+ distance: Vzdálenost
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nepodařilo se nalézt trasu mezi zadanými místy.
+ no_place: Nepodařilo se nám najít zadané místo.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Pokračujte na
+ slight_right: Mírně vpravo na
+ turn_right: Odbočte vpravo na
+ sharp_right: Ostře vpravo na
+ uturn: Otočte se na
+ sharp_left: Ostře vlevo na
+ turn_left: Odbočte vlevo na
+ slight_left: Mírně vlevo na
+ via_point: (přes bod)
+ follow: Jeďte po
+ roundabout: Na kruhovém objezdu použijte
+ leave_roundabout: Vyjeďte z kruhového objezdu –
+ stay_roundabout: Zůstaňte na kruhovém objezdu –
+ start: Začněte na konci
+ destination: Jste v cíli
+ against_oneway: Jeďte protisměrem na
+ end_oneway: Konec jednosměrky na
+ unnamed: (nepojmenovaná)
+ courtesy: Trasa díky %{link}
+ time: Čas
node: Uzel
way: Cesta
no_results: Dim canlyniadau
more_results: Mwy o ganlyniadau
- direction:
- south_west: de-orllewin
- south: de
- south_east: de-ddwyrain
- east: dwyrain
- north_east: gogledd-ddwyrain
- north: gogledd
- north_west: gogledd-orllewin
- west: gorllewin
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
register now: Cofrestru nawr
with username: Eisoes gyda chyfrif OpenStreetMap? Mewngofnodwch gyda'ch enw
defnyddiwr a'ch cyfrinair.
- with openid: 'Neu, mewngofnodwch gydag OpenID:'
new to osm: Yn newydd i OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: I wneud newidiadau i ddata OpenStreetMap, mae'n rhaid cael
create account minute: Crewch cyfrif. Dim ond munud mae'n cymryd.
no account: Dim cyfrif gennych?
openid_logo_alt: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID
- alt: Mewngofodi gydag URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Mewngofnodi gyda Google
- alt: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID Google
- yahoo:
- title: Mewngofnodi gydag Yahoo
- alt: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Mewngofnodig gyda WordPress
- alt: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID WordPress
- aol:
- title: Mewngofnodi gydag AOL
- alt: Mewngofnodi gydag OpenID AOL
title: Allgofnodi
heading: Allgofnodi o OpenStreetMap
confirm email address: 'Cadarnhau''r Cyfeiriad Ebost:'
password: 'Cyfrinair:'
confirm password: 'Cadarnhau''r Cyfrinair:'
- use openid: Neu, mewngofnodwch gydag %{logo} OpenID
continue: Cofrestru
terms accepted: Diolch am dderbyn telerau newydd cyfranwyr!
new email address: 'Cyfeiriad Ebost Newydd:'
email never displayed publicly: (byth ei ddangos yn gyhoeddus)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: beth yw hwn?
public editing:
heading: 'Golygu cyhoeddus:'
no_results: Ingen resultater fundet
more_results: Flere resultater
- distance:
- one: omkring 1 km
- zero: mindre end 1 km
- other: omkring %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sydvest
- south: syd
- south_east: sydøst
- east: øst
- north_east: nordøst
- north: nord
- north_west: nordvest
- west: vest
alt_text: OpenStreetMap-logo
register now: Opret nu
with username: 'Har du allerede en OpenStreetMap konto? Log på med dit brugernavn
og din adgangskode:'
- with openid: 'Alternativt kan du bruge din OpenID til at logge ind:'
new to osm: Ny på OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: For at ændre i OpenStreetMaps data skal du have en konto.
create account minute: Opret en konto. Det tager kun et minut.
aktivitet.<br />Kontakt <a href="%{webmaster}">webmasteren</a> , hvis du ønsker
at drøfte dette.
auth failure: Kunne ikke logge på med disse oplysninger.
- openid missing provider: Kunne ikke kontakte din OpenID-leverandør
- openid invalid: Beklager, din OpenID synes at være forkert formateret
openid_logo_alt: Log på med et OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Log på med OpenID
- alt: Log på med en OpenID-URL
- google:
- title: Log på med Google
- alt: Log på med et Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Log på med Yahoo
- alt: Log på med et Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Log på med Wordpress
- alt: Log på med et Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Log på med AOL
- alt: Log på med et AOL OpenID
title: Log af
heading: Log af fra OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Vist navn:'
display name description: Dit offentligt synlige brugernavn. Du kan ændre dette
senere i indstillingerne.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Adgangskode:'
confirm password: 'Bekræft adgangskode:'
- use openid: Alternativt kan du bruge %{logo} OpenID til at logge på
- openid no password: Med OpenID kræves ikke en adgangskode, men nogle ekstraværktøjer
- eller en server kan muligvis stadig have brug for en.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Din OpenID er endnu ikke tilknyttet en OpenStreetMap konto.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Hvis du er ny på OpenStreetMap, skal du oprette en ny konto ved hjælp af formularen nedenfor.</li>
- <li>
- Hvis du allerede har en konto, kan du logge ind på din konto
- ved hjælp af dit brugernavn og adgangskode og derefter knytte kontoen
- med din OpenID i dine brugerindstillinger.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Opret konto
terms accepted: Tak for at du accepterede de nye vilkår for bidragsydere!
terms declined: Vi er kede af at du har besluttet at du ikke kan acceptere de
new email address: 'Ny e-mailadresse:'
email never displayed publicly: (vises aldrig offentligt)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: hvad er dette?
public editing:
press confirm button: Tryk på "Bekræft"-knappen nedenfor for at aktivere din
button: Bekræft
+ success: Din konto er bekræftet, tak for din registrering!
already active: Denne konto er allerede blevet bekræftet.
unknown token: Den bekræftelseskode er udløbet eller eksisterer ikke.
reconfirm_html: Hvis du har brug for at vi gensender bekræftelsesmailen, så
# Author: Grille chompa
# Author: Holger
# Author: Inkowik
+# Author: Jacobbraeutigam
# Author: John07
# Author: Jupiter
# Author: Katpatuka
+# Author: Kerosin
# Author: Kghbln
# Author: Markobr
# Author: McDutchie
commented_by: Kommentar von %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>vor %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: Änderungssatz-XML
- osmchangexml: osmChange XML
+ osmchangexml: osmChange-XML
title: 'Änderungssatz: %{id}'
title_comment: Änderungssatz %{id} - %{comment}
+ cable_car: Kabelbahnwagen
chair_lift: Sessellift
drag_lift: Schlepplift
+ gondola: Gondelbahn
station: Gondelstation
aerodrome: Flugplatz
taxiway: Rollbahn
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Tierheim
arts_centre: Kulturzentrum
atm: Geldautomat
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Fahrrad-Stellplatz
bicycle_rental: Fahrradverleih
biergarten: Biergarten
+ boat_rental: Bootsverleih
brothel: Bordell
bureau_de_change: Wechselstube
bus_station: Busbahnhof
food_court: Food-Court
fountain: Springbrunnen
fuel: Tankstelle
+ gambling: Glücksspiel
grave_yard: Friedhof
gym: Fitnessstudio
health_centre: Gesundheitszentrum
library: Bücherei
market: Markt
marketplace: Marktplatz
+ monastery: Kloster
+ motorcycle_parking: Motorradparkplatz
nightclub: Nachtklub
nursery: Kindertagesstätte
nursing_home: Altersheim
office: Büro
parking: Parkplatz
+ parking_entrance: Parkeinfahrt
pharmacy: Apotheke
place_of_worship: Andachtsstätte
police: Polizei
gardener: Gärtner
painter: Maler
photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Klempner
shoemaker: Schuhmacher
+ tailor: Schneider
"yes": Handwerksgeschäft
+ ambulance_station: Rettungswache
+ defibrillator: Defibrillator
+ landing_site: Notlandeplatz
phone: Notrufsäule
+ abandoned: Verlassene Schnellstraße
bridleway: Reitweg
bus_guideway: Busspur
bus_stop: Bushaltestelle
battlefield: Kampfgebiet
boundary_stone: Grenzstein
building: Historisches Gebäude
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Schloss
church: Kirche
city_gate: Stadttor
citywalls: Stadtmauern
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Bauerbe
house: Historisches Haus
icon: Symbol
manor: Gutshaus
memorial: Denkmal
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Römerstraße
ruins: Ruine
+ stone: Findling
tomb: Grabstätte
tower: Historischer Turm
wayside_cross: Wegkreuz
wayside_shrine: Bildstock
wreck: Schiffswrack
+ junction:
+ "yes": Kreuzung
allotments: Kleingärten
basin: Becken
road: Straßenfläche
village_green: Dorfwiese (brit.)
vineyard: Weingut
+ "yes": Bodennutzung
beach_resort: Strandbad
bird_hide: Vogelbeobachtungshütte
+ club: Verein
common: öffentliche Grünfläche (brit.)
dog_park: Hundepark
fishing: Fischereigrund
pitch: Sportplatz
playground: Spielplatz
recreation_ground: Erholungsgebiet
+ resort: Ferienort
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Slipanlage
sports_centre: Sportzentrum
swimming_pool: Schwimmbecken
track: Laufbahn
water_park: Wasserpark
+ "yes": Freizeit
lighthouse: Leuchtturm
+ pipeline: Rohrleitung
tower: Turm
works: Fabrik
+ "yes": menschgemacht
airfield: Militärflugplatz
barracks: Kaserne
travel_agent: Reisebüro
"yes": Büro
+ allotments: Schrebergärten
+ block: Block
airport: Flughafen
city: Stadt
country: Staat
no_results: Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
more_results: Mehr Treffer
- distance:
- zero: weniger als 1 km
- one: ca. 1 km
- other: ca. %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: südwestlich
- south: südlich
- south_east: südöstlich
- east: östlich
- north_east: nordöstlich
- north: nördlich
- north_west: nordwestlich
- west: westlich
title: OpenStreetMap
credit_1_html: Wir verlangen die Verwendung des Hinweises „© OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende“.
credit_2_html: |-
Du musst auch klarstellen, dass die Daten unter der Open-Database-Lizenz
- verfügbar sind, und sofern du unsere Kartenkacheln verwendest, dass die
+ verfügbar sind, und, sofern du unsere Kartenkacheln verwendest, dass die
Kartografie gemäß CC BY-SA lizenziert ist. Du kannst dies tun, indem du auf
- <a href=""></a> verlinkst.
+ <a href=""></a> verlinkst.
Ersatzweise, und als Erfordernis, falls du OSM in Datenform weitergibst,
kannst du die Lizenz(en) direkt verlinken und benennen. In Medien, in denen
- keine Links möglich sind (z. B. gedruckten Werken), empfehlen wir dir,
+ keine Links möglich sind (z.B. gedruckten Werken), empfehlen wir dir,
deine Leser direkt auf zu verweisen (möglicherweise mit
dem Erweitern von „OpenStreetMap“ zur vollen Adresse), auf,
und, sofern zutreffend, auf
search: Suchen
get_directions: Route berechnen
get_directions_title: Routenberechnung zwischen zwei Orten
- close_directions: Schliessen der Route
- close_directions_title: Schliessen des Routenmenus
from: Von
to: Nach
where_am_i: Wo bin ich?
register now: Jetzt registrieren
with username: 'Hast du bereits ein Konto bei OpenStreetMap? Bitte melde dich
mit deinem Benutzernamen und Passwort an:'
- with openid: 'Alternativ kannst du deine OpenID zum Anmelden nutzen:'
new to osm: Neu bei OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Um Datenänderungen bei OpenStreetMap vornehmen zu können, musst
Du ein Benutzerkonto haben.
gesperrt.<br />Bitte kontaktiere den <a href="%{webmaster}">Webmaster</a>,
falls du dies klären möchtest.
auth failure: Mit diesen Daten leider keine Anmeldung möglich.
- openid missing provider: Wir konnten leider keine Verbindung zu deinem OpenID-Dienst
- herstellen.
- openid invalid: Deine OpenID scheint leider fehlerhaft zu sein.
openid_logo_alt: Mit einer OpenID anmelden
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Mit OpenID anmelden
- alt: Mit einer OpenID-URL anmelden
- google:
- title: Mit Google anmelden
- alt: Mit einer OpenID von Google anmelden
- yahoo:
- title: Mit Yahoo! anmelden
- alt: Mit einer OpenID von Yahoo! anmelden
- wordpress:
- title: Mit Wordpress anmelden
- alt: Mit einer OpenID von Wordpress anmelden
- aol:
- title: Mit AOL anmelden
- alt: Mit einer OpenID von AOL anmelden
title: Abmelden
heading: Von OpenStreetMap abmelden
display name: 'Benutzername:'
display name description: Dein öffentlich angezeigter Benutzername. Er kann
später in den Einstellungen geändert werden.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Passwort:'
confirm password: 'Passwort bestätigen:'
- use openid: 'Alternativ kannst du eine OpenID von %{logo} zum Anmelden nutzen:'
- openid no password: Für OpenID wird kein Passwort benötigt. Allerdings könnten
- dennoch einige zusätzlich Hilfsprogramme oder Server ein Passwort benötigen.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Deine OpenID ist noch nicht mit einem Benutzerkonto bei OpenStreetMap verknüpft.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Sofern Du noch kein Benutzerkonto bei OpenStreetMap hast, kannst Du eines mit dem Formular unten anlegen.</li>
- <li>
- Sofern Du bereits ein Benutzerkonto hast, kannst du dich dort mit deinem
- Benutzernamen und Passwort anmelden und es danach mit deiner OpenID
- unter deinen Benutzereinstellungen verknüpfen.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrieren
terms accepted: Vielen Dank, dass du den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende zugestimmt
new email address: 'Neue E-Mail-Adresse:'
email never displayed publicly: (nicht öffentlich sichtbar)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Was ist das?
public editing:
press confirm button: Zur Aktivierung Deines Benutzerkontos klicke bitte unten
auf „Bestätigen“.
button: Bestätigen
+ success: |-
+ Dein Benutzerkonto wurde bestätigt, danke fürs Registrieren!
+ <br /><br />
+ Auf <a href="">dieser Seite</a> findest du nützliche Links und Informationen, die dir den Einstieg erleichtern.
already active: Dieses Benutzerkonto wurde bereits bestätigt.
unknown token: Dieser Bestätigungscode ist abgelaufen oder nicht vorhanden.
reconfirm_html: Um die Bestätigungs-E-Mail erneut zuzusenden, <a href="%{reconfirm}">klicke
graphhopper_bicycle: Fahrrad (GraphHopper)
- graphhopper_foot: Fuss (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Fuß (GraphHopper)
mapquest_bicycle: Fahrrad (MapQuest)
mapquest_car: Auto (MapQuest)
- mapquest_foot: Fuss (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Fuß (MapQuest)
osrm_car: Auto (OSRM)
- directions: 'Fahranweisungen:'
- distance: 'Distanz:'
+ directions: 'Routenanweisungen:'
+ distance: Distanz
no_route: Wir konnten keine Strecke zwischen diesen beiden Orten berechnen.
no_place: Wir konnten den Ort nicht finden.
- continue_on: Weiter auf
+ continue_on: Weiter auf
slight_right: Rechts halten auf
- turn_right: Rechts abbiegen auf
- sharp_right: Hart rechts auf
+ turn_right: Rechts abbiegen auf
+ sharp_right: Scharf rechts auf
uturn: U-turn along
- sharp_left: Hart links auf
- turn_left: Links abbiegen auf
+ sharp_left: Scharf links auf
+ turn_left: Links abbiegen auf
slight_left: Links halten auf
via_point: (via point)
- follow: Folge
- roundabout: Im Kreisverkehr nehme
+ follow: Folge
+ roundabout: Im Kreisverkehr
leave_roundabout: Verlasse den Kreisverkehr -
stay_roundabout: Stay on roundabout -
start: Start at end of
against_oneway: Go against one-way on
end_oneway: Ende der Einbahnstrasse
unnamed: (unbekannt)
- courtesy: Fahranweisungen stammen von %{link}
- time: 'Zeit:'
+ courtesy: Routenanweisungen stammen von %{link}
+ time: Zeit
node: Knoten
way: Weg
cities: Suki
towns: Bacari
places: Cayi
- direction:
- south_west: Veroc-perayen
- south: Veroc
- south_east: Veroci-akewten
- east: Akewten
- north_east: Zıme-Akewten
- north: Zıme
- north_west: Zıme-perayen
- west: Perayen
logout: veciyayış
log_in: cı kewe
register now: Enewkê qeyd bê
no account: Hesabê şıma çıniyo?
openid_logo_alt: OpenID ya dekewê de
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID ya dekewê de
- alt: OpenID URL ya dekewê de
- google:
- title: Google ya dekewê de
- alt: Google OpenID ya dekewê de
- yahoo:
- title: Yahoo ya dekewê de
- alt: Yahoo OpenID ya dekewê de
- wordpress:
- title: Wordpress ya dekewê de
- alt: Wordpress OpenID ya dekewê de
- aol:
- title: AOL ya dekewê de
- alt: AOL OpenID ya dekewê de
title: Veciyayış
heading: OpenStreetMap ra vıcyayış
email address: 'Adresa e-postey:'
confirm email address: 'Adresê E-posta tesdiq ke:'
display name: 'Nameyo ke Aseno:'
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Parola:'
confirm password: 'Parolay tesdiq ke:'
- use openid: ALternativey, %{logo} OpenID ra karfiye
continue: Dewam ke
consider_pd_why: no çıko?
current email address: 'E-postay şımaya newki:'
new email address: 'E-postay adresiyo newe:'
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: no çıko?
public editing:
no_results: Žedne wuslědki namakane
more_results: Dalšne wuslědki
- distance:
- few: něźi %{count} km
- one: wokoło 1 km
- two: něźi %{count} km
- zero: mjenjej ako 1 km
- other: něźi %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: krotki wjacor
- south: pódpołdnjo
- south_east: krotke zajtšo
- east: pódzajtšo
- north_east: dłujke zajtšo
- north: pódpołnoc
- north_west: dłujki wjacor
- west: pódwjacor
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
register now: Něnto registrěrowaś
with username: 'Maš južo konto pla OpenStreetMap? Pšosym pśizjaw se ze swójim
wužywarskim mjenim a gronidłom:'
- with openid: 'Alternatiwnje móžoš swój OpenID za pśizjawjenje wužywaś:'
new to osm: Nowy w OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Aby daty OpenStreetMap změnił, musyš konto měś.
create account minute: Załož konto. Trajo jano minutku.
account is suspended: Twójo konto jo se bóžko wupowěźeło dla pódglědneje aktiwity.<br
/>Staj se z <a href="%{webmaster}">webmasterom</a>, jolic coš wó tom diskutěrowaś.
auth failure: Bóžko, pśizjawjenje z toś tymi datami njejo móžno.
- openid missing provider: Bóžko njejsmy mógli z twójim OpenID-póbitowarjom zwězaś
- openid invalid: Bóžko zda se, až twój OpenID jo njepłaśiwy
openid_logo_alt: Z OpenID se pśizjawiś
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Z OpenID se pśizjawiś
- alt: Z OpenID-URL se pśizjawiś
- google:
- title: Z Google pśizjawiś
- alt: Z OpenID z Google pśizjawiś
- yahoo:
- title: Z Yahoo pśizjawiś
- alt: Z OpenID z Yahoo pśizjawiś
- wordpress:
- title: Z Wordpress pśizjawiś
- alt: Z OpenID z Wordpress pśizjawiś
- aol:
- title: Z AOL pśizjawiś
- alt: Z OpenID z AOL pśizjawiś
title: Wótzjawiś se
heading: Z OpenStreetMap se wótzjawiś
display name: 'Wužywarske mě:'
display name description: Sy wužywarske mě zjawnje pokazał. Móžoš to pózdźej
w nastajenjach změniś.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Gronidło:'
confirm password: 'Gronidło wobkšuśiś:'
- use openid: Alternatiwnje móžoš OpenID %{logo} za pśizjawjenje wužywaś
- openid no password: Za OpenID gronidło njejo trěbne, ale někotare wósebne rědy
- abo serwer by mógli gronidło pótrjebaś.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Twój OpenID hyšći njejo zwězany z kontom OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jolic sy nowy w OpenStreetMap, załož nowe konto z pomocu slědujucego formulara.</li>
- <li>
- Jolic maš južo konto, móžoš se z wužywarskim mjenim a gronidłom pśizjawiś a pótom konto ze swójim OpenID w swójich wužywarskich nastajenjach zwězaś.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrěrowaś
terms accepted: Źěkujomy se, až sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkajucuch akceptěrował!
terms declined: Woblutujomy, až sy se rozsuźił, nowe wužywarske wuměnjenja njeakceptěrowaś.
new email address: 'Nowa e-mailowa adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (njejo nigda widobna)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Co to jo?
public editing:
press confirm button: Klikni dołojce na wobkšuśeński tłocašk, aby aktiwěrował
swójo konto.
button: Wobkšuśiś
+ success: Twójo konto jo se wobkšuśiło, źěkujomy se za registrěrowanje!
already active: Toś te konto jo se južo wobkšuśiło.
unknown token: Wobkšuśeński kod jo pśepadnjony abo njeeksistěrujo.
reconfirm_html: Jolic musyš nam wobkšuśeńsku e-mailku znowego pósłaś, <a href="%{reconfirm}">klikni
created_html: Δημιουργήθηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>πριν από %{time}</abbr>
closed_html: Κλείστηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>πριν από %{time}</abbr>
created_by_html: Δημιουργήθηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>πριν από %{time}</abbr>
- αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\84ον %{user}
- deleted_by_html: Î\94ιεγÏ\81άÏ\86η <abbr title='%{title}'>Ï\80Ï\81ιν αÏ\80Ï\8c %{time}</abbr> αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\84ον
+ αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\87Ï\81ήÏ\83Ï\84η %{user}
+ deleted_by_html: Î\94ιεγÏ\81άÏ\86η <abbr title='%{title}'>Ï\80Ï\81ιν αÏ\80Ï\8c %{time}</abbr> αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\87Ï\81ήÏ\83Ï\84η
edited_by_html: Επεξεργάστηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>πριν από %{time}</abbr> από
- Ï\84ον %{user}
- closed_by_html: Î\9aλείÏ\83Ï\84ηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>Ï\80Ï\81ιν αÏ\80Ï\8c %{time}</abbr> αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\84ον
+ Ï\87Ï\81ήÏ\83Ï\84η %{user}
+ closed_by_html: Î\9aλείÏ\83Ï\84ηκε <abbr title='%{title}'>Ï\80Ï\81ιν αÏ\80Ï\8c %{time}</abbr> αÏ\80Ï\8c Ï\87Ï\81ήÏ\83Ï\84η
version: Έκδοση
in_changeset: Ομάδα αλλαγών
relation: Σχέσεις (%{count})
relation_paginated: Σχέσεις (%{x}-%{y} από %{count})
comment: Σχόλια (%{count})
+ commented_by: Σχόλιο από χρήστη %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>πριν από
+ %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: Ομάδας αλλαγών XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
taxiway: Τροχιόδρομος
terminal: Τερματικός Σταθμός
+ animal_shelter: Καταφύγιο Ζώων
arts_centre: Κέντρο Τεχνών
atm: ΑΤΜ
bank: Τράπεζα
bicycle_parking: Στάθμευση Ποδηλάτων
bicycle_rental: Ενοικίαση Ποδηλάτων
biergarten: Υπαίθρια Μπυραρία
+ boat_rental: Ενοικίαση Σκαφών
brothel: Οίκος Ανοχής
bureau_de_change: Ανταλλακτήριο Συναλλάγματος
bus_station: Σταθμός Λεωφορείου
charging_station: Σταθμός Φόρτισης
cinema: Κινηματογράφος
clinic: Κλινική
+ clock: Ρολόι
college: Κολέγιο
community_centre: Κοινοτικό Κέντρο
courthouse: Δικαστήριο
library: Βιβλιοθήκη
market: Αγορά
marketplace: Αγορά
+ monastery: Μοναστήρι
nightclub: Νυχτερινό Κέντρο
nursery: Παιδικός Σταθμός
nursing_home: Οίκος Ευγηρίας
"yes": Γέφυρα
"yes": Κτίριο
+ craft:
+ gardener: Κηπουρός
+ painter: Ζωγράφος
+ photographer: Φωτογράφος
+ plumber: Υδραυλικός
+ shoemaker: Τσαγκάρης
+ tailor: Ράφτης
+ defibrillator: Απινιδωτής
phone: Τηλέφωνο Έκτακτης Ανάγκης
bridleway: Μονοπάτι για άλογα
bus_stop: Στάση Λεωφορείου
construction: Δρόμος υπό Κατασκευή
cycleway: Ποδηλατόδρομος
+ elevator: Ανελκυστήρας
emergency_access_point: Σημείο Πρόσβασης Έκτακτης Ανάγκης
footway: Μονοπάτι
ford: Κοιτόστρωση
tertiary: Τριτεύων Δρόμος
tertiary_link: Τριτεύων Δρόμος
track: Χωματόδρομος
+ traffic_signals: Σήματα Κυκλοφορίας
trail: Μονοπάτι
trunk: Εθνική Οδός
trunk_link: Εθνική Οδός
unclassified: Αταξινόμητη Οδός
unsurfaced: Δρόμος χωρίς Επίστρωση
+ "yes": Δρόμος
archaeological_site: Αρχαιολογικός Χώρος
battlefield: Πεδίο Μάχης
boundary_stone: Συνοριακή Στήλη
- building: Κτίριο
+ building: Î\99Ï\83Ï\84οÏ\81ικÏ\8c Î\9aÏ\84ίÏ\81ιο
castle: Κάστρο
church: Εκκλησία
citywalls: Τείχη της Πόλης
memorial: Μνημείο
mine: Ορυχείο
monument: Μνημείο
+ roman_road: Ρωμαϊκός Δρόμος
ruins: Ερείπιο
+ stone: Πέτρα
tomb: Τάφος
tower: Πύργος
wayside_shrine: Εικονοστάσιο
fitness_station: Γυμναστήριο
garden: Κήπος
golf_course: Γήπεδο Γκολφ
+ horse_riding: Ιππασία
ice_rink: Παγοδρόμιο
marina: Μαρίνα
miniature_golf: Μίνι Γκολφ
swimming_pool: Πισίνα
track: Στίβος
water_park: Υδάτινο Πάρκο
+ "yes": Ψυχαγωγία
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Φάρος
+ tower: Πύργος
+ works: Εργοστάσιο
airfield: Στρατιωτικό Αεροδρόμιο
barracks: Στρατώνας
forest: Δάσος
geyser: Θερμοπίδακας
glacier: Παγετώνας
+ grassland: Λιβάδι
heath: Ρείκι
hill: Λόφος
island: Νησί
reef: Ύφαλος
ridge: Σκόπελος
rock: Βράχος
+ sand: Άμμος
scrub: Θαμνότοπος
spring: Πηγή
stone: Πέτρα
wood: Δάσος
accountant: Λογιστής
+ administrative: Διαχείριση
architect: Αρχιτέκτονας
company: Εταιρεία
employment_agency: Οργανισμός Απασχόλησης
no_results: Δεν βρέθηκε κανένα αποτέλεσμα
more_results: Περισσότερα αποτελέσματα
- distance:
- one: περίπου 1χλμ
- zero: λιγότερο από 1χλμ
- other: περίπου %{count}χλμ
- direction:
- south_west: νοτιοδυτικά
- south: νότια
- south_east: νοτιοανατολικά
- east: ανατολικά
- north_east: βορειοανατολικά
- north: βόρεια
- north_west: βορειοδυτικά
- west: δυτικά
alt_text: Λογότυπο OpenStreetMap
close: Κλείσιμο
search: Αναζήτηση
+ from: Από
+ to: Προς
where_am_i: Πού είμαι;
where_am_i_title: Περιέγραψε την τωρινή τοποθεσία με χρήση της μηχανής αναζήτησης
submit_text: Μετάβαση
register now: Εγγραφείτε τώρα
with username: 'Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό OpenStreetMap; Παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε με το
όνομα χρήστη και κωδικό πρόσβασης:'
- with openid: 'Εναλλακτικά, χρησιμοποιήστε OpenID για να συνδεθείτε:'
new to osm: Νέοι στο OpenStreetMap;
to make changes: Για να κάνεις αλλαγές στα δεδομένα του OpenStreetMap, πρέπει
να έχεις λογαριασμό.
δραστηριότητας.<br>Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με τον <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
εάν θέλετε να το συζητήσετε.
auth failure: Λυπάμαι, δεν μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε με αυτές τις λεπτομέρειες.
- openid missing provider: Λυπάμαι, δεν μπορώ να έρθω σε επαφή με τον πάροχο σας
- OpenID
- openid invalid: Λυπάμαι, το OpenID φαίνεται να είναι ακατάλληλο
openid_logo_alt: Σύνδεση με ένα OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Σύνδεση με OpenID
- alt: Σύνδεση με ένα URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Σύνδεση με Google
- alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Σύνδεση με Yahoo
- alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Σύνδεση με Wordpress
- alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Σύνδεση με AOL
- alt: Σύνδεση με AOL OpenID
title: Αποσύνδεση
heading: Αποσύνδεση από το OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Εμφανιζόμενο όνομα:'
display name description: Το δημόσια εμφανιζόμενο όνομα χρήστη. Μπορείτε να
το αλλάξετε αργότερα από τις προτιμήσεις.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Κωδικός:'
confirm password: 'Επιβεβαίωση Κωδικού:'
- use openid: 'Εναλλακτικά, χρήσιμοποιήστε %{logo} OpenID για να συνδεθείτε:'
- openid no password: Με OpenID δεν απαιτείται κωδικός πρόσβασης, αλλά μερικά
- τρίτα εργαλεία ή διακομιστές μπορεί να χρειαστούν κωδικό.
continue: Εγγραφή
terms accepted: Ευχαριστούμε για την αποδοχή των νέων όρων συνεισφοράς!
terms declined: Λυπούμαστε για το ότι αποφασίσατε να μην αποδεχθείτε τους νέους
new email address: 'Νέα Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου:'
email never displayed publicly: (όχι δημόσια εμφάνιση)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: τι είναι αυτό;
public editing:
press confirm button: Πατήστε το κουμπί "Επιβεβαίωση" για να ενεργοποιήσετε
το λογαριασμό σας.
button: Επιβεβαίωση
+ success: Επιβεβαιώθηκε ο λογαριασμός σου, σε ευχαριστούμε για την εγγραφή σου!
already active: Αυτός ο λογαριασμός έχει ήδη επιβεβαιωθεί.
unknown token: Αυτός ο κωδικός επιβεβαίωσης έχει λήξει ή δεν υπάρχει.
reconfirm_html: Εάν θέλετε να σας ξαναστείλουμε το email επιβεβαίωσης <a href="%{reconfirm}">πατήστε
# Export driver: phpyaml
# Author: Bpfhjquevaps
# Author: Bruce89
+# Author: Caliburn
# Author: Captaindogfish
# Author: Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry
# Author: Shirayuki
charging_station: Charging Station
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clinic
+ clock: Clock
college: College
community_centre: Community Centre
courthouse: Courthouse
archaeological_site: Archaeological Site
battlefield: Battlefield
boundary_stone: Boundary Stone
- building: Building
+ building: Historic Building
castle: Castle
church: Church
citywalls: City Walls
no_results: No results found
more_results: More results
- distance:
- zero: less than 1km
- one: about 1km
- other: about %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: south-west
- south: south
- south_east: south-east
- east: east
- north_east: north-east
- north: north
- north_west: north-west
- west: west
title: OpenStreetMap
register now: Register now
with username: 'Already have an OpenStreetMap account? Please login with your
username and password:'
- with openid: 'Alternatively, use OpenID to login:'
new to osm: New to OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: To make changes to the OpenStreetMap data, you must have an
activity.<br />Please contact the <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> if
you wish to discuss this.
auth failure: Sorry, could not log in with those details.
- openid missing provider: Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider
- openid invalid: Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed
openid_logo_alt: Log in with an OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Login with OpenID
- alt: Login with an OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Login with Google
- alt: Login with a Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Login with Yahoo
- alt: Login with a Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Login with Wordpress
- alt: Login with a Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Login with AOL
- alt: Login with an AOL OpenID
title: Logout
heading: Logout of OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Display Name:'
display name description: Your publicly displayed username. You can change this
later in the preferences.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Password:'
confirm password: 'Confirm Password:'
- use openid: Alternatively, use %{logo} OpenID to login
- openid no password: With OpenID a password is not required, but some extra tools
- or server may still need one.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Your OpenID is not associated with a OpenStreetMap account yet.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>If you are new to OpenStreetMap, please create a new account using the form below.</li>
- <li>
- If you already have an account, you can login to your account using your username and password and then associate the account with your OpenID in your user settings.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Sign Up
terms accepted: Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!
terms declined: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor
new email address: 'New Email Address:'
email never displayed publicly: (never displayed publicly)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: what is this?
public editing:
comment: Comment
edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click
+ directions:
+ time: Time
node: Node
way: Way
+ cable_car: Teleférico
chair_lift: Telesilla
drag_lift: Telearrastre
+ gondola: Telecabina
station: Estación de remonte
aerodrome: Aeródromo
taxiway: Calle de rodaje
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refugio de animales
arts_centre: Centro artístico
atm: Cajero automático
bank: Banco
bicycle_parking: Aparcamiento de bibicletas
bicycle_rental: Alquiler de bicicletas
biergarten: Terraza
+ boat_rental: Alquiler de botes
brothel: Burdel
bureau_de_change: Casa de cambio
bus_station: Estación de autobuses
car_wash: Autolavado
casino: Casino
charging_station: Estación de carga
+ childcare: Guardería
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
+ clock: Reloj
college: Instituto
community_centre: Centro comunitario
courthouse: Juzgado
food_court: Zona de restaurantes
fountain: Fuente
fuel: Gasolinera
+ gambling: Juegos de azar
grave_yard: Cementerio
gym: Gimnasio
health_centre: Centro de salud
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Mercado
+ monastery: Monasterio
+ motorcycle_parking: Estacionamiento para motocicletas
nightclub: Club nocturno
nursery: Enfermería
nursing_home: Residencia para la tercera edad
office: Oficina
parking: Aparcamiento
+ parking_entrance: Entrada de estacionamiento
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Templo
police: Policía
veterinary: Clínica veterinaria
village_hall: Sala del pueblo
waste_basket: Papelera
+ waste_disposal: Contenedor de basura
youth_centre: Centro juvenil
administrative: Frontera administrativa
"yes": Puente
"yes": Edificio
+ craft:
+ brewery: Fábrica de cerveza
+ carpenter: Carpintero
+ electrician: Electricista
+ gardener: Jardinero
+ painter: Pintor
+ photographer: Fotógrafo
+ plumber: Plomero/fontanero
+ shoemaker: Zapatero
+ tailor: Sastre
+ "yes": Tienda de artesanía
+ ambulance_station: Base de ambulancias
+ defibrillator: Desfibrilador
+ landing_site: Lugar de aterrizaje de emergencia
phone: Teléfono de emergencia
+ abandoned: Calle o carretera abandonada
bridleway: Camino prioritario para peatones y caballos
bus_guideway: Canal guiado de autobuses
bus_stop: Parada de autobuses
- construction: Autopista en construcción
+ construction: Calle o carretera en construcción
cycleway: Bicisenda
+ elevator: Ascensor
emergency_access_point: Acceso de emergencia
footway: Sendero
ford: Vado
platform: Plataforma
primary: Carretera primaria
primary_link: Carretera primaria
- proposed: Carretera propuesta
+ proposed: Carretera proyectada
raceway: Pista de carreras
residential: Calle
rest_area: Área de descanso
tertiary: Carretera terciaria
tertiary_link: Carretera terciaria
track: Pista
+ traffic_signals: Señales de tráfico
trail: Sendero
trunk: Vía rápida
trunk_link: Enlace de vía rápida
unclassified: Carretera sin clasificar
unsurfaced: Vía no pavimentada
+ "yes": Camino
archaeological_site: Yacimiento arqueológico
battlefield: Campo de batalla
boundary_stone: Mojón
building: Edificio histórico
+ bunker: Búnker
castle: Castillo
church: Iglesia
+ city_gate: Puerta de la ciudad
citywalls: Murallas de la ciudad
fort: Fuerte
+ heritage: Patrimonio de la humanidad
house: Casa histórica
icon: Icono
manor: Casa señorial
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
+ roman_road: Calzada romana
ruins: Ruinas
+ stone: Piedra
tomb: Tumba
tower: Torre
wayside_cross: Crucero
wayside_shrine: Sepulcro
wreck: Pecio
+ junction:
+ "yes": Intersección
allotments: Huertos
basin: Cuenca
road: Área de carretera
village_green: Parque municipal
vineyard: Viñedo
+ "yes": Uso del suelo
beach_resort: Complejo en la playa
bird_hide: Observatorio de aves
+ club: Club
common: Terreno común
+ dog_park: Parque canino
fishing: Área de pesca
+ fitness_centre: Gimnasio (fitness)
fitness_station: Gimnasio
garden: Jardín
golf_course: Campo de golf
+ horse_riding: Equitación
ice_rink: Pista de patinaje sobre hielo
marina: Puerto deportivo
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Cancha deportiva
playground: Área de juegos
recreation_ground: Área recreativa
+ resort: Centro turístico
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Grada
sports_centre: Centro deportivo
swimming_pool: Piscina
track: Pista de atletismo
water_park: Parque acuático
+ "yes": Ocio
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Faro
+ pipeline: Tubería
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fábrica
+ "yes": Artificial
airfield: Aeródromo militar
barracks: Barracas
forest: Bosque
geyser: Géiser
glacier: Glaciar
+ grassland: Pradera
heath: Brezal
hill: Colina
island: Isla
reef: Arrecife
ridge: Cresta
rock: Roca
+ saddle: Collado
+ sand: Arena
scree: Pedregal
scrub: Matorrales
spring: Manantial
wood: Bosque
accountant: Contable
+ administrative: Administración
architect: Arquitecto
company: Empresa
employment_agency: Agencia de empleo
travel_agent: Agencia de viajes
"yes": Oficina
+ allotments: Parcelas
+ block: Bloque
airport: Aeropuerto
city: Ciudad
country: País
town: Pueblo
unincorporated_area: Área no incorporada
village: Aldea
+ "yes": Lugar
abandoned: Ferrocarril abandonado
construction: Vía ferroviaria en construcción
narrow_gauge: Ferrocarril de vía estrecha
platform: Andén
preserved: Ferrocarril preservado
- proposed: Vía de tren propuesta
+ proposed: Vía de tren proyectada
spur: Ramal ferroviario
station: Estación de trenes
stop: Parada de tren
wine: Vinoteca
"yes": Tienda
- alpine_hut: Cabaña alpina
+ alpine_hut: Refugio de montaña
+ apartment: Apartamento turístico
artwork: Obra de arte
attraction: Atracción turística
bed_and_breakfast: Alojamiento y desayuno (B&B)
camp_site: Campamento/camping
caravan_site: Camping para caravanas
chalet: Chalet
+ gallery: Galería
guest_house: Pensión
- hostel: Hostal
+ hostel: Albergue
hotel: Hotel
information: Información turística
motel: Motel
wadi: Rambla
waterfall: Cascada
weir: Represa
+ "yes": Curso de agua
level2: Límite de país
level4: Límite de estado
no_results: No se han encontrado resultados
more_results: Más resultados
- distance:
- one: aproximadamente 1 km
- zero: menos de 1 km
- other: aproximadamente %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: suroeste
- south: sur
- south_east: sureste
- east: este
- north_east: noreste
- north: norte
- north_west: noroeste
- west: oeste
alt_text: Logo de OpenStreetMap
close: Cerrar
search: Buscar
+ get_directions: Obtener indicaciones
+ get_directions_title: Encontrar indicaciones entre dos puntos
+ from: Desde
+ to: Hacia
where_am_i: ¿Dónde estoy?
where_am_i_title: Define la ubicación actual por medio del motor de búsqueda
submit_text: Ir
register now: Regístrese ahora
with username: '¿Ya tiene una cuenta en OpenStreetMap? Por favor, inicie sesión
con su nombre de usuario y contraseña:'
- with openid: 'Como alternativa, utilice su OpenID para iniciar sesión:'
new to osm: ¿Nuevo en OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Para realizar cambios en los datos de OpenStreetMap, debe tener
una cuenta.
sospechosa.<br>Póngase en contacto con el <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
si desea hablar de ello.
auth failure: Lo sentimos. No pudo producirse el acceso con esos datos.
- openid missing provider: Lo sentimos, no hemos podido contactar con su proveedor
- de OpenID
- openid invalid: Lo sentimos, tu OpenID parece ser incorrecto
openid_logo_alt: Inicia sesión con una OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Iniciar sesión con OpenID
- alt: Iniciar sesión con una URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Iniciar sesión con Google
- alt: Iniciar sesión con OpenID de Google
- yahoo:
- title: Iniciar sesión con Yahoo
- alt: Iniciar sesión con OpenID de Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Iniciar sesión con Wordpress
- alt: Iniciar sesión con OpenID de Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Iniciar sesión con AOL
- alt: Iniciar sesión con OpenID de AOL
title: Cerrar sesión
heading: Salir de OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nombre en pantalla:'
display name description: Tu nombre de usuario público. Puedes cambiarlo más
tarde en "preferencias".
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Contraseña:'
confirm password: 'Confirmar contraseña:'
- use openid: Como alternativa, utiliza %{logo} OpenID para iniciar sesión
- openid no password: Con OpenID no se requiere una contraseña, pero algunas herramientas
- extras o servidor pueden seguir necesitándola.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Tu OpenID aún no está asociado con una cuenta de OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Si eres nuevo en OpenStreetMap, por favor crea una cuenta usando el siguiente formulario.</li>
- <li>
- Si ya tienes una cuenta, puedes iniciar sesión a tu cuenta
- usando tu nombre de usuario y contraseña y luego asociar la cuenta
- con tu OpenID en tus preferencias de usuario.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrarse
terms accepted: ¡Gracias por aceptar los nuevos términos de colaborador!
terms declined: Lamentamos que haya decidido no aceptar los nuevos Términos
status: 'Estado:'
spam score: 'Puntuación de spam:'
description: Descripción
- user location: Localización del usuario
+ user location: Ubicación del usuario
if set location: Configure su lugar de origen en la página %{settings_link}
para ver los usuarios cercanos.
settings_link_text: preferencias
no friends: No has añadido ningún amigo aún.
km away: '%{count} km de distancia'
m away: '%{count} m de distancia'
- nearby users: 'Otros usuarios cercanos:'
+ nearby users: Otros usuarios cercanos
no nearby users: Todavía no hay usuarios que se hayan ubicado en su proximidad.
administrator: Este usuario es un administrador
new email address: 'Nueva dirección de correo electrónico:'
email never displayed publicly: (nunca es mostrado públicamente)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: ¿qué es esto?
public editing:
y podrá comenzar a mapear.
press confirm button: Pulse botón de confirmación de abajo para activar su cuenta.
button: Confirmar
+ success: ¡Cuenta confirmada, gracias por registrarse!
already active: Esta cuenta ya ha sido confirmada.
- unknown token: Este código de confirmación ha expirado o no existe.
+ unknown token: Ese código de confirmación ha caducado o no existe.
reconfirm_html: Si necesita que le reenviemos el correo electrónico de confirmación,
<a href="%{reconfirm}">haga clic aquí</a>.
summary: '%{name} creado desde %{ip_address} el %{date}'
summary_no_ip: '%{name} creado el %{date}'
confirm: Confirmar usuarios seleccionados
- hide: Ocultar Usuarios Seleccionados
+ hide: Ocultar usuarios seleccionados
empty: No hay usuarios coincidentes
title: Cuenta suspendida
comment: Comentar
edit_help: Mueva el mapa el mapa y acerca a una ubicación que desees editar, luego
haga clic aquí.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: En bicicleta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A pie (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: En bicicleta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: En coche (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A pie (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: En coche (OSRM)
+ directions: Indicaciones
+ distance: Distancia
+ errors:
+ no_route: No se pudo encontrar una ruta entre esos dos lugares.
+ no_place: Lo sentimos - no se pudo encontrar ese lugar.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Continuar en
+ slight_right: Gire un poco a la derecha
+ turn_right: Gire a la derecha en
+ sharp_right: Giro brusco a la derecha en
+ uturn: Cambio de sentido en
+ sharp_left: Giro brusco a la izquierda en
+ turn_left: Gire a la izquierda hacia
+ slight_left: Gire un poco a la izquierda
+ via_point: (punto intermedio)
+ follow: Siga
+ roundabout: En la rotonda, tomar
+ leave_roundabout: Salir de la rotonda -
+ stay_roundabout: Permanecer en la rotonda -
+ start: Iniciar al final de
+ destination: Llegue a su destino
+ against_oneway: Ir en contra de un solo sentido en
+ end_oneway: Final de un solo sentido en
+ unnamed: (sin nombre)
+ courtesy: Indicaciones cortesía de %{link}
+ time: Hora
node: Nodo
way: Vía
battlefield: Lahinguväli
boundary_stone: Piirikivi
- building: Hoone
+ building: Ajalooline hoone
castle: Kindlus
church: Kirik
citywalls: Linnamüürid
swimming_pool: Ujula
track: Jooksurada
water_park: Veepark
+ man_made:
+ tower: Torn
+ works: Vabrik
airfield: Sõjaväe lennuväli
barracks: Kasarmud
wetland: Märgala
wood: Mets
+ accountant: Raamatupidaja
architect: Arhitekt
airport: Lennujaam
no_results: Ei leidnud midagi
more_results: Veel tulemusi
- distance:
- one: umbes 1km
- zero: vähem kui 1km
- other: umbes %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: edela
- south: lõuna
- south_east: kagu
- east: ida
- north_east: kirde
- north: põhja
- north_west: loode
- west: lääne
alt_text: OpenStreetMapi logo
commented_note: '%{commenter} on taasaktiveerinud märkuse, mida sa oled kommenteerinud.
Märkus on %{place} lähedal.'
details: Märkuse lisateavet leiad %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Tere,
title: Saabunud kirjad
close: Sulge
search: Otsi
+ from: Alguspunkt
+ to: Sihtpunkt
where_am_i: Kus ma asun?
where_am_i_title: Määra praegune asukoht otsimootori abil
submit_text: Otsi
unclassified: Klassifitseerimata tee
unsurfaced: Katteta tee
track: Rada
+ byway: Kõrvaltee
bridleway: Ratsatee
cycleway: Jalgrattatee
footway: Jalgtee
register now: 'Registreeru:'
with username: Kas omad juba OpenStreetMap kasutajakontot? Palun logi sisse
enda kasutajanime ja salasõnaga.
- with openid: 'Või kasuta sisse logimiseks oma OpenID kasutajat:'
new to osm: Oled uus OpenStreetMap kasutaja?
to make changes: Muudatuste tegemiseks OpenStreetMap andmetes peab sul olema
tõttu.<br />Palun võta ühendust <a href="%{webmaster}">veebimeistriga</a>
kui soovid sellel teemal arutleda.
auth failure: Vabandust, kahjuks ei saa nende andmetega sisse.
- openid missing provider: Vabandust, kahjuks ei õnnestu luua ühendust sinu OpenID
- pakkujaga
- openid invalid: Vabandust, sinu OpenID näib olevat vigane
openid_logo_alt: Sisene OpenID tunnusega
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Sisene OpenID tunnusega
- alt: Sisene OpenID URL abil
- google:
- title: Sisene Google'i tunnusega
- alt: Sisene Google'i OpenID tunnusega
- yahoo:
- title: Sisene Yahoo tunnusega
- alt: Sisene Yahoo OpenID tunnusega
- wordpress:
- title: Sisene Wordpress tunnusega
- alt: Sisene Wordpress OpenID tunnusega
- aol:
- title: Sisene AOL tunnusega
- alt: Sisene AOL OpenID tunnusega
title: Logi välja
heading: Välju OpenStreetMap -st
display name: 'Kuvatav nimi:'
display name description: Avalikult kuvatud kasutajanimi. Seda saate muuta hiljem
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Uus parool:'
confirm password: 'Kinnita parool:'
- use openid: Teise võimalusena kasuta %{logo} OpenID sisselogimist
- openid no password: OpenID kasutamisel ei ole parool kohustuslik, kuid mõned
- eritööriistad või serverid nõuavad seda siiski.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Sinu OpenID ei ole seotud veel OpenStreetMapi kasutajakontoga.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Kui oled uus OpenStreetMapi kasutaja, siia loo palun uus konto, kasutades alljärgnevat vormi.</li>
- <li>
- Kui sul juba on kasutajakonto, siis võid siseneda oma kontoga,
- kasutades oma kasutajanime ja parooli ja seejärel siduda oma
- kasutajakonto oma OpenID-ga kasutaja seadistuste all.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registreeru
terms accepted: Täname, et nõustusid uute kaastöö tingimustega!
terms declined: Meil on kahju, et otsustasid mitte nõustuda uute kaastöö tingimustega.
new email address: 'Uus e-posti aadress:'
email never displayed publicly: (ei näidata mitte kunagi avalikult)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: mis see on?
public editing:
comment: Kommenteeri
edit_help: Nihuta kaarti ja suumi sisse asukohta mida soovid redigeerida ja seejärel
kliki siia.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Rattaga (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Jalgsi (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Rattaga (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Autoga (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Jalgsi (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Autoga (OSRM)
+ directions: Juhised
+ distance: Vahemaa
+ errors:
+ no_route: Ei suutnud leida teekonda nende kahe koha vahel.
+ no_place: Vabandust - ei suuda leida sellist kohta.
+ instructions:
+ turn_right: Pööra paremale
+ turn_left: Pööra vasakule
+ roundabout: Ringristmikul keera
+ destination: Jõudsid sihtpunkti
+ unnamed: (nimetu)
+ time: Kestus
node: Sõlm
way: Joon
"yes": Zubia
"yes": Eraikina
+ craft:
+ brewery: Garagardotegia
+ carpenter: Zurgina
+ electrician: Argiketaria
+ gardener: Lorezaina
+ photographer: Argazkilaria
+ plumber: Iturgina
+ shoemaker: Zapatagina
bus_stop: Autobus-geraleku
construction: Eraikitze-lanetan dagoen Autopista
cycleway: Bidegorria
+ elevator: Igogailua
emergency_access_point: Larrialdi Sarbide Gunea
footway: Oinezkoen bide
ford: Ibia
tertiary: Hirugarren mailako errepide
track: Pista
unclassified: Sailkatu gabeko errepidea
+ "yes": Errepidea
archaeological_site: Aztarnategi arkeologiko
building: Eraikina
sports_centre: Kiroldegi
stadium: Estadio
swimming_pool: Igerilekua
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Itsasargia
+ tower: Dorrea
bay: Badia
beach: Hondartza
places: Lekuak
more_results: Emaitza gehiago
- distance:
- one: km bat inguru
- zero: km bat baino gutxiago
- other: '%{count}km inguru'
- direction:
- south_west: hego-mendebalde
- south: hegoa
- south_east: hego-ekialde
- east: ekialde
- north_east: ipar-ekialde
- north: iparra
- north_west: ipar-mendebalde
- west: mendebalde
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logoa
add: Gehitu oharra
hide: Ezkutatu
+ directions:
+ distance: Distantzia
+ instructions:
+ unnamed: (izenik gabe)
description: 'Deskribapena:'
# Author: Armin1392
# Author: BMRG14
# Author: Baqeri
+# Author: Danialbehzadi
# Author: Ebraminio
# Author: Fatemi127
# Author: Grille chompa
# Author: Huji
# Author: Leyth
# Author: Mcuteangel
+# Author: Mjbmr
+# Author: Movyn
# Author: Omidh
# Author: Reza1615
# Author: Sahim
body: بدنه
recipient: گیرنده
- email: راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87
+ email: اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84
active: فعال
display_name: نام نمایشی
description: توضیحات
relation: روابط (%{count})
relation_paginated: روابط (%{x}-%{y} از %{count})
comment: نظرها (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: نظر مخفی از %{user}، <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ پیش</abbr>
+ commented_by: نظر از %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} قبل</abbr>
changesetxml: تغییرات انجام شده XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
title: تغییرات انجام شده %{id}
title_comment: تغییرات انجام شده %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: وارد شوید تا به بحث بپیوندید
discussion: بحث
title: 'گره: %{name}'
hidden_by: مخفی شد توسط %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} قبل</abbr>
title: کوئری ویژگیها
+ introduction: روی نقشه کلیک کنید تا ویژگیهای نزدیک را پیدا کنید
nearby: ویژگیهای نزدیک
enclosing: ویژگیهای نزدیک
sorry: پوزش، فهرست تغییرات انجام شده ی درخواستی شما برای بازیابی بیش از حد زمان
+ rss:
+ commented_at_html: بروز شده %{when} قبل
+ commented_at_by_html: بروز شده %{when} قبل توسط %{user}
+ full: کل بحث
title: ورودی یادداشت های روزانه جدید
+ cable_car: ماشین کابلی
chair_lift: صندلی بالابر
drag_lift: بالابر کشیدنی
+ gondola: تلهکابین
station: ایستگاه راه هوایی
aerodrome: فرودگاه هواپیما
taxiway: فرود به صحن
terminal: پایانه
+ animal_shelter: پناهگاه حیوانات
arts_centre: مرکز هنری
atm: خودپرداز
bank: بانک
bicycle_parking: پارکینگ دوچرخه
bicycle_rental: اجارهٔ دوچرخه
biergarten: باغ آبجو
+ boat_rental: کرایه قایق
brothel: فاحشهخانه
bureau_de_change: دفتر ارز
bus_station: ایستگاه اتوبوس
car_wash: کارواش
casino: کازینو
charging_station: ایستگاه شارژ
+ childcare: نگهداری کودکان
cinema: سینما
clinic: درمانگاه
+ clock: ساعت
college: کالج
community_centre: مرکز انجمن
courthouse: دادگاه
food_court: پذيرايي
fountain: چشمه
fuel: پمپ بنزین
+ gambling: قمار
grave_yard: محوطهٔ گورستان
gym: مرکز تناسب اندام / ورزشگاه
health_centre: مركز بهداشت
library: کتابخانه
market: بازار
marketplace: بازار
+ monastery: صومعه
+ motorcycle_parking: پارکینگ موتور سیکلت
nightclub: باشگاه شبانه
nursery: شیر خوارگاه
nursing_home: خانه سالمندان
office: دفتر
parking: پارکینگ
+ parking_entrance: ورودی پارکینگ
pharmacy: داروخانه
place_of_worship: عبادتگاه
police: پلیس
veterinary: جراح دامپزشک
village_hall: دهیاری
waste_basket: سطل زباله
+ waste_disposal: دفع زباله
youth_centre: مرکز جوانان
administrative: مرز اداری
"yes": پل
"yes": ساختمان
+ craft:
+ brewery: ابجوسازی
+ carpenter: نجار
+ electrician: متخصص برق
+ gardener: باغبان
+ painter: نقاش
+ photographer: عکاس
+ plumber: لوله کش
+ shoemaker: کفاش
+ tailor: خیاط
+ ambulance_station: ایستگاه آمبولانس
+ landing_site: محوطه فرود اضطراری
phone: تلفن اضطراری
+ abandoned: بزرگراه متروکه
bridleway: راه حیوان رو
bus_guideway: خط هدایت کننده اتوبوس
bus_stop: ایستگاه اتوبوس
construction: بزرگراه در دست ساخت
cycleway: مسیر دوچرخه
+ elevator: آسانسور
emergency_access_point: نقطهٔ دسترسی اضطراری
footway: پیاده رو
ford: معبر کنار رود
tertiary: راه سوم
tertiary_link: راه سوم
track: پیگیری
+ traffic_signals: چراغ راهنمایی
trail: دنباله
trunk: بزرگراه
trunk_link: بزرگراه
unclassified: جادهٔ طبقهبندینشده
unsurfaced: جاده ظاهر نشده
+ "yes": جاده
archaeological_site: پایگاه باستانشناسی
battlefield: میدان جنگ
boundary_stone: سنگ مرزی
- building: ساختمان
+ building: ساختمان تاریخی
+ bunker: پناهگاه
castle: قلعه
church: کلیسا
+ city_gate: دروازه شهر
citywalls: دیوارهای شهر
fort: دژ
+ heritage: محوطه میراث فرهنگی
house: خانه
icon: نماد
manor: ملک اربابی
memorial: یادبود
mine: معدن
monument: بنای یادبود
+ roman_road: جاده رومی
ruins: خرابهها
+ stone: سنگ
tomb: مقبره
tower: برج
wayside_cross: صلیب کنار جاده
wayside_shrine: مقبره کنار جاده
wreck: لاشه
+ junction:
+ "yes": تقاطع
allotments: تقسیم بندی شده
basin: حوزه رودخانه
beach_resort: تفریحگاه ساحلی
bird_hide: محل مشاهده ی پرندگان
+ club: باشگاه
common: سرزمین مشترک
fishing: منطقهٔ ماهیگیری
+ fitness_centre: مرکز تناسب اندام
fitness_station: ایستگاه تناسب اندام
garden: باغ
golf_course: زمین گلف
+ horse_riding: اسب سواری
ice_rink: رینک یخ
marina: تفریحگاه ساحلی
miniature_golf: گلف کوچک
swimming_pool: استخر شنا
track: مسیر دو میدانی
water_park: پارک آبی
+ "yes": فراغت
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: فانوس دریایی
+ tower: برج
+ works: کارخانه
airfield: فرودگاه نظامی
barracks: پادگان
forest: جنگل
geyser: چشمه آب گرم
glacier: یخچال طبیعی
+ grassland: سبزهزار
heath: خارزار
hill: تپه
island: جزیره
reef: جزیره نما
ridge: خطالرأس
rock: صخره
+ saddle: زین
+ sand: شن
scree: ریگ زار
scrub: خارزار غیر قابل عبور
spring: سرچشمه
wood: جنگل
accountant: حسابدار
+ administrative: مدیریت
architect: معمار
company: شرکت
employment_agency: آژانس کاریابی
travel_agent: آژانس مسافرتی
"yes": دفتر
+ block: مسدود
airport: فرودگاه
city: شهر بزرگ
country: کشور
town: شهر
unincorporated_area: منطقه گنجانده نشده
village: دهکده
+ "yes": Siedlung
abandoned: راهآهن رهاشده
construction: راهآهن در دست ساخت
"yes": فروشگاه
alpine_hut: کلبه بالای تپه
+ apartment: اپارتمان
artwork: آثار هنری
attraction: جاذبه
bed_and_breakfast: تختخواب و صبحانه
camp_site: محل اردوگاه
caravan_site: مکان خودرو کاروان
chalet: کلبه ییلاقی
+ gallery: گالری
guest_house: مهمانخانه
hostel: شبانه روزی
hotel: هتل
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: ابشار
weir: آب بند
+ "yes": راه آبی
level2: مرز کشور
level4: مرز ایالت
no_results: نتیجهای پیدا نشد
more_results: نتایج بیشتر
- distance:
- zero: کمتر از 1کیلومتر
- other: حدود 1کیلومتر
- direction:
- south_west: جنوب غربی
- south: جنوب
- south_east: جنوب شرقی
- east: شرق
- north_east: شمال شرقی
- north: شمال
- north_west: شمال غربی
- west: غرب
alt_text: لوگوی OpenStreetMap
welcome: بعد از اینکه حسابتان را تأیید کردید، ما به شما برخی از اطلاعات اضافی
را ارائه میدهیم تا بتوانید شروع کنید.
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cÛ\8cتان را تأیید کنید'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84تان را تأیید کنید'
greeting: سلام ،
hopefully_you: کسی (امیدواریم شما) میخواهد آدرس ایمیلش را تغییر دهد از %{server_url}
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] درخواست تنظیم مجدد رمز عبور'
greeting: سلام ،
- hopefully_you: کسÛ\8c (اØتÙ\85اÙ\84اÙ\8b Ø´Ù\85ا) Ø®Ù\88استÙ\87 است Ú©Ù\87 رÙ\85ز عبÙ\88رش تÙ\86ظÛ\8cÙ\85 Ù\85جدد Ø´Ù\88د در
- راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87Ù\94 اÛ\8cÙ\86 Øساب در
+ hopefully_you: کسÛ\8c (اØتÙ\85اÙ\84اÙ\8b Ø´Ù\85ا) Ø®Ù\88استÙ\87 است Ú©Ù\87 بر رÙ\88Û\8c Øساب کاربرÛ\8c اÛ\8cÙ\86 آدرس
+ اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 در رÙ\85ز عبÙ\88رش تÙ\86ظÛ\8cÙ\85 Ù\85جدد Ø´Ù\88د.
click_the_link: اگر این شمایید، برای تنظیم مجدد رمز عبور لطفاً روی پیوند زیر
کلیک کنید.
greeting: سلام ،
- hopefully_you: کسÛ\8c (اØتÙ\85اÙ\84اÙ\8b Ø´Ù\85ا) Ø®Ù\88استÙ\87 است Ú©Ù\87 رÙ\85ز عبÙ\88رش تÙ\86ظÛ\8cÙ\85 Ù\85جدد Ø´Ù\88د در
- راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87Ù\94 اÛ\8cÙ\86 Øساب در
+ hopefully_you: کسÛ\8c (اØتÙ\85اÙ\84اÙ\8b Ø´Ù\85ا) Ø®Ù\88استÙ\87 است Ú©Ù\87 بر رÙ\88Û\8c Øساب کاربرÛ\8c اÛ\8cÙ\86 آدرس
+ اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 در رÙ\85ز عبÙ\88رش تÙ\86ظÛ\8cÙ\85 Ù\85جدد Ø´Ù\88د.
click_the_link: اگر این شمایید، برای تنظیم مجدد لطفاً روی پیوند زیر کلیک کنید.
anonymous: کاربر ناشناس
close: بستن
search: جستجو
+ get_directions: دریافت مسیرها
+ get_directions_title: یافتن مسیرهای بین دو نقطه
+ from: از
+ to: به
where_am_i: من کجا هستم؟
where_am_i_title: با استفاده از موتور جستجو مکان فعلی را توصیف کنید
submit_text: برو
upload_trace: بارگذاری پیگیری GPS
trace_uploaded: پروندهٔ GPX شما بارگذاری شده است و در انتظار درج در پایگاه داده
- است. اÛ\8cÙ\86 کار Ù\85عÙ\85Ù\88Ù\84اÙ\8b Ù\86Û\8cÙ\85 ساعت Ø·Ù\88Ù\84 Ù\85Û\8câ\80\8cکشد Ù\88 در صÙ\88رت تکÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84Ø\8c راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cاÛ\8c بÙ\87 Ø´Ù\85ا
- فرستاده خواهد شد.
+ است. اÛ\8cÙ\86 کار Ù\85عÙ\85Ù\88Ù\84اÙ\8b Ù\86Û\8cÙ\85 ساعت Ø·Ù\88Ù\84 Ù\85Û\8câ\80\8cکشد Ù\88 در صÙ\88رت تکÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84Ø\8c اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84Û\8c بÙ\87 Ø´Ù\85ا Ù\81رستادÙ\87
+ خواهد شد.
title: ویرایش پیگیری %{name}
heading: ویرایش پیگیری %{name}
title: ورود
heading: ورود
- email or username: 'راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87 یا نام کاربری:'
+ email or username: 'آدرس اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 یا نام کاربری:'
password: 'کلمه عبور:'
openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
remember: مرا به خاطر بسپار
register now: اکنون ثبت نام شود
with username: 'از قبل حساب OpenStreetMap دارید؟ لطفاً با نام کاربری و رمز عبورتان
وارد شوید:'
- with openid: 'متناوبا، برای وارد شدن از OpenID استفاده کنید:'
new to osm: در OpenStreetMap تازهوارد هستید؟
to make changes: برای ایجاد تغییرات در داده های OpenStreetMap، شما باید یک حساب
داشته باشید.
create account minute: یک حساب بسازید. فقط یک دقیقه زمان می برد.
no account: حساب کاربری ندارید؟
- account not active: پوزش، حسابتان هنوز فعال نشدهاست.<br />لطفاً از پروندی که
- در راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cÛ\8cتاÙ\86 تأÛ\8cÛ\8cد بود برای فعالسازی حسابتان استفاده کنید، یا <a href="%{reconfirm}">یک
- راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87Ù\94 تأیید تازه درخواست دهید</a>.
+ account not active: پوزش، حسابتان هنوز فعال نشدهاست.<br />لطفاً از پیوندی که
+ در اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 تأÛ\8cÛ\8cدتاÙ\86 بود برای فعالسازی حسابتان استفاده کنید، یا <a href="%{reconfirm}">یک
+ اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 تأیید تازه درخواست دهید</a>.
account is suspended: پوزش، حساب شما به دلیل فعالیتهای مشکوک مسدود شدهاست.
<br />لطفاً تماس بگیرید با <a href="%{webmaster}">مدیر سایت</a> اگر میخواهید
آنرا مطرح کنید.
auth failure: پوزش، با این اطلاعات نمی توان وارد شد.
- openid missing provider: پوزش، با ارایه دهنده OpenID شما نمی توان ارتباط برقرار
- کرد
- openid invalid: پوزش، OpenID شما ناقص به نظر می رسد
openid_logo_alt: ورود با OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: ورود با OpenID
- alt: ورود با یک آدرس OpenID
- google:
- title: ورود با گوگل
- alt: ورود با یک OpenID گوگل
- yahoo:
- title: ورود با یاهو
- alt: ورود با یک OpenID یاهو
- wordpress:
- title: ورود با وردپرس
- alt: ورود با یک OpenID وردپرس
- aol:
- title: ورود با AOL
- alt: ورود با یک OpenID ، AOL
title: خروج
heading: خروج از OpenStreetMap
title: فراموشی کلمه عبور
heading: کلمه عبور خود را فراموش کردهاید؟
- email address: 'نشانی رایانامه:'
+ email address: 'آدرس ایمیل:'
new password button: تنظیم مجدد کلمه عبور
help_text: ایمیلی را که هنگام ثبت نام استفاده کردهاید وارد کنید، ما پیوندی
به آن میفرستیم تا بتوانید به وسیلهٔ آن رمز عبورتان را مجدد تنظیم کنید.
notice email on way: متاسفیم که آنرا گم کرده اید :-( اما ایمیلی در راه است که
میتوانید بزودی آنرا مجدد تنظیم کنید.
- notice email cannot find: نشانی رایانامه یافت نشد، متأسفیم.
+ notice email cannot find: آن آدرس ایمیل یافت نشد، متأسفیم.
title: تنظیم مجدد کلمه عبور
heading: تنظیم مجدد کلمه عبور برای %{user}
header: رایگان و قابل ویرایش
html: |-
<p>بر خلاف سایر نقشهها، OpenStreetMap کاملاً توسط افرادی مثل شما ساختهشده و برای تعمیر، بهروزرسانی، دریافت و استفاده برای هر کسی آزاد است.</p>
- <p>براÛ\8c شرÙ\88ع Ú©Ù\85Ú© ثبت Ù\86اÙ\85 Ú©Ù\86Û\8cد. براÛ\8c تأÛ\8cÛ\8cد Øسابâ\80\8cتاÙ\86 راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cای میفرستیم.</p>
- license_agreement: Ù\88Ù\82تÛ\8c راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cÛ\8cتان را تأیید کردید نیاز است که با <a href="">شرایط
+ <p>براÛ\8c شرÙ\88ع Ú©Ù\85Ú© ثبت Ù\86اÙ\85 Ú©Ù\86Û\8cد. براÛ\8c تأÛ\8cÛ\8cد Øسابâ\80\8cتاÙ\86 اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84ی میفرستیم.</p>
+ license_agreement: Ù\88Ù\82تÛ\8c اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84تان را تأیید کردید نیاز است که با <a href="">شرایط
همکاری</a> موافقت کنید.
- email address: 'نشانی رایانامه:'
- confirm email address: 'تأیید نشانی رایانامه:'
+ email address: 'آدرس ایمیل:'
+ confirm email address: 'تأیید آدرس ایمیل:'
not displayed publicly: به عموم نشان داده نمیشود (<a href=""
title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">حفظ حریم
خصوصی</a>را ببینید)
display name: 'نام نمایشی:'
display name description: ' نام کاربری شما برای عموم نمایش داده شده. شما می
توانید بعدا این مورد را در ترجیحات تغییر دهید.'
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'کلمه عبور:'
confirm password: 'تأیید گذرواژه:'
- use openid: روش دیگر، استفاده از %{logo} OpenID برای وارد شدن
- openid no password: با OpenID رمز عبور درخواست نمیشود، اما برخی ابزارهای اضافی
- یا سرویس دهنده هنوز به یکی نیاز دارند.
- openid association: |-
- <p>OpenID شما هنوز با یک حساب OpenStreetMap همراه نیست.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>اگر در OpenStreetMap جدید هستید، لطفاً از زیر یک حساب بسازید.</li>
- <li>
- اگر از قبل حسابی دارید، میتوانید با استفاده از نام کاربری و رمز عبورتان وارد حسابتان شوید و سپس حسابتان را در تنظیمات کاربری به OpenID وابسته سازید.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: ثبت نام
terms accepted: با تشکر از پذیرش شرایط شرکت کنندگان تازه!
terms declined: متاسفیم که تصمیم گرفتید شرایط شرکت کننده تازه را نپذیرید. برای
ct declined: رد شده
ct accepted: پذیرفته شده %{ago} قبل
latest edit: 'آخرین ویرایش %{ago}:'
- email address: 'نشانی رایانامه:'
+ email address: 'آدرس ایمیل:'
created from: 'ایجادشده از:'
status: 'وضعیت:'
spam score: 'امتیاز هرزنامه:'
title: ویرایش حساب
my settings: تنظیمات من
- current email address: 'نشانی کنونی رایانامه:'
- new email address: 'نشانی رایانامه جدید:'
+ current email address: 'آدرس ایمیل فعلی:'
+ new email address: 'آدرس ایمیل جدید:'
email never displayed publicly: (هرگز به صورت عمومی نمایش داده نمی شود)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: این چیست؟
public editing:
برای برقراری ارتباط با شما از طریق وب سایت، روی دکمه ی زیر کلیک کنید. <b>از
تغییرات 0.6 API، فقط کاربران عمومی میتوانند نقشه را ویرایش کنند</b>. (<a
href="">دلیل را پیدا کنید</a>).
- <ul><li>آدرس راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87Ù\94 Ø´Ù\85ا با تبدÛ\8cÙ\84 بÙ\87 عÙ\85Ù\88Ù\85Û\8c آشکار Ù\86Ø®Ù\88اÙ\87د شد.</li><li>اÛ\8cÙ\86
- عÙ\85Ù\84Û\8cات را Ù\86Ù\85Û\8c Ø´Ù\88د برگرداÙ\86د Ù\88 Ù\87Ù\85Ù\87 Û\8c کاربراÙ\86 تازÙ\87 بÙ\87 Ø·Ù\88ر Ù¾Û\8cØ´Ù\81رض عÙ\85Ù\88Ù\85Û\8c Ù\87ستÙ\86د.</li></ul>
+ <ul><li>آدرس اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 Ø´Ù\85ا با تبدÛ\8cÙ\84 بÙ\87 عÙ\85Ù\88Ù\85Û\8c آشکار Ù\86Ø®Ù\88اÙ\87د شد.</li><li>اÛ\8cÙ\86 عÙ\85Ù\84Û\8cات
+ را نمی شود برگرداند و همه ی کاربران تازه به طور پیشفرض عمومی هستند.</li></ul>
contributor terms:
heading: 'شرایط شرکتکنندگان:'
agreed: شما باید با شرایط کاربرهای تازه موافقت کنید.
make edits public button: همه ویرایشهای من را عمومی کن
return to profile: بازگشت به نمایه
flash update success confirm needed: اطلاعات کاربر با موفقیت به روز شد. برای
- تأیید نشانی رایانامه جدیدتان یادداشت موجود در رایانامهیتان را بررسی کنید.
+ تأیید آدرس ایمیل جدیدتان یادداشت موجود در ایمیلتان را بررسی کنید.
flash update success: اطلاعات کاربر با موفقیت به روز شد.
- heading: راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cÛ\8cتان را بررسی کنید!
- introduction_1: Û\8cÚ© راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87 تأیید به شما ارسال کردیم.
- introduction_2: ØسابتاÙ\86 را با Ú©Ù\84Û\8cÚ© رÙ\88Û\8c Ù¾Û\8cÙ\88Ù\86دÛ\8c Ú©Ù\87 در راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87â\80\8cÛ\8cتاÙ\86 بÙ\88د تأÛ\8cید
- کنید و قادر خواهید بود نقشهکشی را شروع کنید.
+ heading: اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84تان را بررسی کنید!
+ introduction_1: Û\8cÚ© اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 تأیید به شما ارسال کردیم.
+ introduction_2: ØسابتاÙ\86 را با Ú©Ù\84Û\8cÚ© رÙ\88Û\8c Ù¾Û\8cÙ\88Ù\86دÛ\8c Ú©Ù\87 در اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84تاÙ\86 بÙ\88د تأÛ\8cÛ\8cد Ú©Ù\86ید
+ و قادر خواهید بود نقشهکشی را شروع کنید.
press confirm button: برای فعالسازی حساب تان روی دکمه ی تأیید زیر کلیک کنید.
button: تأیید
+ success: ' تشکر از ثبت نام حساب کاربری تایید شد'
already active: این حساب کاربری در حال حاضر تأیید شده است.
unknown token: کد تأیید منقضی شده یا وجود ندارد.
- reconfirm_html: اگر Ù\86Û\8cاز دارÛ\8cد راÛ\8cاÙ\86اÙ\85Ù\87 تأیید را دوباره بفرستیم، <a href="%{reconfirm}">اینجا
+ reconfirm_html: اگر Ù\86Û\8cاز دارÛ\8cد اÛ\8cÙ\85Û\8cÙ\84 تأیید را دوباره بفرستیم، <a href="%{reconfirm}">اینجا
کلیک کنید</a>.
success: ما نکتهٔ تأیید جدیدی به %{email} فرستادیم و به محض اینکه شما حسابتان
به هیچ درخواست تأییدی نیستیم.
failure: کاربر %{name} یافت نشد.
- heading: تأیید تغییر نشانی رایانامه
- press confirm button: برای تأیید نشانی رایانامهای جدیدتان دکمهٔ تأیید زیر را
- فشار دهید.
+ heading: تأیید تغییر آدرس ایمیل
+ press confirm button: برای تأیید آدرس ایمیل جدیدتان دکمهٔ تأیید زیر را فشار
+ دهید.
button: تأیید
- success: نشانی رایانامهیتان تأیید شد، با تشکر از شما برای ثبت نام!
- failure: یک نشانی رایانامه در حال حاضر با این نشانه تأیید شدهاست.
+ success: آدرس ایمیلتان تأیید شد، با تشکر از شما برای ثبت نام!
+ failure: یک آدرس ایمیل در حال حاضر با این نشانه تأیید شده است.
flash success: موقعیت خانه با موفقیت ذخیره شد
comment: نظر
edit_help: نقشه را جابجا کنید و روی مکانی که میخواهید ویرایش کنید بزرگنمایی کنید،
سپس اینجا کلیک کنید.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: دوچرخه (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: پیاده (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: دوچرخه (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: اتومبیل (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: پیاده (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: اتومبیل (OSRM)
+ directions: جهت
+ distance: مسافت
+ errors:
+ no_route: نتوانستیم بین آن دو مکان، مسیری بیابیم.
+ no_place: متاسفیم - محل پیدا نشد.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: مستقیم به طرف
+ slight_right: به آرامی به سمت راست به طرف
+ turn_right: گردش به راست به طرف
+ turn_left: گردش به چپ به طرف
+ slight_left: به آرامی به سمت چپ به طرف
+ follow: دنبالکردن
+ start: شروع در انتهای
+ destination: ورود به مقصد
+ unnamed: (بی نام)
+ courtesy: جهت از %{link}
+ time: مدت
node: گره
way: راه
car_wash: Autopesu
casino: Kasino
charging_station: Latausasema
+ childcare: Lastenhoito
cinema: Elokuvateatteri
clinic: Klinikka
+ clock: Kello
college: Oppilaitos
community_centre: Yhteisökeskus
courthouse: Oikeustalo
library: Kirjasto
market: Tori
marketplace: Tori
+ monastery: Luostari
nightclub: Yökerho
nursery: Päiväkoti
nursing_home: Hoitokoti
"yes": Silta
"yes": Rakennus
+ craft:
+ brewery: Panimo
phone: Hätäpuhelin
bus_stop: Bussipysäkki
construction: Rakenteilla oleva tie
cycleway: Pyörätie
+ elevator: Hissi
emergency_access_point: Hätätilapaikka
footway: Polku
ford: Kahluupaikka
archaeological_site: Arkeologinen kohde
battlefield: Taistelukenttä
boundary_stone: Rajakivi
- building: Rakennus
+ building: Historiallinen rakennus
castle: Linna
church: Kirkko
citywalls: Kaupunginmuurit
memorial: Muistomerkki
mine: Kaivos
monument: Muistomerkki
+ roman_road: Roomalainen tie
ruins: Rauniot
tomb: Hautakammio
tower: Torni
beach_resort: Rantakohde
bird_hide: Linnunpesä
common: Yhteinen maa
+ dog_park: Koirapuisto
fishing: Kalastusalue
fitness_station: Kuntosali
garden: Puutarha
swimming_pool: Uima-allas
track: Juoksurata
water_park: Vesipuisto
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Majakka
+ tower: Torni
+ works: Tehdas
airfield: Sotilaskenttä
barracks: Kasarmi
camp_site: Leirintäalue
caravan_site: Leirintäalue
chalet: Alppimaja
+ gallery: Galleria
guest_house: Vierasmaja
hostel: Hostelli
hotel: Hotelli
no_results: Mitään ei löytynyt
more_results: Lisää tuloksia
- distance:
- one: noin 1 km
- zero: alle 1 km
- other: noin %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: lounaaseen
- south: etelään
- south_east: kaakkoon
- east: itään
- north_east: koilliseen
- north: pohjoiseen
- north_west: luoteeseen
- west: länteen
alt_text: OpenStreetMap-logo
close: Sulje
search: Haku
+ get_directions: Hae reittiohjeet
+ get_directions_title: Hae reittiohjeet kahden paikan välille
+ from: Lähtöpaikka
+ to: Määränpää
where_am_i: Nykyinen sijainti?
where_am_i_title: Määrittää nykyisen sijainnin hakukoneella
submit_text: Hae
allow_write_notes: Muokkaa muistiinpanoja.
title: Valtuutuspyyntö hyväksytty
+ allowed: Sovellukselle %{app_name} on myönnetty käyttöoikeus käyttäjätiliisi.
verification: Vahvistuskoodi on %{code}.
title: Valtuutuspyyntö epäonnistui
+ denied: Sovelluksen %{app_name} käyttöoikeus käyttäjätiliisi on poistettu.
invalid: Lupamerkki ei kelpaa.
flash: Olet poistanut sovelluksen %{application} avaimen
login_button: Kirjaudu sisään
register now: Rekisteröidy
with username: 'Onko sinulla jo OpenStreetMap-tunnus? Kirjaudu sillä sisään:'
- with openid: 'Kirjaudu OpenID-tunnuksella:'
new to osm: Oletko uusi OpenStreetMapin käyttäjä?
to make changes: OpenStreetMapin karttatietojen muuttaminen vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen.
create account minute: Luo käyttäjätunnus. Se kestää vain hetken.
toiminnan seurauksena.<br />Ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä <a href="%{webmaster}">webmasteriin</a>
jos haluat keskustella tästä.
auth failure: Kirjautuminen epäonnistui.
- openid missing provider: Yhteyden muodostaminen OpenID-palvelimeen epäonnistui
- openid invalid: Valitettavasti OpenID-tunnuksesi vaikuttaa olevan virheellinen.
openid_logo_alt: Kirjaudu sisään OpenID-tunnuksella
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Kirjaudu sisään OpenID-tunnuksella
- alt: Kirjaudu sisään OpenID-tunnuksen URL-osoitteella
- google:
- title: Kirjaudu sisään Google-tunnuksella
- alt: Kirjaudu sisään Googlen OpenID-tunnuksella
- yahoo:
- title: Kirjaudu sisään Yahoo-tunnuksella
- alt: Kirjaudu sisään Yahoon OpenID-tunnuksella
- wordpress:
- title: Kirjaudu sisään Wordpress-tunnuksella
- alt: Kirjaudu sisään Wordpressin OpenID-tunnuksella
- aol:
- title: Kirjaudu sisään AOL-tunnuksella
- alt: Kirjaudu sisään AOL:n OpenID-tunnuksella
title: Kirjaudu ulos
heading: Kirjaudu ulos OpenStreetMapista
display name: 'Käyttäjätunnus:'
display name description: Julkisesti näkyvä käyttäjänimi. Tätä voi myöhemmin
muuttaa asetuksista.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Salasana:'
confirm password: 'Salasana uudelleen:'
- use openid: Rekisteröidy %{logo} OpenID-tunnuksella
- openid no password: OpenID:iä käytettäessä salasana ei ole pakollinen, mutta
- jotkut erikoistyökalut ja -palvelimet saattavat vaatia sen.
- openid association: "<p>OpenID-tunnustasi ei ole vielä yhdistetty OpenStreetMap-käyttäjätiliin.</p>\n<ul>\n
- \ <li>Jos olet uusi OpenStreetMapin käyttäjä, luo uusi tunnus käyttäen lomaketta,
- joka näkyy alla.</li>\n <li>\n Jos sinulla on jo käyttäjätunnus, voit kirjautua
- sisään\n käyttäen käyttäjätunnustasi ja salasanaasi, jonka \n jälkeen
- voit liittää OpenID-tunnuksesi käyttäjätiliin\n käyttäjäasetuksistasi. \n
- \ </li>\n</ul>"
continue: Rekisteröidy
terms accepted: Kiitos uusien osallistujaehtojen hyväksymisestä!
terms declined: Olemme pahoillamme, ettet hyväksynyt uusia osallistujaehtoja.
new email address: 'Uusi sähköpostiosoite:'
email never displayed publicly: (ei näy muille)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
public editing:
voit aloittaa kartoituksen.
press confirm button: Aktivoi uusi käyttäjätunnuksesi valitsemalla Vahvista.
button: Vahvista
+ success: Käyttäjätunnuksesi on nyt vahvistettu.
already active: Tämä tunnus on jo vahvistettu.
unknown token: Vahvistuskoodi on vanhentunut tai sitä ei ole.
reconfirm_html: Tarvittaessa voimme lähettää vahvistuksen sähköpostitse, <a
comment_and_resolve: Kommentoi + ratkaise
comment: Kommentoi
edit_help: Siirrä ja lähennä kartta muokattavaan paikkaan ja napsauta sitten tästä.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Pyörällä (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Jalan (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Pyörällä (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Ajaen (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Jalan (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Ajaen (OSRM)
+ directions: Reittiohjeet
+ distance: Etäisyys
+ errors:
+ no_route: Reittiä näiden paikkojen välille ei löytynyt.
+ no_place: Paikkaa ei löytynyt.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Jatka tiellä
+ slight_right: Kaarra oikealle tielle
+ turn_right: Käänny oikealle tielle
+ sharp_right: Käänny jyrkästi oikealle tielle
+ uturn: Tee U-käännös tiellä
+ sharp_left: Käänny jyrkästi vasemmalle tielle
+ turn_left: Käänny vasemmalle tielle
+ slight_left: Kaarra vasemmalle tielle
+ via_point: (reittipiste)
+ follow: Seuraa tietä
+ roundabout: Liikenneympyrässä poistu
+ leave_roundabout: Poistu liikenneympyrästä -
+ stay_roundabout: Pysy liikenneympyrässä -
+ start: 'Aloita tien päästä:'
+ destination: Olet saapunut perille
+ against_oneway: 'Aja yksisuuntaista väärään suuntaan:'
+ end_oneway: 'Yksisuuntaisen tien pää:'
+ unnamed: (nimetön tie)
+ courtesy: Reittiohjeet tarjoaa %{link}
+ time: Matka-aika
node: Piste
way: Viiva
# Author: EtienneChove
# Author: F.rodrigo
# Author: Gaspard
+# Author: Gileri
# Author: Gomoko
# Author: Hashar
# Author: IAlex
# Author: Momo50WM
# Author: Mulcyber
# Author: Nemo bis
+# Author: Nicolapps
# Author: Od1n
# Author: Olasd
# Author: Orikrin1998
comment: Commentaires (%{count})
hidden_commented_by: Commentaire masqué de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>il
y a %{when}</abbr>
- commented_by: Commentaire de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%il y a %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Commentaire de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>il y a %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: XML du groupe de modifications
osmchangexml: XML osmChange
+ cable_car: Téléphérique
chair_lift: Télésiège
drag_lift: Téléski
+ gondola: Télécabine
station: Gare de télécabine
aerodrome: Aérodrome
taxiway: Voie de circulation (Taxiway)
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refuge pour animaux
arts_centre: Centre artistique
atm: Distributeur automatique de billets
bank: Banque
bicycle_parking: Parking à vélos
bicycle_rental: Location de vélos
biergarten: Brasserie en plein air
+ boat_rental: Location de bateaux
brothel: Bordel
bureau_de_change: Bureau de change
bus_station: Arrêt de bus
car_wash: Lavage de voiture
casino: Casino
charging_station: Station de recharge
+ childcare: Garde d'enfants
cinema: Cinéma
clinic: Clinique
+ clock: Horloge
college: Établissement d’enseignement supérieur
community_centre: Salle polyvalente
courthouse: Palais de justice
food_court: Aire de restauration
fountain: Fontaine
fuel: Carburant
+ gambling: Jeu
grave_yard: Cimetière
gym: Fitness / gymnastique
health_centre: Centre de santé / dispensaire
library: Bibliothèque
market: Marché
marketplace: Place de marché
+ monastery: Monastère
+ motorcycle_parking: Parking à motos
nightclub: Boîte de nuit
nursery: Nurserie
nursing_home: Maison de retraite médicalisée
office: Bureau
parking: Parking
+ parking_entrance: Entrée d'un parking
pharmacy: Pharmacie
place_of_worship: Lieu de culte
police: Police
veterinary: Chirurgie vétérinaire
village_hall: Salle municipale
waste_basket: Poubelle
+ waste_disposal: Élimination des déchets
youth_centre: Centre pour la jeunesse
administrative: Limite administrative
"yes": Pont
"yes": Bâtiment
+ craft:
+ brewery: Brasserie
+ carpenter: Charpentier
+ electrician: Électricien
+ gardener: Jardinier
+ painter: Peintre
+ photographer: Photographe
+ plumber: Plombier
+ shoemaker: Cordonnier
+ tailor: Tailleur
+ "yes": Boutique d'artisanat
+ ambulance_station: Dépôt d'ambulances
+ defibrillator: Défibrillateur
+ landing_site: Terrain d'atterrissage d'urgence
phone: Borne d’appel d’urgence
+ abandoned: Voie ferrée abandonnée
bridleway: Chemin pour cavaliers
bus_guideway: Voie de bus guidé / trolley
bus_stop: Arrêt de bus
construction: Autoroute en construction
cycleway: Piste cyclable
+ elevator: Ascenseur
emergency_access_point: Point d’accès d’urgence
footway: Chemin piéton
ford: Gué
tertiary: Route tertiaire
tertiary_link: Route tertiaire
track: Chemin
+ traffic_signals: Feux de circulation
trail: Sentier
trunk: Voie express
trunk_link: Voie express
unclassified: Route mineure
unsurfaced: Route non revêtue
+ "yes": Route
archaeological_site: Site archéologique
battlefield: Champ de bataille
boundary_stone: Borne frontière
- building: Bâtiment
+ building: Bâtiment historique
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Château
church: Église
+ city_gate: Porte de la ville
citywalls: Remparts
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Site du patrimoine
house: Maison
icon: Icône
manor: Manoir
memorial: Mémorial
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Voie romaine
ruins: Ruines
+ stone: Pierre
tomb: Tombeau
tower: Tour
wayside_cross: Calvaire
wayside_shrine: Oratoire
wreck: Épave
+ junction:
+ "yes": Jonction
allotments: Jardins familiaux
basin: Bassin
road: Zone routière
village_green: Espace vert public
vineyard: Vignoble
+ "yes": Utilisation des terres
beach_resort: Station balnéaire
bird_hide: Observatoire ornithologique
+ club: Club
common: Terrains communaux
+ dog_park: Parc à chiens
fishing: Zone de pêche
+ fitness_centre: Centre de fitness
fitness_station: Atelier de parcours de santé
garden: Jardin
golf_course: Terrain de golf
+ horse_riding: Équitation
ice_rink: Patinoire
marina: Port de plaisance
miniature_golf: Golf miniature
pitch: Terrain de sport
playground: Aire de jeux
recreation_ground: Terrain de jeux
+ resort: Resort
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Cale de lancement
sports_centre: Centre sportif
swimming_pool: Piscine
track: Piste de course
water_park: Parc aquatique
+ "yes": Loisirs
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Phare
+ pipeline: Pipeline
+ tower: Tour
+ works: Usine
+ "yes": Créé par l'homme
airfield: Terrain d’aviation militaire
barracks: Caserne
forest: Forêt
geyser: Geyser
glacier: Glacier
+ grassland: Herbage
heath: Bruyère
hill: Colline
island: Île
reef: Récif
ridge: Crête
rock: Roche
+ saddle: Selle
+ sand: Sable
scree: Éboulis
scrub: Broussailles
spring: Source
wood: Forêt
accountant: Comptable
+ administrative: Administration
architect: Architecte
company: Entreprise
employment_agency: Agence pour l’emploi
travel_agent: Agence de voyage
"yes": Bureau
+ allotments: Jardins familiaux
+ block: Bloc
airport: Aéroport
city: Ville
country: Pays
town: Ville
unincorporated_area: Territoire non organisé
village: Village
+ "yes": Lieu
abandoned: Voie ferrée abandonnée
construction: Voie ferrée en construction
"yes": Boutique
alpine_hut: Refuge
+ apartment: Appartement
artwork: Œuvre d’art
attraction: Attraction
bed_and_breakfast: Gîte
camp_site: Camping
caravan_site: Site pour caravanes
chalet: Chalet
+ gallery: Galerie
guest_house: Maison d'hôte
hostel: Auberge
hotel: Hôtel
wadi: Oued
waterfall: Chute d’eau
weir: Barrage
+ "yes": Voie navigable
level2: Frontière de pays
level4: Limite d’État, province ou région
no_results: Aucun résultat n’a été trouvé
more_results: Plus de résultats
- distance:
- one: environ 1 km
- zero: moins d’1 km
- other: environ %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-ouest
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-est
- east: est
- north_east: nord-est
- north: nord
- north_west: nord-ouest
- west: ouest
alt_text: Logo d’OpenStreetMap
close: Fermer
search: Recherche
+ get_directions: Obtenir les directions
+ get_directions_title: Trouvez des itinéraires entre deux points
+ from: Depuis
+ to: À
where_am_i: Où suis-je ?
where_am_i_title: Décrit la position actuelle en utilisant le moteur de recherche
submit_text: Ok
register now: S'inscrire maintenant
with username: 'Vous avez déjà un compte sur OpenStreetMap ? Connectez-vous
avec votre identifiant et votre mot de passe :'
- with openid: 'Vous pouvez également utiliser OpenID pour vous connecter :'
new to osm: Nouveau sur OpenStreetMap ?
to make changes: Pour apporter des modifications aux données OpenStreetMap,
vous devez posséder un compte.
si vous voulez en discuter.
auth failure: Désolé, mais les informations fournies n’ont pas permis de vous
- openid missing provider: Désolé, impossible de contacter votre fournisseur OpenID
- openid invalid: Désolé, votre OpenID semble malformé
openid_logo_alt: Se connecter avec un OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Connexion avec OpenID
- alt: Connexion avec une URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Connexion avec Google
- alt: Connexion avec un OpenID Google
- yahoo:
- title: Connexion avec Yahoo
- alt: Connexion avec un OpenID Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Connexion avec Wordpress
- alt: Connexion avec un OpenID Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Connexion avec AOL
- alt: Connexion avec un OpenID AOL
title: Déconnexion
heading: Déconnexion d'OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nom affiché :'
display name description: Votre nom d'utilisateur affiché publiquement. Vous
pouvez changer ceci ultérieurement dans les préférences.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID :'
password: 'Mot de passe :'
confirm password: 'Confirmez le mot de passe :'
- use openid: Vous pouvez également utiliser %{logo} OpenID pour vous identifier
- openid no password: En utilisant OpenID, il n'est pas nécessaire d'utiliser
- un mot de passe. Toutefois, certains outils ou serveurs tierces peuvent en
- demander un.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Votre OpenID n'est pas encore associé à un compte OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Si vous êtes nouveau sur OpenStreetMap, veuillez créer un compte en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous.</li>
- <li>
- Si vous avez déjà un compte, vous pouvez vous connecter à votre compte
- en utilisant votre identifiant et votre mot de passe, puis associer le compte
- à votre OpenID dans vos préférences utilisateur.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: S’inscrire
terms accepted: Merci d’avoir accepté les nouveaux termes du contributeur !
terms declined: Nous sommes désolés que vous ayez décidé de ne pas accepter
new email address: 'Nouvelle adresse de courriel :'
email never displayed publicly: (jamais affiché publiquement)
- openid: 'OpenID :'
link text: qu’est-ce que ceci ?
public editing:
press confirm button: Appuyer le bouton confirmer ci-dessous pour activer votre
button: Confirmer
+ success: Compte confirmé, merci de vous être enregistré !
already active: Ce compte a déjà été confirmé.
unknown token: Le code de confirmation a expiré ou n’existe pas.
reconfirm_html: Si vous avez besoin que nous vous renvoyions un courriel de
comment: Commentaire
subscribe: S’inscrire
- unsubscribe: De désinscrire
+ unsubscribe: Se désabonner
hide_comment: masquer
unhide_comment: démasquer
comment: Commentaire
edit_help: Déplacez la carte et zoomer sur un emplacement que vous voulez modifier,
puis cliquez là.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Vélo (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Pied (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Vélo (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Voiture (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Pied (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Voiture (OSRM)
+ directions: Itinéraire
+ distance: Distance
+ errors:
+ no_route: Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.
+ no_place: Désolé, impossible de trouver ce lieu.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Continuer sur
+ slight_right: Tourner légèrement à droite sur
+ turn_right: Tourner à droite sur
+ sharp_right: Tournez à droite sur
+ uturn: Faites demi-tour sur
+ sharp_left: Tournez à gauche sur
+ turn_left: Tourner à gauche sur
+ slight_left: Tourner légèrement à gauche sur
+ via_point: (par le point)
+ follow: Suivre
+ roundabout: Au rond-point, prendre
+ leave_roundabout: Quitter le rond-point -
+ stay_roundabout: Rester sur le rond-point -
+ start: Démarrer à la fin de
+ destination: Atteignez la destination
+ against_oneway: Remonter le sens unique sur
+ end_oneway: Fin du passage à sens unique sur
+ unnamed: (sans nom)
+ courtesy: Itinéraire de la part de %{link}
+ time: Temps
node: Nœud
way: Chemin
no_results: Nissun risultât
more_results: Altris risultâts
- distance:
- one: cirche 1 Km
- zero: mancul di 1 Km
- other: cirche %{count} Km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-ovest
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-est
- east: est
- north_east: nord-est
- north: nord
- north_west: nord-ovest
- west: ovest
alt_text: Logo di OpenStreetMap
register now: Regjistriti cumò
with username: 'Âstu za un profîl su OpenStreetMap? Jentre cul to non utent
e la tô password:'
- with openid: 'Dopre se no il tô OpenID par jentrâ:'
new to osm: Sêstu gnûf su OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Par cambiâ alc tai dâts di OpenStreetMap, tu scugnis vê un
no account: No âstu ancjemò un profîl?
auth failure: Nus displâs, ma no si à rivât a jentrâ cun i dâts inserîts.
openid_logo_alt: Jentre cuntun OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Jentre cun OpenID
- alt: Jentre cuntune URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Jentre cun Google
- alt: Jentre cuntun OpenID di Google
- yahoo:
- title: Jentre cun Yahoo
- alt: Jentre cuntun OpenID di Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Jentre cun Wordpress
- alt: Jentre cuntun OpenID di Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Jentre cun AOL
- alt: Jentre cuntun OpenID di AOL
title: Jes
heading: Va fûr di OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Non di mostrâ:'
display name description: Il non utent che al vignarà mostrât a ducj. Tu podarâs
gambiâlu plui tart tes preferencis.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Password:'
confirm password: 'Conferme la password:'
- use openid: O se no, dopre %{logo} OpenID par jentrâ
continue: Regjistriti
terms accepted: Graziis par vê acetât i gnûfs tiermins par contribuî!
new email address: 'Gnove direzion di pueste:'
email never displayed publicly: (mai mostrade in public)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: ce isal chest?
public editing:
e tu podarâs scomençâ a mapâ daurman.
press confirm button: Frache il boton Conferme par ativâ il to profîl.
button: Conferme
+ success: Profîl confermât, graziis par jessiti regjistrât!
already active: Chest profîl al è za stât confermât.
unknown token: Chest codiç di conferme al è scjadût o nol esist.
reconfirm_html: Se tu âs bisugne di un altri messaç di pueste par conferme,
--- /dev/null
+# Messages for Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
+# Exported from
+# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: GunChleoc
+ html:
+ dir: ltr
+ time:
+ formats:
+ friendly: '%e %B %Y %H:%M'
+ blog: '%e %B %Y'
+ activerecord:
+ models:
+ acl: Liosta smachd airson inntrigeadh
+ changeset: Seata atharraichean
+ changeset_tag: Taga airson seata atharraichean
+ country: Dùthaich
+ diary_comment: Beachd an leabhair-latha
+ diary_entry: Clàr an leabhair-latha
+ friend: Caraid
+ language: Cànan
+ message: Teachdaireachd
+ node: Nòd
+ node_tag: Taga nòid
+ notifier: Inneal-caismeachd
+ old_node: Seann nòd
+ old_node_tag: Taga seann nòid
+ old_relation: Seann dàimh
+ old_relation_member: Ball seann dàimh
+ old_relation_tag: Taga seann dàimh
+ old_way: Seann slighe
+ old_way_node: Nòd seann slighe
+ old_way_tag: Taga seann slighe
+ relation: Dàimh
+ relation_member: Ball dàimh
+ relation_tag: Taga dàimh
+ session: Seisean
+ trace: Lorgadh
+ tracepoint: Puing lorgaidh
+ tracetag: Taga lorgaidh
+ user: Cleachdaiche
+ user_preference: Roghainn a' chleachdaiche
+ user_token: Tòcan a' chleachdaiche
+ way: Slighe
+ way_node: Nòd slighe
+ way_tag: Taga slighe
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: Bodhaig
+ diary_entry:
+ user: Cleachdaiche
+ title: Cuspair
+ latitude: Domhan-leud
+ longitude: Domhan-fhad
+ language: Cànan
+ friend:
+ user: Cleachdaiche
+ friend: Caraid
+ trace:
+ user: Cleachdaiche
+ visible: Ri fhaicinn
+ name: Ainm
+ size: Meud
+ latitude: Domhan-leud
+ longitude: Domhan-fhad
+ public: Poblach
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ message:
+ sender: Seòladair
+ title: Cuspair
+ body: Bodhaig
+ recipient: Faightear
+ user:
+ email: Post-d
+ active: Gnìomhach
+ display_name: Ainm seallaidh
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ languages: Cànain
+ pass_crypt: Facal-faire
+ printable_name:
+ with_version: '%{id}, v%{version}'
+ with_name_html: '%{name} (%{id})'
+ editor:
+ default: Bun-roghainn (%{name} an-dràsta)
+ potlatch:
+ name: Potlatch 1
+ description: Potlatch 1 (deasaiche am broinn a' bhrabhsair)
+ id:
+ name: iD
+ description: iD (deasaiche am broinn a' bhrabhsair)
+ potlatch2:
+ name: Potlatch 2
+ description: Potlatch 2 (deasaiche am broinn a' bhrabhsair)
+ remote:
+ name: Inneal-smachd cèin
+ description: Inneal-smachd cèin (JOSM no Merkaartor)
+ browse:
+ created: Air a chruthachadh
+ closed: Dùinte
+ created_html: Chaidh a chruthachadh <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn %{time}</abbr>
+ closed_html: Chaidh a dhùnadh <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn %{time}</abbr>
+ created_by_html: Chaidh a chruthachadh le %{user} <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn
+ %{time}</abbr>
+ deleted_by_html: Chaidh a sguabadh às le %{user} <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn
+ %{time}</abbr>
+ edited_by_html: Chaidh a dheasachadh le %{user} <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn
+ %{time}</abbr>
+ closed_by_html: Chaidh a dhùnadh le %{user} <abbr title='%{title}'>o chionn %{time}</abbr>
+ version: Tionndadh
+ in_changeset: Seata atharraichean
+ anonymous: gun ainm
+ no_comment: (gun bheachd)
+ part_of: '''Na phàirt de'
+ download_xml: Luchdaich a-nuas XML
+ view_history: Seall an eachdraidh
+ view_details: Seall am mion-fhiosrachadh
+ location: 'Àite:'
+ changeset:
+ title: 'Seata atharraichean: %{id}'
+ belongs_to: Ùghdar
+ node: Nòdan (%{count})
+ node_paginated: Nòdan (%{x}-%{y} à %{count})
+ way: Slighean (%{count})
+ way_paginated: Slighean (%{x}-%{y} à %{count})
+ relation: Dàimhean (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: Dàimhean (%{x}-%{y} à %{count})
+ comment: Beachdan (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Beachd falaichte le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o
+ chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Beachd le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ changesetxml: XML le seata atharraichean
+ osmchangexml: XML osmChange
+ feed:
+ title: Seata atharraichean %{id}
+ title_comment: Seata atharraichean %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Clàraich a-steach gus pàirt a ghabhail san deasbaireachd
+ discussion: Deasbaireachd
+ node:
+ title: 'Nòd: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Eachdraidh an nòd: %{name}'
+ way:
+ title: 'Slighe: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Eachdraidh na slighe: %{name}'
+ nodes: Nòdan
+ also_part_of:
+ other: pàirt dhen t-slighe %{related_ways}
+ relation:
+ title: 'Dàimh: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Eachdraidh na dàimh: %{name}'
+ members: Buill
+ relation_member:
+ entry: '%{type} %{name}'
+ entry_role: '%{type} %{name} ''na %{role}'
+ type:
+ node: Nòd
+ way: Slighe
+ relation: Dàimh
+ containing_relation:
+ entry: Dàimh %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: Dàimh %{relation_name} ('na %{relation_role})
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Duilich ach cha deach %{type} àireamh %{id} a lorg.
+ type:
+ node: an nòd
+ way: an t-slighe
+ relation: an dàimh
+ changeset: seata atharraichean
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Duilich ach thug e ro fhada an dàta airson %{type} air a bheil an id
+ %{id} fhaighinn.
+ type:
+ node: an nòd
+ way: an t-slighe
+ relation: an dàimh
+ changeset: seata atharraichean
+ redacted:
+ redaction: Ath-sgrùdadh %{id}
+ message_html: Chan urrainn dhuinn an tionndadh %{version} %{type} a shealltainn
+ air sgàth 's gun deach ath-sgrùdadh dhèanamh air. Thoir sùil air %{redaction_link}
+ airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.
+ type:
+ node: dhen nòd seo
+ way: dhen t-slighe seo
+ relation: dhen dàimh seo
+ start_rjs:
+ feature_warning: '''S dòcha gum fàs am brabhsair agad slaodach no cha mhòr nach
+ dèan e dad tuilleadh on a tha thu a'' luchdadh %{num_features} feart. A bheil
+ thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an dàta seo a shealltainn?'
+ load_data: Luchdaich an dàta
+ loading: '''Ga luchdadh...'
+ tag_details:
+ tags: Tagaichean
+ wiki_link:
+ key: Duilleag tuairisgeul na uicidhe airson an taga %{key}
+ tag: Duilleag tuairisgeul na uicidhe airson an taga %{key}=%{value}
+ wikidata_link: An nì %{page} air Wikidata
+ wikipedia_link: An artaigil %{page} air Wikidata
+ telephone_link: Cuir fòn gu %{phone_number}
+ note:
+ title: 'Nòta: %{id}'
+ new_note: Nòta ùr
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ open_title: Nòta àireamh %{note_name} gun fhuasgladh
+ closed_title: Nòta àireamh %{note_name} a chaidh fhuasgladh
+ hidden_title: Nòta falaichte àireamh %{note_name}
+ open_by: Chaidh a chruthachadh le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn
+ %{when}</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Chaidh a chruthachadh gun urra <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o
+ chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Beachd le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Beachd gun urra <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn
+ %{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by: Chaidh fhuasgladh le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn
+ %{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Chaidh fhuasgladh gun urra <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o
+ chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by: Chaidh ath-ghnìomhachadh le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o
+ chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous: Chaidh ath-ghnìomhachadh gun urra <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o
+ chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Chaidh fhalach le %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>o chionn %{when}</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Lorg airson feartan sònraichte
+ introduction: Briog air a' mhapa gus feartan faisg air a lorg.
+ nearby: Feartan am fagas
+ enclosing: Feartan timcheall air
+ changeset:
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Duilleag %{page}
+ next: Air adhart »
+ previous: « Air ais
+ changeset:
+ anonymous: Gun ainm
+ no_edits: (cha deach a dheasachadh)
+ view_changeset_details: Seall mion-fhiosrachadh air an t-seata atharraichean
+ changesets:
+ id: ID
+ saved_at: Air a shàbhaladh
+ user: Cleachdaiche
+ comment: Beachd
+ area: Raon
+ list:
+ title: Seataichean atharraichean
+ title_user: Seataichean atharraichean le %{user}
+ title_friend: Seataichean atharraichean le do charaidean
+ title_nearby: Seataichean atharraichean le cleachdaichean am fagas
+ empty: Cha deach seata atharraichean a lorg.
+ empty_area: Chan eil seata atharraichean san raon seo.
+ empty_user: Cha do chruthaich an cleachdaiche seo seata atharraichean sam bith.
+ no_more: Cha deach seataichean atharraichean eile a lorg.
+ no_more_area: Chan eil seata atharraichean eile san raon seo.
+ no_more_user: Cha do chruthaich an cleachdaiche seo seata atharraichean sam
+ bith eile.
+ load_more: Luchdaich barrachd dhiubh
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Duilich ach thug e ro fhada gus an seata atharraichean a dh'iarr thu
+ fhaighinn.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Deasbaireachd air seataichean atharraichean OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: Deasbaireachd air seata atharraichean OpenStreetMap %{changeset_id}
+ comment: Beachd ùr air seata atharraichean OpenStreetMap %{changeset_id} le
+ %{author}
+ commented_at_html: Air ùrachadh o chionn %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Air ùrachadh o chionn %{when} le %{user}
+ full: An deasbaireachd shlàn
+ diary_entry:
+ new:
+ title: Clàr ùr an leabhair-latha
+ list:
+ title: Leabhraichean-latha nan cleachdaichean
+ title_friends: Leabhraichean-latha do charaidean
+ title_nearby: Leabhraichean-latha nan cleachdaichean am fagas
+ user_title: An leabhar-latha aig %{user}
+ in_language_title: Is %{language} cànan nan clàran san leabhar-latha
+ new: Clàr ùr an leabhair-latha
+ new_title: Sgrìobh clàr ùr ann an leabhar-latha a' chleachdaiche agad
+ no_entries: Chan eil clàr san leabhar-latha
+ recent_entries: Clàran an leabhair-latha o chionn goirid
+ older_entries: Clàran nas sine
+ newer_entries: Clàran nas ùire
+ edit:
+ title: Deasaich clàr an leabhair-latha
+ subject: 'Cuspair:'
+ body: 'Bodhaig:'
+ language: 'Cànan:'
+ location: 'Àite:'
+ latitude: 'Domhan-leud:'
+ longitude: 'Domhan-fhad:'
+ use_map_link: cleachd mapa
+ save_button: Sàbhail
+ marker_text: Àite a' chlàir
+ view:
+ title: An leabhar-latha aig %{user} | %{title}
+ user_title: An leabhar-latha aig %{user}
+ leave_a_comment: Thoir do bheachd
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} gus do bheachd a thoirt'
+ login: Clàraich a-steach
+ save_button: Sàbhail
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: Chan eil an clàr seo san leabhar-latha
+ heading: 'Chan eil clàr ann aig a bheil an id: %{id}'
+ body: Duilich ach chan eil clàr no beachd san leabhar-latha aig a bheil an id
+ %{id}. Dearbhaich an litreachadh no 's dòcha nach eil an ceangal air an do
+ rinn thu briogadh mar bu chòir.
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: Air a phostadh le %{link_user} %{created} sa chànan %{language_link}
+ comment_link: Thoir beachd air a' chlàr seo
+ reply_link: Freagair ris a' chlàr seo
+ comment_count:
+ zero: Gun bheachd
+ one: '%{count} bheachd'
+ two: '%{count} bheachd'
+ few: '%{count} beachdan'
+ other: '%{count} beachd'
+ edit_link: Deasaich an clàr seo
+ hide_link: Falaich an clàr seo
+ confirm: Dearbhaich
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: Beachd le %{link_user} %{comment_created_at}
+ hide_link: Falaich am beachd seo
+ confirm: Dearbhaich
+ location:
+ location: 'Àite:'
+ view: Seall
+ edit: Deasaich
+ feed:
+ user:
+ title: Clàran san leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap aig %{user}
+ description: Clàran san leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap aig %{user} o chionn goirid
+ language:
+ title: Clàran san leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap sa chànan %{language_name}
+ description: Clàran leabhair-latha le cleachdaichean OpenStreetMap sa chànan
+ %{language_name} o chionn goirid
+ all:
+ title: Clàran san leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap
+ description: Clàran leabhair-latha le cleachdaichean OpenStreetMap o chionn
+ goirid
+ comments:
+ has_commented_on: Thug %{display_name} beachd air clàran leabhair-latha a leanas
+ post: Post
+ when: Àm
+ comment: Beachd
+ ago: o chionn %{ago}
+ newer_comments: Beachdan nas ùire
+ older_comments: Beachdan nas sine
+ export:
+ title: Às-phortaich
+ start:
+ area_to_export: An raon ri às-phortadh
+ manually_select: Tagh raon eile a làimh
+ format_to_export: Fòrmat an às-phortaidh
+ osm_xml_data: Dàta XML OpenStreetMap
+ map_image: Dealbh a' mhapa (seallaidh seo a' bhreath stannardach)
+ embeddable_html: HTML a ghabhas leabachadh
+ licence: Ceadachas
+ export_details: Tha OpenStreetMap fo cheadachas <a href="">Open
+ Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ too_large:
+ advice: 'Ma dh''fhàilligeas leis an às-phortadh gu h-àrd, feuch an cleachd
+ thu aon dhe na tùsan gu h-ìosal:'
+ body: Tha an raon seo ro mhòr ach an gabhadh às-phortadh 'na dhàta XML OpenStreetMap.
+ Feuch an sùm thu a-steach no gun tagh thu raon nas lugha no gun cleachd
+ thu aon dhe na tùsan gu h-ìosal airson tomad de dhàta a luchdadh a-nuas.
+ planet:
+ title: Planet OSM
+ description: Lethbhreacan dhen stòr-dàta shlàn aig OpenStreetMap a thèid
+ ùrachadh gu cunbhalach.
+ overpass:
+ title: Overpass API
+ description: Luchdaich a-nuas na tha sa bhogsa-iadhaidh seo o sgàthan dhen
+ stòr-dàta OpenStreetMap
+ geofabrik:
+ title: Geofabrik Downloads
+ description: Às-tharraing de mhòr-thìrean, dùthchannan agus roghainn de
+ bhailtean a thèid ùrachadh gu cunbhalach.
+ metro:
+ title: Metro Extracts
+ description: Às-tharraing de mòr-bhailtean an t-saoghail agus dhe na raointean
+ timcheall orra
+ other:
+ title: Tùsan eile
+ description: Gheibh thu tùsan a bharrachd air an uicidh aig OpenStreetMap
+ options: Roghainnean
+ format: Fòrmat
+ scale: Sgèile
+ max: as motha
+ image_size: Meud an deilbh
+ zoom: Sùm
+ add_marker: Cuir comharra ris a' mhapa
+ latitude: 'D-leud:'
+ longitude: 'D-fhad:'
+ output: Às-chur
+ paste_html: Cuir ann HTML gus a leabachadh ann an làrach-lìn eile
+ export_button: Às-phortaich
+ geocoder:
+ search:
+ title:
+ latlon: Toraidhean on <a href="">taobh a-staigh</a>
+ us_postcode: Toraidhean o <a href=""></a>
+ uk_postcode: Toraidhean o <a href="">NPEMap / FreeThe
+ Postcode</a>
+ ca_postcode: Toraidhean o <a href="">Geocoder.CA</a>
+ osm_nominatim: Toraidhean o <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Toraidhean o <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ osm_nominatim_reverse: Toraidhean o <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames_reverse: Toraidhean o <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix_format: '%{name}'
+ prefix:
+ aerialway:
+ cable_car: Carbad-càbaill
+ chair_lift: Lioft-sèitheir
+ drag_lift: Lioft-slaodaidh
+ gondola: Trama-adhair
+ station: Stèisean trama-adhair
+ aeroway:
+ aerodrome: Raon-adhair
+ apron: Aparan
+ gate: Geata
+ helipad: Port-heileacoptair
+ runway: Raon-laighe
+ taxiway: Raon-cuairteachaidh
+ terminal: Tèirmineal
+ amenity:
+ animal_shelter: Fasgadh bheathaichean
+ arts_centre: Ionad ealain
+ atm: Inneal airgid
+ bank: Banca
+ bar: Bàr
+ bbq: Àine-chaoire
+ bench: Being
+ bicycle_parking: Ionad-pàircidh rothairean
+ bicycle_rental: Rothairean air mhàl
+ biergarten: Gàrradh-leanna
+ boat_rental: Bàtaichean air mhàl
+ brothel: Taigh-siùrsachd
+ bureau_de_change: Biùro-iomlaid
+ bus_station: Stèisean bhusaichean
+ cafe: Cafaidh
+ car_rental: Càraichean air mhàl
+ car_sharing: Co-chleachdadh chàraichean
+ car_wash: Nighe chàraichean
+ casino: Casino
+ charging_station: Stèisean teairrdsidh
+ childcare: Cùram-cloinne
+ cinema: Taigh-dhealbh
+ clinic: Clionaig
+ clock: Cleoc
+ college: Colaiste
+ community_centre: Ionad-coimhearsnachd
+ courthouse: Taigh-cùirte
+ crematorium: Luaithreachan
+ dentist: Fiaclaire
+ doctors: Lighichean
+ dormitory: Suain-lann
+ drinking_water: Uisge-òil
+ driving_school: Sgoil draibhidh
+ embassy: Ambasaid
+ emergency_phone: Fòn-èiginn
+ fast_food: Biadh luath
+ ferry_terminal: Port-aiseig
+ fire_hydrant: Tobar-sràide
+ fire_station: Stèisean-smàlaidh
+ food_court: Talla bìdh
+ fountain: Fuaran
+ fuel: Connadh
+ gambling: Cearrachas
+ grave_yard: Cladh
+ gym: Taigh-sunntais
+ health_centre: Ionad-slàinte
+ hospital: Ospadal
+ hunting_stand: Stannd seilge
+ ice_cream: Reòiteagan
+ kindergarten: Sgoil-àraich
+ library: Leabhar-lann
+ market: Margadh
+ marketplace: Ionad-margaidh
+ monastery: Manachainn
+ motorcycle_parking: Ionad-pàircidh motar-baidhseagal
+ nightclub: Club-oidhche
+ nursery: Sgoil-àraich
+ nursing_home: Taigh-altraim
+ office: Oifis
+ parking: Ionad-pàircidh
+ parking_entrance: Doras ionaid-phàircidh
+ pharmacy: Bùth-chungaidhean
+ place_of_worship: Àite-adhraidh
+ police: Poileas
+ post_box: Bogsa-phuist
+ post_office: Oifis a' phuist
+ preschool: Ro-sgoil
+ prison: Prìosan
+ pub: Taigh-seinnse
+ public_building: Togalach poblach
+ reception_area: Ionad-fàilte
+ recycling: Ionad ath-chuairteachaidh
+ restaurant: Taigh-bìdh
+ retirement_home: Taigh-cluaineis
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: Sgoil
+ shelter: Fasgadh
+ shop: Bùth
+ shower: Frasair
+ social_centre: Ionad-sòisealta
+ social_club: Club-soisealta
+ social_facility: Goireas sòisealta
+ studio: Stiùideo
+ swimming_pool: Amar-snàimh
+ taxi: Tagsaidh
+ telephone: Fòn poblach
+ theatre: Taigh-cluich
+ toilets: Taighean-beaga
+ townhall: Talla a' bhaile
+ university: Oilthigh
+ vending_machine: Inneal-rèic
+ veterinary: Leigh-lann bheathaichean
+ village_hall: Talla a' bhaile
+ waste_basket: Bogsa-sgudail
+ waste_disposal: Ionad-sgudail
+ youth_centre: Ionad-òigridh
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Crìoch rianachd
+ census: Crìoch cunntas-sluaigh
+ national_park: Pàirc nàiseanta
+ protected_area: Ionad-dìon
+ bridge:
+ aqueduct: Duct-uisge
+ suspension: Drochaid-chrochaidh
+ swing: Drochaid-thionndain
+ viaduct: Drochaid-rathaid
+ "yes": Drochaid
+ building:
+ "yes": Togalach
+ craft:
+ brewery: Taigh-grùide
+ carpenter: Saor
+ electrician: Dealanair
+ gardener: Gàirnealair
+ painter: Peantair
+ photographer: Neach-dhealbh
+ plumber: Plumair
+ shoemaker: Greusaiche
+ tailor: Tàillear
+ "yes": Bùth cheàrd
+ emergency:
+ ambulance_station: Stèisean nan carbadan-èiginn
+ defibrillator: Dì-fhibriliche
+ landing_site: Ionad-laighe èiginn
+ phone: Fòn-èiginn
+ highway:
+ abandoned: Mòr-rathad trèigte
+ bridleway: Ceum marcachd
+ bus_guideway: Lonaig bus-stiùirichte
+ bus_stop: Stad-bus
+ construction: Mòr-rathad 'ga thogail
+ cycleway: Slighe baidhseagail
+ elevator: Àrdaichear
+ emergency_access_point: Puing-inntrigidh èiginn
+ footway: Cas-cheum
+ ford: Àth
+ living_street: Sràid-chòmhnaidh
+ milestone: Clach-mhìle
+ motorway: Mòr-rathad
+ motorway_junction: Gobhal mòr-rathaid
+ motorway_link: Mòr-rathad
+ path: Slighe
+ pedestrian: Àrainn-choisichean
+ platform: Àrd-ùrlar
+ primary: Prìomh-rathad
+ primary_link: Prìomh-rathad
+ proposed: Rathad a tha ann am beachd
+ raceway: Slighe-rèisidh
+ residential: Rathad-còmhnaidh
+ rest_area: Raon tàimh
+ road: Rathad
+ secondary: Rathad dàrnach
+ secondary_link: Rathad dàrnach
+ service: Rathad sheirbheisean
+ services: Seirbheisean mòr-rathaid
+ speed_camera: Camara-astair
+ steps: Staidhre
+ street_lamp: Lampa-sràide
+ tertiary: Rathad treasach
+ tertiary_link: Rathad treasach
+ track: Traca
+ traffic_signals: Solasan-trafaig
+ trail: Staran
+ trunk: Prìomh-rathad
+ trunk_link: Prìomh-rathad
+ unclassified: Rathad neo-sheòrsaichte
+ unsurfaced: Rathad gun uachdar
+ "yes": Rathad
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Làrach àrc-eòlach
+ battlefield: Blàr-catha
+ boundary_stone: Comharra-crìche
+ building: Togalach eachdraidheil
+ bunker: Buncair
+ castle: Caisteal
+ church: Eaglais
+ city_gate: Geata a' bhaile
+ citywalls: Ballachan a' bhaile
+ fort: Gearastan
+ heritage: Làrach dualchais
+ house: Taigh
+ icon: Ìomhaigh
+ manor: Taigh-maineir
+ memorial: Carragh-chuimhne
+ mine: Mèinn
+ monument: Carragh
+ roman_road: Rathad Ròmanach
+ ruins: Làrach
+ stone: Clach
+ tomb: Tuama
+ tower: Tùr
+ wayside_cross: Cros ri taobh an rathaid
+ wayside_shrine: Naomh-chiste ri taobh an rathaid
+ wreck: Long bhriste
+ junction:
+ "yes": Gobhal
+ landuse:
+ allotments: Cuibhreann talmhainn
+ basin: Amar
+ brownfield: Fearann fàs
+ cemetery: Cladh
+ commercial: Raon malairt
+ conservation: Raon-glèidhteachais
+ construction: Làrach togail
+ farm: Tuathanas
+ farmland: Achaidhean
+ farmyard: Clobhsa
+ forest: Coille
+ garages: Garaidsean
+ grass: Feur
+ greenfield: Talamh bàn
+ industrial: Raon gnìomhachais
+ landfill: Lìonadh-talmhainn
+ meadow: Faiche
+ military: Raon an airm
+ mine: Mèinn
+ orchard: Lios-mheas
+ quarry: Coireall
+ railway: Rèile
+ recreation_ground: Raon cuir-seachad
+ reservoir: Loch-tasgaidh
+ reservoir_watershed: Amar-tasgaidh
+ residential: Raon-còmhnaidh
+ retail: Bhuitean
+ road: Raon rathaid
+ village_green: Rèidhlean
+ vineyard: Fìon-lios
+ "yes": Cleachdadh-fearainn
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Tràigh-turasachd
+ bird_hide: Crò-eun
+ club: Club
+ common: Fearann coitcheann
+ dog_park: Pàirc-chon
+ fishing: Raon iasgaich
+ fitness_centre: Taigh-sunntais
+ fitness_station: Stèisean-sunntais
+ garden: Lios
+ golf_course: Raon goilf
+ horse_riding: Marcadh each
+ ice_rink: Rionc-deighe
+ marina: Marina
+ miniature_golf: Meanbh-ghoilf
+ nature_reserve: Tèarmann nàdair
+ park: Pàirc
+ pitch: Raon spòrs
+ playground: Raon-cluiche
+ recreation_ground: Raon cuir-seachad
+ resort: Baile-turasachd
+ sauna: Sauna
+ slipway: Leathad-luinge
+ sports_centre: Ionad-spòrs
+ stadium: Stèideam
+ swimming_pool: Amar-snàimh
+ track: Cuairt-ruith
+ water_park: Pàirc-uisge
+ "yes": Cur-seachad
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Taigh-solais
+ pipeline: Pìob-loidhne
+ tower: Tùr
+ works: Factaraidh
+ "yes": Dèanta le mac an duine
+ military:
+ airfield: Raon-adhair an airm
+ barracks: Taighean-feachd
+ bunker: Buncair
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes": Bealach
+ natural:
+ bay: Bàgh
+ beach: Tràigh
+ cape: Ceap
+ cave_entrance: Doras uamha
+ cliff: Creag
+ crater: Cruinn-shloc
+ dune: Dùn-gainmhich
+ fell: Monadh
+ fjord: Linne
+ forest: Coille
+ geyser: Gìosar
+ glacier: Eigh-shruth
+ grassland: Raon-feòir
+ heath: Aonach
+ hill: Cnoc
+ island: Eilean
+ land: Tìr
+ marsh: Lòn
+ moor: Mòine
+ mud: Poll
+ peak: Sgurr
+ point: Rubha
+ reef: Riof
+ ridge: Druim
+ rock: Roc
+ saddle: Dìollaid
+ sand: Gainmheach
+ scree: Sgàirneach
+ scrub: Fiodhach
+ spring: Fuaran
+ stone: Clach
+ strait: Caolas
+ tree: Craobh
+ valley: Gleann
+ volcano: Beinn-theine
+ water: Uisge
+ wetland: Talamh fliuch
+ wood: Coille
+ office:
+ accountant: Cunntasair
+ administrative: Rianachd
+ architect: Ailtire
+ company: Companaidh
+ employment_agency: Buidheann cosnaidh
+ estate_agent: Ceannaiche-seilbhe
+ government: Oifis na rìoghachd
+ insurance: Oifis àrachais
+ lawyer: Neach-lagha
+ ngo: Oifis neo-riaghaltasach
+ telecommunication: Oifis cèin-chonaltraidh
+ travel_agent: Bùth-siubhail
+ "yes": Oifis
+ place:
+ allotments: Cuibhreann talmhainn
+ block: Bloca
+ airport: Port-adhair
+ city: Baile
+ country: Dùthaich
+ county: Siorrachd/Còigeamh
+ farm: Tuathanas
+ hamlet: Clachan
+ house: Taigh
+ houses: Taighean
+ island: Eilean
+ islet: Eilean beag
+ isolated_dwelling: Àite-còmhnaidh iomallach
+ locality: Àite
+ moor: Mòine
+ municipality: Baile
+ neighbourhood: Coimhearsnachd
+ postcode: Còd-puist
+ region: Roinn-dùthcha
+ sea: Muir
+ state: Siorrachd/Còigeamh/Stàit
+ subdivision: Fo-roinn
+ suburb: Frith-bhaile
+ town: Baile
+ unincorporated_area: Raon neo-chorpaichte
+ village: Baile beag
+ "yes": Àite
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Rèile thrèigte
+ construction: Rèile 'ga togail
+ disused: Rèile gun chleachdadh
+ disused_station: Stèisean-rèile gun chleachdadh
+ funicular: Rèile-bhruthaich
+ halt: Stad trèana
+ historic_station: Stèisean-rèile eachdraidheil
+ junction: Snaidhm-rèile
+ level_crossing: Crois-rèile fhosgailte
+ light_rail: Rèile aotrom
+ miniature: Meanbh-rèile
+ monorail: Aona-rèile
+ narrow_gauge: Rèile gèidse caoile
+ platform: Àrd-ùrlar rèile
+ preserved: Rathad-iarrainn glèidhte
+ proposed: Rathad-iarrainn a tha ann am beachd
+ spur: Meur-loidhne
+ station: Stèisean-rèile
+ stop: Stad rèile
+ subway: Stèisean a' mheatro
+ subway_entrance: Doras a-steach a' mheatro
+ switch: Puingean rèile
+ tram: Slighe-trama
+ tram_stop: Stad trama
+ shop:
+ alcohol: Bùth-dighe far na fàrdaich
+ antiques: Buill-sheanndachd
+ art: Bùth ealain
+ bakery: Taigh-fuine
+ beauty: Bùth maise
+ beverages: Bùth dheochan
+ bicycle: Bùth bhaidhseagalan
+ books: Bùth leabhraichean
+ boutique: Boutique
+ butcher: Feòladair
+ car: Bùth chàraichean
+ car_parts: Pàirtean chàraichean
+ car_repair: Càradh chàraichean
+ carpet: Bùth bhratan
+ charity: Bùth carthannais
+ chemist: Bùth-chungaidhean
+ clothes: Bùth aodach
+ computer: Bùth choimpiutairean
+ confectionery: Bùth mìlseanachd
+ convenience: Bùth goireasach
+ copyshop: Bùth lethbhreacan
+ cosmetics: Bùth maise
+ deli: Delicatessen
+ department_store: Mòr-bhùth
+ discount: Bùth nithean saora
+ doityourself: Bùth leasachadh dachaigh
+ dry_cleaning: Tioram-ghlanadh
+ electronics: Bùth leactronachd
+ estate_agent: Ceannaiche-seilbhe
+ farm: Bùth tuathanais
+ fashion: Bùth aodaich
+ fish: Bùth èisg
+ florist: Bùth-fhlùraichean
+ food: Bùth bìdh
+ funeral_directors: Seirbheis tìodhlacaidh
+ furniture: Àirneis
+ gallery: Gailearaidh
+ garden_centre: Margadh-gàrraidh
+ general: Bùth a' bhaile
+ gift: Bùth phrèasantan
+ greengrocer: Gròsair
+ grocery: Gròsair
+ hairdresser: Gruagaire
+ hardware: Bùth leasachadh dachaigh
+ hifi: HiFi
+ insurance: Àrachas
+ jewelry: Bùth usgaran
+ kiosk: Cìtheasg
+ laundry: Taigh-nigheachain
+ mall: Ionad-seopadaireachd
+ market: Margadh
+ mobile_phone: Bùth fhònaichean-làmhe
+ motorcycle: Bùth mhotar-baidhseagalan
+ music: Bùth ciùil
+ newsagent: Bùth-naidheachdan
+ optician: Bùth-speuclairean
+ organic: Bùth bìdh fhàs-bheartaich
+ outdoor: Bùth acainnean blàir
+ pet: Bùth pheatachan
+ pharmacy: Bùth-chungaidhean
+ photo: Bùth dhealbhan
+ salon: Salon maise
+ second_hand: Bùth rudan ath-làimhe
+ shoes: Bùth bhrògan
+ shopping_centre: Ionad-seopadaireachd
+ sports: Bùth spòrs
+ stationery: Bùth pàipearachd
+ supermarket: Oll-mhargadh
+ tailor: Tàillear
+ toys: Bùth dhèideagan
+ travel_agency: Bùth-siubhail
+ video: Bùth videothan
+ wine: Bùth-dighe far na fàrdaich
+ "yes": Bùth
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Bothan beinne
+ apartment: Àras
+ artwork: Obair-ealain
+ attraction: Àite inntinneach
+ bed_and_breakfast: Leabaidh is lìte
+ cabin: Ceabain
+ camp_site: Làrach campachaidh
+ caravan_site: Làrach charabhanaichean
+ chalet: Chalet
+ gallery: Gailearaidh
+ guest_house: Taigh-aoigheachd
+ hostel: Ostail
+ hotel: Taigh-òsta
+ information: Fiosrachadh
+ motel: Taigh-òsta motarachd
+ museum: Taigh-tasgaidh
+ picnic_site: Làrach cuirme-cnuice
+ theme_park: Theme Park
+ viewpoint: Ionad-seallaidh
+ zoo: Sù
+ tunnel:
+ culvert: Cùlbhart
+ "yes": Tunail
+ waterway:
+ artificial: Slighe-uisge fhuadain
+ boatyard: Bàta-lann
+ canal: Canal
+ dam: Dama
+ derelict_canal: Canal trèigte
+ ditch: Dìg
+ dock: Doca
+ drain: Drèana
+ lock: Loc
+ lock_gate: Geata loca
+ mooring: Làimhrig
+ rapids: Coileach
+ river: Abhainn
+ stream: Sruth
+ wadi: Wadi
+ waterfall: Eas
+ weir: Cairidh
+ "yes": Slighe-uisge
+ admin_levels:
+ level2: Crìoch dùthcha
+ level4: Crìoch stait
+ level5: Crìoch roinn-dùthcha
+ level6: Crìoch siorrachd/còigeimh
+ level8: Crìoch baile
+ level9: Crìoch baile bhig
+ level10: Crìoch frith-bhaile
+ description:
+ title:
+ osm_nominatim: Àite o <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Àite o <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ types:
+ cities: Bailtean
+ towns: Bailtean
+ places: Àiteachan
+ results:
+ no_results: Cha deach toradh a lorg
+ more_results: Barrachd toraidhean
+ layouts:
+ project_name:
+ title: OpenStreetMap
+ h1: OpenStreetMap
+ logo:
+ alt_text: Suaicheantas OpenStreetMap
+ home: Rach gun ionad dachaigh
+ logout: Clàraich a-mach
+ log_in: Clàraich a-steach
+ log_in_tooltip: Clàraich a-steach le cunntas a tha ann
+ sign_up: Clàraich
+ start_mapping: Tòisich air an obair-mhapa
+ sign_up_tooltip: Cruthaich cunntas airson deasachadh
+ edit: Deasaich
+ history: Eachdraidh
+ export: Às-phortaich
+ data: Dàta
+ export_data: Às-phortaich dàta
+ gps_traces: Lorgaidhean GPS
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Stiùirich na lorgaidhean GPS
+ user_diaries: Leabhraichean-latha nan cleachdaichean
+ user_diaries_tooltip: Seall leabhraichean-latha nan cleachdaichean
+ edit_with: Deasaich le %{editor}
+ tag_line: Mapa uicidh saor an t-saoghail
+ intro_header: Fàilte gu OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: '''S e mapa an t-saoghail a tha san OpenStreetMap a chaidh a chruthachadh
+ le daoine mar thu fhèin ''s a tha saor fo cheadachas fhosgailte.'
+ intro_2_create_account: Cruthaich cunntas cleachdaiche
+ partners_html: Cuiridh an %{ucl}, an %{ic}, %{bytemark} agus %{partners} eile
+ taic ris an òstadh.
+ partners_ucl: UCL VR Centre
+ partners_ic: Imperial College London
+ partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
+ partners_partners: com-pàirtichean eile
+ partners_url:
+ osm_offline: Tha an stòr-dàta aig OpenStreetMap far loidhńe an-dràsta on a tha
+ sinn a' dèanamh obair-charaidh riatanach air.
+ osm_read_only: Tha an stòr-dàta aig OpenStreetMap sa mhodh leughaidh a-mhàin an-dràsta
+ on a tha sinn a' dèanamh obair-charaidh riatanach air.
+ donate: Cuir taic ri OpenStreetMap agus %{link} a chum àrdachadh a' bhathair-chruaidh.
+ help: Cobhair
+ about: Mu dhèidhinn
+ copyright: Còir-lethbhreac
+ community: Coimhearsnachd
+ community_blogs: Blogaichean coimhearsnachd
+ community_blogs_title: Blogaichean aig buill dhen choimhearsnachd OpenStreetMap
+ foundation: Fonndas
+ foundation_title: Fonndas OpenStreetMap
+ make_a_donation:
+ title: Cuir taic ri OpenStreetMap le tìodhlac airgid
+ text: Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn
+ learn_more: Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+ more: Barrachd
+ license_page:
+ foreign:
+ title: Mun eadar-theangachadh seo
+ text: Ma bhios còmhstri eadar an duilleag air eadar-theangachadh seo agus %{english_original_link},
+ bidh am prìomhachas air an duilleag sa Bheurla
+ english_link: an duilleag tùsail sa Bheurla
+ native:
+ title: Mun duilleag seo
+ text: Tha thu a' coimhead air tionndadh sa Bheurla de dhuilleag na còrach-lethbhreac.
+ 'S urrainn dhut tilleadh dhan %{native_link} dhen duilleag seo no sgur de
+ leughadh mun chòir-lethbhreac agus %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: tionndadh sa Ghàidhlig
+ mapping_link: tòiseachadh air an obair-mhapa
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Còir-lethbhreac agus ceadachas
+ intro_1_html: '''S e <i>dàta fosgailte</i> a tha san OpenStreetMap fo cheadachas
+ <a href="">Open Data Commons Open
+ Database License</a> (ODbL).'
+ intro_2_html: |-
+ Faodaidh tu lethbhreacan a dhèanamh dhen dàta againn, a sgaoileadh,
+ a thar-chur agus atharrachadh gu saor, cho fad 's a bheir thu urram
+ dha OpenStreetMap agus a cho-thabhartaichean. Ma nì thu atharrachadh
+ air an dàta againn no ma thogas tu rudeigin eile leis, faodaidh tu
+ an toradh a sgaoileadh fon aon cheadachas. Mìnichidh an
+ <a href="">còd laghail</a>
+ slàn dè na còirichean agus na dleastanasan a tha agad.
+ intro_3_html: |-
+ Tha am mapachadh sna leacan mapa againn agus an docamaideadh againn
+ fo cheadachas <a href="">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA).
+ credit_title_html: Mar a bheir thu urram dha OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: |-
+ Tha e riatanach gun chleachd thu “© OpenStreetMap
+ contributors” mar urram.
+ credit_2_html: |-
+ Feumaidh tu mìneachadh gu soilleir cuideachd gu bheil an dàta ri fhaighinn
+ fo cheadachas Open Database License, agus ma chleachdas tu na leacan mapa
+ againn gu bheil am mapachadh fo cheadachas CC BY-SA. Faodaidh tu seo
+ a dhèanamh le ceangal gun
+ <a href="">duilleag na còrach-lethbhreac seo</a>.
+ Mar roghainn eile agus gu riatanach ma sgaoileas tu OSM 'na dhàta,
+ 's urrainn dhut an ceadachas/na ceadachasan ainmeachadh agus ceangal dìreach
+ a dhèanamh dhaibh. Ann am meadhanan far nach gabh ceangal a dhèanamh (can
+ stuthan clò-bhuailte), mholamaid gun stiùirich thu an luchd-leughaidh gu
+ (dh'fhaoidte gun leudaich thu 'OpenStreetMap' leis
+ an t-seòladh shlàn seo), gu agus ma tha seo iomchaidh gu
+ credit_3_html: |-
+ airson mapa leatronaigeach a ghabhas rùrachadh, bu chòir dhan urram a nochdadh air
+ oisean a' mhapa. Mar eisimpleir:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Ball-eisimpleir air mar a bheir thu urram dha OpenStreetMap air duilleag-lìn
+ title: Ball-eisimpleir air urram
+ more_title_html: Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+ more_1_html: |-
+ Leugh barrachd air mar a chleachdas tu an dàta againn agus mar a
+ bheir thu urram dhuinn air na <a href="">CÀBHA laghail</a>.
+ more_2_html: |-
+ Ged as e dàta saor a tha san OpenStreetMap, chan urrainn dhuinn API mapa an-asgaidh a thoirt dhan luchd-leasachaidh treas phàrtaidh.
+ Faic <a href="">Poileasaidh cleachdadh an API</a>,
+ <a href="">Poileasaidh cleachdadh nan leacan</a>
+ agus <a href="">Poileasaidh cleachdadh Nominatim</a> againn.
+ contributors_title_html: Na co-thabhartaicheean againn
+ contributors_intro_html: |-
+ 'S e mìltean de dhaoine a tha sna co-thabhartaichean againn.
+ Gabhaidh sinn a-steach dàta fo cheadachas fosgailte aig buidhnean
+ mapachaidh nàiseanta agus tùsan eile, agus tha an fheadhainn a leanas
+ 'nam measg:
+ contributors_at_html: |-
+ <strong>An Ostair</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o
+ <a href="">Stadt Wien</a> (fo cheadachas
+ <a href="">CC BY</a>),
+ <a href="">Land Vorarlberg</a> agus
+ Land Tirol (fo cheadachas <a href="">CC BY AT le atharraichean</a>).
+ contributors_ca_html: |-
+ <strong>Canada</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o
+ GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), agus StatCan (Geography Division,
+ Statistics Canada).
+ contributors_fi_html: |-
+ <strong>An Fhionnlann</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta on
+ National Land Survey of Finland's Topographic Database
+ agud seataichean-dàta eile fo cheadachas
+ <a href="">NLSFI License</a>.
+ contributors_fr_html: |-
+ <strong>An Fhraing</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o
+ Direction Générale des Impôts.
+ contributors_nl_html: |-
+ <strong>Na Tìrean Ìsle</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o © AND, 2007
+ (<a href=""></a>)
+ contributors_nz_html: |-
+ <strong>Sealann Nuadh</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o
+ Land Information New Zealand. Còir-lethbhreac a' Chrùin glèidhte.
+ contributors_za_html: |-
+ <strong>Afraga a Deas</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta o
+ <a href="">Chief Directorate:
+ National Geo-Spatial Information</a>, coir-lethbhreac na Stàite glèidhte.
+ contributors_gb_html: |-
+ <strong>An Rìoghachd Aonaichte</strong>: Gabhaidh seo a-steach dàta Ordnance
+ Survey © còir-lethbhreac a' Chrùin agus dlighe stòir-dàta
+ 2010-12.
+ contributors_footer_1_html: |-
+ Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh air an fheadhainn seo agus air barrachd
+ thùsan a chaidh a chleachdadh a chum piseachadh OpenStreetMap, thoir
+ sùil air <a href="">Duilleag nan co-thabhartaichean</a>
+ air uicidh OpenStreetMap.
+ contributors_footer_2_html: Ma thèid dàta a ghabhail a-steach ann an OpenStreetMap,
+ chan eil e fillte a-staigh gun do chuir an solaraiche dàta tùsail aonta ri
+ OpenStreetMap, gun toireadh e barantas sam bith seachad no gum biodh e fo
+ fhiachanas sam bith.
+ infringement_title_html: Briseadh a-steach air còraichean-lethbhreac
+ infringement_1_html: Tha sinn a' cur an cuimhne nan co-thabhartaichean OSM nach
+ cuir iad dàta o thùs fo chòir-lethbhreac ri OSM (can Google Maps no mapaichean
+ clò-bhuailte) idir ach ma fhuair iad cead soilleir o shealbhadairean na còrach-lethbhreac.
+ infringement_2_html: |-
+ Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach stuth fo chòir-lethbhreac a chur ri stòr-dàta OpenStreetMap no an làrach-lìn seo ann an dòigh nach eil iomchaidh, thoir sùil air a' <a href="">mhodh toirt air falbh</a> againn no faidhlich e gu dìreach air an
+ <a href="">duilleag faidhlidh air loidhne</a> againn.
+ welcome_page:
+ title: Fàilte!
+ introduction_html: Fàilte gu OpenStreetMap, mapa saor an t-saoghail a ghabhas
+ deasachadh. Nise on a tha thu air clàradh, tha thu ullamh gus tòiseachadh air
+ an obair-mhapa. Seo treòir luath a bheir eòlas dhut air na rudan as cudromaiche.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: Na tha air a' mhapa
+ on_html: |-
+ 'S e àite a tha san OpenStreetMap gus mapa a dhèanamh de nithean a tha an dà chuid <em>fìos is làithreach</em> -
+ gabhaidh seo a-steach milleanan de thogalaichean, rathaidean agus fiosrachadh eile mu àiteachan. 'S urrainn dhut feart sam bith an t-saoghail fhìrinnich sa bheil ùidh agad a chur ris a' mhapa.
+ off_html: '''S ann <em>nach gabh e a-steach</em> dàta mu bheachdan a leithid
+ rangachaidhean, feartan eachdraidheil no baralach no dàta o thùsan fo chòir-lethbhreac.
+ Mur eil cead soilleir agad, na dèan lethbhreac o mhapaichean air loidhne no
+ air pàipear.'
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Teirmichean bunasach airson na h-obrach-mapa
+ paragraph_1_html: Tha cainnt shònraichte air OpenStreetMap. Seo facal no dhà
+ cudromach a bhios feumail dhut.
+ editor_html: '''S e prògram no làrach-lìn a tha ann an <strong>deasaiche</strong>
+ as urrainn dhut cleachdadh gus am mapa a dheasachadh.'
+ node_html: '''S e puing air a'' mhapa a tha ann an <strong>nòd</strong>, can
+ taigh-bìdh no craobh.'
+ way_html: '''S e loidhne no raon a tha ann an <strong>slighe</strong>, can rathad,
+ loch no togalach.'
+ tag_html: '''S e beagan dàta mu nòd no slighe a tha ann an <strong>taga</strong>,
+ can ainm taighe-bhìdh no crìoch astair rathaid.'
+ questions:
+ title: A bheil ceist sam bith agad?
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ Tha iomadh goireas aig OpenStreetMap gus faighinn a-mach mun phròiseact, ceistean a chur 's a fhreagairt agus deasbad a dhèanamh is cuspairean mun mhapa a chlàradh còmhla.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Faigh cobhair an-seo</a>.
+ start_mapping: Tòisich air an obair-mhapa
+ add_a_note:
+ title: Nach eil ùine agad airson deasachadh? Cuir nòta ris!
+ paragraph_1_html: Ma thogras tu rud beag a chàradh ach chan eil ùine agad gus
+ clàradh agus ionnsachadh mar a nì thu deasachadh, tha e furasta nòta a chur
+ ris.
+ paragraph_2_html: |-
+ Cha leig thu leas ach tadhal air a' <a href='%{map_url}'>mhapa</a> 's briogadh air ìomhaigheag an nòta:
+ <span class='icon note'></span>. Cuiridh seo comharra ris a' mhapa as urrainn dhut gluasad 's tu 'ga shlaodadh. Cuir an teachdaireachd agad ris agus briog air "Sàbhail" an uairsin gus an dèan luchd-mapachaidh eile sgrùdadh air.
+ fixthemap:
+ title: Innis dhuinn mu dhuilgheadas / Càraich am mapa
+ how_to_help:
+ title: Mar a bheir thu taic dhuinn
+ join_the_community:
+ title: Gabh pàirt sa choimhearsnachd
+ explanation_html: Ma mhothaicheas tu duilgheadas leis an dàta mapa againn,
+ can bu bheil rathad no an seòladh agad a dhìth, nach fhaigh thu ballrachd
+ sa choimhearsnachd OpenStreetMap ach an càraich no an cuir thu fhèin an
+ dàta ris. \
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: Cha leig thu leas ach briogadh air <a class='icon note'></a>
+ no air an aon ìomhaigheag ann an sealladh a' mhapa. Cuiridh seo comharra
+ ris a' mhapa as urrainn dhut gluasad 's tu 'ga shlaodadh. Cuir an teachdaireachd
+ agad ris agus briog air "Sàbhail" an uairsin gus an dèan luchd-mapachaidh
+ eile sgrùdadh air.
+ other_concerns:
+ title: Cùisean eile
+ explanation_html: "Ma tha rud sam bith eile a' cur dragh ort a thaobh na susbainte
+ no mar a tha an dàta againn 'ga chleachdadh, tadhail air\n<a href='/copyright'>duilleag
+ na còrach-lethbhreac</a> againn airson barrachd fiosrachaidh laghail no cuir
+ fios gun \n<a href=''>bhuidheann
+ obrach OSMF</a> iomchaidh. \\"
+ help_page:
+ title: A' faighinn cobhair
+ introduction: Tha iomadh goireas aig OpenStreetMap gus faighinn a-mach mun phròiseact,
+ ceistean a chur 's a fhreagairt agus deasbad a dhèanamh is cuspairean mun mhapa
+ a chlàradh còmhla.
+ welcome:
+ url: /welcome
+ title: Fàilte gu OSM
+ description: Faigh toiseach tòiseachaidh air OpenStreetMap leis an stiùireadh
+ luath seo.
+ help:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Faighnich ceist no rùraich na freagairtean air làrach nan ceistean
+ àbhaisteach aig OSM.
+ wiki:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Brabhsaich san uicidh airson docamaideadh mionaideach air OSM.
+ about_page:
+ next: Air adhart
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>Co-thabhartaichean<br>OpenStreetMap
+ used_by: Bheir %{name} dàta mapa dha cheudan de làraichean-lìn, aplacaidean inneil-làimhe
+ agus uidheaman bathair-chruaidh
+ lede_text: Tha OpenStreetMap 'ga thogail le coimhearsnachd de luchd-mapachaidh
+ a bheir dàta dhuinn mu rathaidean, slighean cafaidhean, stèiseanan-rèile agus
+ mòran a bharrachd air feadh an t-saoghail agus a nì obair-càraidh air.
+ local_knowledge_title: Eòlas ionadail
+ local_knowledge_html: '''S ann gu bheil eòlas ionadail air aire OpenStreetMap.
+ cleachdaich na co-thabhartaichean dealbhan adhair, uidheaman GPS agus mapaichean-làraich
+ bun-theicneolach airson dearbhadh gu bheil OSM ceart agus làithreach.'
+ community_driven_title: Fo smachd na coimhearsnachd
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ Tha coimhearsnachd OpenStreetMap measgaichte, dealasach agus a' fàs gach latha. Gabhaidh na co-thabhartaichean againn a-steach luchd-mapa saor-thoileach, luchd shiostaman fiosrachaidh chruinn-eòlaich proifeiseanta, innleadairean a ruitheas na frithealaichean aig OSM, luchd taic dhaonnachdach a nì mapaichean air raointean fo dhunaidh agus mòran a bharrachd.
+ Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mun choimhearsnachd, tadhail air <a href='%{diary_path}'>leabhraichean-latha nan cleachdaichean</a>,
+ <a href=''>blogaichean na coimhearsnachd</a> agus
+ làrach-lìn an <a href=''>Fhonndais OSM</a>.
+ open_data_title: Dàta fosgailte
+ open_data_html: |-
+ 'S e <i>dàta fosgailte</i> a tha san OpenStreetMap: faodaidh tu a chleachdadh a chum adhbhair sam bith cho fad 's a bheir thu urram air OpenStreetMap agus na co-thabhartaichean aige. Ma nì thu atharrachadh air an dàta againn no ma thogas tu rudeigin eile leis, faodaidh tu
+ an toradh a sgaoileadh fon aon cheadachas. Thoir sùil air <a href='%{copyright_path}'>Duilleag na còrach-lethbhreac agus a' cheadachais</a> airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.
+ partners_title: Com-pàirtichean
+ notifier:
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{user} beachd air an leabhar-latha agad'
+ hi: Shin thu, %{to_user},
+ header: 'Thug %{from_user} beachd air clàr leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap agad
+ a rinn thu o chionn goirid air a bheil an cuspair "%{subject}":'
+ footer: '''S urrainn dhut am beachd a leughadh air %{readurl} cuideachd agus
+ beachd agad fhèin a chur ris air %{commenturl} no freagairt a sgrìobhadh air
+ %{replyurl}'
+ message_notification:
+ subject_header: '[OpenStreetMap] %{subject}'
+ hi: Shin thu, %{to_user},
+ header: 'Chuir %{from_user} teachdaireachd thugad slighe OpenStreetMap air a
+ bheil an cuspair "%{subject}":'
+ footer_html: '''S urrainn dhut an teachdaireachd a leughadh air %{readurl} cuideachd
+ agus freagairt a sgrìobhadh air %{replyurl}'
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Chuir %{user} ''na charaid ris thu'
+ had_added_you: '[OpenStreetMap] Chuir %{user} ''na charaid ris thu air OpenStreetMap.'
+ see_their_profile: '''S urrainn dhut a'' phròifil aig an neach ud a shealltainn
+ air %{userurl}.'
+ befriend_them: '''S urrainn dhut an neach ud a a chur ''nad caraid ris air %{befriendurl}
+ cuideachd.'
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ your_gpx_file: Tha coltas
+ with_description: nach deach leinn am faidhle GPX agad air a bheil an tuairisgeul
+ and_the_tags: 'agus na tagaichean a leanas:'
+ and_no_tags: agus air nach eil taga
+ failure:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Dh''fhàillig le ion-phortadh GPX'
+ failed_to_import: 'ion-phortachadh. Seo a'' mhearachd:'
+ more_info_1: Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh air duilgheadasan le ion-phortadh
+ GPX agus air mar a sheachnas tu
+ more_info_2: 'iad air:'
+ import_failures_url:
+ success:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Shoirbhich le ion-phortadh GPX'
+ loaded_successfully: gun deach am faidhle GPX agad a luchdachadh gu soirbheachail
+ le %{trace_points} a-mach às an uiread de %{possible_points} p(h)uing(ean)
+ a ghabhas.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Fàilte gu OpenStreetMap'
+ greeting: Shin thu!
+ created: Tha cuideigin (an dòchas gur e tusa a bh' ann) air cunntas a chruthachadh
+ air %{site_url}.
+ confirm: 'Mus dèan sinn dad sam bith eile, feumaidh sinn dearbhadh gun d'' fhuair
+ sinn an t-iarrtas seo uat fhèin, mar sin mas e tusa a bh'' ann, briog air
+ a'' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh:'
+ welcome: Nuair a bhios tu air an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh, bheir sinn barrachd
+ fiosrachaidh dhut ach am bi e nas fhasa dhut tòiseachadh.
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Dearbhaich an seòladh puist-d agad'
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ hopefully_you: Tha cuideigin (an dòchas gur e tusa a th' ann) airson an seòladh
+ puist-d agad atharrachadh gu %{new_address} air %{server_url}.
+ click_the_link: Mas e tusa a th' ann, briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus an
+ atharrachadh a dhearbhadh.
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ hopefully_you: Tha cuideigin (an dòchas gur e tusa a th' ann) airson an seòladh
+ puist-d agad atharrachadh gu %{new_address} air %{server_url}.
+ click_the_link: Mas e tusa a th' ann, briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus an
+ atharrachadh a dhearbhadh.
+ lost_password:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Chaidh ath-shuidheachadh air facal-faire iarraidh'
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ hopefully_you: Dh'iarr cuideigin (an dòchas gur e tusa a bh' ann) gun dèid am
+ facal-faire agad atharrachadh airson cunntas an t-seòlaidh phuist-d seo air
+ click_the_link: Mas e tusa a bh' ann, briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus am
+ facal-faire agad ath-shuidheachadh.
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ hopefully_you: Dh'iarr cuideigin (an dòchas gur e tusa a bh' ann) gun dèid am
+ facal-faire agad atharrachadh airson cunntas an t-seòlaidh phuist-d seo air
+ click_the_link: Mas e tusa a bh' ann, briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus am
+ facal-faire agad ath-shuidheachadh.
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: Ball gun ainm
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air nòta agad'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air nòta sa bheil
+ ùidh agad'
+ your_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air nòta mapa agad faisg
+ air %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air nòta mapa a
+ thug thu fhèin beachd air. Tha an nòta faisg air %{place}.'
+ closed:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] Dh''fhuasgail %{commenter} nòta agad'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] Dh''fhuasgail %{commenter} nòta sa bheil ùidh
+ agad'
+ your_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Dh''fhuasgail %{commenter} nòta mapa agad faisg
+ air %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Dh''fhuasgail %{commenter} nòta mapa a thug
+ thu beachd air. Tha an nòta faisg air %{place}.'
+ reopened:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] Ghnìomhaich %{commenter} nòta agad às ùr'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] Ghnìomhaich %{commenter} nòta sa bheil ùidh
+ agad às ùr'
+ your_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Ghnìomhaich %{commenter} nòta mapa agad às ùr
+ a tha faisg air %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '[OpenStreetMap] Ghnìomhaich %{commenter} nòta mapa às ùr
+ a thug thu beachd air. Tha an nòta faisg air %{place}.'
+ details: Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh air an nòta air %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Shin thu,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air seata atharraichean
+ agad'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air seata atharraichean
+ sa bheil ùidh agad'
+ your_changeset: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air seata atharraichean
+ agad a chaidh cruthachadh %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '[OpenStreetMap] Thug %{commenter} beachd air seata atharraichean
+ mapa air a bheil thu a'' cumail sùil agus a chaidh cruthachadh le %{changeset_author}
+ %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: leis a' bheachd '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: gun bheachd
+ details: Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh air an seata atharraichean air %{url}.
+ message:
+ inbox:
+ title: Am bogsa a-steach
+ my_inbox: Am bogsa a-steach agam
+ outbox: am bogsa a-mach
+ messages: Tha %{new_messages} agus %{old_messages} agad
+ new_messages:
+ other: '%{count} teachdaireachd ùr'
+ old_messages:
+ other: '%{count} teachdaireachd shean'
+ from: O
+ subject: Cuspair
+ date: Ceann-là
+ no_messages_yet: Chan eil teachdaireachd agad fhathast. Nach tòisich thu conaltradh
+ le %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: daoine a nì obair-mhapa faisg ort
+ message_summary:
+ unread_button: Cuir comharra nach deach a leughadh
+ read_button: Cuir comharra gun deach a leughadh
+ reply_button: Freagair
+ delete_button: Sguab às
+ new:
+ title: Cuir teachdaireachd
+ send_message_to: Cuir teachdaireachd ùr gu %{name}
+ subject: Cuspair
+ body: Bodhaig
+ send_button: Cuir
+ back_to_inbox: Till dhan bhogsa a-steach
+ message_sent: Chaidh an teachdaireachd a chur
+ limit_exceeded: Chuir thu torr theachdaireachdan o chionn goirid. Fuirich ort
+ greis mus fheuch thu ri tè eile a chur.
+ no_such_message:
+ title: Chan eil an teachdaireachd seo ann
+ heading: Chan eil an teachdaireachd seo ann
+ body: Duilich ach chan eil teachdaireachd air a bheil an id seo ann.
+ outbox:
+ title: Am bogsa a-mach
+ my_inbox: '%{inbox_link} agam'
+ inbox: am bogsa a-steach
+ outbox: am bogsa a-mach
+ messages:
+ other: Tha %{count} teachdaireachd chuirte agad
+ to: Gu
+ subject: Cuspair
+ date: Ceann-là
+ no_sent_messages: Cha do chuir thu teachdaireachd fhathast. Nach tòisich thu
+ conaltradh le %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: daoine a nì obair-mhapa faisg ort
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: Rinn thu clàradh a-steach mar `%{user}' ach cha deach an teachdaireachd
+ a tha thu a' feuchainn ri freagairt dhi a chur gun neach-chleachdaidh ud.
+ Feuch an clàraich thu a-steach 'na chleachdaiche a bu chòir airson freagairt.
+ read:
+ title: Teachdaireachd air a leughadh
+ from: O
+ subject: Cuspair
+ date: Ceann-là
+ reply_button: Freagair
+ unread_button: Cuir comharra nach deach a leughadh
+ back: Air ais
+ to: Gu
+ wrong_user: Rinn thu clàradh a-steach mar `%{user}' ach cha deach an teachdaireachd
+ a tha thu a' feuchainn ri leughadh a chur gun neach-chleachdaidh ud. Feuch
+ an clàraich thu a-steach 'na chleachdaiche a bu chòir airson a leughadh.
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Sguab às
+ mark:
+ as_read: Chuir thu comharra gun deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
+ as_unread: Chuir thu comharra nach deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
+ delete:
+ deleted: Chaidh an teachdaireachd a sguabadh às
+ site:
+ index:
+ js_1: Tha thu a' chleachdadh brabhsair nach cuir taic ri JavaScript no chuir
+ thu JavaScript à comas.
+ js_2: Cleachdaidh OpenStreetMap JavaScript gus am mapa a shealltainn.
+ permalink: Ceangal buan
+ shortlink: Ceangal goirid
+ createnote: cuir nòta ris
+ license:
+ copyright: Còir-lethbhreac OpenStreetMap agus na co-thabhartaichean aige fo
+ cheadachas fosgailte
+ remote_failed: Dh'fhàillig leis an deasachadh - dèan cinnteach gun deach JOSM
+ no Merkaartor a luchdadh agus gu bheil feart an t-smachd chèin an comas
+ edit:
+ not_public: Cha do cuir thu romhad gum bi na dheasaicheas tu poblach.
+ not_public_description: Chan urrainn dhut am mapa a dheasachadh tuilleadh mus
+ dèan thu seo. 'S urrainn dhut na dheasaicheas tu a dhèanamh poblach air %{user_page}
+ agad.
+ user_page_link: duilleag a' chleachdaiche
+ anon_edits: (%{link})
+ anon_edits_link_text: Faigh a-mach carson
+ flash_player_required: Bidh feum agad air cluicheadair Flash gus an deasaiche
+ Flash OpenStreetMap air a bheil Potlatch a chleachdadh. 'S urrainn dhut <a
+ href="">Flash
+ Player a luchadh a-nuas o</a>. Tha <a href="">roghainnean
+ eile</a> ri làimh cuideachd gus OpenStreetMap a dheasachadh.
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: Tha atharrachadh gun sàbhaladh agad. (airson sàbhaladh
+ ann am Potlatch, bu chòir dhut a' phuing no slighe làithreach a dhì-thaghadh
+ ma tha thu 'ga deasachadh sa mhodh bheò no briog air "Sàbhail" ma tha putan
+ sàbhalaidh agad.)
+ potlatch2_not_configured: Cha deach Potlatch 2 a rèiteachadh - tadhail air
+ airson barrachd fiosrachaidh
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: Tha atharrachadh gun sàbhaladh agad. (Gus sàbhaladh
+ ann am 2, bu chòir dhut briogadh air "Sàbhail".)
+ id_not_configured: Cha deach iD a rèiteachadh
+ no_iframe_support: Cha toir am brabhsair agad taic ri HTML iframes a tha riatanach
+ airson an fhearta seo.
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Toraidhean luirg
+ close: Dùin
+ search:
+ search: Lorg
+ get_directions: Faigh seòlaidhean
+ get_directions_title: Lorg seòlaidhean eadar dà àite
+ from: O
+ to: Gu
+ where_am_i: Càite a bheil mi?
+ where_am_i_title: Mìnich an t-àite làithreach leis an inneal-rannsachaidh
+ submit_text: Siuthad
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ motorway: Mòr-rathad
+ trunk: Prìomh-rathad
+ primary: Prìomh-rathad
+ secondary: Rathad dàrnach
+ unclassified: Rathad neo-sheòrsaichte
+ unsurfaced: Rathad gun uachdar
+ track: Slighe
+ byway: Seach-rathad
+ bridleway: Ceum marcachd
+ cycleway: Slighe baidhseagail
+ footway: Àrainn-choisichean
+ rail: Rèile
+ subway: Meatro
+ tram:
+ - Rèile aotrom
+ - Trama
+ cable:
+ - Carbad-càbaill
+ - Lioft-sèitheir
+ runway:
+ - Raon-laighe puirt-adhair
+ - Raon-cuairteachaidh
+ apron:
+ - Aparan puirt-adhair
+ - Tèirmineal
+ admin: Crìoch rianachd
+ forest: Coille
+ wood: Coille
+ golf: Raon goilf
+ park: Pàirc
+ resident: Raon-còmhnaidh
+ tourist: Àite inntinneach
+ common:
+ - Coitcheann
+ - Faiche
+ retail: Raon bhuitean
+ industrial: Raon gnìomhachais
+ commercial: Raon malairt
+ heathland: Aonach
+ lake:
+ - Loch
+ - Loch-tasgaidh
+ farm: Tuathanas
+ brownfield: Fearann fàs
+ cemetery: Cladh
+ allotments: Cuibhreann talmhainn
+ pitch: Raon spòrs
+ centre: Ionad-spòrs
+ reserve: Tèarmann nàdair
+ military: Raon an airm
+ school:
+ - Sgoil
+ - Oilthigh
+ building: Togalach cudromach
+ station: Stèisean-rèile
+ summit:
+ - Mullach
+ - Sgurr
+ tunnel: Oir-strìochagan = tunail
+ bridge: Oir-loidhnichean = drochaid
+ private: Cead-inntrigidh prìobhaideach
+ permissive: Cead-inntrigidh cuingichte
+ destination: Inntrigeadh a' chinn-uidhe
+ construction: Rathaidean 'gan togail
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Deasaich
+ preview: Ro-sheall
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: '''Ga pharsadh le <a href="">Markdown</a>'
+ headings: Ceann-sgrìobhaidhean
+ heading: Ceann-sgrìobhadh
+ subheading: Fo-cheann-sgrìobhadh
+ unordered: Liosa gun seòrsachadh
+ ordered: Liosta le seòrsachadh
+ first: A' chiad nì
+ second: An dàrna nì
+ link: Ceangal
+ text: Teacsa
+ image: Dealbh
+ alt: Teacsa eile
+ url: URL
+ trace:
+ visibility:
+ private: Prìobhaideach (cha dèid a cho-roinneadh ach 'na phuingean gun urra
+ no seòrsachadh)
+ public: Poblach (nochdaidh e air liosta nan lorgaidhean agus 'na phuingean gun
+ urra no seòrsachadh)
+ trackable: Gabhaidh lorgadh (cha dèid a cho-roinneadh ach 'na phuingean gun
+ urra ris a bheil seòrsachadh is stampa-tìde)
+ identifiable: Gabhaidh aithneachadh (nochdaidh e air liosta nan lorgaidhean
+ agus 'na phuingean a ghabhas aithneachadh ris a bheil seòrsachadh is stampa-tìde)
+ create:
+ upload_trace: Luchdaich suas lorgadh GPS
+ trace_uploaded: Chaidh am faidhle GPX agad a luchdadh suas agus tha e a' feitheamh
+ gus an dèid a chur ris an stòr-dàta. Tachraidh seo am broinn leth-uair a thìde
+ mar as trice agus gheibh thu post-d nuair a bhios e coileanta.
+ edit:
+ title: A' deasachadh lorgadh %{name}
+ heading: A' deasachadh lorgadh %{name}
+ filename: 'Ainm an fhaidhle:'
+ download: luchdaich a-nuas
+ uploaded_at: 'Air a luchdadh suas:'
+ points: 'Puingean:'
+ start_coord: 'Càraid àireimh tòiseachaidh:'
+ map: mapa
+ edit: deasaich
+ owner: 'Sealbhadair:'
+ description: 'Tuairisgeul:'
+ tags: 'Tagaichean:'
+ tags_help: sgaradh le cromagan
+ save_button: Sàbhail na dh'atharraich thu
+ visibility: 'Faicsinneachd:'
+ visibility_help: Dè as ciall dha seo?
+ visibility_help_url:
+ trace_form:
+ upload_gpx: 'Luchdaich suas faidhle GPX:'
+ description: 'Tuairisgeul:'
+ tags: 'Tagaichean:'
+ tags_help: sgaradh le cromagan
+ visibility: 'Faicsinneachd:'
+ visibility_help: Dè as ciall dha seo?
+ visibility_help_url:
+ upload_button: Luchdaich suas
+ help: Cobhair
+ help_url:
+ trace_header:
+ upload_trace: Luchdaich suas lorgadh
+ see_all_traces: Seall a h-uile lorgadh
+ see_your_traces: Seall na lorgaidhean agad fhèin
+ traces_waiting:
+ other: Tha %{count} lorgadh a' feitheamh air luchdadh suas. Am fuirich thu
+ ort gus am bi seo coileanta mus luchdaich thu suas fear sam bith eile? Mar
+ sin, gheibheadh càch cothrom air a' chiutha.
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: Tagaichean
+ view:
+ title: A' sealltainn lorgadh %{name}
+ heading: A' sealltainn lorgadh %{name}
+ filename: 'Ainm an fhaidhle:'
+ download: luchdaich a-nuas
+ uploaded: 'Air a luchdadh suas:'
+ points: 'Puingean:'
+ start_coordinates: 'Càraid àireimh tòiseachaidh:'
+ map: mapa
+ edit: deasaich
+ owner: 'Sealbhadair:'
+ description: 'Tuairisgeul:'
+ tags: 'Tagaichean:'
+ none: Chan eil gin
+ edit_track: Deasaich an lorgadh seo
+ delete_track: Sguab às an lorgadh seo
+ trace_not_found: Cha deach an lorgadh a lorg!
+ visibility: 'Faicsinneachd:'
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Duilleag %{page}
+ older: Lorgaidhean nas sine
+ newer: Lorgaidhean nas ùire
+ trace:
+ count_points: '%{count} puing'
+ ago: o chionn %{time_in_words_ago}
+ more: barrachd
+ trace_details: Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an lorgaidh
+ view_map: Seall am mapa
+ edit: deasaich
+ edit_map: Deasaich am mapa
+ public: POBLACH
+ by: le
+ in: 'an-seo:'
+ map: mapa
+ list:
+ public_traces: Lorgaidhean GPS poblach
+ your_traces: Na Lorgaidhean GPS agad fhèin
+ public_traces_from: Lorgaidhean GPS poblach o %{user}
+ description: Rùraich na lorgaidhean GPS a chaidh a luchdadh a-nuas o chionn
+ goirid
+ tagged_with: ' ris a bheil taga %{tags}'
+ empty_html: Chan eil dad an-seo fhathast. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Luchdaich
+ suas lorgadh ùr</a> no faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu lorgadh GPS air an <a
+ href=''>uicidh</a>.
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: Chaidh an lorgadh seo a chur air an sgeideil gus a sguabadh
+ às
+ make_public:
+ made_public: Chaidh an lorgadh seo 'na fhear poblach
+ offline_warning:
+ message: Chan eil siostam luchdaidh suas nam faidhlichean GPX ri fhaighinn an-dràsta
+ offline:
+ heading: Tha stòras GPX far loidhne
+ message: Chan eil stòras no siostam luchdaidh suas nam faidhlichean GPX ri fhaighinn
+ an-dràsta
+ georss:
+ title: Lorgaidhean GPS aig OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ other: faidhle GPX le %{count} phuing o %{user}
+ description_without_count: Faidhle GPX o %{user}
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: Tha coltas gun do chuir thu briosgaidean à comas - feuch an
+ cuir thu briosgaidean an comas sa bhrabhsair agad mus lean thu air adhart.
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: Feumaidh tu bhith 'nad mhaor gus an gnìomh seo a dhèanamh.
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: Chaidh an inntrigeadh agad dhan API a bhacadh. Feuch an clàraich thu
+ a-steach gus am faigh an eadar-aghaidh-lìn barrachd fiosrachaidh dhut.
+ need_to_see_terms: Chaidh an inntrigeadh agad dhan API a chur dheth rè ùine.
+ Feuch an clàraich thu a-steach air an eadar-aghaidh-lìn gus teirmichean a'
+ chom-pàirtiche a shealltainn. Cha leig thu leas aontachadh riutha, ach feumaidh
+ tu an leughadh.
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ title: Ceadaich inntrigeadh dhan chunntas agad
+ request_access: Dh'iarr aplacaid %{app_name} inntrigeadh dhan chunntas agad,
+ %{user}. Thoir sùil a bheil thu airson 's gum bi na comasan a leanas air an
+ aplacaid. 'S urrainn dhut an t-uiread dhiubh a thogras tu a thaghadh, ge b'
+ e mòr no beag.
+ allow_to: 'Faodaidh aplacaid a'' chliant:'
+ allow_read_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche agad a leughadh.
+ allow_write_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche agad atharrachadh.
+ allow_write_diary: clàran leabhair-latha a chruthachadh, beachdan a thoirt agus
+ caraidean a chur ris.
+ allow_write_api: am mapa atharrachadh.
+ allow_read_gpx: na lorgaidhean GPS prìobhaideach agad a leughadh.
+ allow_write_gpx: lorgaidhean GPS a luchdadh suas.
+ allow_write_notes: nòtaichean atharrachadh.
+ oauthorize_success:
+ title: Chaidh gabhail ri iarrtas a' chead
+ allowed: Thug thu cead dha dh'aplacaid %{app_name} an cunntas agad inntrigeadh.
+ verification: '''S e %{code} a tha sa chòd dearbhaidh.'
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ title: Chaidh iarrtas a' chead a dhiùltadh
+ denied: Dhiùlt thu gun inntrigeadh aplacaid %{app_name} an cunntas agad.
+ invalid: Chan eil tòcan a' chead dligheach.
+ revoke:
+ flash: Tha thu air tòcan a' chead airson %{application} a chùl-ghairm
+ oauth_clients:
+ new:
+ title: Clàraich aplacaid ùr
+ submit: Clàraich
+ edit:
+ title: Deasaich an aplacaid agad
+ submit: Deasaich
+ show:
+ title: Fiosrachadh OAuth airson %{app_name}
+ key: 'Iuchair a'' chleachdaiche:'
+ secret: 'Rùn a'' chleachdaiche:'
+ url: 'URL tòcan an iarrtais:'
+ access_url: 'URL tòcan an inntrigidh:'
+ authorize_url: 'URL a'' chead:'
+ support_notice: Ciridh sinn taic ri soidhneadh HMAC-SHA1 (a mholamaid) agus
+ edit: Deasaich am fiosrachadh
+ delete: Sguab às an cliant
+ confirm: A bheil thu cinnteach?
+ requests: 'Ag iarraidh on chleachdaiche gum faodar:'
+ allow_read_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche aca a leughadh.
+ allow_write_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche aca atharrachadh.
+ allow_write_diary: clàran leabhair-latha a chruthachadh, beachdan a thoirt agus
+ caraidean a chur ris.
+ allow_write_api: am mapa atharrachadh.
+ allow_read_gpx: na lorgaidhean GPS prìobhaideach aca a leughadh.
+ allow_write_gpx: lorgaidhean GPS a luchdadh suas.
+ allow_write_notes: nòtaichean atharrachadh.
+ index:
+ title: Am fiosrachadh OAuth agad
+ my_tokens: Na h-aplacaidean agam air a bheil cead
+ list_tokens: 'Chaidh na tòcanan seo a thoirt seachad dha dh''aplacaidean às
+ do leth:'
+ application: Ainm na h-aplacaid
+ issued_at: Air a thoirt seachad
+ revoke: Cùl-ghairm!
+ my_apps: Na h-aplacaidean cliant agam
+ no_apps: A bheil aplacaid agad a bu toil leat clàradh gus a cleachdadh leinn
+ 's a chleachdas an stannard %{oauth}? Feumaidh tu an aplacaid-lìn agad a clàradh
+ mus fhaod e iarrtas OAuth a chur dhan t-seirbheis seo.
+ registered_apps: 'Seo na h-aplacaidean cliant a clàraich thu leinn:'
+ register_new: Clàraich an aplacaid agad
+ form:
+ name: Ainm
+ required: Riatanach
+ url: Prìomh URL na h-aplacaid
+ callback_url: URL ais-ghairm
+ support_url: URL taice
+ requests: 'Iarr on chleachdaiche gum faodar:'
+ allow_read_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche aige/aice a leughadh.
+ allow_write_prefs: roghainnean a' chleachdaiche aige/aice atharrachadh.
+ allow_write_diary: clàran leabhair-latha a chruthachadh, beachdan a thoirt agus
+ caraidean a chur ris.
+ allow_write_api: am mapa atharrachadh.
+ allow_read_gpx: na lorgaidhean GPS prìobhaideach aige/aice a leughadh.
+ allow_write_gpx: lorgaidhean GPS a luchdadh suas.
+ allow_write_notes: nòtaichean atharrachadh.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Duilich ach cha deach a' %{type} ud a lorg.
+ create:
+ flash: Chaidh am fiosrachadh a chlàradh gu soirbheachail
+ update:
+ flash: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chliant ùrachadh gu soirbheachail
+ destroy:
+ flash: Chaidh clàradh na h-aplacaid cliant a mhilleadh
+ user:
+ login:
+ title: Clàraich a-steach
+ heading: Clàraich a-steach
+ email or username: 'Seòladh puist-d no ainm-cleachdaiche:'
+ password: 'Facal-faire:'
+ openid: 'OpenID %{logo}:'
+ remember: Cuimhnich orm
+ lost password link: Na chaill thu am facal-faire agad?
+ login_button: Clàraich a-steach
+ register now: Clàraich an-dràsta
+ with username: 'A bheil cunntas OpenStreetMap agad mar-thà? Clàraich a-steach
+ leis an ainm-chleachdaiche ''s an fhacal-fhaire agad:'
+ new to osm: A bheil OpenStreetMap ùr dhut?
+ to make changes: Feumaidh cunntas a bhith agad mus atharraich thu dàta OpenStreetMap.
+ create account minute: Cruthaich cunntas. Chan doir e ach mionaid.
+ no account: Nach eil cunntas agad?
+ account not active: Duilich ach chan eil an cunntas agad gnìomhach fhathast.<br
+ />Cleachd an ceangal ann am post-d dearbhadh a' chunntais gus an cunntas agad
+ a ghnìomhachadh no <a href="%{reconfirm}">iarr post-d dearbhaidh ùr</a>.
+ account is suspended: Duilich ach chaidh an cunntas agad a chur à rèim ri linn
+ gnìomhachd amharasach.<br />Cuir fios gun <a href="%{webmaster}">mhaighstir-lìn</a>
+ nam bu toil leat bruidhinn mu dhèidhinn.
+ auth failure: Duilich ach chan urrainn dhuinn do clàradh a-steach leis an fiosrachadh
+ seo.
+ openid_logo_alt: Clàraich a-steach le OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Clàraich a-mach
+ heading: Clàraich a-mach à OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Clàraich a-mach
+ lost_password:
+ title: Facal-faire air chall
+ heading: Na chaill thu am facal-faire agad?
+ email address: 'Seòladh puist-d:'
+ new password button: Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire
+ help_text: Cuir a-steach an seòladh puist-d a chleachd thu gus an cunntas agad
+ a chlàradh agus cuiridh sinn post-d dha as urrainn dhut cleachdadh gus am
+ facal-faire agad ath-shuidheachadh.
+ notice email on way: Tha sinn duilich gun do chaill thu e :-( ach tha post-d
+ gu bhith tighinn thugad ach an urrainn dhut ath-shuidheachadh a dh'aithghearr.
+ notice email cannot find: Duilich ach cha do rinn sinn lorg air an t-seòladh
+ puist-d ud.
+ reset_password:
+ title: Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire
+ heading: Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire aig %{user}
+ password: 'Facal-faire:'
+ confirm password: 'Dearbhaich am facal-faire:'
+ reset: Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire
+ flash changed: Chaidh am facal-faire agad atharrachadh.
+ flash token bad: Cha do rinn sinn lorg air an tòcan ud, an toir thu sùil air
+ an URL?
+ new:
+ title: Clàraich
+ no_auto_account_create: Gu mì-fhortanach, can urrainn dhuinn cunntas a chruthachadh
+ dhut gu fèin-obrachail an-dràsta.
+ contact_webmaster: Cuir fios gun <a href="">mhaighstir-lìn</a>
+ gus cunntas iarraidh - nì sinn ar dìcheall gun cruthaich sinn fear dhut cho
+ luath 's a ghabhas.
+ about:
+ header: Saor agus gabhaidh deasachadh
+ html: |-
+ <p>Eu-coltach ri mapaichean eile, tha OpenStreetMap 'ga chruthachadh gu tur le cleachdaichean mar a tha thu fhèin agus faodaidh duine sam bith a chàradh, ùrachadh, a luchdadh a-nuas is a chleachdadh gu saor.</p>
+ <p>Clàraich gus taic a thoirt dhuinn. Cuiridh sinn post-d thugad gus an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh.</p>
+ license_agreement: Nuair a dhearbhaicheas tu an cunntas agad, feumaidh tu aontachadh
+ ri <a href="">teirmichean
+ a' chom-pàirtiche</a>.
+ email address: 'Seòladh puist-d:'
+ confirm email address: 'Dearbhaich an seòladh puist-d:'
+ not displayed publicly: Cha dèid a shealltainn gu poblach (thoir sùil air <a
+ href="" title="poileasaidh
+ na prìobhaideachd san uicidh a ghabhas a-steach earrann air seòlaidhean puist-d">poileasaidh
+ na prìobhaideachd</a>)
+ display name: 'Ainm seallaidh:'
+ display name description: An t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad a thèid a shealltainn
+ gu poblach. 'S urrainn dhut seo atharrachadh uair sam bith sna roghainnean.
+ password: 'Facal-faire:'
+ confirm password: 'Dearbhaich am facal-faire:'
+ continue: Clàraich
+ terms accepted: Mòran taing gun do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean a' chom-pàirtiche!
+ terms declined: Tha sinn duilich nach do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra
+ a' chom-pàirtiche. airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, tadhail air <a href="%{url}">an
+ duilleag seo air an uicidh</a>.
+ terms declined url:
+ terms:
+ title: Teirmichean a' chom-pàirtiche
+ heading: Teirmichean a' chom-pàirtiche
+ read and accept: Feuch an leugh thu an aonta agus gum briog thu air a' phutan
+ "Tha mi ag aontachadh" gus dearbhadh gun gabh thu ri teirmichean an aonta
+ seo airson na thug 's a bheir thu dhuinn 'nad cho-thabhartaiche.
+ consider_pd: A bharrachd air an aonta gu h-àrd, aontaichidh mi gun dèid na bheir
+ mi dhuibh 'nam cho-thabhartaiche a chur sa Public Domain
+ consider_pd_why: Dè th`ann?
+ consider_pd_why_url:
+ guidance: 'Fiosrachadh a bheir taic dhut gus na teirmichean seo a thuigsinn:
+ <a href="%{summary}">gearr-chunntas a ghabhas leughadh le daoine</a> agus
+ <a href="%{translations}">eadar-theangachaidhean neo-fhoirmeil</a>'
+ agree: Tha mi ag aontachadh
+ declined:
+ decline: Cha ghabh mi ris
+ you need to accept or decline: Feuch an leugh thu teirmichean ùra a' chom-pàirtiche
+ agus an uairsin aontaich no nach gabh riutha mus lean thu air adhart.
+ legale_select: 'Dùthaich còmhnaidh:'
+ legale_names:
+ france: An Fhraing
+ italy: An Eadailt
+ rest_of_world: An corr dhen t-saoghail
+ no_such_user:
+ title: Chan eil an cleachdaiche seo ann
+ heading: Chan eil an cleachdaiche %{user} ann
+ body: Duilich ach chan eil cleachdaiche ann air a bheil %{user}. Dearbhaich
+ an litreachadh no 's dòcha nach eil an ceangal air an do rinn thu briogadh
+ mar bu chòir.
+ view:
+ my diary: An leabhar-latha agam
+ new diary entry: clàr leabhair-latha ùr
+ my edits: Na dheasaich mi
+ my traces: Na lorgaidhean agam
+ my notes: Na nòtaichean agam
+ my messages: Na teachdaireachdan agam
+ my profile: A' phròifil agam
+ my settings: Na roghainnean agam
+ my comments: Na beachdan agam
+ oauth settings: roghainnean oauth
+ blocks on me: Bacaidhean orm
+ blocks by me: Bacaidhean a rinn mi
+ send message: Cuir teachdaireachd
+ diary: Leabhar-latha
+ edits: Deasachaidhean
+ traces: Lorgaidhean
+ notes: Nòtaichean a' mhapa
+ remove as friend: Thoir an càirdeas air falbh
+ add as friend: Cuir caraid ris
+ mapper since: 'Ris an obair-mhapa o:'
+ ago: (o chionn %{time_in_words_ago})
+ ct status: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pàirtiche:'
+ ct undecided: Gun taghadh
+ ct declined: Gun gabhail riutha
+ ct accepted: Air aontachadh riutha o chionn %{ago}
+ latest edit: 'An deasachadh mu dheireadh %{ago}:'
+ email address: 'Seòladh puist-d:'
+ created from: 'Air a chruthachadh o:'
+ status: 'Staid:'
+ spam score: 'Sgòr spama:'
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ user location: Far a bheil an cleachdaiche
+ if set location: Suidhich far a bheil thu a' fuireach air duilleag nan %{settings_link}
+ gus cleachdaichean faisg ort a shealltainn.
+ settings_link_text: roghainnean
+ your friends: Na caraidean agad
+ no friends: Cha do chuir thu caraid ris fhathast.
+ km away: '%{count}km air falbh'
+ m away: '%{count}m air falbh'
+ nearby users: Cleachdaichean am fagas eile
+ no nearby users: Chan eil cleachdaiche sam bith eile ann a dh'innis gu bheil
+ iad ris an obair-mhapa am fagas.
+ role:
+ administrator: '''S e rianaire a tha sa chleachdaiche seo'
+ moderator: '''S e maor a tha sa chleachdaiche seo'
+ grant:
+ administrator: Thoir seachad inntrigeadh rianaire
+ moderator: Thoir seachad inntrigeadh maoir
+ revoke:
+ administrator: Cùl-ghairm inntrigeadh rianaire
+ moderator: Cùl-ghairm inntrigeadh maoir
+ block_history: bacaidhean air am faighinn
+ moderator_history: bacaidhean air an toirt seachad
+ comments: Beachdan
+ create_block: bacaich an cleachdaiche seo
+ activate_user: gnìomhaich an cleachdaiche seo
+ deactivate_user: cuir an cleachdaiche seo à gnìomh
+ confirm_user: dearbhaich an cleachdaiche seo
+ hide_user: falaich an cleachdaiche seo
+ unhide_user: neo-fhalaich an cleachdaiche seo
+ delete_user: sguab às an cleachdaiche seo
+ confirm: Dearbhaich
+ friends_changesets: seata atharraichean nan caraidean
+ friends_diaries: clàran leabhair-latha nan caraidean
+ nearby_changesets: seata atharraichean nan cleachdaichean am fagas
+ nearby_diaries: clàran leabhair-latha nan cleachdaichean am fagas
+ popup:
+ your location: Far a bheil thu
+ nearby mapper: Neach-mapachaidh am fagas
+ friend: Caraid
+ account:
+ title: Deasaich an cunntas
+ my settings: Na roghainnean agam
+ current email address: 'An seòladh puist-d làithreach:'
+ new email address: 'An seòladh puist-d ùr:'
+ email never displayed publicly: (na seall gu poblach idir)
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: dè th`ann?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Deasachadh poblach:'
+ enabled: An comas. Nochdaidh d' ainm agus faodaidh tu dàta a dheasachadh.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: dè th`ann?
+ disabled: À comas agus chan fhaod thu dàta a dheasachadh, bith gach deasachadh
+ a rinn thu roimhe gun urra.
+ disabled link text: Carson nach urrainn dhomh deasachadh?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Deasachadh poblach
+ text: Cha nochd d' ainm leis na dheasaicheas tu aig an àm seo agus chan fhaodar
+ teachdaireachd a chur thugad no sealltainn far a bheil thu. Gus na dheasaich
+ thu a shealltainn agus cead a thoirt do chàch gun cuir iad fios thugad air
+ an làrach-lìn, briog air a' phutan gu h-ìosal. <b>O na ghluais sinn dha
+ tionndadh 0.6 dhen API, chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean poblach dàta a' mhapa
+ a dheasachadh</b>. (<a href="">faigh
+ a-mach carson</a>).<ul><li>Cha dèid an seòladh puist-d agad fhoillseachadh
+ nuair a thèid thu 'nad deasaiche poblach.</li><li>Cha ghabh an gnìomh seo
+ a neo-dhèanamh agus bidh gach cleachdaiche ùr poblach o thùs o seo a-mach.</li></ul>
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pàirtiche:'
+ agreed: Dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pàirtiche.
+ not yet agreed: Cha do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pàirtiche
+ fhathast.
+ review link text: Lean air a' cheangal seo nuair a bhios e iomchaidh dhut
+ gus teirmichean ùra a' chom-pàirtiche a leughadh is gabhail riutha.
+ agreed_with_pd: Thuirt thu cuideachd gun dèid gach rud a dheasaicheas tu a
+ chur ris a' Public Domain.
+ link:
+ link text: Dè th`ann?
+ profile description: 'Tuairisgeul na pròifil:'
+ preferred languages: 'Na cànanan as fhearr leat:'
+ preferred editor: 'An deasaiche as fhearr leat:'
+ image: 'Dealbh:'
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: Cleachd Gravatar
+ link:
+ link text: Dè th`ann?
+ new image: Cuir dealbh ris
+ keep image: Cum an dealbh làithreach
+ delete image: Thoir an dealbh làithreach air falbh
+ replace image: Cuir dealbh an àite an fhir làithrich
+ image size hint: (bidh dealbhan ceàrnach a bhios 100x100 no nas motha as fhearr)
+ home location: 'Far a bheil thu a'' fuireach:'
+ no home location: Cha do dh'innis thu far a bheil thu a' fuireach.
+ latitude: 'Domhan-leud:'
+ longitude: 'Domhan-fhad:'
+ update home location on click: A bheil thu airson ùrachadh far a bheil thu a'
+ fuireach le briogadh air a' mhapa?
+ save changes button: Sàbhail na dh'atharraich thu
+ make edits public button: Dèan fear poblach de gach deasachadh a rinn mi
+ return to profile: Till dhan phròifil
+ flash update success confirm needed: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh
+ gu soirbheachail. Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad gus an seòladh puist-d ùr
+ agad a dhearbhadh.
+ flash update success: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh gu soirbheachail.
+ confirm:
+ heading: Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad!
+ introduction_1: Chuir sinn post-d dearbhaidh thugad.
+ introduction_2: Dearbhaich an cunntas agad 's tu a' briogadh air a' cheangal
+ sa post-d agus 's urrainn dhut tòiseachadh air an obair-mhapa.
+ press confirm button: Brùth air a' phutan "Dearbhaich" gu h-ìosal gus an cunntas
+ agad a ghnìomhachadh.
+ button: Dearbhaich
+ already active: Chaidh an cunntas seo a dhearbhadh mar-thà.
+ unknown token: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' chòd dearbhaidh seo no chan eil e ann.
+ reconfirm_html: <a href="%{reconfirm}">Briog an-seo</a> ma tha thu airson 's
+ gun cuir sinn post-d dearbhaidh dhut a-rithist.
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: Chuir sinn teachdaireachd dearbhaidh ùr gu %{email} agus 's urrainn
+ dhut tòiseachadh air an obair-mhapa nuair a bhios tu air an cunntas agad a
+ dhearbhadh.<br /><br />Ma chleachdas tu siostam an aghaidh spama a chuireas
+ iarrtasan dearbhaidh, dèan cinnteach gun cuir thu
+ air a gheal-liosta air sgàth 's nach urrainn dhuinn freagairt ri iarrtas dearbhaidh
+ sam bith.
+ failure: Cha deach an cleachdaiche %{name} a lorg.
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Dearbhaich atharrachadh an t-seòlaidh puist-d
+ press confirm button: Brùth air a' phutan "Dearbhaich" gu h-ìosal gus an seòladh
+ puist-d ùr agad a dhearbhadh.
+ button: Dearbhaich
+ success: Chaidh an seòladh puist-d agad a dhearbhadh, mòran taing airson clàradh!
+ failure: Chaidh seòladh puist-d aig a bheil an tòcan seo a dhearbhadh mar-thà.
+ set_home:
+ flash success: Chaidh far a bheil thu a' fuireach a shàbhaladh gu soirbheachail.
+ go_public:
+ flash success: Tha gach deasachadh a rinn 's a nì thu poblach agus faodaidh
+ tu deasachadh a dhèanamh a-nis.
+ make_friend:
+ heading: An cuir thu %{user} ris na caraidean agad?
+ button: Cuir caraid ris
+ success: Chaidh %{name} a chur ris na caraidean agad!
+ failed: Duilich ach cha deach leinn %{name} a chur ris na caraidean agad.
+ already_a_friend: Tha càirdeas eadar thu fhèin agus %{name} mar-thà.
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: An toir thu %{user} air falbh o na caraidean agad?
+ button: Thoir an càirdeas air falbh
+ success: Chaidh %{name} a thoirt air falbh o na caraidean agad.
+ not_a_friend: Chan eil càirdeas eadar thu fhèin agus %{name}.
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Feumaidh tu bhith 'nad rianaire gus an gnìomh seo a dhèanamh.
+ list:
+ title: Cleachdaichean
+ heading: Cleachdaichean
+ showing:
+ one: Duilleag %{page} (%{first_item} à %{items})
+ other: Duilleag %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} à %{items})
+ summary: Chaidh %{name} a chruthachadh o %{ip_address} %{date}
+ summary_no_ip: Chaidh %{name} a chruthachadh %{date}
+ confirm: Dearbhaich na cleachdaichean a thagh thu
+ hide: Falaich na cleachdaichean a thagh thu
+ empty: Cha deach cleachdaiche a fhreagras a lorg
+ suspended:
+ title: Chaidh an cunntas a chur à rèim
+ heading: Chaidh an cunntas a chur à rèim
+ webmaster: mhaighstir-lìn
+ body: |-
+ <p>
+ Duilich ach chaidh an cunntas agad a chur à rèim gu fèin-obrachail ri linn gnìomhachd amharasach.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Bheir rianaire sùil air a' cho-dhùnadh a dh'aithghearr no faodaidh tu fios a chur gun %{webmaster} ma tha thu airson bruidhinn mu dhèidhinn.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Chan fhaod ach rianairean dreuchdan nan cleachdaichean
+ a stiùireadh agus chan eil thu 'nad rianaire.
+ not_a_role: Chan eil an dreuchd "%{role}" 'na dreuchd dhligheach.
+ already_has_role: Tha an dreuchd "%{role}" aig a' chleachdaiche mar-thà.
+ doesnt_have_role: Chan eil an dreuchd "%{role}" aig a' chleachdaiche.
+ grant:
+ title: Dearbhaich toirt seachad dreuchd
+ heading: Dearbhaich toirt seachad dreuchd
+ are_you_sure: A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an dreuchd "%{role}"
+ a thoirt dhan chleachdaiche "%{name}"?
+ confirm: Dearbhaich
+ fail: Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an dreuchd "%{role}" a thoirt dhan chleachdaiche
+ "%{name}". Dearbhaich gu bheil an dà chuid an cleachdaiche agus an dreuchd
+ dligheach.
+ revoke:
+ title: Dearbhaich cùl-ghairm dreuchd
+ heading: Dearbhaich cùl-ghairm dreuchd
+ are_you_sure: A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an dreuchd "%{role}"
+ a thoirt air falbh on chleachdaiche "%{name}"?
+ confirm: Dearbhaich
+ fail: Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an dreuchd "%{role}" a thoirt air falbh on chleachdaiche
+ "%{name}". Dearbhaich gu bheil an dà chuid an cleachdaiche agus an dreuchd
+ dligheach.
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: Feumaidh tu bhith 'nad mhaoir mus urrainn dhut bacadh
+ a chruthachadh no ùrachadh.
+ non_moderator_revoke: Feumaidh tu bhith 'nad mhaoir mus urrainn dhut bacadh
+ a chùl-ghairm.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Duilich ach cha deach bacadh a' chleachdaiche leis an ID %{id} a lorg.
+ back: Till dhan clàr-innse
+ new:
+ title: A' cruthachadh bacadh air %{name}
+ heading: A' cruthachadh bacadh air %{name}
+ reason: An t-adhbhar carson a nì thu bacadh air %{name}. Feuch am bi thu cho
+ sìtheil is ciallach 's a ghabhas, a' toirt seachad na tha agad de dh'fhiosrachadh
+ mun t-suidheachadh agus cuimhnich gun gabh an teachdaireachd a leughadh gu
+ poblach. Thoir an aire nach tuig a h-uile duine cainnt shònraichte na coimhearsnachd,
+ mar sin feuch an cleachd thu cànan àbhaisteach.
+ period: Dè cho fad 's nach fhaod an cleachdaiche an API a chleachdach o seo
+ a-mach.
+ submit: Cruthaich bacadh
+ tried_contacting: Chuir mi fios dhan chleachdaiche agus dh'iarr mi dha sgur
+ dheth.
+ tried_waiting: Thug mi ùine chiallach dhan chleachdaiche gus freagairt dhan
+ chonaltradh sin.
+ needs_view: Feumaidh an cleachdaiche clàradh a-steach mus dèid am bacadh seo
+ a thoirt air falamh
+ back: Seall a h-uile bacadh
+ edit:
+ title: A' deasachadh bacadh air %{name}
+ heading: A' deasachadh bacadh air %{name}
+ reason: An t-adhbhar carson a nì thu bacadh air %{name}. Feuch am bi thu cho
+ sìtheil is ciallach 's a ghabhas, a' toirt seachad na tha agad de dh'fhiosrachadh
+ mun t-suidheachadh. Thoir an aire nach tuig a h-uile duine cainnt shònraichte
+ na coimhearsnachd, mar sin feuch an cleachd thu cànan àbhaisteach.
+ period: Dè cho fad 's nach fhaod an cleachdaiche an API a chleachdach o seo
+ a-mach.
+ submit: Ùraich am bacadh
+ show: Seall am bacadh seo
+ back: Seall a h-uile bacadh
+ needs_view: Am bi aig a' chleachdaiche clàradh a-steach mus dèid am bacadh seo
+ a thoirt air falamh?
+ filter:
+ block_expired: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' bhacadh seo mar-thà is cha ghabh a dheasachadh
+ tuilleadh.
+ block_period: Feumaidh eadaramh a' bhacaidh a bhith 'na aon dhe na luachan a
+ ghabhas taghadh air an liosta-theàrnaidh.
+ create:
+ try_contacting: Feuch an cuir thu fios gun chleachdaiche mus bac thu e agus
+ gun toir thu ùine chiallach dha gum freagair e.
+ try_waiting: Feuch an doir thu ùine chiallach dhan chleachdaiche ach am freagair
+ e mus bac thu e.
+ flash: Chaidh an cleachdaiche %{name} a bhacadh.
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: Chan fhaod ach am maoir a chruthaich am bacadh seo a
+ dheasachadh.
+ success: Chaidh am bacadh ùrachadh.
+ index:
+ title: Bacadh chleachdaichean
+ heading: Liosta dhe na cleachdaichean a chaidh a bhacadh.
+ empty: Cha deach duine sam bith a bhacadh fhathast.
+ revoke:
+ title: A' cùl-ghairm am bacadh air %{block_on}
+ heading: A' cùl-ghairm am bacadh air %{block_on} le %{block_by}
+ time_future: Falbhaidh an ùine air a' bacadh seo an ceann %{time}.
+ past: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' bhacadh seo o chionn %{time} agus cha ghabh a
+ chùl-ghairm a-nis.
+ confirm: A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am bacadh seo a chùl-ghairm?
+ revoke: Cùl-ghairm!
+ flash: Chaidh am bacadh seo a chùl-ghairm.
+ period:
+ other: '%{count} uair a thìde'
+ partial:
+ show: Seall
+ edit: Deasaich
+ revoke: Cùl-ghairm!
+ confirm: A bheil thu cinnteach?
+ display_name: Cleachdaiche bacte
+ creator_name: Cruthadair
+ reason: Adhbhar a' bhacaidh
+ status: Staid
+ revoker_name: Air a chùl-ghairm le
+ not_revoked: (cha deach a chùl-ghairm)
+ showing_page: Duilleag %{page}
+ next: Air adhart »
+ previous: « Air ais
+ helper:
+ time_future: Falbhaidh an ùine air an ceann %{time}.
+ until_login: Gnìomhach gus an clàraich an cleachdaiche a-steach.
+ time_past: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air o chionn %{time}.
+ blocks_on:
+ title: Bacaidhean air %{name}
+ heading: Liosta dhe na bacaidhean air %{name}
+ empty: Cha deach %{name} a bhacadh fhathast.
+ blocks_by:
+ title: Bacaidhean le %{name}
+ heading: Liosta dhe na bacaidhean le %{name}
+ empty: Cha do rinn %{name} bacadh fhathast.
+ show:
+ title: Chaidh %{block_on} a bhacadh le %{block_by}
+ heading: Chaidh %{block_on} a bhacadh le %{block_by}
+ time_future: Falbhaidh an ùine air an ceann %{time}
+ time_past: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air o chionn %{time}
+ status: Staid
+ show: Seall
+ edit: Deasaich
+ revoke: Cùl-ghairm!
+ confirm: A bheil thu cinnteach?
+ reason: 'Adhbhar a'' bhacaidh:'
+ back: Seall a h-uile bacadh
+ revoker: 'Cùl-ghairm le:'
+ needs_view: Feumaidh an cleachdaiche clàradh a-steach mus dèid am bacadh seo
+ a thoirt air falamh.
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: Air a chruthachadh o chionn %{when}
+ opened_at_by_html: Air a chruthachadh o chionn %{when} le %{user}
+ commented_at_html: Air ùrachadh o chionn %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Air ùrachadh o chionn %{when} le %{user}
+ closed_at_html: Air fhuasgladh o chionn %{when}
+ closed_at_by_html: Air fhuasgladh o chionn %{when} le %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: Air ath-ghnìomhachadh o chionn %{when}
+ reopened_at_by_html: Air ath-ghnìomhachadh o chionn %{when} le %{user}
+ rss:
+ title: Nòtaichean OpenStreetMap
+ description_area: Liosta de nòtaichean a chaidh aithris, beachd a chur riutha
+ no a dhùnadh san raon agad [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]
+ description_item: Inbhir rss airson an nòta %{id}
+ opened: nòta ùr (faisg air %{place})
+ commented: beachd ùr (faisg air %{place})
+ closed: nòta dùinte (faisg air %{place})
+ reopened: nòta air ath-ghnìomhachadh (faisg air %{place})
+ entry:
+ comment: Beachd
+ full: Nòta slàn
+ mine:
+ title: Nòtaichean a chuir %{user} a-null no a thug %{user} beachd dhaibh
+ heading: nòtaichean aig %{user}
+ subheading: Nòtaichean a chuir %{user} a-null no a thug %{user} beachd dhaibh
+ id: Id
+ creator: Cruthadair
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ created_at: Air a chruthachadh
+ last_changed: An t-atharrachadh mu dheireadh
+ ago_html: o chionn %{when}
+ javascripts:
+ close: Dùin
+ share:
+ title: Co-roinn
+ cancel: Sguir dheth
+ image: Dealbh
+ link: Ceangal no HTML
+ long_link: Ceangal
+ short_link: Ceangal goirid
+ embed: HTML
+ custom_dimensions: Suidhich meudachd ghnàthaichte
+ format: 'Fòrmat:'
+ scale: 'Sgèile:'
+ image_size: Seallaidh an dealbh a' bhreath stannardach le
+ download: Luchdaich a-nuas
+ short_url: URL goirid
+ include_marker: Gabh a-steach an comharra
+ center_marker: Meadhanaich am mapa air a' chomharra
+ paste_html: Cuir ann HTML gus a leabachadh ann an làrach-lìn eile
+ view_larger_map: Seall mapa nas motha
+ key:
+ title: Iuchair a' mhapa
+ tooltip: Iuchair a' mhapa
+ tooltip_disabled: Chan eil iuchair a' mhapa ri fhaighinn ach airson na breatha
+ stannardaich
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Sùm a-steach
+ out: Sùm a-mach
+ locate:
+ title: Seall far a bheil mi
+ popup: Tha thu {distance} {unit} air falbh on phuing seo
+ base:
+ standard: Àbhaisteach
+ cycle_map: Mapa baidhseagail
+ transport_map: Mapa còmhdhalach
+ mapquest: MapQuest fosgailte
+ hot: Daonnachdach
+ layers:
+ header: Breathan a' mhapa
+ notes: Nòtaichean a' mhapa
+ data: Dàta a' mhapa
+ overlays: Cuir tar-chòmhdachaidhean an comas gus duilgheadasan leis a' mhapa
+ fhuasgladh
+ title: Breathan
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>Co-thabhartaichean OpenStreetMap</a>
+ donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Thoir tìodhlac
+ dhuinn</a>
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Deasaich am mapa
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Sùm a-steach gus am mapa a dheasachadh
+ createnote_tooltip: Cuir nòta ris a' mhapa
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Sùm a-steach gus nòta a chur ris a' mhapa
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Sùm a-steach gus nòtaichean a' mhapa a shealltainn
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Sùm a-steach gus dàta a' mhapa a shealltainn
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Lorg airson feartan sònraichte
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Sùm an-steach gus lorg airson feartan sònraichte
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Thoir beachd
+ subscribe: Fo-sgrìobh
+ unsubscribe: Cuir crìoch air an fh-sgrìobhadh
+ hide_comment: falaich
+ unhide_comment: neo-fhalaich
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: Na mhothaich thu air mearachd no rudeigin a tha a dhìth? Innis do luchd-mapachaidh
+ eile ach an urrainn dhuinn seo a chàradh. Gluais an comharra gun ionad cheart
+ agus sgrìobh nòta gus an duilgheadas a mhìneachadh. (Thoir an aire nach
+ cuir thu a-steach fiosrachadh pearsanta no o mhapaichean no eòlairean fo
+ chòir-lethbhreac.)
+ add: Cuir nòta ris
+ show:
+ anonymous_warning: Gabhaidh an nòta seo a-steach beachdan o chleachdaichean
+ gun ainm a bu chòir dhuinn dearbhadh gu neo-eisimeileach.
+ hide: Falaich
+ resolve: Fuasgail
+ reactivate: Ath-ghnìomhaich
+ comment_and_resolve: Thoir beachd ⁊ fuasgail
+ comment: Thoir beachd
+ edit_help: Gluais am mapa agus sùm a-steach air ionad a tha thu airson deasachadh.
+ Briog an-seo an uairsin.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Baidhseagal (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Coiseachd (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Baidhseagal (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Càr (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Coiseachd (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Càr (OSRM)
+ directions: Seòlaidhean
+ distance: Astar
+ errors:
+ no_route: Cha deach slighe a lorg eadar an dà àite ud.
+ no_place: Duilich - cha deach an t-àite ud a lorg.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Lean air adhart air \
+ slight_right: Beagan gu deas dhan \
+ turn_right: Tionndaidh gu deas dhan \
+ sharp_right: Gun taobh deas gu teann dhan \
+ uturn: An comhair a' chùil air \
+ sharp_left: Gun taobh chlì gu teann dhan \
+ turn_left: Tionndaidh gu clì dhan \
+ slight_left: Beagan gu clì dhan \
+ via_point: (slighe) \
+ follow: Lean air \
+ roundabout: Aig an timcheallan, gabh an \
+ leave_roundabout: Fàg an timcheallan - \
+ stay_roundabout: Fuirich san timcheallan - \
+ start: Tòisich air ceann \
+ destination: Ruig an ceann-uidhe
+ against_oneway: An aghaidh an rathaid aon-shlighe air \
+ end_oneway: Deireadh an rathaid aon-shlighe air \
+ unnamed: (gun ainm)
+ courtesy: Chaidh na seòlaidhean a thoirt dhuinn le cead %{link}
+ time: Ùine
+ query:
+ node: Nòd
+ way: Slighe
+ relation: Dàimh
+ nothing_found: Cha deach feart a lorg
+ error: 'Mearachd a'' conaltradh le %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' chonaltradh le %{server}
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ heading: Deasaich an t-ath-sgrùdadh
+ submit: Sàbhail an ath-sgrùdadh
+ title: Deasaich an t-ath-sgrùdadh
+ index:
+ empty: Chan eil ath-sgrùdadh ri shealltainn ann.
+ heading: Liosta nan ath-sgrùdaidhean
+ title: Liosta nan ath-sgrùdaidhean
+ new:
+ description: Tuairisgeul
+ heading: Cuir a-steach fiosrachadh airson ath-sgrùdadh ùr
+ submit: Cruthaich ath-sgrùdadh
+ title: A' cruthachadh ath-sgrùdadh ùr
+ show:
+ description: 'Tuairisgeul:'
+ heading: A' sealltainn an t-ath-sgrùdadh "%{title}"
+ title: A' sealltainn ath-sgrùdadh
+ user: 'Cruthadair:'
+ edit: Deasaich an t-ath-sgrùdadh seo
+ destroy: Thoir an ath-sgrùdadh seo air falbh
+ confirm: A bheil thu cinnteach?
+ create:
+ flash: Chaidh ath-sgrùdadh a chruthachadh.
+ update:
+ flash: Chaidh na dh'atharraich thu a shàbhaladh.
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: Chan eil an t-ath-sgrùdadh falamh. Thoir air gach tionndadh a bhuineas
+ ris an ath-sgrùdadh seo nach eil e 'nan ath-sgrùdadh tuilleadh mus mill thu
+ am fear seo.
+ flash: Chaidh ath-sgrùdadh a mhilleadh.
+ error: Thachair mearachd a' milleadh an ath-sgrùdaidh seo.
# Messages for Galician (galego)
# Exported from
# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Banjo
# Author: Elisardojm
# Author: Gallaecio
# Author: Nemo bis
+ cable_car: Teleférico
chair_lift: Teleférico
drag_lift: Telesquí
+ gondola: Telecabina
station: Estación de telesquí
aerodrome: Aeródromo
taxiway: Vía de circulación do aeroporto
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refuxio de animais
arts_centre: Centro artístico
atm: Caixeiro automático
bank: Banco
bicycle_parking: Aparcadoiro de bicicletas
bicycle_rental: Aluguer de bicicletas
biergarten: Terraza
+ boat_rental: Aluguer de botes
brothel: Prostíbulo
bureau_de_change: Casa de cambio
bus_station: Estación de autobuses
car_wash: Lavadoiro de coches
casino: Casino
charging_station: Estación de carga
+ childcare: Gardería
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
+ clock: Reloxio
college: Instituto
community_centre: Centro comunitario
courthouse: Xulgado
food_court: Área de restauración
fountain: Fonte
fuel: Combustible
+ gambling: Xogos de azar
grave_yard: Cemiterio
gym: Ximnasio
health_centre: Centro de saúde
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Praza de mercado
+ monastery: Mosteiro
+ motorcycle_parking: Estacionamento para motocicletas
nightclub: Club nocturno
nursery: Parvulario
nursing_home: Residencia para a terceira idade
office: Oficina
parking: Aparcadoiro
+ parking_entrance: Entrada de estacionamento
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Lugar de culto
police: Policía
veterinary: Clínica veterinaria
village_hall: Concello
waste_basket: Cesto do lixo
+ waste_disposal: Contedor de lixo
youth_centre: Casa da xuventude
administrative: Límite administrativo
"yes": Ponte
"yes": Construción
+ craft:
+ brewery: Fábrica de cervexa
+ carpenter: Carpinteiro
+ electrician: Electricista
+ gardener: Xardineiro
+ painter: Pintor
+ photographer: Fotógrafo
+ plumber: Fontaneiro
+ shoemaker: Zapateiro
+ tailor: Xastre
+ "yes": Tenda de artesanía
+ ambulance_station: Base de ambulancias
+ defibrillator: Desfibrilador
+ landing_site: Lugar de aterrizaxe de emerxencia
phone: Teléfono de emerxencia
+ abandoned: Estrada abandonada
bridleway: Pista de cabalos
bus_guideway: Liña de autobuses guiados
bus_stop: Parada de autobús
construction: Autoestrada en construción
cycleway: Pista de bicicletas
+ elevator: Ascensor
emergency_access_point: Punto de acceso de emerxencia
footway: Carreiro
ford: Vao
tertiary: Estrada terciaria
tertiary_link: Estrada terciaria
track: Pista
+ traffic_signals: Sinais de tráfico
trail: Pista
trunk: Estrada nacional
trunk_link: Estrada nacional
unclassified: Estrada sen clasificar
unsurfaced: Estrada non pavimentada
+ "yes": Estrada
archaeological_site: Xacemento arqueolóxico
battlefield: Campo de batalla
boundary_stone: Marco
- building: Construción
+ building: Edificio histórico
+ bunker: Búnker
castle: Castelo
church: Igrexa
+ city_gate: Porta da cidade
citywalls: Muralla
fort: Forte
+ heritage: Patrimonio da humanidade
house: Casa
icon: Icona
manor: Casa señorial
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
+ roman_road: Estrada romana
ruins: Ruínas
+ stone: Pedra
tomb: Sepulcro
tower: Torre
wayside_cross: Cruce de camiños
wayside_shrine: Santuario no camiño
wreck: Pecio
+ junction:
+ "yes": Intersección
allotments: Hortas
basin: Cunca
road: Zona de estrada
village_green: Parque municipal
vineyard: Viñedo
+ "yes": Uso do solo
beach_resort: Balneario
bird_hide: Observatorio de aves
+ club: Club
common: Terreo común
+ dog_park: Parque canino
fishing: Área de pesca
+ fitness_centre: Ximnasio (fitness)
fitness_station: Ximnasio
garden: Xardín
golf_course: Campo de golf
+ horse_riding: Hípica
ice_rink: Pista de patinaxe sobre xeo
marina: Porto deportivo
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Cancha deportiva
playground: Patio de recreo
recreation_ground: Área recreativa
+ resort: Centro turístico
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Varadoiro
sports_centre: Centro deportivo
swimming_pool: Piscina
track: Pista de carreiras
water_park: Parque acuático
+ "yes": Ocio
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Faro
+ pipeline: Tubaxe
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fábrica
+ "yes": Artificial
airfield: Aeródromo militar
barracks: Barracas
forest: Bosque
geyser: Géyser
glacier: Glaciar
+ grassland: Pradaría
heath: Breixeira
hill: Outeiro
island: Illa
reef: Arrecife
ridge: Crista
rock: Rocha
+ sand: Area
scree: Pedregal
scrub: Matogueira
spring: Primavera
wood: Bosque
accountant: Contable
+ administrative: Administración
architect: Arquitecto
company: Empresa
employment_agency: Axencia de emprego
travel_agent: Axencia de viaxes
"yes": Oficina
+ allotments: Hortas
+ block: Bloque
airport: Aeroporto
city: Cidade
country: País
town: Cidade
unincorporated_area: Área non incorporada
village: Vila
+ "yes": Lugar
abandoned: Vía de tren abandonada
construction: Vía ferroviaria en construción
"yes": Tenda
alpine_hut: Cabana alpina
+ apartment: Apartamento
artwork: Obra de arte
attraction: Atracción
bed_and_breakfast: Cama e almorzo
camp_site: Campamento
caravan_site: Sitio de caravanas
chalet: Chalé
+ gallery: Galería
guest_house: Albergue
hostel: Hostal
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Uadi
waterfall: Fervenza
weir: Vaira
+ "yes": Curso de auga
level2: Fronteira do país
level4: Fronteira do estado/provincia
no_results: Non se atopou ningún resultado
more_results: Máis resultados
- distance:
- one: arredor de 1km
- zero: menos de 1km
- other: arredor de %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: suroeste
- south: sur
- south_east: sueste
- east: leste
- north_east: nordés
- north: norte
- north_west: noroeste
- west: oeste
alt_text: Logo do OpenStreetMap
register now: Rexístrese agora
with username: 'Xa ten unha conta no OpenStreetMap? Acceda ao sistema co seu
nome de usuario e contrasinal:'
- with openid: 'Tamén pode usar o seu OpenID para acceder:'
new to osm: É novo no OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Para realizar as modificacións nos datos do OpenStreetMap,
cómpre ter unha conta.
sospeitosas.<br />Póñase en contacto co <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
se quere debatelo.
auth failure: Sentímolo, non puido acceder ao sistema con eses datos.
- openid missing provider: Sentímolo, non podemos contactar co seu provedor do
- OpenID
- openid invalid: Sentímolo, o seu OpenID semella non estar ben formado
openid_logo_alt: Acceder ao sistema cun OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Acceder ao sistema co OpenID
- alt: Acceder ao sistema cun URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Acceder ao sistema co Google
- alt: Acceder ao sistema cun OpenID de Google
- yahoo:
- title: Acceder ao sistema con Yahoo
- alt: Acceder ao sistema cun OpenID de Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Acceder ao sistema con Wordpress
- alt: Acceder ao sistema cun OpenID de Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Acceder ao sistema con AOL
- alt: Acceder ao sistema cun OpenID de AOL
title: Saír
heading: Saír do OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nome mostrado:'
display name description: O seu nome de usuario mostrado publicamente. Pode
cambialo máis tarde nas preferencias.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Contrasinal:'
confirm password: 'Confirmar o contrasinal:'
- use openid: Tamén pode usar %{logo} OpenID para acceder
- openid no password: Co OpenID non é necesario un contrasinal, pero algunhas
- ferramentas adicionais ou servidores aínda poden necesitalo.
- openid association: |-
- <p>O seu OpenID aínda non está asociado a ningunha conta no OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Se é novo no OpenStreetMap, cree unha nova conta mediante o formulario inferior.</li>
- <li>
- Se xa ten unha conta, pode acceder ao sistema
- co seu nome de usuario e contrasinal e logo asociar a conta
- ao seu OpenID nas preferencias de usuario.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Rexistrarse
terms accepted: Grazas por aceptar os novos termos do colaborador!
terms declined: Sentimos que decidise non aceptar os novos Termos do colaborador.
new email address: 'Novo enderezo de correo electrónico:'
email never displayed publicly: (nunca mostrado publicamente)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: que é isto?
public editing:
press confirm button: Prema sobre o botón de confirmación que aparece a continuación
para activar a súa conta.
button: Confirmar
+ success: Confirmouse a súa conta. Grazas por se rexistrar!
already active: Esta conta xa se confirmou.
unknown token: Ese código de confirmación caducou ou non existe.
reconfirm_html: Se quere que reenviemos o correo electrónico de confirmación,
opened_at_html: Creado hai %{when}
opened_at_by_html: Creado hai %{when} por %{user}
- commented_at_html: Cargado hai %{when}
+ commented_at_html: Subido hai %{when}
commented_at_by_html: Cargado hai %{when} por %{user}
closed_at_html: Resolto hai %{when}
closed_at_by_html: Resolto hai %{when} por %{user}
+ cable_car: רכבל
chair_lift: מעלית סקי בישיבה
drag_lift: מעלית סקי בגרירה
+ gondola: רכבל גונדולה
station: תחנת רכבל
aerodrome: מנחת
taxiway: מסלול נסיעת מטוס
terminal: מסוף
+ animal_shelter: בית מחסה לחיות
arts_centre: מרכז אמנויות
atm: כספומט
bank: בנק
bicycle_parking: חניית אופניים
bicycle_rental: השכרת אופניים
biergarten: גינת בירה
+ boat_rental: השכרת סירות
brothel: בית בושת
bureau_de_change: חלפן כספים
bus_station: תחנת אוטובוס
car_wash: שטיפת מכוניות
casino: קזינו
charging_station: תחנת הטענה
+ childcare: טיפול בילדים
cinema: בית קולנוע
clinic: מרפאה
+ clock: שעון
college: מכללה
community_centre: מרכז קהילתי
courthouse: בית משפט
food_court: אזור מזון מהיר
fountain: מזרקה
fuel: דלק
+ gambling: הימורים
grave_yard: בית קברות
gym: מכון כושר/חדר כושר
health_centre: מרכז בריאות
library: ספרייה
market: שוק
marketplace: שוק
+ monastery: מנזר
+ motorcycle_parking: חניית אופנועים
nightclub: מועדון לילה
nursery: פעוטון
nursing_home: בית אבות
office: משרד
parking: חניה
+ parking_entrance: כניסה לחניה
pharmacy: בית מרקחת
place_of_worship: מקום פולחן
police: משטרה
veterinary: מרפאה וטרינרית
village_hall: אולם הכפר
waste_basket: פח אשפה
+ waste_disposal: טיפול בפסולת
youth_centre: מרכז נוער
administrative: גבול שטח שיפוט
"yes": גשר
"yes": בניין
+ craft:
+ brewery: מבשלת בירה
+ carpenter: נגר
+ electrician: חשמלאי
+ gardener: גנן
+ painter: צייר
+ photographer: צלם
+ plumber: שרברב
+ shoemaker: סנדלר
+ tailor: חייט
+ "yes": חנות מלאכת־יד
+ ambulance_station: תחנת אמבולנסים
+ defibrillator: מפעם
+ landing_site: אתר נחיתת חירום
phone: טלפון חירום
+ abandoned: כביש נטוש
bridleway: שביל עבור סוסים
bus_guideway: נתיב תחבורה ציבורית מונחית
bus_stop: תחנת אוטובוס
construction: כביש מהיר בבנייה
cycleway: נתיב אופניים
+ elevator: מעלית
emergency_access_point: נקודת גישה לשירותי חירום
footway: שביל להולכי רגל
ford: מעברה בנחל
tertiary: דרך שלישונית
tertiary_link: דרך שלישונית
track: מסלול מרוצים
+ traffic_signals: רמזור
trail: שביל
trunk: דרך ראשית
trunk_link: דרך ראשית
unclassified: דרך לא מסווגת
unsurfaced: דרך בלתי־סלולה
+ "yes": דרך
archaeological_site: אתר ארכאולוגי
battlefield: שדה קרב
boundary_stone: אבן גבול
- building: בניין
+ building: בניין היסטורי
+ bunker: בונקר
castle: טירה
church: כנסייה
+ city_gate: שער העיר
citywalls: חומות העיר
fort: מעוז
+ heritage: אתר מורשת
house: בית
icon: איקונין
manor: אחוזה
memorial: אנדרטה זיכרון
mine: מכרה
monument: אנדרטה
+ roman_road: דרך רומית
ruins: הריסות
+ stone: אבן
tomb: קבר
tower: מגדל
wayside_cross: צלב בצד הדרך
wayside_shrine: מקדש בצד הדרך
wreck: ספינה טרופה
+ junction:
+ "yes": צומת
allotments: הקצאת קרקע
basin: אגן
road: אזור דרך
village_green: כיכר הכפר
vineyard: כרם
+ "yes": שימוש בקרקע
beach_resort: אתר נופש לחוף ים
bird_hide: מצפור
+ club: מועדון
common: שטח משותף
+ dog_park: פארק כלבים
fishing: אזור דיג
+ fitness_centre: מכון כושר
fitness_station: תחנת כושר
garden: גן
golf_course: מגרש גולף
+ horse_riding: רכיבת סוסים
ice_rink: גלישה על הקרח
marina: מרינה
miniature_golf: מיני־גולף
pitch: מגרש ספורט
playground: מגרש משחקים
recreation_ground: שטחי נופש ופנאי
+ resort: אתר נופש
sauna: סאונה
slipway: ממשה
sports_centre: מרכז ספורט
swimming_pool: ברֵכת שחייה
track: מסלול ריצה
water_park: פארק מים
+ "yes": נופש
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: מגדלור
+ pipeline: קו צינורות
+ tower: מגדל
+ works: מפעל
+ "yes": מעשה־אדם
airfield: מנחת צבאי
barracks: מגורי חיילים
forest: יער
geyser: גייזר
glacier: קרחון
+ grassland: דשא
heath: בתה
hill: גבעה
island: אי
no_results: לא נמצאו תוצאות
more_results: תוצאות נוספות
- distance:
- one: בערך קילומטר
- zero: פחות מקילומטר
- other: בערך %{count} ק״מ
- direction:
- south_west: דרום־מערב
- south: דרום
- south_east: דרום־מזרח
- east: מזרח
- north_east: צפון־מזרח
- north: צפון
- north_west: צפון־מערב
- west: מערב
alt_text: הלוגו של OpenStreetMap
login_button: כניסה
register now: להירשם עכשיו
with username: 'כבר יש לך חשבון OpenStreetMap? נא להיכנס עם שם משתמש וססמה:'
- with openid: 'לחלופין אפשר להשתמש ב־OpenID כדי להיכנס:'
new to osm: הגעת עכשיו ב־OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: כדי לשנות את נתוני OpenStreetMap, צריך שיהיה לך חשבון.
create account minute: נא ליצור חשבון. זה לוקח רק דקה.
account is suspended: סליחה, החשבון הזה הושעה בעקבות פעילות חשודה.<br />נא ליצור
קשר עם <a href="%{webmaster}">מנהל האתר</a> אם ברצונך לדון בזה.
auth failure: סליחה, לא ניתן להיכנס עם הפרטים האלה.
- openid missing provider: סליחה, לא התאפשר ליצור קשר עם ספק ה־OpenID שלך
- openid invalid: סליחה, ה־OpenID שלך נראה מקולקל
openid_logo_alt: כניסה עם OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: כניסה עם OpenID
- alt: כניסה עם כתובת URL של OpenID
- google:
- title: כניסה עם חשבון גוגל
- alt: כניסה עם OpenID של גוגל
- yahoo:
- title: כניסה עם חשבון יאהו
- alt: כניסה עם OpenID של יאהו
- wordpress:
- title: כניסה עם חשבון Wordpress
- alt: כניסה עם OpenID של Wordpress
- aol:
- title: כניסה עם AOL
- alt: כניסה עם OpenID של AOL
title: יציאה
heading: יציאה מ־OpenStreetMap
display name: 'שם התצוגה:'
display name description: שם המשתמש שלך, שמוצג בפומבי. אפשר לשנות את זה בהעפות
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'ססמה:'
confirm password: 'אימות ססמה:'
- use openid: לחלופין, אפשר להשתמש ב־%{logo} OpenID כדי להיכנס
- openid no password: עם OpenID אין צורך בססמה, אבל ייתכן שבעת גישה לכלים נוספים
- או לשרת כן יהיה צורך בה.
- openid association: |-
- <p>ה־OpenID שלך עדיין אינו משויך לחשבון OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>אם הגעת לראשונה ל־OpenStreetMap, נא ליצור חשבון חדש בעזרת הטופס להלן..</li>
- <li>
- אם כבר יש לך חשבון, אפשר להיכנס אליו
- באמצעות שם משתמש וססמה ואז לשייך את החשבון הזה
- ל־OpenID שלך בהגדרות המשתמש שלך.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: הרשמה
terms accepted: תודה על קבלת תנאי התרומה החדשים!
terms declined: אנחנו מצטערים שהחלטת לא לקבל את תנאי התרומה החדשים. למידע נוסף
new email address: 'כתובת דוא״ל חדשה:'
email never displayed publicly: (לעולם לא מוצגת בפומבי)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: מה זה?
public editing:
תהיה לך אפשרות להתחיל למפות.
press confirm button: נא ללחוץ על כפתור האישור כדי להפעיל את חשבונך.
button: אישור
+ success: חשבונך אושר, תודה שנרשמת!
already active: החשבון הזה כבר אושר.
unknown token: נראה שקוד האישור הזה פג או שאינו קיים.
reconfirm_html: אם ברצונך לקבל שוב מכתב אימות, <a href="%{reconfirm}">נא ללחוץ
no_results: Nisu nađeni rezultati
more_results: Više rezultata
- distance:
- one: oko 1km
- zero: manje od 1km
- other: oko %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: jugozapado
- south: južno
- south_east: jugoistočno
- east: istočno
- north_east: sjeveroistočno
- north: sjeverno
- north_west: sjeverozapadno
- west: zapadno
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logotip
display name: 'Korisničko ime:'
display name description: Javno prikazano korisničko ime. Možete ga promjeniti
i kasnije u postavkama.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Lozinka:'
confirm password: 'Potvrdi lozinku:'
continue: Otvori račun
new email address: 'Nova E-mail adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikada se ne prikazuje javno)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: što je ovo?
public editing:
introduction_1: Poslali smo ti potvrdni email.
press confirm button: Pritisni potvrdi da bi aktivirali svoj korisnički račun.
button: Potvrdi
+ success: Tvoj račun je potvrđen , hvala na uključenju!
already active: Ovaj račun je već potvrđen.
unknown token: Taj potvrdni kôd je istekao ili ne postoji.
no_results: Žane wuslědki namakane
more_results: Dalše wuslědki
- distance:
- one: něhdźe 1 km
- zero: mjenje hač 1 km
- other: něhdźe %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: juhozapad
- south: juh
- south_east: juhowuchod
- east: wuchod
- north_east: sewjerowuchod
- north: sewjer
- north_west: sewjerozapad
- west: zapad
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
register now: Nětko registrować
with username: 'Maš hižo konto pola OpenStreetMap? Prošu přizjew so z wužiwarskim
mjenom a hesłom:'
- with openid: 'Hewak wužij prošu swój OpenID, zo by so přizjewił:'
new to osm: Nowy w OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Zo by daty OpenStreetMap změnił, dyrbiš konto měć.
create account minute: Załož konto. Traje jenož chwilku.
/>Stajće so prošu z <a href="%{webmaster}">webmasterom</a> do zwiska, jeli
chceš wo tym diskutować.
auth failure: Bohužel přizjewjenje z tutymi podaćemi móžno njeje.
- openid missing provider: Bohužel njemóžachmy z twojim OpenID-poskićowarjom zwjazać.
- openid invalid: Zda so, zo twój OpenID je njepłaćiwy
openid_logo_alt: Z OpenID přizjewić
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Přizjewjenje z OpenID
- alt: Z OpenID-URL přizjewić
- google:
- title: Přizjewjenje z Google
- alt: Z OpenID z Google přizjewić
- yahoo:
- title: Z Yahoo přizjewić
- alt: Z OpenID z Yahoo přizjewić
- wordpress:
- title: Z Wordpress přizjewić
- alt: Z OpenID z Wordpress přizjewić
- aol:
- title: Z AOL přizjewić
- alt: Z OpenID z AOL přizjewić
title: Wotzjewić
heading: Z OpenStreetMap wotzjewić
display name: 'Wužiwarske mjeno:'
display name description: Sy wužiwarske mjeno zjawnje pokazał. Móžeš to pozdźišo
w nastajenjach změnić.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Hesło:'
confirm password: 'Hesło wobkrućić:'
- use openid: Alternatiwnje OpenID z %{logo} přizjewić
- openid no password: Za OpenID hesko trěbne njeje, ale někotre přidatne nastroje
- móhli sej hesło wužadać.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Twój OpenID hišće njeje zwjazany z kontom OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jeli sy nowy w OpenStreetMap, załož nowe konto z pomocu slědowaceho formulara.</li>
- <li>
- Jeli maš hižo konto, móžeš so z wužiwarskim mjenom a hesłom přizjewić a potom konto ze swojim OpenID w swojich wužiwarskich nastajenjach zwjazać.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrować
terms accepted: Dźakujemy so, zo sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow akceptował!
terms declined: Wobžarujemy, zo sy so rozsudźił, nowe wužiwarske wuměnjenja
new email address: 'Nowa e-mejlowa adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (njeje ženje zjawnje widźomna)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Što to je?
public editing:
press confirm button: Klikni deleka na wobkrućenske tłóčatko, zo by swoje konto
button: Wobkrućić
+ success: Twoje konto bu wobkrućene, dźakujemy so za registrowanje!
already active: Tute konto bu hižo wobkrućene.
unknown token: Wobkrućenski kod je spadnjeny abo njeeksistuje.
reconfirm_html: Jeli dyrbiš nam wobkrućensku e-mejlku znowa pósłać, <a href="%{reconfirm}">klikń
archaeological_site: Régészeti lelőhely
battlefield: Csatamező
boundary_stone: Határkő
- building: Épület
+ building: Történelmi épület
castle: Vár
church: Templom
citywalls: Városfal
no_results: Nem találhatók eredmények
more_results: További eredmények
- distance:
- one: kb. 1 km
- zero: kevesebb mint 1 km
- other: kb. %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: délnyugatra
- south: délre
- south_east: délkeletre
- east: keletre
- north_east: északkeletre
- north: északra
- north_west: északnyugatra
- west: nyugatra
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logó
partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
partners_partners: partnerek
osm_offline: Az OpenStreetMap-adatbázis jelenleg offline, miközben alapvető adatbázis-karbantartási
- munkát végzeznek.
+ munkát végeznek.
osm_read_only: Az OpenStreetMap-adatbázis jelenleg csak olvasható, miközben alapvető
- adatbázis-karbantartási munkát végzeznek.
+ adatbázis-karbantartási munkát végeznek.
donate: Támogasd az OpenStreetMapot a Hardverfrissítési Alapba történő %{link}sal.
help: Súgó
about: Névjegy
register now: Regisztrálj most
with username: 'Már van OpenStreetMap fiókod? Jelentkezz be a felhasználóneveddel
és jelszavaddal:'
- with openid: 'A bejelentkezéshez az OpenID azonosítódat is használhatod:'
new to osm: Új vagy az OpenStreetMapnál?
to make changes: Ahhoz, hogy módosíthasd az OpenStreetMap-adatokat, rendelkezned
kell egy felhasználói fiókkal.
miatt.<br>Lépj kapcsolatba ezen a címen: <a href="%{webmaster}">a webmasterrel</a> a
kérdés tisztázásához.'
auth failure: Sajnálom, ilyen adatokkal nem tudsz bejelentkezni.
- openid missing provider: Sajnos nem sikerült kapcsolódni az OpenID szolgáltatódhoz
- openid invalid: Sajnos úgy tűnik, hogy az OpenID azonosítód hibás
openid_logo_alt: Bejelentkezés egy OpenID-vel
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Bejelentkezés OpenID-vel
- alt: Bejelentkezés egy OpenID URL-lel
- google:
- title: Bejelentkezés Google-lel
- alt: Bejelentkezés egy Google OpenID-vel
- yahoo:
- title: Bejelentkezés Yahoo-val
- alt: Bejelentkezés egy Yahoo OpenID-vel
- wordpress:
- title: Bejelentkezés Wordpress-szel
- alt: Bejelentkezés egy Wordpress OpenID-vel
- aol:
- title: Bejelentkezés AOL-lal
- alt: Bejelentkezés egy AOL OpenID-vel
title: Kijelentkezés
heading: Kijelentkezés az OpenStreetMapból
display name: 'Megjelenítendő név:'
display name description: A nyilvánosan megjelenített felhasználóneved. A beállításaidban
később megváltoztathatod.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Jelszó:'
confirm password: 'Jelszó megerősítése:'
- use openid: A bejelentkezéshez használhatod az %{logo} OpenID-t is.
- openid no password: Az OpenID-vel nincs szükség jelszóra, de szükség lehet néhány
- többleteszközre vagy szerverre.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Az OpenID azonosítód még nincs hozzákapcsolva egy OpenStreetMap fiókhoz.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ha még új vagy az OpenStreetMapnál, hozz létre egy új fiókot az alábbi űrlap használatával.</li>
- <li>
- Ha már rendelkezel fiókkal, felhasználóneved és jelszavad
- használatával bejelentkezhetsz a fiókodba, majd a felhasználói
- beállításoknál hozzákapcsolhatod azt az OpenID-hez.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Regisztráció
terms accepted: Köszönjük, hogy elfogadtad az új hozzájárulási feltételeket!
terms declined: Sajnáljuk, hogy úgy döntöttél, nem fogadod el az új hozzájárulási
new email address: 'Új e-mail cím:'
email never displayed publicly: (soha nem jelenik meg nyilvánosan)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: mi ez?
public editing:
press confirm button: Felhasználói fiókod megerősítéséhez nyomd meg az alábbi
megerősítés gombot.
button: Megerősítés
+ success: Felhasználói fiókod megerősítve, köszönjük a regisztrációt!
already active: Ez a fiók már megerősítésre került.
unknown token: Ez a megerősítési kód lejárt vagy nem létezik.
reconfirm_html: A jóváhagyó link újraküldéséhez <a href="%{reconfirm}">kattints
no_results: Nulle resultato trovate
more_results: Plus resultatos
- distance:
- one: circa 1 km
- zero: minus de 1 km
- other: circa %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-west
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-est
- east: est
- north_east: nord-est
- north: nord
- north_west: nord-west
- west: west
alt_text: Logo de OpenStreetMap
register now: Registrar ora
with username: 'Ha tu jam un conto de OpenStreetMap? Per favor aperi session
con tu nomine de usator e contrasigno:'
- with openid: 'Es anque possibile aperir session con tu OpenID:'
new to osm: Nove a OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Pro facer modificationes in le datos de OpenStreetMap, es necessari
haber un conto.
suspecte.<br />Per favor contacta le <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
si tu vole discuter isto.
auth failure: Pardono, non poteva aperir un session con iste detalios.
- openid missing provider: Infortunatemente nos non poteva contactar tu providitor
- de OpenID.
- openid invalid: Infortunatemente tu OpenID pare esser mal formate.
openid_logo_alt: Aperir session con OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Aperir session con OpenID
- alt: Aperir session con un URL de OpenID
- google:
- title: Aperir session con Google
- alt: Aperir session con un OpenID de Google
- yahoo:
- title: Aperir session con Yahoo
- alt: Aperir session con un OpenID de Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Aperir session con Wordpress
- alt: Aperir session con un OpenID de Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Aperir session con AOL
- alt: Aperir session con un OpenID de AOL
title: Clauder session
heading: Clauder le session de OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nomine public:'
display name description: Tu nomine de usator monstrate publicamente. Tu pote
cambiar lo plus tarde in le preferentias.
- openid: 'OpenID de %{logo}:'
password: 'Contrasigno:'
confirm password: 'Confirmar contrasigno:'
- use openid: Alternativemente, usa un OpenID de %{logo} pro aperir session
- openid no password: Con un OpenID, un contrasigno non es necessari, ma certe
- additional instrumentos o servitores pote totevia requirer un contrasigno.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Iste OpenID non es ancora associate a un conto de OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Si tu es nove a OpenStreetMap, per favor crea un conto usante le formulario sequente.</li>
- <li>
- Si tu ha jam un conto, tu pote aperir session usante
- tu nomine de usator e contrasigno, e postea associar le
- conto a tu OpenID in tu configurationes de usator.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Continuar
terms accepted: Gratias pro acceptar le nove conditiones de contributor!
terms declined: Nos regretta que tu ha decidite de non acceptar le nove Conditiones
new email address: 'Adresse de e-mail nove:'
email never displayed publicly: (nunquam monstrate publicamente)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: que es isto?
public editing:
press confirm button: Preme le button de confirmation ci infra pro activar tu
button: Confirmar
+ success: Tu conto ha essite confirmate, gratias pro inscriber te!
already active: Iste conto ha ja essite confirmate.
unknown token: Iste indicio non pare exister.
# Author: HarryMahar
# Author: Irwangatot
# Author: Iwan Novirion
+# Author: Kenrick95
# Author: Relly Komaruzaman
# Author: Rizkiahmadz
# Author: Vasanthi
relation: Hubungan (%{count})
relation_paginated: Hubungan (%{x}-%{y} dari %{count})
comment: Komentar %{count}
+ hidden_commented_by: Komentar tersembunyi dari %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ yang lalu</abbr>
+ commented_by: Komentar dari %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} yang
+ lalu</abbr>
changesetxml: Set Perubahan XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
key: Deskripsi halaman wiki untuk tag %{key}
tag: Deskripsi halaman wiki untuk %{key}=%{value} tag
+ wikidata_link: Item %{page} di Wikidata
wikipedia_link: Artikel %{page} di Wikipedia
telephone_link: Hubungi %{phone_number}
yang lalu</abbr>
hidden_by: Disembunyikan oleh %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} yang
+ query:
+ title: Fitur Kueri
+ introduction: Klik di peta untuk mencari fitur terdekat.
+ nearby: Fitur terdekat
+ enclosing: Fitur sekitar
showing_page: Halaman %{page}
sorry: Maaf, daftar kumpulan set perubahan yang Anda minta terlalu lama untuk
+ title_all: Diskusi perubahan OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Diskusi perubahan OpenStreetMap nomor #%{changeset_id}'
+ comment: 'Komentar baru di perubahan #%{changeset_id} oleh %{author}'
+ commented_at_html: Diperbarui %{when} yang lalu
+ commented_at_by_html: Diperbarui %{when} yang lalu oleh %{user}
full: Diskusi penuh
+ cable_car: Kereta Gantung
chair_lift: Kursi Gantung
drag_lift: Angkat Tarik
+ gondola: Lift Gondola
station: Stasiun Aerialway
aerodrome: Lapangan Terbang
taxiway: Jalur taxi
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Tempat Perlindungan Hewan
arts_centre: Pusat Kesenian
atm: ATM
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Parkir Sepeda
bicycle_rental: Penyewaan Sepeda
biergarten: Beer Garden
+ boat_rental: Penyewaan Perahu
brothel: Bordil
bureau_de_change: Penukaran Valuta Asing
bus_station: Terminal Bus
car_wash: Tempat Cuci Mobil
casino: Kasino
charging_station: Stasiun Pengisian
+ childcare: Perawatan Anak
cinema: Bioskop
clinic: Klinik
+ clock: Jam
college: Perguruan Tinggi
community_centre: Gedung Serbaguna
courthouse: Gedung Pengadilan
food_court: Tempat Makan
fountain: Air Mancur
fuel: Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar
+ gambling: Kasino
grave_yard: Kuburan
gym: Pusat Kebugaran / Gym
health_centre: Pusat Kesehatan
library: Perpustakaan
market: Pasar
marketplace: Pasar
+ monastery: Biara
+ motorcycle_parking: Parkir Motor
nightclub: Klub Malam
nursery: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
nursing_home: Panti Jompo
office: Kantor
parking: Parkir
+ parking_entrance: Pintu Masuk Parkiran
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Tempat Ibadah
police: Polisi
veterinary: Bedah Hewan
village_hall: Balai Desa
waste_basket: Keranjang Sampah
+ waste_disposal: Tempat Pembuangan Akhir
youth_centre: Pusat Pemuda
administrative: Batas Administratif
"yes": Jembatan
"yes": Bangunan
+ craft:
+ brewery: Pabrik Bir
+ carpenter: Tukang Kayu
+ electrician: Tukang Listrik
+ gardener: Tukang Kebun
+ painter: Tukang Cat
+ photographer: Fotografer
+ plumber: Tukang Pipa
+ shoemaker: Perajin Sepatu
+ tailor: Penjahit
+ "yes": Toko Kerajinan
+ ambulance_station: Ambulans
+ defibrillator: Alat Pacu Jantung
+ landing_site: Pintu Masuk Darurat
phone: Telepon Darurat
+ abandoned: Jalan Bebas Hambatan Usang
bridleway: Jalan Tanah
bus_guideway: Jalur Bus Terpandu
bus_stop: Halte Bus
construction: Jalan raya sedang dalam perbaikan
cycleway: Jalur Sepeda
+ elevator: Elevator
emergency_access_point: Titik Akses Darurat
footway: Jalan setapak
ford: Arungan
tertiary: Jalan Tersier
tertiary_link: Jalan Tersier
track: Trek
+ traffic_signals: Lampu Lalu Lintas
trail: Jejak
trunk: Jalan Utama Bukan Tol
trunk_link: Jalan Utama Bukan Tol
unclassified: Jalan Tidak Terklasifikasi
unsurfaced: Jalan Tanpa Permukaan
+ "yes": Jalan
archaeological_site: Situs arkeologi
battlefield: Medan perang
boundary_stone: Batu Pembatas
- building: Bangunan
+ building: Bangunan Bersejarah
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Kastil
church: Gereja
+ city_gate: Gerbang Kota
citywalls: Dinding Kota
fort: Benteng
+ heritage: Situs Warisan
house: Rumah
icon: Ikon
manor: Tanah Bangsawan
memorial: Memorial
mine: Tambang
monument: Monumen
+ roman_road: Jalan Romawi
ruins: Reruntuhan
+ stone: Batu
tomb: Makam
tower: Menara
wayside_cross: Pinggir persimpangan
wayside_shrine: Kuil pinggir jalan
wreck: Rongsokan
+ junction:
+ "yes": Persimpangan
allotments: Tanah garap
basin: Cekungan
road: Wilayah Jalan
village_green: Desa Hijau
vineyard: Kebun anggur
+ "yes": Lahan Guna
beach_resort: Resort Pantai
bird_hide: Tempat Observasi Burung
+ club: Klub
common: Lahan Publik
+ dog_park: Taman Anjing
fishing: Tempat Pemancingan
+ fitness_centre: Pusat Kebugaran
fitness_station: Stasiun Kebugaran
garden: Kebun
golf_course: Taman Golf
+ horse_riding: Pacuan Kuda
ice_rink: Gelanggang Es (Ice Rink)
marina: Pantai
miniature_golf: Mini Golf
pitch: Lapangan Olahraga
playground: Taman Bermain
recreation_ground: Taman Rekreasi
+ resort: Resor
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Tempat Peluncuran Kapal
sports_centre: Pusat Olahraga
swimming_pool: Kolam Renang
track: Trek Lari
water_park: Taman Air
+ "yes": Plesir
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Mercusuar
+ pipeline: Jalur Pipa
+ tower: Menara
+ works: Pabrik
+ "yes": Buatan Manusia
airfield: Lapangan Udara Militer
barracks: Barak
forest: Hutan
geyser: Mata air panas
glacier: Gletser
+ grassland: Rerumputan
heath: Padang Rumpur
hill: Bukit
island: Pulau
reef: Batu Karang
ridge: Punggung Bukit
rock: Batu
+ saddle: Sadel
+ sand: Pasir
scree: Kerikil
scrub: Semak Belukar
spring: Mata Air
wood: Kayu
accountant: Akuntan
+ administrative: Tata Usaha
architect: Arsitek
company: Perusahaan
employment_agency: Badan Tenaga Kerja
travel_agent: Agen Perjalanan
"yes": Kantor
+ allotments: Tanah Garapan
+ block: Blok
airport: Bandara
city: Kota
country: Negara
town: Kota
unincorporated_area: Wilayah lepas
village: Desa
+ "yes": Tempat
abandoned: Rel kereta yang diabaikan
construction: Rel kereta yang diperbaiki
"yes": Toko
alpine_hut: Gubuk Pegunungan
+ apartment: Apartemen
artwork: Karya Seni
attraction: Atraksi
bed_and_breakfast: Penginapan untuk Tidur dan Sarapan
camp_site: Perkemahan
caravan_site: Tempat Karavan
chalet: Vila
+ gallery: Galeri
guest_house: Rumah Tamu
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Sungai Kering
waterfall: Air Terjun
weir: Tanggul Sungai
+ "yes": Jalur Air
level2: Batas Negara
level4: Batas Negara Bagian
no_results: Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan
more_results: Hasil lainnya
- distance:
- one: sekitar 1km
- zero: kurang daripada 1km
- other: about km %{count}
- direction:
- south_west: barat daya
- south: selatan
- south_east: tenggara
- east: timur
- north_east: timur laut
- north: utara
- north_west: barat laut
- west: barat
alt_text: logo OpenStreetMap
community_blogs: Blog Komunitas
community_blogs_title: Blog dari anggota komunitas OpenStreetMap
foundation: Foundation (Yayasan)
- foundation_title: Yayasan OpenStreetMap
+ foundation_title: OpenStreetMap Foundation
title: Dukung OpenStreetMap dengan donasi finansial
text: Menyumbang
menggunakan \ncitra udara, perangkat GPS, dan lapangan berteknologi rendah peta
untuk memverifikasi bahwa OSM akurat dan termutakhir."
community_driven_title: Berbasis Masyarakat
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ Komunitas OpenStreetMap sangat beragam, rajin berkontribusi, dan semakin besar setiap harinya.
+ Kontributor kami terdiri dari penggemar peta, pegiat SIG, teknisi
+ yang mengurus server OSM, relawan yang memetakan kawasan terdampak bencana,
+ dan lain-lain.
+ Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, baca <a href='%{diary_path}'>catatan harian pengguna</a>,
+ <a href=''>blog komunitas</a>, dan situs web <a href=''>OSM Foundation</a>.
open_data_title: Buka Data
open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap adalah <i>data terbuka</i>: Anda bebas untuk menggunakannya
untuk tujuan apapun selama Anda memberi penghargaan pada OpenStreetMap dan kontributornya.
greeting: Halo,
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} mengomentari salah satu perubahan
+ Anda'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} mengomentari perubahan yang Anda
+ ikuti'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} meninggalkan komentar di salah satu perubahan
+ Anda pukul %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} meninggalkan komentar di perubahan peta
+ pantauan Anda yang dibuat %{changeset_author} pukul %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: dengan komentar '%{changeset_comment}'
partial_changeset_without_comment: tanpa komentar
+ details: Rincian lebuh lanjut soal perubahan ini dapat dilihat di %{url}.
title: Kotak Masuk
close: Tutup
search: Pencarian
+ get_directions: Dapatkan petunjuk arah
+ get_directions_title: Dapatkan petunjuk arah antara dua tempat
+ from: Dari
+ to: Ke
where_am_i: Di mana saya?
where_am_i_title: Deskripsikan lokasi Anda saat ini menggunakan mesin pencari
submit_text: Lanjut
message: Sistem upload dan penyimpanan file GPX saat ini tidak tersedia.
title: Jejak SPG (sistem pemosisi global) OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_without_count: Berkas GPX dari %{user}
cookies_needed: Anda tampaknya memiliki cookies yang tidak aktif - mohon aktifkan
register now: Daftar sekarang
with username: 'Sudah memiliki akun OpenStreetMap? Silahkan login menggunakan
nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda:'
- with openid: 'Sebagai alternatif silahkan gunakan OpenID Anda untuk melakukan
- login:'
new to osm: Baru di OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Untuk membuat perubahan data OpenStreetMap, Anda harus memiliki
sebuah akun.
mencurigakan.<br />Silahkan kontak/hubungi<a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
jika Anda ingin mendiskusikannya.
auth failure: Maaf, tidak bisa login dengan rincian tersebut.
- openid missing provider: Maaf, tidak bisa menghubungi penyedia OpenID Anda
- openid invalid: Maaf, OpenID Anda tampaknya cacat.
openid_logo_alt: Login dengan OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Login dengan OpenID
- alt: Login menggunakan URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Login dengan Google
- alt: Login dengan Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Login dengan Yahoo
- alt: Login dengan Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Login dengan Wordpress
- alt: Login dengan Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Login dengan AOL
- alt: Login dengan AOL OpenID
title: Logout
heading: Logout dari OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Tampilan Nama:'
display name description: Username Anda yang ditampilkan pada publik. Anda dapat
mengubahnya dalam pengaturan.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Kata Sandi:'
confirm password: 'Konfirmasi Kata Sandi:'
- use openid: Atau gunakan %{logo} OpenID untuk login
- openid no password: Dengan OpenID, kata sandi tidak diperlukan, namun untuk
- beberapa alat tambahan atau server mungkin masih membutuhkannya.
- openid association: |-
- <p>OpenID Anda belum diasosiasikan dengan akun OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jika Anda baru di OpenStreetMap, silahkan buat sebuah akun baru menggunakan formulir di bawah ini.</li>
- <li>
- Jika Anda telah memiliki akun, Anda dapat login ke akun Anda
- menggunakan username (nama pengguna) dan kata sandi kemudian asosiasikan akun tersebut
- dengan OpenID Anda pada pegaturan pengguna.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Mendaftar
terms accepted: Terima kasih telah menerima persyaratan kontributor yang baru!
terms declined: Kami mohon maaf Anda tidak menerima Persyaratan Kontributor
new email address: 'Alamat Email Baru:'
email never displayed publicly: (jangan pernah ditampilkan ke publik)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Apa ini?
public editing:
press confirm button: Tekan tombol konfirmasi di bawah ini untuk mengaktifkan
akun Anda.
button: Konfirmasi
+ success: Akun Anda telah dikonfirmasi, terima kasih telah mendaftar!
already active: Akun ini telah dikonfirmasi.
unknown token: Kode konfirmasi telah kedaluwarsa atau tidak ada.
reconfirm_html: Jika Anda membutuhkan kami mengirimkan ulang surel konfirmasi,
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Perbesar untuk menambahkan catatan pada peta
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Perbesar untuk melihat catatan peta
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Perbesar untuk melihat data peta
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Fitur kueri
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Perbesar ke fitur kueri
comment: Komentar
comment: Komentar
edit_help: Memindahkan peta dan memperbesar lokasi yang ingin Anda sunting, kemudian
klik di sini.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Sepeda (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Jalan Kaki (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Sepeda (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Mobil (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Jalan Kaki (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Mobil (OSRM)
+ directions: Petunjuk Arah
+ distance: Jarak
+ errors:
+ no_route: Gagal menemukan rute antara dua tempat tersebut.
+ no_place: Maaf - tempat tidak ditemukan.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Jalan terus di
+ slight_right: Belok kanan sedikit ke
+ turn_right: Belok kanan ke
+ sharp_right: Belok kanan tajam ke
+ uturn: Berputar di
+ sharp_left: Belok kiri tajam ke
+ turn_left: Belok kiri ke
+ slight_left: Belok kiri sedikit ke
+ via_point: (lewat tempat)
+ follow: Ikuti
+ roundabout: Di bundaran, ambil
+ leave_roundabout: Tinggalkan bundaran -
+ stay_roundabout: Jalan terus di bundaran -
+ start: Mulai di ujung
+ destination: Tiba di tujuan
+ against_oneway: Jalan melawan satu arah di
+ end_oneway: Jalan satu arah berakhir di
+ unnamed: (tanpa nama)
+ courtesy: Petunjuk arah disediakan oleh %{link}
+ time: Waktu tempuh
node: Node/Titik
+ way: Jalan
relation: Relasi
nothing_found: Tidak ada fasilitas yang ditemukan
error: 'Kelasahan menghubungi %{server}: %{error}'
no_results: Ekkert fannst
more_results: Fleiri niðurstöður
- distance:
- one: u.þ.b. 1 km
- zero: minna en 1 km
- other: u.þ.b. %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: suðvestur
- south: suður
- south_east: suðaustur
- east: austur
- north_east: norðaustur
- north: norður
- north_west: norðvestur
- west: vestur
alt_text: OpenStreetMap merkið
eða <a href="%{reconfirm}">óskaðu eftir nýjum staðfestingarpósti</a>.
auth failure: Þetta notandanafn eða lykilorð er rangt.
openid_logo_alt: Innskrá með OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Innskrá með OpenID slóð
- alt: Innskrá með OpenID slóð
- google:
- title: Innsrká með Google OpenID
- alt: Innsrká með Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Innsrká með Yahoo! OpenID
- alt: Innsrká með Yahoo! OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Innsrká með OpenID
- alt: Innsrká með OpenID
title: Útskrá
heading: Útskrá
heading: Staðfesta notanda
press confirm button: Hér getur þú staðfest að þú viljir búa til notanda..
button: Staðfesta
+ success: Notandinn þinn hefur verið staðfestur.
heading: Staðfesta breytingu á netfangi
press confirm button: Hér getur þú staðfest breytingu á netfangi.
+ cable_car: Funivia
chair_lift: Seggiovia
drag_lift: Sciovia
+ gondola: Cabinovia
station: Stazione funivia
aerodrome: Aerodromo
taxiway: Pista di rullaggio
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Rifugio per animali
arts_centre: Centro d'arte
atm: Cassa automatica
bank: Banca
bicycle_parking: Parcheggio per biciclette
bicycle_rental: Noleggio biciclette
biergarten: Birreria all'aperto
+ boat_rental: Noleggio Barche
brothel: Bordello
bureau_de_change: Cambia valute
bus_station: Stazione degli autobus
car_wash: Autolavaggio
casino: Casinò
charging_station: Stazione di ricarica
+ childcare: Assistenza minori
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clinica
+ clock: Orologio
college: Accademia
community_centre: Centro civico
courthouse: Tribunale
food_court: Food Court
fountain: Fontana
fuel: Stazione di rifornimento
+ gambling: Gioco d'azzardo
grave_yard: Cimitero
gym: Centro fitness / Palestra
health_centre: Casa di cura
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercato
marketplace: Mercato
+ monastery: Monastero
+ motorcycle_parking: Parcheggio per Moto
nightclub: Night Club
nursery: Asilo nido
nursing_home: Asilo nido
office: Ufficio
parking: Parcheggio
+ parking_entrance: Entrata del parcheggio
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Luogo di culto
police: Polizia
veterinary: Veterinario
village_hall: Municipio
waste_basket: Cestino rifiuti
+ waste_disposal: Smaltimento dei rifiuti
youth_centre: Centro Giovanile
administrative: Confine amministrativo
"yes": Ponte
"yes": Edificio
+ craft:
+ brewery: Birrificio
+ carpenter: Carpentiere
+ electrician: Elettricista
+ gardener: Giardiniere
+ painter: Pittore
+ photographer: Fotografo
+ plumber: Idraulico
+ shoemaker: Calzolaio
+ tailor: Sarto
+ "yes": Negozio di Artigianato
+ ambulance_station: Stazione delle ambulanze
+ defibrillator: Defibrillatore
+ landing_site: Luogo per l'atterraggio di emergenza
phone: Telefono di emergenza
+ abandoned: Autostrada abbandonata
bridleway: Percorso per equitazione
bus_guideway: Corsia autobus a guida vincolata
bus_stop: Fermata dell'autobus
construction: Strada in costruzione
cycleway: Percorso ciclabile
+ elevator: Ascensore
emergency_access_point: Colonnina SOS
footway: Percorso pedonale
ford: Guado
tertiary: Strada terziaria
tertiary_link: Strada terziaria
track: Strada forestale o agricola
+ traffic_signals: Segnali stradali
trail: Percorso escursionistico
trunk: Superstrada
trunk_link: Superstrada
unclassified: Strada non classificata
unsurfaced: Strada non pavimentata
+ "yes": Strada
archaeological_site: Sito archeologico
battlefield: Campo di battaglia
boundary_stone: Pietra confinaria
- building: Edificio
+ building: Edificio storico
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Castello
church: Chiesa
+ city_gate: Porta della città
citywalls: Mura della città
fort: Forte
+ heritage: Patrimonio dell'umanità
house: Casa storica
icon: Icona
manor: Maniero
memorial: Memoriale
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
+ roman_road: Strada romana
ruins: Rovine
+ stone: Pietra
tomb: Tomba
tower: Torre
wayside_cross: Croce
wayside_shrine: Edicola votiva
wreck: Relitto
+ junction:
+ "yes": Incrocio
allotments: Orti casalinghi
basin: Bacino
road: Area della sede stradale
village_green: Parco urbano
vineyard: Vigneto
+ "yes": Uso del terreno
beach_resort: Stabilimento balneare
bird_hide: Osservatorio Camuffato
+ club: Club
common: Area comune (UK)
+ dog_park: Parco per cani
fishing: Riserva di pesca
+ fitness_centre: Centro Fitness
fitness_station: Centro fitness
garden: Giardino
golf_course: Campo da golf
+ horse_riding: Equitazione
ice_rink: Pista di ghiaccio
marina: Porto turistico
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Campo sportivo
playground: Parco giochi
recreation_ground: Area di svago
+ resort: Resort
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Rampa per la messa in acqua di imbarcazioni
sports_centre: Centro sportivo
swimming_pool: Piscina
track: Pista da corsa
water_park: Parco acquatico
+ "yes": Tempo libero
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Faro
+ pipeline: Tubazione
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fabbrica
+ "yes": Artificiale
airfield: Aeroporto militare
barracks: Caserma
forest: Foresta
geyser: Geyser
glacier: Ghiacciaio
+ grassland: Prato
heath: Brughiera
hill: Collina
island: Isola
reef: Scogliera
ridge: Cresta montuosa
rock: Roccia
+ saddle: Sella
+ sand: Sabbia
scree: Ghiaione
scrub: Boscaglia
spring: Sorgente
wood: Bosco
accountant: Ragioniere
+ administrative: Amministrazione
architect: Architetto
company: Azienda
employment_agency: Agenzia di lavoro
travel_agent: Agenzia di viaggi
"yes": Ufficio
+ allotments: Orti casalinghi
+ block: Blocco
airport: Aeroporto
city: Città
country: Nazione
town: Paese
unincorporated_area: Area non inclusa
village: Frazione
+ "yes": Luogo
abandoned: Ferrovia abbandonata
construction: Ferrovia in costruzione
"yes": Negozio
alpine_hut: Rifugio alpino
+ apartment: Appartamento
artwork: Opera d'arte
attraction: Attrazione turistica
bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
camp_site: Campeggio
caravan_site: Area caravan e camper
chalet: Casetta (chalet)
+ gallery: Galleria d'arte
guest_house: Guest House
hostel: Ostello
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Uadì
waterfall: Cascata
weir: Sbarramento idrico
+ "yes": Corso d'acqua
level2: Confine di paese
level4: Confine di stato
no_results: Nessun risultato
more_results: Altri risultati
- distance:
- one: circa 1km
- zero: meno di 1km
- other: circa %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-ovest
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-est
- east: est
- north_east: nord-est
- north: nord
- north_west: nord-ovest
- west: ovest
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
tag_line: La wiki-mappa libera del mondo
intro_header: Benvenuti in OpenStreetMap!
intro_text: OpenStreetMap è una mappa del mondo, creata da persone come te e libera
- di utilizzare sotto licenza aperta.
+ da utilizzare secondo una licenza aperta.
intro_2_create_account: Crea un account utente
partners_html: L'hosting è supportato da %{ucl}, %{ic}, %{bytemark} e da altri
della comunità</a>, e il sito <a href=''>OSM Foundation</a>.
open_data_title: Open Data
open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap è <i>open data</i>: sei libero di usarla per qualsiasi
- scopo a patto di attribuirla a OpenstreetMap e ai suoi contributori. Se alteri
+ scopo a patto di attribuirla a OpenStreetMap e ai suoi contributori. Se alteri
o sviluppi sulla base dei dati in un certo modo, puoi distribuire il risultato
- solo mediante la stessa licenza. Consultare <a href=''%{copyright_path}''>Copyright</a>
- per i dettagli.'
+ solo mediante la stessa licenza. Consultare la <a href=''%{copyright_path}''>pagina
+ Copyright e Licenza</a> per i dettagli.'
partners_title: Partner
close: Chiudi
search: Cerca
+ get_directions: Ottieni indicazioni
+ get_directions_title: Trova indicazioni tra due punti
+ from: Da
+ to: A
where_am_i: Dove sono?
where_am_i_title: Descrivi la posizione attuale usando il motore di ricerca
submit_text: Vai
register now: Registrati ora
with username: 'Possiedi già un profilo OpenStreetMap? Entra con il tuo nome
utente e password:'
- with openid: 'In alternativa utilizza il tuo OpenID per entrare:'
new to osm: Sei nuovo su OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Per apportare modifiche ai dati di OpenStreetMap, è necessario
disporre di un account.
account is suspended: Siamo spiacenti, il tuo account è stato sospeso a causa
di attività sospette.<br />Se desideri discuterne, puoi contattare il <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>.
auth failure: Spiacenti, non si può accedere con questi dettagli.
- openid missing provider: Siamo spiacenti, impossibile contattare il provider
- OpenID
- openid invalid: Spiacente, sembra il che tuo OpenID non sia valido
openid_logo_alt: Accedi con un OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Accedi con OpenID
- alt: Accedi con un indirizzo URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Accedi con Google
- alt: Accedi con un OpenID di Google
- yahoo:
- title: Accedi con Yahoo
- alt: Accedi con un OpenID di Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Accedi con Wordpress
- alt: Accedi con un OpenID di Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Accedi con AOL
- alt: Accedi con un OpenID di AOL
title: Esci
heading: Esci da OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nome visualizzato:'
display name description: Il proprio nome utente visualizzato pubblicamente.
Può essere modificato più tardi nelle preferenze.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Password:'
confirm password: 'Conferma password:'
- use openid: In alternativa utilizza %{logo} OpenID per accedere
- openid no password: Con OpenID non è richiesta una password, ma alcuni strumenti
- o server aggiuntivi potrebbero ancora averne bisogno.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Il tuoi OpenID non è ancora associato ad alcun profilo OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Se sei nuovo in OpenStreetMap, crea un nuovo profilo utilizzando la maschera sottostante.</li>
- <li>
- Se possiedi già un profilo è possibile accedervi
- utilizzando il proprio nome utente e password e quindi associare il profilo
- con il proprio OpenID all'interno delle impostazioni utente.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrati
terms accepted: Grazie di aver accettato le nuove regole per contribuire!
terms declined: Siamo spiacenti che tu abbia deciso di non accettare i nuovi
new email address: 'Nuovo indirizzo e-mail:'
email never displayed publicly: (mai visualizzato pubblicamente)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: che cos'è questo?
public editing:
press confirm button: Premere sul pulsante di conferma sottostante per attivare
il proprio profilo utente.
button: Conferma
+ success: Il profilo utente è stato confermato, grazie per l'iscrizione!
already active: Questo profilo è stato già confermato.
unknown token: Questo codice di conferma è scaduto oppure non esiste.
reconfirm_html: Per richiedere nuovamente una email di conferma, <a href="%{reconfirm}">Clicca
comment: Commenta
edit_help: Sposta la mappa e usa lo zoom sulla posizione che vuoi modificare,
quindi clicca qui.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicletta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A piedi (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicicletta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Auto (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A piedi (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Auto (OSRM)
+ directions: Direzioni
+ distance: Distanza
+ errors:
+ no_route: Impossibile trovare un percorso fra questi due posti.
+ no_place: Spiacenti, non è possibile trovare quel luogo.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Prosegui
+ slight_right: Svolta leggermente a destra in
+ turn_right: Svolta a destra verso
+ sharp_right: Svolta bruscamente a destra in
+ uturn: Inversione ad U lungo
+ sharp_left: Svolta bruscamente a sinistra in
+ turn_left: Svolta a sinistra verso
+ slight_left: Svolta leggermente a sinistra in
+ via_point: (punto intermedio)
+ follow: Segui
+ roundabout: Alla rotatoria prendi
+ leave_roundabout: Esci dalla rotatoria
+ stay_roundabout: Rimani nella rotatoria
+ start: Inizia alla fine di
+ destination: Raggiungi la destinazione
+ against_oneway: Vai contro il senso unico in
+ end_oneway: Fine del senso unico in
+ unnamed: (senza nome)
+ courtesy: Indicazioni per gentile concessione di %{link}
+ time: Tempo
node: Nodo
way: Percorso
# Author: Schu
# Author: Shirayuki
# Author: Sudachi
+# Author: Surgical21
# Author: Tombi-aburage
# Author: Wrightbus
# Author: 青子守歌
friendly: '%Y年%B%e日 %H:%M'
+ blog: '%Y年%B%e日'
acl: アクセス制御リスト
reopened_by_anonymous: 誰かが<abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}前</abbr>に再開
hidden_by: '%{user}さんが<abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when}前</abbr>に非表示化'
+ title: 地物を検索
introduction: 地図上をクリックすると、近くの地物を探します。
nearby: 近くの地物
+ enclosing: 付近の地物
showing_page: ページ %{page}
load_more: 続きを読み込む
sorry: 申し訳ありませんが、要求した変更セットの一覧は大きすぎるため取得できませんでした。
+ rss:
+ title_all: OpenStreetMap変更セットの議論
+ title_particular: OpenStreetMap変更セット#%{changeset_id}の議論
+ comment: 変更セット#%{changeset_id}への%{author}による新しいコメント
+ commented_at_html: '%{when}前に更新'
+ commented_at_by_html: '%{when}前に%{user}さんが更新'
+ full: 議論全体
title: 日記エントリの新規作成
+ cable_car: 交走式ロープウェイ
chair_lift: チェアリフト
drag_lift: 牽引リフト
+ gondola: 循環式ロープウェイ
station: 索道駅
aerodrome: 飛行場
taxiway: 空港誘導路
terminal: ターミナル
+ animal_shelter: 動物保護施設
arts_centre: アート センター
atm: ATM
bank: 銀行
bicycle_parking: 駐輪場
bicycle_rental: レンタサイクル
biergarten: ビアガーデン
+ boat_rental: 貸ボート
brothel: 売春宿
bureau_de_change: 両替
bus_station: バス停
car_wash: 洗車
casino: 賭場
charging_station: 充電ステーション
+ childcare: 保育所
cinema: 映画館
clinic: 診療所
+ clock: 時計
college: 大学
community_centre: コミュニティ センター
courthouse: 裁判所
library: 図書館
market: 市場
marketplace: 市場
+ motorcycle_parking: バイクの駐輪場
nightclub: ナイト クラブ
nursery: 保育所
nursing_home: 特別養護老人ホーム
office: オフィス
parking: 駐車場
+ parking_entrance: 駐車場の入口
pharmacy: 薬局
place_of_worship: 神社仏閣
police: 警察署
"yes": 橋
"yes": 建造物
+ craft:
+ photographer: 撮影者
phone: 緊急電話
bus_stop: バス停
construction: 建設中の高速道路
cycleway: 自転車道
+ elevator: エレベータ
emergency_access_point: 緊急アクセスポイント
footway: 歩道
ford: 砦
tertiary: 周辺道路
tertiary_link: 周辺道路
track: 農道・林道
+ traffic_signals: 信号機
trail: 小道
trunk: 国道
trunk_link: 国道
unclassified: 未分類の道路
unsurfaced: 未舗装道路
+ "yes": 道路
archaeological_site: 考古学サイト
battlefield: 戦場
boundary_stone: 境界石
- building: ビル
+ building: 歴史的な建物
castle: 城
church: 教会
citywalls: 城壁
mine: 鉱山
monument: 記念碑
ruins: 廃墟
+ stone: 岩石
tomb: 墓地
tower: 塔
wayside_cross: 道路際の十字架
beach_resort: ビーチ リゾート
bird_hide: 観察小屋
+ club: クラブ
common: 共有地
fishing: 釣り場
fitness_station: フィットネス ステーション
swimming_pool: 水泳用プール
track: 陸上競技用トラック
water_park: 親水公園
+ man_made:
+ tower: 塔
+ works: 工房
airfield: 軍用飛行場
barracks: バラック
wood: 森林
accountant: 会計
+ administrative: 管理
architect: 建築士
company: 会社
employment_agency: 職業紹介
town: 町
unincorporated_area: 国有地
village: 村
+ "yes": 場所
abandoned: 廃止鉄道
construction: 建設中の鉄道
no_results: 該当するものはありません
more_results: その他の結果
- distance:
- one: 約 1 km
- zero: 1 km 未満
- other: 約 %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: 南西
- south: 南
- south_east: 南東
- east: 東
- north_east: 北東
- north: 北
- north_west: 北西
- west: 西
alt_text: OpenStreetMap ロゴ
more_title_html: 詳細を見る
more_1_html: |-
- href="">Legal
+ href="">Legal
more_2_html: OpenStreetMap はオープンデータですが、サードパーティーの開発者のための無料の地図 API は提供できません。 <a
href="">API Usage Policy</a>、<a
- href="">Tile Usage Policy</a>、<a
- href="">Nominatim
+ href="タイル利用規約">タイル利用規約</a>、<a href="利用ポリシー">Nominatim
Usage Policy</a>をお読みください。
contributors_title_html: 協力者
contributors_intro_html: 協力者は数千人もの個人です。それに加え、国立の地図作成組織や、次のようなその他の情報源による公開できるライセンスによるデータを含みます。
contributors_gb_html: '<strong>イギリス</strong>: 陸地測量データ © Crown copyright
and database right 2010-12 を含みます。'
contributors_footer_1_html: これらの詳細について、またOpenStreetMapの向上に使用されたその他のソースについては、OpenStreetMap
- Wikiの<a href="">協力者ページ</a>をご覧ください。
+ Wikiの<a href="">協力者ページ</a>をご覧ください。
contributors_footer_2_html: OpenStreetMapのデータに含めることは、元データの提供者がOpenStreetMapを支持したり、何かしらの保証を行ったり、何かしらの責任を負ったりすることを意味するものではありません。
infringement_title_html: 著作権侵害
infringement_1_html: 'OSMの協力者は、著作権者から明確な許諾を得ずに、著作権のある情報源 (例: Google マップや印刷された地図)
- description: OSMの詳細な説明が書かれたWikiを参照してください。
+ description: 詳細なOSMの説明が書かれたウィキを参照します。
next: 次へ
copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
body: 本文
send_button: 送信
back_to_inbox: 受信箱に戻る
- message_sent: 送信したメッセージ
+ message_sent: メッセージを送信しました
limit_exceeded: 短い間隔で大量のメッセージを送っていますね。次を送る前にしばらくお待ちください。
title: 存在しないメッセージです
- 軽便鉄道
- 路面電車
- - ケーブルカー
+ - 交走式ロープウェイ
- チェアリフト
- 空港滑走路
login_button: ログイン
register now: 今すぐ登録
with username: 'OpenStreetMap アカウントを既にお持ちですか? 自分のユーザー名とパスワードでログインしてください:'
- with openid: 'OpenID でもログインできます:'
new to osm: OpenStreetMap は初めてですか?
to make changes: OpenStreetMap データを変更するには、アカウントが必要です。
create account minute: アカウントを作成します。1分でできます。
account is suspended: 申し訳ありませんが、不審な活動のため、あなたのアカウントは一時停止されております。<br />本件についてご相談がある場合は
<a href="%{webmaster}">ウェブマスター</a>にご連絡ください。
auth failure: 申し訳ありませんが、入力した情報でログインできませんでした。
- openid missing provider: 申し訳ありませんが、OpenID プロバイダーに接続できませんでした
- openid invalid: 申し訳ありませんが、あなたの OpenID は正しくないようです
openid_logo_alt: OpenID でログイン
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID でログイン
- alt: OpenID の URL でログイン
- google:
- title: Google アカウントでログイン
- alt: Google の OpenID でログイン
- yahoo:
- title: Yahoo ID でログイン
- alt: Yahoo の OpenID でログイン
- wordpress:
- title: WordPress でログイン
- alt: Wordpress の OpenID でログイン
- aol:
- title: AOL でログイン
- alt: AOL の OpenID でログイン
title: ログアウト
heading: OpenStreetMap からログアウト
title="メール アドレスの節を含む、ウィキのプライバシー ポリシー">プライバシー ポリシー</a>を参照してください)
display name: '表示名:'
display name description: 自分の公開ユーザー名です。あとで設定ページで変更できます。
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'パスワード:'
confirm password: 'パスワードの確認:'
- use openid: 代わりに、%{logo} OpenID を使用してログイン
- openid no password: OpenID ではパスワードは不要ですが、特殊なツール/サーバーでは必要な場合があります。
- openid association: |-
- <p>あなたの OpenID は、まだ OpenStreetMap のどのアカウントとも関連付けられていません。</p>
- <ul>
- <li>OpenStreetMap が初めての場合は、下のフォームで新規アカウントを作成してください。</li>
- <li>
- 既にアカウントを持っている場合は、あなたのユーザー名とパスワードでログインしてください。
- ログイン後、ユーザー設定であなたの OpenID と関連付けることができます。
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: ユーザー登録
terms accepted: 新しい協力者規約に同意いただき、ありがとうございます!
terms declined: 新しい協力者規約に同意いただけず残念です。詳しい情報は、<a href="%{url}">このウィキページ</a>をご覧ください。
new email address: '新しいメール アドレス:'
email never displayed publicly: (非公開)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: これは何ですか?
public editing:
introduction_2: メール内のリンクをクリックしてアカウントの確認をすれば、マッピングを始められます。
press confirm button: アカウントを有効にして良ければ、以下の確認ボタンを押してください。
button: 確認
+ success: アカウントを確認しました。登録ありがとうございます!
already active: このアカウントは確認済みです。
unknown token: この確認コードは期限切れ、または存在しません。
reconfirm_html: 確認メールを再送する必要がある場合は、<a href="%{reconfirm}">ここをクリック</a>してください。
comment_and_resolve: コメント & 解決
comment: コメント
edit_help: 編集したい位置に移動してズームインしてから、ここをクリックしてください。
+ directions:
+ distance: 距離
+ instructions:
+ unnamed: (名前なし)
+ query:
+ nothing_found: 地物が見つかりませんでした
description: 説明
no_results: შედეგი ვერ მოიძებნა
more_results: მეტი შედეგი
- distance:
- one: დაახლოებით 1 კმ
- zero: 1 კმ-ზე ნაკლები
- other: დაახლოებით %{count} კმ
- direction:
- south_west: სამხრეთ-დასავლეთი
- south: სამხრეთი
- south_east: სამხრეთ-აღმოსავლეთი
- east: აღმოსავლეთი
- north_east: ჩრდილო-აღმოსავლეთი
- north: ჩრდილოეთი
- north_west: ჩრდილო-დასავლეთი
- west: დასავლეთი
alt_text: OpenStreetMap-ის ლოგო
create account minute: შექმნეით ანგარიში. ამისათვის მხოლოდ ერთი წუთია საჭირო.
no account: არ გაქვთ ანგარიში?
openid_logo_alt: შესვლა OpenID-ის საშუალებით
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: შესვლა OpenID-ის საშუალებით
- alt: შესვლა OpenID URL-ის საშუალებით
- google:
- title: შესვლა Google-ის საშუალებით
- alt: შესვლა Google OpenID-ის საშუალებით
- yahoo:
- title: შესვლა Yahoo-ს საშუალებით
- alt: შესვლა Yahoo OpenID-ის საშუალებით
- wordpress:
- title: შესვლა Wordpress-ის საშუალებით
- alt: შესვლა Wordpress OpenID-ის საშუალებით
- aol:
- title: შესვლა AOL-ის საშუალებით
- alt: შესვლა AOL OpenID-ის საშუალებით
title: გასვლა
heading: OpenStreetMap-დან გასვლა
email address: 'ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი:'
confirm email address: 'ელ. ფოსტის მისამართის დადასტურება:'
display name: 'სახელი ეკრანზე:'
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'პაროლი:'
confirm password: 'პაროლის დადასტურება:'
continue: გაგრძელება
current email address: 'ელ-ფოსტის ამჟამინდელი მისამართი:'
new email address: 'ახალი ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი:'
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: რა არის ეს?
public editing:
# Author: Priviet
# Author: Revi
# Author: Stleamist
+# Author: Twotwo2019
# Author: Wrightbus
# Author: 아라
friendly: '%Y년 %B %e일 %H:%M'
+ blog: '%Y년 %B %e일'
acl: 통행 제한 목록
old_node: 이전 노드
old_node_tag: 이전 노드 태그
old_relation: 이전 관계
- old_relation_member: 이전 관계 구성원
+ old_relation_member: 이전 관계 구성 요소
old_relation_tag: 이전 관계 태그
old_way: 이전 길
old_way_node: 이전 길 노드
old_way_tag: 이전 길 태그
relation: 관계
- relation_member: 관계 구성원
+ relation_member: 관계 구성 요소
relation_tag: 관계 태그
session: 세션
trace: 추적
friend: 친구
user: 사용자
- visible: 일람 가능
+ visible: 보임
name: 이름
size: 크기
latitude: 위도
title: '관계: %{name}'
history_title: '관계 역사: %{name}'
- members: 구성원
+ members: 구성 요소
entry_role: '%{type}에서 %{role}의 %{name}'
changeset: 바뀜집합
redaction: 개정 %{id}
- message_html: 이 %{type}의 %{version} 판은 수정한 판으로 볼 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 %{redaction_link}(을)를
+ message_html: 이 %{type}의 %{version}판은 비공개 처리되었기 때문에 볼 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 %{redaction_link}(을)를
node: 노드
way: 길
relation: 관계
- feature_warning: 지물 %{num_features}개를 불러오고 있으며, 브라우저가 느려지거나 응답하지 않을 수 있습니다.
- ì\9d´ ë\8d°ì\9d´í\84°ë¥¼ ë³´ì\97¬ì¤\84ê¹\8cì\9a\94?
+ feature_warning: 지물 %{num_features}개를 불러오고 있기 때문에 브라우저가 느려지거나 응답하지 않을 수 있습니다.
+ ì \95ë§\90 ì\9d´ ë\8d°ì\9d´í\84°ë¥¼ ë³´ì\8b\9cê² ì\8aµë\8b\88ê¹\8c?
load_data: 데이터 불러오기
loading: 불러오는 중...
key: '%{key} 태그에 대한 위키 설명 문서'
tag: '%{key}=%{value} 태그에 대한 위키 설명 문서'
- wikidata_link: 위키데이터에서의 %{page} 항목
- wikipedia_link: 위키백과의 %{page} 문서
- telephone_link: '%{phone_number} 걸기'
+ wikidata_link: 위키데이터 %{page} 항목
+ wikipedia_link: 위키백과 %{page} 문서
+ telephone_link: '%{phone_number}로 전화 걸기'
title: '참고: %{id}'
new_note: 새 참고
closed_title: '해결된 참고 #%{note_name}'
hidden_title: '숨겨진 참고 #%{note_name}'
open_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에 만듦'
- open_by_anonymous: 익명이 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 만듦
+ open_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 만듦
commented_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에
덧글을 남김'
- commented_by_anonymous: 익명이 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 덧글을
- 남김
+ commented_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에
+ ë\8d§ê¸\80ì\9d\84 ë\82¨ê¹\80
closed_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에 해결함'
- closed_by_anonymous: 익명이 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 해결함
+ closed_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 해결함
reopened_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에 다시
- reopened_by_anonymous: 익명이 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 다시
- 활성화함
+ reopened_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에
+ 다시 활성화함
hidden_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에 숨김'
- title: ì§\80물 쿼리
+ title: ì§\80물 ì \95ë³´
introduction: 근처의 지물을 찾으려면 지도에서 클릭하세요.
nearby: 근처 지물
enclosing: 둘러싸는 지물
next: 다음 »
previous: « 이전
- anonymous: 익명
+ anonymous: 익명 사용자
no_edits: (편집 없음)
view_changeset_details: 바뀜집합 자세한 사항 보기
sorry: 죄송합니다, 요청하는 바뀜집합 목록을 얻는데 너무 오래 걸립니다.
+ title_all: OpenStreetMap 바뀜집합 토론
+ title_particular: 'OpenStreetMap 바뀜집합 #%{changeset_id} 토론'
+ comment: '바뀜집합 #%{changeset_id}에 %{author}님이 새 덧글을 남김'
commented_at_html: '%{when} 전에 업데이트함'
commented_at_by_html: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 업데이트함'
+ full: 전체 토론
title: 새 일기 항목
+ cable_car: 케이블 카
chair_lift: 체어 리프트
drag_lift: 드래그 리프트
+ gondola: 곤돌라 리프트
station: 삭도장
aerodrome: 비행장
taxiway: 유도로
terminal: 터미널
+ animal_shelter: 동물 쉼터
arts_centre: 예술 회관
atm: ATM
bank: 은행
bicycle_parking: 자전거 주차장
bicycle_rental: 자전거 대여
biergarten: 비어 가든
+ boat_rental: 보트 대여
brothel: 매음굴
bureau_de_change: 환전소
bus_station: 버스 정류장
car_wash: 세차장
casino: 카지노
charging_station: 충전 스테이션
+ childcare: 육아
cinema: 영화관
clinic: 진료소
+ clock: 시계
college: 전문대학
community_centre: 커뮤니티 센터
courthouse: 법원
food_court: 푸드코트
fountain: 분수대
fuel: 주유소
+ gambling: 도박장
grave_yard: 묘지
gym: 피트니스 센터 / 체육관
health_centre: 보건소
library: 도서관
market: 시장
marketplace: 시장
+ monastery: 수도원
+ motorcycle_parking: 모터사이클 주차장
nightclub: 나이트 클럽
nursery: 보육원
nursing_home: 복지관
office: 사무실
parking: 주차장
+ parking_entrance: 주차장 입구
pharmacy: 약국
place_of_worship: 예배당
police: 경찰서
veterinary: 동물병원
village_hall: 주민센터
waste_basket: 쓰레기통
+ waste_disposal: 폐기물 처리장
youth_centre: 청소년 센터
administrative: 행정 구역 경계
"yes": 다리
"yes": 건물
+ craft:
+ brewery: 주조공
+ carpenter: 목수
+ electrician: 전기공
+ gardener: 정원사
+ painter: 화가
+ photographer: 사진 작가
+ plumber: 배관공
+ shoemaker: 구두공
+ tailor: 재단사
+ "yes": 공예 가게
+ ambulance_station: 구급차 스테이션
+ defibrillator: 제세동기
+ landing_site: 비상 착륙지
phone: 긴급 전화
+ abandoned: 버려진 고속도로
bridleway: 승마로
bus_guideway: 가이드 버스 차선
bus_stop: 버스 정류장
construction: 건설 중인 고속도로
cycleway: 자전거로
+ elevator: 엘리베이터
emergency_access_point: 긴급 접근 지점
footway: 보도
ford: 여울
tertiary: 3차 도로
tertiary_link: 3차 도로
track: 추적
+ traffic_signals: 교통 신호
trail: 샛길
trunk: 간선 도로
trunk_link: 간선 도로
unclassified: 분류하지 않은 도로
unsurfaced: 비포장 도로
+ "yes": 도로
archaeological_site: 고고학장
battlefield: 전쟁터
boundary_stone: 경계석
- building: 건물
+ building: 사적 건물
+ bunker: 벙커
castle: 성
church: 교회
+ city_gate: 성문
citywalls: 성벽
fort: 성채
+ heritage: 문화 유산지
house: 주택
icon: 아이콘
manor: 장원
memorial: 기념관
mine: 광산
monument: 기념물
+ roman_road: 로마 도로
ruins: 유적
+ stone: 돌
tomb: 무덤
tower: 탑
wayside_cross: 도로변의 십자가
wayside_shrine: 길가의 신사
wreck: 난파선
+ junction:
+ "yes": 분기점
allotments: 텃밭
basin: 웅덩이
road: 도로 지역
village_green: 녹색 마을
vineyard: 포도밭
+ "yes": 토지 이용
beach_resort: 해수욕장
bird_hide: 조류 관찰지
+ club: 클럽
common: 공유지
+ dog_park: 개 공원
fishing: 낚시터
+ fitness_centre: 피트니스 센터
fitness_station: 피트니스 스테이션
garden: 정원
golf_course: 골프장
+ horse_riding: 승마
ice_rink: 아이스 링크
marina: 마리나
miniature_golf: 미니어처 골프
pitch: 운동장
playground: 놀이터
recreation_ground: 놀이 공원
+ resort: 리조트
sauna: 사우나
slipway: 슬립 웨이
sports_centre: 스포츠 센터
swimming_pool: 수영장
track: 육상 트랙
water_park: 워터 파크
+ "yes": 여가
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: 등대
+ pipeline: 파이프라인
+ tower: 탑
+ works: 공장
+ "yes": 인공물
airfield: 군용 비행장
barracks: 막사
forest: 숲
geyser: 간헐천
glacier: 빙하
+ grassland: 초원
heath: 황무지
hill: 언덕
island: 섬
reef: 암초
ridge: 산등성이
rock: 바위
+ saddle: 안부
+ sand: 모래
scree: 급사면
scrub: 우거진 숲
spring: 온천
- stone: 암석
+ stone: 돌
strait: 해협
tree: 나무
valley: 골짜기
wood: 산림
accountant: 회계 사무소
+ administrative: 관리실
architect: 건축사
company: 회사
employment_agency: 직업 소개소
travel_agent: 여행사
"yes": 사무실
+ allotments: 텃밭
+ block: 벽돌
airport: 공항
city: 시
country: 국가
town: 마을
unincorporated_area: 비법인 지역
village: 마을
+ "yes": 장소
- abandoned: 폐지된 철도
+ abandoned: 버려진 철도
construction: 건설 중인 철도
disused: 폐선된 철도
disused_station: 폐선된 철도역
"yes": 상점
alpine_hut: 고산장
+ apartment: 아파트먼트
artwork: 예술 작품
attraction: 견인
bed_and_breakfast: 잠자기와 아침 식사(민박)
camp_site: 캠프장
caravan_site: 캐러밴 사이트
chalet: 별장
+ gallery: 갤러리
guest_house: 게스트 하우스
hostel: 호스텔
hotel: 호텔
wadi: 와디
waterfall: 폭포
weir: 어량
+ "yes": 수로
level2: 국가 경계
level4: 주 경계
no_results: 결과가 없습니다
more_results: 더 많은 결과
- distance:
- one: 약 1km
- zero: 1km보다 적음
- other: 약 %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: 남서
- south: 남
- south_east: 남동
- east: 동
- north_east: 북동
- north: 북
- north_west: 북서
- west: 서
alt_text: OpenStreetMap 로고
your_changeset: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 %{time}에 만든 바뀜집합에 덧글을 달았습니다'
commented_changeset: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{changeset_author}이 %{time}에 만든,
주시 중인 지도 바뀜집합에 덧글을 달았습니다'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: '''%{changeset_comment}'' 덧글로'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: 덧글 없이
details: 바뀜집합에 대한 자세한 사항은 %{url} 에서 찾을 수 있습니다.
close: 닫기
search: 검색
+ get_directions: 길 찾기
+ get_directions_title: 두 지점 사이의 길 찾기
+ from: 출발지
+ to: 도착지
where_am_i: 내가 어디있나요?
where_am_i_title: 검색 엔진을 사용하여 현재 위치를 나타냅니다
submit_text: 가기
login_button: 로그인
register now: 지금 등록하세요
with username: '이미 OpenStreetMap 계정을 가지고 있나요? 계정 이름과 비밀번호로 로그인하세요:'
- with openid: '또는 OpenID로 로그인하세요:'
new to osm: OpenStreetMap이 처음이세요?
to make changes: OpenStreetMap 데이터를 바꾸려면 계정이 있어야 합니다.
create account minute: 계정을 만듭니다. 1분도 걸리지 않습니다.
account is suspended: 죄송합니다, 의심스러운 활동으로 인해 계정이 일시 중지되었습니다.<br />이 문제를 토론하려면
<a href="%{webmaster}">웹마스터</a>에게 문의하세요.
auth failure: 죄송합니다, 입력한 정보로 로그인할 수 없습니다.
- openid missing provider: 죄송합니다, OpenID 제공자에 문의할 수 없습니다
- openid invalid: 죄송합니다, OpenID가 잘못된 형식인 것 같습니다
openid_logo_alt: OpenID로 로그인
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID로 로그인
- alt: OpenID URL로 로그인
- google:
- title: Google로 로그인
- alt: Google OpenID로 로그인
- yahoo:
- title: 야후로 로그인
- alt: 야후 OpenID로 로그인
- wordpress:
- title: 워드프레스로 로그인
- alt: 워드프레스 OpenID로 로그인
- aol:
- title: AOL로 로그인
- alt: AOL OpenID로 로그인
title: 로그아웃
heading: OpenStreetMap에서 로그아웃
title="이메일 주소에 대한 부분을 포함한 위키 개인 정보 정책">개인 정보 정책</a>을 참고하세요)
display name: '보여줄 이름:'
display name description: 공개적으로 보여질 사용자 이름입니다. 나중에 환경 설정에서 바꿀 수 있습니다.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: '비밀번호:'
confirm password: '비밀번호 확인:'
- use openid: 또는 %{logo} OpenID를 사용하여 로그인하세요
- openid no password: OpenID로 비밀번호가 필요하지 않지만 몇 가지 추가 도구나 서버는 여전히 비밀번호가 필요할 수 있습니다.
- openid association: |-
- <p>OpenID는 아직 OpenStreetMap 계정과 연결되지 않았습니다.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>OpenStreetMap에 새로 가입하려면 아래의 양식을 사용하여 새 계정을 만드세요.</li>
- <li>
- 이미 계정이 있다면 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 사용해 로그인하고 나서
- 사용자 설정에서 OpenID와 계정을 연결할 수 있습니다.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: 가입하기
terms accepted: 새 기여자 약관에 동의하셔서 감사합니다!
terms declined: 새 기여자 약관에 동의하지 않은 것으로 결정했기에 죄송합니다. 자세한 정보에 대해서는 <a href="%{url}">이
new email address: '새 이메일 주소:'
email never displayed publicly: (절대 공개하지 않습니다)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: 이게 뭐죠?
public editing:
heading: '공개 편집:'
- enabled: í\99\9cì\84±í\99\94í\96\88ì\8aµë\8b\88ë\8b¤. ì\9dµëª\85ì\9d´ ì\95\84ë\8b\8c ì\82¬ì\9a©ì\9e\90ë\8a\94 데이터를 편집할 수 있습니다.
+ enabled: í\99\9cì\84±í\99\94í\96\88ì\8aµë\8b\88ë\8b¤. ì\9dµëª\85ì\9d´ ì\95\84ë\8b\88ë©° 데이터를 편집할 수 있습니다.
enabled link:
enabled link text: 이게 뭐죠?
- disabled: ë°\94í\99\9cì\84±í\99\94ë\90\98ì\96´ ë\8d°ì\9d´í\84°ë¥¼ í\8e¸ì§\91í\95 ì\88\98 ì\97\86ì\9c¼ë©°, 모ë\93 ì\9d´ì \84 í\8e¸ì§\91ì\9d\80 ì\9dµëª\85ì\9c¼ë¡\9c ë\90©니다.
+ disabled: ë°\94í\99\9cì\84±í\99\94ë\90\98ì\96´ ë\8d°ì\9d´í\84°ë¥¼ í\8e¸ì§\91í\95 ì\88\98 ì\97\86ì\9c¼ë©°, 모ë\93 ì\9d´ì \84 í\8e¸ì§\91ì\9d\80 ì\9dµëª\85ì\9e\85니다.
disabled link text: 왜 편집할 수 없나요?
public editing note:
heading: 공개 편집
- text: 현재 편집은 익명이고 사람이 당신에게 메시지를 보내거나 위치를 볼 수 없습니다. 당신이 편집한 것으로 나타내고 사람이 웹
- 사이트를 통해 연락을 허용하려면 아래 버튼을 클릭하세요. <b>0.6 API 역전 이후 공개 새용자만 지도 데이터를 편집할 수 있습니다</b>.
- (<a href="">이유 알아보기</a>).<ul><li>이메일
- 주소는 공개함으로서 추가로 공개하지 않습니다.</li><li>이 작업을 되돌릴 수 없고 모든 새 사용자는 지금 기본값으로 공개입니다.</li></ul>
+ text: 현재 편집은 익명으로 나타나며, 다른 사람에게서 메시지를 받을 수 없고 자신의 위치가 공개되지 않습니다. 자신이 편집한 것을
+ 드러내고 다른 사람이 웹 사이트를 통해 연락할 수 있게 하려면 아래 버튼을 클릭하세요. <b>0.6 API 개편 이후 공개 사용자만
+ 지도 데이터를 편집할 수 있습니다</b>. (<a href="">이유
+ 알아보기</a>).<ul><li>공개 사용자가 되더라도 이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다.</li><li>이 조치는 취소할 수 없으며,
+ 모든 신규 사용자는 현재 기본적으로 공개 계정입니다.</li></ul>
contributor terms:
heading: '기여자 약관:'
agreed: 새 기여자 약관에 동의했습니다.
introduction_2: 이메일에 있는 링크를 클릭하여 계정을 확인하면 매핑을 시작할 수 있습니다.
press confirm button: 계정을 활성화하려면 아래 확인 버튼을 누르세요.
button: 확인
+ success: 계정을 확인했습니다, 가입해주셔서 감사합니다!
already active: 이 계정은 이미 확인했습니다.
unknown token: 확인 코드가 만료되었거나 존재하지 않습니다.
reconfirm_html: 확인 이메일을 다시 보낼 필요가 있다면, <a href="%{reconfirm}">여기를 클릭하세요</a>.
createnote_disabled_tooltip: 지도에 참고를 추가하려면 확대
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: 지도 참고를 보려면 확대
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: 지도 데이터를 보려면 확대
- queryfeature_tooltip: 지물 쿼리
+ queryfeature_tooltip: 지물 정보
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: 지물 정보를 확인하려면 지도를 확대하세요
comment: 덧글
comment_and_resolve: 덧글 & 해결
comment: 덧글
edit_help: 편집하려는 위치에 지도를 이동하고 확대한 다음, 여기를 클릭하세요.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: 자전거 (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: 도보 (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: 자전거 (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: 자동차 (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: 도보 (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: 자동차 (OSRM)
+ directions: 길
+ distance: 거리
+ errors:
+ no_route: 두 장소 사이의 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다.
+ no_place: 죄송합니다 - 그 장소를 찾을 수 없습니다.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: 계속 가세요
+ slight_right: 완만하게 오른쪽으로 도세요
+ turn_right: 오른쪽으로 도세요
+ sharp_right: 오른쪽으로 꺾으세요
+ uturn: 유턴하세요
+ sharp_left: 왼쪽으로 꺾으세요
+ turn_left: 왼쪽으로 도세요
+ slight_left: 완만하게 왼쪽으로 도세요
+ via_point: (지점을 통해)
+ follow: 따라가세요
+ roundabout: 회전교차로에서
+ leave_roundabout: 회전교차로에서 떠나세요 -
+ stay_roundabout: 회전교차로에 머무세요 -
+ start: 다음의 끝에서 시작
+ destination: 목적지에 도착합니다
+ against_oneway: 일방통행에 따라 가세요
+ end_oneway: 일반통행의 끝
+ unnamed: (이름 없음)
+ courtesy: '%{link}의 길 풍습'
+ time: 시간
node: 노드
way: 길
title: 'Set vun Ännerungen: %{id}'
title_comment: Set vun Ännerungen %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Loggt Iech an, fir bei der Diskussioun matzemaachen
discussion: Diskussioun
title: 'Knuet: %{name}'
charging_station: Statioun fir ze lueden
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinik
+ clock: Auer
crematorium: Crematoire
dentist: Zänndokter
doctors: Dokteren
library: Bibliothéik
market: Maart
marketplace: Maartplaz
+ monastery: Klouschter
office: Büro
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Apdikt
"yes": Bréck
"yes": Gebai
+ craft:
+ electrician: Elektriker
+ gardener: Gäertner
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ shoemaker: Schouster
+ tailor: Schneider
+ defibrillator: Defibrillator
phone: Noutruff-Telefon
bridleway: Wee fir Päerd
bus_guideway: Busspur
construction: Autobunn (am Bau)
+ elevator: Lift
footway: Fousswee
ford: Fuert
milestone: Kilometersteen
steps: Trap
street_lamp: Stroosseluucht
tertiary: Kleng Strooss
+ "yes": Strooss
archaeological_site: Archeologesche Site
battlefield: Schluechtfeld
- building: Gebai
+ building: Historescht Gebai
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Schlass
church: Kierch
+ city_gate: Stadpaart
citywalls: Stadmaueren
house: Haus
memorial: Monument
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Réimerwee
ruins: Ruinen
+ stone: Steen
tomb: Graf
tower: Tuerm
wreck: Wrack
residential: Wunngéigend
vineyard: Wéngert
+ club: Club
garden: Gaart
golf_course: Golfterrain
ice_rink: Äispist
sauna: Sauna
stadium: Stadion
swimming_pool: Schwämm
+ "yes": Fräizäit
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Liichttuerm
+ pipeline: Pipeline
+ tower: Tuerm
+ works: Fabrik
airfield: Militärfluchhafen
barracks: Kasär
glacier: Gletscher
hill: Hiwwel
island: Insel
+ land: Land
marsh: Mouer
moor: Mouer
point: Punkt
rock: Steng
+ sand: Sand
spring: Quell
stone: Steen
tree: Bam
wetland: Fiichtgebitt
wood: Bësch
+ administrative: Verwaltung
architect: Architekt
company: Firma
employment_agency: Aarbechtsamt
travel_agent: Reesbüro
"yes": Büro
+ block: Block
airport: Fluchhafen
city: Stad
country: Land
subdivision: Ënnerdeelung
town: Stad
village: Duerf
+ "yes": Plaz
abandoned: Fréier Eisebunn
construction: Eisebunn (am Bau)
travel_agency: Reesbüro
"yes": Geschäft
+ apartment: Appartement
artwork: Konschtwierk
attraction: Attraktioun
cabin: Hütt
camp_site: Camping
chalet: Chalet
+ gallery: Galerie
hotel: Hotel
information: Informatioun
motel: Motel
no_results: Näischt fonnt
more_results: Méi Resultater
- distance:
- one: ongeféier 1km
- zero: manner wéi 1km
- other: ongeféier %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: südwest
- south: südlech
- south_east: südost
- east: ëstlech
- north_east: nordost
- north: nërdlech
- north_west: nordwest
- west: westlech
alt_text: OpenStreetMap Logo
user_diaries: Benotzer Bloggen
edit_with: Ännere mat %{editor}
intro_header: Wëllkomm bei OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: OpenStreetMap ass eng Kaart vun der Welt, déi vu Leit wéi Iech gemaach
+ gouf an déi fräi ënner enger oppener Lizenz benotzt ka ginn.
intro_2_create_account: E Benotzerkont uleeën
partners_partners: Partner
osm_offline: D'OpenStreetMap Datebank ass elo net disponibel well dru geschafft
create account minute: Maacht e Benotzerkont. Et dauert nëmmen eng Minutt.
no account: Hutt Dir kee Benotzerkont?
openid_logo_alt: Alogge mat enger OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Alogge mat OpenID
- alt: Alogge mat enger OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Alogge mat Google
- alt: Alogge mat enger Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Alogge mat Yahoo
- alt: Alogge mat enger Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Alogge mat Wordpress
- alt: Alogge mat enger Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Alogge mat AOL
- alt: Alogge mat enger AOL OpenID
title: Ofmellen
heading: Vun OpenStreetMap ofmellen
email address: 'E-Mail-Adress:'
confirm email address: 'E-Mail-Adress confirméieren:'
display name: Numm weisen
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Passwuert:'
confirm password: 'Passwuert confirméieren:'
continue: Mellt Iech un
resolve: Léisen
reactivate: Reaktivéieren
comment: Bemierkung
+ directions:
+ directions: Richtungen
+ distance: Distanz
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Weider op
+ unnamed: (ouni Numm)
+ time: Zäit
way: Wee
relation: Relatioun
key: Žymos %{key} wiki aprašymo puslapis
tag: Žymos %{key}=%{value} wiki aprašymo puslapis
+ wikidata_link: '%{page} elementas Wikidata svetainėje'
wikipedia_link: '%{page} straipsnis Vikipedijoje'
telephone_link: Skambinti %{phone_number}
+ cable_car: Lyno keltuvas
chair_lift: Keltuvas
+ drag_lift: Velkamas keltuvas
+ gondola: Gondola
+ station: Lyno stotis
aerodrome: Aerodromas
apron: Oro uosto aikštelė
taxiway: Riedėjimo takas
terminal: Terminalas
+ animal_shelter: Gyvūnų prieglauda
arts_centre: Menų centras
atm: Bankomatas
bank: Bankas
bicycle_parking: Dviračių stovėjimo aikštelė
bicycle_rental: Dviračių nuoma
biergarten: Lauko baras
+ boat_rental: Valčių nuoma
brothel: Viešieji namai
bureau_de_change: Valiutos keitimo punktas
bus_station: Autobusų stotis
car_wash: Automobilių plovykla
casino: Kazino
charging_station: Įkrovimo stotis
+ childcare: Vaikų priežiūra
cinema: Kino teatras
clinic: Klinika
+ clock: Laikrodis
college: Koledžas
community_centre: Bendruomenės centras
courthouse: Teismo pastatas
food_court: Savitarnos kavinė
fountain: Fontanas
fuel: Degalinė
+ gambling: Lošimas
grave_yard: Kapinės
gym: Sveikatingumo centras / sporto salė
health_centre: Sveikatingumo centras
library: Biblioteka
market: Turgus
marketplace: Turgavietė
+ monastery: Vienuolynas
+ motorcycle_parking: Motociklų stovėjimo aikštelė
nightclub: Naktinis klubas
nursery: Seselės kabinetas
nursing_home: Slaugos namai
office: Biuras
parking: Stovėjimo aikštelė
+ parking_entrance: Įvažiavimas į stovėjimo aikštelę
pharmacy: Vaistinė
place_of_worship: Maldos namai
police: Policija
veterinary: Veterinarijos chirurgija
village_hall: Nedidelio miestelio valdžios būstinė
waste_basket: Atliekų krepšelis
+ waste_disposal: Atliekų šalinimas
youth_centre: Jaunimo centras
administrative: Administracinė riba
"yes": Tiltas
"yes": Pastatas
+ craft:
+ brewery: Alaus darykla
+ carpenter: Dailidė
+ electrician: Elektrikas
+ gardener: Sodininkas
+ painter: Dažytojas
+ photographer: Fotografas
+ plumber: Santechnikas
+ shoemaker: Batsiuvys
+ tailor: Siuvėjas
+ "yes": Amatų parduotuvė
+ ambulance_station: Greitosios medicinos pagalbos stotis
+ defibrillator: Defibriliatorius
+ landing_site: Avarinio nusileidimo aikštelė
phone: Avarinis telefonas
+ abandoned: Apleistas kelias
bridleway: Jodinėjimo takas
bus_guideway: Bėginio autobuso linija
bus_stop: Autobusų stotelė
construction: Statomas kelias
cycleway: Dviračių takas
+ elevator: Liftas
emergency_access_point: Skubios prieigos punktas
footway: Pėsčiųjų takas
ford: Brasta
tertiary: Trečios reikšmės kelias
tertiary_link: Trečios reikšmės kelias
track: Vėžės
+ traffic_signals: Šviesoforas
trail: Takas
trunk: Magistralinis kelias
trunk_link: Magistralinis kelias
unclassified: Neklasifikuotas kelias
unsurfaced: Kelias be dangos
+ "yes": Kelias
archaeological_site: Archeologinė vieta
battlefield: Mūšio vieta
boundary_stone: Pasienio akmuo
- building: Pastatas
+ building: Istorinis pastatas
+ bunker: Bunkeris
castle: Pilis
church: Bažnyčia
+ city_gate: Miesto vartai
citywalls: Miesto sienos
fort: Fortas
+ heritage: Paveldas
house: Namas
icon: Ikona
manor: Dvaras
memorial: Memorialas
mine: Kasykla
monument: Paminklas
+ roman_road: Romėnų kelias
ruins: Griuvėsiai
+ stone: Akmuo
tomb: Kapas
tower: Bokštas
wayside_cross: Pakelės kryžius
wayside_shrine: Koplytstulpis
wreck: Nuskendęs laivas
+ junction:
+ "yes": Sandūra
allotments: Sodai/sodininkų bendrijos
basin: Baseinas
road: Pakelės
village_green: Gyvenvietės žalioji zona
vineyard: Vynuogynas
+ "yes": Žemėnauda
beach_resort: Pajūrio kurortas
bird_hide: paukščių stebėjimo vieta
+ club: Klubas
common: Bendra žemė
+ dog_park: Šunų parkas
fishing: Žvejybos zona
+ fitness_centre: Sveikatingumo centras
fitness_station: Fitneso treniruočių vieta
garden: Sodas
golf_course: Golfo laukas
+ horse_riding: Jodinėjimas žirgais
ice_rink: Slidinėjimo vieta (paklojant užšąlantį vandenį)
marina: Valčių ir nedidelių laivų prieplauka
miniature_golf: Mini golfas
pitch: Sporto aikštė
playground: Žaidimų aikštelė
recreation_ground: Rekreacinis plotas
+ resort: Kurortas
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Slipas
sports_centre: Sporto centras
swimming_pool: Plaukiojimo baseinas
track: Bėgimo takelis
water_park: Vandens parkas
+ "yes": Laisvalaikis
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Švyturys
+ pipeline: Vamzdynas
+ tower: Bokštas
+ works: Gamykla
+ "yes": Žmogaus sukurta
airfield: Karinis aerodromas
barracks: Kareivinės
forest: Miškas
geyser: Geizeris
glacier: Ledynas
+ grassland: Žolė
heath: Dykynė
hill: Kalva
island: Sala
reef: Rifas
ridge: Ketera
rock: Uola
+ saddle: Balnas
+ sand: Smėlis
scree: Skardis
scrub: Krūmai
spring: Šaltinis
wood: Medžiai
accountant: Buhalteris
+ administrative: Administracija
architect: Architektas
company: Bendrovė
employment_agency: Įdarbinimo agentūra
travel_agent: Kelionių agentūra
"yes": Biuras
+ allotments: Kolektyviniai sodai
+ block: Blokas
airport: Oro uostas
city: Miestas
country: Šalis
town: Miestas
unincorporated_area: Neįregistruota erdvė
village: Kaimas
+ "yes": Vietovė
abandoned: Apleistas geležinkelis
construction: Statomas geležinkelis
"yes": Parduotuvė
alpine_hut: Kalnų trobelė
+ apartment: Apartamentai
artwork: Meno dirbiniai
attraction: Lankytina vieta
bed_and_breakfast: Nakvynės namai (viešbutis)
camp_site: Stovyklavietė
caravan_site: Kemperių aikštelė
chalet: Trobelė
+ gallery: Galerija
guest_house: Svečių namai
hostel: Hostelis
hotel: Viešbutis
wadi: Vadis
waterfall: Krioklys
weir: Slenkstis
+ "yes": Vandens vektorius
level2: Šalies sienos
level4: Valstybės sienos
no_results: Daugiau rezultatų nėra
more_results: Daugiau rezultatų
- distance:
- one: maždaug 1km
- zero: mažiau nei 1km
- other: maždaug %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: pietvakariai
- south: pietūs
- south_east: pietryčiai
- east: rytai
- north_east: šiaurės rytai
- north: šiaurė
- north_west: šiaurės vakarai
- west: vakarai
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logotipas
orotofoto nuotraukas, GPS įrenginius ir paprastus lauko žemėlapius, tikrindami,
kad OSM duomenys yra teisingi ir aktualūs.
community_driven_title: Bendruomenės vystomas
+ community_driven_html: OpenStreetMap bendruomenė yra įvairi, aistringa ir auganti
+ kiekvieną dieną. Tarp mūsų talkininkų yra žymėtojai entuziastai, GIS profesionalai,
+ OSM stotis prižiūrintys inžinieriai, žmonės žymintys nelaimių vietas ir daug
+ kitų. Norėdami daugiau sužinoti apie bendruomenę, skaitykite <a href='%{diary_path}'>naudotojų
+ dienoraščius</a>, <a href=''>bendruomenės dienoraščius</a>
+ ir <a href=''>OSM fondo</a> svetainę.
open_data_title: Atviri duomenys
open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap yra <i>atviri duomenys</i>: jūs galite laisvai
juos naudoti bet kokiems tikslams, tol kol nepamirštate paminėti OpenStreetMap
close: Uždaryti
search: 'Paieška:'
+ get_directions: Gauti nurodymus
+ get_directions_title: Rasti maršruto nurodymus tarp dviejų taškų
+ from: Iš
+ to: Iki
where_am_i: Kur aš dabar?
where_am_i_title: Apibūdinti dabartinę poziciją naudojant paieškos variklį
submit_text: Rodyti
register now: Užsiregistruoti
with username: 'Jau turite OpenStreetMap paskyrą? Prašome prisijunkite savo
naudotojo vardu ir slaptažodžiu:'
- with openid: 'Taipogi prisijungimui galite naudoti savo OpenID:'
new to osm: Nesusipažinę su OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Norėdami keisti OpenStreetMap duomenis, turite turėti savo
veiklos.<br />Prašome kreiptis į <a href="%{webmaster}">administratorių</a>
jei norite visą tai aptarti.
auth failure: Atsiprašome, negalite prisijungti su tokiais duomenimis.
- openid missing provider: Atsiprašome, nepavyko susisiekti su OpenID tiekėju
- openid invalid: Atsiprašome, bet panašu, kad jūsų OpenID blogai suformuotas
openid_logo_alt: Prisijunkite su OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Prisijungti su OpenID
- alt: Prisijungti su savo OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Prisijungti su Google
- alt: Prisijungti su Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Prisijungti su Yahoo
- alt: Prisijungti su Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Prisijungti su Wordpress
- alt: Prisijungti su Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Prisijungti su AOL
- alt: Prisijungti su Yahoo OpenID
title: Atsijungti
heading: Atsijungti nuo OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Rodomas vardas:'
display name description: Jūsų viešai rodomas naudotojo vardas. Jei norėsite,
galėsite jį vėliau pakeisti savo nustatymuose.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Slaptažodis:'
confirm password: 'Patvirtinkite slaptažodį:'
- use openid: Taip pat galite naudoti %{logo} OpenID prisijungimui
- openid no password: Su OpenID slaptažodis nėra būtinas, tačiau kai kurių papildomų
- įrankių ar serverio gali prireikti.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Jūsų OpenID kol kas nėra susieta su OpenStreetMap paskyra</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jei esi naujas OpenStreetMap, sukurkite naują paskyrą, pasitelkiant forma žemiau</li>
- <li>
- Jei jau turite paskyrą, jūs galite prisijungti prie jūsų pakyros, naudojant savo naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį ir tada susieti paskyrą su savo OpenID savo naudotojo nustatymuose
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Užsiregistruoti
terms accepted: Ačiū, kad patvirtinote naująsias talkininkų sąlygas!
terms declined: Atsiprašome, jei nesutinkate su naujomis Talkininkų sąlygomis.
new email address: 'Naujas e-pašto adresas:'
email never displayed publicly: (niekada viešai nerodomas)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: kas tai?
public editing:
press confirm button: Norėdami aktyvuoti savo paskyrą paspauskite žemiau esantį
patvirtinimo mygtuką.
button: Patvirtinti
+ success: Jūsų paskyra patvirtinta. Ačiū už registraciją!
already active: Ši paskyra jau yra patvirtinta.
unknown token: Šis patvirtinimo kodas nebegalioja arba neegzistuoja.
reconfirm_html: Jei norite iš naujo siųsti patvirtinimo laišką, <a href="%{reconfirm}">spauskite
custom_dimensions: Nustatyti savo apimtį
format: 'Formatas:'
scale: 'Mastelis:'
+ image_size: Vaizdas rodys standartinį sluoksnį
download: Atsisiųsti
short_url: Trumpas URL
include_marker: Įtraukti žymeklį
header: Žemėlapio sluoksniai
notes: Žemėlapio pastabos
data: Žemėlapio duomenys
+ overlays: Įjungti papildomus sluoksnius problemų pranešimui
title: Sluoksniai
copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap talkininkai</a>
donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Paremkite</a>
reactivate: Iš naujo suaktyvinti
comment_and_resolve: Komentuoti & išspręsti
comment: Komentuoti
+ edit_help: Pastumkite žemėlapį ir padidinkite vietą, kurią norite keisti, tada
+ spauskite čia.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Dviračiu (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Pėsčiomis (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Dviračiu (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Mašina (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Pėsčiomis (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Mašina (OSRM)
+ directions: Nurodymai
+ distance: Atstumas
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nepavyko rasti maršruto tarp šių dviejų vietų.
+ no_place: Atsiprašome - nerandame tokios vietos.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Tęskite judėjimą
+ slight_right: Dešiniau į
+ turn_right: Sukite dešinėn į
+ sharp_right: Staigus posūkis dešinėn į
+ uturn: Apsisukite
+ sharp_left: Staigus posūkis kairėn į
+ turn_left: Sukite kairėn į
+ slight_left: Kairiau į
+ via_point: (per tašką)
+ follow: Sekite
+ roundabout: Žiede važiuokite iki
+ leave_roundabout: Išvažiuokite iš žiedo -
+ stay_roundabout: Likite žiede -
+ start: Pradėkite pabaigoje
+ destination: Pasieksite kelionės tikslą
+ against_oneway: Važiuokite prieš eismą
+ end_oneway: Vienpusio eismo pabaiga
+ unnamed: (bevardis)
+ courtesy: Nuorodas pateikė %{link}
+ time: Laikas
node: Taškas
way: Kelias
no_results: Nav atrasts neviens rezultāts
more_results: Vairāk rezultātu
- distance:
- one: apmēram 1km
- zero: mazāk nekā 1km
- other: apmēram %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: dienvidrietumi
- south: dienvidi
- south_east: dienvidaustrumi
- east: austrumi
- north_east: ziemeļaustrumi
- north: ziemeļi
- north_west: ziemeļrietumi
- west: rietumi
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
register now: Reģistrēties
with username: 'Jau ir OpenStreetMap lietotājs? Lūdzu autorizējies ar savu lietotājvārdu
un paroli:'
- with openid: 'Alternatīvi, lūdzu lieto savu OpenID, lai autorizētos:'
new to osm: Jauns iekš OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Lai veiktu izmaiņas OpenStreetMap datos, jums jābūt savam kontam.
create account minute: Izveidojiet kontu. Tas aizņem mazāk par minūti.
aktivitātes dēļ.<br />Lūdzu kontaktējies ar <a href="%{webmaster}">tīmekļa
pārzini</a>, ja tu vēlies šo diskutēt.
auth failure: Diemžēl nevarēja ieiet ar šiem datiem
- openid missing provider: Atvaino, nevar sazināties ar tavu OpenID sniedzēju
- openid invalid: Atvaino, šķiet, ka tavs OpenID ir izkropļots
openid_logo_alt: Pieteikties ar OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Pieteikšanās, izmantojot OpenID
- alt: Pieteikties ar OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Pieteikties ar Google
- alt: Pieteikties ar Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Pieteikties ar Yahoo
- alt: Pieteikties ar Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Pieteikties ar Wordpress
- alt: Pieteikties ar Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Pieteikties ar AOL
- alt: Pieteikties ar AOL OpenID
title: Iziet
heading: Iziet no OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Rādāmais vārds:'
display name description: Vārds, kas tiks rādīts publiski. Jūs to vēlāk varēsiet
izmainīt iestatījumos.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Parole:'
confirm password: 'Parole (pārbaudei):'
- use openid: Alternatīvi, lieto %{logo} OpenID, lai autorizētos
- openid no password: Ar OpenID parole nav nepieciešama, bet daži papildus rīki
- vai serveris, joprojām to var pieprasīt.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Tavs OpenID vēl nav savienots ar OpenStreetMap lietotāju.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ja tu esi jauns OpenStreetMap, lūdzu izveido jaunu lietotāju, izmantojot formu zemāk.</li>
- <li>
- Ja tev jau ir lietotājs, tu vari autorizēties savā lietotājā
- ar savu lietotāju un paroli un tad savienot lietotāju
- ar savu OpenID savos lietotāja uzstādījumos.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Reģistrēties
terms accepted: Paldies, ka pieņēmāt jaunos devuma noteikumus!
terms declined: Mums žēl, ka tu izvēlējies nepieņemt jaunos Veidotāju Noteikumus.
new email address: 'Jauna e-pasta adrese:'
email never displayed publicly: (nekad netiek rādīta publiski)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Kas tas ir?
public editing:
varēsi sākt kartēt.
press confirm button: Spied pieņemšanas pogu zemāk, lai aktivizētu savu lietotāju.
button: Apstiprināt
+ success: Jūsu e-pasta adrese ir apstiprināta, paldies par reģistrēšanos!
already active: Šis lietotājs jau ir apstiprināts.
unknown token: Apstiprinājuma kods ir novecojis, nav derīģs vai neeksistē.
reconfirm_html: Ja nepieciešams, lai izsūtam apstiprinājuma e-pastu vēlreiz,
- chair_lift: Клупна жичарница
- drag_lift: Влечна жичарница
+ cable_car: Кабелски трамвај
+ chair_lift: Клупна жичница
+ drag_lift: Влечна жичница
+ gondola: Кабинска жичница
station: Гондолска станица
aerodrome: Аеродром
taxiway: Рулажна патека
terminal: Терминал
+ animal_shelter: Засолниште за животни
arts_centre: Дом на уметности
atm: Банкомат
bank: Банка
bicycle_parking: Велосипедско паркирање
bicycle_rental: Изнајмување велосипеди
biergarten: Пивска градина
+ boat_rental: Изнајмување пловила
brothel: Бордел
bureau_de_change: Менувачница
bus_station: Автобуска станица
car_wash: Автоперална
casino: Казино
charging_station: Напојна станица
+ childcare: Претшколска установа
cinema: Кино
clinic: Клиника
+ clock: Часовник
college: Колеџ
community_centre: Центар на заедница
courthouse: Суд
food_court: Штандови за брза храна
fountain: Фонтана
fuel: Гориво
+ gambling: Коцкање
grave_yard: Гробишта
gym: Теретана / фитнес
health_centre: Здравствен центар
library: Библиотека
market: Пазар
marketplace: Пазар
+ monastery: Манастир
+ motorcycle_parking: Паркиралиште за мотоцикли
nightclub: Ноќен клуб
nursery: Јасли
nursing_home: Старечки дом
office: Канцеларија
parking: Паркинг
+ parking_entrance: Влез на паркиралиште
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Верски објект
police: Полиција
veterinary: Ветеринарна клиника
village_hall: Месна заедница
waste_basket: Корпа за отпадоци
+ waste_disposal: Депонија
youth_centre: Младински центар
administrative: Административна граница
"yes": Мост
"yes": Градба
+ craft:
+ brewery: Пиварница
+ carpenter: Столар
+ electrician: Електричар
+ gardener: Градинар
+ painter: Сликар
+ photographer: Фотограф
+ plumber: Водоводџија
+ shoemaker: Чевлар
+ tailor: Кројач
+ "yes": Занаетчиски дуќан
+ ambulance_station: Итна помош
+ defibrillator: Дефибрилатор
+ landing_site: Место за итно слетување
phone: Итен телефон
+ abandoned: Напуштен автопат
bridleway: Коњски пат
bus_guideway: Автобуски шини
bus_stop: Автобуска постојка
construction: Автопат во изградба
cycleway: Велосипедска патека
+ elevator: Лифт
emergency_access_point: Прва помош
footway: Тротоар
ford: Брод
tertiary: Третостепен пат
tertiary_link: Третостепен пат
track: Полски пат
+ traffic_signals: Сообраќајна сигнализација
trail: Патека
trunk: Магистрала
trunk_link: Магистрала
unclassified: Некласификуван пат
unsurfaced: Неасфалтиран пат
+ "yes": Пат
archaeological_site: Археолошки локалитет
battlefield: Бојно поле
boundary_stone: Граничен камен
- building: Градба
+ building: Историска градба
+ bunker: Бункер
castle: Замок
church: Црква
+ city_gate: Градска порта
citywalls: Градски ѕидини
fort: Утврдување
+ heritage: Културно наследство
house: Куќа
icon: Икона
manor: Велепоседнички дом
memorial: Споменик
mine: Рудник
monument: Споменик
+ roman_road: Римски пат
ruins: Рушевини
+ stone: Камен
tomb: Гроб
tower: Кула
wayside_cross: Крајпатен крст
wayside_shrine: Параклис
wreck: Бродолом
+ junction:
+ "yes": Раскрсница
allotments: Парцели
basin: Котлина
road: Патно подрачје
village_green: Селско зеленило
vineyard: Лозници
+ "yes": Употреба на земјиште
beach_resort: Крајбрежно одморалиште
bird_hide: Набљудувалиште за птици
+ club: Клуб
common: Општествена земја
+ dog_park: Парк за кучиња
fishing: Рибарење
+ fitness_centre: Центар за фитнес
fitness_station: Технички преглед
garden: Градина
golf_course: Голф-терен
+ horse_riding: Јавање
ice_rink: Лизгалиште
marina: Марина
miniature_golf: Миниголф
pitch: Спортски терен
playground: Детско игралиште
recreation_ground: Разонодно место
+ resort: Одморалиште
sauna: Сауна
slipway: Испуст
sports_centre: Спортски центар
swimming_pool: Базен
track: Спортска патека
water_park: Аквапарк
+ "yes": Разонода
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Светилник
+ pipeline: Цевковод
+ tower: Кула
+ works: Фабрика
+ "yes": Вештачки
airfield: Воено слетувалиште
barracks: Касарна
forest: Шума
geyser: Гејзер
glacier: Глечер
+ grassland: Полјана
heath: Голет
hill: Рид
island: Остров
reef: Гребен
ridge: Срт
rock: Карпа
+ saddle: Седло
+ sand: Песок
scree: Сип
scrub: Честак
spring: Извор
wood: Шума
accountant: Сметководител
+ administrative: Администрација
architect: Архитект
company: Фирма
employment_agency: Агенција за вработување
travel_agent: Туристичка агенција
"yes": Канцеларија
+ allotments: Парцели
+ block: Блок
airport: Аеродром
city: Град
country: Земја
town: Град
unincorporated_area: Нездружено подрачје
village: Село
+ "yes": Место
abandoned: Напуштена железничка линија
construction: Железничка линија во изградба
"yes": Дуќан
alpine_hut: Планинска куќарка
+ apartment: Стан
artwork: Уметничко дело
attraction: Атракција
bed_and_breakfast: Полупансион
camp_site: Камп
caravan_site: Автокамп
chalet: Брвнара
+ gallery: Галерија
guest_house: Пансион
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Хотел
wadi: Вади
waterfall: Водопад
weir: Јаз
+ "yes": Воден пат
level2: Државна граница
level4: Покраинска граница
no_results: Не пронајдов ништо
more_results: Повеќе резултати
- distance:
- one: околу 1 км
- zero: помалку од 1 км
- other: околу %{count} км
- direction:
- south_west: југозападно
- south: јужно
- south_east: југоисточно
- east: источно
- north_east: североисточно
- north: северно
- north_west: северозападно
- west: западно
alt_text: Логотип на OpenStreetMap
close: Затвори
search: Пребарај
+ get_directions: Дај насоки
+ get_directions_title: Добијте насоки за движење меѓу две точки
+ from: Од
+ to: До
where_am_i: Каде сум?
where_am_i_title: Опишете ја моменталната местоположба со помош на пребарувачот
- Лека железница
- трамвај
- - клÑ\83пна жиÑ\87аÑ\80ница
- - клÑ\83пна жиÑ\87аÑ\80ниÑ\86а
+ - Ð\9aлÑ\83пна жиÑ\87ница
+ - клупна жичница
- Аеродромска писта
- рулажна патека
register now: Регистрација
with username: 'Веќе имате сметка на OpenStreetMap? Најавете се со корисничкото
име и лозинката:'
- with openid: 'Во друг случај, најавете се со вашиот OpenID:'
new to osm: За новодојденци на OpenStreetMap
to make changes: Мора да имате сметка за да можете да правите измени на податоците
на OpenStreetMap.
/>Обратете се кај <a href="%{webmaster}">раководителот</a> ако сакате да продискутирате
за проблемот.
auth failure: Жалиме, не можевме да ве најавиме со тие податоци.
- openid missing provider: За жал, не можев да се поврзам со вашиот добавувач
- на OpenID
- openid invalid: За жал, вашиот OpenID е погрешно обликуван
openid_logo_alt: Најава со OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Најава со OpenID
- alt: Најава со URL за OpenID
- google:
- title: Најава со Google
- alt: Најава со OpenID од Google
- yahoo:
- title: Најава со Yahoo
- alt: Најава со OpenID од Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Најава со Wordpress
- alt: Најава со OpenID од Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Најава со AOL
- alt: Најава со OpenID од AOL
title: Одјава
heading: Одјава од OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Име за приказ:'
display name description: Вашето јавно прикажано име. Можете да го смените подоцна
во прилагодувањата.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Лозинка:'
confirm password: 'Потврдете ја лозинката:'
- use openid: Во друг случај, најавете се со %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: Со OpenID не ви треба лозинка, но може да ја побараат некои
- дополнителни алатки или опслужувачот.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Вашиот OpenID сè уште не е здружен со сметка на OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ако сте нови на OpenStreetMap, тогаш направете сметка со долунаведениот образец.</li>
- <li>
- Ако веќе имате сметка, можете да се најавите со
- корисничкото име и лозинката, а потоа во корисничките
- нагдувања да ја здружите со вашиот OpenID.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Регистрација
terms accepted: Ви благодариме што ги прифативте новите услови за учество!
terms declined: Жалиме што не се согласувате со новите Услови за учество. Повеќе
new email address: 'Нова е-поштенска адреса:'
email never displayed publicly: (никогаш не се прикажува јавно)
- openid: OpenID
link text: што е ова?
public editing:
press confirm button: Притиснете го копчето за потврда подолу за да ја активирате
button: Потврди
+ success: Вашата сметка е потврдена. Ви благодариме што се регистриравте!
already active: Оваа сметка е веќе потврдена.
unknown token: ПОтврдниот код е истечен или не постои.
reconfirm_html: Ако сакате повторно да ви ја испратиме потврдната порака, <a
comment: Коментирај
edit_help: Поместете ја картата и приближете во местото што сакате да го уредите,
па стиснете тука.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Велосипед (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Пешки (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Велосипед (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Автомобил (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Пешки (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Автомобил (OSRM)
+ directions: Насоки
+ distance: Растојание
+ errors:
+ no_route: Не можев да најдам маршрута помеѓу тие две места.
+ no_place: За жал, не можев да го најдам тоа место.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Продолжи
+ slight_right: Малку надесно во
+ turn_right: Свртете десно во
+ sharp_right: Остро надесно во
+ uturn: Полукружно свртете долж
+ sharp_left: Остро налево во
+ turn_left: Свртете лево во
+ slight_left: Малку налево во
+ via_point: (преку точката)
+ follow: Следи
+ roundabout: На кружниот тек свртете
+ leave_roundabout: Напуштете го кружниот тек —
+ stay_roundabout: Останете на кружниот тек —
+ start: Почнете на крајот од
+ destination: Стигнавте на одредиштето
+ against_oneway: Оди обратно во еднонасочната
+ end_oneway: Крај на еднонасочната
+ unnamed: (неименувано)
+ courtesy: Насоките ги добивте благодарение на %{link}
+ time: Време
node: Јазол
way: Пат
# Author: Singleton
# Author: V.narsikar
# Author: Vibhavari
+# Author: अभय नातू
forest: वन
geyser: उष्ण झरा
glacier: हिमनदी
+ grassland: गवताळ प्रदेश
heath: माळरान
hill: टेकडी
island: बेट
no_results: परिणाम सापडले नाही
more_results: अधिक निकाल
- distance:
- zero: १ कि.मी.हून कमी
- one: सुमारे १ कि.मी.
- other: सुमारे %{count} कि.मी.
- direction:
- south_west: नैऋत्य
- south: दक्षिण
- south_east: आग्नेय
- east: पूर्व
- north_east: ईशान्य
- north: उत्तर
- north_west: वायव्य
- west: पश्चिम
alt_text: ओपनस्ट्रीटमॅप संकेतचित्र
title: खाते संपादा
my settings: माझ्या मांडण्या
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: हे काय आहे?
public editing:
no_results: Tiada hasil carian
more_results: Lebih banyak hasil
- distance:
- one: sekitar 1km
- zero: kurang daripada 1km
- other: sekitar %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: barat daya
- south: selatan
- south_east: tenggara
- east: timur
- north_east: timur laut
- north: utara
- north_west: barat laut
- west: barat
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
register now: Daftar sekarang
with username: 'Sudah ada akaun OpenStreetMap? Sila log masuk dengan nama pengguna
dan kata laluan anda:'
- with openid: 'Ataupun, sila gunakan OpenID anda untuk log masuk:'
new to osm: Baru kenal OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Untuk membuat perubahan pada data OpenStreetMap, anda mesti
mempunyai akaun.
perkara ini.
auth failure: Maaf, log masuk tidak dapat dibenarkan dengan butiran-butiran
- openid missing provider: Maaf, pembekal OpenID anda tidak dapat dihubungi
- openid invalid: Maaf, OpenID anda nampaknya tidak betul formatnya
openid_logo_alt: Log masuk dengan OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Log masuk dengan OpenID
- alt: Log masuk dengan URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Log masuk dengan Google
- alt: Log masuk dengan OpenID Google
- yahoo:
- title: Log masuk dengan Yahoo
- alt: Log masuk dengan OpenID Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Log masuk dengan Wordpress
- alt: Log masuk dengan OpenID Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Log masuk dengan AOL
- alt: Log masuk dengan OpenID AOL
title: Log keluar
heading: Log keluar dari OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nama Paparan:'
display name description: Nama pengguna anda yang dipaparkan kepada awam. Anda
boleh menukarnya dalam keutamaan anda pada bila-bila masa.
- openid: 'OpenID %{logo}:'
password: 'Kata laluan:'
confirm password: 'Sahkan Kata Laluan:'
- use openid: Ataupun gunakan OpenID %{logo} untuk log masuk
- openid no password: Dengan OpenID tidak perlunya kata laluan, tetapi sesetengah
- alat tambahan atau pelayan mungkin masih memerlukannya.
- openid association: |-
- <p>OpenID anda belum dikaitkan dengan akaun OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jika anda pengguna baru OpenStreetMap, sila buka akaun baru dengan mengisi borang di bawah.</li>
- <li>
- Jika anda sudah mempunyai akaun, anda boleh log masuk ke dalam
- akaun anda dengan menggunakan nama pengguna dan kata laluan
- anda, kemudian mengaitkan akaun itu dengan OpenID anda dalam
- tetapan pengguna anda.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Daftar
terms accepted: Terima kasih kerana menerima terma-terma penyumbang yang baru!
terms declined: Kami berasa kesal kerana anda memutuskan untuk tidak menerima
new email address: 'Alamat E-mel Baru:'
email never displayed publicly: (tidak sesekali dipaparkan kepada umum)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: apakah ini?
public editing:
press confirm button: Tekan butang pengesahan di bawah untuk mengaktifkan akaun
button: Sahkan
+ success: Akaun anda telah disahkan. Terima kasih kerana mendaftar!
already active: Akaun ini sudah pun disahkan.
unknown token: Kod pengesahan itu telah tamat tempoh atau tidak wujud.
reconfirm_html: Jika anda perlukan kami untuk mengirim semula e-mel penghantaran,
# Author: Haakon K
# Author: Hansfn
# Author: Janhoy
+# Author: Kingu
# Author: Laaknor
# Author: Nemo bis
# Author: Nghtwlkr
acl: Tilgangskontrolliste
- changeset: Endringssett
+ changeset: Endringsforløp
changeset_tag: Endringssettmerkelapp
country: Land
diary_comment: Dagbokskommentar
edited_by_html: Redigert for <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} siden</abbr> av %{user}
closed_by_html: Lukket for <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} siden</abbr> av %{user}
version: Versjon
- in_changeset: Endringssett
+ in_changeset: Endringsforløp
anonymous: anonym
no_comment: (ingen kommentar)
part_of: Del av
view_details: Vis detaljer
location: 'Posisjon:'
- title: 'Endringssett: %{id}'
+ title: 'Endringsforløp: %{id}'
belongs_to: Forfatter
node: Noder (%{count})
node_paginated: Noder (%{x}-%{y} av %{count})
way_paginated: Strekninger (%{x}-%{y} av %{count})
relation: Forbindelser (%{count})
relation_paginated: Forbindelser (%{x}-%{y} av %{count})
- changesetxml: XML for endringssett
+ comment: Kommentarer (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Skjult kommentar fra %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ siden</abbr>
+ commented_by: Kommentar fra %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} siden</abbr>
+ changesetxml: XML for endringsforløp
osmchangexml: osmChange-XML
- title: Endringssett %{id}
- title_comment: 'Endringssett: %{id} - %{comment}'
+ title: Endringsforløp %{id}
+ title_comment: 'Endringsforløp: %{id} - %{comment}'
+ join_discussion: Logg inn for å delta i diskusjonen
+ discussion: Diskusjon
title: 'Node: %{name}'
history_title: 'Node-historikk: %{name}'
node: node
way: vei
relation: relasjon
- changeset: endringssett
+ changeset: endringsforløp
sorry: Beklager, det tok for lang tid å hente data for %{type} med ID %{id}.
node: node
way: vei
relation: relasjon
- changeset: endringssett
+ changeset: endringsforløp
redaction: Maskering %{id}
message_html: Versjon %{version} av denne %{type} kan ikke vises fordi den er
reopened_by_anonymous: Gjenaktivisert av anonym bruker <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
hidden_by: Skjult av %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} siden</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Forespørselsesfunksjoner
+ introduction: Klikk på kartet for å finne nærliggende trekkplaster.
+ nearby: Nærliggende trekkplaster
+ enclosing: Regionstilhørighet
showing_page: Side %{page}
anonymous: Anonym
no_edits: (ingen redigeringer)
- view_changeset_details: Vis detaljer for endringssett
+ view_changeset_details: Vis detaljert endringsforløp
id: ID
saved_at: Lagret
comment: Kommentar
area: Område
- title: Endringssett
+ title: Endringsforløp
title_user: Endringssett av %{user}
- title_friend: Endringssett av dine venner
+ title_friend: Endringsforløp av dine venner
title_nearby: Endringssett av brukere i nærheten
- empty: Ingen endringssett funnet.
+ empty: Inget endringsforløp funnet.
empty_area: Ingen endringssett i dette området.
empty_user: Ingen endringssett fra denne brukeren.
no_more: Ingen flere endringssett funnet.
load_more: Last inn mer
sorry: Beklager, listen over endringssett som du ba om tok for lang tid å hente.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Openstreetmap endringsforløps-diskusjon
+ title_particular: 'OpenStreetMap endringsforløp #%{changeset_id} diskusjon'
+ comment: Ny kommentar til endringsforløp %{changeset_id} av %{author}
+ commented_at_html: Uppdatert %{when} siden
+ commented_at_by_html: Oppdatert %{when} siden, av %{user}
+ full: Fullstendig diskusjon
title: Ny dagbokoppføring
advice: 'Hvis eksporten over feiler, vær vennlig å vurdere bruk av en av kildene
i listen under:'
body: Dette området er for stort for å bli eksportert som OpenStreetMap XML-data.
- Vennligst zoom inn eller velg et mindre område. Eller du kan bruke en av
- kildene angitt under for nedlasting av bulkdata.
+ Forstørr utvalg eller velg et mindre område. Eller du kan bruke en av kildene
+ angitt under for nedlasting av bulkdata.
title: Planet-OSM
description: Regelmessig oppdaterte kopier av hele OpenStreetMap-databasen
scale: Skala
max: maks
image_size: Bildestørrelse
- zoom: Zoom
+ zoom: Forstørr
add_marker: Legg til en markør på kartet
latitude: 'Bre:'
longitude: 'Len:'
prefix_format: '%{name}'
+ cable_car: Kabelbane
chair_lift: Stolheis
drag_lift: Skitrekk
+ gondola: Gondolheis
station: Fjellheisstasjon
aerodrome: Flyplass
taxiway: Taksebane
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Dyrehospits
arts_centre: Kunstsenter
atm: Minibank
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Sykkelparkering
bicycle_rental: Sykkelutleie
biergarten: Ølhage
+ boat_rental: Båtutleie
brothel: Bordell
bureau_de_change: Vekslingskontor
bus_station: Busstasjon
car_wash: Bilvask
casino: Kasino
charging_station: Ladestasjon
+ childcare: Barnepass
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinikk
+ clock: Klokke
college: Høyskole
community_centre: Samfunnshus
courthouse: Rettsbygning
food_court: Serveringssteder
fountain: Fontene
fuel: Drivstoff
+ gambling: Hasard
grave_yard: Gravlund
gym: Treningssenter
health_centre: Helsesenter
library: Bibliotek
market: Marked
marketplace: Markedsplass
+ monastery: Kloster
+ motorcycle_parking: Motorsykkelparkering
nightclub: Nattklubb
nursery: Førskole
nursing_home: Pleiehjem
office: Kontor
parking: Parkeringsplass
+ parking_entrance: Innkjøring til parkeringsgarasje
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Tilbedelsesplass
police: Politi
veterinary: Veterinærklinikk
village_hall: Forsamlingshus
waste_basket: Søppelkasse
+ waste_disposal: Avfallshåndtering
youth_centre: Ungdomssenter
administrative: Administrativ grense
"yes": Bru
"yes": Bygning
+ craft:
+ brewery: Bryggeri
+ carpenter: Snekker
+ electrician: Elektriker
+ gardener: Gartner
+ painter: Maler
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Rørlegger
+ shoemaker: Skomaker
+ tailor: Skredder
+ "yes": Handtverksbutikk
+ ambulance_station: Ambulansestasjon
+ defibrillator: Hjertestarter
+ landing_site: Nødlandingsplass
phone: Nødtelefon
+ abandoned: Forlatt motorvei
bridleway: Ridevei
bus_guideway: Ledet bussfelt
bus_stop: Busstopp
construction: Motorvei under konstruksjon
cycleway: Sykkelsti
+ elevator: Heis
emergency_access_point: Nødtilgangspunkt
footway: Gangsti
ford: Vadested
tertiary: Tertiær vei
tertiary_link: Lokalvei
track: Sti
+ traffic_signals: Trafikksignalering
trail: Sti
trunk: Hovedvei
trunk_link: Hovedvei
unclassified: Uklassifisert vei
unsurfaced: Vei uten dekke
+ "yes": Vei
archaeological_site: Arkeologisk plass
battlefield: Slagmark
boundary_stone: Grensestein
- building: Bygning
+ building: Historisk bygning
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Slott
church: Kirke
+ city_gate: Byport
citywalls: Bymurer
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Verdensarvssted
house: Hus
icon: Ikon
manor: Herregård
memorial: Minne
mine: Gruve
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Romersk vei
ruins: Ruiner
+ stone: Stein
tomb: Grav
tower: Tårn
wayside_cross: Veikant kors
wayside_shrine: Veikant alter
wreck: Vrak
+ junction:
+ "yes": Korsvei
allotments: Kolonihager
basin: Elveområde
road: Veiområde
village_green: landsbypark
vineyard: Vingård
+ "yes": Urbant område
beach_resort: Strandsted
bird_hide: Fugletårn
+ club: Klubb
common: Allmenning
+ dog_park: Hundepark
fishing: Fiskeområde
+ fitness_centre: Treningssenter
fitness_station: Treningsstudio
garden: Hage
golf_course: Golfbane
+ horse_riding: Ridning
ice_rink: Skøytebane
marina: Båthavn
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Sportsarena
playground: Lekeplass
recreation_ground: Idrettsplass
+ resort: Utfluktssted
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Slipp
sports_centre: Sportssenter
swimming_pool: Svømmebaseng
track: Løpebane
water_park: Vannpark
+ "yes": Fritid
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Fyr
+ pipeline: Rørgate
+ tower: Tårn
+ works: Fabrikk
+ "yes": Menneskeskapt
airfield: Militær flyplass
barracks: Kaserne
forest: Skog
geyser: Geysir
glacier: Isbre
+ grassland: Gresslette
heath: Vidde
hill: Ås
island: Øy
reef: Rev
ridge: Rygg
rock: Stein
+ saddle: Sal
+ sand: Sand
scree: Ur
scrub: Kratt
spring: Kilde
wood: Skog
accountant: Revisor
+ administrative: Administrasjon
architect: Arkitekt
company: Firma
employment_agency: Bemanningsfirma
travel_agent: Reisebyrå
"yes": Kontor
+ allotments: Jordlapper
+ block: Blokk
airport: Flyplass
city: By
country: Land
town: Tettsted
unincorporated_area: Kommunefritt område
village: Landsby
+ "yes": Sted
abandoned: Forlatt jernbane
construction: Jernbane under konstruksjon
"yes": Butikk
alpine_hut: Fjellhytte
+ apartment: Leilighet
artwork: Kunstverk
attraction: Attraksjon
bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
camp_site: Teltplass
caravan_site: Campingplass
chalet: Fjellhytte
+ gallery: Galleri
guest_house: Gjestehus
hostel: Vandrerhjem
hotel: Hotell
wadi: Elveleie
waterfall: Foss
weir: Overløpskant \
+ "yes": Vannvei
level2: Riksgrense
level4: Statsgrense
no_results: Ingen resultat funnet
more_results: Flere resultat
- distance:
- one: omtrent 1 km
- zero: mindre enn 1 km
- other: omtrent %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sørvest
- south: sør
- south_east: sørøst
- east: øst
- north_east: nordøst
- north: nord
- north_west: nordvest
- west: vest
title: OpenStreetMap
Bidragsytere bruker flyfotografier, GPS-enheter og enkle feltkart for å gå god
for at OSM er nøyaktig og oppdatert.
community_driven_title: Fellesskapsdrevet
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ Gemenskapen i OpenStreetMap er mangfoldig, brennende, og den vokser for hver dag som går.
+ I våre rekker kan en finne entusiast-kartografer, GIS-proffer, ingeniører som kjører OSM-tjenere, humanister som kartlegger katestroferammede områder, og flere til.
+ For å lære mer om samholdet, sjekk ut <a href='%{diary_path}'>brukererkjennelser</a>, og <a href=''>OSM-stiftelsens</a> nettside.
open_data_title: Åpne data
open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap er <i>åpne data</i>: Du kan fritt bruke det for
alle formål, så lenge du krediterer OpenStreetMap og dets bidragsytere. Hvis
commented_note: '%{commenter} har reaktivert en kartmerknad som du har kommentert
på. Merknaden er i nærheten av %{place}.'
details: Flere opplysninger om merknaden finner du på %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Heia,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} har kommentert en av dine endringer'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} har kommentert en endring du
+ har vist interesse for'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} har kommentert en av dine endringer som ble
+ opprettet %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} har kommentert en kartendring som du holder
+ oversikten over, opprettet av %{changeset_author} den %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: med kommentaren '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: uten kommentar
+ details: Flere detaljer om endringen finnes på %{url}.
title: Innboks
close: Lukk
search: Søk
+ get_directions: Få veianvisninger
+ get_directions_title: Finn veien mellom to punkter
+ from: Fra
+ to: Til
where_am_i: Hvor er jeg?
where_am_i_title: Bruke søkemotoren til å beskrive gjeldende lokasjon.
submit_text: Gå
register now: Registrer deg nå
with username: 'Har du allerede en OpenStreetMap-konto? Logg inn med brukernavnet
og passordet ditt:'
- with openid: 'Alternativt kan du bruke din OpenID for å logge inn:'
new to osm: Ny på OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: For å gjøre endringer på OpenStreetMap-data, må du ha en konto.
create account minute: Opprett en konto. Det tar bare ett minutt.
aktivitet.<br />Vennligst kontakt <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> hvis
du ønsker å diskutere dette.
auth failure: Beklager, kunne ikke logge inn med den informasjonen
- openid missing provider: Beklager, fikk ikke kontakt med din OpenID-leverandør
- openid invalid: Beklager, din OpenID ser ut til å være dårlig formatert
openid_logo_alt: Logg inn med en OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Logg inn med OpenID
- alt: Logg inn med en OpenID-URL
- google:
- title: Logg inn med Google
- alt: Logg inn med en Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Logg inn med Yahoo
- alt: Logg inn med en Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Logg inn med Wordpress
- alt: Logg inn med en Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Logg inn med AOL
- alt: Logg inn med en AOL OpenID
title: Logg ut
heading: Logg ut fra OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Visningsnavn:'
display name description: Ditt offentlig fremviste brukernavn. Du kan endre
dette senere i innstillingene.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Passord:'
confirm password: 'Bekreft passord:'
- use openid: Alternativt kan du bruke %{logo} OpenID for å logge inn
- openid no password: Med OpenID kreves ikke et passord, men noen ekstraverktøy
- eller en tjener kan fortsatt kreve et.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Din OpenID er ikke tilknyttet en OpenStreetMap-konto ennå.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Hvis du er ny på OpenStreetMap, opprett en ny konto ved hjelp av skjemaet nedenfor.</li>
- <li>
- Hvis du allerede har en konto kan du logge inn på kontoen din
- ved hjelp av brukernavnet og passordet ditt og deretter knytte kontoen
- til din OpenID i brukerinnstillingene.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrer deg
terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok de nye bidragsytervilkårene!
terms declined: Vi beklager at du har besluttet å ikke akseptere de nye bidragsytervilkårene.
new email address: 'Ny e-postadresse:'
email never displayed publicly: ' (vises aldri offentlig)'
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: hva er dette?
public editing:
du begynne å lage kartene.
press confirm button: Klikk bekreftknappen nedenfor for å aktivere kontoen din.
button: Bekreft
+ success: Kontoen din er bekreftet - takk for at du registrerte deg.
already active: Denne kontoen har allerede blitt bekreftet.
unknown token: Denne bekreftelseskoden finnes ikke eller har utløpt.
reconfirm_html: Hvis du trenger at vi sender bekreftelseseposten på nytt, <a
tooltip_disabled: Kartnøkkel bare tilgjengelig for standardlag
- in: Zoom inn
- out: Zoom ut
+ in: Forstørr utvalg
+ out: Forminsk utvalg
title: Vis min posisjon
popup: Du er innenfor {distance} {unit} av dette punktet
donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Gi en donasjon</a>
edit_tooltip: Rediger kartet
- edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom inn for å redigere kartet
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Forstørr utvalg for å redigere kartet
createnote_tooltip: Legg til en merknad på kartet
- createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoom inn for å legge til en merknad på kartet
- map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom inn for å se kartmerknader
- map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom inn for å se kartdata
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Forstørr utvalg for å legge til en merknad på kartet
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Forstørr utvalg for å se kartmerknader
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Forstørr utvalg for å se kartdata
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Forespørselsesfunksjoner
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Forstørr utvalg for å kjøre spørringsfunksjoner
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Kommentar
+ subscribe: Abonner
+ unsubscribe: Avbestill
+ hide_comment: skjul
+ unhide_comment: vis
intro: Oppdaget en feil eller noe som mangler? La andre kartleggere få vite
reactivate: Reaktiver
comment_and_resolve: Kommenter og løs
comment: Kommenter
- edit_help: Flytt kartet og zoom inn på et sted du vil redigere, og klikk så her.
+ edit_help: Flytt kartet og forstørr utvalg til et sted du vil redigere, og klikk
+ så her.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Trøsykket (GrapHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Til fots (GrapHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Trøsykkel (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Bil (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Til fots (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Bil (OSRM)
+ directions: Veianvisninger
+ distance: Avstand
+ errors:
+ no_route: Kunne ikke finne veien mellom de to stedene.
+ no_place: Beklager - kunne ikke finne det stedet.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Fortsett på
+ slight_right: Slak høyre inn mot
+ turn_right: Sving til høyre inn på
+ sharp_right: Krapp høyre inn mot
+ uturn: U-sving langs
+ sharp_left: Krapp venstre inn mot
+ turn_left: Sving til venstre inn på
+ slight_left: Slak venstre inn mot
+ via_point: (via punkt)
+ follow: Følg
+ roundabout: I rundkjøringen, ta av mot
+ leave_roundabout: Forlat rundkjøring -
+ stay_roundabout: Hold deg i rundkjøringen -
+ start: Start på slutten av
+ destination: Nå målet
+ against_oneway: Kjør mot enveiskjøring på
+ end_oneway: Slutten av enveiskjøring på
+ unnamed: (ikke navngitt)
+ courtesy: Veianvisninger gitt av %{link}
+ time: Tid
+ query:
+ node: Node
+ way: Vei
+ relation: Relasjon
+ nothing_found: Ingen treff
+ error: 'Fikk ikke kontakt med tjener %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Tidsavbrudd ved kontakt med tjener %{server}
description: Beskrivelse
# Author: Jochempluim
# Author: Ldp
# Author: M!dgard
+# Author: MatthiasS
# Author: McDutchie
+# Author: MedShot
# Author: Pje335
# Author: Robin0van0der0vliet
# Author: Romaine
taxiway: Taxibaan
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Dierenasiel
arts_centre: Kunstcollectief
atm: Geldautomaat
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Fietsenstalling
bicycle_rental: Fietsverhuur
biergarten: Biertuin
+ boat_rental: Boot Verhuur
brothel: Bordeel
bureau_de_change: Wisselkantoor
bus_station: Busstation
car_wash: Autowasstraat
casino: Casino
charging_station: Laadstation
+ childcare: Kinderopvang
cinema: Bioscoop
clinic: Kliniek
+ clock: Klok
college: Hogeschool
community_centre: Gemeenschapscentrum
courthouse: Rechtbank
food_court: Foodcourt
fountain: Fontein
fuel: Brandstof
+ gambling: Gokken
grave_yard: Begraafplaats
gym: Fitnesscentrum
health_centre: Gezondheidscentrum
library: Bibliotheek
market: Markt
marketplace: Marktplein
+ monastery: Klooster
+ motorcycle_parking: Motorfiets Parkeerplaats
nightclub: Nachtclub
nursery: Peuterspeelzaal
nursing_home: Verpleeghuis
office: Kantoor
parking: Parkeren
+ parking_entrance: Parkeerplaats Ingang
pharmacy: Apotheek
place_of_worship: Religieuze samenkomstplaats
police: Politie
veterinary: Dierenarts
village_hall: Gemeentehuis
waste_basket: Prullenbak
+ waste_disposal: Afval
youth_centre: Jeugdcentrum
administrative: Administratieve grens
"yes": Brug
"yes": Gebouw
+ craft:
+ brewery: Brouwerij
+ carpenter: Timmerman
+ electrician: Elektriciën
+ gardener: Tuinman
+ painter: Schilder
+ photographer: Fotograaf
+ plumber: Loodgieter
+ shoemaker: Schoenmaker
+ tailor: Kleermaker
+ "yes": Ambachts-winkel
+ ambulance_station: Ambulance Post
+ defibrillator: Defibrillator
+ landing_site: Noodlandingsbaan
phone: Noodtelefoon
+ abandoned: Verlaten weg
bridleway: Ruiterpad
bus_guideway: Vrijliggende busbaan
bus_stop: Bushalte
construction: Snelweg in aanbouw
cycleway: Fietspad
+ elevator: Lift
emergency_access_point: Noodafslag
footway: Voetpad
ford: Voorde
tertiary: Tertiaire weg
tertiary_link: Tertiaire weg
track: Pad
+ traffic_signals: Verkeerslichten
trail: Pad
trunk: Autosnelweg
trunk_link: Autoweg
unclassified: Ongeclassificeerde weg
unsurfaced: Onverharde weg
+ "yes": Weg
archaeological_site: Archeologische vindplaats
battlefield: Slagveld
boundary_stone: Grenspaal
- building: Gebouw
+ building: Historisch gebouw
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Kasteel
church: Kerk
+ city_gate: Stadspoort
citywalls: Stadsmuren
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Erfgoed
house: Huis
icon: Pictogram
manor: Landgoed
memorial: Herdenkingsmonument
mine: Mijn
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Romeinse Weg
ruins: Ruïne
+ stone: Steen
tomb: Graf
tower: Toren
wayside_cross: Kruis langs de weg
wayside_shrine: Altaar langs de weg
wreck: Wrak
+ junction:
+ "yes": Splitsing
allotments: Volkstuinen
basin: Waterbekken
road: Weggebied
village_green: Stadsgroen
vineyard: Wijngaard
+ "yes": Landgebruik
beach_resort: Badplaats
bird_hide: Nestplaats
+ club: Club
common: Meent
+ dog_park: Hondenpark
fishing: Visgrond
+ fitness_centre: Fitnesscentrum
fitness_station: Fitnessstation
garden: Tuin
golf_course: Golfbaan
+ horse_riding: Paardrijden
ice_rink: IJsbaan
marina: Jachthaven
miniature_golf: Midgetgolf
pitch: Sportveld
playground: Speelplaats
recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied
+ resort: Resort
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Trailerhelling
sports_centre: Sportcentrum
swimming_pool: Zwembad
track: Atletiekbaan
water_park: Waterspeelpark
+ "yes": Recreatie
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Vuurtoren
+ pipeline: Pijplijn
+ tower: Toren
+ works: Fabriek
+ "yes": Door mensen gemaakt
airfield: Militair vliegveld
barracks: Kazerne
forest: Bos
geyser: Geiser
glacier: Gletsjer
+ grassland: Grasland
heath: Heide
hill: Heuvel
island: Eiland
reef: Rif
ridge: Bergkam
rock: Rotsen
+ saddle: Zadel
+ sand: Zand
scree: Puin
scrub: Struikgewas
spring: Bron
wood: Bos
accountant: Boekhouder
+ administrative: Administratie
architect: Architect
company: Bedrijf
employment_agency: Bureau voor werkgelegenheid
travel_agent: Reisbureau
"yes": Kantoor
+ allotments: Volkstuinen
+ block: Blokkades
airport: Luchthaven
city: Plaats
country: Land
town: Stad
unincorporated_area: Gemeentevrij gebied
village: Dorp
+ "yes": Plaats
abandoned: Vervallen spoorweg
construction: Spoor in aanbouw
"yes": Winkel
alpine_hut: Berghut
+ apartment: Afdeling
artwork: Kunst
attraction: Attractie
bed_and_breakfast: Pension
camp_site: Kampeerterrein
caravan_site: Caravankampeerterrein
chalet: Vakantiehuisje
+ gallery: Gallerij
guest_house: Gastenverblijf
hostel: Jeugdherberg
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Beek
waterfall: Waterval
weir: Stuwdam
+ "yes": Waterweg
level2: Landsgrens
level4: Staatsgrens
no_results: Geen resultaten gevonden
more_results: Meer resultaten
- distance:
- one: ongeveer 1 km.
- zero: minder dan 1 km.
- other: ongeveer %{count} km.
- direction:
- south_west: zuidwest
- south: zuid
- south_east: zuidoost
- east: oost
- north_east: noordoost
- north: noord
- north_west: noordwest
- west: west
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
close: Sluiten
search: Zoeken
+ get_directions: Routebeschrijving
+ get_directions_title: Vind richtingen tussen twee punten
+ from: Van
+ to: Naar
where_am_i: Waar ben ik?
where_am_i_title: De huidige locatie via de zoekmachine beschrijven
submit_text: OK
register now: Nu inschrijven
with username: 'Hebt u al een account bij OpenStreetMap? Meld aan met uw gebruikersnaam
en wachtwoord:'
- with openid: 'U kunt ook aanmelden met uw OpenID:'
new to osm: Is OpenStreetMap nieuw voor u?
to make changes: Om wijzigingen in OpenStreetMap te maken, moet u een gebruiker
activiteit.<br />Neem contact op met de <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
als u deze handeling wilt bespreken.
auth failure: Met deze gegevens kunt u helaas niet aanmelden.
- openid missing provider: We konden helaas geen contact maken met uw OpenID-provider
- openid invalid: Uw OpenID lijkt helaas misvormd te zijn
openid_logo_alt: Aanmelden met een OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Aanmelden met OpenID
- alt: Aanmelden met een OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Aanmelden met Google
- alt: Aanmelden met een Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Aanmelden met Yahoo
- alt: Aanmelden met een Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Aanmelden met Wordpress
- alt: Aanmelden met een Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Aanmelden met AOL
- alt: Aanmelden met een AOL OpenID
title: Afmelden
heading: Afmelden van OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Weergavenaam:'
display name description: Uw openbare gebruikersnaam. U kunt deze later in uw
voorkeuren wijzigen.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Wachtwoord:'
confirm password: 'Wachtwoord bevestigen:'
- use openid: U kunt ook aanmelden met een %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: Met OpenID is een wachtwoord niet verplicht, maar sommige
- extra hulpmiddelen of servers kunnen het nog steeds nodig hebben.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Uw OpenID is nog niet gekoppeld aan een OpenStreetMapgebruiker.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Als u nieuw bent bij OpenStreetMap, maak dan een gebruiker aan met behulp van het onderstaande formulier.</li>
- <li>
- Als u al een gebruiker heeft, kunt u zich aanmelden met uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord
- en daarna uw gebruiker koppelen aan uw OpenID in uw gebruikersinstellingen.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registreren
terms accepted: Dank u wel voor het aanvaarden van de nieuwe bijdragersovereenkomst!
terms declined: We vinden het jammer dat u hebt besloten de nieuwe Bijdragersvoorwaarden
new email address: 'Nieuw e-mailadres:'
email never displayed publicly: (nooit openbaar gemaakt)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: wat is dit?
public editing:
flash update success: De gebruikersinformatie is bijgewerkt.
heading: Controleer uw e-mail
- introduction_1: Wij u een bevestiging per e-mail gestuurd.
+ introduction_1: We hebben u een bevestiging per e-mail gestuurd.
introduction_2: Bevestig uw gebruiker door op de koppeling in de e-mail te klikken
en dan kunt u kaarten gaan maken.
press confirm button: Klik op de knop "Bevestigen" hieronder om uw gebruiker
te activeren.
button: Bevestigen
+ success: De gebruiker is geactiveerd. Dank u wel voor het registreren!
already active: Deze gebruiker is al bevestigd.
unknown token: De opgegeven bevestigingscode is verlopen of bestaat niet.
reconfirm_html: Als nodig, kunt u <a href="%{reconfirm}">de bevestigingscode
comment: Reageren
edit_help: Verplaats de kaar en zoom in op een plaats die u wilt bewerken. Klik
er daarna op.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Fiets (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Voet (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Fiets (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Auto (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Voet (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Auto (OSRM)
+ directions: Routebeschrijving
+ distance: Afstand
+ errors:
+ no_route: Kon geen route vinden tussen deze twee plaatsen.
+ no_place: Sorry - kon deze plaats niet vinden.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Verder op
+ slight_right: Flauwe bocht naar rechts
+ turn_right: Sla rechtsaf naar de
+ sharp_right: Scherp rechtsaf naar de
+ uturn: U-bocht langs
+ sharp_left: Scherp linksaf naar de
+ turn_left: Sla linksaf naar
+ slight_left: Flauwe bocht naar links
+ via_point: ("via-punt")
+ follow: Volg
+ roundabout: Op de rotonde neem
+ leave_roundabout: Verlaat de rotonde -
+ stay_roundabout: Blijf op de rotonde -
+ start: Start op het einde van het
+ destination: Bestemming bereikt
+ end_oneway: Einde van eenrichtingsweg op
+ unnamed: (naamloos)
+ courtesy: Routebeschrijving met dank aan %{link}
+ time: Tijd
node: Node
way: Weg
no_results: Ingen resultat funne
more_results: Fleire resultat
- distance:
- one: omtrent 1 km
- zero: mindre enn 1 km
- other: omtrent %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sørvest
- south: sør
- south_east: søraust
- east: aust
- north_east: nordaust
- north: nord
- north_west: nordvest
- west: vest
title: OpenStreetMap
register now: Registrer deg no
with username: 'Har du allereie ein OpenStreetMap-konto? Logg inn med brukernavnet
og passordet ditt:'
- with openid: 'Alternativt kan du bruke din OpenID for å logge inn:'
new to osm: Ny på OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: For å gjere endringar på OpenStreetMap-data, må du ha ein konto.
create account minute: Opprett ein konto. Det tek berre eitt minutt.
aktivitet.<br />Vennligst kontakt <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> viss
du ynskjer å diskutere dette.
auth failure: Beklagar, kunne ikkje logge inn med den informasjonen
- openid missing provider: Beklagar, fekk ikkje kontakt med din OpenID-leverandør
- openid invalid: Beklagar, din OpenID ser ut til å vere dårleg formatert
openid_logo_alt: Logg inn med ein OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Logg inn med OpenID
- alt: Logg inn med ein OpenID-URL
- google:
- title: Logg inn med Google
- alt: Logg inn med ein Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Logg inn med Yahoo
- alt: Logg inn med ein Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Logg inn med Wordpress
- alt: Logg inn med ein Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Logg inn med AOL
- alt: Logg inn med ein AOL OpenID
title: Logg ut
heading: Logg ut frå OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Visningsnavn:'
display name description: Ditt offentleg framviste brukernavn. Du kan endre
dette seinare i innstellingane.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Passord:'
confirm password: 'Stadfest passord:'
- use openid: Alternativt kan du bruke %{logo} OpenID for å logge inn
- openid no password: Med OpenID vert ikkje kravd eit passord, men nokon ekstraverktøy
- eller ein tenar kan enno krevje eit.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Din OpenID er ikkje tilknytta ein OpenStreetMap-konto enno.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Viss du er ny på OpenStreetMap, opprett ein ny konto ved hjelp av skjemaet nedanfor.</li>
- <li>
- Viss du allereie har ein konto kan du logge inn på kontoen din
- ved hjelp av brukarnamnet og passordet ditt og deretter knyte kontoen
- til din OpenID i brukarinnstillingane.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Hald fram
terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok dei nye bidragsytervilkårene!
terms declined: Me beklagar at du har vedteke å ikkje akseptere dei nye bidragsytervilkårene.
new email address: 'Ny e-postadresse:'
email never displayed publicly: ' (vis aldri offentleg)'
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: kva er dette?
public editing:
heading: Stadfest ein brukerkonto
press confirm button: Klikk bekreftknappen nedanfor for å aktivare kontoen din.
button: Stadfest
+ success: Kontoen din er stadfesta - takk for at du registrerte deg.
already active: Denne kontoen har allereie stadfesta.
unknown token: Den koda ser ikkje ut til å eksistere.
way_paginated: Camins (%{x} a %{y} sus %{count})
relation: Relacions (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relacions (%{x} a %{y} sus %{count})
+ comment: Comentaris (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Comentari amagat de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>i
+ a %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comentari de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>i a %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: Grop de modificacions XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
title: Grop de modificacions %{id}
title_comment: Grop de modificacions %{id} – %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Se connectar per rejónher la discussion
+ discussion: Discussion
title: 'Nosèl : %{name}'
history_title: 'Istoric del nosèl : %{name}'
reopened_by: Reactivat per %{user} fa <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
reopened_by_anonymous: Reactivat per un utilizaire anonim fa <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
hidden_by: Amagat per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>fa %{when}</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Requèsta suls objèctes
+ introduction: Clicar sus la mapa per trobar los objèctes a proximitat.
+ nearby: Objèctes a proximitat
+ enclosing: Objèctes englobants
showing_page: Pagina %{page}
sorry: O planhèm, la lista dels gropes de modificacions qu'avètz demandada met
tròp de temps per èsser recuperada.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Discussion sul grop de modificacions OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: Discussion sul grop de modificacions OpenStreetMap nº %{changeset_id}
+ comment: Comentari novèl sul grop de modificacions nº %{changeset_id} per %{author}
+ commented_at_html: Mes a jorn fa %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Mes a jorn fa %{when} per %{user}
+ full: Discussion completa
title: Novèla entrada del jornal
+ cable_car: Teleferic
chair_lift: Telesèti
drag_lift: Telesquí
+ gondola: Telecabina
station: Gara de telecabina
aerodrome: Aerodròm
taxiway: Via de manòbra
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Refugi per animals
arts_centre: Centre artistic
atm: Distribuidor automatic de bilhets
bank: Banca
bicycle_parking: Parcatge per bicicletas
bicycle_rental: Logason de bicicletas
biergarten: Braçariá a l’aire liure
+ boat_rental: Logason de vaissèls
brothel: Bordèl
bureau_de_change: Burèu de cambi
bus_station: Arrèst de bus
charging_station: Estacion de recarga
cinema: Cinèma
clinic: Clinica
+ clock: Relòtge
college: Collègi
community_centre: Sala polivalenta
courthouse: Palais de justícia
food_court: Airal de restauracion
fountain: Font
fuel: Carburant
+ gambling: Jòcs d'azard
grave_yard: Cementèri
gym: Fitness /gimnastica
health_centre: Centre de santat
library: Bibliotèca
market: Mercat
marketplace: Plaça del mercat
+ monastery: Mostièr
nightclub: Discotèca
nursery: Grépia
nursing_home: Ostal de santat
"yes": Pont
"yes": Bastiment
+ craft:
+ carpenter: Fustièr
+ electrician: Electrician
+ gardener: Jardinièr
+ painter: Pintre
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Plombièr
+ shoemaker: Sabatièr
+ "yes": Botiga d'artesanat
phone: Telefòn d'urgéncia
archaeological_site: Site arqueologic
battlefield: Camp de batalha
boundary_stone: Bòrna frontièra
- building: Bastiment
+ building: Bastiment istoric
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Castèl
church: Glèisa
citywalls: Muralhas de la vila
no_results: Cap de resultat es pas estat trobat
more_results: Mai de resultats
- distance:
- one: environ 1 km
- zero: mens d'1 km
- other: environ %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sud-oèst
- south: sud
- south_east: sud-èst
- east: èst
- north_east: nòrd-èst
- north: nòrd
- north_west: nòrd-oèst
- west: oèst
alt_text: Lògo d'OpenStreetMap
lost password link: Avètz perdut vòstre senhal ?
login_button: Se connectar
register now: S'inscriure ara
- with openid: 'Tanben podètz utilizar OpenID per vos connectar :'
new to osm: Novèl sus OpenStreetMap ?
to make changes: Per aportar de modificacions a las donadas OpenStreetMap, vos
cal possedir un compte.
no account: Avètz pas de compte ?
auth failure: O planhèm, mas las informacions provesidas an pas permés de vos
- openid missing provider: O planhèm, impossible de contactar vòstre provesidor
- OpenID
- openid invalid: O planhèm, vòstre OpenID sembla malformat
openid_logo_alt: Se connectar amb un OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Connexion amb OpenID
- alt: Connexion amb una URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Connexion amb Google
- alt: Connexion amb un OpenID Google
- yahoo:
- title: Connexion amb Yahoo
- alt: Connexion amb un OpenID Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Connexion amb Wordpress
- alt: Connexion amb un OpenID Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Connexion amb AOL
- alt: Connexion amb un OpenID AOL
title: Desconnexion
heading: Desconnexion d'OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nom afichat :'
display name description: Vòstre nom d'utilizaire afichat publicament. Podètz
cambiar aquò ulteriorament dins las preferéncias.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID :'
password: 'Senhal :'
confirm password: 'Confirmatz lo senhal :'
- use openid: Tanben podètz utilizar %{logo} OpenID per vos identificar
continue: S’inscriure
terms accepted: Mercé d’aver acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor !
new email address: 'Novèla adreça de corrièr electronic :'
email never displayed publicly: (pas jamai afichat publicament)
- openid: 'OpenID :'
link text: qu’es aquò ?
public editing:
no_results: ਕੋਈ ਨਤੀਜੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੇ
more_results: ਹੋਰ ਨਤੀਜੇ
- direction:
- south_west: ਦੱਖਣ-ਪੱਛਮ
- south: ਦੱਖਣ
- south_east: ਦੱਖਣ-ਪੂਰਬ
- east: ਪੂਰਬ
- north_east: ਉੱਤਰ-ਪੂਰਬ
- north: ਉੱਤਰ
- north_west: ਉੱਤਰ-ਪੱਛਮ
- west: ਪੱਛਮ
alt_text: ਓਪਨਸਟਰੀਟਮੈਪ ਲੋਗੋ
# Author: Chrumps
# Author: Cysioland
# Author: Dalis
+# Author: Dammat
# Author: Darellur
# Author: Debeet
# Author: Deejay1
# Author: Ireun
# Author: Kaligula
# Author: Kocio
+# Author: Maraf24
# Author: Nemo bis
# Author: Odie2
# Author: Pio387
+ cable_car: Kolejka linowa
chair_lift: Wyciąg krzesełkowy
drag_lift: Wyciąg orczykowy
+ gondola: Kolej gondolowa
station: Stacja wyciągu krzesełkowego
aerodrome: Lotnisko
taxiway: Droga kołowania
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Schronisko dla zwierząt
arts_centre: Centrum sztuki
atm: Bankomat
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Parking rowerowy
bicycle_rental: Wypożyczalnia rowerów
biergarten: Ogródek piwny
+ boat_rental: Wypożyczalnia łodzi
brothel: Dom publiczny
bureau_de_change: Kantor
bus_station: Stacja autobusowa
car_wash: Myjnia samochodowa
casino: Kasyno
charging_station: Stacja paliw
+ childcare: Opieka nad dziećmi
cinema: Kino
clinic: Przychodnia
+ clock: Zegar
college: Uczelnia
community_centre: Centrum społeczności
courthouse: Sąd
food_court: Targ z żywnością
fountain: Fontanna
fuel: Stacja benzynowa
+ gambling: Hazard
grave_yard: Mniejszy cmentarz
gym: Centrum Fitness / Sala Gimnastyczna
health_centre: Ośrodek zdrowia
library: Biblioteka
market: Targowisko
marketplace: Plac targowy
+ monastery: Klasztor
+ motorcycle_parking: Parking dla motocykli
nightclub: Klub nocny
nursery: Żłobek
nursing_home: Dom opieki
office: Biuro
parking: Parking
+ parking_entrance: Wjazd na parking
pharmacy: Apteka
place_of_worship: Miejsce kultu
- police: Posterunek policji
+ police: Policja
post_box: Skrzynka pocztowa
post_office: Poczta
preschool: Przedszkole
reception_area: Recepcja
recycling: Miejsce recyklingu
restaurant: Restauracja
- retirement_home: Dom starców
+ retirement_home: Dom seniora
sauna: Sauna
school: Szkoła
shelter: Schron
townhall: Urząd miejski
university: Uniwersytet
vending_machine: Automat do sprzedaży
- veterinary: Chirurgia weterynaryjna
+ veterinary: Weterynarz
village_hall: Urząd gminy
waste_basket: Kosz na śmieci
+ waste_disposal: Kosz na śmieci
youth_centre: Centrum młodzieżowe
administrative: Granica administracyjna
- census: Granica spisu
+ census: Granica spisu ludności
national_park: Park Narodowy
protected_area: Obszar chroniony
"yes": Most
"yes": Budynek
+ craft:
+ brewery: Browar
+ carpenter: Stolarz
+ electrician: Elektryk
+ gardener: Ogrodnik
+ painter: Malarz
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Hydraulik
+ shoemaker: Szewc
+ tailor: Krawiec
+ "yes": Warsztat
+ ambulance_station: Stacja pogotowia ratunkowego
+ defibrillator: Defibrylator
+ landing_site: Miejsce awaryjnego lądowania
phone: Telefon alarmowy
+ abandoned: Porzucona droga
bridleway: Droga dla koni
bus_guideway: Droga dla autobusów
bus_stop: Przystanek autobusowy
- construction: Droga budowana
+ construction: Droga w trakcie budowy
cycleway: Ścieżka rowerowa
+ elevator: Winda
emergency_access_point: Punkt awaryjny
footway: Chodnik
ford: Bród
motorway_link: Autostrada – dojazd
path: Ścieżka
pedestrian: Droga dla pieszych
- platform: Podwyższenie
+ platform: Miejsce oczekiwania dla pasażerów
primary: Droga pierwszorzędna (krajowa)
primary_link: Droga pierwszorzędna – dojazd
proposed: Droga planowana
steps: Schody
street_lamp: Lampa uliczna
tertiary: Droga trzeciorzędna
- tertiary_link: Droga trzeciorzędna
- track: Droga gruntowa
+ tertiary_link: Droga trzeciorzędna - łącznik
+ track: Droga polna lub leśna
+ traffic_signals: Sygnalizacja świetlna
trail: Szlak
- trunk: Droga ekspresowa
- trunk_link: Droga ekspresowa – dojazd
+ trunk: Droga szybkiego ruchu
+ trunk_link: Droga szybkiego ruchu – dojazd
unclassified: Droga czwartorzędna
unsurfaced: Droga nieutwardzona
+ "yes": Droga
archaeological_site: Wykopaliska archeologiczne
battlefield: Miejsce historycznej bitwy
boundary_stone: Graniczny głaz
- building: Budynek
+ building: Budynek historyczny
+ bunker: Bunkier
castle: Zamek
church: Kościół
+ city_gate: Brama miasta
citywalls: Mury miejskie
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Miejsce dziedzictwa
house: Dom
icon: Ikona
manor: Dwór
memorial: Mniejszy pomnik
mine: Kopalnia
monument: Pomnik
+ roman_road: Droga rzymska
ruins: Ruiny
+ stone: Kamień
tomb: Grób
tower: Wieża
wayside_cross: Przydrożny krzyż
wayside_shrine: Przydrożna kaplica
wreck: Wrak
+ junction:
+ "yes": Funkcja
allotments: Ogródki działkowe
basin: Dorzecze
orchard: Sad
quarry: Kamieniołom
railway: Teren kolejowy
- recreation_ground: Ziemia rekreacyjna
+ recreation_ground: Teren rekreacyjny
reservoir: Sztuczny zbiornik wodny
reservoir_watershed: Zbiornik wodny
residential: Zabudowa mieszkalna
road: Obszar drogowy
village_green: Nawsie
vineyard: Winnica
+ "yes": Przeznaczenie terenu
beach_resort: Strzeżona plaża
bird_hide: Ukryj ptaki
+ club: Klub
common: Błonie
+ dog_park: Park dla psów
fishing: Łowisko
+ fitness_centre: Centrum Fitness
fitness_station: Fitness
garden: Ogród
golf_course: Pole golfowe
+ horse_riding: Jazda konna
ice_rink: Lodowisko
marina: Marina
miniature_golf: Pole do miniaturowego golfa
- nature_reserve: Rezerwat naturalny
+ nature_reserve: Rezerwat przyrody
park: Park
pitch: Boisko sportowe
playground: Plac zabaw
recreation_ground: Pole rekreacyjne
+ resort: Ośrodek wypoczynkowy
sauna: Sauna
slipway: Pochylnia
sports_centre: Centrum sportowe
swimming_pool: Basen
track: Bieżnia
water_park: Park wodny
+ "yes": Rekreacja
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Latarnia morska
+ pipeline: Rurociąg
+ tower: Wieża
+ works: Fabryka
+ "yes": Sztuczny
airfield: Lotnisko wojskowe
barracks: Koszary
forest: Las
geyser: Gejzer
glacier: Lodowiec
+ grassland: Łąka
heath: Wrzosowisko
hill: Wzgórze
island: Wyspa
reef: Rafa
ridge: Grzbiet
rock: Skała
- scree: Zsypisko
+ saddle: Przełęcz
+ sand: Piasek
+ scree: Piarg
scrub: Zagajnik
spring: Źródło
stone: Kamieniołom
wood: Puszcza
accountant: Księgowy
+ administrative: Administracja
architect: Architekt
company: Przedsiębiorstwo
employment_agency: Urząd pracy
travel_agent: Biuro podróży
"yes": Biuro
+ allotments: Ogródki działkowe
+ block: Blok
airport: Lotnisko
city: Miasto
country: Kraj
houses: Zabudowanie
island: Wyspa
islet: Wysepka
- isolated_dwelling: Oddzielny dom-gospodarstwo
- locality: Rejon
- moor: Torfowisko
+ isolated_dwelling: Pojedynczy dom-gospodarstwo
+ locality: Miejsce niezaludnione
+ moor: Wrzosowisko
municipality: Gmina
neighbourhood: Sąsiedztwo
postcode: Kod pocztowy
town: Miasteczko
unincorporated_area: Obszar poza miejscowościami
village: Wieś
+ "yes": Miejsce
abandoned: Dawna linia kolejowa
construction: Budowana linia kolejowa
- disused: Nieczynna trasa kolejowa
- disused_station: Nieużywana stacja kolejowa
+ disused: Nieczynna linia kolejowa
+ disused_station: Nieczynna stacja kolejowa
funicular: Kolejka linowa
halt: Przystanek kolejowy
historic_station: Historyczna stacja kolejowa
narrow_gauge: Kolej wąskotorowa
platform: Peron
preserved: Kolej zabytkowa
- proposed: Planowana trasa kolejowa
+ proposed: Planowana linia kolejowa
spur: Bocznica kolejowa
station: Stacja kolejowa
stop: Przystanek kolejowy
"yes": Sklep
alpine_hut: Chata alpejska
+ apartment: Mieszkanie
artwork: Sztuka
attraction: Atrakcja turystyczna
bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
camp_site: Kemping
caravan_site: Miejsce na przyczepę campingową
chalet: Schronisko
+ gallery: Galeria
guest_house: Pensjonat
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Starorzecze
waterfall: Wodospad
weir: Jaz
+ "yes": Szlak wodny
level2: Granica kraju
level4: 'Granica:'
no_results: Nie znaleziono
more_results: Więcej wyników
- distance:
- one: ok. 1km
- zero: mniej niż 1km
- other: około %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: na południowy zachód
- south: na południe
- south_east: na południowy wschód
- east: na wschód
- north_east: na północny wschód
- north: na północ
- north_west: na północny zachód
- west: na zachód
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
close: Zamknij
search: Szukaj
+ get_directions: Wyznacz trasę
+ get_directions_title: Znajdź trasę pomiędzy dwoma punktami
+ from: Początek
+ to: Koniec
where_am_i: Gdzie jestem?
where_am_i_title: Określ obecną lokalizację przy użyciu wyszukiwarki
submit_text: →
motorway: Autostrada
- trunk: Droga ekspresowa
+ trunk: Droga szybkiego ruchu
primary: Droga pierwszorzędna
secondary: Droga drugorzędna
unclassified: Drogi niesklasyfikowane
private: Wstęp prywatny
permissive: Możliwy wstęp
destination: Dostęp do punktu docelowego
- construction: Drogi w budowie
+ construction: Drogi w budowie / planowane
edit: Edytuj
preview: Podgląd
register now: Zarejestruj się
with username: 'Masz już konto w OpenStreetMap? Zaloguj się podając nazwę użytkownika
i hasło:'
- with openid: 'Możesz do zalogowania się użyć również OpenID:'
new to osm: Nowy na OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Aby wprowadzać zmiany w OpenStreetMap, musisz mieć konto.
create account minute: Utwórz konto. To zajmuje tylko minutę.
aktywność.<br />Skontaktuj się z <a href="%{webmaster}">webmasterem</a>, jeśli
chcesz przedyskutować blokadę.
auth failure: Niestety, podane dane nie pozwoliły na zalogowanie.
- openid missing provider: Niestety kontakt z dostawcą OpenID jest niemożliwy
- openid invalid: Niestety Twój OpenID wydaje się być nieprawidłowy
openid_logo_alt: Zaloguj używając OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Zaloguj używając OpenID
- alt: Zaloguj używając adresu URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Zaloguj używając Google
- alt: Zaloguj używając Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Zaloguj używając Yahoo
- alt: Zaloguj używając Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Zaloguj używając Wordpress
- alt: Zaloguj używając Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Zaloguj używając AOL
- alt: Zaloguj używając AOL OpenID
title: Wyloguj
heading: Wyloguj z OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Przyjazna nazwa:'
display name description: Twoja publiczna nazwa użytkownika. Można ją później
zmienić w ustawieniach.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: Hasło
confirm password: 'Potwierdzenie hasła:'
- use openid: Ewentualnie użyj %{logo} OpenID do zalogowania
- openid no password: Jeśli korzystasz z OpenID hasło nie jest wymagane, jednak
- niektóre dodatkowe narzędzia lub serwer mogą go potrzebować.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Twoje konto OpenID nie jest jeszcze skojarzone z kontem OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Jeśli jesteś nowym użytkownikiem OpenStreetMap, utwórz nowe konto, korzystając z poniższego formularza.</li>
- <li>Jeśli masz już konto, możesz zalogować się na nie przy użyciu nazwy użytkownika i hasła, a następnie skojarzyć je z kontem OpenID w ustawieniach użytkownika.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Zarejestruj się
terms accepted: Dziękujemy za przyjęcie nowych Warunków uczestnictwa!
terms declined: Jest nam przykro, że zdecydowałeś się nie przyjmować nowych
new email address: 'Nowy adres e-mail:'
email never displayed publicly: (nie jest wyświetlany publicznie)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: co to jest?
public editing:
press confirm button: Użyj poniższego przycisku aby aktywować Twoje konto.
button: Potwierdzam
+ success: Twoje konto zostało zatwierdzone, cieszymy się że do nas dołączyłeś!
already active: To konto zostało potwierdzone.
unknown token: Ten kod potwierdzający wygasł lub nie istnieje.
reconfirm_html: Możesz ponownie przesłać wiadomość z potwierdzeniem <a href="%{reconfirm}">klikając
include_marker: Dołącz pinezkę
center_marker: Wyśrodkuj mapę na znaczniku
paste_html: Wklej podany kod HTML do swojej strony
- view_larger_map: Większy widok mapy
+ view_larger_map: Wyświetl większą mapę
title: Legenda
tooltip: Legenda
comment: Dodaj komentarz
edit_help: Przesuń mapę i powiększ miejsce, które chcesz edytować, a następnie
kliknij tutaj.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Rower (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Pieszo (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Rower (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Samochód (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Pieszo (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Samochód (OSRM)
+ directions: Opis trasy
+ distance: Odległość
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nie udało się wyznaczyć trasy pomiędzy tymi dwoma punktami.
+ no_place: Przykro mi - nie udało się odnaleźć tego miejsca.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Kontynuuj drogą
+ slight_right: Skręć lekko w prawo na drogę
+ turn_right: Skręć w prawo na drogę
+ sharp_right: Skręć ostro w prawo na drogę
+ uturn: Zawróć wzdłuż
+ sharp_left: Skręć ostro w lewo na drogę
+ turn_left: Skręć w lewo na drogę
+ slight_left: Skręć lekko w lewo na drogę
+ via_point: (przez punkt)
+ follow: Podążaj
+ roundabout: Na rondzie zjedź
+ leave_roundabout: Opuść rondo
+ stay_roundabout: Pozostań na rondzie -
+ start: Pośredni punkt docelowy na drodze
+ destination: Cel został osiągnięty
+ against_oneway: Podążaj przeciwnie do kierunku drogi jednokierunkowej na drodze
+ end_oneway: Koniec jednokierunkowej na drodze
+ unnamed: (bez nazwy)
+ courtesy: Wyznaczanie trasy dzięki uprzejmości %{link}
+ time: Czas
node: Węzeł
way: Linia
no_results: Nenhum resultado encontrado
more_results: Mais resultados
- distance:
- one: a cerca de 1km
- zero: a menos de 1km
- other: a cerca de %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: sudoeste
- south: sul
- south_east: sudeste
- east: leste
- north_east: nordeste
- north: norte
- north_west: noroeste
- west: oeste
title: OpenStreetMap
register now: Registre agora
with username: 'Já tem uma conta no OpenStreetMap? Então por favor faça o login
com seu nome de usuário e senha:'
- with openid: 'Alternativamente use seu OpenID para conectar:'
new to osm: Primeira vez no OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Para fazer alterações nos dados do OpenStreetMap, você precisa
criar uma conta.
suspeitas.<br />Por favor contate o <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> se
você deseja discutir isto.
auth failure: Desculpe, impossível entrar com estas informações.
- openid missing provider: Desculpe, não consegui contatar o seu provedor OpenID
- openid invalid: Desculpe, mas parece que seu OpenID está malformado.
openid_logo_alt: Faça o login com um OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Login com OpenID
- alt: Login com uma URL do OpenID
- google:
- title: Login com Google
- alt: Login como uma OpenID do Google
- yahoo:
- title: Login com Yahoo
- alt: Login como uma OpenID do Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Login com Wordpress
- alt: Login com um OpenID do Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Login com AOL
- alt: Login com uma OpenID da AOL
title: Sair
heading: Sair do OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Nome para exibição:'
display name description: Seu nome de usuário disponível publicamente. Você
pode mudá-lo posteriormente nas preferências.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Senha:'
confirm password: 'Confirmar senha:'
- use openid: Alternativamente, use o %{logo} OpenID para fazer o login
- openid no password: Com o OpenID você não precisa de uma senha, mas algumas
- ferramentas extras talvez precisem de uma.
- openid association: |-
- <p>O seu OpenID ainda não está associado a uma conta do OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Se você é novo no OpenStreetMap, por favor crie uma conta usando o formulário abaixo.</li>
- <li>
- Se você já tem uma conta, você pode fazer o login em sua conta
- usando seu nome de usuário e senha, e então associar este conta
- com seu OpenID nas configurações do usuário.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Registrar-se
terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitar os novos termos de contribuição!
terms declined: Lamentamos que você tenha decidido não aceitar os novos Termos
new email address: 'Novo endereço de e-mail:'
email never displayed publicly: (nunca mostrado publicamente)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: o que é isto?
public editing:
press confirm button: Pressione o botão de confirmação abaixo para ativar sua
button: Confirmar
+ success: Conta ativada, obrigado!
already active: Esse conta já foi confirmada.
unknown token: Esse código de confirmação expirou ou não existe.
reconfirm_html: Caso você precisar de nós para reenviar o e-mail de confirmação,
--- /dev/null
+# Messages for Portuguese (português)
+# Exported from
+# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Crazymadlover
+# Author: FranciscoDS
+# Author: Giro720
+# Author: Gmare
+# Author: Hamilton Abreu
+# Author: Imperadeiro90
+# Author: Imperadeiro98
+# Author: Indech
+# Author: JasonZe
+# Author: Jgpacker
+# Author: Jgrocha
+# Author: Luckas
+# Author: Malafaya
+# Author: McDutchie
+# Author: Nemo bis
+# Author: Rsbarbosa
+# Author: Ruben
+# Author: Ruila
+# Author: SandroHc
+# Author: ViriatoLusitano
+# Author: Vitorvicentevalente
+# Author: Waldir
+ time:
+ formats:
+ friendly: '%e %B %Y às %H:%M'
+ activerecord:
+ models:
+ acl: Aceder à Lista de Controlo
+ changeset: Conjunto de alterações
+ changeset_tag: Etiqueta do conjunto de alterações
+ country: País
+ diary_comment: Comentário no Diário
+ diary_entry: Entrada de diário
+ friend: Amigo
+ language: Idioma
+ message: Mensagem
+ node: Nó
+ node_tag: Etiqueta do Nó
+ notifier: Notificador
+ old_node: Nó antigo
+ old_node_tag: Etiqueta do Nó antigo
+ old_relation: Relação Antiga
+ old_relation_member: Membro da Relação Antiga
+ old_relation_tag: Etiqueta da Relação Antiga
+ old_way: Linha antiga
+ old_way_node: Nó de linha antiga
+ old_way_tag: Etiqueta da linha antiga
+ relation: Relação
+ relation_member: Membros da relação
+ relation_tag: Etiqueta da relação
+ session: Sessão
+ trace: Trilho
+ tracepoint: Ponto do Trilho
+ tracetag: Etiqueta do Trilho
+ user: Utilizador
+ user_preference: Preferências do utilizador
+ user_token: Token do Utilizador
+ way: Linha
+ way_node: Nó da linha
+ way_tag: Etiqueta da Linha
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: Conteúdo
+ diary_entry:
+ user: Utilizador
+ title: Assunto
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ language: Língua
+ friend:
+ user: Utilizador
+ friend: Amigo
+ trace:
+ user: Utilizador
+ visible: Visível
+ name: Nome
+ size: Tamanho
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ public: Público
+ description: Descrição
+ message:
+ sender: Remetente
+ title: Assunto
+ body: Conteúdo
+ recipient: Destinatário
+ user:
+ email: E-mail
+ active: Ativo
+ display_name: Nome visualizado
+ description: Descrição
+ languages: Línguas
+ pass_crypt: Palavra-passe
+ editor:
+ default: Padrão (atualmente %{name})
+ potlatch:
+ name: Potlatch 1
+ description: Potlatch 1
+ id:
+ name: iD
+ description: iD (editor no navegador)
+ potlatch2:
+ name: Potlatch 2
+ description: Potlatch 2 (editor no navegador)
+ remote:
+ name: Controlo Remoto
+ description: Controlo Remoto (JOSM ou Merkaartor)
+ browse:
+ created: Criado
+ closed: Fechado
+ created_html: Criado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr>
+ closed_html: Fechado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr>
+ created_by_html: Criado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr> por %{user}
+ deleted_by_html: Eliminado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr> por
+ %{user}
+ edited_by_html: Editado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr> por %{user}
+ closed_by_html: Fechado há <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} atrás</abbr> por %{user}
+ version: Versão
+ in_changeset: Conjunto de alterações
+ anonymous: anónimo
+ no_comment: (sem comentário)
+ part_of: Faz parte de
+ download_xml: Descarregar XML
+ view_history: Ver Histórico
+ view_details: Ver Detalhes
+ location: 'Localização:'
+ changeset:
+ title: 'Conjunto de alterações: %{id}'
+ belongs_to: Autor
+ node: Nós (%{count})
+ node_paginated: Nós (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
+ way: Linhas (%{count})
+ way_paginated: Linhas (%{x}-%{y} de %{count})
+ relation: Relações (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: Relações (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
+ comment: Comentários (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Comentário oculto de %{user} hà <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ atrás</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comentário de %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ changesetxml: Conjunto de alterações XML
+ osmchangexml: XML no formato osmChange
+ feed:
+ title: Conjunto de alterações %{id}
+ title_comment: Conjunto de alterações %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Inicie sessão para se juntar à discussão
+ discussion: Discussão
+ node:
+ title: 'Nó: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Histórico do Nó: %{name}'
+ way:
+ title: 'Linha: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Histórico da Linha: %{name}'
+ nodes: Nós
+ also_part_of:
+ one: parte da linha %{related_ways}
+ other: parte das linhas %{related_ways}
+ relation:
+ title: 'Relação: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Histórico da Relação: %{name}'
+ members: Membros
+ relation_member:
+ entry_role: '%{type} %{name} como %{role}'
+ type:
+ node: Nó
+ way: Linha
+ relation: Relação
+ containing_relation:
+ entry: Relação %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: Relação %{relation_name} (como %{relation_role})
+ not_found:
+ sorry: 'Lamentamos, não foi possível encontrar %{type} #%{id}.'
+ type:
+ node: nó
+ way: linha
+ relation: relação
+ changeset: conjunto de alterações
+ timeout:
+ sorry: 'Lamentamos, demorou demasiado tempo a obter os dados do pedido: %{type}
+ com o id %{id}.'
+ type:
+ node: nó
+ way: linha
+ relation: relação
+ changeset: alterações
+ redacted:
+ redaction: Revisão %{id}
+ message_html: A versão %{version} do elemento %{type} não pode ser mostrada
+ porque foi suprimida. Por favor consulte %{redaction_link} para obter mais
+ informações.
+ type:
+ node: nó
+ way: linha
+ relation: relação
+ start_rjs:
+ feature_warning: A carregar %{num_features} elementos, o que pode tornar o carregamento
+ bastante lento ou bloquear. Mesmo assim quer ver estes elementos todos?
+ load_data: Carregar Dados
+ loading: A carregar…
+ tag_details:
+ tags: Etiquetas
+ wiki_link:
+ key: A página wiki com a descrição da etiqueta %{key}
+ tag: A página wiki com a descrição da etiqueta %{key}=%{value}
+ wikidata_link: O item %{page} como Wikidata
+ wikipedia_link: A página %{page} na Wikipédia
+ telephone_link: Telefonar %{phone_number}
+ note:
+ title: 'Erro: %{id}'
+ new_note: Reportar Erro
+ description: Descrição
+ open_title: 'Erro não resolvido #%{note_name}'
+ closed_title: 'Erro resolvido #%{note_name}'
+ hidden_title: 'Erro ocultado #%{note_name}'
+ open_by: Reportado por %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Reportado por um anónimo há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ atrás</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comentário de %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Comentário de um anónimo há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ atrás</abbr>
+ closed_by: Resolvido por %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Resolvido por um anónimo há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ atrás</abbr>
+ reopened_by: Reaberto por %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous: Reaberto por um anónimo há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ atrás</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Ocultado por %{user} há <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} atrás</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Consultar elementos em redor
+ introduction: Clique no mapa para descobrir elementos em redor.
+ nearby: Nas proximidades
+ enclosing: Pertence a
+ changeset:
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Página %{page}
+ next: Seguinte »
+ previous: « Anterior
+ changeset:
+ anonymous: Anónimo
+ no_edits: (nenhuma edição)
+ view_changeset_details: Ver detalhes do conjunto de alterações
+ changesets:
+ id: ID
+ saved_at: Gravado em
+ user: Utilizador
+ comment: Comentário
+ area: Área
+ list:
+ title: Conjuntos de alterações
+ title_user: Conjuntos de alterações de %{user}
+ title_friend: Conjuntos de alterações feitos pelos seus amigos
+ title_nearby: Conjuntos de alterações feitos por utilizadores das redondezas
+ empty: Não foi encontrado nenhum conjunto de alterações.
+ empty_area: Nenhum conjunto de alterações nesta área.
+ empty_user: Nenhum conjunto de alterações deste utilizador.
+ no_more: Sem mais conjuntos de alterações para ver.
+ no_more_area: Sem mais conjunto de alterações nesta área.
+ no_more_user: Sem mais conjunto de alterações deste utilizador.
+ load_more: Ver mais
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Pedimos desculpa, mas a lista de conjuntos de alterações que pediu excedeu
+ o tempo limite de resposta.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Discussão da edição no OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Discussão sobre a edição #%{changeset_id}'
+ comment: 'Novo comentário sobre a edição #%{changeset_id} por %{author}'
+ commented_at_html: Atualizado há %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Atualizado há %{when} por %{user}
+ full: Discussão completa
+ diary_entry:
+ new:
+ title: Nova entrada no diário
+ list:
+ title: Diários dos utilizadores
+ title_friends: Diários dos amigos
+ title_nearby: Diários dos utilizadores próximos
+ user_title: Diário de %{user}
+ in_language_title: Entradas no Diário em %{language}
+ new: Nova Entrada no Diário
+ new_title: Adicionar entrada ao diário
+ no_entries: Diário sem entradas
+ recent_entries: Entradas recentes no diário
+ older_entries: Entradas Mais Antigas
+ newer_entries: Entradas Recentes
+ edit:
+ title: Editar entrada do diário
+ subject: 'Assunto:'
+ body: 'Texto:'
+ language: 'Língua:'
+ location: 'Localização:'
+ latitude: 'Latitude:'
+ longitude: 'Longitude:'
+ use_map_link: usar mapa
+ save_button: Gravar
+ marker_text: Localização da entrada do diário
+ view:
+ title: Diário de %{user} | %{title}
+ user_title: Diário de %{user}
+ leave_a_comment: Deixar um comentário
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} para deixar um comentário'
+ login: Iniciar sessão
+ save_button: Gravar
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: Esta entrada de diário não existe
+ heading: Não existe a entrada com o identificador (ID) %{id}
+ body: Não foi encontrada nenhuma entrada de diário ou comentário com o identificador
+ (ID) %{id}. Por favor, verifique que escreveu corretamente o endereço; caso
+ contrário a ligação que seguiu está errada ou deixou de existir.
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: Colocado por %{link_user} a %{created} em %{language_link}
+ comment_link: Comentar esta entrada
+ reply_link: Responder a esta entrada
+ comment_count:
+ one: '%{count} comentário'
+ zero: Sem comentários
+ other: '%{count} comentários'
+ edit_link: Editar esta entrada
+ hide_link: Ocultar esta entrada
+ confirm: Confirmar
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: Comentário de %{link_user} em %{comment_created_at}
+ hide_link: Ocultar este comentário
+ confirm: Confirmar
+ location:
+ location: 'Localização:'
+ view: Ver
+ edit: Editar
+ feed:
+ user:
+ title: Entradas no diário de editores OpenStreetMap de %{user}
+ description: Entradas recentes no diário de editores OpenStreetMap de %{user}
+ language:
+ title: Entradas no diário de editores OpenStreetMap em %{language_name}
+ description: Entradas recentes no diário de editores OpenStreetMap em %{language_name}
+ all:
+ title: Entradas no diário de editores do OpenStreetMap
+ description: Entradas recentes no diário de editores do OpenStreetMap
+ comments:
+ has_commented_on: '%{display_name} comentou nas seguintes entradas de diários'
+ post: Entrada
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Comentário
+ ago: '%{ago} atrás'
+ newer_comments: Comentários mais recentes
+ older_comments: Comentários mais antigos
+ export:
+ title: Exportar
+ start:
+ area_to_export: Área a exportar
+ manually_select: Selecionar manualmente uma área diferente
+ format_to_export: Formato da exportação
+ osm_xml_data: XML OpenStreetMap (.osm) apenas mapa padrão
+ map_image: Imagem (.jpg .pdf .svg .png .ps) apenas mapa padrão
+ embeddable_html: HTML (mostra mapa interativo noutros sites) todos os mapas
+ licence: Licença
+ export_details: Os dados do OpenStreetMap encontram-se sob a <a href="">licença
+ Open Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ too_large:
+ advice: 'Se a exportação acima falhar, por favor, considere o uso de uma das
+ fontes listadas abaixo:'
+ body: Esta área é demasiado grande para exportar em XML do OpenStreetMap.
+ Por favor aproxime a vista ou selecione uma área mais pequena. Para exportar
+ esta área grande utilize uma das seguintes fontes.
+ planet:
+ title: Planeta OSM
+ description: Cópias atualizadas regularmente da base de dados completa do
+ OpenStreetMap
+ overpass:
+ title: Overpass API
+ description: Fazer o download desta caixa delimitadora através de um espelho
+ do banco de dados do OpenStreetMap
+ geofabrik:
+ title: Downloads do Geofabrik
+ description: Extratos atualizados regularmente de continentes, países e
+ cidades selecionadas
+ metro:
+ title: Extratos do Metro
+ description: Extratos das principais cidades do mundo e seus arredores
+ other:
+ title: Outras Fontes
+ description: Fontes adicionais listadas no wiki do OpenStreetMap
+ options: Opções
+ format: Formato
+ scale: Escala
+ max: máx
+ image_size: Tamanho da Imagem
+ zoom: Zoom
+ add_marker: Adicionar um ponto de interesse no mapa
+ latitude: 'Lat:'
+ longitude: 'Lon:'
+ output: Código HTML
+ paste_html: Copie e cole o código num site para mostrar o mapa interativo nesse
+ site
+ export_button: Exportar
+ geocoder:
+ search:
+ title:
+ latlon: Resultados <a href="">Internos</a>
+ us_postcode: Resultados de <a href=""></a>
+ uk_postcode: Resultados de <a href="">NPEMap / FreeThe
+ Postcode</a>
+ ca_postcode: Resultados de <a href="">Geocoder.CA</a>
+ osm_nominatim: Resultados de <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Resultados de <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ osm_nominatim_reverse: Resultados de <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames_reverse: Resultados de <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ aerialway:
+ cable_car: Teleférico
+ chair_lift: Teleférico
+ drag_lift: Elevador de esqui
+ gondola: Gôndola
+ station: Estação de elevador de esqui
+ aeroway:
+ aerodrome: Aeródromo
+ apron: Plataforma de estacionamento
+ gate: Portão
+ helipad: Heliponto
+ runway: Pista de Aterragem e Descolagem
+ taxiway: Pista de taxiamento
+ terminal: Terminal
+ amenity:
+ animal_shelter: Abrigo de Animais
+ arts_centre: Centro Artístico
+ atm: Multibanco
+ bank: Banco
+ bar: Bar
+ bbq: Churrasqueira
+ bench: Banco de sentar
+ bicycle_parking: Estacionamento de bicicletas
+ bicycle_rental: Aluguer de bicicletas
+ biergarten: Biergarten (jardim da cerveja)
+ boat_rental: Aluguer de Barcos
+ brothel: Bordel
+ bureau_de_change: Casa de câmbio
+ bus_station: Estação de autocarros
+ cafe: Café
+ car_rental: Aluguer de automóveis
+ car_sharing: Car Sharing (partilha de carros)
+ car_wash: Lavagem de Automóveis
+ casino: Casino
+ charging_station: Estação de carregamento para veículos elétricos
+ childcare: Guarda de Crianças
+ cinema: Cinema
+ clinic: Clínica
+ clock: Relógio
+ college: Colégio
+ community_centre: Centro Comunitário
+ courthouse: Tribunal
+ crematorium: Crematório
+ dentist: Dentista
+ doctors: Médicos
+ dormitory: Dormitório
+ drinking_water: Água Potável
+ driving_school: Escola de Condução
+ embassy: Embaixada
+ emergency_phone: Telefone de Emergência
+ fast_food: Fast-food
+ ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferry
+ fire_hydrant: Boca de Incêndio
+ fire_station: Quartel de Bombeiros
+ food_court: Praça de Alimentação
+ fountain: Fonte
+ fuel: Combustível
+ gambling: Jogos de Fortuna e Azar
+ grave_yard: Cemitério
+ gym: Centro de Fitness / Ginásio
+ health_centre: Centro de Saúde
+ hospital: Hospital
+ hunting_stand: Cabana de Caça
+ ice_cream: Geladaria
+ kindergarten: Jardim de infância
+ library: Biblioteca
+ market: Mercado
+ marketplace: Feira
+ monastery: Mosteiro
+ motorcycle_parking: Parque de Estacionamento de Motas
+ nightclub: Clube Nocturno
+ nursery: Creche
+ nursing_home: Lar de Idosos
+ office: Escritório
+ parking: Estacionamento
+ parking_entrance: Entrada de Parque de Estacionamento
+ pharmacy: Farmácia
+ place_of_worship: Lugar de Oração
+ police: Polícia
+ post_box: Marco de Correio
+ post_office: Correios
+ preschool: Pré-Escola
+ prison: Prisão
+ pub: Pub
+ public_building: Edifício Público
+ reception_area: Área de Receção
+ recycling: Ecoponto
+ restaurant: Restaurante
+ retirement_home: Casa de Retiro
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: Escola
+ shelter: Abrigo
+ shop: Loja
+ shower: Chuveiro
+ social_centre: Centro Social
+ social_club: Clube Social
+ social_facility: Serviços Sociais
+ studio: Estúdio
+ swimming_pool: Piscina
+ taxi: Táxi
+ telephone: Telefone Público
+ theatre: Teatro
+ toilets: Casas de Banho
+ townhall: Câmara Municipal / Junta de Freguesia
+ university: Universidade
+ vending_machine: Máquina de venda automática
+ veterinary: Clínica Veterinária
+ village_hall: Junta de Freguesia
+ waste_basket: Caixote do Lixo
+ waste_disposal: Contentor de Lixo
+ youth_centre: Casa da Juventude
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Divisão Administrativa
+ census: Fronteira de Censos
+ national_park: Parque Nacional
+ protected_area: Área Protegida
+ bridge:
+ aqueduct: Aqueduto
+ suspension: Ponte Suspensa
+ swing: Ponte Giratória
+ viaduct: Viaduto
+ "yes": Ponte
+ building:
+ "yes": Edifício
+ craft:
+ brewery: Cervejaria
+ carpenter: Carpinteiro
+ electrician: Eletricista
+ gardener: Jardineiro
+ painter: Pintor
+ photographer: Fotógrafo
+ plumber: Catalisador
+ shoemaker: Sapateiro
+ tailor: Alfaiate
+ "yes": Loja de Artesanato
+ emergency:
+ ambulance_station: Central de Ambulâncias
+ defibrillator: Desfibrilador
+ landing_site: Lugar para Aterragem de Emergência
+ phone: Telefone de Emergência
+ highway:
+ abandoned: Estrada Abandonada
+ bridleway: Pista de Cavalos
+ bus_guideway: Faixa para Autocarros Guiados
+ bus_stop: Paragem de Autocarro
+ construction: Estrada em Construção
+ cycleway: Ciclovia
+ elevator: Elevador
+ emergency_access_point: Ponto de Ccesso de Emergência
+ footway: Caminho Pedonal
+ ford: Vau
+ living_street: Zona de Coexistência
+ milestone: Marco Quilométrico
+ motorway: Autoestrada
+ motorway_junction: Interseção e Saída de Autoestradas
+ motorway_link: Nó de ligação a uma Autoestrada
+ path: Trilho
+ pedestrian: Passeio
+ platform: Plataforma
+ primary: Estrada Primária
+ primary_link: Nó de ligação a uma Estrada Primária
+ proposed: Estrada sob Planeamento
+ raceway: Autódromo
+ residential: Rua Residencial
+ rest_area: Área de Descanso
+ road: Estrada
+ secondary: Estrada Secundária
+ secondary_link: Nó de ligação a uma Estrada Secundária
+ service: Estrada de Serviço
+ services: Serviços de Autoestrada
+ speed_camera: Radar de Velocidade
+ steps: Escadas
+ street_lamp: Poste de Iluminação
+ tertiary: Estrada Terciária
+ tertiary_link: Nó de ligação a uma Estrada Terciária
+ track: Estrada Florestal ou Agrícula
+ traffic_signals: Semáforo
+ trail: Trilho
+ trunk: Via Rápida
+ trunk_link: Nó de ligação a uma Via Rápida
+ unclassified: Estrada sem classificação oficial
+ unsurfaced: Estrada não pavimentada
+ "yes": Estrada
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Sítio Arqueológico
+ battlefield: Campo de Batalha
+ boundary_stone: Marco de Fronteira
+ building: Edifício Histórico
+ bunker: Bunker
+ castle: Castelo
+ church: Igreja
+ city_gate: Portas da Cidade
+ citywalls: Muralhas de Cidade
+ fort: Forte
+ heritage: Património da Humanidade
+ house: Casa Histórica
+ icon: Ícone
+ manor: Solar
+ memorial: Memorial
+ mine: Mina histórica
+ monument: Monumento
+ roman_road: Estrada Romana
+ ruins: Ruínas
+ stone: Pedra
+ tomb: Tumba
+ tower: Torre
+ wayside_cross: Cruzeiro
+ wayside_shrine: Alminhas / Nicho / Capelinha
+ wreck: Destroços
+ junction:
+ "yes": Cruzamento
+ landuse:
+ allotments: Hortas urbanas
+ basin: Bacia Hidrográfica
+ brownfield: Campo industrial contaminado
+ cemetery: Cemitério
+ commercial: Zona de Escritórios
+ conservation: Conservação
+ construction: Construção
+ farm: Quinta
+ farmland: Quinta
+ farmyard: Edifícios Agrícolas
+ forest: Floresta
+ garages: Garagens
+ grass: Relva
+ greenfield: Espaço Verde
+ industrial: Zona Industrial
+ landfill: Aterro Sanitário
+ meadow: Prado
+ military: Zona Militar
+ mine: Mina
+ orchard: Pomar
+ quarry: Pedreira
+ railway: Área da Ferrovia
+ recreation_ground: Área Recreativa
+ reservoir: Reservatório
+ reservoir_watershed: Bacia Hidrográfica do Reservatório
+ residential: Zona Residencial
+ retail: Zona de Retalhos
+ road: Área da Estrada
+ village_green: Espaço Verde Urbano
+ vineyard: Vinha
+ "yes": Uso do Solo
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Resort de Praia
+ bird_hide: Observatório de Áves
+ club: Clube
+ common: Baldio
+ dog_park: Parque para Cães
+ fishing: Zona de Pesca
+ fitness_centre: Ginásio (fitness)
+ fitness_station: Ginásio
+ garden: Jardim
+ golf_course: Campo de Golfe
+ horse_riding: Corridas de Cavalos
+ ice_rink: Pista de Gelo
+ marina: Marina
+ miniature_golf: Mini-Golfe
+ nature_reserve: Reserva Natural
+ park: Parque
+ pitch: Campo de Desporto
+ playground: Parque infantil
+ recreation_ground: Área recreativa
+ resort: Estação Turística (resorte)
+ sauna: Sauna
+ slipway: Rampa para Barcos
+ sports_centre: Centro Desportivo
+ stadium: Estádio
+ swimming_pool: Piscina
+ track: Pista de Corrida
+ water_park: Parque Aquático
+ "yes": Lazer
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Farol
+ pipeline: Pipeline
+ tower: Torre
+ works: Fábrica
+ "yes": Construção
+ military:
+ airfield: Aeródromo Militar
+ barracks: Quartel
+ bunker: Bunker
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes": Passe de Montanha
+ natural:
+ bay: Baía
+ beach: Praia
+ cape: Cabo
+ cave_entrance: Entrada de Gruta
+ cliff: Precipício
+ crater: Cratera
+ dune: Dunas
+ fell: Encosta
+ fjord: Fiorde
+ forest: Floresta
+ geyser: Geiser
+ glacier: Glaciar
+ grassland: Pradaria
+ heath: Charneca
+ hill: Colinas
+ island: Ilha
+ land: Terra
+ marsh: Pântano
+ moor: Carriço
+ mud: Lama
+ peak: Pico
+ point: Ponto
+ reef: Recife
+ ridge: Cordilheira
+ rock: Rocha
+ sand: Areia
+ scree: Encosta de Rochas Soltas
+ scrub: Matagal
+ spring: Nascente
+ stone: Pedra
+ strait: Estreito
+ tree: Árvore
+ valley: Vale
+ volcano: Vulcão
+ water: Água
+ wetland: Zona Húmida
+ wood: Bosque
+ office:
+ accountant: Contabilista
+ administrative: Administração
+ architect: Arquiteto
+ company: Empresa
+ employment_agency: Agência de Emprego
+ estate_agent: Imobiliária
+ government: Edifício Governamental
+ insurance: Agência de Seguros
+ lawyer: Advogado
+ ngo: Escritório de ONG
+ telecommunication: Escritório de Telecomunicações
+ travel_agent: Agência de Viagens
+ "yes": Escritório
+ place:
+ allotments: Horta Urbana / Comunitária
+ block: Bloco
+ airport: Aeroporto
+ city: Cidade
+ country: País
+ county: Condado
+ farm: Quinta
+ hamlet: Aldeia
+ house: Casa
+ houses: Casas
+ island: Ilha
+ islet: Ilheu
+ isolated_dwelling: Casa Isolada
+ locality: Localidade desabitada
+ moor: Carriço
+ municipality: Município
+ neighbourhood: Lugar
+ postcode: Código Postal
+ region: Região
+ sea: Mar
+ state: Estado
+ subdivision: Subdivisão
+ suburb: Subúrbio
+ town: Cidade
+ unincorporated_area: Área não incorporada
+ village: Vila
+ "yes": Local
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Ferrovia Abandonada
+ construction: Ferrovia sob Construção
+ disused: Ferrovia Não Usada
+ disused_station: Estação Ferroviária Não Usada
+ funicular: Funicular
+ halt: Apeadeiro
+ historic_station: Estação Ferroviária Histórica
+ junction: Entroncamento Ferroviário
+ level_crossing: Passagem de Nível
+ light_rail: Veículo leve sobre trilhos
+ miniature: Ferrovia para Comboios em Miniatura
+ monorail: Monocarril
+ narrow_gauge: Ferrovia de Bitola Estreita
+ platform: Plataforma Ferroviária
+ preserved: Ferrovia Preservada
+ proposed: Ferrovia sob Planeamento
+ spur: Linha Ferroviária Auxiliar
+ station: Estação Ferroviária
+ stop: Paragem Ferroviária
+ subway: Estação de Metropolitano
+ subway_entrance: Entrada para Estação de Metropolitano
+ switch: Agulha Ferroviária
+ tram: Linha de Elétrico
+ tram_stop: Paragem de Elétrico
+ shop:
+ alcohol: Venda de Bebidas (Off License)
+ antiques: Antiguidades
+ art: Loja de Arte
+ bakery: Padaria
+ beauty: Loja de Produtos de Beleza
+ beverages: Loja de Bebidas
+ bicycle: Loja de Bicicletas
+ books: Livraria
+ boutique: Boutique
+ butcher: Talho
+ car: Stand Automóvel
+ car_parts: Loja de Peças para Automóvel
+ car_repair: Oficina de Automóveis
+ carpet: Loja de Tapetes e Alcatifas
+ charity: Loja de Caridade
+ chemist: Drogaria
+ clothes: Loja de Roupas
+ computer: Loja de componentes informáticos
+ confectionery: Confeitaria
+ convenience: Loja de Conveniência
+ copyshop: Centro de Cópias
+ cosmetics: Loja de cosméticos
+ deli: Charcutaria
+ department_store: Loja de Departamento / Grande Armazém
+ discount: Loja de Descontos
+ doityourself: Bricolage
+ dry_cleaning: Limpeza a Seco
+ electronics: Loja de Electrónica
+ estate_agent: Imobiliária
+ farm: Loja de produtos agrícolas
+ fashion: Loja de Moda
+ fish: Peixaria
+ florist: Florista
+ food: Loja de alimentos
+ funeral_directors: Funerária
+ furniture: Mobiliário
+ gallery: Galeria
+ garden_centre: Loja de Jardinagem
+ general: Loja de artigos gerais
+ gift: Loja de Lembranças
+ greengrocer: Loja de Frutas e Verduras
+ grocery: Mercearia
+ hairdresser: Cabeleireiro(a)
+ hardware: Loja de Ferragens
+ hifi: Hi-Fi
+ insurance: Seguros
+ jewelry: Joalharia
+ kiosk: Quiosque
+ laundry: Lavandaria
+ mall: Centro Comercial
+ market: Mercado
+ mobile_phone: Loja de Telemóveis
+ motorcycle: Loja de Motas
+ music: Loja de instrumentos musicais
+ newsagent: Loja de Jornais
+ optician: Oftalmologista
+ organic: Loja de alimentos orgânicos
+ outdoor: Loja de artigos para atividades ao ar livre
+ pet: Loja de animais
+ pharmacy: Farmácia
+ photo: Loja de Fotografia
+ salon: Salão de beleza
+ second_hand: Loja de segunda mão
+ shoes: Sapataria
+ shopping_centre: Centro Comercial
+ sports: Loja de Artigos Desportivos
+ stationery: Papelaria
+ supermarket: Supermercado
+ tailor: Alfaiate
+ toys: Loja de Brinquedos
+ travel_agency: Agência de Viagens
+ video: Videoclube
+ wine: Venda de Bebidas (Off License)
+ "yes": Loja
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Albergue de Montanha
+ apartment: Apartamento
+ artwork: Obra de arte
+ attraction: Atracção
+ bed_and_breakfast: Cama com pequeno-almoço incluído
+ cabin: Cabana
+ camp_site: Parque de campismo
+ caravan_site: Parque de caravanas
+ chalet: Chalé
+ gallery: Galeria
+ guest_house: Casa de Hóspedes
+ hostel: Pousada / Hostel
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Informação
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Museu
+ picnic_site: Parque de merendas / piqueniques
+ theme_park: Parque temático
+ viewpoint: Miradouro
+ zoo: Jardim zoológico
+ tunnel:
+ culvert: Conduta
+ "yes": Túnel
+ waterway:
+ artificial: Curso de água artificial
+ boatyard: Estaleiro Naval
+ canal: Canal
+ dam: Barragem
+ derelict_canal: Canal abandonado
+ ditch: Vala
+ dock: Doca
+ drain: Vala de drenagem
+ lock: Eclusa
+ lock_gate: Comporta de Eclusa
+ mooring: Ancoragem
+ rapids: Rápidos
+ river: Rio
+ stream: Ribeiro
+ wadi: Uádi
+ waterfall: Queda de água
+ weir: Represa
+ "yes": Curso de Água
+ admin_levels:
+ level2: Fronteira de País
+ level4: Região
+ level5: Ilha
+ level6: Distrito
+ level8: Freguesia
+ level9: Localidade
+ level10: Lugar
+ description:
+ title:
+ osm_nominatim: Resultado de <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Resultado de <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ types:
+ cities: Cidades
+ towns: Cidades
+ places: Lugares
+ results:
+ no_results: Não foram encontrados resultados
+ more_results: Mais resultados
+ layouts:
+ logo:
+ alt_text: Logotipo do OpenStreetMap
+ home: Ir para a sua localização
+ logout: Terminar Sessão
+ log_in: Iniciar Sessão
+ log_in_tooltip: Entrar com uma conta existente
+ sign_up: Criar Conta
+ start_mapping: Começar a Mapear
+ sign_up_tooltip: Criar uma conta para poder editar o mapa
+ edit: Editar
+ history: Histórico
+ export: Exportar
+ data: Dados
+ export_data: Exportar dados
+ gps_traces: Trilhos GPS
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Gerir os trilhos GPS
+ user_diaries: Diários de Utilizadores
+ user_diaries_tooltip: Ver diários dos utilizadores
+ edit_with: Editar com %{editor}
+ tag_line: O Mapa Mundial Livre e Editável
+ intro_header: Bem vindo ao OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: O OpenStreetMap é um mapa do mundo, criado por pessoas como você e
+ de uso livre sob uma licença aberta.
+ intro_2_create_account: Crie uma conta de utilizador
+ partners_html: O alojamento é suportado por %{ucl}, %{ic}, %{bytemark} e outros
+ %{partners}.
+ partners_ucl: UCL VR Centre
+ partners_ic: Imperial College London
+ partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
+ partners_partners: parceiros
+ osm_offline: A base de dados do OpenStreetMap não está disponível neste momento
+ enquanto decorrerem trabalhos de manutenção.
+ osm_read_only: A base de dados do OpenStreetMap encontra-se neste momento no modo
+ de leitura, enquanto decorrerem trabalhos de manutenção.
+ donate: Apoie o OpenStreetMap %{link} para o Fundo de Atualização do Hardware.
+ help: Ajuda
+ about: Sobre Nós
+ copyright: Direitos de Autor
+ community: Comunidade
+ community_blogs: Blogues da Comunidade
+ community_blogs_title: Blogues de membros da comunidade OpenStreetMap
+ foundation: Fundação
+ foundation_title: A Fundação OpenStreetMap
+ make_a_donation:
+ title: Suporte o OpenStreetMap com um donativo monetário
+ text: Fazer um Donativo
+ learn_more: Mais Informações
+ more: Mais
+ license_page:
+ foreign:
+ title: Sobre esta tradução
+ text: Caso haja um conflito entre esta página traduzida e %{english_original_link},
+ a página em inglês tem prevalência
+ english_link: o original em inglês
+ native:
+ title: Sobre esta página
+ text: Está a ver a versão em Inglês da página de copyright. Pode voltar à %{native_link}
+ desta página ou, se preferir, %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: Versão em português
+ mapping_link: começar a mapear
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Licença e Direitos de autor
+ intro_1_html: |-
+ O OpenStreetMap é disponibilizado em <i>dados abertos</i>, sob a licença <a
+ href="">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ intro_2_html: Tem o direito de copiar, distribuir, transmitir e adaptar os nossos
+ dados, desde que atribua a autoria do OpenStreetMap e os seus contribuidores.
+ Se alterar ou adicionar conteúdo dos nossos dados, pode distribuir o resultado
+ apenas com a mesma licença. O <a href="">texto
+ legal completo</a> explica os seus direitos e responsabilidades.
+ intro_3_html: A cartografia nas nossas telas de mapas (imagens dos mapas) e
+ a nossa documentação são disponibilizadas sob a licença <a href="">Creative
+ Commons Atribuição - CompartilhaIgual 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-SA 2.0)</a>.
+ credit_title_html: Como creditar o OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: É necessário indicar “© contribuidores do OpenStreetMap”
+ ou caso seja mais adequado em inglês “© OpenStreetMap contributors”.
+ credit_2_html: Também tem de indicar claramente que os dados estão disponíveis
+ sob a Open Database License (ODbL), e caso utilize as telas de mapas (imagens
+ dos mapas), que a cartografia é disponibilizada sob a licença CC-BY-SA. Pode
+ fazer isto colocando uma hiperligação para <a href="">esta
+ página sobre licença e direitos de autor</a>. Como alternativa, e obrigatório
+ caso distribua o OpenStreetMap em formato de dados, pode indicar as licenças
+ e colocar hiperligações a apontar para as páginas das licenças. Em suportes
+ que não seja possível colocar hiperligações (por exemplo, obras impressas)
+ sugerimos que indique o endereço do sítio (talvez substituindo
+ ‘OpenStreetMap’ por este endereço web), para
+ e, caso se aplique, para
+ credit_3_html: |-
+ Num mapa eletrónico navegável, os créditos devem aparecer num canto do mapa.
+ Por exemplo (em inglês):
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Exemplo de como indicar os créditos do OpenStreetMap numa página web
+ title: Exemplo de atribuição
+ more_title_html: Saber mais
+ more_1_html: Leia mais informações sobre a utilização dos nossos dados e como
+ atribuir a autoria em <a href="">Perguntas
+ frequentes - Legais</a> (em inglês).
+ more_2_html: Apesar do OpenStreetMap consistir em dados abertos, não podemos
+ fornecer um serviço mapa API, livre de encargos, a programadores terceiros.
+ Veja a <a href="">Política
+ de Utilização da API</a> (em inglês), <a href="">Política
+ de Utilização de Telas</a> (em inglês) e <a href="">Política
+ de Utilização do Nominatim</a> (em inglês).
+ contributors_title_html: Os nossos contribuidores
+ contributors_intro_html: 'Os contribuidores do OpenStreetMap são milhares. Também
+ são utilizados dados de agências cartográficas nacionais e outras fontes,
+ entre elas:'
+ contributors_at_html: '<strong>Áustria</strong>: Contém dados de <a href="">Stadt
+ Wien</a> (sob a licença <a href="">CC
+ BY</a>), <a href="">Land
+ Vorarlberg</a> e Land Tirol (sob a licença <a href="">CC-BY
+ AT com emendas</a>).'
+ contributors_ca_html: '<strong>Canadá</strong>: Contém dados de GeoBase®,
+ GeoGratis (© Department of Natural Resources Canada), CanVec (©
+ Department of Natural Resources Canada), e StatCan (Geography Division, Statistics
+ Canada).'
+ contributors_fi_html: "<strong>Finlândia</strong>: Contem dados do \nNational
+ Land Survey da Finland´s Topographic Database \nassim como de outras bases
+ de dados, sob a licença <a href=\"\">NLSFI</a>."
+ contributors_fr_html: '<strong>França</strong>: Contém dados provenientes da
+ Direction Générale des Impôts.'
+ contributors_nl_html: '<strong>Países Baixos</strong>: Contém dados © AND,
+ 2007 (<a href=""></a>)'
+ contributors_nz_html: '<strong>Nova Zelândia</strong>: Contém dados provenientes
+ de Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.'
+ contributors_za_html: '<strong>África do Sul</strong>: Contém dados provenientes
+ de <a href="">Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial
+ Information</a>, State copyright reserved.'
+ contributors_gb_html: '<strong>Reino Unido</strong>: Contém dados do Ordnance
+ Survey © Crown copyright and database right 2010-2012.'
+ contributors_footer_1_html: Para mais informações sobre estas e outras fontes
+ utilizadas para melhorar o OpenStreetMap, consulte a <a href="">página
+ de contribuidores</a> (em inglês) na wiki do OpenStreetMap.
+ contributors_footer_2_html: ' A inclusão de dados no OpenStreetMap não implica
+ que o fornecedor de dados originais apoie o OpenStreetMap, forneça qualquer
+ garantia, ou aceite algum tipo de responsabilidade.'
+ infringement_title_html: Violação de direitos de autor
+ infringement_1_html: É relembrado aos contribuidores do OpenStreetMap para nunca
+ adicionarem dados de fontes protegidas por direitos de autor (por exemplo
+ o Google Maps ou mapas comerciais impressos) sem permissão explícita dos detentores
+ dos direitos de autor.
+ infringement_2_html: Se acredita que foi adicionado material protegido por direitos
+ de autor indevidamente à base de dados do OpenStreetMap, por favor consulte
+ o <a href="">procedimento
+ para retirar dados protegidos</a> (em inglês) ou preencha os dados diretamente
+ no <a href="">formulário</a> (em inglês).
+ welcome_page:
+ title: Bem-vindo !
+ introduction_html: Bem-vindo ao OpenStreetMap, o mapa livre e editável do mundo.
+ Agora como estás inscrito, estás também pronto para mapear. Aqui um guia rápido
+ com as coisas mais importantes que precisas de saber.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: O que está no Mapa
+ on_html: OpenStreetMap é um lugar para mapear as coisas que são ambos <em>real
+ e atual</em> - inclui milhões de prédios, estradas, e outros detalhes locais.
+ Podes mapear qualquer elemento do mundo real que lhe interessa.
+ off_html: O que <em>não é</em> incluído são dados subjectivos como notações,
+ factos históricos, objectos inventados, e dados de fontes com copyright. Se
+ não tiveres permissão específica, não copies dados doutro mapa qualquer que
+ seja online ou em papel.
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Vocabulário para mapear
+ paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap tem a sua própria linguagem. Aqui a explicação
+ de algumas palavras úteis.
+ editor_html: Um <strong>editor</strong> é um programa ou site usado para editar
+ o mapa.
+ node_html: Um <strong>nó</strong> é um ponto no mapa, como um restaurante ou
+ uma árvore.
+ way_html: Um <strong>caminho</strong> é uma linha ou uma área, como uma estrada,
+ um rio, um lago ou um prédio.
+ tag_html: Uma <strong>etiqueta</strong> é um peça de informação sob um nó ou
+ uma linha, como o nome do restaurante ou o limite de velocidade duma estrada.
+ questions:
+ title: Tens perguntas ?
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ O OpenStreetMap tem vários recursos para saber mais sobre o projeto, perguntar e responder a questões, e colaborativamente discutir e documentar vários tópicos sobre o mapa.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Obtenha ajuda aqui</a>
+ start_mapping: Começar a mapear
+ add_a_note:
+ title: Falta de tempo para editar ? Adiciona uma nota !
+ paragraph_1_html: Se quiseres fazer uma pequena alteração más falta tempo para
+ inscrever-se e aprender a editar, é muito simples deixar uma nota.
+ paragraph_2_html: |-
+ Vá apenas para <a href='%{map_url}'>o mapa</a> e clique no ícone de nota: <span class='icon note'></span>. Isto irá adicionar um marcador no mapa, que poderá ser reposicionado.
+ Adiciona a sua mensagem e, em seguida, clique em salvaguardar, assim outros mapeadores irão investigar.
+ fixthemap:
+ title: Reportar um problema / Corrigir o mapa
+ how_to_help:
+ title: Como Ajudar
+ join_the_community:
+ title: Junte-se à comunidade
+ explanation_html: Se você reparou num problema com os dados do nosso mapa,
+ como por exemplo uma estrada ou o seu adereço em falta, a melhor maneira
+ de proceder é juntando-se à comunidade do OpenStreetMap e adicionando ou
+ reparando os dados por si mesmo.
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: |-
+ Apenas clique em <a class='icon note'></a> ou no mesmo ícone na interface do mapa.
+ Isto irá adicionar um marcador ao mapa, o qual pode mover arrastando. Adicione a sua mensagem, clique em salvar, e outros utilizadores como você irão investigar.
+ other_concerns:
+ title: Outras preocupações
+ explanation_html: Se você tem preocupações sobre o modo como os nossos dados
+ estão a ser usados ou sobre os conteúdos, por favor consulte a nossa <a href='/copyright'>página
+ de direitos de autor</a> para mais informações legais, ou contacte o <a href=''>grupo
+ de trabalho OSMF</a> apropriado.
+ help_page:
+ title: Obter Ajuda
+ introduction: O OpenStreetMap tem vários recursos para saber mais sobre o projeto,
+ perguntar e responder a questões, e colaborativamente discutir e documentar
+ vários tópicos sobre o mapa.
+ welcome:
+ url: /welcome
+ title: Bem vindo ao OpenStreetMap
+ description: Comece por este guia rápido sobre os princípios básicos do OpenStreetMap.
+ help:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Coloque uma questão ou procure por respostas no fórum de perguntas
+ e respostas do OpenStreetMap.
+ wiki:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Navegue na wiki de documentação sobre o OpenStreetMap.
+ about_page:
+ next: Seguinte
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>Colaboradores<br>do OpenStreetMap
+ used_by: O %{name} fornece dados a centenas de sítios na internet, aplicações
+ de telemóveis e outros dispositivos
+ lede_text: O OpenStreetMap é desenvolvido por uma comunidade voluntária de mapeadores
+ que contribuem e mantêm atualizados os dados sobre estradas, trilhos, cafés,
+ estações ferroviárias e muito mais por todo o mundo.
+ local_knowledge_title: Conhecimento Local
+ local_knowledge_html: O OpenStreetMap valoriza o conhecimento local. Os colaboradores
+ utilizam fotografias aéreas, dispositivos GPS, e mapas do terreno para verificar
+ que a informação no OpenStreetMap é rigorosa e atualizada.
+ community_driven_title: Dirigido pela Comunidade
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ A comunidade do OpenStreetMap é diversa, apaixonada, e aumenta diariamente.
+ Entre os nossos colaboradores encontra-se mapeadores entusiastas,
+ profissionais das áreas de sistemas geográficos, engenheiros que utilizam
+ os servidores do OpenStreetMap, voluntários a mapear áreas afetadas
+ por grandes desastres, e muitos mais.
+ Para saber mais sobre a nossa comunidade, veja os <a href='%{diary_path}'>diários dos editores</a>,
+ <a href=''>blogues da comunidade</a>, e o sítio da <a href=''>OSM Foundation</a>.
+ open_data_title: Dados Abertos
+ open_data_html: |-
+ O OpenStreetMap é constituído por <i>dados abertos</i>: qualquer
+ pessoa tem a liberdade de usar os dados para qualquer fim desde
+ credite a autoria do OpenStreetMap e os seus colaboradores.
+ Se você alterar os dados ou criar algo com os dados, pode distribuir
+ o produto resultante apenas sob a mesma licença. Consulte <a href='%{copyright_path}'>a página sobre direitos de autor e licenciamento</a> para mais informações.
+ partners_title: Parceiros
+ notifier:
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} comentou numa entrada do seu diário'
+ hi: Olá %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} comentou na sua entrada recente do diário no OpenStreetMap
+ com o assunto %{subject}:'
+ footer: Também pode ler o comentário em %{readurl} e comentar em %{commenturl}
+ ou responder em %{replyurl}
+ message_notification:
+ hi: Olá %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} enviou-lhe uma mensagem através do OpenStreetMap com o
+ assunto %{subject}:'
+ footer_html: Também pode ler a mensagem em %{readurl} e pode responder em %{replyurl}
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} adicionou-o como amigo'
+ had_added_you: '%{user} adicionou-o como amigo no OpenStreetMap.'
+ see_their_profile: Pode ver o perfil do editor em %{userurl}.
+ befriend_them: Também pode adicioná-lo como amigo em %{befriendurl}.
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ your_gpx_file: Parece que seu ficheiro GPX
+ with_description: com a descrição
+ and_the_tags: 'e com as seguintes etiquetas:'
+ and_no_tags: e sem etiquetas.
+ failure:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Erro de importação GPX'
+ failed_to_import: 'falhou na importação. Erro:'
+ more_info_1: Pode encontrar mais informação sobre erros em importações GPX
+ e como evitar
+ more_info_2: 'que ocorram novamente em:'
+ success:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Importação de GPX bem sucedida'
+ loaded_successfully: foi carregado com sucesso com %{trace_points} de %{possible_points}
+ pontos possíveis.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Bem vindo(a) ao OpenStreetMap'
+ greeting: Olá!
+ created: Alguém (provavelmente você) acaba de criar uma conta em %{site_url}.
+ confirm: 'Antes de fazermos outra coisa, necessitamos que confirme que o pedido
+ partiu de si. Se fez o pedido clique na ligação seguinte para confirmar a
+ conta:'
+ welcome: Depois de confirmar a sua conta, forneceremos algumas informações para
+ começar a editar.
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Confirme o seu endereço de e-mail'
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ hopefully_you: Alguém (provavelmente você) pediu para alterar o endereço de
+ email registado na conta em %{server_url} para o endereço %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: Se foi você que fez o pedido, clique na ligação seguinte para
+ confirmar o pedido.
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ hopefully_you: Foi feito um pedido no site do OpenStreetMap para alterar o endereço
+ de e-mail da sua conta de %{server_url} para %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: Se foi você que fez o pedido, clique na ligação seguinte para
+ confirmar a alteração.
+ lost_password:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Pedido de uma nova palavra-passe'
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ hopefully_you: Alguém (provavelmente você) pediu para ser enviada uma nova palavra-passe
+ da conta no
+ click_the_link: Se foi você que fez o pedido, clique na ligação seguinte para
+ lhe ser enviada uma nova palavra-passe, invalidando a anterior.
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ hopefully_you: Foi feito um pedido para obter uma nova palavra-passe nesta conta
+ do associada a este e-mail.
+ click_the_link: Se foi você que fez o pedido, clique na ligação seguinte para
+ lhe ser enviada uma nova palavra-passe, invalidando a anterior.
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: Um utilizador anónimo
+ greeting: Olá,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} deixou um comentário num erro do
+ mapa que você reportou'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} deixou um comentário num erro
+ do mapa que você reportou'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} deixou um comentário num erro do mapa que você reportou
+ perto de %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} deixou um comentário num erro do mapa no mapa
+ que você reportou. O erro reportado encontra-se perto de %{place}.'
+ closed:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} resolveu um erro do mapa que você
+ reportou'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} resolveu um erro no mapa que
+ você está interessado'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} resolveu um erro do mapa perto de %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} resolveu um erro do mapa que você comentou.
+ O erro do mapa encontra-se perto de %{place}.'
+ reopened:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} reabriu um dos erros no mapa reportados
+ por si'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} reabriu um dos erros no mapa
+ em que você está interessado'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} reabriu um erro no mapa reportado por si perto de
+ %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} reabriu um erro no mapa em que você comentou.
+ O erro encontra-se perto de %{place}.'
+ details: Ver mais detalhes sobre o erro reportado em %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Olá,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} comentou uma das suas edições'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} comentou uma edição em que está
+ interessado'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} deixou um comentário numa das suas edições em
+ %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} deixou um comentário numa edição em que
+ está interessado criada por %{changeset_author} há %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: com o comentário '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: sem comentários
+ details: Pode encontrar mais informações sobre a edição em %{url}.
+ message:
+ inbox:
+ title: Caixa de Entrada
+ my_inbox: A minha caixa de entrada
+ outbox: caixa de saída
+ messages: Tem %{new_messages} e %{old_messages}
+ new_messages:
+ one: '%{count} mensagem nova'
+ other: '%{count} mensagens novas'
+ old_messages:
+ one: '%{count} mensagem antiga'
+ other: '%{count} mensagens antigas'
+ from: De
+ subject: Assunto
+ date: Data
+ no_messages_yet: Ainda não tem mensagens. Por que não entrar em contacto com
+ algumas %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: pessoas a mapear nas redondezas
+ message_summary:
+ unread_button: Marcar como não lida
+ read_button: Marcar como lido
+ reply_button: Responder
+ delete_button: Eliminar
+ new:
+ title: Enviar mensagem
+ send_message_to: Enviar uma nova mensagem para %{name}
+ subject: Assunto
+ body: Mensagem
+ send_button: Enviar
+ back_to_inbox: Voltar à caixa de entrada
+ message_sent: Mensagem enviada
+ limit_exceeded: Enviou muitas mensagens recentemente. Por favor aguarde e envie
+ mais tarde.
+ no_such_message:
+ title: Esta mensagem não existe
+ heading: Esta mensagem não existe.
+ body: Desculpe, não existe nenhuma mensagem com esse identificador (ID).
+ outbox:
+ title: Caixa de saída
+ my_inbox: A minha %{inbox_link}
+ inbox: caixa de entrada
+ outbox: caixa de saída
+ messages:
+ one: Tem %{count} mensagem enviada
+ other: Tem %{count} mensagens enviadas
+ to: Para
+ subject: Assunto
+ date: Data
+ no_sent_messages: Ainda não tem mensagens enviadas. Por que não entrar em contacto
+ com algumas %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: pessoas a mapear nas redondezas
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: Está autenticado como o utilizador `%{user}' mas a mensagem que
+ pediu para responder não foi enviada para esse utilizador. Por favor entre
+ na conta de utilizador correta para responder.
+ read:
+ title: Ler mensagem
+ from: De
+ subject: Assunto
+ date: Data
+ reply_button: Responder
+ unread_button: Marcar como não lida
+ back: Voltar
+ to: Para
+ wrong_user: Está autenticado com a conta `%{user}', mas a mensagem que pediu
+ para ler não foi enviada por, ou para, essa conta de utilizador. Por favor,
+ entre na conta de utilizador correta para ler a mensagem.
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Eliminar
+ mark:
+ as_read: Mensagem marcada como lida
+ as_unread: Mensagem marcada como não lida
+ delete:
+ deleted: Mensagem eliminada
+ site:
+ index:
+ js_1: Está a usar um navegador de Internet que não suporta JavaScript ou tem
+ o JavaScript desativado.
+ js_2: É necessário ter o JavaScript ativado para visualizar mapas no OpenStreetMap.
+ permalink: Ligação permanente
+ shortlink: Ligação curta
+ createnote: Reportar um erro no mapa
+ license:
+ copyright: Copyright OpenStreetMap e contribuidores, sob uma licença aberta
+ remote_failed: Erro na edição - confirme se o JOSM ou o Merkaartor está aberto
+ e a opção de Controlo Removo (Remote Control) está ativada
+ edit:
+ not_public: Não configurou as suas edições como públicas.
+ not_public_description: Não pode editar mais o mapa a não ser que torne as suas
+ edições públicas. Pode fazer essa alteração na sua %{user_page}.
+ user_page_link: página de utilizador
+ anon_edits_link_text: Descubra a que se deve isto.
+ flash_player_required: Necessita do Flash instalado e ativado para usar o Potlatch,
+ o editor em Flash do OpenStreetMap. Pode <a href="">descarregar
+ o Flash do site</a>. <a href="">Também
+ estão disponíveis outras opções</a> para editar o OpenStreetMap.
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: Tem alterações por gravar (Para gravar no Potlatch,
+ deve desselecionar o ponto ou linha atual, se estiver a editar no modo direto,
+ ou clicar no botão gravar se este estiver disponível.)
+ potlatch2_not_configured: O Potlatch 2 não foi configurado - por favor veja
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: Tem alterações que não foram gravadas. (Para gravar
+ no Potlatch 2, deve clicar no botão Gravar.)
+ id_not_configured: O editor iD não foi configurado
+ no_iframe_support: O seu navegador de Internet não suporta ou tem desativado
+ as iframes HTML, que são necessárias para esta funcionalidade.
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Resultados da Pesquisa
+ close: Fechar
+ search:
+ search: Pesquisar
+ get_directions: Obter direções
+ get_directions_title: Obtenha as direções de uma rota entre 2 pontos
+ from: De
+ to: Para
+ where_am_i: Onde estou?
+ where_am_i_title: Pesquisa a localização atual do mapa
+ submit_text: Ir
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ motorway: Auto-Estrada
+ trunk: Via Rápida
+ primary: Estrada Nacional (Primária)
+ secondary: Estrada Regional (Secundária)
+ unclassified: Estrada sem classificação oficial
+ unsurfaced: Estrada não pavimentada
+ track: Carreiro florestal ou agrícola
+ byway: Byway (atalho proibido a veículos motorizados)
+ bridleway: Via para cavaleiros
+ cycleway: Ciclovia
+ footway: Via pedonal
+ rail: Ferrovia
+ subway: Metropolitano
+ tram:
+ - Metropolitano de Superfície
+ - elétrico
+ cable:
+ - Teleférico
+ - telecadeira
+ runway:
+ - Pista de Aeroporto
+ - Via de Circulação (taxiway)
+ apron:
+ - Estacionamento de aviões
+ - terminal de aeroporto
+ admin: Divisão Administrativa
+ forest: Floresta
+ wood: Bosque
+ golf: Campo de golfe
+ park: Parque
+ resident: Área residencial
+ tourist: Atração turística
+ common:
+ - Baldio
+ - prado
+ retail: Área de retalho (lojas)
+ industrial: Área industrial
+ commercial: Área comercial (escritórios)
+ heathland: Charneca / mato de vegetação rasteira
+ lake:
+ - Lago
+ - reservatório
+ farm: Quinta
+ brownfield: Edifícios industriais em ruínas e contaminados
+ cemetery: Cemitério
+ allotments: Lotes
+ pitch: Campo desportivo
+ centre: Centro desportivo
+ reserve: Reserva natural
+ military: Área militar
+ school:
+ - Escola
+ - universidade
+ building: Edifício significativo
+ station: Estação ferroviária
+ summit:
+ - Cume
+ - pico
+ tunnel: Linha tracejada = túnel
+ bridge: Linha cheia = ponte
+ private: Acesso restrito (propriedade privada)
+ permissive: Acesso permitido
+ destination: Acesso a clientes / fornecedores
+ construction: Estradas em construção
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Editar
+ preview: Mostrar previsão
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: Tabela de códigos (<a href="">Markdown</a>)
+ headings: Cabeçalhos
+ heading: Cabeçalho
+ subheading: Sub-secção
+ unordered: Lista
+ ordered: Lista numerada
+ first: Primeiro item
+ second: Segundo item
+ link: Hiperligação
+ text: Texto
+ image: Imagem
+ alt: Texto alternativo
+ url: URL
+ trace:
+ visibility:
+ private: Privado (apenas partilhado como anónimo, pontos não ordenados)
+ public: Público (mostrado na lista de trilhos GPS como anónimo, pontos não ordenados)
+ trackable: Controlável (apenas partilhado como anónimo, pontos ordenados com
+ data e hora)
+ identifiable: Identificável (mostrado na lista de trilhos GPS e identificável,
+ pontos ordenados com data e hora)
+ create:
+ upload_trace: Carregar um Trilho GPS
+ trace_uploaded: O seu ficheiro GPX (GPS) foi enviado e está a aguardar a inclusão
+ na base de dados. Normalmente este processo dura cerca de uma hora. Quando
+ for incluído na base de dados será enviado um email a informá-lo.
+ edit:
+ title: A editar o trilho %{name}
+ heading: A editar o trilho %{name}
+ filename: 'Nome do ficheiro:'
+ download: descarregar
+ uploaded_at: 'Mandado em:'
+ points: 'Pontos:'
+ start_coord: 'Coordenada de início:'
+ map: mapa
+ edit: editar
+ owner: 'Autor:'
+ description: 'Descrição:'
+ tags: 'Etiquetas:'
+ tags_help: separadas por vírgulas
+ save_button: Gravar Alterações
+ visibility: 'Visibilidade:'
+ visibility_help: o que significa isto?
+ trace_form:
+ upload_gpx: 'Carregar Ficheiro GPX:'
+ description: 'Descrição:'
+ tags: 'Etiquetas:'
+ tags_help: separadas por vírgulas
+ visibility: 'Visibilidade:'
+ visibility_help: o que significa isto?
+ upload_button: Carregar
+ help: Ajuda
+ trace_header:
+ upload_trace: Carregar trilho GPS
+ see_all_traces: Ver todos os trilhos
+ see_your_traces: Ver todos os meus trilhos GPS
+ traces_waiting:
+ one: Tem %{count} trilho GPS na fila para ser colocado na base de dados do
+ OpenStreetMap. Por favor, antes de enviar mais trilhos aguarde um pouco
+ para terminar a inclusão do trilho enviado, de modo a não bloquear a fila
+ para outros utilizadores.
+ other: Tem %{count} trilhos GPS na fila para serem colocados na base de dados
+ do OpenStreetMap. Por favor, antes de enviar mais trilhos aguarde um pouco
+ para terminar a inclusão dos trilhos enviados, de modo a não bloquear a
+ fila para outros utilizadores.
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: Etiquetas
+ view:
+ title: A ver o trilho %{name}
+ heading: A ver o trilho %{name}
+ pending: PENDENTE
+ filename: 'Nome do ficheiro:'
+ download: descarregar
+ uploaded: 'Carregado:'
+ points: 'Pontos:'
+ start_coordinates: 'Coordenada de início:'
+ map: mapa
+ edit: editar
+ owner: 'Autor:'
+ description: 'Descrição:'
+ tags: 'Etiquetas:'
+ none: Nenhum
+ edit_track: Editar este trilho
+ delete_track: Eliminar este trilho
+ trace_not_found: Não foi encontrado o trilho!
+ visibility: 'Visibilidade:'
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Página %{page}
+ older: Trilhos GPS mais antigos
+ newer: Trilhos GPS mais recentes
+ trace:
+ pending: PENDENTE
+ count_points: '%{count} pontos'
+ ago: Há %{time_in_words_ago}
+ more: mais
+ trace_details: Ver Detalhes do Trilho
+ view_map: Ver Mapa
+ edit: editar
+ edit_map: Editar Mapa
+ public: PÚBLICO
+ identifiable: IDENTIFICÁVEL
+ private: PRIVADO
+ trackable: CONTROLÁVEL
+ by: por
+ in: em
+ map: mapa
+ list:
+ public_traces: Trilhos GPS públicos
+ your_traces: Os seus trilhos GPS
+ public_traces_from: Trilhos GPS públicos do utilizador %{user}
+ description: Ver trilhos GPS carregados recentemente
+ tagged_with: ' etiquetado com %{tags}'
+ empty_html: Ainda não enviou nenhum trilho GPS. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Envie
+ um novo trilho GPS</a> ou saiba mais sobre trilhos GPS na <a href=''>página
+ wiki</a> (em inglês).
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: Trilho programado para eliminação
+ make_public:
+ made_public: Trilho tornado público
+ offline_warning:
+ message: O sistema de carregamento de ficheiros GPX está atualmente indisponível
+ offline:
+ heading: Armazenamento de GPX indisponível
+ message: O sistema de envio e armazenamento GPX está neste momento indisponível.
+ georss:
+ title: Trilhos GPS do OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} ponto de %{user}
+ other: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} pontos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Ficheiro GPX de %{user}
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: Parece que tem os "cookies" desativados - por favor ative-os
+ no seu navegador de Internet antes de continuar.
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: Tem de ser um moderador para poder fazer essa ação.
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: O seu acesso à API foi bloqueado. Por favor aceda à página web do OpenStreetMap
+ e entre na sua conta para saber mais.
+ need_to_see_terms: O seu acesso à API está temporariamente suspenso. Por favor
+ aceda à página web do OpenStreetMap e entre na sua conta para ver os Termos
+ de Colaborador. Não precisa de aceitar os termos mas tem de os ver.
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ title: Autorizar acesso à sua conta
+ request_access: O programa %{app_name} está a pedir acesso à sua conta, %{user}.
+ Por favor escolha as permissões que o programa pode ter. Pode escolher as
+ que quiser.
+ allow_to: 'Dar permissão ao programa para:'
+ allow_read_prefs: ler as minhas preferências de utilizador.
+ allow_write_prefs: alterar as minhas preferências.
+ allow_write_diary: criar entradas no diário, comentários e adicionar amigos.
+ allow_write_api: alterar o mapa.
+ allow_read_gpx: ler os meus trilhos GPS privados.
+ allow_write_gpx: enviar trilhos GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: alterar erros reportados.
+ oauthorize_success:
+ title: Pedido de autorização permitido
+ allowed: Forneceu ao programa %{app_name} o acesso à sua conta.
+ verification: O código de verificação é %{code}.
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ title: Falhou o pedido de autorização.
+ denied: Anulou o acesso do programa %{app_name} à sua conta.
+ invalid: O token de autorização não é válido.
+ revoke:
+ flash: Revogou o Token para %{application}
+ oauth_clients:
+ new:
+ title: Registar um novo programa
+ submit: Registar
+ edit:
+ title: Editar o programa
+ submit: Editar
+ show:
+ title: Detalhes do OAuth de %{app_name}
+ key: 'Chave de Utilizador:'
+ secret: 'Segredo de Utilizador:'
+ url: 'URL do Token de Pedido:'
+ access_url: URL do Token de Acesso
+ authorize_url: 'URL de Autorização:'
+ support_notice: Suportamos HMAC-SHA1 (recomendado) e RSA-SHA1.
+ edit: Editar Detalhes
+ delete: Eliminar programa
+ confirm: Tem a certeza?
+ requests: 'Pedir as seguintes permissões do utilizador:'
+ allow_read_prefs: ler as preferências do utilizador.
+ allow_write_prefs: alterar as preferências do utilizador.
+ allow_write_diary: criar entradas no diário, comentários e adicionar amigos.
+ allow_write_api: alterar o mapa.
+ allow_read_gpx: ler os trilhos GPS privados do utilizador.
+ allow_write_gpx: enviar trilhos GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: alterar erros reportados.
+ index:
+ title: Minhas preferências do OAuth
+ my_tokens: Meus programas autorizados
+ list_tokens: 'Os seguintes tokens forem emitidos a programas em seu nome:'
+ application: Nome do Programa
+ issued_at: Emitido em
+ revoke: Anular!
+ my_apps: Meus programas
+ no_apps: Tem um programa que queira registar para ser utilizado com o OpenStreetMap
+ utilizando o %{oauth}? Tem de registar o programa para poder fazer solicitações
+ OAuth.
+ registered_apps: 'Tem os seguintes programas registados:'
+ register_new: Registar um programa
+ form:
+ name: Nome
+ required: obrigatório
+ url: URL do programa principal
+ callback_url: URL de retorno
+ support_url: URL de suporte
+ requests: 'Pedir as seguintes permissões do utilizador:'
+ allow_read_prefs: ler as preferências do utilizador.
+ allow_write_prefs: alterar as preferências do utilizador.
+ allow_write_diary: criar entradas no diário, comentários e adicionar amigos.
+ allow_write_api: alterar o mapa.
+ allow_read_gpx: ler os trilhos GPS privados do utilizador.
+ allow_write_gpx: enviar trilhos GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: alterar erros reportados.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Desculpe, não foi possível encontrar esse %{type}.
+ create:
+ flash: As informações foram registadas com sucesso
+ update:
+ flash: A atualização da informação do programa foi feita com sucesso
+ destroy:
+ flash: O registo do programa foi eliminado
+ user:
+ login:
+ title: Entrar
+ heading: Iniciar sessão
+ email or username: 'E-mail ou Utilizador:'
+ password: 'Palavra-passe:'
+ openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
+ remember: 'Lembrar-me:'
+ lost password link: Perdeu a sua palavra-passe?
+ login_button: Entrar
+ register now: Criar conta agora
+ with username: 'Já tem uma conta no OpenStreetMap? Por favor introduza o nome
+ de utilizador e a palavra-passe:'
+ new to osm: É a primeira vez que está no OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: Para editar no OpenStreetMap, é necessário ter uma conta.
+ create account minute: Crie uma conta. Leva apenas um minuto.
+ no account: Não possui uma conta?
+ account not active: Desculpe, a sua conta ainda não está ativa.<br />Por favor
+ clique na ligação presente no email que lhe foi enviado para ativar a sua
+ conta, ou<a href="%{reconfirm}">peça uma nova mensagem de email para confirmação</a>.
+ account is suspended: Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua conta foi suspensa devido
+ a atividades suspeitas.<br />Por favor contacte o <a href="%{webmaster}">administrador
+ do site</a> para resolver o problema.
+ auth failure: Pedimos desculpa, mas não pode entrar na conta com os detalhes
+ fornecidos.
+ openid_logo_alt: Iniciar sessão com OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Sair
+ heading: Sair do OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Sair
+ lost_password:
+ title: Palavra-passe esquecida
+ heading: Palavra-passe esquecida?
+ email address: 'E-mail:'
+ new password button: Alterar Palavra-passe
+ help_text: Introduza o endereço de e-mail que utilizou para criar a conta, enviaremos
+ uma ligação para esse e-mail para que possa pedir outra palavra-passe.
+ notice email on way: Já vai um e-mail a caminho para que possa utilizar outra
+ palavra-passe.
+ notice email cannot find: Não foi possível encontrar o e-mail, desculpe.
+ reset_password:
+ title: Repor palavra-passe
+ heading: Repor palavra-passe para o %{user}
+ password: 'Palavra-passe:'
+ confirm password: 'Confirmar Palavra-passe:'
+ reset: Repor Palavra-passe
+ flash changed: A sua palavra-passe foi alterada.
+ flash token bad: O Token não foi encontrado. Verifique por favor o URL.
+ new:
+ title: Criar conta
+ no_auto_account_create: Infelizmente neste momento não poderemos criar uma conta
+ automaticamente.
+ contact_webmaster: Entre em contacto com o <a href="">webmaster</a>
+ para uma conta ser criada - vamos tentar lidar com o pedido o mais rapidamente
+ possível.
+ about:
+ header: Livre e editável
+ html: |-
+ <p>Ao contrário de outros mapas, o OpenStreetMap é completamente criado por pessoas como você, e é disponibilizado gratuitamente para que qualquer pessoa possa corrigir, atualizar, descarregar e utilizar.</p>
+ <p>Crie uma conta de utilizador para começar a colaborar. Enviaremos um email para confirmar a sua conta.</p>
+ license_agreement: Quando confirmar a sua conta, será necessário aceitar os
+ <a href="">Termos
+ de Colaboração</a>.
+ email address: 'E-mail:'
+ confirm email address: 'Confirmar E-mail:'
+ not displayed publicly: Não será visível publicamente (ver <a href=""
+ title="política de privacidade incluindo secção sobre endereços de e-mail">política
+ de privacidade</a>)
+ display name: 'Nome de utilizador:'
+ display name description: O nome de utilizador será visível publicamente. Poderá
+ alterar o nome posteriormente nas preferências.
+ password: 'Palavra-passe:'
+ confirm password: 'Confirmar senha:'
+ continue: Criar conta
+ terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitar os novos termos de colaborador!
+ terms declined: Lamentamos não ter aceitado os novos Termos de Colaborador.
+ Para obter mais informações consulte <a href="%{url}">esta página wiki</a>.
+ terms:
+ title: Termos de colaborador
+ heading: Termos de colaborador
+ read and accept: Por favor leia o acordo seguinte e clique no botão "Aceitar"
+ para confirmar que aceita os termos deste acordo para as suas contribuições
+ anteriores e futuras.
+ consider_pd: para além do acordo exposto acima, considero que as minhas contribuições
+ se encontram em Domínio Público.
+ consider_pd_why: O que é isto?
+ guidance: 'Informação para ajudar a compreender os termos: um <a href="%{summary}">resumo
+ inteligível</a> e algumas <a href="%{translations}">traduções informais</a>'
+ agree: Aceitar
+ decline: Rejeitar
+ you need to accept or decline: Por favor leia e depois aceite ou recuse os novos
+ Termos de Colaborador para continuar.
+ legale_select: 'por favor selecione o seu país de residência:'
+ legale_names:
+ france: França
+ italy: Itália
+ rest_of_world: Resto do mundo
+ no_such_user:
+ title: Este utilizador não existe
+ heading: O utilizador %{user} não existe
+ body: Não existe nenhum utilizador com o nome %{user}. Verifique se o endereço
+ está correto ou talvez a hiperligação que clicou esteja errada.
+ view:
+ my diary: Meu diário
+ new diary entry: adicionar entrada no meu diário
+ my edits: As minhas edições
+ my traces: Meus trilhos GPS
+ my notes: Erros reportados por mim
+ my messages: As Minhas Mensagens
+ my profile: Meu Perfil
+ my settings: As minhas configurações
+ my comments: Meus comentários
+ oauth settings: configurações do OAuth
+ blocks on me: Bloqueios sobre mim
+ blocks by me: Bloqueados por mim
+ send message: Enviar mensagem
+ diary: Diário
+ edits: Edições
+ traces: Trilhos
+ notes: Erros reportados no mapa
+ remove as friend: Remover amigo
+ add as friend: Adicionar aos amigos
+ mapper since: 'Mapeando desde:'
+ ago: (%{time_in_words_ago} atrás)
+ ct status: 'Termos de Colaborador:'
+ ct undecided: Indeciso
+ ct declined: Rejeitou
+ ct accepted: Aceite há %{ago}
+ latest edit: 'Última edição %{ago}:'
+ email address: 'E-mail:'
+ created from: 'Criado em:'
+ status: 'Estado:'
+ spam score: 'Pontuação de Spam:'
+ description: Descrição
+ user location: Localização do utilizador
+ if set location: Indique a sua localização habitual na página %{settings_link}
+ para ver outros editores nas redondezas.
+ settings_link_text: configurações
+ your friends: Os seus amigos
+ no friends: Ainda não adicionou nenhum amigo.
+ km away: '%{count}km de distância'
+ m away: '%{count}m de distância'
+ nearby users: Outros editores nas redondezas
+ no nearby users: Não existem outros editores nas redondezas que admitam que
+ estão nas redondezas.
+ role:
+ administrator: Este utilizador é administrador
+ moderator: Este utilizador é um moderador
+ grant:
+ administrator: Dar acesso de administrador
+ moderator: Dar acesso de moderador
+ revoke:
+ administrator: Retirar acesso de administrador
+ moderator: Retirar acesso de moderador
+ block_history: bloqueios recebidos
+ moderator_history: bloqueios feitos
+ comments: Comentários
+ create_block: bloquear este utilizador
+ activate_user: ativar este utilizador
+ deactivate_user: desativar este utilizador
+ confirm_user: confirmar esse utilizador
+ hide_user: ocultar este utilizador
+ unhide_user: descobrir este utilizador
+ delete_user: eliminar este utilizador
+ confirm: Confirmar
+ friends_changesets: alterações dos amigos
+ friends_diaries: ver as entradas em diários dos amigos
+ nearby_changesets: Ver alterações de editores das redondezas
+ nearby_diaries: entradas em diários de editores das redondezas
+ popup:
+ your location: Tua localização
+ nearby mapper: Mapeador das redondezas
+ friend: Amigo
+ account:
+ title: Editar conta
+ my settings: Minhas definições
+ current email address: 'E-mail Actual:'
+ new email address: 'Novo E-mail:'
+ email never displayed publicly: (nunca é mostrado publicamente)
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: o que é isto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Edição pública:'
+ enabled: Ativado. Não anónimo e pode editar.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: o que é isto?
+ disabled: Desativado e não pode editar. Todas as edições anteriores são anónimas.
+ disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Edição pública
+ text: Neste momento as suas edições são anónimas e as outras pessoas não lhe
+ podem enviar mensagens nem ver onde se encontra. Para mostrar as suas edições
+ e permitir que o contactem através do OpenStreetMap, clique na ligação seguinte.
+ <b>Desde a migração 0.6 da API, apenas utilizadores com edições públicas
+ podem editar dados do mapa</b>. (<a href="">mais
+ informações</a>).<ul><li>Ao tornar as suas edições públicas o seu endereço
+ de email não será revelado.</li><li>Esta ação não pode ser revertida e todos
+ os novos utilizadores têm as edições disponibilizadas publicamente.</li></ul>
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Termos de Colaborador:'
+ agreed: Aceitou os novos Termos de Colaborador.
+ not yet agreed: Ainda não aceitou os novos Termos de Colaborador.
+ review link text: Por favor clique na ligação seguinte para rever e aceitar
+ os Termos de Colaborador.
+ agreed_with_pd: Também declarou que as suas edições são disponibilizadas em
+ Domínio Público.
+ link text: o que é isto?
+ profile description: 'Descrição do perfil:'
+ preferred languages: 'Línguas preferidas:'
+ preferred editor: 'Editor Preferido:'
+ image: 'Imagem:'
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: Usar imagem do site Gravatar
+ link text: o que é isto?
+ new image: Adicionar imagem
+ keep image: Manter a imagem atual
+ delete image: Remover a imagem atual
+ replace image: Substituir a imagem atual
+ image size hint: (funcionam melhor as imagens quadradas com pelo menos 100x100
+ pixeis)
+ home location: Localização Habitual
+ no home location: Não inseriu a sua localização habitual.
+ latitude: 'Latitude:'
+ longitude: 'Longitude:'
+ update home location on click: Atualizar local onde me encontro normalmente
+ quando clico no mapa?
+ save changes button: Gravar Alterações
+ make edits public button: Tornar todas as minhas edições públicas
+ return to profile: Regressar ao perfil
+ flash update success confirm needed: As informações do utilizador foram atualizadas
+ com sucesso. Verifica o teu e-mail para confirmar o teu endereço de e-mail.
+ flash update success: As informações do utilizador foram atualizadas com sucesso.
+ confirm:
+ heading: Verifique o seu email!
+ introduction_1: Enviámos-lhe um e-mail de confirmação.
+ introduction_2: Confirme a sua conta clicando no link no e-mail e assim poderá
+ iniciar o mapeamento.
+ press confirm button: Pressione o botão de confirmação abaixo para ativar a
+ tua conta.
+ button: Confirmar
+ success: Conta confirmada, obrigado por te registares!
+ already active: Esta conta já foi confirmada.
+ unknown token: Esse código de confirmação expirou ou não existe.
+ reconfirm_html: Se precisar lhe reenviemos o e-mail de confirmação, <a href="%{reconfirm}">clique
+ aqui</a>.
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: Já enviámos um email de confirmação para %{email} e mal confirme a
+ sua conta, poderá mapear.<br /><br />Caso utilize um sistema anti-spam que
+ envie pedidos de confirmação, por favor coloque na lista branca de remetentes
+ seguros o endereço uma vez que não temos possibilidade
+ de responder a pedidos de confirmação.
+ failure: Utilizador %{name} não foi encontrado.
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Confirmar a alteração de e-mail
+ press confirm button: Clique no botão confirmar para confirmar o seu e-mail.
+ button: Confirmar
+ success: O seu e-mail foi confirmado, obrigado por se inscrever!
+ failure: Um e-mail já foi confirmado com este código.
+ set_home:
+ flash success: Localização gravada com êxito
+ go_public:
+ flash success: Todas as suas edições são agora públicas e agora poderá editar
+ o mapa.
+ make_friend:
+ heading: Adicionar %{user} à lista de amigos?
+ button: Adicionar aos amigos
+ success: '%{name} já faz parte da sua lista de amigos!'
+ failed: Desculpe, falha ao adicionar %{name} como um amigo.
+ already_a_friend: Já é amigo de %{name}.
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: Remover %{user}da lista de amigos?
+ button: Remover amigo
+ success: '%{name} foi removido(a) da lista de seus amigos.'
+ not_a_friend: '%{name} não está na lista de seus amigos.'
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: É necessário ser administrador para realizar esta operação.
+ list:
+ title: Utilizadores
+ heading: Utilizadores
+ showing:
+ one: Página %{page} (%{first_item} de %{items})
+ other: Página %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} de %{items})
+ summary: '%{name} criado com o ip %{ip_address} em %{date}'
+ summary_no_ip: '%{name} criado na %{date}'
+ confirm: Confirmar utilizadores selecionados
+ hide: Ocultar utilizadores selecionados
+ empty: Não foi encontrado nenhum utilizador correspondente
+ suspended:
+ title: Conta Suspensa
+ heading: Conta Suspensa
+ webmaster: administrador do site
+ body: |-
+ <p>
+ Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua conta foi automaticamente suspensa devido
+ a atividades suspeitas.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Esta decisão será revista brevemente por um administrador.
+ Pode contactar o %{webmaster} se desejar.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Apenas os administradores podem gerir cargos, e você não
+ é administrador.
+ not_a_role: A expressão `%{role}' não é um cargo válido.
+ already_has_role: O utilizador já tem o cargo %{role}.
+ doesnt_have_role: O utilizador não tem o cargo %{role}.
+ grant:
+ title: Confirmar a concessão do cargo
+ heading: Confirmar concessão do cargo
+ are_you_sure: Tem a certeza que deseja conceder o cargo `%{role}' ao utilizador
+ `%{name}'?
+ confirm: Confirmar
+ fail: Não foi possível conceder o cargo `%{role}' ao utilizador `%{name}'. Por
+ favor verifique se o utilizador e o cargo são válidos.
+ revoke:
+ title: Confirmar revogação de cargo
+ heading: Confirmar revogação de cargo
+ are_you_sure: Tem a certeza que deseja retirar o cargo `%{role}' ao utilizador
+ `%{name}'?
+ confirm: Confirmar
+ fail: Não foi possível retirar o cargo `%{role}' ao utilizador `%{name}'. Por
+ favor verifique se o utilizador e o cargo são válidos.
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: Tem de ser um moderador para criar ou atualizar um bloqueio.
+ non_moderator_revoke: Tem de ser um moderador para revogar um bloqueio.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Pedimos desculpa mas não foi encontrado um utilizador com o identificador
+ (ID) %{id}.
+ back: Voltar ao índice
+ new:
+ title: A criar um bloqueio em %{name}
+ heading: A criar um bloqueio em %{name}
+ reason: O motivo porque %{name} está a ser bloqueado. Por favor escreva de forma
+ calma e razoável, fornecendo o máximo de detalhes sobre a situação e tendo
+ em conta que a mensagem será visível publicamente. Note que nem todos os utilizadores
+ entendem o jargão da comunidade, por isso escreva de forma clara e compreensível
+ para qualquer outra pessoa leiga.
+ period: Por quanto tempo, a partir deste momento, o utilizador será bloqueado
+ na utilização da API.
+ submit: Criar bloqueio
+ tried_contacting: Já contactei o utilizador e pedi-lhe para parar.
+ tried_waiting: Já dei um tempo razoável para o utilizador responder a esta comunicações
+ needs_view: O utilizador necessita de autenticar-se antes deste bloqueio terminar
+ back: Ver todos os bloqueios
+ edit:
+ title: A editar o bloqueio em %{name}
+ heading: A editar o bloqueio em %{name}
+ reason: O motivo porque %{name} está a ser bloqueado. Por favor escreva de forma
+ calma e razoável, fornecendo o máximo de detalhes sobre a situação. Tenha
+ em conta que nem todos os utilizadores entendem o jargão da comunidade, por
+ isso escreva de forma clara e compreensível para qualquer outra pessoa leiga.
+ period: Por quanto tempo, a partir deste momento, o utilizador será bloqueado
+ na utilização da API.
+ submit: Atualizar o bloqueio
+ show: Ver este bloqueio
+ back: Ver todos os bloqueios
+ needs_view: O utilizador necessita de entrar na conta antes do bloqueio terminar?
+ filter:
+ block_expired: Este bloqueio já terminou e por isso não pode ser editado.
+ block_period: O período de tempo do bloqueio tem de ser um dos valores da lista
+ deslizante.
+ create:
+ try_contacting: Por favor tente contactar o utilizador antes de o bloquear e
+ dê-lhe algum tempo para responder.
+ try_waiting: Por favor dê um tempo razoável para o utilizador responder antes
+ de o bloquear.
+ flash: Bloqueou o utilizador %{name}.
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: Apenas o moderador que criou este bloqueio pode editá-lo.
+ success: Bloqueio atualizado.
+ index:
+ title: Bloqueio de utilizador
+ heading: Lista de bloqueios de utilizadores
+ empty: Ainda não foram feitos bloqueios.
+ revoke:
+ title: Revocando bloqueio de %{block_on}
+ heading: Revocando bloqueio de %{block_on} por %{block_by}
+ time_future: Este bloqueio terminará em %{time}.
+ past: Este bloqueio terminou há %{time} atrás e já não pode ser revocado.
+ confirm: Tem a certeza que quer revocar este bloqueio?
+ revoke: Revogar!
+ flash: Este bloqueio foi revogado.
+ period:
+ one: 1 hora
+ other: '%{count} horas'
+ partial:
+ show: Mostrar
+ edit: Editar
+ revoke: Revogar!
+ confirm: Tem a certeza?
+ display_name: Utilizador Bloqueado
+ creator_name: Criador
+ reason: Motivo do bloqueio
+ status: Estado
+ revoker_name: Revogado por
+ not_revoked: (não revogado)
+ showing_page: Página %{page}
+ next: Seguinte »
+ previous: « Anterior
+ helper:
+ time_future: Termina em %{time}.
+ until_login: Ativo até o utilizador entrar na conta.
+ time_past: Terminou há %{time} atrás.
+ blocks_on:
+ title: Bloqueios em %{name}
+ heading: Lista de bloqueios em %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} nunca foi bloqueado(a).'
+ blocks_by:
+ title: Bloqueios por %{name}
+ heading: Lista de bloqueios feitos por %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} ainda não bloqueou ninguém.'
+ show:
+ title: '%{block_on} bloqueado por %{block_by}'
+ heading: '%{block_on} bloqueado por %{block_by}'
+ time_future: Termina em %{time}
+ time_past: Terminou há %{time} atrás
+ status: Estado
+ show: Mostrar
+ edit: Editar
+ revoke: Revogar!
+ confirm: Tem a certeza?
+ reason: 'Razão do bloqueio:'
+ back: Ver todos os bloqueios
+ revoker: 'Revogador:'
+ needs_view: O utilizador necessita de autenticar-se antes deste bloqueio terminar.
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: Criado %{when} atrás
+ opened_at_by_html: Criado %{when} atrás por %{user}
+ commented_at_html: Atualizado %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Atualizado %{when} por %{user}
+ closed_at_html: Resolvido %{when} atrás
+ closed_at_by_html: Resolvido %{when} atrás por %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: Reaberto em %{when}
+ reopened_at_by_html: Reaberto %{when} por %{user}
+ rss:
+ title: Erros reportados no OpenStreetMap
+ description_area: Lista de erros reportados, comentados ou resolvidos na sua
+ área [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]
+ description_item: Uma fonte RSS para o erro %{id} reportado
+ opened: novo erro no mapa (perto de %{place})
+ commented: Novo comentário (perto de %{place})
+ closed: erro reportado resolvido (perto de %{place})
+ reopened: erro no mapa reaberto (perto de %{place})
+ entry:
+ comment: Comentário
+ full: Erro reportado completo
+ mine:
+ title: Erros reportados ou comentados por %{user}
+ heading: Erros reportados por %{user}
+ subheading: Erros reportados ou comentados por %{user}
+ id: Identificador
+ creator: Criador
+ description: Descrição
+ created_at: Criado em
+ last_changed: Última alteração
+ ago_html: há %{when}
+ javascripts:
+ close: Fechar
+ share:
+ title: Partilhar
+ cancel: Cancelar
+ image: Imagem
+ link: Ligação ou HTML
+ long_link: Link
+ short_link: Lig.Curta
+ embed: HTML
+ custom_dimensions: Definir dimensões personalizadas
+ format: 'Formato:'
+ scale: 'Escala:'
+ image_size: A imagem mostrará a camada padrão em
+ download: Descarregar
+ short_url: URL curto
+ include_marker: Incluir marcador
+ center_marker: Centrar o mapa no marcador
+ paste_html: Colar HTML para incorporar na página web
+ view_larger_map: Ver mapa maior
+ key:
+ title: Legenda do mapa
+ tooltip: Legenda do mapa
+ tooltip_disabled: Legenda do Mapa disponível apenas no Mapa Padrão
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Aproximar
+ out: Afastar
+ locate:
+ title: Mostrar a minha localização
+ popup: Está a {distance} {unit} deste ponto
+ base:
+ standard: Mapa Padrão
+ cycle_map: Mapa de Ciclismo
+ transport_map: Transportes Públicos
+ hot: Humanitário
+ layers:
+ header: Camadas do Mapa
+ notes: Erros reportados no mapa
+ data: Dados técnicos do mapa
+ overlays: Ativar sobreposições para solucionar problemas do mapa
+ title: Camadas
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>Colaboradores do OpenStreetMap</a>
+ donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Fazer um donativo</a>
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Editar o mapa
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Área demasiado grande. Amplie para poder editar
+ createnote_tooltip: Reportar erro no mapa
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: A área do mapa é demasiado grande. Amplie o mapa
+ para poder reportar um erro
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Aproxime para ver erros reportados
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Aproxime para ver dados do mapa
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Consultar elementos em redor
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Aproxime a vista para consultar elementos em
+ redor
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Comentário
+ subscribe: Subscrever
+ unsubscribe: Anular subscrição
+ hide_comment: ocultar
+ unhide_comment: desocultar
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: Encontrou um erro ou existe algo em falta? Avise os outros mapeadores
+ para que eles possam consertar a anomalia. Basta posicionar o marcador na
+ a posição desejada e escrever uma nota que explique o problema. (Por favor,
+ não insira informações pessoais nem informação de mapas ou listas com direitos
+ de autor.)
+ add: Reportar Erro
+ show:
+ anonymous_warning: Este erro reportado inclui comentários de utilizadores
+ anónimos que devem ser confirmados por fonte independente.
+ hide: Esconder
+ resolve: Marcar como Resolvido
+ reactivate: Reabrir
+ comment_and_resolve: Gravar como Resolvido
+ comment: Gravar
+ edit_help: Mova o mapa e amplie a localização que pretende editar e depois clique
+ aqui.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicleta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A pé (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicicleta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Carro (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A pé (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Carro (OSRM)
+ directions: Direções
+ distance: Distância
+ errors:
+ no_route: Não foi encontrada uma rota entre os dois pontos.
+ no_place: Desculpe - não foi possível encontrar esse local.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Continuar na
+ slight_right: Virar um pouco à direita para a
+ turn_right: Virar à esquerda para a
+ sharp_right: Viragem brusca à esquerda para a
+ uturn: Inverter a marcha na
+ sharp_left: Virar ligeiramente à esquerda para a
+ turn_left: Virar à esquerda para a
+ slight_left: Virar um pouco à esquerda para a
+ follow: Siga a
+ roundabout: Na rotunda siga a
+ leave_roundabout: Saia da rotunda -
+ stay_roundabout: Mantenha-se na rotunda -
+ start: Começar no final da
+ destination: Chegada ao destino
+ end_oneway: Final de via sentido único em
+ unnamed: (sem nome)
+ courtesy: Direções fornecidas por %{link}
+ time: Tempo
+ query:
+ node: Nó
+ way: Linha
+ relation: Relação
+ nothing_found: Nenhum elemento encontrado
+ error: 'Erro ao comunicar com %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Tempo limite excedido ao ligar a %{server}
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: Descrição
+ heading: Editar supressão
+ submit: Gravar supressão
+ title: Editar supressão
+ index:
+ empty: Não existem supressões a mostrar.
+ heading: Lista de supressões
+ title: Lista de supressões
+ new:
+ description: Descrição
+ heading: Introduza a informação da nova supressão
+ submit: Criar supressão
+ title: A criar uma nova supressão
+ show:
+ description: 'Descrição:'
+ heading: A mostrar a supressão "%{title}"
+ title: A mostrar a supressão
+ user: 'Criador:'
+ edit: Editar esta supressão
+ destroy: Remover esta supressão
+ confirm: Tem a certeza?
+ create:
+ flash: A supressão foi criada.
+ update:
+ flash: As alterações foram gravadas.
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: A supressão não está vazia. Por favor retire a supressão de todas
+ as versões pertencentes a esta supressão antes de a eliminar
+ flash: Supressão eliminada.
+ error: Ocorreu um erro ao tentar eliminar esta supressão.
# Author: AMDmi3
# Author: AOleg
# Author: AZISS
+# Author: Aideih
# Author: Aleksandr Dezhin
# Author: Amire80
# Author: Andrewsh
# Author: Calibrator
# Author: Chilin
# Author: DCamer
+# Author: Dmitry-s93
# Author: Dr&mx
# Author: Eleferen
+# Author: Ergo
# Author: EugeneZelenko
# Author: Express2000
# Author: Ezhick
# Author: Nemo bis
# Author: Okras
# Author: Putnik
+# Author: Riliam
# Author: Santacloud
# Author: Spider
# Author: TarzanASG
relation_member: Участник отношения
relation_tag: Тег отношения
session: Сессия
- trace: ТÑ\80ек
- tracepoint: Точка трека
- tracetag: Тег трека
+ trace: Ð\9cаÑ\80Ñ\88Ñ\80Ñ\83Ñ\82
+ tracepoint: Точка маршрута
+ tracetag: Тег маршрута
user: Пользователь
user_preference: Настройки пользователя
user_token: Маркер пользователя
size: Размер
latitude: Широта
longitude: Долгота
- public: Ð\9eбÑ\89ий
+ public: Ð\9fÑ\83блиÑ\87нÑ\8bй
description: Описание
sender: Отправитель
relation: Отношения (%{count})
relation_paginated: Отношения (%{x}-%{y} из %{count})
comment: Комментарии (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Скрытый комментарий от %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ назад</abbr>
+ commented_by: Комментарий пользователя %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ назад</abbr>
changesetxml: XML пакета правок
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
reopened_by_anonymous: Обработана анонимом <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
hidden_by: Скрыта %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} назад</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Информация об объектах
+ introduction: Щелкните по карте, чтобы найти ближайшие объекты
+ nearby: Ближайшие объекты
+ enclosing: Местоположение
showing_page: Страница %{page}
sorry: К сожалению, список пакетов правок, который вы запросили, слишком большой
для извлечения.
+ title_all: Обсуждение пакета правок OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Обсуждение пакета правок OpenStreetMap #%{changeset_id}'
+ comment: 'Новый комментарий на пакет правок #%{changeset_id} от %{author}'
commented_at_html: Обновлена %{when} назад
commented_at_by_html: Обновлена %{when} назад %{user}
full: Полное обсуждение
+ cable_car: Канатная дорога
chair_lift: Кресельный канатный подъёмник
drag_lift: Якорный (бугельный) подъёмник
+ gondola: Канатная дорога
station: Станция канатного подъёмника
aerodrome: Аэродром
taxiway: Рулёжная дорожка
terminal: Терминал
+ animal_shelter: Приют для животных
arts_centre: Дом искусств
atm: Банкомат
bank: Банк
bicycle_parking: Велопарковка
bicycle_rental: Прокат велосипедов
biergarten: Пивная на открытом воздухе
+ boat_rental: Прокат лодок
brothel: Бордель
bureau_de_change: Обмен валют
bus_station: Автобусная станция
car_wash: Автомойка
casino: Казино
charging_station: Станция зарядки электромобилей
+ childcare: Служба ухода за детьми
cinema: Кинотеатр
clinic: Поликлиника
+ clock: Часы
college: Колледж
community_centre: Общественный центр
courthouse: Помещение суда
food_court: Фудкорт
fountain: Фонтан
fuel: Заправка
+ gambling: Игорный дом
grave_yard: Место захоронения
gym: Фитнес-центр / Тренажёрный зал
health_centre: Оздоровительный центр
library: Библиотека
market: Магазин
marketplace: Рыночная площадь
+ monastery: Монастырь
+ motorcycle_parking: Парковка для мотоциклов
nightclub: Ночной клуб
nursery: Пансионат
nursing_home: Дом престарелых
office: Офис
parking: Стоянка
+ parking_entrance: Въезд на стоянку
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Место поклонения
police: Милиция
veterinary: Ветеринарная клиника
village_hall: Усадьба
waste_basket: Мусорка
+ waste_disposal: Мусорный бак
youth_centre: Молодёжный центр
administrative: Административная граница
"yes": Мост
"yes": Здание
+ craft:
+ brewery: Пивоварня
+ carpenter: Плотник
+ electrician: Электрик
+ gardener: Садовник
+ painter: Художник
+ photographer: Фотограф
+ plumber: Сантехник
+ shoemaker: Сапожник
+ tailor: Портной
+ "yes": Мастерская
+ ambulance_station: Станция скорой медицинской помощи
+ defibrillator: Дефибриллятор
+ landing_site: Место аварийной посадки
phone: Телефон экстренной связи
+ abandoned: Заброшенная дорога
bridleway: Конный путь
bus_guideway: Автобусная полоса-рельс
bus_stop: Автобусная остановка
construction: Ремонт дороги
cycleway: Велодорожка
+ elevator: Лифт
emergency_access_point: Пункт первой помощи
footway: Тротуар
ford: Брод
primary_link: Главная дорога
proposed: Проектируемая дорога
raceway: Гоночная трасса
- residential: УлиÑ\86а обÑ\8bÑ\87наÑ\8f
+ residential: Ð\94оÑ\80ога
rest_area: Зона отдыха
road: Дорога
secondary: Второстепенная дорога
tertiary: Дорога третьего класса
tertiary_link: Дорога третьего класса
track: Неофициальная грунтовка
+ traffic_signals: Светофор
trail: Тропа
trunk: Трасса
trunk_link: Развязка
unclassified: Дорога местная
unsurfaced: Дорога без покрытия
+ "yes": Дорога
archaeological_site: Раскопки
battlefield: Поле боя
boundary_stone: Пограничный камень
- building: Здание
+ building: Историческое здание
+ bunker: Бункер
castle: Крепость
church: Церковь
+ city_gate: Городские ворота
citywalls: Исторические укрепления
fort: Форт
+ heritage: Объект культурного наследия
house: Дом
icon: Икона
manor: Поместье
memorial: Памятник
mine: Рудник
monument: Памятник
+ roman_road: Римская дорога
ruins: Развалины
+ stone: Камень
tomb: Могила
tower: Башня
wayside_cross: Придорожный крест
wayside_shrine: Придорожная святыня
wreck: Остов судна
+ junction:
+ "yes": Перекрёсток
allotments: Сады-огороды
basin: Бассейн
road: Зона дорожной сети
village_green: Зелёная деревня
vineyard: Виноградник
+ "yes": Землепользование
beach_resort: Пляж с насаждениями
bird_hide: Засидка (пункт скрытого наблюдения за птицами)
+ club: Клуб
common: Альменда
+ dog_park: Площадка для собак
fishing: Рыбалка
+ fitness_centre: Фитнес-центр
fitness_station: Фитнес-станция
garden: Сад
golf_course: Поле для гольфа
+ horse_riding: Конная база
ice_rink: Каток
marina: Пристань для яхт
miniature_golf: Минигольф
pitch: Спортивный газон
playground: Детская игровая площадка
recreation_ground: Зона отдыха
+ resort: Курорт
sauna: Сауна
slipway: Эллинг
sports_centre: Спортивный центр
swimming_pool: Бассейн
track: Спортивная дорожка
water_park: Аквапарк
+ "yes": Досуг
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Маяк
+ pipeline: Трубопровод
+ tower: Башня
+ works: Фабрика
+ "yes": Искусственный
airfield: Военный аэродром
barracks: Казармы
forest: Лес
geyser: Гейзер
glacier: Ледник
+ grassland: Луг
heath: Пустошь
hill: Холм
island: Остров
reef: Риф
ridge: Хребет
rock: Скала
+ saddle: Перевал
+ sand: Песок
scree: Осыпь камней
scrub: Кустарник
spring: Родник
wood: Лес
accountant: Бухгалтер
+ administrative: Администрация
architect: Архитектор
company: Компания
employment_agency: Агентство занятости
travel_agent: Туристическое агентство
"yes": Офисы
+ allotments: Сады-огороды, дачные участки
+ block: Квартал
airport: Аэропорт
city: Город
country: Страна
town: Городок
unincorporated_area: Загородная зона
village: Деревня
+ "yes": Местоположение
abandoned: Разобранные железнодорожные пути
construction: Ремонт ж/д путей
"yes": Магазин
alpine_hut: Альпийский Домик
+ apartment: Квартира
artwork: Произведения искусства
attraction: Аттракцион
bed_and_breakfast: Полупансион
camp_site: Лагерь
caravan_site: Стоянка для домов на колёсах
chalet: Шале
+ gallery: Галерея
guest_house: Домик для гостей
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Гостиница
wadi: Высохшее русло
waterfall: Водопад
weir: Плотина
+ "yes": Водный маршрут
level2: Граница страны
level4: Граница штата, субъекта
no_results: Ничего не найдено
more_results: Ещё результаты
- distance:
- one: около %{count} км
- zero: менее 1 км
- other: около %{count} км
- direction:
- south_west: юго-западнее
- south: южнее
- south_east: юго-восточнее
- east: восточнее
- north_east: северо-восточнее
- north: севернее
- north_west: северо-западнее
- west: западнее
alt_text: Логотип OpenStreetMap
земель для проверки того, что данные OSM являются точными и актуальными.
community_driven_title: Силами сообщества
community_driven_html: |-
- СообÑ\89еÑ\81Ñ\82во OpenStreetMap â\80\94 Ñ\80азнообÑ\80азное, неÑ\80авнодÑ\83Ñ\89ное и растущее с каждым днём.
+ СообÑ\89еÑ\81Ñ\82во OpenStreetMap â\80\94 Ñ\80азнообÑ\80азное, неÑ\80авнодÑ\83Ñ\88ное и растущее с каждым днём.
Наши участники — это энтузиасты-картографы, ГИС-профессионалы, инженеры, содержащие серверы OSM, люди, отмечающие районы, пострадавшие от бедствий, и многие другие.
Чтобы узнать больше о сообществе, читайте <a href='%{diary_path}'>дневники участников</a>,
<a href=''>блоги сообщества</a> и сайт <a href=''>Фонда OSM</a>.
open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap являются <i>открытыми данными</i>: вы можете использовать
их для любых целей до тех пор, пока вы указываете авторские права OpenStreetMap
и его участников. Если вы изменяете данные или определенным образом основываетесь
- на ниÑ\85, вÑ\8b можеÑ\82е Ñ\80аÑ\81пÑ\80оÑ\81Ñ\82Ñ\80анÑ\8fÑ\82Ñ\8c Ñ\81вой Ñ\80езÑ\83лÑ\8cÑ\82аÑ\82 Ñ\82олÑ\8cко под Ñ\82ой же лиÑ\86ензии.
+ на ниÑ\85, вÑ\8b можеÑ\82е Ñ\80аÑ\81пÑ\80оÑ\81Ñ\82Ñ\80анÑ\8fÑ\82Ñ\8c Ñ\81вой Ñ\80езÑ\83лÑ\8cÑ\82аÑ\82 Ñ\82олÑ\8cко под Ñ\82ой же лиÑ\86ензией.
Смотрите <a href=''%{copyright_path}''>Авторские права и Страница лицензии</a>
для более подробной информации.'
partners_title: Партнёры
commented_note: '%{commenter} разрешил одну из отметок, которые вы комментировали.
Отметка недалеко от %{place}.'
- subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{комментатор} переоткрыл вашу заметку'
- subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{комментатор} переоткрыл интересную вам заметку'
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} переоткрыл вашу заметку'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} переоткрыл интересную вам заметку'
your_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из ваших отметок на карте недалеко
от %{place}.'
commented_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из отметок, которые вы комментировали.
greeting: Привет,
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} прокомментировал один из ваших
+ пакетов правок'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} прокомментировал пакет правок,
+ который вас интересует'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} оставил комментарий на один из ваших пакетов
+ правок, созданный %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} оставил комментарий к пакету правок, который
+ вы отслеживаете и созданный %{changeset_author} %{time}'
partial_changeset_with_comment: с комментарием '%{changeset_comment}'
partial_changeset_without_comment: без комментария
+ details: Дополнительные сведения о пакете правок можно найти на %{url}.
title: Входящие
close: Закрыть
search: Поиск
+ get_directions: Проложить маршрут
+ get_directions_title: Поиск маршрута между двумя точками
+ from: Старт
+ to: Финиш
where_am_i: Где я?
where_am_i_title: Опишите ваше местоположение, воспользовавшись инструментом
- submit_text: Ð\9fеÑ\80ейти
+ submit_text: Ð\9dайти
register now: Зарегистрируйтесь
with username: 'У вас уже есть учётная запись OpenStreetMap? Пожалуйста, войдите
с вашим именем пользователя и паролем:'
- with openid: 'Вы также можете использовать для входа ваш OpenID:'
new to osm: Впервые на OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Чтобы вносить изменения в данные OpenStreetMap, вы должны иметь
учётную запись.
подозрительной активности.<br />Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с <a href="%{webmaster}">веб-мастером</a>,
если вы хотите выяснить подробности.
auth failure: Извините, вход с этими именем или паролем невозможен.
- openid missing provider: К сожалению, не удалось связаться с вашим поставщиком
- OpenID
- openid invalid: Извините, похоже, что ваш OpenID введён неправильно
openid_logo_alt: Войти с помощью OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Войти с помощью OpenID
- alt: Войти с помощью OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Войти с помощью Google
- alt: Войти с помощью Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Войти с помощью Yahoo
- alt: Войти с помощью Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Войти с помощью Wordpress
- alt: Войти с помощью Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Войти с помощью AOL
- alt: Войти с помощью AOL OpenID
title: Выйти
heading: Выйти из OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Отображаемое имя:'
display name description: Ваше имя, как оно будет видно другим пользователям.
Вы сможете изменить его позже в настройках.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Пароль:'
confirm password: 'Повторите пароль:'
- use openid: Или используйте для входа %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: При использовании OpenID пароль не требуется, но некоторым
- дополнительным инструменты и серверам он всё-таки нужен.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Ваш OpenID ещё не связан с учётной записью OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Если вы новичок на OpenStreetMap, пожалуйста, создайте новую учётную запись, используя приведённую ниже форму.</li>
- <li>
- Если у вас уже есть учётная запись, вы можете войти
- используя ваше имя пользователя и пароль, а затем связать учётную запись
- с вашим OpenID через меню настроек.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Зарегистрироваться
terms accepted: Спасибо за принятие новых условий участия!
terms declined: Нам жаль, что вы решили не принимать новые условия участия.
new email address: 'Новый адрес электронной почты:'
email never displayed publicly: (не будет показан)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: что это?
public editing:
править карту.
press confirm button: Нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы активировать вашу учетную запись.
button: Подтвердить
+ success: Ваша учётная запись подтверждена, спасибо за регистрацию!
already active: Эта учётная запись уже подтверждена.
unknown token: Такой код подтверждения истек или не существует.
reconfirm_html: Если хотите, чтобы мы выслали ещё одно подтверждение по электронной
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Приблизьте карту, чтобы добавить заметку
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Увеличьте масштаб, чтобы увидеть примечания к карте
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Увеличьте масштаб, чтобы увидеть данные карты
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Информация об объектах
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Приблизьте карту для информации об объектах
comment: Комментарий
comment: Прокомментировать
edit_help: Передвиньте карту и увеличьте место, которые вы хотите править, затем
кликните здесь.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: На велосипеде (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Пешком (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: На велосипеде (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: На машине (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Пешком (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: На машине (OSRM)
+ directions: Маршрут
+ distance: Длина пути
+ errors:
+ no_route: Не удалось найти маршрут между этими двумя точками.
+ no_place: К сожалению, данное место не найдено.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Продолжайте движение по
+ slight_right: Плавно поверните направо на
+ turn_right: Поверните направо на
+ sharp_right: Резко поверните направо на
+ uturn: Развернитесь на
+ sharp_left: Резко поверните налево на
+ turn_left: Поверните налево на
+ slight_left: Плавно поверните налево на
+ via_point: (через точку)
+ follow: Следуйте по
+ roundabout: На кольце
+ leave_roundabout: Выехать из кольца
+ stay_roundabout: Оставаться на кольце
+ start: Начните в конце
+ destination: Вы прибыли в место назначения
+ against_oneway: Двигайтесь против одностороннего движения по
+ end_oneway: Конец одностороннего движения на
+ unnamed: (без имени)
+ courtesy: Маршрут предоставлен %{link}
+ time: Время
node: Точка
way: Линия
relation: Отношение
+ nothing_found: Объектов поблизости нет
error: 'Ошибка связи с %{server}: %{error}'
timeout: Тайм-аут обращения к %{server}
--- /dev/null
+# Messages for Sicilian (sicilianu)
+# Exported from
+# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Gmelfi
+# Author: Pippinu
+ time:
+ formats:
+ friendly: '%e %B %Y ê %H:%M'
+ activerecord:
+ models:
+ acl: Lista di Cuntrollu d'Accessu
+ changeset: Gruppu di canciamenti
+ changeset_tag: Etichetta dû Gruppu di canciamenti
+ country: Paìsi
+ diary_comment: Cummentu ntô Diariu
+ diary_entry: Vuci dû Diariu
+ friend: Amicu
+ language: Lingua
+ message: Missaggiu
+ node: Gruppu
+ node_tag: Etichetta dû Gruppu
+ notifier: Nutìfica
+ old_node: Gruppu Vecchiu
+ old_node_tag: Etichetta Vecchia dû Gruppu
+ old_relation: Rilazzioni Vecchia
+ old_relation_member: Membru Vecchiu dâ Rilazzioni
+ old_relation_tag: Etichetta Vecchia dâ Rilazzioni
+ old_way: Caminu Vecchiu
+ old_way_node: Gruppu Vecchiu dû Caminu
+ old_way_tag: Etichetta Vecchia dû caminu
+ relation: Rilazzioni
+ relation_member: Membru dâ Rilazzioni
+ relation_tag: Etichetta dâ Rilazzioni
+ session: Sissioni
+ trace: Tracciatu
+ tracepoint: Puntu dû Tracciatu
+ tracetag: Etichetta dû Tracciatu
+ user: Utenti
+ user_preference: Prifirenza di l'Utenti
+ user_token: Chiavi di l'Utenti
+ way: Caminu
+ way_node: Gruppu dû Caminu
+ way_tag: Etichetta dû Caminu
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: Corpu
+ diary_entry:
+ user: Utenti
+ title: Oggettu
+ latitude: Latitùdini
+ longitude: Longitùdini
+ language: Lingua
+ friend:
+ user: Utenti
+ friend: Amicu
+ trace:
+ user: Utenti
+ visible: Visìbbili
+ name: Nomu
+ size: Grannizza
+ latitude: Latitùdini
+ longitude: Longitùdini
+ public: Pùbblicu
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ message:
+ sender: Mittenti
+ title: Oggettu
+ body: Corpu
+ recipient: Distinatariu
+ user:
+ email: Posta Elittrònica
+ active: Attivu
+ display_name: Nomu Ammustratu
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ languages: Lingui
+ pass_crypt: Palora d'òrdini
+ editor:
+ default: Pridifinutu (com'ad ora %{name})
+ potlatch:
+ name: Potlatch 1
+ description: Potlatch 1 (editor ntô browser)
+ id:
+ name: iD
+ description: iD (editor ntô browser)
+ potlatch2:
+ name: Potlatch 2
+ description: Potlatch 2 (editor ntô browser)
+ remote:
+ name: Telecumannu
+ description: Telecumannu (JOSM or Merkaartor)
+ browse:
+ created: Criatu
+ closed: Chiudutu
+ created_html: Criatu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr>
+ closed_html: Chiudutu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr>
+ created_by_html: Criatu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr> di %{user}
+ deleted_by_html: Cancillatu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr> di %{user}
+ edited_by_html: Canciatu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr> di %{user}
+ closed_by_html: Chiudutu <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} fa</abbr> di %{user}
+ version: Virsioni
+ in_changeset: Gruppu di canciamenti
+ anonymous: anònimu
+ no_comment: (nuḍḍu cummentu)
+ part_of: Fa' parti di
+ download_xml: Scàrrica ntô furmatu XML
+ view_history: Talìa a crunuluggìa
+ view_details: Talìa i dittagghî
+ location: 'Locu:'
+ changeset:
+ title: 'Gruppu di canciamenti: %{id}'
+ belongs_to: Auturi
+ node: Gruppa (%{count})
+ node_paginated: Gruppa (%{x}-%{y} di %{count})
+ way: Camini (%{count})
+ way_paginated: Camini (%{x}-%{y} di %{count})
+ relation: Rilazzioni (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: Rilazzioni (%{x}-%{y} di %{count})
+ comment: Cummenti (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Cummentu ammucciatu di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ fa</abbr>
+ commented_by: Cummentu di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ changesetxml: XML dû gruppu di canciamenti
+ osmchangexml: osmChange XML
+ feed:
+ title: Gruppu di canciamenti %{id}
+ title_comment: Gruppu di canciamenti %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Trasi pi' participari ntâ discussioni
+ discussion: Discussioni
+ node:
+ title: 'Gruppu: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Crunuluggìa dû gruppu: %{name}'
+ way:
+ title: 'Caminu: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Crunuluggìa dû caminu: %{name}'
+ nodes: Gruppa
+ also_part_of:
+ one: parti dû caminu %{related_ways}
+ other: parti dî camini %{related_ways}
+ relation:
+ title: 'Rilazzioni: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Crunuluggìa dâ rilazzioni: %{name}'
+ members: Membri
+ relation_member:
+ entry_role: '%{type} %{name} comu %{role}'
+ type:
+ node: Gruppu
+ way: Caminu
+ relation: Rilazzioni
+ containing_relation:
+ entry: Rilazzioni %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: Rilazzioni %{relation_name} (comu %{relation_role})
+ not_found:
+ sorry: 'Purtroppu, %{type} #%{id} nun si potti truvari.'
+ type:
+ node: u gruppu
+ way: u caminu
+ relation: a rilazzioni
+ changeset: u gruppu di canciamenti
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Purtroppu, cci vosi troppu tempu pi' pigghiari i dati %{type} cu' id
+ %{id}.
+ type:
+ node: dû gruppu
+ way: dû caminu
+ relation: dâ rilazzioni
+ changeset: dû gruppu di canciamenti
+ redacted:
+ redaction: Occultamentu %{id}
+ message_html: A virsioni %{version} di %{type} nun si po' ammustrari picchì
+ fu' occultata. Pi' favuri talìa %{redaction_link} pî dittagghî.
+ type:
+ node: stu gruppu
+ way: stu caminu
+ relation: sta rilazzioni
+ start_rjs:
+ feature_warning: Si vannu a' carricari %{num_features} elimenti, e sta cosa
+ ti purrìa rallintari u browser o puru bluccàrilu. Si' sicuru chi' voi ammustrari
+ sti dati?
+ load_data: Càrrica i dati
+ loading: Carricamentu...
+ tag_details:
+ tags: Etichetti
+ wiki_link:
+ key: A pàggina dâ wiki chi' discrivi l'etichetta %{key}
+ tag: A pàggina dâ wiki chi' discrivi l'etichetta %{key}=%{value}
+ wikidata_link: U suggettu %{page} supra a' Wikidata
+ wikipedia_link: L'artìculu %{page} supra a' Wikipedia
+ telephone_link: Chiama u %{phone_number}
+ note:
+ title: 'Nota: %{id}'
+ new_note: Nota nova
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ open_title: 'Nota nun risulvuta #%{note_name}'
+ closed_title: 'Nota risulvuta #%{note_name}'
+ hidden_title: 'Nota ammucciata #%{note_name}'
+ open_by: Criata di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Criata di n'anònimu <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ commented_by: Cummentu di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Cummentu di n'anònimu <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ fa</abbr>
+ closed_by: Risulvuta di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Risulvuta di n'anònimu <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ fa</abbr>
+ reopened_by: Riapruta di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous: Riapruta di n'anònimu <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ fa</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Ammucciata di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Ricerca di l'elimenti
+ introduction: Clicca supra â cartina pi' circari l'elimenti vicini.
+ nearby: Elimenti vicini
+ enclosing: Elimenti chi' cuntènunu
+ changeset:
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Pàggina %{page}
+ next: Appressu »
+ previous: « Prima
+ changeset:
+ anonymous: Anònimu
+ no_edits: (nuḍḍu canciamentu)
+ view_changeset_details: Ammustra i dittagghî dû gruppu di canciamenti
+ changesets:
+ id: ID
+ saved_at: Sarvatu u
+ user: Utenti
+ comment: Cummentu
+ area: Aria
+ list:
+ title: Gruppi di canciamenti
+ title_user: Gruppi di canciamenti di %{user}
+ title_friend: Gruppi di canciamenti dî to amici
+ title_nearby: Gruppi di canciamenti di l'utenti vicini
+ empty: Nuḍḍu gruppu di canciamenti truvatu.
+ empty_area: Nuḍḍu gruppu di canciamenti nta st'aria.
+ empty_user: Nuḍḍu gruppu di canciamenti fattu di st'utenti.
+ no_more: Nuḍḍu autru gruppu di canciamenti truvatu.
+ no_more_area: Nuḍḍu autru gruppu di canciamenti nta st'aria.
+ no_more_user: Nuḍḍu autru gruppu di canciamenti fattu di st'utenti.
+ load_more: Carricànni autri
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Purtroppu, cci vosi troppu tempu pi' pigghiari a lista dî gruppi di canciamenti
+ ch'addumannasti.
+ rss:
+ title_all: Discussioni supra ô gruppu di canciamenti di OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Discussioni supra ô gruppu di canciamenti di OpenStreetMap
+ #%{changeset_id}'
+ comment: 'Cummentu novu supra ô gruppu di canciamenti #%{changeset_id} di %{author}'
+ commented_at_html: Aggiurnatu %{when} fa
+ commented_at_by_html: Aggiurnatu %{when} fa di %{user}
+ full: Discussioni intera
+ diary_entry:
+ new:
+ title: Vuci nova dû diariu
+ list:
+ title: Diarî di l'utenti
+ title_friends: Diarî di l'amici
+ title_nearby: Diarî di l'utenti vicini
+ user_title: Diariu di %{user}
+ in_language_title: Vuci di diariu in %{language}
+ new: Vuci nova dû diariu
+ new_title: Scrivi na vuci nova ntô to diariu di l'utenti
+ no_entries: Nuḍḍa vuci ntô diariu
+ recent_entries: Vuci dû diariu ricenti
+ older_entries: Vuci cchiu' vecchî
+ newer_entries: Vuci cchiu' novi
+ edit:
+ title: Cancia sta vuci dû diariu
+ subject: 'Oggettu:'
+ body: 'Corpu:'
+ language: 'Lingua:'
+ location: 'Locu:'
+ latitude: 'Latitùdini:'
+ longitude: 'Longitùdini:'
+ use_map_link: adòpira a cartina
+ save_button: Sarva
+ marker_text: Locu dâ vuci dû diariu
+ view:
+ title: Diariu di %{user} | %{title}
+ user_title: Diariu di %{user}
+ leave_a_comment: Lassa nu cummentu
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} pi'' lassari cummenti'
+ login: Trasi
+ save_button: Sarva
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: Nuḍḍa vuci dû diariu currispunni
+ heading: 'Nuḍḍa vuci havi l''id: %{id}'
+ body: Purtroppu nun cc'è nuḍḍa vuci dû diariu o puru cummentu chi havi l'id
+ %{id}. Pi' favuri cuntrolla chi' scrivisti bonu, o puru po' jèssiri chi' u
+ culligamentu chi' cliccasti è sbagghiatu.
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: Pubblicatu di %{link_user} u %{created} in %{language_link}
+ comment_link: Cummenta sta vuci
+ reply_link: Rispunni a' sta vuci
+ comment_count:
+ zero: Nuḍḍu cummentu
+ one: '%{count} cummentu'
+ other: '%{count} cummenti'
+ edit_link: Cancia sta vuci
+ hide_link: Ammuccia sta vuci
+ confirm: Cunfirma
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: Cummentu di %{link_user} u %{comment_created_at}
+ hide_link: Ammuccia stu cummentu
+ confirm: Cunfirma
+ location:
+ location: 'Locu:'
+ view: Talìa
+ edit: Cancia
+ feed:
+ user:
+ title: Vuci dû diariu di OpenStreetMap di %{user}
+ description: Vuci ricenti dû diariu di OpenStreetMap di %{user}
+ language:
+ title: Vuci dû diariu di OpenStreetMap in %{language_name}
+ description: Vuci ricenti dû diariu di OpenStreetMap in %{language_name}
+ all:
+ title: Vuci dû diariu di OpenStreetMap
+ description: Vuci ricenti dû diariu di l'utenti di OpenStreetMap
+ comments:
+ has_commented_on: '%{display_name} cummintàu i siguenti vuci dû diariu'
+ post: Pùbblica
+ when: Quannnu
+ comment: Cummentu
+ ago: '%{ago} fa'
+ newer_comments: Cummenti cchiu' novi
+ older_comments: Cummenti cchiu' vecchî
+ export:
+ title: Espurtazzioni
+ start:
+ area_to_export: Aria di espurtari
+ manually_select: Scegghî manualmenti n'aria diffirenti
+ format_to_export: Furmatu di espurtari
+ osm_xml_data: Dati XML di OpenStreetMap
+ map_image: Mmàgini dâ cartina (ammustra u stratu standard)
+ embeddable_html: HTML ncorpuràbbili
+ licence: Licenza
+ export_details: I dati di OpenStreetMap su' sutta a licenza <a href="">Open
+ Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ too_large:
+ advice: 'Si'' l''espurtazzioni ccassupra nun rinesci, pi'' favuri prova cu''
+ una dî fonti ccassutta:'
+ body: St'aria è troppu granni p'espurtàrila comu Dati XML di OpenStreetMap.
+ Pi' favuri zumma o scegghî n'aria cchiu' picciriḍḍa, o puru adòpira una
+ dî fonti ccassutta pû scarricamentu massizzu di dati.
+ planet:
+ title: Pianeta OSM
+ description: Copî aggiurnati regularmenti dâ basi di dati cumpleta di OpenStreetMap
+ overpass:
+ title: API Overpass
+ description: Scàrrica stu riquatru dûn mirror dâ basi di dati di OpenStretMap
+ geofabrik:
+ title: Scarricamenti dâ Geofabrik
+ description: Estratti di cuntinenti, paìsi, e na silizzioni di città aggiurnati
+ regularmenti
+ metro:
+ title: Metro Extracts
+ description: Estratti dî principali città dû munnu e l'àrii circustanti
+ other:
+ title: Autri fonti
+ description: Autri fonti elincati ntâ wiki di OpenStreetMap
+ options: Opzioni
+ format: Furmatu
+ scale: Scala
+ max: max
+ image_size: Grannizza dâ mmàggini
+ zoom: Ngrannimentu
+ add_marker: Agghiunci un signu ntâ cartina
+ latitude: 'Lat:'
+ longitude: 'Lon:'
+ output: Pruduttu
+ paste_html: Ncoḍḍa l'HTML pi'ncurpurari ntôn situ web
+ export_button: Esporta
+ geocoder:
+ search:
+ title:
+ latlon: Risultati di <a href="">Nternu</a>
+ us_postcode: Risultati di <a href=""></a>
+ uk_postcode: Risultati di <a href="">NPEMap / FreeThe
+ Postcode</a>
+ ca_postcode: Risultati di <a href="">Geocoder.CA</a>
+ osm_nominatim: Risultati di <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Risultati di <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ osm_nominatim_reverse: Risultati di <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames_reverse: Risultati di <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ aerialway:
+ cable_car: Funivìa
+ chair_lift: Seggiuvìa
+ drag_lift: Sciuvìa
+ gondola: Cabbinuvìa
+ station: Stazzioni dâ funivìa
+ aeroway:
+ aerodrome: Ariuportu
+ apron: Piazzali
+ gate: Porta di mbarcu
+ helipad: Eliportu
+ runway: Pista d'attirraggiu
+ taxiway: Pista di rullaggiu
+ terminal: Terminal
+ amenity:
+ animal_shelter: Rifuggiu di l'armali
+ arts_centre: Centru d'arti
+ atm: Bancomat
+ bank: Banca
+ bar: Bar
+ bbq: Fucuni
+ bench: Bancu
+ bicycle_parking: Pusteggiu dî bicicletti
+ bicycle_rental: Affitta-bicicletti
+ biergarten: Biergarten
+ boat_rental: Affitta-barchi
+ brothel: Burdellu
+ bureau_de_change: Scanciaturi di muniti
+ bus_station: Stazzioni di l'autobus
+ cafe: Cafè
+ car_rental: Affitta-màchini
+ car_sharing: Car Sharing
+ car_wash: Lavaggiu dî màchini
+ casino: Casa di jocu
+ charging_station: Stazzioni di ricàrrica
+ childcare: Asilu nidu
+ cinema: Cinema
+ clinic: Clinica
+ clock: Ruloggiu
+ college: Accademia
+ community_centre: Centru cìvicu
+ courthouse: Tribbunali
+ crematorium: Crematoriu
+ dentist: Dintista
+ doctors: Dutturi
+ dormitory: Durmitoriu
+ drinking_water: Acqua pi' mbìviri
+ driving_school: Scola guida
+ embassy: Mmasciata
+ emergency_phone: Telèfunu d'emirgenza
+ fast_food: Fast Food
+ ferry_terminal: Attraccu dû traghettu
+ fire_hydrant: Idranti
+ fire_station: Pumperi
+ food_court: Zona di risturazzioni
+ fountain: Funtana
+ fuel: Pompa dâ binzina
+ gambling: Scummissi
+ grave_yard: Cimiteru
+ gym: Palestra
+ health_centre: Casa di cura
+ hospital: Spitali
+ hunting_stand: Barracca dî cacciatura
+ ice_cream: Gilatarìa
+ kindergarten: Asilu
+ library: Libbrarìa
+ market: Mircatu
+ marketplace: Mircatu
+ monastery: Munasteru
+ motorcycle_parking: Pusteggiu dî muturi
+ nightclub: Night Club
+ nursery: Asilu
+ nursing_home: Casa di riposu
+ office: Ufficiu
+ parking: Pusteggiu
+ parking_entrance: Trasuta dû parcheggiu
+ pharmacy: Farmacìa
+ place_of_worship: Locu di cultu
+ police: Guardia
+ post_box: Buca dâ posta
+ post_office: Ufficiu pustali
+ preschool: Asilu
+ prison: Càrciri
+ pub: Pub
+ public_building: Edificiu pùbblicu
+ reception_area: Accittazzioni
+ recycling: Ìsula eculòggica
+ restaurant: Risturanti
+ retirement_home: Casa di riposu
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: Scola
+ shelter: Pinnata
+ shop: Nigozziu
+ shower: Doccia
+ social_centre: Centru sociali
+ social_club: Cìrculu
+ social_facility: Sirvizzî suciali
+ studio: Studiu di riggistrazzioni
+ swimming_pool: Piscina
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Telèfunu pùbblicu
+ theatre: Tiatru
+ toilets: Cessi
+ townhall: Municipiu
+ university: Università
+ vending_machine: Machinetta chi' vinni
+ veterinary: Veterinariu
+ village_hall: Municipiu
+ waste_basket: Biduni dâ munnizza
+ waste_disposal: Cassuni dâ munnizza
+ youth_centre: Centru giuvanili
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Cunfini amministrativu
+ census: Cunfini censuariu
+ national_park: Parcu nazziunali
+ protected_area: Aria prutetta
+ bridge:
+ aqueduct: Catusatu
+ suspension: Ponti suspisu
+ swing: Ponti firriàbbili
+ viaduct: Viaduttu
+ "yes": Ponti
+ building:
+ "yes": Edificiu
+ craft:
+ brewery: Birrificiu
+ carpenter: Mastru d'ascia
+ electrician: Elittricista
+ gardener: Jardinaru
+ painter: Pitturi
+ photographer: Fotògrafu
+ plumber: Funtaneri
+ shoemaker: Scarparu
+ tailor: Custureri
+ "yes": Putìa dû mastru
+ emergency:
+ ambulance_station: Stazzioni di l'ambulanzi
+ defibrillator: Defibbrillaturi
+ landing_site: Pista d'attirraggiu d'emirgenza
+ phone: Telèfunu d'emirgenza
+ highway:
+ abandoned: Strata abbannunata
+ bridleway: Caminu pî cavaḍḍi
+ bus_guideway: Cursia ill'autobus a' guida vinculata
+ bus_stop: Firmata di l'autobus
+ construction: Strata in custruzzioni
+ cycleway: Pista ciclàbbili
+ elevator: Ascinsuri
+ emergency_access_point: Puntu di cugghiuta d'emirgenza
+ footway: Caminu pidunali
+ ford: Sguazzu
+ milestone: Petra miliari
+ motorway: Autustrata
+ motorway_junction: Svìnculu di l'autustrata
+ motorway_link: Autustrata
+ path: Caminu
+ pedestrian: Stata pidunali
+ platform: Firmata
+ primary: Strata primaria
+ primary_link: Strata primaria
+ proposed: Strata pruggittata
+ raceway: Pista
+ residential: Strata risidinziali
+ rest_area: Aria di parcheggiu
+ road: Strata
+ secondary: Strata secunnaria
+ secondary_link: Strata secunnaria
+ service: Strata di sirvizziu
+ services: Aria di sirvizziu
+ speed_camera: Autovelox
+ steps: Scala
+ street_lamp: Lampiuni
+ tertiary: Strata tirziaria
+ tertiary_link: Strata tirziaria
+ track: Trazzera
+ traffic_signals: Simàfuru
+ trail: Caminu
+ trunk: Superstrata
+ trunk_link: Superstrata
+ unclassified: Strata senza classificazzioni
+ unsurfaced: Strata stirrata
+ "yes": Strata
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Zona archiulòggica
+ battlefield: Campu di battagghia
+ boundary_stone: Petra finàita
+ building: Edificiu stòricu
+ bunker: Bunker
+ castle: Casteḍḍu
+ church: Chiesa
+ city_gate: Porta dâ città
+ citywalls: Mura dâ città
+ fort: Forti
+ house: Casa stòrica
+ icon: Cona
+ manor: Casa patrunali
+ mine: Minera
+ monument: Munumentu
+ roman_road: Strata rumana
+ ruins: Ruini
+ stone: Petra stòrica
+ tomb: Sepultura
+ tower: Turri
+ wayside_cross: Cruci
+ wayside_shrine: Cona
+ junction:
+ "yes": Cruci di via
+ landuse:
+ cemetery: Cimiteru
+ commercial: Zona cummirciali
+ construction: Zona in custruzzioni
+ farm: Massarìa
+ farmland: Terra cultivata
+ farmyard: Aria
+ forest: Furesta
+ garages: Garage
+ grass: Erba
+ greenfield: Zona luttizzata
+ industrial: Zona industriali
+ landfill: Munnizzaru
+ meadow: Pratu
+ military: Zona militari
+ mine: Minera
+ orchard: Fruttera
+ quarry: Pirrera
+ railway: Ferruvìa
+ recreation_ground: Chianu di ricrìu
+ reservoir: Lagu artificiali
+ residential: Zona risidinziali
+ retail: Zona di nigozzi
+ road: Ària dâ strata
+ village_green: Village Green
+ vineyard: Vigna
+ "yes": Usu dâ terra
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Lidu
+ club: Cìrculu
+ common: Cumuni
+ dog_park: Parcu dî cani
+ garden: Jardinu
+ golf_course: Campu di golf
+ marina: Portu turìsticu
+ miniature_golf: Minigolf
+ nature_reserve: Riserva naturali
+ park: Villa
+ pitch: Campu di jocu
+ playground: Jochi pî picciriḍḍi
+ sauna: Sauna
+ sports_centre: Centru spurtivu
+ stadium: Stadiu
+ swimming_pool: Piscina
+ track: Pista dâ cursa
+ water_park: Acquapark
+ "yes": Ricrìu
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Faru
+ pipeline: Cunnuttu
+ tower: Turri
+ works: Fàbbrica
+ "yes": Artificiali
+ military:
+ airfield: Ariuportu militari
+ barracks: Caserma
+ bunker: Bunker
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes": Passu di muntagna
+ natural:
+ bay: Gulfu
+ beach: Praja
+ cape: Capu
+ cave_entrance: Trasuta dâ grutta
+ cliff: Sdirrupu
+ crater: Crateri
+ dune: Duna
+ fjord: Fiordu
+ forest: Furesta
+ geyser: Geyser
+ glacier: Ghiacciaju
+ heath: Brughiera
+ hill: Cuḍḍina
+ island: Ìsula
+ land: Terra
+ marsh: Margiu
+ moor: Molu
+ mud: Fangu
+ peak: Muntagna
+ point: Puntu
+ ridge: Serra
+ rock: Massu
+ saddle: Seḍḍa
+ sand: Rina
+ scree: Agghiara
+ scrub: Troffi
+ spring: Surgiva
+ stone: Petra
+ strait: Strittu
+ tree: Àrvulu
+ valley: Vaḍḍi
+ volcano: Vulcanu
+ water: Acqua
+ wetland: Pantanu
+ wood: Boscu
+ office:
+ accountant: Raggiuneri
+ architect: Architettu
+ employment_agency: Agginzìa pû travagghiu
+ government: Ufficiu pùbblicu
+ insurance: Assicurazzioni
+ lawyer: Avvucatu
+ travel_agent: Agginzìa dî viaggi
+ "yes": Ufficiu
+ place:
+ block: Isulatu
+ airport: Ariuportu
+ city: Città
+ country: Paìsi
+ county: Cuntèa
+ farm: Massarìa
+ hamlet: Casali
+ house: Casa
+ houses: Casi
+ island: Ìsula
+ islet: Isuletta
+ isolated_dwelling: Casi isulati
+ locality: Cuntrata
+ moor: Molu
+ municipality: Cumuni
+ neighbourhood: Quarteri
+ postcode: CAP
+ region: Riggioni
+ sea: Mari
+ state: Statu
+ subdivision: Suttadivisioni
+ suburb: Quarteri
+ town: Cittateḍḍa
+ village: Paìsi
+ "yes": Locu
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Ferruvìa abbannunata
+ construction: Ferruvìa in custruzzioni
+ disused: Ferruvìa in disusu
+ disused_station: Stazzioni dû trenu abbannunata
+ funicular: Funiculari
+ halt: Firmata dû trenu
+ level_crossing: Passaggiu a' liveḍḍu
+ light_rail: Metrupulitana liggera
+ monorail: Monorutaja
+ narrow_gauge: Ferruvia a' scartamentu ridduciutu
+ spur: Binariu di sirvizziu
+ station: Stazzioni dâ ferruvìa
+ stop: Firmata dû trenu
+ subway: Stazzioni dâ metrupulitana
+ subway_entrance: Trasuta dâ metrupulitana
+ switch: Scanciu ferruviariu
+ tram: Tram
+ tram_stop: Firmata dû tram
+ shop:
+ antiques: Antiquariu
+ art: Nigòzziu d'arti
+ bakery: Furnu
+ beauty: Nigòzziu di biḍḍizza
+ beverages: Putìa dî buttigghî
+ bicycle: Nigozziu dî bicicletti
+ books: Nigozziu dî libbra
+ boutique: Boutique
+ butcher: Chiancheri
+ car: Cuncissiunaria dî màchini
+ car_parts: Ricambî dî màchini
+ car_repair: Officina dî màchini
+ carpet: Nigòzziu di tappiti
+ chemist: Sanitaria
+ clothes: Nigozziu dî vistiti
+ computer: Nigozziu dî computer
+ confectionery: Pastizzarìa
+ convenience: Minimarket
+ copyshop: Copistirìa
+ cosmetics: Nigòzziu di cusmètici
+ deli: Salumarìa
+ department_store: Granni magasenu
+ discount: Discount
+ doityourself: Fai-da-te
+ dry_cleaning: Lavasiccu
+ electronics: Nigozziu d'elittrònica
+ estate_agent: Agginzìa immubbiliari
+ farm: Putìa dû viḍḍanu
+ fashion: Boutique
+ fish: Piscarìa
+ florist: Ciuraru
+ food: Putìa di manciari
+ funeral_directors: Casciamurtaru
+ furniture: Nigòzziu dî mòbbili
+ gift: Artìculi di rigalu
+ greengrocer: Putìa dâ frutta
+ grocery: Putìa
+ hairdresser: Piluccheri
+ hardware: Firramenta
+ hifi: Nigòzziu di Hi-Fi
+ insurance: Assicurazzioni
+ jewelry: Giujellirìa
+ kiosk: Cioscu
+ laundry: Lavannarìa
+ mall: Centru cummirciali
+ market: Mircatu
+ mobile_phone: Nigozziu di tilifunini
+ motorcycle: Nigozziu di muturi
+ music: Nigozziu di mùsica
+ newsagent: Giurnalaru
+ optician: Òtticu
+ organic: Manciari biulòggicu
+ outdoor: Artìculi di campìu
+ pet: Nigozziu ill'armali
+ pharmacy: Farmacìa
+ photo: Nigòzziu di futugrafìa
+ salon: Saluni di biḍḍizza
+ shoes: Scarparu
+ shopping_centre: Centru Cummirciali
+ sports: Artìculi spurtivi
+ stationery: Cartaru
+ supermarket: Supirmircatu
+ tailor: Custureri
+ toys: Nigozziu dî jucàttuli
+ travel_agency: Agginzìa di viaggi
+ video: Vidiuteca
+ "yes": Nigozziu
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Rifuggiu
+ apartment: Appartamentu
+ attraction: Attrazzioni turìstica
+ bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
+ cabin: Barracca
+ camp_site: Campìu
+ hostel: Ostellu
+ hotel: Albergu
+ information: Nfurmazzioni turìstichi
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Musèu
+ picnic_site: Aria di pic-nic
+ theme_park: Parcu dî divirtimenti
+ viewpoint: Postu panuràmicu
+ zoo: Zoo
+ tunnel:
+ culvert: Tumbinatura
+ "yes": Gallarìa
+ waterway:
+ artificial: Cursu d'acqua artificiali
+ canal: Canali
+ dam: Diga
+ derelict_canal: Saja abbannunata
+ ditch: Fossu
+ dock: Bacinu
+ drain: Saja
+ lock: Conca di navigazzioni
+ lock_gate: Chiusa
+ mooring: Molu
+ rapids: Catarratti
+ river: Ciumi
+ stream: Vaḍḍuni
+ wadi: Uadi
+ waterfall: Cascata
+ weir: Brigghia fluviali
+ "yes": Cursu d'acqua
+ admin_levels:
+ level2: Cunfini di nazzioni
+ level4: Cunfini di statu
+ level5: Cunfini di riggioni
+ level6: Cunfini di cuntèa
+ level8: Cunfini di città
+ level9: Cunfini di paìsi
+ level10: Cunfini di quarteri
+ description:
+ title:
+ osm_nominatim: Lucalizzazzioni di <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Lucalizzazzioni di <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ types:
+ cities: Città
+ towns: Paìsi
+ places: Posti
+ results:
+ no_results: Nuḍḍu risultatu truvatu
+ more_results: Autri risultati
+ layouts:
+ logo:
+ alt_text: Logu di OpenStreetMap
+ home: Vai â casa
+ logout: Nesci
+ log_in: Trasi
+ log_in_tooltip: Trasi cûn cuntu esistenti
+ sign_up: Scrìviti
+ start_mapping: Accumencia a' mappari
+ sign_up_tooltip: Crea un cuntu pi' fari canciamenti
+ edit: Cancia
+ history: Crunuluggìa
+ export: Esporta
+ data: Dati
+ export_data: Esporta i dati
+ gps_traces: Tracciati GPS
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Gistisci i tracciati GPS
+ user_diaries: Diarî di l'utenti
+ user_diaries_tooltip: Talìa i diarî di l'utenti
+ edit_with: Cancia cu' %{editor}
+ tag_line: A Cartina-wiki dû Munnu Lìbbira
+ intro_header: Binvinuti nta OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: OpenStreetMap è na cartina dû munnu, criata di genti comu a' tia e
+ lìbbira a' adupirari secunnu na licenza aperta.
+ intro_2_create_account: Crea un cuntu di utenti
+ partners_html: L'hosting veni sustinutu di %{ucl}, %{ic} e %{bytemark}, e autri
+ %{partners}.
+ partners_ucl: the UCL VR Centre
+ partners_ic: Imperial College London
+ partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
+ partners_partners: cullabburaturi
+ osm_offline: A basi di dati di OpenStreetMap comu ad ora nun è in lìnia picchì
+ si stannu facennu travagghî di manutinizioni funnamintali.
+ osm_read_only: A basi di dati di OpenStreetMap comu ad ora è ntâ mudalità di sula
+ littura picchì si stannu facennu travagghî di manutinizioni funnamintali.
+ donate: Susteni a' OpenStreetMap %{link} ô funnu pi' l'aggiurnamentu di l'hardware.
+ help: Guida
+ about: Nfurmazzioni
+ copyright: Dritti d'auturi
+ community: Cumunità
+ community_blogs: Blog dâ cumunità
+ community_blogs_title: Blog di membri dâ cumunità di OpenStreetMap
+ foundation: Funnazzioni
+ foundation_title: A Funnazzioni OpenStreetMap
+ make_a_donation:
+ title: Susteni a' OpenStreetMap cu na dunazzioni di dinaru
+ text: Fai na dunazzioni
+ learn_more: Sapìrinni cchiu' ssai
+ more: Autri cosi
+ license_page:
+ foreign:
+ title: A' prupòsitu di sta traduzzioni
+ text: In casu di cunflittu tra sta pàggina traduciuta e %{english_original_link},
+ fa' fidi a pàggina in ngrisi
+ english_link: l'origginali in ngrisi
+ native:
+ title: A' prupòsitu di sta pàggina
+ text: Stai taliannu a virsioni in ngrisi dâ pàggina dû drittu d'auturi. Poi
+ turnari â %{native_link} di sta pàggina o puru poi finiri di nfurmàriti supra
+ ô drittu d'auturi e %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: virsioni in sicilianu
+ mapping_link: accumencia a' mappari
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Dritti d'auturi e Licenza
+ intro_1_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap è fattu di <i>dati aperti</i>, cuncessi sutta â licenza <a
+ href="">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ intro_2_html: |-
+ Si' lìbbiru di cupiari, diffùnniri, trasmèttiri e adattari i nostri dati, fintantu chi' l'attribuisci a' OpenStreetMap e ê so cuntribbutura. Si' canci i dati o l'adòpiri comu puntu di partenza, poi distribbuiri u travagghiu risultanti sulamenti sutta a stissa licenza. U <a href="">còdici ligali
+ code</a> cumpletu spiega quali sunnu i to dritti e i to rispunsabbilità.
+ intro_3_html: |-
+ A cartugrafìa ntê mattunelli dâ nostra carta, e a nostra ducumintazzioni, sunnu sutta a licenza <a href="">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> (CC BY-SA).
+ credit_title_html: Comu s'attribbuìsci a' OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: Richiedemu chi' si usa l'attribbuzzioni «© i cuntribbutura
+ di OpenStreetMap».
+ credit_2_html: "S'havi a' rènniri chiaru ch'i dati sunnu misi a' dispusizzioni
+ sutta dâ Open\nDatabase License, e si' s'adòpirunu i mattunelli dâ nostra
+ carta, ch'a cartugrafìa è sutta dâ licenza CC BY-SA. Sta cosa si po' fari
+ mittennu nu culligamentu a' \n<a href=\"\">sta
+ pàggina dû drittu d'auturi</a>.\nComu altirnativa, e obbligaturiamenti quannu
+ si diffunni OSM sutta forma di dati, si ponnu mintuari i licenzi pi' nomu
+ e cûn culligamentu direttu chi' porta unn'iḍḍi. Nta ḍḍi menzi unni i culligamenti
+ nun sunnu pussìbbili (ad esempiu ntâ carta stampata), suggiremu di mannari
+ i littura direttamenti unni (macari espannennu \n'OpenStreetMap'
+ a' stu nnirizzu cumpletu), unni, e, quann'è oppurtunu,
+ unni\n"
+ credit_3_html: |-
+ Nta na cartina elittronica navigàbbili, l'attribbuzzioni avissi a' spuntari nta l'àngulu dâ cartina.
+ Ad esempiu:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Esempiu di comu s'attribbuìsci a' OpenStreetMap nta na pàggina web
+ title: Esempiu di attribbuzzioni
+ more_title_html: Pi' sapìrinni cchiu' ssai
+ more_1_html: |-
+ Trova autri nfurmazzioni a' prupositu di comu s'adòpirunu i nostri dati, e comu nni si duna attribbuzioni, ntê <a
+ href="">Dumanni friquenti Ligali</a>.
+ more_2_html: "Macari si' OpenStreetMap è fattu di dati aperti, nun putemu furniri
+ n'API cartugrafica gratuita ê sviluppatura di terza parti.\nTalìa a nostra
+ <a href=\"\">Pulìtica pi'
+ l'utilizzu di l'API</a>, \na <a href=\"\">Pulìtica
+ pi' l'utilizzu dî mattunelli</a>\n e a <a href=\"\">Pulìtica
+ pi' l'utilizzu di Nominatim</a>."
+ contributors_title_html: I nostri cuntribbutura
+ contributors_intro_html: 'I nostri cuntribbutura sunnu migghiara di genti. Pigghiamu
+ macari dati cu'' licenza aperta furnuti di l''agginzìi cartugràfichi nazziunali
+ e di autri fonti, tra i quali:'
+ contributors_footer_1_html: |-
+ Pi' canùsciri autri dittagghî supra a' chisti e autri fonti chi' furu adupirati pi' migghiurari OpenStreetMap, poi taliari <a
+ href="">a pàggina dî cuntribbutura</a> supra â wiki di OpenStreetMap.
+ contributors_footer_2_html: A nclusioni dî dati nta OpenStreetMap nun ìmplica
+ ch'u furnituri origginali dî dati susteni OpenStreetMap, furnisci na quarchi'
+ garanzìa, o accetta na quarchi' rispunsabbilità.
+ infringement_title_html: Viulazzioni dû drittu d'auturi
+ infringement_1_html: Ê cuntribbutura di OSM si ricorda di nun agghiùnciri mai
+ dati chi' vènunu di fonti prutetti dû drittu d'auturi (ad esempiu Google Maps
+ o puru i carti stampati) senza aviri n'auturizzazzioni esplìcita dû titulari
+ dû drittu d'auturi.
+ infringement_2_html: "Si' pensi chi fu' gghiunciutu a' manera indèbita matiriali
+ prutettu dû drittu d'auturi ntâ basi di dati di OpenStreetMap o puru ntâ stu
+ situ, pi' favuri fai rifirimentu â nostra\n <a href=\"\">prucidura
+ di cancillazzioni</a> o puru signalinnillu direttamenti pi' menzu dû nostru
+ \n<a href=\"\">mòdulu di signalazzioni in linia</a>."
+ welcome_page:
+ title: Binvinuti!
+ introduction_html: Binvinuti nta OpenStreetMap, a cartina du munnu lìbbira e mudificàbbili.
+ Ora chi' siti scritti, siti pronti a' accuminciari a' mappari. Cca' cc'è na
+ guida chi' spiega i cosi cchiu' mpurtanti ch'haviti a' sapiri.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: Chiḍḍu chi' cc'è supra â cartina
+ on_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap è nu postu pi' mappari cosi chi' su' <em>veri e attuali</em> -
+ cumprenni miliuna d'edificî, strati e autri dittagghî dî posti. Poi mappari chiḍḍu chi' è jè dû munnu riali chi' ti ntiressa.
+ off_html: |-
+ Chiḍḍu chi nveci <em>nun cc'è</em> su' dati d'opinioni comu i valutazzioni, l'elimenti chi' nun esistunu cchiu' o
+ chi' su' iputètici, e i dati chi' venunu di fonti prutetti dû drittu d'auturi. A' menu chi' nun hai n'auturizzazzioni spiciali,
+ nun cupiari di mappi online o di carta.
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Tèrmini funnamintali dâ mappatura
+ paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap havi u so linguaggiu. Cca' cci su' na para di
+ palori chi' ti ponnu giuvari.
+ editor_html: N'<strong>editor</strong> è un prugramma o un situ web chi' poi
+ adupirari pi' fari canciamenti â cartina.
+ node_html: Un <strong>gruppu</strong> è un puntu sìngulu supra â cartina, comu
+ nu risturanti o n'àrvulu.
+ way_html: Un <strong>caminu</strong> è na lìnia o n'ària, comu na strata, un
+ ciumi, un lagu o n'edificiu.
+ tag_html: |-
+ N'<strong>etichetta</strong> è na sìngula nfurmazzioni a' prupòsitu dûn gruppu o dûn caminu, comu
+ u nomu dûn risturanti o u lìmiti di vilucità di na strata.
+ questions:
+ title: Hai dumanni?
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap havi tanti risorsi pi' nzignàriti cosi a' prupòsitu dû pruggettu, pi' fari dumanni e dari risposti,
+ e discùtiri e ducumintari in cullabburazzioni l'argumenti chi' riguàrdunu a mappatura.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Otteni ajutu ccà</a>.
+ start_mapping: Accumencia a' mappari
+ add_a_note:
+ title: Nun hai tempu pi' fari canciamenti? Agghiunci na nota!
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ Si' voi sulamenti cunsata quarchi' cosa picciriḍḍa e nun hai u tempu pi' scrìviriti e nzignàriti a' mappari, è
+ fàcili lassari na nota.
+ paragraph_2_html: |-
+ Basta chi' vai <a href='%{map_url}'>supra â cartina</a> e clicchi a cona dâ nota:
+ <span class='icon note'></span>. A' sta manera s'agghiunci un signali supra â cartina, chi' poi spustari strascinànnulu. Agghiunci u to missàggiu, clicca sarva, e l'autri mappatura darannu n'occhiata.
+ fixthemap:
+ title: Signalari prubblemi / Cunsari a cartina
+ how_to_help:
+ title: Comu ajutari
+ join_the_community:
+ title: Tràsiri ntâ cumunità
+ explanation_html: Si' t'accurgisti chi' cc'è quarchi' prubblema chî dati dâ
+ nostra carta, ad esempiu manca na strata o puru u to nnirizzu è sbagghiatu,
+ a megghiu cosa di fari è di scrìviriti ntâ cumunità di OpenStreetMap e agghiùnciri
+ o cunsari i dati tu stissu.
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: |-
+ Basta chi' clicchi <a class='icon note'></a> o puru a stissa cona ntâ carta.
+ Facennu accussì si piazza un signali supra â carta, chi' si po' spustari strascinannulu.
+ Agghiunci u to missaggiu, poi clicca «sarva», e l'autri mappatura taliirannu a situazzioni.
+ other_concerns:
+ title: Autri dubbî
+ explanation_html: "Si' hai dubbî a' prupòsitu di comu vènunu adupirati i nostri
+ dai o a' prupòsitu dî cuntinuti, pi' favuri cunsulta a nostra \n<a href='/copyright'>pàggina
+ dû drittu d'auturi</a> p'aviri autri nfurmazzioni ligali, o puru cuntatta
+ u \n<a href=''>gruppu di
+ travagghiu OSMF</a> apprupriatu."
+ help_page:
+ title: Aviri ajutu
+ introduction: |-
+ OpenStreetMap havi tanti risorsi pi' nzignàriti cosi a' prupòsitu dû pruggettu, pi' fari dumanni e dari risposti,
+ e discùtiri e ducumintari in cullabburazzioni l'argumenti chi' riguàrdunu a mappatura.
+ welcome:
+ url: /welcome
+ title: Binvinuti nta OSM
+ description: Accumencia cu' sta guida ràpida chi' nzigna i basi di OpenStreetMap.
+ help:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Fai na dumanna o cerca rispusti ntô situ di dumanni e rispusti
+ di OSM.
+ wiki:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Sfogghia â wiki pi' truvari ducumintazzioni apprufunnuta di OSM.
+ about_page:
+ next: Appressu
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>I cuntribbutura<br>di OpenStreetMap
+ used_by: '%{name} furnisci i dati giugràfici a'' cintinara di siti web, applicazzioni
+ mòbbili e apparicchî hardware'
+ lede_text: |-
+ OpenStreetMap veni custruutu di na cumunità di mappatura chi' cuntribbuìsciunu e mantènunu dati
+ chi' riguàrdunu strati, trazzeri, bar, stazzioni dî treni, e tanti autri cosi, nta tuttu u munnu.
+ local_knowledge_title: Canuscenza lucali
+ local_knowledge_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap metti l'accentu supra â canuscenza lucali. I cuntribbutura adòpirunu mmagini aerii, dispusitivi GPS, e cartini a' bascia tecnuluggìa pi' virificari chi' OSM
+ è accuratu e aggiurnatu.
+ community_driven_title: Guidatu dâ cumunità
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ A cumunità di OpenStreetMap è varia, appassiunata, e crisci ognin jornu.
+ Tra dî nostri cuntribbutura cci sunnu mappatura entusiasti, prufissiunisti dî GIS, ngigneri chi' mannunu avanti i serventi di OSM, vuluntarî chi' màppunu i zoni afflitti dî disastri, e autri ancora.
+ Pi' sapiri cchiu' ssai a' prupòsitu dâ cumunità, talìa <a href='%{diary_path}'>i diari di l'utenti</a>,
+ <a href=''>i blog dâ cumunità</a>, e u situ dâ <a href=''>Funnazzioni OSM</a>.
+ open_data_title: Dati aperti
+ open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap è fattu di <i>dati aperti</i>: si'' lìbbiru d''adupiràrili
+ pi'' quali mutivu voi voi, finattantu chi'' dugni l''attribbuzioni a'' OpenStreetMap
+ e i so cuntribbutura. Si'' canci i dati o l''adòpiri comu puntu di partenza,
+ u travagghiu chi'' nni risulta u poi distribbuìri sulu sutta â stissa licenza.
+ Talìa a <a href=''%{copyright_path}''>pàggina dû drittu d''auturi e dâ licenza</a>
+ pî dittagghî.'
+ partners_title: Cullabburatura
+ notifier:
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} cummintau na vuci dû to diariu'
+ hi: Salutamu %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} cummintau na vuci recenti dû to diariu di OpenStreetMap
+ chi'' havi oggettu %{subject}:'
+ footer: Poi puru lèggiri u cummentu nta %{readurl} e poi cummintari di %{commenturl}
+ o puru rispùnniri di %{replyurl}
+ message_notification:
+ hi: Salutamu %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} ti mannàu nu missaggiu pi'' menzu di OpenStreetMap cu''
+ l''oggettu %{subject}:'
+ footer_html: Poi lèggiri u missaggiu macari nta %{readurl} e cci poi rispùnniri
+ di %{replyurl}
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} t''agghiuncìu comu amicu'
+ had_added_you: '%{user} t''agghiuncìu comu amicu nta OpenStreetMap.'
+ see_their_profile: Poi taliari u so prufilu nta %{userurl}.
+ befriend_them: U poi macari agghiùnciri comu amicu nta %{befriendurl}.
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ your_gpx_file: Parirìa ch'u to file GPX
+ with_description: cu' discrizzioni
+ and_the_tags: 'e st''etichetti cca:'
+ and_no_tags: e senza nuḍḍa etichetta.
+ failure:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Mpurtazzioni GPX nun rinisciuta'
+ failed_to_import: 'nun riniscìu a'' èssiri mpurtatu. Cca cc''è l''erruri:'
+ more_info_1: Autri nfurmazzioni a' prupòsitu di l'erruri di mpurtazzioni GPX
+ e comu fari pi' evitàrili
+ more_info_2: 'si ponnu truvari nta:'
+ success:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Mpurtazzioni GPX rinisciuta'
+ loaded_successfully: fu' carricatu bonu cu' %{trace_points} dî %{possible_points}
+ punti pussìbbili.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Binvinutu nta OpenStreetMap'
+ greeting: A' tia!
+ created: Quarchidunu (speramu chi' fusti tu) criàu ora ora un cuntu nta %{site_url}.
+ confirm: 'Avanti chi'' facemu chiḍḍu chi'' è jè, nni giuva a cunfirma chi sta
+ richiesta vinni di tia, pi'' ciò s''i cosi stannu accussì pi'' favuri clicca
+ u culligamentu ccassutta pi'' cunfirmari u to cuntu:'
+ welcome: Na vota chi' hai cunfirmatu u to cuntu, ti furnemu autri nfurmazzioni
+ pi' spiegàriti comu s'accumencia.
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Cunfirma u to nnirizzu di posta elittrònica'
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ hopefully_you: Quarchidunu (speramu chi' fusti tu) vurrìa canciari u so nnirizzu
+ di posta elittrònica nta %{server_url} mittennu comu nnirizzu novu %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: Si' fusti tu, pi' favuri clicca u culligamentu ccassutta pi'
+ cunfirmari u canciamentu.
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ hopefully_you: Quarchidunu (speramu chi' fusti tu) vurrìa canciari u so nnirizzu
+ di posta elittrònica nta %{server_url} mittennu comu nnirizzu novu %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: Si' fusti tu, pi' favuri clicca u culligamentu ccassutta pi'
+ cunfirmari u canciamentu.
+ lost_password:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Richiesta d''azziramentu dâ palora d''òrdini'
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ hopefully_you: Quarchidunu (speramu chi' fusti tu) dumannàu d'azzirari a so
+ palora d'òrdini pi' menzu dû nnirizzu di posta elittrònica di stu cuntu di
+ click_the_link: Si' fusti tu, pi' favuri clicca u culligamentu cassutta p'azzirari
+ a to palora d'òrdini.
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ hopefully_you: Quarchidunu (speramu chi' fusti tu) dumannàu d'azzirari a so
+ palora d'òrdini pi' menzu dû nnirizzu di posta elittrònica di stu cuntu di
+ click_the_link: Si' fusti tu, pi' favuri clicca u culligamentu cassutta p'azzirari
+ a to palora d'òrdini.
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: N'utenti anònimu
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} lassau un cummentu nta una dî to
+ noti'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} lassau un cummentu nta una dî
+ noti chi'' ti ntirèssunu'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} lassàu nu cummentu supra a'' una dî to noti dâ cartina
+ chi'' si trova vicinu a'' %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} lassàu nu cummentu supra a na nota dâ cartina
+ unni tu hai cummintatu macari. A nota si trova vicinu a'' %{place}.'
+ closed:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} risulvìu una dî to noti'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} risulvìu una dî noti chi'' ti
+ ntirèssunu'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} risulvìu una dî to noti chi'' si trova vicinu a''
+ %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} risulvìu na nota dâ cartina unni tu hai cummintatu.
+ A nota si trova vicinu a'' %{place}.'
+ reopened:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} attivau n''autra vota una dî to
+ noti'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} attivàu n''autra vota una dî
+ noti chi'' ti ntirèssunu'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} attivàu n''autra vota una dî to noti dâ cartina chi''
+ si trova vicinu a'' %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} attivàu n''autra vota na nota dâ cartina unni
+ tu hai cummintatu. A nota si trova vicinu a'' %{place}.'
+ details: Poi truvari autri dittagghî di sta nota nta %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Salutamu,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} cummintàu unu dî to gruppa di canciamenti'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} cummintàu unu dî gruppa di canciamenti
+ chi'' ti ntirèssunu'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} lassàu un cummentu nta unu dî to gruppa di canciamenti
+ criatu u %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} lassàu nu cummentu ntôn gruppu di canciamenti
+ dâ cartina chî tu stai taliannu, criatu di %{changeset_author} u %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: cû cummentu '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: senza cummentu
+ details: Si ponnu truvari autri dittagghî a' prupòsitu di stu gruppu di canciamenti
+ nta %{url}.
+ message:
+ inbox:
+ title: Posta rrivata
+ my_inbox: A me posta rrivata
+ outbox: posta mannata
+ messages: Hai %{new_messages} e %{old_messages}
+ new_messages:
+ one: '%{count} missaggiu novu'
+ other: '%{count} missaggî novi'
+ old_messages:
+ one: '%{count} missaggiu vecchiu'
+ other: '%{count} missaggî vecchî'
+ from: Di
+ subject: Oggettu
+ date: Data
+ no_messages_yet: Ancora nun hai nuḍḍu missaggiu. Picchì nun fai canuscenza cu'
+ quarchidunu dî %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: mappatura vicinu a' tia
+ message_summary:
+ unread_button: Signa comu di lèggiri
+ read_button: Signa comu gia' liggiutu
+ reply_button: Rispunni
+ delete_button: Cancella
+ new:
+ title: Manna un missaggiu
+ send_message_to: Manna un missaggiu novu a' %{name}
+ subject: Oggettu
+ body: Corpu
+ send_button: Manna
+ back_to_inbox: Ritorna â posta rrivata
+ message_sent: Missaggiu mannatu
+ limit_exceeded: Hai mannatu un saccu di missaggi nta stu tempu. Pi' favuri spetta
+ na picca avanti di pruvari a' mannàrinni autri.
+ no_such_message:
+ title: Nuḍḍu missaggiu accussì
+ heading: Nuḍḍu missaggiu accussì
+ body: Purtroppu nun cc'è nuḍḍu missaggiu cu' ḍḍ'id.
+ outbox:
+ title: Posta mannata
+ my_inbox: A me %{inbox_link}
+ inbox: posta rrivata
+ outbox: posta mannata
+ messages:
+ one: Hai %{count} missaggiu mannatu
+ other: Hai %{count} missaggî mannati
+ to: A
+ subject: Oggettu
+ date: Data
+ no_sent_messages: Ancora nun hai mannatu nuḍḍu missaggiu. Picchì nun fai canuscenza
+ cu' quarchidunu dî %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: mappatura vicinu a' tia
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: Si' trasutu comu `%{user}' però u missaggiu ô quali vulivi rispùnniri
+ nun fu' mannatu a' ḍḍ'utenti. Pi' favuri trasi comu l'utenti giustu pi' putiri
+ rispùnniri.
+ read:
+ title: Leggi u missaggiu
+ from: Di
+ subject: Oggettu
+ date: Data
+ reply_button: Rispunni
+ unread_button: Signa comu di lèggiri
+ back: Torna arreti
+ to: A
+ wrong_user: Si' trasutu comu `%{user}' però u missaggiu chi' vulivi lèggiri
+ nun fu' mannatu a' ḍḍ'utenti. Pi' favuri trasi comu l'utenti giustu pû putiri
+ lèggiri.
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Cancella
+ mark:
+ as_read: Missaggiu signatu comu già liggiutu
+ as_unread: Missaggiu marcatu comu di lèggiri
+ delete:
+ deleted: Missaggiu cancillatu
+ site:
+ index:
+ js_1: O stai adupirannu nu browser chi' nun supporta u JavaScript, o puru hai
+ u JavaScript disattivatu.
+ js_2: OpenStreetMap adòpira u JavaScript pâ so mappa scurritura.
+ permalink: Culligamentu permanenti
+ shortlink: Culligamentu scurzatu
+ createnote: Agghiunci na nota
+ license:
+ copyright: Copyright OpenStreetMap e i so cuntribbutura, sutta a na licenza
+ aperta
+ remote_failed: 'U canciamentu nun riniscìu: assicùriti chi'' JOSM o Merkaartor
+ sunnu aperti e hannu l''opzioni telicumannu attivata'
+ edit:
+ not_public: Nun hai mpustatu i to canciamenti pi' èssiri pùbblici.
+ not_public_description: Non poi canciari cchiu' a cartina nfinu a' quannu nô
+ fai. Poi mpustari i to canciamenti comu pùbblici dâ to %{user_page}.
+ user_page_link: pàggina ill'utenti
+ anon_edits_link_text: Ti spiegamu picchì.
+ flash_player_required: Ti giuva u Flash player p'adupirari Potlatch, u prugramma
+ pi' canciari OpenStreetMap fattu cû Flash. Poi <a href="">scarricari
+ u Flash Player di</a>. <a href="">Cci
+ sunnu macari autri alternativi</a> pi' fari canciamenti nta OpenStreetMap.
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: Hai canciamenti senza sarvati. (Pi' sarvari nta Potlatch,
+ avissi a' disilizziunari u caminu o u puntu currenti, si' stai facennu canciamenti
+ ntâ mudalità diretta, o carcari u buttuni «sarva» si' ll'hai.)
+ potlatch2_not_configured: Potlatch 2 nun havi statu cunfiguratu - pi' favuri
+ talìa p'aviri
+ nfurmazzioni
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: Hai canciamenti senza sarvati. (Pi' sarvari nta Potlach
+ 2, hâ carcari "sarva".)
+ id_not_configured: iD nun havi statu cunfiguratu
+ no_iframe_support: U to browser nun supporta l'iframe ill'HTML, chi' su nicissarî
+ pi' sta funziunalità.
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Risultati dâ risciduta
+ close: Chiudi
+ search:
+ search: Risciduta
+ get_directions: Fatti dari innicazzioni
+ get_directions_title: Trova innicazzioni pi' jiri dûn puntu a' n'autru
+ from: Di
+ to: A
+ where_am_i: Unni sugnu?
+ where_am_i_title: Discrivi a pusizzioni attuali pi' menzu dûn muturi di ricerca
+ submit_text: Vai
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ motorway: Autustrata
+ trunk: Superstrata
+ primary: Strata primaria
+ secondary: Strata secunnaria
+ unclassified: Strata senza classificazzioni
+ unsurfaced: Strata stirrata
+ track: Trazzera
+ byway: Trazzera
+ bridleway: Caminu pî cavaḍḍi
+ cycleway: Pista ciclàbbili
+ footway: Caminu pidunali
+ rail: Ferruvìa
+ subway: Metrupulitana
+ tram:
+ - Metrupulitana liggera
+ - tram
+ cable:
+ - Funivìa
+ - seggiuvìa
+ runway:
+ - Pista d'attirraggiu
+ - pista di rullaggiu
+ apron:
+ - Ària di parcheggiu ariupurtuali
+ - terminal
+ admin: Cunfini amministrativu
+ forest: Furesta
+ wood: Boscu
+ golf: Campu di golf
+ park: Villa
+ resident: Zona risidinziali
+ tourist: Attrazzioni turìstica
+ common:
+ - Cumuni
+ - Pratu
+ retail: Zona di nigozzî
+ industrial: Zona industriali
+ commercial: Zona cummirciali
+ heathland: Brughiera
+ lake:
+ - Lagu
+ - lagu artificiali
+ farm: Massarìa
+ cemetery: Cimiteru
+ pitch: Campu di jocu
+ centre: Centru spurtivu
+ reserve: Riserva naturali
+ military: Zona militari
+ school:
+ - Scola
+ - Università
+ building: Edificiu mpurtanti
+ station: Stazzioni dâ ferruvìa
+ summit:
+ - Muntagna
+ - Muntagna
+ tunnel: Cuntornu trattizzatu = gallarìa
+ bridge: Cuntornu nirittu = ponti
+ private: Accessu privatu
+ permissive: Accesso permissivu
+ destination: Sirvitù di passaggiu
+ construction: Strati in custruzzioni
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Cancia
+ preview: Antiprima
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: Analizzatu cu' <a href="">Markdown</a>
+ headings: Ntistazzioni
+ heading: Ntistazzioni
+ subheading: Suttantistazzioni
+ unordered: Elencu puntatu
+ ordered: Elencu nummiratu
+ first: Prima vuci
+ second: Secunna vuci
+ link: Culligamentu
+ text: Testu
+ image: Mmàggini
+ alt: Testu alternativu
+ url: URL
+ trace:
+ visibility:
+ private: Privata (cunnivisa sulu comu anònimu, òrdini dî punti nun mantinutu)
+ public: Pùbblica (mmustrata ntâ lista dî tracciati e comu anònimu, òrdini dî
+ punti nun mantinutu)
+ trackable: Tracciàbbili (cunnivisa sulu comu anònimu, punti ordinati e cu' marchi
+ tempurali)
+ identifiable: Idintificàbbili (mmustrata ntâ lista dî tracciati e comu idintificàbbili,
+ punti ordinati e cu' marchi tempurali)
+ create:
+ upload_trace: Càrrica un tracciatu GPS
+ trace_uploaded: U to file GPX fu' carricatu e ora sta spittannu d'èssiri misu
+ ntâ basi di dati. Sta cosa di sòlitu veni fatta entru na menz'ura, e na vota
+ ch'u sirvizzu veni spicciatu ti veni mannatu nu missaggiu di posta elittrònica.
+ edit:
+ title: Canciamentu dû tracciatu %{name}
+ heading: Canciamentu dû tracciatu %{name}
+ filename: 'Nomu dû file:'
+ download: scàrrica
+ uploaded_at: 'Carricatu u:'
+ points: 'Punti:'
+ start_coord: 'Coordinata di principiu:'
+ map: mappa
+ edit: cancia
+ owner: 'Prupietariu:'
+ description: 'Discrizzioni:'
+ tags: 'Etichetti:'
+ tags_help: spartuti câ vìrgula
+ save_button: Sarva i canciamenti
+ visibility: 'Visibbilità:'
+ visibility_help: chi' voli diri?
+ trace_form:
+ upload_gpx: 'Càrrica u file GPX:'
+ description: 'Discrizzioni:'
+ tags: 'Etichetti:'
+ tags_help: spartuti câ vìrgula
+ visibility: 'Visibbilità:'
+ visibility_help: chi' voli diri?
+ upload_button: Càrrica
+ help: Ajutu
+ trace_header:
+ upload_trace: Carricamentu dûn tracciatu
+ see_all_traces: Talìa tutti i tracciati
+ see_your_traces: Talìa i to tracciati
+ traces_waiting:
+ one: Già hai %{count} tracciatu ntô carricamentu. Pi' favuri cunsìddira si'
+ poi spittari chi' finisci avanti di carricàrinni autri, accussì nun blocchi
+ a fila pi' l'autri utenti.
+ other: Già hai %{count} tracciati ntô carricamentu. Pi' favuri cunsìddira
+ si' poi spittari chi' finisciunu avanti di carricàrinni autri, accussì nun
+ blocchi a fila pi' l'autri utenti.
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: Etichetti
+ view:
+ title: Visioni dû tracciatu %{name}
+ heading: Visioni dû tracciatu %{name}
+ pending: IN CUDA
+ filename: 'Nomu dû file:'
+ download: scàrrica
+ uploaded: 'Carricatu u:'
+ points: 'Punti:'
+ start_coordinates: 'Coordinata di principiu:'
+ map: mappa
+ edit: cancia
+ owner: 'Prupietariu:'
+ description: 'Discrizzioni:'
+ tags: 'Etichetti:'
+ none: Nuḍḍu
+ edit_track: Cancia stu tracciatu
+ delete_track: Cancella stu tracciatu
+ trace_not_found: Tracciatu nun truvatu!
+ visibility: 'Visibbilità:'
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Pàggina %{page}
+ older: Tracciati cchiu' vecchî
+ newer: Tracciati cchiu' novi
+ trace:
+ pending: IN CUDA
+ count_points: '%{count} punti'
+ ago: '%{time_in_words_ago} fa'
+ more: autri
+ trace_details: Talìa i dittagghî dû tracciatu
+ view_map: Talìa a carta
+ edit: cancia
+ edit_map: Cancia a carta
+ public: PÙBBLICA
+ identifiable: IDINTIFICÀBBILI
+ private: PRIVATA
+ trackable: TRACCIÀBBILI
+ by: di
+ in: nta
+ map: carta
+ list:
+ public_traces: Tracciati GPS pùbblici
+ your_traces: I to tracciati GPS
+ public_traces_from: Tracciati GPS pùbblici di %{user}
+ description: Talìa i tracciati GPS carricati di picca tempu
+ tagged_with: ' etichittati cu'' %{tags}'
+ empty_html: Cca ancora nenti cc'è. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Càrrica un tracciatu
+ novu</a> o puru nformiti cchiu' ssai a' prupòsitu dî tracciati GPS nta sta
+ <a href=''>pàggina dâ
+ wiki</a>.
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: Tracciatu ntâ spittata dâ cancillazzioni
+ make_public:
+ made_public: Tracciatu fattu pùbblicu
+ offline_warning:
+ message: U sistema di carricamentu dî file GPX pi' com'ora è fora sirvizziu
+ offline:
+ heading: Memurizzazzioni dî GPX fora sirvizziu
+ message: U sistema di memurizzazzioni e carricamentu dî file GPX pi' com'ora
+ è fora sirvizziu.
+ georss:
+ title: Tracciati GPS di OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: File GPX cu' %{count} punti di %{user}
+ other: File GPX cu' %{count} punti di %{user}
+ description_without_count: File GPX di %{user}
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: Pari chi' hai i cookie disattivati; pi' favuri attìvili ntô
+ to browser prima chi' cuntinui.
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: Hâ jèssiri un mudiraturi pi' fari st'opirazzioni.
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: Fu' bluccatu u to accessu a' l'API. Pi' favuri trasi via web pi' sapìrinni
+ cchiu' ssai.
+ need_to_see_terms: Fu' suspinnutu tempuraniamenti u to accessu a' l'API. Pi'
+ favuri trasi dû situ pi' taliari i cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzioni. Nun ll'hâ'
+ accittari pi' forza, però ll'hâ' taliari.
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ title: Auturizzari l'accessu ô to cuntu
+ request_access: L'applicazzioni %{app_name} dumanna accessu ô to cuntu, %{user}.
+ Pi' favuri cuntrolla si' ti piaci chi' l'applicazzioni havi accessu a' sti
+ funziunalità. Poi scègghîri chiḍḍi chi' voi a' to piaciri.
+ allow_to: 'Duna a'' l''applicazzioni clienti u pirmissu di:'
+ allow_read_prefs: lèggiri i mpustazzioni dû to utenti.
+ allow_write_prefs: canciari i mpustazzioni dû to utenti.
+ allow_write_diary: criari vuci dû diariu e cummenti, e fari amici.
+ allow_write_api: canciari a carta.
+ allow_read_gpx: lèggiri i to tracciati GPS privati.
+ allow_write_gpx: carricari i tracciati GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: canciari i noti.
+ oauthorize_success:
+ title: Richiesta di auturizzazzioni cunciduta
+ allowed: Cuncidisti l'accessu ô to cuntu a' l'applicazzioni %{app_name}.
+ verification: U còdici di virifica è %{code}.
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ title: Richiesta di auturizzazzioni nigata
+ denied: Nigasti l'accessu ô to cuntu a' l'applicazzioni %{app_name}.
+ invalid: U token di auturizzazzioni nun è bonu.
+ revoke:
+ flash: Rivucasti u token pi' %{application}
+ oauth_clients:
+ new:
+ title: Riggistrazzioni di n'applicazzioni nova
+ submit: Riggìstra
+ edit:
+ title: Cancia a to applicazzioni
+ submit: Cancia
+ show:
+ title: Dittagghî di OAuth pi' %{app_name}
+ key: 'Consumer Key:'
+ secret: 'Consumer Secret:'
+ url: 'URL pû Request Token:'
+ access_url: 'URL pi'' l''Access Token:'
+ authorize_url: 'URL di auturizzazzioni:'
+ support_notice: Suppurtamu i firmi HMAC-SHA1 (cunsigghiati) e RSA-SHA1.
+ edit: Cancia i dittagghî
+ delete: Cancella stu clienti
+ confirm: Si' sicuru?
+ requests: 'Dumanna a'' l''utenti sti pirmissi:'
+ allow_read_prefs: lèggiri i so mpustazzioni ill'utenti.
+ allow_write_prefs: canciari i so' mpustazzioni ill'utenti.
+ allow_write_diary: criari vuci dû diariu e cummenti, e fari amici.
+ allow_write_api: canciari a carta.
+ allow_read_gpx: lèggiri i so tracciati GPS privati.
+ allow_write_gpx: carricari i tracciati GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: canciari i noti.
+ index:
+ title: I me dittagghî OAuth
+ my_tokens: I me applicazzioni auturizzati
+ list_tokens: 'A'' l''applicazzioni furu assignati sti lassa-passari a'' nomu
+ toi:'
+ application: Nomu ill'applicazzioni
+ issued_at: Cuncidutu in data
+ revoke: Rèvuca!
+ my_apps: I me applicazzioni clienti
+ no_apps: Hai n'applicazzzioni chi' vulissi riggistrari unni nui adupirannu u
+ standard %{oauth}? A to applicazzioni web s'havi a' riggistrari prima chi'
+ po' fari richiesti OAuth unni stu sirvizziu.
+ registered_apps: 'Hai riggistrati st''applicazzioni clienti:'
+ register_new: Riggistra a to applicazzioni
+ form:
+ name: Nomu
+ required: Obbligatoriu
+ url: URL principali ill'applicazzioni
+ callback_url: URL di callback
+ support_url: URL ill'assistenza
+ requests: 'Dumanna a'' l''utenti sti pirmissi:'
+ allow_read_prefs: lèggiri i so mpustazzioni ill'utenti.
+ allow_write_prefs: canciari i so' mpustazzioni ill'utenti.
+ allow_write_diary: criari vuci dû diariu e cummenti, e fari amici.
+ allow_write_api: canciari a carta.
+ allow_read_gpx: lèggiri i so tracciati GPS privati.
+ allow_write_gpx: carricari i tracciati GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: canciari i noti.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Purtroppu ḍḍu %{type} nun si potti truvari.
+ create:
+ flash: Nfurmazzioni riggistrati boni
+ update:
+ flash: I nfurmazzioni dû clienti furu aggiurnati boni
+ destroy:
+ flash: Fu' distruggiuta a riggistrazzioni ill'applicazzioni clienti
+ user:
+ login:
+ title: Trasi
+ heading: Trasi
+ email or username: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica o nomu utenti:'
+ password: 'Palora d''òrdini:'
+ openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
+ remember: Ricòrditi i mia
+ lost password link: Pirdisti a to palora d'òrdini?
+ login_button: Trasi
+ register now: Scrìviti ora
+ with username: 'Già hai un cuntu di OpenStreetMap? Pi'' favuri trasi cû to nomu
+ utenti e palora d''òrdini:'
+ new to osm: Si' novu nta OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: Pi' fari canciamenti ê dati di OpenStreetMap, prima hâ aviri
+ un cuntu.
+ create account minute: Crìa un cuntu. Cci voli sulu un minutu.
+ no account: Nun hai un cuntu?
+ account not active: Purtroppu u to cuntu ancora nun è attivatu.<br />P'attivàrulu,
+ pi' favuri usa u culligamentu chi' ti rrivàu ntô missaggiu di posta elittrònica
+ di cunfirma, o puru <a href="%{reconfirm}">dumanna chi' ti mànnunu n'autru
+ missaggiu di cunfirma</a>.
+ account is suspended: Purtroppu u to cuntu fu' suspinnutu pi' causa di attività
+ suspetti.<br/>Pi' favuri cuntatta <a href="%{webmaster}">u webmaster</a> si'
+ nni voi discùtiri.
+ auth failure: Purtroppu nun fu' pussìbili tràsiri cu' sti dittagghî.
+ openid_logo_alt: Trasi cu n'OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Nesci
+ heading: Nesci di OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Nesci
+ lost_password:
+ title: Palora d'òrdini pirduta
+ heading: Ti scurdasti a palora d'òrdini?
+ email address: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica:'
+ new password button: Azzera a palora d'òrdini
+ help_text: Scrivi u nnirizzu di posta elittrònica ch'adupirasti quannu ti scrivisti,
+ e cci manniremu nu culligamentu chi' poi adupirari p'azzirari a to palora
+ d'òrdini.
+ notice email on way: Nni dispiaci ch'a pirdisti :-( però ti sta rrivannu nu
+ missaggiu di posta elittrònica accussì prestu a purrai azzirari.
+ notice email cannot find: Putroppu nun si trova stu nnirizzu di posta elittrònica.
+ reset_password:
+ title: Azzera a palora d'òrdini
+ heading: Azziramentu dâ palora d'òrdini di %{user}
+ password: 'Palora d''òrdini:'
+ confirm password: 'Cunfirma a palora d''òrdini:'
+ reset: Azzera a palora d'òrdini
+ flash changed: A to palora d'òrdini fu' canciata.
+ flash token bad: Stu token nun si trova, picchì nun cuntrolli l'URL?
+ new:
+ title: Scrìviti
+ no_auto_account_create: Purtroppu comu ad ora nun semu n gradu di criàriti un
+ cuntu di manera autumàtica.
+ contact_webmaster: Pi' favuri cuntatta ô <a href="">webmaster</a>
+ pi' fàriti criari un cuntu; pruviremu a' pigghiari a' cunsiddirazzioni a to
+ richiesta nta cchiu' picca tempu pussìbbili.
+ about:
+ header: Lìbbira e canciàbbili
+ html: |-
+ <p>A' diffirenza di autri carti, OpenStreetMap è criata cumplitamenti di genti comu a' tia,
+ ed è gratùita pi' tutti a' cunsari, aggiurnari, scarricari e adupirari.</p>
+ <p>Scrìviti p'accuminciari a' dari u to cuntribbutu. Ti manniremu nu missaggiu di posta elittrònica pi' cunfirmari u to cuntu.</p>
+ license_agreement: Quannu cunfirmi u to cuntu hâ accittari i <a href="">cunnizziuni
+ di cuntribbuzzioni</a>.
+ email address: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica:'
+ confirm email address: 'Cunfirma u nnirizzu di posta elittrònica:'
+ not displayed publicly: Nun veni mmustratu pubblicamenti (talìa <a href=""
+ title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">a pulitica
+ dâ risirvatizza</a>)
+ display name: 'Nomu mmustratu:'
+ display name description: U nomu dû to utenti comu veni mmustratu pubblicamenti.
+ Ppoi u poi canciari ntê prifirenzi.
+ password: 'Palora d''òrdini:'
+ confirm password: 'Cunfirma a palora d''òrdini:'
+ continue: Scrìviti
+ terms accepted: Ti ringrazziamu d'aviri accittatu i cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
+ novi!
+ terms declined: Nni dispiaci chi' dicidisti di nun accitari i cunnizzioni di
+ cuntribbuzzioni novi. Pi' maggiuri nfurmazzioni, pi' favuri talìa <a href="%{url}">sta
+ pàggina dâ wiki</a>.
+ terms:
+ title: Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
+ heading: Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
+ read and accept: Pi' favuri lèggiti stu cuntrattu e carca u buttuni «accettu»
+ pi' cunfirmari chi' accetti i cunnizzioni di stu cuntrattu pî to cuntribbuti
+ esistenti e futuri.
+ consider_pd: Sparti dû cuntrattu ccassupra, cunsìddiru ch'i me cuntribbuti sunnu
+ ntô Pùbblicu Duminiu
+ consider_pd_why: chi' voli diri?
+ guidance: 'Nfurmazzioni chi'' ti ponnu ajutari a'' capiri sti cunnizzioni: nu
+ <a href="%{summary}">riassuntu liggìbbili ê genti</a> e quarchi'' <a href="%{translations}">traduzzioni
+ infurmali</a>'
+ agree: Accettu
+ decline: Rifiutu
+ you need to accept or decline: Pi' cuntinuari, pi' favuri leggi i cunnizzioni
+ di cuntribbuzzioni novi e ppoi accèttili o rifiùtili.
+ legale_select: 'Paìsi di risidenza:'
+ legale_names:
+ france: Francia
+ italy: Italia
+ rest_of_world: Restu dû munnu
+ no_such_user:
+ title: St'utenti nun cc'è
+ heading: L'utenti %{user} nun esisti
+ body: Purtroppu nun cc'è nuḍḍu utenti chi' si chiama %{user}. Pi' favuri cuntrolla
+ chi' scrivisti bonu, o puru po' jèssiri ch'u culligamentu chi' cliccasti è
+ sbagghiatu.
+ view:
+ my diary: U me diariu
+ new diary entry: nova vuci dû diariu
+ my edits: I me canciamenti
+ my traces: I me tracciati
+ my notes: I me noti
+ my messages: I me missaggi
+ my profile: U me prufilu
+ my settings: I me mpustazzioni
+ my comments: I me cummenti
+ oauth settings: mpustazzioni di oauth
+ blocks on me: Cu blocca a' mia
+ blocks by me: A' cu bloccu io
+ send message: Manna u missaggiu
+ diary: Diariu
+ edits: Canciamenti
+ traces: Tracciati
+ notes: Noti dâ cartina
+ remove as friend: Leva di l'amici
+ add as friend: Agghiunci a' l'amici
+ mapper since: 'Mappaturi di:'
+ ago: (%{time_in_words_ago} fa)
+ ct status: 'Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni:'
+ ct undecided: Nun havi dicidutu
+ ct declined: Rifiutati
+ ct accepted: Accittati %{ago} fa
+ latest edit: 'Ùltimu canciamentu %{ago}:'
+ email address: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica:'
+ created from: 'Criatu di:'
+ status: 'Statu:'
+ spam score: 'Punteggiu di Spam:'
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ user location: Pusizzioni di l'utenti
+ if set location: Mposta a to pusizzioni basi ntâ pàggina dî %{settings_link}
+ pi' vìdiri quali utenti stannu vicinu a' tia.
+ settings_link_text: mpustazzioni
+ your friends: I to amici
+ no friends: Ancora nun hai gghiunciutu nuḍḍu amicu.
+ km away: luntanu %{count} km
+ m away: luntanu %{count} m
+ nearby users: Autri utenti vicinu
+ no nearby users: Ancora nun cci sunnu autri utenti chi' si dichiàrunu mappatura
+ cca vicinu.
+ role:
+ administrator: St'utenti è n'amministraturi
+ moderator: St'utenti è nu mudiraturi
+ grant:
+ administrator: Cuncedi l'accessu comu amministraturi
+ moderator: Cuncedi l'accessu comu mudiraturi
+ revoke:
+ administrator: Rèvuca l'accessu comu amministraturi
+ moderator: Rèvuca l'accessu comu mudiraturi
+ block_history: blocchi ricivuti
+ moderator_history: blocchi dati
+ comments: Cummenti
+ create_block: blocca a' st'utenti
+ activate_user: attiva a' st'utenti
+ deactivate_user: disattiva a' st'utenti
+ confirm_user: cunfirma a' st'utenti
+ hide_user: mmuccia a' st'utenti
+ unhide_user: mmustra a st'utenti
+ delete_user: cancella a' st'utenti
+ confirm: Cunfirma
+ friends_changesets: gruppa di canciamenti di l'amici
+ friends_diaries: vuci dî diarî di l'amici
+ nearby_changesets: gruppa di canciamenti di l'utenti vicini
+ nearby_diaries: vuci dî diarî di l'utenti vicini
+ popup:
+ your location: A to pusizzioni
+ nearby mapper: Mappaturi vicinu
+ friend: Amicu
+ account:
+ title: Cancia u cuntu
+ my settings: I me mpustazzioni
+ current email address: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica attuali:'
+ new email address: 'Nnirizzu di posta elittrònica novu:'
+ email never displayed publicly: (nun veni mmustratu mai pubblicamenti)
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: chi' voli diri?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Canciamenti pùbblici:'
+ enabled: Attivati. Nun è anònimu e po' canciari i dati.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: chi' voli diri?
+ disabled: Disattivati e nun po' canciari i dati, tutti i canciamenti pricidenti
+ sunnu anònimi.
+ disabled link text: picchì nun pozzu canciari?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Canciamenti pùbblici
+ text: Com'ad ora i to canciamenti sunnu anònimi e i genti nun ti ponnu mannari
+ missaggi o vìdiri unni si'. Pi' fari a' vidiri chiḍḍu chi' canci e pirmèttiri
+ ê genti di cuntattàriti pi' menzu dû situ web, carca u buttuni cassutta.
+ <b>A' pàrtiri ill'introduzzioni ill'API 0.6, sulu l'utenti pùbblici ponnu
+ canciari i dati dâ carta</b>. (<a href="">vidi
+ picchì</a>).<ul><li>U to nnirizzu i posta nun sarravi pùbblicatu si' diventi
+ n'utenti pùbblicu.</li><li>Sta dicisioni nun si po' annullari, e a' pàrtiri
+ d'ora tutti l'utenti novi su' pùbblici comu mpustazzioni pridifinuta.</li></ul>
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni:'
+ agreed: Accittasti i cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
+ not yet agreed: Ancora nun hai accittatu i cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzioni novi.
+ review link text: Quannu voi tu vai nta stu link pi' lèggiri e accittari i
+ cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzioni novi.
+ agreed_with_pd: Dichiarasti macari chi' cunsìddiri i to canciamenti nto Pùbblicu
+ Duminiu.
+ link text: chi' voli diri?
+ profile description: 'Discrizzioni dû prufilu:'
+ preferred languages: 'Lingui prifiruti:'
+ preferred editor: 'Editor prifirutu:'
+ image: 'Mmàggini:'
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: Adòpira Gravatar
+ link text: chi' voli diri?
+ new image: Agghiunci na mmàggini
+ keep image: Manteni a mmàggini attuali
+ delete image: Leva a mmàggini attuali
+ replace image: Rimpiazza a mmàggini attuali
+ image size hint: (su' mègghiu i mmàggini quatrati 100x100 o cchiu' grossi)
+ home location: 'Pusizzioni basi:'
+ no home location: Ancora nun hai mpustatu a to pusizzioni basi.
+ latitude: 'Latitùdini:'
+ longitude: 'Longitùdini:'
+ update home location on click: Aggiorna a pusizzioni basi quannu cliccu supra
+ â carta?
+ save changes button: Sarva i canciamenti
+ make edits public button: Renni tutti i me canciamenti pùbblici
+ return to profile: Ritorna ô prufilu
+ flash update success confirm needed: I nfurmazziuni di l'utenti furu aggiurnati
+ bonu. Cuntrolla a to posta elittronica chi' t'havi a' rrivari un missaggiu
+ pi' cunfirmari u nnirizzu di posta novu.
+ flash update success: I nfurmazziuni di l'utenti furu aggiurnati bonu.
+ confirm:
+ heading: Talìa a to posta!
+ introduction_1: Ti mannammu nu missaggiu di posta elittrònica di cunfirma.
+ introduction_2: Cunfirma u to cuntu cliccannu u link ntô missaggiu e poi ccuminciari
+ a' mappari.
+ press confirm button: Carca u buttuni «cunfirma» ccassutta p'attivari u to cuntu.
+ button: Cunfirma
+ already active: Già stu cuntu havi statu cunfirmatu.
+ unknown token: Ḍḍu còdici di cunfirma o scadìu o nun esisti.
+ reconfirm_html: Si' voi chi' ti mannamu n'autra vota u missaggiu di cunfirma,
+ <a href="%{reconfirm}">clicca cca'</a>.
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: Ti mannammu n'autru missaggiu di cunfirma unni %{email} e u forti chi'
+ cunfirmi u to cuntu poi ccuminciari a' mappari.<br /><br />S'adòpiri nu sistema
+ ansispam chi' manna richiesti di cunfirma, pi' favuri hâ mèttiri u nnirizzu
+ ntâ so lista janca, picchì nuiautri nun putemu
+ rispùnniri a' nuḍḍa richiesta di cunfirma.
+ failure: Utenti %{name} nun truvatu.
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Cunfirma dû canciu dû nnirizzu di posta
+ press confirm button: Carca u buttuni «cunfirma» ccassutta pi' cunfirmari u
+ to nnirizzu di posta elittrònica novu.
+ button: Cunfirma
+ success: Cunfirmasti u to nnirizzu di posta, ti ringrazziamu p'avìriti scrivutu!
+ failure: Già fu' cunfirmatu nu nnirizzu di posta cu' stu còdici.
+ set_home:
+ flash success: Pusizzioni basi sarvata bona.
+ go_public:
+ flash success: Ora tutti i to canciamnti sunnu pùbblici, e hai u pirmissu di
+ fari canciamenti.
+ make_friend:
+ heading: Agghiunciri a' %{user} comu amicu?
+ button: Agghiunci comu amicu
+ success: Ora %{name} è amicu toi!
+ failed: Purtroppu a junta di %{name} comu amicu nun riniscìu.
+ already_a_friend: Già siti amici cu' %{name}.
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: Leva %{user} di l'amici?
+ button: Leva di l'amici
+ success: '%{name} fu'' livatu dî to amici.'
+ not_a_friend: '%{name} nun è amicu toi.'
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Hâ' jèssiri amministraturi pi' fari st'opirazzioni.
+ list:
+ title: Utenti
+ heading: Utenti
+ showing:
+ one: Pàggina %{page} (%{first_item} di %{items})
+ other: Pàggina %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} di %{items})
+ summary: '%{name} criatu di %{ip_address} u %{date}'
+ summary_no_ip: '%{name} criatu u %{date}'
+ confirm: Cunfirma l'utenti scigghiuti
+ hide: Mmuccia l'utenti scigghiuti
+ empty: Nun fu' truvatu nuḍḍu utenti chi' currispunni
+ suspended:
+ title: Cuntu suspinnutu
+ heading: Cuntu suspinnutu
+ webmaster: webmaster
+ body: |-
+ <p>
+ Purtroppu, u to cuntu fu' suspinnutu a' manera autumatica pi' attività suspetti.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Tra picca tempu sta dicisioni sarravi esaminata di n'amministraturi,
+ o puru poi cuntattari u %{webmaster} si' nni voi discùtiri.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Sulu l'amministratura ponnu gistiri i roli, e tu nun si'
+ amministraturi.
+ not_a_role: A stringa «%{role}» nun è un rolu vàlidu.
+ already_has_role: L'utenti già havi u rolu %{role}.
+ doesnt_have_role: L'utenti nun havi u rolu %{role}.
+ grant:
+ title: Cunfirma a cuncissioni dûn rolu
+ heading: Cunfirma a cuncissioni dûn rolu
+ are_you_sure: Si' sicuru chi' voi cuncèdiri u rolu «%{role}» a' l'utenti «%{name}»?
+ confirm: Cunfirma
+ fail: Nun fu' pussìbbili cuncèdiri u rolu «%{role}» a' l'utenti «%{name}». Pi'
+ favuri cuntrolla chi' tantu l'utenti quantu u rolu sunnu vàlidi.
+ revoke:
+ title: Cunfirma a rèvuca dûn rolu
+ heading: Cunfirma a rèvuca dûn rolu
+ are_you_sure: Si' sicuru chi' voi rivucari u rolu «%{role}» a' l'utenti «%{name}»?
+ confirm: Cunfirma
+ fail: Nun fu' pussìbbili rivucari u rolu «%{role}» a' l'utenti «%{name}». Pi'
+ favuri cuntrolla chi' tantu l'utenti quantu u rolu sunnu vàlidi.
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: Hâ jèssiri un mudiraturi pi' criari o canciari un bloccu.
+ non_moderator_revoke: Hâ jèssiri un mudiraturi pi' rivucari un bloccu.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Purtroppu u bloccu cu' ID %{id} nun si potti truvari.
+ back: Ritorna a' l'ìnnici
+ new:
+ title: Criazzioni dûn bloccu di %{name}
+ heading: Criazzioni dûn bloccu di %{name}
+ reason: U mutivu picchì si sta' bluccannu a' %{name}. Pi' favuri hâ' jèssiri
+ u cchiu' calmu e raggiunìvuli pussìbbili, spiegannu tutti i dittagghî dâ situazzioni,
+ e ricurdànnusi chi' stu missaggiu sarravi visìbbili pubblicamenti. Teni prisenti
+ chi' nun tutti l'utenti capìsciunu u gergu dâ cumunità, pi' chistu prova a'
+ adupirari tèrmini chi' tutti ponnu cumprènniri.
+ period: Pi' quantu tempu, a' partiri di ora, l'utenti sarravi bluccatu ill'usu
+ ill'API.
+ submit: Crìa u bloccu
+ tried_contacting: Haju cuntattatu l'utenti e cc'haju dumannatu di finìrila.
+ tried_waiting: Cci desi tempu a' sufficienza pi' rispùnniri â me cumunicazzioni.
+ needs_view: L'utenti havi a' tràsiri prima chi' stu bloccu veni cancillatu
+ back: Talìa tutti i blocchi
+ edit:
+ title: Canciamentu dû bloccu di %{name}
+ heading: Canciamentu dû bloccu di %{name}
+ reason: U mutivu picchì si sta' bluccannu a' %{name}. Pi' favuri hâ' jèssiri
+ u cchiu' calmu e raggiunìvuli pussìbbili, spiegannu tutti i dittagghî dâ situazzioni.
+ Teni prisenti chi' nun tutti l'utenti capìsciunu u gergu dâ cumunità, pi'
+ chistu prova a' adupirari tèrmini chi' tutti ponnu cumprènniri.
+ period: Pi' quantu tempu, a' partiri di ora, l'utenti sarravi bluccatu ill'usu
+ ill'API.
+ submit: Aggiorna u bloccu
+ show: Talìa stu bloccu
+ back: Talìa tutti i blocchi
+ needs_view: Havi a' tràsiri l'utenti avanti chi' stu bloccu veni cancillatu?
+ filter:
+ block_expired: U bloccu già scadìu e nun si po' canciari.
+ block_period: U pirìudu di bloccu havi a' jèssiri unu di valuri chi' si ponnu
+ scègghîri dâ lista a' scinnuta.
+ create:
+ try_contacting: Pi' favuri prova a' cuntattari l'utenti prima i bluccàrilu e
+ dacci tempu a' sufficienza pi' rispùnniri.
+ try_waiting: Pi' favuri dacci a' l'utenti tempu a' sufficienza pi' rispùnniri
+ prima ch'u blocchi.
+ flash: Fu' criatu un bloccu a' l'utenti %{name}.
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: Sulu u mudiraturi chi' criàu stu bloccu u po' canciari.
+ success: Bloccu aggiurnatu.
+ index:
+ title: Blocchi ill'utenti
+ heading: Elencu dî blocchi ill'utenti
+ empty: Ancura nun fu' fattu nuḍḍu bloccu.
+ revoke:
+ title: Rèvuca dû bloccu di %{block_on}
+ heading: Rèvuca dû bloccu di %{block_on} fattu di %{block_by}
+ time_future: Stu bloccu finiravi tra %{time}.
+ past: Stu bloccu finìu %{time} fa e ora nun si po' cchiu' rivucari.
+ confirm: Si' sicuru chi' voi rivucari stu bloccu?
+ revoke: Rèvuca!
+ flash: Stu bloccu fu' rivucatu.
+ period:
+ one: 1 ura
+ other: '%{count} uri'
+ partial:
+ show: Ammustra
+ edit: Cancia
+ revoke: Rèvuca!
+ confirm: Si' sicuru?
+ display_name: Utenti bluccatu
+ creator_name: Criaturi
+ reason: Mutivu dû bloccu
+ status: Statu
+ revoker_name: Rivucatu di
+ not_revoked: (nun rivucatu)
+ showing_page: Pàggina %{page}
+ next: Appressu »
+ previous: « Prima
+ helper:
+ time_future: Finisci tra %{time}
+ until_login: Attivatu nfinu a' quannu l'utenti trasi.
+ time_past: Finìu %{time} fa.
+ blocks_on:
+ title: Blocchi di %{name}
+ heading: Elencu dî blocchi contra a' %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} nun hâ statu bluccatu ancora.'
+ blocks_by:
+ title: Blocchi fatti di %{name}
+ heading: Elencu dî blocchi fatti di %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} nun havi fattu nuḍḍu bloccu ancora.'
+ show:
+ title: '%{block_on} bluccatu di %{block_by}'
+ heading: '%{block_on} bluccatu di %{block_by}'
+ time_future: Finisci tra %{time}
+ time_past: Finìu %{time} fa
+ status: Statu
+ show: Ammustra
+ edit: Cancia
+ revoke: Rèvuca!
+ confirm: Si' sicuru?
+ reason: 'Mutivu dû bloccu:'
+ back: Talìa tutti i blocchi
+ revoker: 'Rivucaturi:'
+ needs_view: L'utenti havi a' tràsiri prima chi' stu bloccu veni cancillatu.
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: Criatu %{when} fa
+ opened_at_by_html: Criatu %{when} fa di %{user}
+ commented_at_html: Aggiurnatu %{when} fa
+ commented_at_by_html: Aggiurnatu %{when} fa di %{user}
+ closed_at_html: Risulvuta %{when} fa
+ closed_at_by_html: Risulvuta %{when} fa di %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: Riapruta %{when} fa
+ reopened_at_by_html: Riapruta %{when} fa di %{user}
+ rss:
+ title: Noti di OpenStreetMap
+ description_area: N'elencu di noti signalati, cummintati o risulvuti ntâ to
+ zona [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]
+ description_item: Un flussu RSS pâ nota %{id}
+ opened: nota nova (vicinu a' %{place})
+ commented: cummentu novu (vicinu a' %{place})
+ closed: nota risulvuta (vicinu a' %{place})
+ reopened: nota riattivata (vicinu a' %{place})
+ entry:
+ comment: Cummentu
+ full: Nota cumpleta
+ mine:
+ title: Noti scritti o cummintati di l'utenti %{user}
+ heading: Noti di %{user}
+ subheading: Noti scritti o cummintati di l'utenti %{user}
+ id: Id
+ creator: Criaturi
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ created_at: Criata u
+ last_changed: Canciata l'ùltima vota u
+ ago_html: '%{when} fa'
+ javascripts:
+ close: Chiudi
+ share:
+ title: Cunnividi
+ cancel: Annulla
+ image: Mmàggini
+ link: Culligamentu o HTML
+ long_link: Culligamentu
+ short_link: Culligamentu curtu
+ embed: HTML
+ custom_dimensions: Mposta diminsioni pirsunalizzati
+ format: 'Furmatu:'
+ scale: 'Scala:'
+ image_size: A mmàggini farravi a' vìdiri u stratu standard a'
+ download: Scàrrica
+ short_url: URL curta
+ include_marker: Ncludi u signali
+ center_marker: Centra a cartina ntô signali
+ paste_html: Ncoḍḍa l'HTML pi' ncurpurari ntôn situ web
+ view_larger_map: Talìa na cartina cchiu' granni
+ key:
+ title: Legenda
+ tooltip: Legenda
+ tooltip_disabled: A legenda cc'è sulu pû stratu Standard
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Zumma pi' intra
+ out: Zumma pi' fora
+ locate:
+ title: Ammustra unni sugnu
+ popup: Ti trovi nta {distance} {unit} di stu puntu
+ base:
+ standard: Standard
+ cycle_map: Cartina pî bicicletti
+ transport_map: Mappa dî trasporti
+ hot: Umanitaria
+ layers:
+ header: Strati dâ cartina
+ notes: Noti dâ cartina
+ data: Dati dâ cartina
+ overlays: Attiva i strati chi' giùvunu pi' risòlviri i prubblemi dâ cartina
+ title: Strati
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>i cuntribbutura di OpenStreetMap</a>
+ donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Fa' na dunazzioni</a>
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Cancia a cartina
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Zumma pi' putiri canciari a cartina
+ createnote_tooltip: Agghiunci na nota ntâ cartina
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zumma pi' putiri agghiùnciri noti ntâ cartina
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Zumma pi' putiri a' vìdiri i noti ntâ cartina
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zumma pi' putiri a' vìdiri i dati dâ cartina
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Ricerca elimenti
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Zumma pi' putiri circari l'elimenti
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Cummentu
+ subscribe: Abbòniti
+ unsubscribe: Annulla l'abbunamentu
+ hide_comment: ammuccia
+ unhide_comment: ammustra
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: Truvasti nu sbagghiu o quarchi' cosa chi' manca? Faccillu sapiri a'
+ l'autri mappatura, accussì u putemu cunsari. Sposta u signali ntâ pusizzioni
+ curretta e scrivi na nota pi' spiegari qual'è u prubblema. (Pi' favuri nun
+ mèttiri nfurmazzioni pirsunali o puru chi' vènunu di cartini o elenchi chi'
+ su' prutetti di drittu d'auturi.)
+ add: Agghiunci a nota
+ show:
+ anonymous_warning: Sta nota cunteni cummenti di utenti anònimi, chi' s'avìssuru
+ a' virificari di fonti innipinnenti.
+ hide: Ammuccia
+ resolve: Risolvi
+ reactivate: Attiva di novu
+ comment_and_resolve: Cummenta & risolvi
+ comment: Cummenta
+ edit_help: Sposta a cartina e zumma ntôn postu chi' voi canciari, e ppoi clicca
+ cca.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicletta (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: A' pedi (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicicletta (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Màchina (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: A' pedi (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Màchina (OSRM)
+ directions: Innicazzioni
+ distance: Distanza
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nun si potti truvari nu caminu tra di sti du posti.
+ no_place: Purtroppu nun si potti truvari ḍḍu postu.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Cuntinuari pi'
+ slight_right: Vutari na picca a' manu dritta nta
+ turn_right: Vutari a' manu dritta nta
+ sharp_right: Vutari tuttu a' manu dritta nta
+ uturn: Fari nvirsioni a' U nta
+ sharp_left: Vutari tuttu a' manu manca nta
+ turn_left: Vutari a' manu manca nta
+ slight_left: Vutari picca a' manu manca nta
+ via_point: (puntu dû traggittu)
+ follow: Sicutari
+ roundabout: Â rutunna pigghiari
+ leave_roundabout: Nèsciri dâ rutunna
+ stay_roundabout: Ristari ntâ rutunna
+ start: Ccuminciari â fini di
+ destination: Rrivari â distinazzioni
+ against_oneway: Caminari contra dû sensu ùnicu nta
+ end_oneway: Fini dû sensu ùnicu nta
+ unnamed: (senza nomu)
+ courtesy: Innicazzioni pi' gentili cuncissioni di %{link}
+ time: Tempu
+ query:
+ node: Gruppu
+ way: Caminu
+ relation: Rilazzioni
+ nothing_found: Nuḍḍu elimentu truvatu
+ error: 'Erruri ntô cuntattari %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Tempu scadutu ntô cuntattari %{server}
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ heading: Cancia occultamentu
+ submit: Sarva occultamentu
+ title: Cancia occultamentu
+ index:
+ empty: Nuḍḍu occultamentu d'ammustrari.
+ heading: Lista ill'occultamenti
+ title: Lista ill'occultamenti
+ new:
+ description: Discrizzioni
+ heading: Immèttiri i nfurmazzioni dû novu occultamentu
+ submit: Crea l'occultamentu
+ title: Criazzioni dûn novu occultamentu
+ show:
+ description: 'Discrizzioni:'
+ heading: Occultamentu "%{title}"
+ title: Occultamentu
+ user: 'Criaturi:'
+ edit: Cancia st'occultamentu
+ destroy: Leva st'occultamentu
+ confirm: Si' sicuru?
+ create:
+ flash: Occultamentu criatu.
+ update:
+ flash: Canciamenti sarvati.
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: St'occultamentu nun è vacanti. Pi' favuri leva l'occultamentu di
+ tutti i virsiuni chi' nni fannu parti avanti ch'u distruggi.
+ flash: Occultamentu distruggiutu.
+ error: Mmattìu n'erruri ntô distrùggiri st'occultamentu.
no_results: No results foond
more_results: Mair results
- distance:
- zero: less nor 1km
- one: aboot 1km
- other: aboot %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: sooth-wast
- south: sooth
- south_east: sooth-east
- east: east
- north_east: north-east
- north: north
- north_west: north-wast
- west: wast
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
# Author: KuboF
# Author: Kusavica
# Author: Lesny skriatok
+# Author: MartinSNV
# Author: MichalP
# Author: Mimarik
# Author: Nemo bis
way_paginated: Cesty (%{x}–%{y} z %{count})
relation: Relácie (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relácie (%{x}–%{y} z %{count})
+ comment: Komentáre (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Skrytý komentár od %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred
+ %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Komentár od %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: XML sady zmien
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
title: Sada zmien %{id}
title_comment: Sada zmien %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Zapojte sa do diskusie
+ discussion: Diskusia
title: 'Uzol: %{name}'
history_title: 'História uzlu: %{name}'
way: cesta
relation: vzťah
+ feature_warning: Načíta sa %{num_features} funkcií, ktoré môžu sposobiť, že
+ Váš prehliadač bude spomalený alebo nebude reagovať. Ste si istý, že chcete
+ zobraziť tieto údaje?
load_data: Načítať údaje
loading: Nahrávanie...
key: Stránka s popisom značky %{key} na wiki
tag: Stránka s popisom značky %{key}=%{value} na wiki
wikipedia_link: Článok %{page} na Wikipédii
+ telephone_link: Vytočiť %{phone_number}
title: 'Poznámka: %{id}'
new_note: Nová poznámka
description: Popis
open_title: 'Nevyriešená chyba #%{note_name}'
closed_title: 'Vyriešená chyba #%{note_name}'
+ hidden_title: Skrytá poznámka %{note_name}
+ open_by: Vytvoril %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Vytvoril anonym <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Komentár od %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Komentoval anonym <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by: Vyriešil %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Vyriešil anonym <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Skryl %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>pred %{when}</abbr>
showing_page: Stránka %{page}
no_results: Neboli nájdené žiadne výsledky
more_results: Viac výsledkov
- distance:
- one: asi 1 km
- zero: menej ako 1 km
- other: asi %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: juhozápad
- south: juh
- south_east: juhovýchod
- east: východ
- north_east: severovýchod
- north: sever
- north_west: severozápad
- west: západ
alt_text: Logo OpenStreetMap
close: Zavrieť
search: Hľadať
+ get_directions: Nájsť trasu
+ get_directions_title: Vyhľadať trasu medzi dvoma bodmi
+ from: Odkiaľ
+ to: Kam
where_am_i: Kde som?
where_am_i_title: Opis aktuálnej polohy pomocou vyhľadávača
submit_text: hľ.
register now: Zaregistrujte se
with username: 'Už máte na OpenStreetMap konto? Prihláste sa svojim menom a
- with openid: 'Alternatívne sa môžete prihlásiť svojím OpenID:'
new to osm: Ste na OpenStreetMap nový?
to make changes: Ak chcete upravovať OpenStreetMap, musíte mať používateľské
account is suspended: Ľutujeme, ale vaše konto bolo pozastavené vzhľadom na
podozrivú aktivitu.<br>Ak to chcete riešiť, môžete kontaktovať <a href="%{webmaster}">webmastera</a>.
auth failure: Ľutujeme, s uvedenými údajmi sa nie je možné prihlásiť.
- openid missing provider: Ľutujeme, nepodarilo se spojiť s vaším OpenID poskytovateľom
- openid invalid: Ľutujeme, ale vaše OpenID sa zdá byť nesprávne
openid_logo_alt: Prihlásenie pomocou OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Prihlásenie pomocou OpenID
- alt: Prihlásenie pomocou OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Prihlásenie pomocou Google
- alt: Prihlásenie pomocou Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Prihlásenie pomocou Yahoo
- alt: Prihlásenie pomocou Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Prihlásenie pomocou Wordpress
- alt: Prihlásenie pomocou Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Prihlásenie pomocou AOL
- alt: Prihlásenie pomocou AOL OpenID
title: Odhlásenie
heading: Odhlásenie z OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Zobrazované meno:'
display name description: Vaše verejne zobrazené meno užívateľa. Môžete ho potom
zmeniť v nastaveniach.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Heslo:'
confirm password: 'Potvrdiť heslo:'
- use openid: Prípadne sa môžete prihlásiť pomocou %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: S OpenID nie je heslo potrebné. Niektoré ďalšie nástroje
- alebo servery ho však vyžadovať môžu.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Vaše OpenID zatiaľ nebolo prepojené s kontom na OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ak ste na OpenStreetMap nový, vytvorte si konto pomocou formulára nižšie.</li>
- <li>
- Ak už konto máte, môžete sa prihlásiť
- pomocou používateľského mena a hesla a následne ho
- v používateľskom nastavení prepojiť s OpenID.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Zaregistrovať sa
terms accepted: Ďakujeme za odsúhlasenie nových podmienok prispievania!
terms declined: Je nám ľúto, že ste sa rozhodli neprijať nové Podmienky prispievania.
new email address: 'Nová e-mailová adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikde se verejne nezobrazuje)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: čo to znamená?
public editing:
press confirm button: Stlačte tlačítko na potvrdenie dole, pre aktiváciu vášho
button: Potvrdiť
+ success: Váš účet je založený, ďakujeme, že ste sa zapísali!
already active: Toto používateľské konto už bolo potvrdené.
unknown token: Zadaný potvrdzovací kód vypršal alebo neexistuje.
reconfirm_html: Ak potrebujete, aby sme vám potvrdzovací e-mail poslali znova,
revoker: 'Odvolal:'
needs_view: Aby sa blok zmazal, požívateľ sa musí najprv prihlásiť.
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: Vytvorené pred %{when}
creator: Autor
description: Popis
+ created_at: Vytvorené
close: Zavrieť
add: Pridať poznámku
hide: Skryť
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Bicykel (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Pešo (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Bicykel (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Automobil (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Pešo (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Automobil (OSRM)
+ directions: Trasa
+ distance: Vzdialenosť
+ errors:
+ no_route: Nepodarilo sa nájsť trasu medzi týmito miestami.
+ no_place: Ospravedlňujeme sa - nepodarilo sa nájsť toto miesto.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Pokračujte na
+ slight_right: Mierne doprava na
+ turn_right: Odbočte vpravo na
+ sharp_right: Ostro doprava na
+ sharp_left: Ostro doľava na
+ turn_left: Odbočte vľavo na
+ slight_left: Mierne doľava na
+ via_point: (cez bod)
+ follow: Pokračujte po
+ roundabout: Na kruhovom objazde použite
+ leave_roundabout: Opustite kruhový objazd -
+ stay_roundabout: Zostaňte na kruhovom objazde -
+ start: Začnite na konci
+ destination: Došli ste do cieľa
+ unnamed: (nepomenované)
description: Popis
sorry: Žal je seznam zahtevanih sprememb predolg za prenos.
+ commented_at_html: Posodobljeno %{when} nazaj
+ commented_at_by_html: Posodobil %{user} %{when} nazaj
full: Celoten pogovor
+ cable_car: Nihalka
chair_lift: Sedežnica
drag_lift: Vlečnica
+ gondola: Kabinska žičnica
station: Žičniška postaja
aerodrome: Aerodrom
taxiway: Vozna steza
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Zavetišče za živali
arts_centre: Umetnostni center
atm: Bankomat
bank: Banka
bicycle_parking: Parkirišče za kolesa
bicycle_rental: Izposoja koles
biergarten: Pivski vrt
+ boat_rental: Najem čolna
brothel: Javna hiša
bureau_de_change: Menjalnica
bus_station: Avtobusna postaja
car_wash: Avtopralnica
casino: Kazino
charging_station: Polnilna postaja
+ childcare: Varstvo otrok
cinema: Kinematograf
clinic: Klinika
+ clock: Ura
college: Srednja šola
community_centre: Center skupnosti
courthouse: Sodišče
fire_station: Gasilska postaja
fountain: Vodomet
fuel: Bencinska črpalka
+ gambling: Igre na srečo
grave_yard: Pokopališče
gym: Fitnes / Telovadnica
health_centre: Dom zdravja
library: Knjižnica
market: Trg
marketplace: Tržnica
+ monastery: Samostan
+ motorcycle_parking: Parkirišče motornih koles
nightclub: Nočni klub
nursery: Vrtec
nursing_home: Dom za ostarele
office: Pisarne
parking: Parkirišče
+ parking_entrance: Vhod v parkirišče
pharmacy: Lekarna
place_of_worship: Cerkev
police: Policija
"yes": Most
"yes": Zgradba
+ craft:
+ brewery: Pivovarna
+ carpenter: Mizarstvo
+ electrician: Elektrikar
+ gardener: Vrtnar
+ painter: Soboslikar
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Vodovodar
+ shoemaker: Čevljar
+ tailor: Krojač
+ "yes": Obrtnik
+ ambulance_station: Reševalna postaja
+ defibrillator: Defibrilator
phone: Klic v sili
+ abandoned: Opuščena cesta
bridleway: Jahalna pot
bus_guideway: Turistični avtobus
bus_stop: Avtobusna postaja
construction: Autocesta v izgradnji
cycleway: Kolesarska steza
+ elevator: Dvigalo
emergency_access_point: Dostop za interventna vozila
footway: Pešpot
ford: Prehod
trunk_link: Priključek na hitro cesto
unclassified: Neopredeljena cesta
unsurfaced: Makadamska pot
+ "yes": Cesta
archaeological_site: Arheološko najdbišče
battlefield: Bojišče
boundary_stone: Mejni kamen
- building: Zgradba
+ building: Zgodovinska stavba
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Grad
church: Cerkev
+ city_gate: Mestna vrata
citywalls: Mestno obzidje
fort: Trdnjava
house: Hiša
memorial: Spomenik
mine: Rudnik
monument: Spomenik
+ roman_road: Rimska cesta
ruins: Ruševine
+ stone: Skala
tomb: Grobnica
tower: Stolp
wayside_cross: Križ
wayside_shrine: Kapelica
wreck: Razbitina
+ junction:
+ "yes": Križišče
allotments: Vrtički
basin: Čistilni bazen
road: Območje ceste
village_green: Zelenica
vineyard: Vinograd
+ "yes": Raba tal
beach_resort: kopališče
bird_hide: Ptičja opazovalnica
+ club: Klub
common: Javno zemljišče
fishing: Ribolovno območje
fitness_station: Fitnes center
garden: Vrt
golf_course: Igrišče za Golf
+ horse_riding: Jahanje
ice_rink: Drsališče
marina: Marina
miniature_golf: Mini golf
swimming_pool: Bazen
track: Tekaška proga
water_park: Vodni park
+ "yes": Prosti čas
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Svetilnik
+ pipeline: Cevovod
+ tower: Stolp
+ works: Tovarna
airfield: Vojaško letališče
barracks: Vojašnica
reef: Greben
ridge: Greben
rock: Skala
+ saddle: Sedlo
+ sand: Pesek
scree: Melišče
scrub: Grmovje
spring: Izvir
travel_agent: Potovalna agencija
"yes": Pisarne
+ allotments: Vrtički
airport: Letališče
city: Mesto
country: Država
"yes": Trgovina
alpine_hut: Koča
+ apartment: Apartma
artwork: Umetnina
attraction: Zanimivost
bed_and_breakfast: Nočitev z zajtrkom
camp_site: Kamp
caravan_site: Kamp
chalet: Apartma
+ gallery: Galerija
guest_house: Penzion
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
wadi: Vadi
waterfall: Slap
weir: Zapornica
+ "yes": Vodotok
level2: Državna meja
level4: Meja pokrajine
no_results: Ni zadetkov
more_results: Več zadetkov
- distance:
- zero: manj kot en km
- other: približno %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: jugozahodno
- south: južno
- south_east: jugovzhodno
- east: vzhodno
- north_east: severovzhodno
- north: severno
- north_west: severozahodno
- west: zahodno
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logotip
close: Zapri
search: Iskanje
+ get_directions: Pridobite navodila za pot
+ get_directions_title: Navodila za pot med dvema točkama
+ from: Od
+ to: Do
where_am_i: Kje sem?
where_am_i_title: Opišite trenutno lokacijo z uporabo iskalnika
submit_text: Išči
register now: Registriraj se
with username: 'Že imate OpenStreetMap račun? Prosim, prijavite se s svojim
uporabniškim imenom in geslom:'
- with openid: 'Lahko se prijavite tudi s svojim OpenID-jrm:'
new to osm: Ste novi na OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Če želite spreminjati podatke na OpenStreetMap, morate imeti
account is suspended: Žal je bil vaš račun ustavljen zaradi sumljive aktivnosti.<br>Prosimo,
obrnite se na <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>, če želite o tem razpravljati.
auth failure: Oprostite, prijava s temi podatki ni uspela.
- openid missing provider: Žal se ni bilo mogoče obrniti na ponudnika OpenID
- openid invalid: Oprostite, vaš OpenID ni pravilen
openid_logo_alt: Prijavite se z OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Prijava z OpenID
- alt: Prijavite se z OpenID povezavo
- google:
- title: Prijava z Googlom
- alt: Prijava z Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Prijavite se z Yahoo
- alt: Prijava z Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Prijava z Wordpress
- alt: Prijava z Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Prijava z AOL
- alt: Prijava z AOL OpenID
title: Odjava
heading: Odjava iz OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Prikazno ime:'
display name description: Javno prikazano uporabniško ime. To lahko spremenite
kasneje v nastavitvah.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Geslo:'
confirm password: 'Potrdite geslo:'
- use openid: Lahko pa uporabite %{logo} OpenID za prijavo
- openid no password: Z OpenID geslo ni potrebno, vendar pa nekaj dodatnih orodij
- ali strežnikov še vedno potrebujete geslo.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Vaš OpenID še ni povezan z OpenStreetMap računom.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Če ste novi v OpenStreetMap, ustvarite nov račun s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca.</li>
- <li>Če že imate račun, se prijavite na svoj račun z vašim uporabniškim imenom in geslom in nato povežete račun z OpenID-jem v uporabniških nastavitvah.</li>
- </ul>
continue: Prijavite se
terms accepted: Hvala za sprejem novih pogojev prispevanja!
terms declined: Žal nam je, da ste se odločili, da ne sprejmete novih "contributor
new email address: 'Nov e-poštni naslov:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikoli javno objavljen)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: kaj je to?
public editing:
press confirm button: Za aktivacijo vašega uporabniškega računa pritisnite na
gumb Potrdi spodaj.
button: Potrdi
+ success: Vaš uporabniški račun je potrjen. Hvala, da ste se vpisali!
already active: Ta račun je že bil potrjen.
unknown token: Ta potrditvena koda je potekla ali ne obstaja.
reconfirm_html: Če hočete da vam znova pošljemo potrditveno e-pošto, <a href="%{reconfirm}">kliknite
reactivate: Znova aktiviraj
comment_and_resolve: Komentiraj in razreši
comment: Komentar
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Kolo (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Peš (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Kolo (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Avto (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Peš (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Avto (OSRM)
+ directions: Navodila
+ distance: Razdalja
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Nadaljujte po
+ slight_right: Rahlo desno na
+ turn_right: Zavijte desno na
+ sharp_right: Ostro desno na
+ uturn: Polkrožno obrnite na
+ sharp_left: Ostro levo na
+ turn_left: Zavijte levo na
+ slight_left: Rahlo levo na
+ via_point: (preko)
+ follow: Sledite
+ destination: Prispete na cilj
+ unnamed: (neimenovano)
+ courtesy: Navodila je ponudil %{link}
+ time: Čas
node: Vozlišče
way: Pot
no_results: Nema rezultata
more_results: Više rezultata
- distance:
- one: oko jednog kilometra
- zero: manje od jednog kilometra
- other: oko %{count} kilometra
- direction:
- south_west: jugozapadno
- south: južno
- south_east: jugoistočno
- east: istočno
- north_east: severoistočno
- north: severno
- north_west: severozapadno
- west: zapadno
title: Openstritmap
login_button: Prijavi me
register now: Otvorite nalog
with username: 'Već imate nalog? Prijavite se s korisničkim imenom i lozinkom:'
- with openid: 'Rezervni način je da koristite OpenID:'
new to osm: Novi ste na sajtu?
to make changes: Da biste pravili izmene, morate imati nalog.
create account minute: Otvorite nalog. Potrebno je samo nekoliko trenutaka.
/>Obratite se <a href="%{webmaster}">administratoru</a> ako želite da porazgovarate
o problemu.
auth failure: Ne mogu da vas prijavim s unetim podacima.
- openid missing provider: Ne mogu da se povežem s OpenID dobavljačem
- openid invalid: Izgleda da OpenID nije ispravan
openid_logo_alt: Prijavite se s OpenID-jem
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Prijava putem OpenID-ja
- alt: Prijavite se s OpenID-jem
- google:
- title: Prijava putem Gugla
- alt: Prijavite se preko Gugla
- yahoo:
- title: Prijava putem Jahua
- alt: Prijavite se preko Jahua
- wordpress:
- title: Prijava putem Vordpresa
- alt: Prijavite se preko Vordpresa
- aol:
- title: Prijava putem AOL-a
- alt: Prijavite se preko AOL-a
title: Odjava
heading: Odjava
display name: 'Ime prikaza:'
display name description: Javno prikazano korisničko ime. Kasnije ga možete
promeniti u postavkama.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Lozinka:'
confirm password: 'Potvrdite lozinku:'
- use openid: Rezervni način je da koristite %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: S OpenID-jem, lozinka nije potrebna, ali neke dodatne alatke
- ipak zahtevaju lozinku.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Vaš OpenID nije povezan s nalogom na Openstritmapu.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ako još uvek nemate nalog, otvorite ga koristeći obrazac ispod.</li>
- <li>
- Ako imate nalog, prijavite se sa svojim korisničkim imenom
- i lozinkom, pa ga onda povežite s OpenID-jem u postavkama.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Nastavi
terms accepted: Hvala vam što prihvatate nove uslove uređivanja.
terms declined: Žao nam je što ste odlučili da ne prihvatite nove uslove uređivanja.
new email address: 'Nova e-adresa:'
email never displayed publicly: (nikada se ne prikazuje javno)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: šta je ovo?
public editing:
heading: Potvrda korisničkog naloga
press confirm button: Pritisnite dugme za potvrdu da biste aktivirali nalog.
button: Potvrdi
+ success: Vaš nalog je potvrđen. Hvala vam na upisu!
already active: Ovaj nalog je već potvrđen.
unknown token: Izgleda da taj novčić ne postoji.
no_results: Нема резултата
more_results: Још резултата
- distance:
- one: око једног километра
- zero: мање од једног километра
- other: око %{count} километра
- direction:
- south_west: југозападно
- south: јужно
- south_east: југоисточно
- east: источно
- north_east: североисточно
- north: северно
- north_west: северозападно
- west: западно
title: OpenStreetMap
login_button: Пријави ме
register now: Отворите налог
with username: 'Већ имате налог? Пријавите се с корисничким именом и лозинком:'
- with openid: 'Резервни начин је да користите OpenID:'
new to osm: Нови сте на сајту?
to make changes: Да бисте правили измене, морате имати налог.
create account minute: Отворите налог. Потребно је само неколико тренутака.
/>Обратите се <a href="%{webmaster}">администратору</a> ако желите да поразговарате
о проблему.
auth failure: Не могу да вас пријавим с унетим подацима.
- openid missing provider: Не могу да се повежем с OpenID добављачем
- openid invalid: Изгледа да OpenID није исправан
openid_logo_alt: Пријавите се с OpenID-јем
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Пријава путем OpenID-ја
- alt: Пријавите се с OpenID-јем
- google:
- title: Пријава путем Гугла
- alt: Пријавите се преко Гугла
- yahoo:
- title: Пријава путем Јахуа
- alt: Пријавите се преко Јахуа
- wordpress:
- title: Пријава путем Вордпреса
- alt: Пријавите се преко Вордпреса
- aol:
- title: Пријава путем AOL-а
- alt: Пријавите се преко AOL-а
title: Одјава
heading: Одјава
display name: 'Име приказа:'
display name description: Јавно приказано корисничко име. Касније га можете
променити у поставкама.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Лозинка:'
confirm password: 'Потврдите лозинку:'
- use openid: Резервни начин је да користите %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: С OpenID-јем, лозинка није потребна, али неке додатне алатке
- ипак захтевају лозинку.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Ваш OpenID није повезан с налогом на Опенстритмапу.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Ако још увек немате налог, отворите га користећи образац испод.</li>
- <li>
- Ако имате налог, пријавите се са својим корисничким именом
- и лозинком, па га онда повежите с OpenID-јем у поставкама.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Пријави се
terms accepted: Хвала вам што прихватате нове услове уређивања.
terms declined: Жао нам је што сте одлучили да не прихватите нове услове уређивања.
new email address: 'Нова е-адреса:'
email never displayed publicly: (никада се не приказује јавно)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: шта је ово?
public editing:
моћићеш да почнеш са цртањем карте.
press confirm button: Притисните дугме за потврду да бисте активирали налог.
button: Потврди
+ success: Ваш налог је потврђен. Хвала вам на упису!
already active: Овај налог је већ потврђен.
unknown token: Тај код за потврду је истекао или не постоји.
reconfirm_html: Ако треба да нам поново пошаљеш е-писмо, <a href="%{reconfirm}">кликни
# Messages for Swedish (svenska)
# Exported from
# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Aaoo
# Author: Abbedabb
# Author: Adrianod
# Author: Ainali
# Author: Balp
# Author: Cohan
# Author: Cybjit
+# Author: Dan Koehl
# Author: Fader
# Author: Grillo
# Author: Haxpett
# Author: Jas
+# Author: Jenniesarina
# Author: Jopparn
# Author: Liftarn
# Author: Lokal Profil
# Author: Luen
# Author: Magol
# Author: Malmis
+# Author: Nastoshka
# Author: Nemo bis
# Author: Per
# Author: Pladask
hidden_by: Gömd av %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} sedan</abbr>
+ title: Frågan Funktioner
introduction: Klicka på kartan för att hitta närliggande funktioner.
+ nearby: Finns i närheten
showing_page: Sida %{page}
sorry: Kunde tyvärr inte lista begärda ändringsset. Begäran tog för lång tid
att hämta.
+ title_all: Diskussion om OpenStreetMaps ändringsset
+ title_particular: Diskussion nummer %{changeset_id} om OpenStreetMaps ändringsset
+ comment: Ny kommentar på ändringsset nummer %{changeset_id} av %{author}
commented_at_html: Uppdaterades för %{when} sedan
+ commented_at_by_html: Uppdaterades för %{when} sedan av %{user}
full: Fullständig diskussion
+ cable_car: Linbana
chair_lift: Stollift
drag_lift: Släplift
+ gondola: Gondolbanan
station: Linbanestation
aerodrome: Flygfält
taxiway: Taxibana
terminal: Terminal
+ animal_shelter: Djurhemmet
arts_centre: Konstcenter
atm: Bankomat
bank: Bank
bicycle_parking: Cykelparkering
bicycle_rental: Cykeluthyrning
biergarten: Uteservering
+ boat_rental: Båtuthyrning
brothel: Bordell
bureau_de_change: Växlingskontor
bus_station: Busstation
car_wash: Biltvätt
casino: Kasino
charging_station: Laddningsstation
+ childcare: Barnomsorg
cinema: Biograf
clinic: Klinik
+ clock: Klocka
college: College
community_centre: Allaktivitetshus
courthouse: Tingshus
food_court: Food Court
fountain: Fontän
fuel: Bränsle
+ gambling: Spel
grave_yard: Begravningsplats
gym: Fitnesscenter / Gym
health_centre: Vårdcentral
marketplace: |2-
+ monastery: Kloster
+ motorcycle_parking: Motorcykelparkering
nightclub: Nattklubb
nursery: Förskola
nursing_home: Vårdhem
office: Kontor
parking: Parkeringsplats
+ parking_entrance: Parkeringsinfart
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Plats för tillbedjan
police: Polis
veterinary: Veterinärkirurgi
village_hall: Byastuga
waste_basket: Papperskorg
+ waste_disposal: Avfallshantering
youth_centre: Ungdomscenter
administrative: Administrativ gräns
"yes": Bro
"yes": Byggnad
+ craft:
+ brewery: Bryggeri
+ carpenter: Snickare
+ electrician: Elektriker
+ gardener: Trädgårdsmästare
+ painter: Målare
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ plumber: Rörmokare
+ shoemaker: Skomakare
+ tailor: Skräddare
+ "yes": Hantverksbutik
+ ambulance_station: Ambulansstation
+ defibrillator: Defibrillator
+ landing_site: Nödlandningsplats
phone: Nödtelefon
+ abandoned: Övergiven motorväg
bridleway: Ridstig
bus_guideway: Spårbussväg
bus_stop: Busshållplats
construction: Väg under konstruktion
cycleway: Cykelspår
+ elevator: Hiss
emergency_access_point: Utryckningsplats
footway: Gångväg
ford: Vadställe
tertiary: Landsväg
tertiary_link: Landsväg
track: Traktorväg
+ traffic_signals: Trafiksignaler
trail: Vandringsled
trunk: Stamväg
trunk_link: På-/avfart till stamväg/motortrafikled
unclassified: Oklassificerad väg
unsurfaced: Oasfalterad väg
+ "yes": Väg
archaeological_site: Arkeologisk plats
battlefield: Slagfält
boundary_stone: Gränssten
- building: Byggnad
+ building: Historisk byggnad
+ bunker: Bunker
castle: Slott
church: Kyrka
+ city_gate: stadsporten
citywalls: Stadsmurar
fort: Fort
+ heritage: Världsarv
house: Hus
icon: Ikon
manor: Herrgård
memorial: Minnesmärke
mine: Gruva
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Romersk väg
ruins: Ruin
+ stone: Sten
tomb: Grav
tower: Torn
wayside_cross: Landmärke
wayside_shrine: Vägkants-helgedom
wreck: Vrak
+ junction:
+ "yes": Korsning
allotments: Kolonilotter
basin: Bäcken
road: Vägområde
village_green: Landsbypark
vineyard: Vingård
+ "yes": Markanvändning
beach_resort: Badort
bird_hide: Fågeltorn
+ club: Klubb
common: Allmänning
+ dog_park: Hundpark
fishing: Fiskevatten
+ fitness_centre: Gym
fitness_station: Gym
garden: Trädgård
golf_course: Golfbana
+ horse_riding: Ridning
ice_rink: Isrink
marina: Marina
miniature_golf: Minigolf
pitch: Idrottsplan
playground: Lekplats
recreation_ground: Rekreationsområde
+ resort: Resort
sauna: Bastu
slipway: Stapelbädd
sports_centre: Sporthall
swimming_pool: Simbassäng
track: Löparbana
water_park: Vattenpark
+ "yes": Fritid
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Fyr
+ pipeline: Pipeline
+ tower: Torn
+ works: Fabrik
+ "yes": handgjord
airfield: Militärt flygfält
barracks: Kaserner
forest: Skog
geyser: Gejser
glacier: Glaciär
+ grassland: Betesmark
heath: Ljunghed
hill: Kulle
island: Ö
reef: Rev
ridge: Bergskam
rock: Klippa
+ saddle: Sadel
+ sand: Sand
scree: Taluskon
scrub: Buskskog
spring: Källa
wood: Skog
accountant: Revisor
+ administrative: Administration
architect: Arkitekt
company: Företag
employment_agency: Bemanningsföretag
travel_agent: Resebyrå
"yes": Kontor
+ allotments: Kolonilotter
+ block: Blockera
airport: Flygplats
city: Stad
country: Land
town: Ort
unincorporated_area: Kommunfritt område
village: By
+ "yes": Plats
abandoned: Övergiven järnväg
construction: Järnväg under anläggande
"yes": Affär
alpine_hut: Fjällstuga
+ apartment: Lägenhet
artwork: Konstverk
attraction: Attraktion
bed_and_breakfast: Bed and breakfast
camp_site: Campingplats
caravan_site: Husvagnsuppställningsplats
chalet: Stuga
+ gallery: Galleri
guest_house: Gäststuga
hostel: Vandrarhem
hotel: Hotell
wadi: Uttorkad flod
waterfall: Vattenfall
weir: Överfallsvärn
+ "yes": Vattenväg
level2: Landsgräns
level4: Statsgräns
no_results: Inga resultat hittades
more_results: Fler resultat
- distance:
- zero: mindre än 1 km
- one: ungefär 1 km
- other: ungefär %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: sydväst
- south: syd
- south_east: sydöst
- east: öst
- north_east: nordöst
- north: norr
- north_west: nordväst
- west: väst
title: OpenStreetMap
greeting: Hej,
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} har kommenterat på en av dina ändringsset'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} har kommenterat på ett ändringsset
+ du är intresserad av'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} har lämnat en kommentar på ett av dina ändringsset
+ skapas den %{time}'
partial_changeset_with_comment: med kommentar '%{changeset_comment}'
partial_changeset_without_comment: utan kommentar
+ details: Mer detaljer om ändringssetet finns på %{url}.
title: Inkorg
close: Stäng
search: Sök
+ get_directions: Få vägbeskrivningar
+ get_directions_title: Hitta vägen mellan två punkter
+ from: Från
+ to: Till
where_am_i: Var är jag?
where_am_i_title: Beskriv den aktuella platsen med hjälp av sökmotorn
submit_text: Gå
register now: Registrera dig nu
with username: 'Har du redan ett OpenStreetMap-konto? Logga in med ditt användarnamn
och lösenord:'
- with openid: 'Du kan även använda ditt OpenID-konto för att logga in:'
new to osm: Ny på OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: För att göra ändringar i OpenStreetMaps data måste du ha ett
Tyvärr har ditt konto stängts av på grund av tvivelaktig aktivitet.<br />Kontakta <a href="%
{webmaster}">webbansvarig</a> om du vill diskutera saken.
auth failure: Kunde inte logga in med de uppgifterna.
- openid missing provider: Kunde inte nå din OpenID-leverantör
- openid invalid: Tyvärr verkar ditt OpenID vara felaktigt formaterat.
openid_logo_alt: Logga in med ett OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Logga in med OpenID
- alt: Logga in med en OpenID-URL
- google:
- title: Logga in med Google
- alt: Logga in med ett Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Logga in med Yahoo
- alt: Logga in med ett Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Logga in med Wordpress
- alt: Logga in med ett Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Logga in med AOL
- alt: Logga in med ett AOL OpenID
title: Logga ut
heading: Logga ut från OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Visat namn:'
display name description: Ditt offentligt visade användarnamn. Du kan ändra
detta senare i inställningarna.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Lösenord:'
confirm password: 'Bekräfta lösenord:'
- use openid: Alternativt, använd %{logo} OpenID för att logga in
- openid no password: Med OpenID behövs inget lösenord, men en del extra verktyg
- och vissa servrar kan fortfarande behöva ett.
- openid association: |-
- <p>Ditt OpenID är ännu inte associerad med ett OpenStreetMap konto ännu.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Om du är ny på OpenStreetMap, skapa ett nytt konto med hjälp av formuläret nedan.</li>
- <li>
- Om du redan har ett konto, kan du logga in
- med hjälp av ditt användarnamn och lösenord, för att sedan associera kontot
- med ditt OpenID i användarinställningarna.
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: Skapa ett konto
terms accepted: Tack för att du accepterat de nya villkoren för bidrag till
new email address: 'Ny e-postadress:'
email never displayed publicly: (visas aldrig offentligt)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: vad är detta?
public editing:
press confirm button: Klicka på bekräftelseknappen nedan för att aktivera ditt
button: Bekräfta
+ success: Ditt konto är bekräftat, tack för att du registrerade dig.
already active: Detta konto har redan bekräftats.
unknown token: Denna bekräftelsekod har gått ut eller finns inte.
reconfirm_html: Om du vill att vi ska skicka bekräftelsemailet igen, <a href="%{reconfirm}">klicka
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zooma in för att lägga till anteckningar på kartan
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Zooma in för att se kartanteckningar
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zooma in för att se kartdata
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Fråge funktioner
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Zooma in för att fråga om funktioner
comment: Kommentera
comment: Kommentera
edit_help: Flytta kartan och zooma in på en plats som du vill redigera, klicka
sedan här.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Cykel (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Gående (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Cykel (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Bil (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Gående (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Bil (OSRM)
+ directions: Vägbeskrivning
+ distance: Avstånd
+ errors:
+ no_route: Kunde inte hitta en väg mellan dessa två platser.
+ no_place: Ledsen - kunde inte hitta platsen.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Fortsätt
+ slight_right: Svag höger in på
+ turn_right: Sväng höger in på
+ sharp_right: Skarp höger in på
+ uturn: U-sväng längs
+ sharp_left: Skarp vänster in på
+ turn_left: Sväng vänster in på
+ slight_left: Svagt vänster till
+ via_point: (via punkten)
+ follow: Följ
+ roundabout: I rondellen ta
+ leave_roundabout: Lämna rondellen
+ stay_roundabout: Vistelse på rondellen -
+ start: Börja vid slutet av
+ destination: Nå målet
+ against_oneway: Kör mot enkelriktat på
+ end_oneway: Slutet av en väg på
+ unnamed: (namnlös)
+ courtesy: Vägbeskrivning med tillstånd av %{link}
+ time: Tid
node: Nod
way: Sträcka
old_node: పాత అంశం
old_node_tag: పాత అంశం యొక్క ట్యాగ్
old_relation: పాత సంబంధం
+ old_way: పాత పద్ధతి
relation: సంబంధం
session: సెషన్
user: వాడుకరి
geonames: <a href="">GeoNames</a> నుండి ఫలితాలు
+ aerialway:
+ cable_car: కేబుల్ కారు
+ chair_lift: చెయిర్ లిఫ్ట్
+ drag_lift: డ్రాగ్ లిఫ్ట్
+ gondola: గొండోలా లిఫ్ట్
+ station: ఆకాశమార్గ స్టేషను
+ aerodrome: విమానాశ్రయం
+ apron: విమానాశ్రయ విమానరహదారి
gate: గేటు
helipad: హెలిప్యాడ్
runway: రన్వే
taxiway: ట్యాక్సీదారి
+ terminal: ఆఖరి స్టేషను
+ animal_shelter: పశుగృహం
+ arts_centre: కళాకేంద్రం
atm: ఏటీఎం
bank: బ్యాంకు
bar: బార్
+ bbq: బార్బెక్
bench: బెంచీ
bicycle_parking: సైకిళ్ళు నిలుపు స్థలం
bicycle_rental: సైకిల్ అద్దెకిచ్చు స్థలం
+ biergarten: బీరు తోట
+ boat_rental: బోట్ అద్దెకు
brothel: వేశ్యావాటిక
bus_station: బస్సలు ఆగు చోటు
cafe: కెఫే
casino: జూదగృహం
cinema: సినిమా
clinic: ఆసుపత్రి
+ clock: గడియారం
college: కళాశాల
community_centre: సామాజిక కేంద్రం
courthouse: న్యాయస్థానం
no_results: ఫలితాలేమీ దొరకలేదు
more_results: మరిన్ని ఫలితాలు
- distance:
- one: దాదాపు 1కిమీ
- other: దాదాపు %{count}కిమీ
- direction:
- south_west: నైరుతి
- south: దక్షిణం
- south_east: ఆగ్నేయం
- east: తూర్పు
- north_east: ఈశాన్యం
- north: ఉత్తరం
- north_west: వాయువ్యం
- west: పడమర
alt_text: ఓపెన్‌స్ట్రీట్‌మాప్ చిహ్నం
new to osm: ఓపెన్స్ట్రీట్మ్యాప్కి కొత్తా?
create account minute: ఒక ఖాతాను సృష్టించుకోండి. కేవలం నిమిషంలో అయిపోతుంది.
no account: మీకు ఖాతా లేదా?
- openid_providers:
- wordpress:
- title: వర్డ్ప్రెస్తో ప్రవేశించండి
title: నిష్క్రమించు
heading: ఓపెన్స్ట్రీట్మ్యాప్ నుండి నిష్క్రమించండి
title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">గోప్యతా విధానాన్ని</a>
display name: 'చూపించే పేరు:'
- openid: '%{logo} ఓపెన్ఐడీ:'
password: 'సంకేతపదం:'
confirm password: 'సంకేతపదాన్ని నిర్ధారించండి:'
continue: నమోదవ్వండి
new email address: 'కొత్త ఈమెయిల్ చిరునామా:'
email never displayed publicly: (బహిరంగంగా ఎన్నటికీ చూపించబడదు)
- openid: 'ఓపెన్ఐడీ:'
link text: ఇది ఏమిటి?
public editing:
enabled link text: ఇది ఏమిటి?
no_results: Walang natagpuang mga kinalabasan
more_results: Marami pang mga kinalabasan
- distance:
- one: humigit-kumulang sa 1km
- zero: mas mababa kaysa 1km
- other: humigit-kumulang sa %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: timog-kanluran
- south: timog
- south_east: timog-silangan
- east: silangan
- north_east: hilaga-silangan
- north: hilaga
- north_west: hilaga-kanluran
- west: kanluran
title: OpenStreetMap
register now: Magpatala na ngayon
with username: 'Mayroon ka na bang akawnt sa OpenStreetMap? Mangyaring lumagda
sa pamamagitan ng iyong pangalan ng tagagamit at hudyat:'
- with openid: 'O kaya ay gamitin ang OpenID mo upang lumagda:'
new to osm: Bago pa lamang sa OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Upang makagawa ng mga pagbabago sa dato ng OpenStreetMap data,
kailangang mayroon kang isang akawnt.
gawain.<br />Mangyaring makipag-uganayan sa <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
kung nais mong talakayin ito.
auth failure: Paumanhin, hindi makalagda sa pamamagitan ng mga detalyeng iyan.
- openid missing provider: Paumahin, hindi nagawang makipag-ugnayan sa tagapagbigay
- mo ng OpenID
- openid invalid: Paumanhin, tila may pinsala ang OpenID mo
openid_logo_alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng isang OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng OpenID
- alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng isang URL ng OpenID
- google:
- title: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng Google
- alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng OpenID ng Google
- yahoo:
- title: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng Yahoo
- alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng OpenID ng Yahoo
- wordpress:
- title: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng Wordpress
- alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng OpenID ng Wordpress
- aol:
- title: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng AOL
- alt: Lumagda sa pamamagitan ng isang OpenID ng AOL
title: Umalis sa pagkakalagda
heading: Umalis sa pagkakalagda mula sa OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Pangalang Ipinapakita:'
display name description: Ang iyong pangalan ng tagagamit na ipinapakita sa
madla. Maaari mo itong baguhin mamaya sa loob ng mga kanaisan.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Password:'
confirm password: 'Tiyakin ang Hudyat:'
- use openid: Bilang kahalili, gamitin ang %{logo} OpenID upang lumagda
- openid no password: Hindi kailangan ang hudyat sa OpenID, subalit ang ilan sa
- dagdag na mga kagamitan o tagapaghain ay maaaring mangailangan ng isa.
- openid association: "<p>Ang OpenID mo ay hindi pa nakaugnay sa isang akawnt
- ng OpenStreetMap.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Kung bago ka pa lang sa OpenStreetMap,
- mangyaring lumikha ng isang bagong akawnt sa pamamagitan ng pormularyong nasa
- ibaba.</li>\n <li>\n Kung mayroon ka nang akawnt, makakalagda ka na sa
- akawnt mo\n sa pamamagitan ng iyong pangalan ng tagagamit at hudyat at
- pagkaraan ay iugnay ang akawnt \n sa OpenID mo doon sa loob ng mga katakdaan
- mo na pangtagagamit.\n </li>\n</ul>"
continue: Magpatuloy
terms accepted: Salamat sa pagtanggap ng bagong mga tuntunin ng tagapag-ambag!
terms declined: Ikinalulungkot namin na nagpasya kang huwag tanggapin ang bagong
new email address: 'Bagong Tirahan ng E-liham:'
email never displayed publicly: (hindi kailanman ipinapakita sa madla)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: ano ba ito?
public editing:
press confirm button: Pindtuin ang pindutan ng pagtitiyak na nasa ibaba upang
buhayin ang akawnt mo.
button: Tiyakin
+ success: Natiyak ang akawnt mo, salamat sa pagpapatala!
already active: Natiyak na ang akawnt na ito.
unknown token: Tila hindi yata umiiral ang kahalip na iyan.
no_results: Sonuç bulunamadı
more_results: Daha fazla sonuç
- distance:
- one: yaklaşık 1km
- zero: 1km'den az
- other: yaklaşık %{count}km
- direction:
- south_west: güney-batı
- south: güney
- south_east: güney-doğu
- east: doğu
- north_east: kuzey-doğu
- north: kuzey
- north_west: kuzey-batı
- west: batı
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logosu
register now: Şimdi kayıt ol
with username: 'OpenStreetMap hesabınız var mı? Lütfen kullanıcı adı ve şifrenizle
giriş yapınız:'
- with openid: 'Bunun yerine, OpenID kullanarak giriş yapın:'
new to osm: OpenStreetMap sitesinde yeni misiniz?
to make changes: OpenStreetMap verileri değiştirmek için bir hesabın olması
onaylama e-postasında ki bağlantı tıkla veya <a href="%{reconfirm}">yeni bir
onaylama e-posta</a> iste.
auth failure: Üzgünüz, bu giriş ile oturum açılamadı.
- openid missing provider: Üzgünüz, OpenID sağlayınızla iletişim kurulamadı
- openid invalid: Üzgünüz, OpenID hatalı biçimlendirilmiş gözüküyor
openid_logo_alt: OpenID ile giriş
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID kullanarak oturum aç
- alt: OpenID URL ile giriş
- google:
- title: Google ile giriş
- alt: Google OpenID ile giriş
- yahoo:
- title: Yahoo ile giriş
- alt: Yahoo OpenID ile giriş
- wordpress:
- title: Wordpress ile giriş
- alt: Wordpress OpenID ile giriş
- aol:
- title: AOL ile giriş
- alt: AOL OpenID ile giriş
title: Çıkış
heading: OpenStreetMap'den çıkış
display name: 'Görünen Ad:'
display name description: Herkes tarafından görünen ad. Bu adı istediği zaman
'tercihlerim' bölümünde değiştirebilirsin.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Şifre:'
confirm password: 'Şifre Onayla:'
- use openid: Bunun yerine, %{logo} kullanarak giriş yapın
continue: Kaydol
terms accepted: Yeni katılımcı şartları kabul ettiğin için teşekkür ederiz!
new email address: 'Yeni E-posta Adresi:'
email never displayed publicly: (hiçbir zaman görüntülenmez)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: Bu nedir?
public editing:
introduction_2: E-postadaki bağlantıya tıklayarak hesabınızı doğrulayın ve daha
sonra haritalama yapmanız mümkün olacak.
button: Onayla
+ success: Hesabın onaylandı, teşekkür ve iyi çalışmalar!<br /><br /><a href="">Hoşgeldin
+ sayfasında</a> Türkiye'deki harita durumu konusunda bilgi alabilirsin.
reconfirm_html: Doğrulama e-postasının tekrar gönderimi için bize ihtiyacınız
varsa, <a href="%{reconfirm}">buraya tıklayın</a>.
+ cable_car: Канатна дорога
chair_lift: Крісельний підйомник
drag_lift: Бугельний підйомник
+ gondola: З підвісними кабінами
station: Канатна станція
aerodrome: Аеродром
taxiway: Руліжна доріжка
terminal: Термінал
+ animal_shelter: Притулок для тварин
arts_centre: Мистецький центр
atm: Банкомат
bank: Банк
bicycle_parking: Місце стоянки для велосипедів
bicycle_rental: Прокат велосипедів
biergarten: Пивний сад
+ boat_rental: Прокат човнів
brothel: Бордель
bureau_de_change: Обмін валют
bus_station: Автовокзал
car_wash: Автомийка
casino: Казино
charging_station: Станція для зарядки електромобілів
+ childcare: Догляд за дітьми
cinema: Кінотеатр
clinic: Клініка
+ clock: Годинник
college: Коледж
community_centre: Громадський центр
courthouse: Суд
food_court: Фуд-корт
fountain: Фонтан
fuel: Пальне
+ gambling: Азартні ігри
grave_yard: Цвинтар
gym: Тренажерний зал
health_centre: Центр здоров'я
library: Бібліотека
market: Ринок
marketplace: Ринок
+ monastery: Монастир
+ motorcycle_parking: Парковка для мотоциклів
nightclub: Нічний клуб
nursery: Дитсадок
nursing_home: Будинок престарілих
office: Офіс
parking: Автостоянка
+ parking_entrance: В’їзд на стоянку
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Культова споруда
police: Міліція (Поліція)
veterinary: Ветлікарня
village_hall: Сільрада
waste_basket: Контейнер для сміття
+ waste_disposal: Утилізація відходів
youth_centre: Молодіжний центр
administrative: Адміністративний кордон
"yes": Міст
"yes": Будівля
+ craft:
+ brewery: Пивоварня
+ carpenter: Столяр
+ electrician: Електрик
+ gardener: Садівник
+ painter: Художник
+ photographer: Фотограф
+ plumber: Сантехнік
+ shoemaker: Чоботар
+ tailor: Кравець
+ "yes": Товари для рукоділля
+ ambulance_station: Станція швидкої медичної допомоги
+ defibrillator: Дефібрилятор
+ landing_site: Місце аварійної посадки
phone: Телефон для екстрених викликів
+ abandoned: Покинута дорога
bridleway: Дорога для їзди кіньми
bus_guideway: Рейковий автобус
bus_stop: Автобусна зупинка
construction: Будівництво автомагістралі
cycleway: Велосипедна доріжка
+ elevator: Ліфт
emergency_access_point: Пункт швидкої допомоги
footway: Пішохідна доріжка
ford: Броди
tertiary: Третинна дорога
tertiary_link: Виїзд на третинну дорогу
track: Путівець
+ traffic_signals: Світлофор
trail: Стежка
trunk: Шосе
trunk_link: З’їзд з/на шосе
unclassified: Дорога без класифікації
unsurfaced: Дорога без покриття
+ "yes": Дорога
archaeological_site: Археологічні дослідження
battlefield: Поле битви
boundary_stone: Прикордонний камінь
- building: Будівля
+ building: Історична будівля
+ bunker: Бункер
castle: За́мок
church: Храм
+ city_gate: Міські Ворота
citywalls: Міські стіни
fort: Форт
+ heritage: Культурна спадщина
house: Дім
icon: Ікона
manor: Маєток
memorial: Меморіал
mine: Копальня
monument: Пам’ятник
+ roman_road: Римська дорога
ruins: Руїни
+ stone: Камінь
tomb: Гробниця
tower: Башта
wayside_cross: Придорожній хрест
wayside_shrine: Придорожній храм
wreck: Місце катастрофи
+ junction:
+ "yes": Перехресття
allotments: Сади-городи
basin: Резервуар
road: Зона дорожньої мережі
village_green: Сільська галявина
vineyard: Виноградник
+ "yes": Землекористування
beach_resort: Пляжний курорт
bird_hide: Засідка (пункт спостереження за птахами)
+ club: Клуб
common: Громадська земля
+ dog_park: Майданчик для собак
fishing: Район риболовлі
+ fitness_centre: Фітнес-центр
fitness_station: Фітнес станція
garden: Сад
golf_course: Поле для гольфу
+ horse_riding: Верхова їзда
ice_rink: Ковзанка
marina: Гавань для екскурсійних суден
miniature_golf: Міні-гольф
pitch: Спортмайданчик
playground: Дитячий майданчик
recreation_ground: База відпочинку
+ resort: Курорт
sauna: Сауна
slipway: Сліп (спуск на воду)
sports_centre: Спортивний центр
swimming_pool: Басейн
track: Бігова доріжка
water_park: Аквапарк
+ "yes": Дозвілля
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Маяк
+ pipeline: Трубопровід
+ tower: Башта
+ works: Фабрика
+ "yes": Штучні споруди
airfield: Військовий аеродром
barracks: Казарма
forest: Ліс
geyser: Гейзер
glacier: Льодовик
+ grassland: Угіддя
heath: Степ
hill: Пагорб
island: Острів
reef: Риф
ridge: Гірський хребет
rock: Скеля
+ saddle: Перевал
+ sand: Пісок
scree: Щебінь
scrub: Чагарник
spring: Джерело
wood: Дерева
accountant: Бухгалтер
+ administrative: Адміністрація
architect: Архітектор
company: Компанія
employment_agency: Агентство зайнятості
travel_agent: Туристична агенція
"yes": Офіси
+ allotments: Сади-городи, дачні ділянки
+ block: Блоки
airport: Аеропорт
city: Місто
country: Країна
town: Місто
unincorporated_area: Неприєднанні території
village: Село
+ "yes": Місце
abandoned: Занедбані колії
construction: Будівництво колії
"yes": Крамниця
alpine_hut: Гірський притулок
+ apartment: Квартира
artwork: Образотворче мистецтво
attraction: Цікаві місця
bed_and_breakfast: Ліжко та сніданок
camp_site: Турбаза
caravan_site: Майданчик для трейлерів
chalet: Шале
+ gallery: Галерея
guest_house: Гостьовий будинок
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Готель
wadi: Ваді
waterfall: Водоспад
weir: Гребля
+ "yes": Водний маршрут
level2: Державний кордон
level4: Межа краю, штату, республіки
no_results: Нічого не знайдено
more_results: Більше результатів
- distance:
- one: менше ніж 1 км
- zero: майже 1 км
- other: майже %{count} км
- direction:
- south_west: на південний захід
- south: на південь
- south_east: на південний схід
- east: на схід
- north_east: на північний схід
- north: на північ
- north_west: на північний захід
- west: на захід
alt_text: Логотип OpenStreetMap
close: Закрити
search: Пошук
+ get_directions: Прокласти маршрут
+ get_directions_title: Знайти маршрут між двома точками
+ from: Від
+ to: До
where_am_i: Що на мапі?
where_am_i_title: Опишіть ваше місце знаходження, скориставшись інструментом
register now: Зареєструйтеся зараз
with username: 'Вже є обліковий запис OpenStreetMap? Будь ласка, введіть ваше
ім''я користувача та пароль:'
- with openid: 'Крім того, для входу ви можете скористатись вашим OpenID:'
new to osm: Вперше на OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Щоб вносити зміни до даних OpenStreetMap, ви повинні мати обліковий
діяльність.<br />Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з <a href="%{webmaster}">адміністратором</a>,
якщо ви маєте заперечення.
auth failure: Вибачте, вхід з цими ім'ям або паролем неможливий.
- openid missing provider: На жаль, не вдається зв’язатись з вашим постачальником
- OpenID
- openid invalid: На жаль, схоже ваш OpenID спотворений
openid_logo_alt: Увійти з допомогою OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Увійти з допомогою OpenID
- alt: Увійти з допомогою OpenID URL
- google:
- title: Увійти з Google
- alt: Увійти з Google OpenID
- yahoo:
- title: Увійти з Yahoo
- alt: Увійти з Yahoo OpenID
- wordpress:
- title: Увійти з Wordpress
- alt: Увійти з Wordpress OpenID
- aol:
- title: Увійти з AOL
- alt: Увійти з AOL OpenID
title: Вийти
heading: Вийти з OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Показувати ім’я:'
display name description: Ваше загальнодоступне ім’я. Ви можете змінити його
потім у ваших налаштуваннях.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Пароль:'
confirm password: 'Повторіть пароль:'
- use openid: Або використовуйте для входу %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: Під час використання OpenID пароль не потрібний, але для
- деяких додаткових інструментів або серверів він все ще потрібен.
- openid association: "<p>Ваш OpenID, ще не пов’язаний з вашим обліковим записом
- OpenStreetMap.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Якщо ви новачок в OpenStreetMap, будь ласка,
- створіть новий обліковий запис, використовуючи форму нижче.</li>\n<li>\n Якщо
- у вас вже є обліковий запис, ви можете увійти до нього, \n використовуючи
- своє ім'я користувача і пароль, і асоціювати свій обліковий запис\n з вашим
- OpenID у налаштуваннях.\n</li>\n</ul>"
continue: Зареєструватись
terms accepted: Дякуємо за прийняття нових умов співпраці!
terms declined: Нам шкода, що ви вирішили не приймати нові Умови Співпраці.
(ніколи не показується загальнодоступно)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: що це?
public editing:
press confirm button: Натисніть на кнопку підтвердження нижче, щоб активувати
ваш профіль.
button: Підтвердити
+ success: Ваш обліковий запис підтверджено, дякуємо за реєстрацію!
already active: Цей обліковий запис вже підтверджений.
unknown token: Термін дії коду підтвердження вже минув або він не існує.
reconfirm_html: Якщо ви бажаєте, аби ми повторно надіслали ще одне підтвердження
comment: Коментар
edit_help: Перемістіть мапу і наблизьтесь до місця, яке ви бажаєте змінити, потім
клацніть тут.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Велосипед (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Пішки (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Велосипед (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Машина (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Пішки (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Машина (OSRM)
+ directions: Маршрут
+ distance: Відстань
+ errors:
+ no_route: Не вдалося знайти маршрут між цими двома точками.
+ no_place: Вибачте - не можу знайти це місце.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Продовжуйте рух по
+ slight_right: Плавний поворот направо на
+ turn_right: Поверніть праворуч на
+ sharp_right: Різко поверніть направо на
+ uturn: Розверніться на
+ sharp_left: Поверніть ліворуч на
+ turn_left: Поверніть ліворуч на
+ slight_left: Плавно поверніт ліворуч на
+ via_point: (через точку)
+ follow: Рухайтесь по
+ roundabout: На кільці
+ leave_roundabout: Виїзд з кільця
+ stay_roundabout: Залишатись на кільці
+ start: Початок в кінці
+ destination: Ви дісталися до місця призначення
+ against_oneway: Рухайтесь проти одностороннього руху по
+ end_oneway: Кінець одностороннього руху на
+ unnamed: (без імені)
+ courtesy: Маршрут наданий %{link}
+ time: Час
node: Точка
way: Лінія
+ cable_car: Xe Cáp treo Lớn
chair_lift: Ghế Cáp treo
drag_lift: Thang kéo trên Mặt đất
+ gondola: Xe Cáp treo Nhỏ
station: Trạm Cáp treo
aerodrome: Sân bay
taxiway: Đường lăn
terminal: Nhà ga Sân bay
+ animal_shelter: Trạm Bảo vệ Động vật
arts_centre: Trung tâm Nghệ thuật
atm: Máy Rút tiền Tự động
bank: Ngân hàng
bicycle_parking: Chỗ Đậu Xe đạp
bicycle_rental: Chỗ Mướn Xe đạp
biergarten: Quán rượu Ngoài trời
+ boat_rental: Cho thuê Tàu
brothel: Nhà chứa
bureau_de_change: Tiệm Đổi tiền
bus_station: Bến Xe buýt
car_wash: Tiệm Rửa Xe
casino: Sòng bạc
charging_station: Trạm Sạc Pin
+ childcare: Nhà Giữ Trẻ
cinema: Rạp phim
clinic: Phòng khám
+ clock: Đồng hồ
college: Trường Cao đẳng
community_centre: Trung tâm Cộng đồng
courthouse: Tòa
food_court: Khu Ẩm thực
fountain: Vòi nước
fuel: Cây xăng
+ gambling: Xe Cáp treo Lớn
grave_yard: Nghĩa địa
gym: Nhà Thể dục
health_centre: Trung tâm Y tế
library: Thư viện
market: Chợ
marketplace: Chợ phiên
+ monastery: Nhà tu
+ motorcycle_parking: Chỗ Đậu Xe máy
nightclub: Câu lạc bộ Đêm
nursery: Nhà trẻ
nursing_home: Viện Dưỡng lão
office: Văn phòng
parking: Chỗ Đậu xe
+ parking_entrance: Lối vào Bãi đậu xe
pharmacy: Nhà thuốc
place_of_worship: Nơi Thờ phụng
police: Cảnh sát
veterinary: Phẫu thuật Thú y
village_hall: Trụ sở Làng
waste_basket: Thùng rác
+ waste_disposal: Thùng rác
youth_centre: Trung tâm Thanh niên
administrative: Biên giới Hành chính
"yes": Cầu
"yes": Tòa nhà
+ craft:
+ brewery: Nhà máy Bia
+ carpenter: Thợ Đóng Đồ Gỗ
+ electrician: Thợ Lắp điện
+ gardener: Thợ Làm vườn
+ painter: Thợ Sơn
+ photographer: Nhà Chụp hình
+ plumber: Thợ Sửa Ống nước
+ shoemaker: Thợ Đóng giày
+ tailor: Tiệm May
+ "yes": Doanh nghiệp Thủ công
+ ambulance_station: Trạm Xe cứu thương
+ defibrillator: Máy Khử Rung Tim
+ landing_site: Nơi Hạ cánh Khẩn cấp
phone: Điện thoại Khẩn cấp
+ abandoned: Đường Bỏ hoang
bridleway: Đường Cưỡi ngựa
bus_guideway: Làn đường Dẫn Xe buýt
bus_stop: Trạm Xe buýt
construction: Đường Đang Xây
cycleway: Đường Xe đạp
+ elevator: Thang máy
emergency_access_point: Địa điểm Truy nhập Khẩn cấp
footway: Đường Đi bộ
ford: Khúc Sông Cạn
tertiary: Phố
tertiary_link: Phố
track: Đường mòn
+ traffic_signals: Đèn Giao thông
trail: Đường mòn
trunk: Xa lộ
trunk_link: Xa lộ
unclassified: Ngõ
unsurfaced: Đường Không Lát
+ "yes": Đường
archaeological_site: Khu vực Khảo cổ
battlefield: Chiến trường
boundary_stone: Mốc Biên giới
- building: Tòa nhà
+ building: Tòa nhà Lịch sử
+ bunker: Boong ke
castle: Lâu đài
church: Nhà thờ
+ city_gate: Cổng Thành phố
citywalls: Tường Thành phố
fort: Pháo đài
+ heritage: Nơi Di sản
house: Nhà ở
icon: Thánh tượng
manor: Trang viên
memorial: Vật Tưởng niệm
mine: Mỏ
monument: Công trình Tưởng niệm
+ roman_road: Đường La Mã
ruins: Tàn tích
+ stone: Đá
tomb: Mộ
tower: Tháp
wayside_cross: Thánh Giá Dọc đường
wayside_shrine: Đền thánh Dọc đường
wreck: Xác Tàu Đắm
+ junction:
+ "yes": Giao lộ
allotments: Khu Vườn Gia đình
basin: Lưu vực
road: Đất của con Đường
village_green: Sân Làng
vineyard: Vườn Nho
+ "yes": Sử dụng đất
beach_resort: Khu Nghỉ mát Ven biển
bird_hide: Căn nhà Quan sát Chim
+ club: Câu lạc bộ
common: Đất Công
+ dog_park: Công viên Chó
fishing: Hồ Đánh cá
+ fitness_centre: Trung tâm Thể dục
fitness_station: Trạm Thể dục
garden: Vườn
golf_course: Sân Golf
+ horse_riding: Cưỡi Ngựa
ice_rink: Sân băng
marina: Bến tàu
miniature_golf: Golf Nhỏ
pitch: Sân cỏ
playground: Sân chơi
recreation_ground: Sân Giải trí
+ resort: Khu Nghỉ mát
sauna: Nhà Tắm hơi
slipway: Bến tàu
sports_centre: Trung tâm Thể thao
swimming_pool: Hồ Bơi
track: Đường Chạy
water_park: Công viên Nước
+ "yes": Giải trí
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Hải đăng
+ pipeline: Ống dẫn
+ tower: Tháp
+ works: Nhà máy
+ "yes": Nhân tạo
airfield: Sân bay Không quân
barracks: Trại Lính
forest: Rừng
geyser: Mạch nước Phun
glacier: Sông băng
+ grassland: Đồng cỏ
heath: Bãi Hoang
hill: Đồi
island: Đảo
reef: Rạn san hô
ridge: Luống đất
rock: Đá
+ saddle: Đèo
+ sand: Cát
scree: Sườn Núi Đá
scrub: Đất Bụi rậm
spring: Suối
wood: Rừng
accountant: Kế toán viên
+ administrative: Công sở
architect: Kiến trúc sư
company: Công ty
employment_agency: Trung tâm Tuyển dụng
travel_agent: Văn phòng Du lịch
"yes": Văn phòng
+ allotments: Khu Vườn Gia đình
+ block: Khối phố
airport: Sân bay
city: Thành phố
country: Quốc gia
town: Thị xã/trấn
unincorporated_area: Khu Chưa Hợp nhất
village: Làng
+ "yes": Nơi
abandoned: Đường sắt Bỏ hoang
construction: Đường sắt Đang Xây
"yes": Tiệm
alpine_hut: Túp lều Trên Núi
+ apartment: Khu chung cư
artwork: Tác phẩm Nghệ thuật
attraction: Nơi Du lịch
bed_and_breakfast: Nhà trọ
camp_site: Nơi Cắm trại
caravan_site: Bãi Đậu Nhà lưu động
chalet: Nhà ván
+ gallery: Phòng Tranh
guest_house: Nhà khách
hostel: Nhà trọ
hotel: Khách sạn
wadi: Dòng sông Vào mùa
waterfall: Thác
weir: Đập Tràn
+ "yes": Đường thủy
level2: Biên giới Quốc gia
level4: Biên giới Tỉnh bang
no_results: Không tìm thấy kết quả
more_results: Thêm kết quả
- distance:
- one: khoảng 1 km
- zero: không tới 1 km
- other: khoảng %{count} km
- direction:
- south_west: tây nam
- south: nam
- south_east: đông nam
- east: đông
- north_east: đông bắc
- north: bắc
- north_west: tây bắc
- west: tây
alt_text: Biểu trưng OpenStreetMap
close: Đóng
search: Tìm kiếm
+ get_directions: Chỉ đường
+ get_directions_title: Chỉ đường từ một địa điểm tới địa điểm khác
+ from: Từ
+ to: Đến
where_am_i: Tôi ở đâu?
where_am_i_title: Miêu tả vị trí đang ở dùng máy tìm kiếm
submit_text: Đi
register now: Mở tài khoản ngay
with username: 'Đã có tài khoản OpenStreetMap? Hãy đăng nhập với tên người dùng
và mật khẩu của bạn:'
- with openid: 'Hoặc đăng nhập dùng OpenID của bạn:'
new to osm: Mới đến OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: Bạn phải có tài khoản để thay đổi dữ liệu OpenStreetMap.
create account minute: Chỉ mất một phút để mở tài khoản mới.
bị nghi ngờ.<br />Xin vui lòng liên lạc với <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a>
để thảo luận về điều này.
auth failure: Rất tiếc, không thể đăng nhập với những chi tiết đó.
- openid missing provider: Rất tiếc, không thể kết nối với nhà cung cấp OpenID
- của bạn
- openid invalid: Rất tiếc, hình như OpenID của bạn không hợp lệ
openid_logo_alt: Đăng nhập dùng OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: Đăng nhập dùng OpenID
- alt: Đăng nhập dùng URL OpenID
- google:
- title: Đăng nhập với Google
- alt: Đăng nhập với OpenID của Google
- yahoo:
- title: Đăng nhập với Yahoo!
- alt: Đăng nhập với OpenID của Yahoo!
- wordpress:
- title: Đăng nhập với WordPress
- alt: Đăng nhập với OpenID của WordPress
- aol:
- title: Đăng nhập với AOL
- alt: Đăng nhập với OpenID của AOL
title: Đăng xuất
heading: Đăng xuất OpenStreetMap
display name: 'Tên hiển thị:'
display name description: Tên người dùng của bạn được hiển thị công khai. Bạn
có thể thay đổi tên này về sau trong tùy chọn.
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'Mật khẩu:'
confirm password: 'Xác nhận Mật khẩu:'
- use openid: Hoặc đăng nhập dùng %{logo} OpenID
- openid no password: Khi đăng nhập dùng OpenID, bạn sẽ không cần đưa vào mật
- khẩu. Tuy nhiên, một số công cụ hoặc máy chủ phụ vẫn có thể cần mật khẩu.
- openid association: |-
- <p>OpenID của bạn chưa được nối với một tài khoản OpenStreetMap.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Nếu bạn mới đến OpenStreetMap, hãy mở tài khoản dùng biểu mẫu ở dưới.</li>
- <li>Nếu đã có tài khoản, bạn có thể đăng nhập vào tài khoản của bạn dùng tên người dùng và một khẩu thường và nối tài khoản với OpenID của bạn tại trang tùy chọn.</li>
- </ul>
continue: Mở tài khoản
terms accepted: Cám ơn bạn đã chấp nhận các điều khoản đóng góp mới!
terms declined: Chúng tôi rất tiếc rằng bạn đã quyết định không chấp nhận các
new email address: 'Địa chỉ Thư điện tử Mới:'
email never displayed publicly: (không lúc nào hiện công khai)
- openid: 'OpenID:'
link text: đây là gì?
public editing:
tử để bắt đầu đóng góp vào bản đồ.
press confirm button: Bấm nút Xác nhận ở dưới để xác nhận tài khoản.
button: Xác nhận
+ success: Đã xác nhận tài khoản của bạn. Cám ơn bạn đã mở tài khoản!
already active: Tài khoản này đã được xác nhận rồi.
unknown token: Dấu hiệu xác nhận này đã hết hạn hoặc không tồn tại.
reconfirm_html: <a href="%{reconfirm}">Nhấn vào đây</a> để gửi thư điện tử xác
comment: Bình luận
edit_help: Di chuyển bản đồ và phóng to một vị trí mà bạn muốn sửa đổi, rồi nhấn
chuột vào đây.
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Xe đạp (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Đi bộ (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Xe đạp (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Xe hơi (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Đi bộ (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Xe hơi (OSRM)
+ directions: Chỉ đường
+ distance: Tầm xa
+ errors:
+ no_route: Không tìm thấy tuyến đường giữa hai địa điểm này.
+ no_place: Rất tiếc, không tìm thấy địa điểm này.
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: Chạy thẳng trên
+ slight_right: Vẹo phải vào
+ turn_right: Rẽ phải vào
+ sharp_right: Rẽ ngay sang phải vào
+ uturn: Quay ngược trên
+ sharp_left: Rẽ ngay sang trái vào
+ turn_left: Rẽ trái vào
+ slight_left: Vẹo trái vào
+ via_point: (địa điểm trên đường)
+ follow: Chạy theo
+ roundabout: Tại đường vòng, chạy sang
+ leave_roundabout: Bỏ đường vòng –
+ stay_roundabout: Chạy theo đường vòng –
+ start: Bắt đầu tại cuối
+ destination: Tới nơi
+ against_oneway: Chạy ngược đường một chiều trên
+ end_oneway: Kết thúc đường một chiều trên
+ unnamed: (không tên)
+ courtesy: Chỉ đường do %{link} cung cấp
+ time: Thời gian
node: Nốt
way: Lối
# Author: Xiaomingyan
# Author: Yfdyh000
# Author: 乌拉跨氪
+# Author: 아라
friendly: '%Y 年%B %e 日 %H:%M'
- blog: '%Y年 %B e日'
+ blog: '%Y年%B%e日'
acl: 访问控制列表
prefix_format: '%{name}'
+ cable_car: 缆车
chair_lift: 登山吊椅
drag_lift: 上山牵引机
+ gondola: 索道
station: 缆车站台
aerodrome: 小型飞机场
taxiway: 滑行道
terminal: 航站楼
+ animal_shelter: 动物收养所
arts_centre: 艺术中心
atm: 自动提款机
bank: 银行
bicycle_parking: 自行车停车处
bicycle_rental: 自行车出租点
biergarten: 露天啤酒店
+ boat_rental: 租船处
brothel: 妓院
bureau_de_change: 外汇兑换点
bus_station: 公共汽车枢纽
car_wash: 洗车
casino: 赌场
charging_station: 充电站
+ childcare: 托儿所
cinema: 电影院
clinic: 诊所
+ clock: 时钟
college: 学院
community_centre: 社区中心
courthouse: 法院
food_court: 美食广场
fountain: 喷泉
fuel: 加油站
+ gambling: 赌博
grave_yard: 墓地
gym: 健身中心/健身房
health_centre: 医疗中心
library: 图书馆
market: 市场
marketplace: 市场
+ monastery: 修道院
+ motorcycle_parking: 摩托车停放处
nightclub: 夜总会
nursery: 托儿所
nursing_home: 疗养院
office: 办公室
parking: 停车场
+ parking_entrance: 停车场入口
pharmacy: 药店
place_of_worship: 宗教场所
police: 警察局
veterinary: 兽医
village_hall: 村政厅
waste_basket: 垃圾桶
+ waste_disposal: 废物处理
youth_centre: 青少年中心
administrative: 行政区边界
"yes": 桥
"yes": 建筑物
+ craft:
+ brewery: 啤酒厂
+ carpenter: 木匠
+ electrician: 电工
+ gardener: 园丁
+ painter: 画家
+ photographer: 摄影师
+ plumber: 管道工
+ shoemaker: 鞋匠
+ tailor: 裁缝
+ "yes": 工艺品店
+ ambulance_station: 救护站
+ defibrillator: 除颤仪
+ landing_site: 紧急着陆地点
phone: 紧急电话
+ abandoned: 弃用公路
bridleway: 马道
bus_guideway: 导轨公交车道
bus_stop: 公共汽车站
construction: 在建公路
cycleway: 自行车道
+ elevator: 电梯
emergency_access_point: 紧急求救点
footway: 人行道
ford: 浅滩
tertiary: 三级道路
tertiary_link: 三级道路
track: 小路
+ traffic_signals: 交通信号灯
trail: 小路
trunk: 干道
trunk_link: 干道
unclassified: 无等级道路
unsurfaced: 无铺面道路
+ "yes": 道路
archaeological_site: 遗址
battlefield: 战场
boundary_stone: 界碑
- building: 建筑物
+ building: 古建筑
+ bunker: 地堡
castle: 城堡
church: 教堂
+ city_gate: 城门
citywalls: 城墙
fort: 堡垒
+ heritage: 遗产地
house: 房屋
icon: 圣像画
manor: 庄园
memorial: 纪念碑
mine: 矿井
monument: 纪念碑
+ roman_road: 罗马道路
ruins: 遗迹
+ stone: 石头
tomb: 墓
tower: 塔
wayside_cross: 路旁十字架
wayside_shrine: 路旁神龛
wreck: 残骸
+ junction:
+ "yes": 交叉点
allotments: 小块园地
basin: 盆地
road: 道路区
village_green: 乡村草坪
vineyard: 葡萄园
+ "yes": 土地利用
beach_resort: 海滩度假村
bird_hide: 野生动物观察站
+ club: 俱乐部
common: 公共用地
+ dog_park: 狗公园
fishing: 垂钓区
+ fitness_centre: 健身中心
fitness_station: 健身设施
garden: 花园
golf_course: 高尔夫球场
+ horse_riding: 骑马运动
ice_rink: 滑冰场
marina: 小船坞
miniature_golf: 迷您高尔夫球场
pitch: 体育场
playground: 儿童游乐场
recreation_ground: 游乐场
+ resort: 度假胜地
sauna: 桑拿
slipway: 船台
sports_centre: 体育中心
swimming_pool: 游泳池
track: 跑道
water_park: 水上公园
+ "yes": 闲暇
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: 灯塔
+ pipeline: 管道
+ tower: 塔
+ works: 工厂
+ "yes": 人造
airfield: 军用机场
barracks: 营房
forest: 森林
geyser: 间歇泉
glacier: 冰川
+ grassland: 草地
heath: 希思地貌
hill: 希尔地貌
island: 岛
reef: 礁
ridge: 山脊
rock: 岩
+ saddle: 鞍
+ sand: 沙滩
scree: 岩屑堆
scrub: 灌木丛
spring: 泉
wood: 树林
accountant: 会计师事务所
+ administrative: 管理
architect: 设计院
company: 公司
employment_agency: 职业介绍所
travel_agent: 旅行社
"yes": 办公室
+ allotments: 分配的土地
+ block: 块
airport: 机场
city: 城市
country: 国家
town: 镇
unincorporated_area: 非建制地区
village: 村
+ "yes": 地方
abandoned: 已拆除铁路
construction: 在建铁路
"yes": 商店
alpine_hut: 高山小屋
+ apartment: 公寓
artwork: 艺术品
attraction: 景点
bed_and_breakfast: 家庭旅馆
camp_site: 宿营地
caravan_site: 房车宿营地
chalet: 小屋
+ gallery: 图库
guest_house: 旅馆
hostel: 招待所
hotel: 酒店
wadi: 干河
waterfall: 瀑布
weir: 堰
+ "yes": 航道
level2: 国界
level4: 州界
no_results: 没有找到结果
more_results: 更多结果
- distance:
- zero: 小于 1 千米
- one: 约 1 千米
- other: 约 %{count} 千米
- direction:
- south_west: 西南
- south: 南
- south_east: 东南
- east: 东
- north_east: 东北
- north: 北
- north_west: 西北
- west: 西
title: OpenStreetMap
close: 关闭
search: 搜索
+ get_directions: 获取方向
+ get_directions_title: 查找两点之间的方向
+ from: 从
+ to: 至
where_am_i: 我在哪里?
where_am_i_title: 使用搜索引擎说明当前位置
submit_text: 提交
trunk: 城市快速道路
primary: 一级道路
secondary: 二级道路
- unclassified: æ\9cªå\88\86ç±»道路
+ unclassified: æ\97 ç\89级道路
unsurfaced: 无铺面道路
track: 小路
byway: 小路
login_button: 登录
register now: 现在就注册
with username: 已经有 OpenStreetMap 账户?请使用您的用户名和密码登录:
- with openid: 或使用 OpenID 登录:
new to osm: 第一次来到 OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: 要修改 OpenStreetMap 的数据,您必须拥有一个帐户。
create account minute: 创建账户。只需花费一分钟。
account not active: 对不起,您的账户尚未激活。<br />请点击在账户确认邮件中的链接来激活您的账户,或<a href="%{reconfirm}">请求新的确认电子邮件</a>。
account is suspended: 对不起,您的帐户因可疑活动已被暂停。<br />如果您想讨论这个,请联系<a href="%{webmaster}">网站管理员</a>。
auth failure: 对不起,凭这些信息您无法登录。
- openid missing provider: 对不起,无法联系您的 OpenID 提供者
- openid invalid: 对不起,您的 OpenID 格式似乎不正确
openid_logo_alt: 使用 OpenID 登录
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: OpenID 登录
- alt: 使用 OpenID URL 登录
- google:
- title: Google 登录
- alt: 使用Google OpenID 登录
- yahoo:
- title: Yahoo 登录
- alt: 使用 Yahoo OpenID 登录
- wordpress:
- title: Wordpress 登录
- alt: 使用 Wordpress OpenID 登录
- aol:
- title: AOL 登录
- alt: 使用 AOL OpenID 登录
title: 退出
heading: 退出 OpenStreetMap
title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">隐私政策</a>)
display name: 显示名称:
display name description: 您公开显示的用户名。您可以稍后在首选项中进行修改。
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 密码:
confirm password: 确认密码:
- use openid: 或者,使用 %{logo} OpenID 登录
- openid no password: 使用 OpenID 时密码不是必需的,但一些额外的工具或服务器可能需要一个。
- openid association: |-
- <p>您的 OpenID 尚未与一个 OpenStreetMap 帐户相关联。</p>
- <ul>
- <li>如果您是新来到 OpenStreetMap,请使用下面的表单创建一个新的帐户。</li>
- <li>
- 如果您已经有一个帐户,您可以使用您的
- 用户名和密码登录到您的帐户,然后在您
- 的用户首选项中关联您的 OpenID。
- </li>
- </ul>
continue: 注册
terms accepted: 感谢您接受新的贡献条款!
terms declined: 我们很遗憾您已决定不接受新的贡献者条款。有关详细信息,请参阅<a href="%{url}">此 wiki 页面</a>.
new email address: 新电子邮件地址:
email never displayed publicly: (从不公开显示)
- openid: OpenID:
link text: 这是什么?
public editing:
introduction_2: 点击电子邮件中的链接确认您的账户,然后您就可以开始绘制地图了。
press confirm button: 按下面的确认按钮激活您的账户。
button: 确认
+ success: 已确认您的账号,感谢您的注册!
already active: 该账户已经确认。
unknown token: 确认码已经过期或不存在。
reconfirm_html: 如果您需要我们重新发送确认邮件,<a href="%{reconfirm}">请点击这里</a>。
comment_and_resolve: 评论与解决
comment: 评论
edit_help: 移动地图并在您想编辑的位置放大,然后点击这里。
+ directions:
+ engines:
+ graphhopper_bicycle: 自行车(GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: 步行(GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: 自行车(MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: 汽车(MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: 步行(MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: 汽车(OSRM)
+ directions: 方向
+ distance: 距离
+ errors:
+ no_route: 不能找到那两个地方之间的路径。
+ no_place: 抱歉——找不到那个地方。
+ instructions:
+ continue_on: 继续
+ slight_right: 稍向右转
+ turn_right: 右转
+ sharp_right: 向右急转
+ uturn: 掉头沿着
+ sharp_left: 向左急转
+ turn_left: 左转
+ slight_left: 稍向左转
+ via_point: (通过点)
+ follow: 关注
+ roundabout: 转盘行驶
+ leave_roundabout: 离开转盘 -
+ stay_roundabout: 保持转盘 -
+ start: 开始于终点
+ destination: 到达目的地
+ against_oneway: 单向走向
+ end_oneway: 单向终点
+ unnamed: (未命名)
+ courtesy: 方向经由%{link}
+ time: 时间
node: 节点
way: 路径
# Author: SupaplexTW
# Author: Wehwei
# Author: Wrightbus
+# Author: 아라
friendly: '%Y年 %B %e日 %H 時 %M 分'
- blog: '%Y年 %B %e日'
+ blog: '%Y年%B%e日'
acl: 存取控制清單
+ cable_car: 纜車
chair_lift: 登山吊椅
drag_lift: 上山牽引梯
station: 航空站
bicycle_parking: 單車停車
bicycle_rental: 自行車租賃
biergarten: 啤酒花園
+ boat_rental: 租船
brothel: 妓院
bureau_de_change: 找換店
bus_station: 客運站
car_wash: 洗車
casino: 賭場
charging_station: 充電站
+ childcare: 安親托兒
cinema: 電影院
clinic: 診所
+ clock: 時鐘
college: 學院
- community_centre: 社區中心
+ community_centre: 社群中心
courthouse: 法院
crematorium: 火葬場
dentist: 牙醫
food_court: 美食廣場
fountain: 噴泉
fuel: 油店
+ gambling: 賭場
grave_yard: 墓地
gym: 健身中心 / 健身房
health_centre: 健康中心
archaeological_site: 考古遺址
battlefield: 戰場
boundary_stone: 界碑
- building: 建築物
+ building: 歷史建物
+ bunker: 掩體
castle: 城堡
church: 教堂
citywalls: 城牆
beach_resort: 海灘度假村
bird_hide: 鳥類觀察站
common: 公共用地
+ dog_park: 狗狗公園
fishing: 垂釣區
+ fitness_centre: 健身房
fitness_station: 健身站
garden: 花園
golf_course: 高爾夫球道
+ horse_riding: 騎馬
ice_rink: 溜冰場
marina: 小船塢
miniature_golf: 小型高爾夫球場
travel_agent: 旅行社
"yes": 辦公室
+ block: 方塊
airport: 機場
city: 城市
country: 國家
no_results: 找不到任何結果
more_results: 更多結果
- distance:
- one: 大約1公里
- zero: 1公里以內
- other: 大約%{count}公里
- direction:
- south_west: 西南方
- south: 南方
- south_east: 東南方
- east: 東方
- north_east: 東北方
- north: 北方
- north_west: 西北方
- west: 西方
alt_text: OpenStreetMap 標誌
title: 以捐贈金錢來支持 OpenStreetMap
text: 進行捐款
- learn_more: 了解更多
+ learn_more: 瞭解更多
more: 更多
alt: 如何在網頁上署名OpenStreetMap的例子
title: 署名的例子
- more_title_html: 了解更多
+ more_title_html: 尋找更多
more_1_html: |-
title: 其他問題
- explanation_html: 如果您對我們的資料如何被應用或有關的內容有任何問題,請參閱我們的<a href='/copyright'>版權頁</a>了解更多法律訊息,或聯繫適當的<a
- href=''>OSMF working group</a>。
+ explanation_html: 如果您對我們的資料如何被應用或有關的內容有任何問題,請參閱我們的<a href='/copyright'>版權頁</a>瞭解更多法律資訊,或聯絡適當的<a
+ href=''>OSMF 工作小組</a>。
title: 取得協助
introduction: OpenStreetMap有一些資源,可用於學習本計劃、提出和回答問題,以及討論和紀錄與製作地圖相關的話題。
confirm: 在我們作出任何動作之前,我們需要確認這是您提出的要求。如果確實是這樣,請按以下連結,以確認你的帳戶:
welcome: 在確認你的帳戶後,我們將提供一些額外的訊息,幫助你開始使用OpenStreetMap。
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] 確認您的電子郵件位址'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] 確認您的電子郵件地址'
greeting: 您好,
hopefully_you: 有人(希望是您)希望在 %{server_url} 更改電郵地址至 %{new_address} 。
js_1: 您使用不支援 JavaScript 的瀏覽器,或者停用了 JavaScript。
js_2: OpenStreetMap 使用 JavaScript 讓地圖更平順。
- permalink: 固定連結
+ permalink: 靜態連結
shortlink: 簡短連結
createnote: 添加筆記
not_public: 您尚未將您的編輯設為公開。
not_public_description: 在您這麼做之前將無法再編輯地圖。您可以在您的%{user_page}將自己的編輯設定為公開。
user_page_link: 使用者頁面
- anon_edits_link_text: 了解為什麼這很重要。
+ anon_edits_link_text: 瞭解為什麼這很重要。
flash_player_required: 您需要 Flash player 才能使用 Potlatch,OpenStreetMap Flash 編輯器。您可以<a
href="">在 下載 Flash Player</a>。<a href="">還有其他許多選擇</a>也可以編輯
not_a_moderator: 您需要是管理人員,才可執行該動作。
- blocked: 您已經被封禁使用API。請登入網頁介面以了解更多資訊。
+ blocked: 您已經被封禁使用API。請登入網頁介面以瞭解更多資訊。
need_to_see_terms: 我們已暫時中止您使用API的權限,請登入網頁介面查閱貢獻者條款,您不需要同意有關條款,但必須查閱它們。
title: 登入
heading: 登入
- email or username: 電子郵件位址或使用者名稱:
+ email or username: 電子郵件地址或使用者名稱:
password: 密碼:
openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
remember: 記住我:
login_button: 登入
register now: 立即註冊
with username: 已經有 OpenStreetMap 的帳戶嗎?請使用您的使用者名和密碼登錄:
- with openid: 或者請使用 OpenID 登錄:
new to osm: 第一次來到 OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: 要更改的 OpenStreetMap 的資料,您必須擁有一個帳戶。
create account minute: 建立一個帳戶。只需要一分鐘。
account not active: 抱歉,您的帳戶尚未啟用。<br />請點選帳戶確認電子郵件中的連結來啟用您的帳戶,或<a href="%{reconfirm}">要求發出新的確認電郵</a>。
account is suspended: 很抱歉,您的帳戶已經因可疑活動被暫停。<br>請如果您想要討論這個問題,請與<a href="%{webmaster}">網站管理員</a>聯繫。
auth failure: 很抱歉,無法以這些資料登入。
- openid missing provider: 很抱歉,無法聯繫您的 OpenID 提供者
- openid invalid: 很抱歉,您的 OpenID 格式似乎不正確
openid_logo_alt: 使用 OpenID 登入
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: 使用 OpenID 登入
- alt: 使用 OpenID URL 登入
- google:
- title: 使用 Google 登入
- alt: 使用 Google OpenID 登入
- yahoo:
- title: 使用 Yahoo 登入
- alt: 使用 Yahoo OpenID 登入
- wordpress:
- title: 使用 Wordpress 登入
- alt: 使用 Wordpress OpenID 登入
- aol:
- title: 使用 AOL 登入
- alt: 使用 AOL OpenID 登入
title: 登出
heading: 從 OpenStreetMap 登出
title: 遺失密碼
heading: 忘記密碼?
- email address: 電子郵件位址:
+ email address: 電子郵件地址:
new password button: 重設密碼
- help_text: 輸入您的電子郵件位址來註冊,我們會將連結送至該位址,而您可以用它來重設密碼。
+ help_text: 輸入您的電子郵件地址來註冊,我們會將連結送至該地址,而您可以用它來重設密碼。
notice email on way: 很遺憾您忘了它 :-( 不過讓您可以重設它的電子郵件已經寄出,您待會便可重設。
- notice email cannot find: 找不到該電子郵件地址,抱歉。
+ notice email cannot find: 很抱歉,找不到該電子郵件地址。
title: 重設密碼
heading: 重設 %{user} 的密碼
license_agreement: 當您確認您的帳戶,您需要同意<a href="">貢獻者條款</a>
- email address: 電子郵件位址:
- confirm email address: 確認電子郵件位址:
+ email address: 電子郵件地址:
+ confirm email address: 確認電子郵件地址:
not displayed publicly: 不要公開顯示 (請看 <a href=""
title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">隱私權政策</a>)
display name: 顯示名稱:
display name description: 您公開顯示的使用者名稱。您可以稍後在偏好設定中改變它。
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 密碼:
confirm password: 確認密碼:
- use openid: 或者,使用 %{logo} OpenID 登入
- openid no password: 使用 OpenID 時密碼不是必需的,但可能仍需要一些額外的工具或伺服器。
- openid association: "<p>你的 OpenID 尚未與一個 OpenStreetMap 帳戶相關聯。</p>\n<ul>\n <li>如果你是新來到OpenStreetMap,請使用下面的表單建立一個新的帳戶。
- </li>\n <li>\n 如果你已經有一個帳戶,你可以使用你的用戶名稱和密碼登入你的帳戶,然後在你的用戶設置中關聯你的OpenID。 \n
- </li>\n</ul>"
continue: 註冊
terms accepted: 感謝您接受新的貢獻條款!
terms declined: 我們很遺憾你已決定不接受新的貢獻者條款。有關詳細資訊,請參閱<a href="%{url}">此wiki頁面</a>。
ct declined: 已拒絕
ct accepted: 於%{ago}前接受
latest edit: 上次編輯於%{ago}:
- email address: 電子郵件位址:
+ email address: 電子郵件地址:
created from: 建立於:
status: 狀態:
spam score: 垃圾郵件分數:
title: 編輯帳戶
my settings: 我的設定值
- current email address: 目前的電子郵件位址:
- new email address: 新的電子郵件位址:
+ current email address: 目前的電子郵件地址:
+ new email address: 新的電子郵件地址:
email never displayed publicly: (永遠不公開顯示)
- openid: OpenID:
link: HTTP://
link text: 這是什麼?
public editing:
introduction_2: 按電子郵件中的連結以確認你的帳戶,然後你就可以開始繪製地圖。
press confirm button: 按下確認按鈕以啟用您的帳戶。
button: 確認
+ success: 已確認您的帳號,感謝您的註冊!
already active: 該帳戶已經確認。
unknown token: 確認碼已經過期或不存在。
reconfirm_html: 如果你需要我們重新發送確認電郵,<a href="%{reconfirm}">請按這裡</a>。
success: 我們已經發送一封新的確認電郵到%{email},只要你確認你的帳戶,你就可以開始製圖了。 <br /><br />如果你使用會發送確認請求的反垃圾郵件系統,請確保你將webmaster@openstreetmap.org加入白名單中,因為我們無法回覆任何確認請求。
failure: 找不到使用者 %{name}。
- heading: 確認電子郵件位址的變更
+ heading: 確認電子郵件地址的變更
press confirm button: 按下確認按鈕以確認您的新電子郵件地址。
button: 確認
success: 已確認您的電子郵件地址,感謝您的註冊!
title: 由%{user}提交或評論的筆記
heading: '%{user}的筆記'
subheading: '%{user}提交或評論的註記'
- id: Id
+ id: ID
creator: 建立者
description: 說明
created_at: 建立於: